Irrigation system at the dacha: a variety of options for irrigating plants



To make life easier for gardeners and gardeners, design engineers and craftsmen are constantly inventing a variety of irrigation systems. There are many ways to water plants, from using a regular watering can to automatic watering systems. Which irrigation system is preferable to use at the dacha, how to properly organize watering of the site, what methods of installing irrigation systems are most popular - all this information is described in detail in this article.

An irrigation system is an indispensable attribute of any private home or summer cottage.

Types of irrigation systems for gardens and cottages

Existing irrigation systems can be divided into four categories, each of which has characteristic advantages and disadvantages:

  • surface watering;
  • drip irrigation;
  • subsurface irrigation;
  • sprinkling.

Each type of green space and garden crops needs different methods of watering

Helpful advice! At your summer cottage, you can organize several irrigation systems, since each crop needs a certain moisture regime.

Surface irrigation is a less expensive irrigation option. Water is supplied to the plant through dug grooves directly from a hose, which can be connected to a centralized water supply system or to a barrel for irrigation in the country. You can buy a container of any capacity. The irrigation system is located on the surface of the ground, so installing it yourself is not difficult. This method deprives the roots of some oxygen, which can be detrimental to plants. Therefore, constant use of surface watering is not recommended.

Subsurface irrigation system for greenhouses

Subsurface watering is carried out using an irrigation system, which is located under the soil layer at a depth of 30 cm. Mini-holes are made throughout the entire area of ​​the pipes, through which water flows to the roots of the plants. This system is most rational for green spaces such as trees, fruit bushes, and grapes. It is also successfully used in greenhouses where regular digging is not carried out. However, it can also be used in a summer cottage, planting annual plants depending on the location of the system.

Surface irrigation system is commonly used in greenhouses

This option promotes good oxygen access to the roots and does not require constant loosening of the soil. Underground irrigation is organized in areas with water scarcity, since this option reduces its consumption by half compared to the surface option. Watering can be carried out from a watering tank at the dacha.

Helpful advice! To minimize the likelihood of clogging the holes in the pipeline, a filter should be installed at the beginning of the irrigation pipe.

The system can be laid vertically at the time of planting the perennial plant. The planting hole is made 30 cm deeper and 20-25 cm wider than required for rooting the crop. The bottom is covered with a layer of crushed stone 20 cm high. The pipe is inserted vertically, plunging 7-10 cm into the thickness of the crushed stone. The length of the segment is selected taking into account the protrusion of part of the product above the ground surface by 10-12 cm. The pillow is covered with soil 10-15 cm thick. Open end closed with a plug.

Underground irrigation allows you to save water and at the same time evenly moisturize the soil from the inside.

Watering is carried out from a watering can or hose directly into the pipe. Water goes directly to the plant's root system, eliminating the need to moisten the top layer of soil. The irrigation rate depends on the climate zone of the area. For many plants of the same type, automated watering can be organized.

Rain garden watering system: features of the option

When organizing a sprinkler system, water in the form of drops gradually moistens the soil near the plant at a certain angle. This process is carried out using special sprinklers and sprinklers, which are installed in certain places of the summer cottage at a certain distance from each other. For areas completely covered with vegetation, such as lawns and flower beds, rotating sprinklers are provided that evenly moisten the soil around them.

Sprinkling promotes gradual, high-quality and deep moistening of the soil, due to which its structure is not damaged. With this method, the above-ground parts of the plant are saturated with moisture, which contributes to increased productivity. This is especially true for strawberry plantations. If the sprinkler nozzles are located under the tree crowns, they will simultaneously water and wash away dust and insects from the leaves. In addition, if lawn grass is planted under the trees, this is the most rational way to moisten it.

Sprinkler irrigation is often used for lawns and long beds.

When setting up the device, you should focus on maintaining a balance between the intensity of rain and the ability of the soil to absorb water. Moisture must have time to be absorbed into the soil to prevent the formation of puddles and dirt. This can lead to the surface of the earth floating, which, after drying, will become covered with a crust, which will prevent the access of oxygen to the roots of plants.

One of the disadvantages is that water is sprayed unevenly during strong gusts of wind and insufficient pressure in the main system. Also, water can get not only into the beds, but also onto the paths.

The sprinkler system can be stationary or portable. In the first option, irrigation pipes are laid on top of the soil or mounted in the ground to a depth of 30-40 cm. In places where sprayers are installed, vertical sections of pipelines are brought to the required height. Sprinkler nozzles are attached to their ends.

The sprinkler system can be of above-ground or underground type and consist of several sprinklers that uniformly moisten the area

When organizing portable irrigation, hoses are used for watering in the country. The best products are made from thermoplastic elastomer or PVC. Sprayers are installed at the ends of the hose. The products are placed in the required place for watering garden crops. For this system, it is convenient to organize automatic watering, which will be programmed to turn on at the most suitable time for watering - in the evening. By morning, the water will be absorbed, and during the day you can loosen the soil to ensure oxygen access to the roots of the plant.

Operating principle and distinctive features of drip irrigation

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation at the dacha is the most economical and rational irrigation option. The principle of operation of the system is based on the flow of water in small portions directly to the roots of the plant through a drip tape connected to an irrigation pipe. This option is possible when supplying water to the central water supply for irrigation in the country. If it is served by the clock, then moisturizing will occur in the same way.

Such irrigation can be carried out from a storage tank for irrigation at the dacha if there is no water in the main pipeline. This option will ensure round-the-clock irrigation of the soil.

Drip irrigation is one of the popular methods of irrigating flower beds and greenhouses

This method of watering does not interfere with air access to the roots of the plant and does not contribute to the deterioration of the soil structure. In this case, you can avoid drying out or flooding the soil and refuse to regularly loosen the soil. The main disadvantage of such an irrigation system is the high probability of pipe clogging, which occurs as a result of small debris and soil particles entering its cavity. Therefore, the system needs periodic cleaning.

This type of watering can be done using drip tape, a rigid hose with small holes, or small-diameter plastic pipes. The elements are laid along the bed with plants and connected to a common pipe. To organize watering of several rows, a splitter is mounted, which is located at the beginning of the bed. It promotes uniform distribution of tape segments. The tape is laid in a spiral around the tree trunk. Plastic pipes are usually installed along permanent beds. Holes are first made in them using a hot awl.

Agricultural type

The difference between this type and the one mentioned above is that the second is used in agriculture. If for the first it is important how the irrigated landscape looks from the outside, then for the agricultural category something else is more significant - the sprouted crops.

In agriculture, there are four methods for watering various plantings:

  1. Sprinkler;
  2. Drip;
  3. Combined;
  4. Fogging (or “aerosol irrigation”).

It must be said that the drip method is quite thorough and accurate. It involves humidification using small individual drops passed through a specific system of pipes made of plastic.

In this case, dripping is carried out at an extremely low speed, which makes this method quite effective for the growth of agricultural and other crops.

The combined technique includes the first two. In this way, seedlings are watered using two methods at once.

The most common are such engineering and technical complexes called “Smart Rain”.

Irrigation system at the dacha depending on water supply

Water can be supplied to the irrigation system in one of the following ways:

  • automatic;
  • semi-automatic;
  • mechanical.

Each method of supplying water to the root system of a plant has both its advantages and disadvantages.

The first option is carried out depending on the wishes of the owner and is set by a special program. In this case, the start time for watering is set or humidification sensors are installed, relative to which water will be supplied. You can buy such a system ready-made or organize automatic irrigation yourself.

When installing an automatic system, a self-priming pump must be used for watering a vegetable garden, home garden, or cottage, which pumps water from a container. When choosing a unit, you should pay attention to the frequency of engine adjustment and the possibility of a soft start. It is connected to a switch-on timer that controls the operation of the pumping unit.

When organizing automatic watering at your dacha with your own hands, you can purchase a socket with a timer, which involves daily or weekly irrigation. This system is most often used for sprinkling. However, it can be organized for other options. Wells, reservoirs located near the land plot, or a centralized water supply system can be used as water storage facilities.

The automatic watering system is convenient because it irrigates at a specified time and does not require much human effort.

Semi-automatic irrigation involves manually supplying water to the common pipe. Then the system independently distributes the liquid through the pipes, regulating its flow and pressure.

Helpful advice! At any time, by changing the settings, you can switch from semi-automatic to automatic mode without turning off the water supply tap.

With mechanical watering, the moistening of the beds is controlled by a person who manually opens the watering tap at the dacha, selecting the required pressure.


A combined type of watering (aka combined) is the best option. It will be optimal because:

  • Combines the ease of manual watering and the ability to supply dosed moisture;
  • Allows use remotely.

In its system, it also has a special mechanism that shuts off the water during rain.

Selection of pipe material for irrigation in the country, product characteristics

Before organizing irrigation at your dacha, you should decide on the material of the pipelines for the selected irrigation system. Metal products are characterized by strength, reliability, durability and affordable cost. Among the negative factors are the high cost of shaped connections and shut-off valves, the susceptibility of products to corrosion, and the complexity of installation, which requires special skills and abilities.

The quality of pipes and materials is the key to long-term service of the irrigation system

Plastic products are more modern, practical and inexpensive. The walls of the pipes are extremely smooth, so that deposits will not accumulate inside the pipelines, which eliminates a decrease in the throughput of the product. The material is characterized by strength and durability.

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HDPE pipes for irrigation in the countryside do not respond to temperature fluctuations or exposure to aggressive environments, and can be used for above-ground and underground installation. The connection of PVC system elements is carried out using glue, mastic and structural fittings - this can be done independently, without having special skills.

Among the most popular manufacturers of polyethylene pipes are the companies Rehau, Wavin and Ostendorf, which produce high-quality products with high technical and operational characteristics. The price of pipes for irrigation at the dacha is 50-90 rubles/m.

By choosing pipes produced by well-known brands, you can be confident in the quality and durability of the products

The most durable and flexible are polyethylene pipes, which do not burst when water freezes. The most optimal option is considered to be a product diameter of 20-40 mm. The system elements are connected using the soldering method. Polypropylene pipes are a more economical option. They have increased strength and durability. Individual sections are connected by soldering joints or fastening with couplings. You can buy pipes from well-known manufacturers Rehau, Aquatherm, Banninger, Wefatherm, Ekoplastik, Valtek, Pilsa, Pro Aqua, Santrade for 30-60 rubles/m.

How to do watering at the dacha with your own hands: main points

Creating an irrigation system begins with planning. At the first stage, you should draw a diagram of the site with all the beds and plants that need watering. Next, all options for water supply are provided, which can be carried out from a centralized water pipeline or from an irrigation tank at the dacha. You can buy a tank of any capacity in a specialized store. It is installed at a height of two meters and has a lid on top to prevent debris from accumulating in the water.

If there is a well or well on the site, you can organize an alternative water supply system. In this case, you should decide on a pump for irrigation at the dacha, which is selected taking into account the required flow rate.

Layout of the automatic irrigation system on the site

Important! The irrigation system at the dacha made of plastic pipes should be located in such a way that the entire territory is covered. Otherwise, the missed area will have to be watered manually.

The drawing should indicate pipelines and shut-off valves. Here it is necessary to note all connections and interweavings of pipes. Based on this, it is necessary to calculate the total number of plugs, tees, splitters, start connectors (in the case of organizing drip irrigation), sprinklers (when installing a sprinkler system). Subsequently, a list of necessary materials and equipment is compiled for arranging a water supply system at the dacha for irrigation with your own hands.

It is better to choose plastic pipes for the main pipeline, since they can supply fertilizer or fertilizer dissolved in water. If a subsoil system is being implemented, preference is given to thick-walled products. When laying above ground, an opaque material is used, which will help to avoid water blooms inside the pipelines.

Since pipes for an irrigation system are usually installed for more than one season, you should carefully select products and pay attention to quality

Helpful advice! You should not skimp on materials for your irrigation system. Since it is installed for many years, it is worth choosing high-quality, certified products.

In the case of organizing an automatic irrigation system, it is necessary to purchase an electric controller. It is powered by self-contained batteries. It is also recommended to stock up on filters that will protect the system from clogging. This is especially important for drip irrigation.

Schematic diagram of an irrigation installation

You can install an irrigation system for a garden or summer cottage according to the diagram. This mechanism has a rain or drip irrigation circuit. The system operates very simply - a collecting device - a hose or pump - is connected to the water source. It is recommended to select main pipelines with a diameter of 1 to 1.5 inches. The tube that is led to the area for watering the plants in the garden bed should be of small diameter.

For irrigation, you can use a regular plastic or metal container of a dark color with a large volume of liquid. To avoid overfilling the plants, a float is attached to the container, which is a kind of fill sensor. It is best to place such a mechanism in a well-lit place, under the sun’s rays, then the water will also be heated, which is important for some plants.

For irrigation that simulates rain, dynamic and static sprayers in the form of rotors and fans are installed in the garden. If it is necessary to ensure a drip supply of liquid, special tapes are used.

Additionally, special computerized sensors are installed in each irrigation system that monitor the process of opening and closing valves for water supply. The owner of the site sets up a specific schedule, and then, when the specified time arrives, the valves open. The programmer must be installed in the place where the liquid distribution unit is already located. Water is automatically pumped using sediment. When the pressure drops, the valve opens on its own.

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