Fences for a private house: types, photos, features of choice

Distance from the fence during construction

The minimum distance from the fence when building a house varies depending on the type of structure:

  • House (including country house) - 3 m.
  • Barn, poultry house (building for keeping poultry and small livestock) - 4 m.
  • Other buildings (for example, toilet and bathhouse) - 1 m.

If you place a bathhouse next to a neighbor’s fence, then plan the roof slope onto your territory. In principle, water from your land should not be intentionally drained onto someone else’s property. It is recommended to install a septic tank two meters from the fence.

SNiP also regulates the distance from plantings to the boundaries of the site. Tall trees should be planted four meters from the fence, medium-sized trees should be planted two meters, and shrubs should be planted a meter away. At the same time, which trees are considered tall and which are medium-sized is not specified in the regulatory document.

Legal nuance

When deciding which fence is best for a site, we must not forget about the rules prescribed in paragraph 6.2 of SNiP, which state that shading of neighboring sites is prohibited. This means that the dividing sections of country fences cannot be blind. They should be mesh, possibly lattice structures, not exceeding one and a half meters in height. By decision of the general meeting of gardening, the installation of permanent fencing only on the side of roadways and streets may become an acceptable norm.

What can garden fences be made from?

Today, a country fence can be made from almost any material. It is the choice of the type of structure that will determine: how difficult the fence will be to install, how it will cope with security functions, how it will have to be looked after and, of course, what all this will result in financially. So, let's try to figure out which fence is better?

Profiled sheet

One of the most popular options for country fences. It is capable of providing the territory with a fairly high level of protection. The aesthetics of the look is ensured by the quality of coloring. The design is durable and requires virtually no maintenance. It is also valuable that it is possible to install simple projects of corrugated sheet country fences with your own hands.

A fence made from corrugated sheets requires virtually no maintenance


Simple option. Not expensive. It will act as a security structure if a wire with a cross-section of at least 1.8 mm is used. If you assemble country fences from less durable mesh, they can be easily destroyed with wire cutters.

Country fence made of chain-link mesh

Of the positive aspects that can play a leading role in deciding which fence to choose, the most relevant is the light transmittance of the mesh. The absence of shade will allow maximum use of the land for agricultural purposes. The design will not be beautiful, but it will not require any care. The mesh fence is durable. The service life is designed for a minimum of 25 years. If some areas sag, it will not be difficult to repair the country fence with your own hands.


If you are lost in a sea of ​​proposals and can’t decide which fence is best for your property, look at wooden structures. These are universal solutions suitable for all occasions. Such country fences incredibly successfully combine ease of installation, low cost, and aesthetics. Wooden options are the first thing that comes to mind when the question arises, which fence to choose for your site? This idea is good in every way, except for one thing. A wooden fence is weak protection. The fence is easy to break. It won't be difficult to jump over it.

Wooden fence - a universal solution for a summer house

The second weak link of wooden country fences is their vulnerability. They do not tolerate exposure to moisture and sun. They will need to be looked after regularly. A country fence of this kind will require regular reconstruction and cosmetic repairs, however, with all this, wooden fences of various modifications are the most harmonious solutions for finishing areas where houses were built from rounded timber.

A wooden fence needs regular maintenance


“If you put up a permanent country fence, it will be made of facing and textured bricks”

The most reliable and durable brick construction is distinguished by its solidity and aesthetics. It could be called an ideal option, if not for the high cost and the need to attract professionals. A brick fence can last up to half a century, but will need maintenance. Since such country fences are classified as permanent buildings, their construction requires preliminary design.

Brick fence - the most durable option

If the answer to the question of which fence to choose is a brick structure, then try not to skimp on the material. This will have a bad effect on aesthetics. It would be incorrect to lay the bricks using the same type of brick. This composition will look dull. Only optimists will think that behind it lies not a prison territory, but a very picturesque place. If you install a permanent country fence, it will be made of facing and textured bricks. Try diluting it with forging sections or natural stone inserts. This way you can get fencing with impeccable aesthetics.

Brick fence with forging elements

The brick version will require a foundation. For greater decorativeness, the base part can be decorated with large stones laid with jointing. In this design, the country fence will turn out to be especially solid.

Brick fence with a base made of decorative stone


When puzzling over which fence is best for your site, look at polycarbonate projects. These are reliable protectors of the territory and are not afraid of corrosion and mold. If necessary, sections can be washed with water. It would seem that installing polycarbonate structures as country fences with your own hands is not very difficult. Just take the sections and attach them to the posts, but this still needs to be done by specialists. Only they know the tricks on how to make truly attractive fences out of nondescript material.

A polycarbonate fence is not afraid of corrosion and mold


Only wealthy summer residents can afford to order a wrought-iron country fence, for whom the issue of prestige and aesthetics of the space around them comes first. Such fences will serve entire generations of owners. Forged fences are always exclusive, since the design of the sections is designed only according to individual orders. The installation is also highly professional. In general, everything is expensive, but the return is maximum.

Country wrought iron fence

Metal picket fence

The components of the fence are made of polymer-coated aluminum. This makes the structure durable and easy to maintain. Country fences have a high degree of decorativeness, since it is possible to stylize them to suit any texture.

Metal picket fence can imitate any texture

Welded fencing

A welded country fence can be mounted from any metal strips, pipes, fittings. The welded sections look especially good when framed by stone pillars. Forged inserts can be an excellent addition that adds decorativeness. Welded fences last for decades, and you won’t have to take care of them throughout the entire operational period. The issue of installing a country fence with your own hands is controversial. Without experience in welding, it will be impossible to cope with the work.

Welded fence for a summer residence

Combined fencing

“Fans of original solutions with the question of which fence is better will not have to suffer at all: they will certainly give preference to the unusual gabion”

It is impossible to say unequivocally which fence is better for the site - after all, the selection criteria are not limited to the financial side. Taste preferences also influence which fence to choose. Some people are comfortable only behind a three-meter fence, which cannot be taken by storm, but for others an openwork fence is enough. There are a lot of fans of combined options, because they can combine aesthetics, durability and practicality.

Combined fence option

With a limited budget, only the front part can be made expressive by harmonizing it with the decor of the house facade. For example, an option where the base and pillars made of natural stone will complement sections made of corrugated sheets will look good.

Combined fence made of stone and corrugated sheets

With an average budget, corrugated sheets can be replaced by tinted wood or decorative brick.

Fans of original solutions won’t have to worry about which fence is better at all: they will certainly give preference to the unusual gabion. The technique of its creation is interesting, making many people want to work on a country fence with their own hands. The basis of the design is a lattice container assembled from steel wire. Its voids are filled with stones of various shapes. The result is a high-strength, perfectly protective fence that attracts others with its atypical appearance.

High-strength gabion fence

Each owner will decide for himself what a dacha fence should be, but as practice shows, the main consumer demand in the case of dachas is still budget projects - wood and corrugated sheets, so we should dwell on them in more detail.


Let's start with the cheapest option - a chain-link mesh, which is a canvas about 15-18 m long, hung on pre-installed poles around the perimeter.
This net came to us straight from Australia, where it was intended to protect plots of land and ranches from unwanted and dangerous animals. Perhaps chain-link mesh is the most popular fencing option, especially in villages and old holiday villages. Advantages:

  • The cheapest option (price per m2 starts from 50 rubles).
  • Large selection of height (1-3 m) and cell size (2-10 cm).
  • The service life reaches 30 years.
  • Fast and easy installation.
  • Possibility to independently choose the width of the fence section.


  • Unprepossessing appearance.
  • Weak anti-vandal properties.
  • From the outside you can see what is going on in the area.
  • Problematic replacement of damaged areas.

Wood or corrugated sheet – which fence is better?

This question can only be answered by conducting a comparative analysis of both fences. Why is attention paid to these particular types of country fences? The secret is that both options are available and in demand in private construction. So, let's begin.


This indicator often becomes the main selection criterion. By and large, the cost of hundreds of meters for both options is approximately the same. The price will change in one direction or another depending on the features of the design solution and the level of quality of the consumables themselves, so this parameter will help little when choosing which fence to choose.


Here there will be plenty to choose from which fence is best for the site. And the leader in this aspect, of course, will be country fences made of corrugated sheets. They will not require special care. They are ready to serve for years without additional touch-ups or repairs. The paint sits firmly on the material, so the fence will never look unsightly. You don't have to worry about corrosion either. The corrugated sheets used for fencing are galvanized during production and are additionally protected with a polyester layer. All this serves as reliable protection against the damaging effects of moisture.

A corrugated fence does not require special care

In the case of a tree, discussions about its practicality and which fence to choose will be disappointing. It is difficult for a clean tree to withstand the vicissitudes of weather. It is susceptible to rotting and fungal attack. Insects love him. All this is an indicator that wooden country fences are demanding to maintain. They will have to be done every two years:

  • clear out;
  • treat with medicinal and protective compounds;
  • repaint.

This is compensated by the ease of installation of these country fences with your own hands and the high final aesthetics.

Wooden fence is easy to install


“Wooden country fences are a springboard for creativity”

Here you shouldn’t even ask which fence is better - wooden options in all their interpretations will give a head start to the profiled sheet. No matter how much he puffs himself up, he will never become more than a metal wall. Its only privilege can be considered the variety of color solutions. Wooden country fences are a springboard for creativity. Shapes and designs are limited only by the level of skill of the manufacturer. An undeniable advantage of wooden structures will be the ability to provide ventilation gaps during their construction, which will greatly appeal to vegetation. The dimensions of such gaps are arbitrary, which allows you to save on material when assembling country fences with your own hands.

Country fence with original texture

Modern wooden fences are no longer just knocked down boards. These are the most interesting solutions that allow us to emphasize the beauty of the territories and objects hidden behind them.


The labor costs of construction can be the main point in choosing the type of country fence. Sections of corrugated sheets are attached, in the simplest case, to pillars embedded in concrete. Logs are stretched between them, to which metal sheets are subsequently fixed. If you want to get something more solid from your country fencing, the support pillars are laid out from brick and stone and the foundation is laid out. There is no need to explain which fence for the site is better, but the latter option will require both funds and the involvement of specialists. It is not realistic to implement such projects of country fences with your own hands, without a certain level of training in the construction business.

Scheme for constructing a fence from corrugated sheets

To decide which fence is better, you need to focus on your capabilities, preferences and know exactly what you expect from the fence. If the question is decorativeness and simplicity of arrangement, then the scales should tip towards wood. Those who need functionality and durability cannot find a better solution than corrugated sheets.

3D grid

A more advanced version of the chain-link mesh is the so-called “3D” mesh, which is often used for fencing areas in urban areas, for example, gated residential complexes and construction sites. This option is significantly more expensive, but it has a solid, practically inflexible structure and a larger wire thickness. In suburban conditions it is quite rare.


  • "Solid" structure.
  • Improved anti-vandal protection.
  • More pleasant appearance.
  • Ready-made solutions (gates, wickets).
  • Durability.


  • A more expensive option (price per m2 starts from 300-400 rubles).
  • There is no way to independently determine the width of the section.
  • When replacing a separate section, problems may arise, since it may not be possible to find an article of the same size and with a similar appearance.
  • More difficult installation.
  • From the outside you can see what is going on in the area.

Do-it-yourself country fences made of wood

Having considered which fence for a site is better made of wood or corrugated sheets, we can conclude that if you want to put something unbroken and attractive around the perimeter of the site, you should focus on working with wood. It is from this material that you can make the most exotic, stylish and attractive country fences.

Cheerful colors

If you are an optimist with a great sense of humor and are ready to make “candy” out of improvised means, then you won’t think for a long time about which fence is better, but will immediately start building a cheerful multi-colored fence. It can be assembled from a variety of materials, sometimes even dissimilar ones, but the easiest way to assemble such country fences with your own hands is from a picket fence. Fantasies can be expressed in any way. The selection of colors is purely a matter of personal preference. If you want a riot of colors, no question! Drawn to peace - look for something gentle among pastel watercolors. A well-chosen color combination will turn even a fence made of driftwood and branches into a unique design object.

Bright country fence

When finishing a fence, you can decorate it with two tones, alternating in application, or transfer the entire palette of colors to it. Which fence is best for the site? One that will be painted with good quality paints that are at the same time sufficiently rich and resistant to natural disasters. Your work should not go to waste in the spring. Saving on paint will lead to the fact that the dacha fence will not please you with its diversity for more than one season.

When painting a fence, choose high-quality paint

One more nuance. Cheerful fences are not appropriate on any site. Their brightness is attractive, so the rest of the design of the site should correspond to the chosen style. For example, around white stone chambers, colored wickerwork will look ridiculous, but a simple wooden house framed like this will be simply magnificent.

You can go further and develop the theme of fairy tales by making a hedge in the shape of colored pencils or a picket fence, decorated with illuminated clay pots instead of skulls.

Elegance in simplicity

Lovers of the classics in the design of suburban spaces are also tormented by the choice of which fence to choose to mark the boundaries of their territories. They should look for projects where the emphasis is on graceful forms. Don’t think that you can’t assemble such country fences with your own hands. In essence, this is an ordinary fence, the basis of which is boards or the same picket fence. The leading role here is in the details. The secret lies in the design of the country fence. By painting it white, you can easily add elegance to it. Even the simplest fence will look stylish with this solution.

Elegant white country fence

For those who are not attracted to snow-white shades, you can use:

  • soft tones paints;
  • strict blue color;
  • shades of gray;
  • green spectrum.

Blue fence

Country fence

If the entire territory of a suburban area, including buildings, is designed in a rustic style, then the country fence should be installed in the appropriate decor. Naturally, it will have problems with its protective functions, but in terms of color, such a hedge will have no equal.

Rustic fence

Fences made from birch poles are incredibly attractive. For those who do not feel at ease behind a symbolic country fence, the idea can be transferred to the inside of the site. This makes it convenient to isolate yourself from your neighbors or divide the area into zones. Surrounded by birch trees, you will have an unusually comfortable relaxation area.

Picturesque fence made of birch poles


A job for real “crazy” hands. Only those who have certain skills and have remarkable patience can weave country fences with their own hands. Real masterpieces will really come out of their hands. Wattles can be woven in different ways, making their design exclusive. It should be noted that the weaving process is long, so in order to complete the work in time for the summer season, it will have to begin in early spring.

Colorful wattle fence on a summer cottage

If in the competition for which fence is best for a property, fences still win, and there is no one in the family to weave a country fence with their own hands, specialized centers will come to the rescue. There you can find ready-made sections of wickerwork, which will not be difficult to install.

Tips for choosing a fence for a summer house or private home

We have sorted out the basic materials for building a country fence, although these are not all options. Now all you have to do is choose what suits you. If you have a lot of money, buy the most expensive option and enjoy life, but not everything is so simple. Therefore, we advise you to adhere to the following algorithm.

Advice! How to choose the color of the fence for your house? If you don’t know how to combine shades, try to use the same shades.

The color scheme of the fence is matched to the facade of the house

  • First, decide how much money you are willing to spend on a new fence. Then select all the offers available to you and start comparing their characteristics.
  • Decide for yourself what the fence will be like, open or blind - this can also affect the choice of material. Some solutions have already been eliminated.
  • Compare the strength of materials - choose the most practical one, although for some people beauty will be more important. Also consider designing your fence to complement your home.
  • Make sure the material you buy has a good finish. Ask the dealer about this, find out reviews from people who have installed such a fence, look for information on the Internet.
  • Compare installation technologies - some fences cannot be installed without special tools and equipment, and experience is also important.

Neat picket fence with living plantings

Photo gallery - country fence

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