Reservoirs in landscape design - a review of modern ideas, photos, recommendations

Having completed the arrangement of a country house and the necessary ancillary premises, the owners of summer cottages begin to improve the territory.

One of the most successful options in landscape design can be an artificial pond.

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You can do something like this, which can transform a traditional and therefore boring landscape into a unique and elegant object, with your own hands. This does not require excessive financial costs or special construction skills. Naturally, a lot will depend on how much area you plan to allocate for water space, and what type of reservoir you are going to build on your site.

Important! Any type of pond should not be placed near fruit trees. There is always a danger of destruction of the walls of the reservoir by the root system.


In principle, this type of reservoir is a body of water that has neither an inflow nor an outflow of water. Those. A pond is any artificially created area with standing water.

Based on your preferences, you can make a decorative pond of any shape:

  • in the form of an oval;
  • circle;
  • rectangle;
  • square.

However, it is not at all necessary to give the pond at the dacha a strict geometric shape. The option with so-called free outlines is quite acceptable. Decorated with additional decorative elements, it can turn out to be much more elegant and impressive than a pond with “regular” banks.

Stream in the garden

The stream crossing this garden has turned an ordinary lawn into a flowering meadow. Moisture-loving irises and sedges are planted at the water's edge, and a variety of perennials are planted a little further. The bed and banks of the spring are lined with stones and pebbles, and a small depression starting from the source ensures the natural movement of water. For the system to work, it is looped using carefully disguised hoses and pumps.

Stones blocking the stream serve as a bridge and at the same time increase the pressure of water when moving

Cascade option

An unusual, sophisticated atmosphere in the dacha area is created by small ponds located at different levels.

Instead of labor-intensive leveling the land on the site, use the lack of relief to your advantage. The spectacle is impressive.

Important! Do not plant flower beds or arrange garden beds next to the cascade. Fertilizers and chemicals with the “help” of the wind, together with rain and melt water, will begin to fall into the water and lead to the death of aquatic plants.

What types of reservoirs are there?

Today there are many options for creating fashionable landscape design. Artificially created reservoirs can be of the following types:

  • Pond. It is created by blocking a natural watercourse and can be of any size, depending on the preferences of the owner. When choosing the shape of such a reservoir, you should rely on the style of the garden, location, and topography of the territory. Cascading ponds are especially popular today, creating a special atmosphere of sophistication. You should not plant flower beds and vegetable gardens near the recreation area, since fertilizers and other chemicals will be carried into the water by rain or wind.

  • Fountain. A universal way to escape from the city and dacha worries. It will fill the water with oxygen and increase the level of air humidity. A submersible fountain is installed in a pond. Stationary - can also act as an independent element of the site. The strength of the water jet will depend on the power of the pump, and its shape will depend on the special nozzle. Also in demand today are floating fountains, which are also installed in reservoirs. A mascaron looks quite unusual in the garden - a mask in the form of the head of an animal with a hole for water to escape. Additionally, you can install fountain lighting, which will turn your recreation area into a fairy tale!
  • Waterfall. Water falling from a height fascinates not only with its appearance, but also with its soothing sound. Also, such an element of landscape design will be appreciated by people whose houses are located near the road: listening to the sound of falling water is much more pleasant than the hum of cars. Often a small cascade is installed in gardens; this composition looks harmonious and natural.

  • Spring. This body of water is also known as the disappearing waterfall. Outwardly, it represents a reservoir without a mirror surface, because in this case the pump is immersed underground. This decorative element can be placed in the shade of the garden or on the lawn.
  • Creek. When arranging a pond in the yard, it is important to achieve maximum naturalness. Therefore, designers create a lot of bends, overflows and other obstacles. The stream must be located near another body of water from which the water will be supplied. The flow speed is affected by the width and angle of inclination of the channel. You can cross a wide stream with a bridge and a large boulder.

  • Decorative swamp. This type of reservoir is chosen by owners of modern plots. Often a pond or stream is installed next to it. It is important that the swamp is not too deep, since all plants have a shallow root system.

  • Mini pond. Suitable for owners of small plots. Designers create compositions from several small tanks, planting aquatic plants along the edges. Some even install mini fountains or birdbaths. But you should not install such a pond in the sun, since the water in it will bloom and heat up.

  • Pool. Designed directly for swimming. To make this area unusual and attractive, you can create an unusual decor for the walls and bottom. A relaxation area is created next to the pool, installing sun loungers, tables, umbrellas and even a walking area past the bushes.

When building houses and cottages, InnovaStroy specialists discuss preferences regarding landscape design with clients in advance and choose the most appropriate type of reservoir, based on the taste preferences of the customer and his family members, and the characteristics of the site.


The beauty of rushing water is more spectacular than the quiet beauty of a pond. Of course, it will not be possible to create something similar to the fountains of Peterhof on a suburban site, but it is quite possible to bring some revitalization to the rural landscape.

At the dacha, either a submerged or stationary type of fountain is usually installed.

The first option is combined with a pond. The pump pumps water out of the pond and supplies it to the fountain under pressure. Such a tandem is unusually useful for the pond, because... constantly saturates standing water with oxygen and increases humidity in the garden, which is very important in the hot season. In addition, this type of decoration is considered easier to install, and in tandem with a pond it looks extremely impressive.

A free-standing fountain is more difficult to install. In addition, in addition to the pump itself, you must purchase a special nozzle for the “figure” of the fountain.

Important! The basic rule when installing a fountain requires its placement so that it is visible from all points of the site, and at the same time does not block the view of other buildings.

How is a landscape design project created?

InnovaStroy employees take an individual approach to the design of each site and try to develop original ideas. Thus, creating documentation includes the following steps:

  • development of a master plan for the site;
  • geodetic survey of the territory;
  • inventory of all shrubs and trees on the site;
  • preparation of an explanatory note for the project;
  • creating a sketch;
  • detailed dendroplan, taking into account the specifications;
  • development of landing plan;
  • preparation of documentation regarding the installation of drainage, drainage systems, automatic irrigation, site lighting;
  • drawing up a plan for the fencing of the territory, the location of garden paths;
  • high-quality visualization of the model in three-dimensional space.

Based on the finished documentation, it is possible at the initial stage to approve the location of the reservoir in the landscape design of the cottage, set deadlines and begin installation. The cost of the design will depend on the required amount of planting material, laying paths, the presence of gazebos, installing a green lawn, as well as earthworks and installation of underground communications.

Since InnovaStroy is a full-cycle company, you do not have to spend time on hiring contractors and supervising them yourself. The company’s specialists implement a turnkey landscape design project, which will not only save the client’s time, but also prevent the possibility of errors during the installation process. A well-designed recreation area will delight you with an attractive appearance and will make it easier to care for plants, thereby keeping them healthy and blooming.

Fountain sculptures

In specialized stores you can easily find various statues, water mills and other figures for decorating a water area. When purchasing them, take into account the size of the designed reservoir, and the entire area being improved.

Recently, a type of fountain without an upward jet has become very fashionable and popular. Most often, this structure is a bowl (less often a statue or mask) from which water flows.

If you decorate the fountain with lighting, then this corner of your dacha will turn into a magical place full of charm and enchantment.


Connoisseurs of beauty with the appropriate financial means can afford to build Niagara Falls in miniature.

The noise of rushing water has a beneficial effect on the human psyche. Another feature is that you don’t even have to look at the waterfall, but just listen to it. Some people install waterfalls for this very purpose - wanting to drown out other sounds.

The most suitable surface for a waterfall is a place with a slope. Well, the ideal option is if there is a flower garden nearby or a beautiful shrub grows.

Designers advise installing benches or a gazebo near such a body of water so that you can admire the flowing water and delight your ears with its noise.

Important! There should be no unnecessary objects near the waterfall. The approach to the reservoir must be free!

Excavation and waterproofing works

You have chosen a place for the pond and determined what shape it will be. Now it's time to dig the pit. First, turning points and contours are marked with pegs. Then terraces are torn off, 30 cm deep and 20 cm wide. Several levels of terraces can be formed to place plants on them.

Now the main bowl is dug out. The slope of the banks should be approximately 45 °C. The walls of the bowl should taper downward to prevent soil from crumbling and reduce the load of water mass. The minimum depth of the reservoir should not exceed 60-80 cm: a shallow reservoir will freeze completely in winter and become very warm in summer, which will make it impossible to breed flora and fauna.

If waterproofing with film is planned, to secure it, a ditch about 15 cm deep is torn around the perimeter. After the foundation pit is ready, its bottom is leveled, all stones and roots that could damage the film are removed. The surface is covered with clean, washed sand to a depth of 5 cm, and a monolithic slab of M150 concrete is poured on top. After hardening, it is completely covered with geotextile fabric. All these measures will protect the waterproofing film from damage and extend its service life.

The next step will be waterproofing - laying butyl rubber or PVC maple. The size of the canvas is calculated from the total length of the pond and twice the depth. To secure the canvas along the edge, about half a meter of reserve is enough. The sheet is laid out freely, securing the edges with bricks along the edge. To eliminate the negative impact of groundwater, a reliable drainage system is created, which is also included in the waterproofing system.

All of the above waterproofing work is carried out before concreting, if this form of waterproofing device is chosen. When creating small ponds, concrete work is first carried out, and then the concrete surface is treated in several layers with a mixture of Hydroshield.

DIY arrangement

It is necessary to follow a number of rules to build a beautiful pond:

  • select the appropriate location;
  • prepare tools and materials;
  • perform installation;
  • decorate the recreation area.

Experts recommend that when determining the location of a reservoir, you should stay in an area illuminated by the sun for no more than six hours a day. This will allow the plants to receive enough light and heat, and at the same time not overheat the water surface.

The list of required materials and tools should include:

  • fittings;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • roofing felt;
  • pebbles and crushed stone;
  • polymer film;
  • lighting and decorative elements;
  • shovel;
  • brushes and buckets;
  • welding machine;
  • concrete mixer, etc.

Reinforcement, cement, and a concrete mixer will be required if the owner of the site intends to make the bottom and walls of the reservoir from concrete.

Types of reservoirs in landscape design and placement features

The location of objects on the site is specified during the preparation of technical specifications. In the future, taking into account the characteristics of the soil and other nuances, architects make constructive decisions and prepare a project. Choosing the right location for an artificial pond consists of the following steps:

  • experts calculate the lowest place in the territory;
  • networks are laid to ensure uninterrupted illumination of the facility;
  • Large shrubs and trees that can destroy waterproofing are destroyed.

After this, the excavation work is carried out directly. InnovaStroy specialists will carry out a landscape design project, taking into account the client’s requirements and wishes, as well as the features of installing reservoirs on the site.

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