How to beautifully apply a design to a fence with your own hands?

Fence aesthetics

“A beautiful fence should not “cut” the windows, and its border should not be located close to the base of the building”

If we talk about a truly beautiful fence, then it has a number of objective characteristics in common with other buildings. First of all, there must be unity of architectural style in the ensemble.

The fence must be in harmony with the main architectural style of the building

The proportions of the structures must be consistent with each other. The laws of the Golden Section, which have come down to us from ancient times, read:

– the height of the fence should be related to the height of the house;

– the distance between them;

– the surrounding landscape;

- green spaces.

The height of the fence should correspond to the height of the house

Determining the height of the fence is easy. It is enough to take a strip of opaque paper and a drawing of a house, and ideally a photograph of it. We place the paper on the facade of the house and evaluate in what position the visible part of the facade appears in an ideal perspective. Draw a dividing line. This is exactly how your home and passers-by should see it. Now you will have to go outside and, with the help of someone in the household, try to mark the level of the fence, looking at the house from the main angles.

A beautiful fence should not “cut” the windows, nor should its border be located close to the base of the building; naturally, all these associations are corrected at the visual level.

A beautiful fence should not be close to the windows

Unity of style is the key to the beauty of the ensemble. A wrought iron fence with an ornate pattern will look ridiculous against the background of a simple country house. This is the perfect place to install a regular picket fence. An analogue of the tower, with a carved decor of the facade, will be impressed by the same carved fence.

A regular wooden fence would look appropriate next to a simple house.

For a modern cottage, you need to build a combined fence with a brick foundation and the same posts, between which metal spans should be installed. If the roof of a house is covered with steep corrugated sheeting, then the same elements may appear in the fence around it.

Brick fence with metal spans

Production of forged fences

The level of presentation and price of forged fences depend on the manufacturing method. Technologies for the production of metal fences and gates vary greatly in level of complexity. The cost of welded structures is therefore lower in relation to even simple versions of forged fencing because the production technology is simple.

Classical forging is a labor-intensive technological process, especially complex artistic forging, which requires a lot of time.

Therefore, the welded-forged method is increasingly being used, which requires less time to manufacture the fence.

In order for the structure to last a long time, it must be installed correctly. First, the base is carefully prepared, markings are made taking into account the sizes of the sections and the characteristics of the supporting pillars

It is better to carry out all the preparation with a drawing of the future fence in hand and maintain the accuracy of the markings.

After preparation is completed, the foundation is erected and the pillars are installed. There are many different technologies for constructing and strengthening support pillars. When the poles are installed, they are equipped with fasteners. The finished sections are fixed to the supports by hanging. Sometimes they are welded to poles for reliability.

After installation, the joining areas of the sections need to be primed. To prevent precipitation from accumulating, caps are mounted on the supports. Then the metal is degreased using a solvent and treated with an anti-corrosion agent. Then the forged fence is painted.

Useful tips

When determining the type of future fence, it is important to find a balance between visual appeal, functionality and financial costs for the fence.

Sections can be either tightly closed with wood or built on the basis of a metal sheet, corrugated sheet or polycarbonate.

Arranging a high foundation allows you to save a little.

It is only important to take into account the correct height of the forged section and the dimensions of the foundation itself. If everything is done correctly, you will get a balance between the aesthetic properties of forged fencing and protective functions.

When ordering the manufacture of a metal fence, you need to take into account a number of important points:

  • Its strength also depends on the density of the pattern of a forged fence. The denser this ornament is, the stronger the fence.
  • The components of the entire fence are connected using clamps by welding. Welds should be smooth and inconspicuous.
  • The gate design is planned at the idea stage. These can be either swing or sliding doors.
  • Also at the planning stage, the type of gate is selected.

  • The design on the fence, gate and gate should be in the same style.
  • The metal fence should be located further from the road than 1.5 m. Otherwise, water and dirt will perform their function - the fence will rust faster.

What to build a beautiful fence from

Fences can be erected from a wide variety of materials:

1. Made of wood. There are many interpretation options. You can put up a picket fence, surround the house with a wooden lattice, a picket fence, a fence, a fence, a ranch-style fence, or a ladder. Any of them will harmonize perfectly with village houses.

The wooden fence organically fits into the style of the house

2. Made of metal. Here, reinforcement, sheet iron, and forged elements will be used. Such fences are the prerogative of houses in the urban environment.

A lightweight metal fence is suitable for a city home

3. From the mesh. Polymer mesh and chain-link are used for structures.

Combined fence made of mesh and wood

4. Made of stone. Rubble, brick, and pebbles are perfect for constructing protective structures. A fence with relief masonry will turn out very beautiful. Most often, stone fences with tiled cladding, plastered or painted are found in urban landscapes.

Natural stone fence for a country house

5. Made of concrete. Usually these are ready-made sets of bases and spans, which are assembled and subsequently covered in order to give them a nice appearance.

Fence made of decorative concrete blocks

6. Made from vinyl. The structures are frost-resistant, have a good exterior, but are not very popular among our fellow citizens.

White fence made of practical vinyl

7. Mixes. A wide variety of components are used in fence combinations. Fantasy in this matter may not be limited.

Combined fence made of various materials

Paints that can be used for painting

For wooden fences, most suitable:

  • Acrylic water-repellent paints;
  • Oil enamels;
  • Alkyd paints.

Metal fences can be perfectly painted with anti-corrosion paints. Brick fences are coated with acrylic or silicone paint. Any paint must be water-repellent. After applying the design, so that it pleases the eye for many years, it is advisable to coat it with acrylic varnish.

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Choosing a fence type

Before you worry about choosing the material and design of your future beautiful fence, it’s a good idea to think about why you are actually going to build it? There may be several reasons for this:

– marking the boundaries of the territory that belongs to you;

– a way to hide from prying eyes;

A high fence will help you hide from prying eyes

– protect yourself from physical invasions, not only by homo sapiens, but also by animals;

– decorate the local landscape;

A low beautiful fence will decorate the local landscape

– isolate yourself from dust and excessive noise;

– create a foundation for a future hedge.

The fence is an excellent basis for a hedge

For each of these purposes there will be its own criteria for selecting design parameters.

Economical plastic

If the owner of a private house is limited in funds, you can consider a cheap option for making a plastic fence, which will not be inferior in quality to brick. This is reliable protection from prying eyes. Thanks to the metal frame, the design is durable.

An economical, but no less beautiful, option for a plastic fence

For people with unlimited funds, there are premium offers. To build such a fence, of course, you need to hire professionals.

Black classic plastic fence of strict character

To save money, you can build a fence yourself. If you choose high-quality materials, the fence will delight your eye for a long time.

Ideas for decorating fences

No matter how beautiful the fence may be initially, over time it will lose its attractiveness, and in order for the fence to continue to please you, it will have to be decorated. This can be done in different ways. Commonly used options:

1. Painting.

Decorating a fence with painting

2. Decorating with flowers.

Wooden fence decor with flower pots

3. Partial modernization.

4. Decoration with improvised materials.

Temporary chain-link fencing installed for a short period of time often turns into a permanent option. Some people don't have time, others don't have enough money. You can hide its ugliness by planting ornamental plants of the climbing subspecies along it. Ivy, clematis, climbing rose, etc. are suitable. Choose the type that best suits your latitude. The excellent decorative capabilities of flowering bindweeds also add to the decor of the site.

You can decorate an old or unsightly fence with climbing plants

In a similar way, they decorate fences and make a beautiful picket fence. You can paint the fence. If you approach the matter with enthusiasm and imagination, the result will be unsurpassed. Children will also be able to take part in painting the boards. They will probably like this business. You can decorate each picket fence with a matryoshka doll or funny men. Just rainbow stains will look fun.

Painting a fence with paints is the most economical decor option

It is recommended to decorate not only wooden fences, but also concrete monoliths with painting. Entire mountain ranges or distant seas may appear on the surface of such a fence. Three-dimensional drawings look great. It is impossible to take your eyes off their plot. The subject of painting is not limited. Here, in addition to landscapes, graffiti can also be used.

Bright painting of a wooden fence with poppies

Ordinary plastic bottles are ready to restore the beauty of the fence. They create entire panels or cut out simple flowerpots in which luxurious flowers are planted. The latter can be hung according to a certain pattern or randomly.

Option for decorating a fence with pots made from plastic bottles

You can make bright flowers from the bottoms of the bottles themselves. This decor will also add picturesqueness to a worn-out fence.

A fence frame filled with plastic bottles, inside of which can be filled with colored sand, finely cut foil, etc., will look good.

The decor of the fence of a summer cottage is the active use of available materials. Anything can come into play. You can get a beautiful fence by decorating it with colored rubber boots, used as a hanging flower pot.

Original hanging flower pots from old boots

Do you want to turn your fence into a masterpiece without spending money on updating it? No problem! Look at the defects that have arisen in the fence. If a wooden fence has many holes from fallen knots, disguise them with colored glass or commercially available decorative stones. The fence will sparkle in the sun with precious tints. Use unwanted CDs to decorate your fence. With a little effort, you can give them an original look and paint them in a variety of colors, and then assemble them into a composition on the fence wall.

Fragment of fence decor with multi-colored stones and glass

And how amazing it will look if a panel is made on the fence, the elements of which will be bottle caps! You will rarely see such a beautiful fence, and most likely never, because the plot you have laid out will be unique and inimitable. You need to fasten the panel elements with self-tapping screws or waterproof glue, then the masterpiece will last for years.

Pattern of bottle caps on a wooden fence

An excellent solution would be to restore the surface of the fence using mosaics. No need to think about expensive industrial options. Make your own mosaic. Its role can be assigned to broken porcelain, ceramic tiles, glass, mirror or river pebbles. The plot drawing of the future beautiful fence can be made small, and then you simply lay out the space around it with colored scatterings.

Fence decor with ceramic mosaic

If you are not a creative person and you don’t have time to do crafts, hide the ugliness of your fence behind a strip of decorative trees. The main thing is not to forget to water and trim them afterwards, maintaining their original shape.

For masters and amateurs

Almost every information about how to fashionably decorate a fence or decorate a fence with drawings begins with the statement that drawing as an advanced decoration is a means available to everyone, from a child to an elderly person. And this is not an exaggeration at all.

Drawings of flowers

The emergence of the information space has made all sorts of options for decorating a fence available. There are many tools that can help make the creative process hassle-free and easy. The fence can be decorated in various ways:

  • look at and copy design ideas from numerous photos in the “How to decorate a fence” section posted on garden and home improvement portals;
  • copying a sample drawn up like a children's coloring picture and printing it is a great way to decorate a fence (all that remains is to transfer the sectors to scale onto the fence and paint with the specified color);
  • read how to paint to look like natural stone, wood, or unusual textures. This work can be done by anyone who has held a brush in their hands at least once in their life, and it is very easy to paint a birch tree - you just need to apply black lines on a white picket fence;
  • print out a beautiful sketch, make a miniature painting out of it, drawing it in color, to use as an option for creating a painted fence;
  • learn about new devices and techniques. For example, about tagging with a special vandalizer (a multi-colored marker with a long and wide nib);
  • take a brief tour of the types of paints and make sure you make the right choice (anti-corrosion enamel for metal, silicone or acrylic for brick, oil, alkyd or acrylic paint for plywood or slab);
  • study the instructions on how to cut out a stencil for a simple ornament and how to draw with it so that the look is presentable and professional;
  • the internal fence is often decorated in this way in order to smooth out the sharp contrast between the fence and the surrounding area;
  • It’s better to order a ready-made template, for example a beautiful photo grid.

Drawings on a concrete barrier

Alternatively, you can go to the store and have paints, brushes, rollers, fence graffiti spray cans, or a tagging vandalizer delivered to your home.

You should first find out the price of tools and materials in order to be aware of how much such a craft will cost and whether it is worth printing out the samples you like.

Special Moments

“Use a material that has an attractive appearance. A beautiful fence will cause less irritation to your neighbors."

Building a beautiful fence for ignorant people does not seem like a problem, but in reality, homeowners have to solve many questions and dilemmas, ranging from the quality of the material, the price of the process, and ending with the need not to violate the rules for constructing such structures during its construction. The latter cannot be ignored.

Before installing a fence, agree on its location with your neighbors

Be sure to stock up on a document about the boundaries of your territories. This will help avoid complaints about their size. When placing a fence on the boundary, coordinate your actions with your neighbor. It is quite possible that he will also want to take part in this matter. Specify the height of the structure and its type. If a compromise cannot be found, then proceed according to the following instructions.

– Use material with an attractive appearance. A beautiful fence will cause less irritation to your neighbors.

– The erected structure should not obscure the neighboring areas. Remember. That solid fences are allowed to be erected only on the front side of the house.

The fence design should not obscure the territory of the neighboring house

– The height of the fence at the boundary cannot be more than one and a half meters.

– If a fence is built along a highway, then its “height” limit is 1 meter. Other options are not acceptable without agreement with the competent organizations.


For lovers of natural materials, a wooden fence is ideal. They can be solid or partially visible. It has the same advantages as brick. Provides additional protection, protects against the penetration of animals, thanks to the foundation, vegetation from the street will not penetrate into your yard.

Solid natural fence made of wooden boards

This fence combines attractiveness and versatility, as it is suitable for any architectural design.


  1. Affordable price.
  2. Ecological cleanliness.
  3. Easy installation process.

Disadvantages: fragility.

Metal sculptural fence in a modern style

Photo gallery - beautiful fence


What's a fence without a gate? And who is not seduced by openwork metal weaves? Any homeowner cares about his own image and selects the appropriate gate. Forged gates are not only beautiful, but also durable, because they are very difficult to overcome weather conditions and wear out due to intensive use. Modern forging technology has come a long way. Master blacksmiths know how to surprise with different types of products: sliding, automatic gates with forged elements, swing gates. Photos of such options can be examined in detail on thematic Internet resources. They are not only irresistible, but also practical.

Traditional wooden gates on stone supports fit well into the modern landscape (and street view)


  1. Durability and long service life in various climatic conditions.
  2. An excellent combination with all types of fences.
  3. They are easily equipped with locks and various types of security elements.

Among the disadvantages, the high price is noted. The work of a master blacksmith always paid well.

If you purchase special blanks from a specialized store, then by welding them, you can create such a gate with your own hands, without special education or extensive experience.

Mesh fence and gate on supports - massive wooden posts

For an elegant appearance, use a minimum of decorative elements, do not overload them with details. Choose the style and theme of the product, sketch out a sketch. Place the decorative components on the metal blank in the chosen order. Analyze what happened. Weld the large parts first and then the small parts.

Sliding wooden gates

Grape clusters, animal outlines, openwork foliage, the owner’s initials, family coat of arms, and so on will give the gates a zest. This will add value to the structure and highlight the image of the owner.

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