Ornamental plants - 140 photo options. Review of the most popular plants with names and descriptions. Gardener's recommendations + reviews

Ornamental plants translated from Latin decoro (I decorate) are a group of wild and cultivated plants of different families. Ornamental plants include indoor and garden plants, which can be annual or perennial.

The main function of this group is landscaping and decoration of houses, gardens, settlements, alleys in cities and parks, decoration of buildings and private houses.

Now more and more gardeners have begun to grow ornamental plants in addition to fruit plants. Properly selected varieties and their combination will perfectly decorate your garden. With the help of decorative bushes and flowers, unique landscape designs are created. They differ in their shape, flowering, decorative fruits, leaves and color.

There are a large number of types adapted specifically for your climate zone with the desired temperature regime.

Decorative low-growing trees and shrubs are used as compositions. They, in turn, are divided into decorative deciduous, flowering and evergreen, cereals, and bulbous.

Flowering ornamental varieties attract with their unique, but, unfortunately, very short flowering, so when creating landscape design they use coniferous evergreen ornamental bushes and trees that remain green throughout the year.

Spreading species (oak, ash) and umbrella-shaped species (silky acacia) are used in plantings.

Weeping species will perfectly decorate reservoirs and decorative ponds (weeping birch, willow).

Creeping species are used in rock gardens and rocky hills (horizontal cotoneaster, juniper, mountain pine).

Deciduous plants change their color from spring to autumn with a dormant period (wintering).

Streets and parks are decorated with pyramidal and spherical trees (poplar, cypress, privet, laurel, thuja, boxwood, hawthorn).

For landscaping private houses and fences, climbing forms (ivy, ampelopsis, grapes, etc.) are used.

Decorative garden plants

Planting ornamental shrubs can transform a former construction site or wasteland into a luxurious oasis in a few hours, if they were purchased in pots already grown. After purchase, they are replanted with a lump of earth.

In this case, all conditions regarding the characteristics of the soil and the degree of frost resistance should be taken into account. In view of this, you should choose those plants that will feel most comfortable on your site.

All trees and shrubs are divided into three types: beautifully flowering, evergreen and decorative deciduous garden plants.

Almost every person is familiar with such flowering ornamental shrubs as white acacia, perennial rose hips, and medicinal fragrant lilacs. Let's talk about other garden plants that have a more exotic appearance.

Decorative foliage plants

The diversity of this species is simply enormous. It is often difficult to choose which varieties of foliage plants to use.

These include dwarf trees and bushes. But they are difficult to care for.

Beginner gardeners are better off choosing deciduous species with easy care.

In each article, we present a brief description of each plant, where the complexity of care is indicated in a separate column.

Shrubs are one of the most unpretentious species and are easy to care for. The following can be noted: Barberry Wilson, Barberry Juliana, Boxwood tolerates frost well and can exist in the shade.

Trees include willow, variegated maple and Norway maple.


These shrubs and trees are divided into deciduous, semi-deciduous and evergreen. According to various sources, this genus has more than a thousand species, including azaleas, popular among gardeners.

Literally, “rhododendron” is translated as “tree with roses” or “rose tree.” The reason for this name lies in the fact that azalea flowers look very much like roses.

This plant loves the climate of the coastal sea or river zone, therefore in the wild Rhododendron is most common in the south of China, the Himalayas, Japan and North America.

Some species can reach a height of more than three hundred centimeters, and the flowers vary in shape, size and color.

It blooms in large clusters of flowers that have an incredibly beautiful pink or purple hue.

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It requires warm temperatures and therefore can freeze in winter. And only a few varieties are adapted to the climatic conditions of the middle zone.

Herbs and perennial flowers

It is profitable to plant perennial herbs and flowers for the garden - with the right choice of material and location, outdoor ornamental plants will delight the eye with a variety of colors and shapes for many years. Every year you can change the palette of colors - plant annual flowers between perennials.

Useful information: Growing daffodils

Arabis or rezuha (Arabis)

Arabis are early-blooming honey-bearing groundcovers, the height of which, together with the peduncle, does not exceed 30 cm. The stem is climbing, rooting. The entire pubescent leaf is silvery-white in color and has denticles along the edge. Sometimes the basal leaves form a beautiful rosette. A dense umbrella-shaped inflorescence is formed from small pink, white, and purple flowers. Flowering is early (April) and long lasting – about two months.

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Common garden varieties:

  • Flore Pleno – height 30-35 cm, large, double, pink flower;
  • Pink Frost – petals of delicate shades of pink;
  • Rote Sensation – elongated leaf, pink petals:
  • Shneehaube – double flower, white.


Representatives of the genus are rhizomatous herbaceous perennials, the above-ground part of which dies in the fall. The stems vary in height - 10-200 cm. The leaves of most species are beautifully dissected, with a finely toothed edge, the color is dark shades of green or reddish-green. The apical lush rhombic or pyramidal inflorescence consists of small flowers of various colors. If you select varieties with different flowering periods, then astilbe will decorate the area all summer.

Interesting varieties:

  • A. Chinese (A. chinensis) - unpretentious, grows quickly, stems up to 1 m in height, glossy leaves, covered with red hairs along the edges, a beautiful dense inflorescence formed by lilac, white, pink flowers;
  • Thunberg (A. thunbergii) - a dense, medium-high bush (up to 80 cm), the surface of the dark green carved leaf is covered with brownish hairs, the wide pyramidal large inflorescence consists of bright white small flowers, goes well with deciduous crops and ornamental grasses;
  • Amethyst, Erica, Rubin, Serenade are beautiful varieties of Arends astilbe.

Periwinkle (Vinca)

A herbaceous creeping perennial will help out if there are shady areas where other crops do not grow well. It grows well both in wet lands and in those that quickly lose moisture. The stems are covered with small shiny leaves of dark shades of green, they grow quickly, occupying the provided area. The flowers are single, small, lilac, purple, blue, light blue, and pink. Blooms from spring until frost.

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Types of periwinkle: large, small, pubescent, pink, herbaceous.

Spreading boron (Milium effusum)

A spectacular, beautiful herbaceous plant that will enliven and decorate a shady flower garden or a damp area of ​​the garden. In mid-latitudes it winters without problems. Most decorative in spring and the first month of summer. A bunch of smooth flat yellow leaves against the background of familiar greenery looks like a lace pattern.

On a tall (40-50 cm) stem, peduncles form, drooping under the weight of yellowish-green flowers that look like millet seeds. Suspends development in extreme heat. Creates a contrast with blue hostas, brightly flowering annuals.

Dicentra magnificent (Lamprocapnos spectabilis)

In common people the flower is called “broken heart”. It blooms profusely and for a long time in partial shade, fades in the sun and quickly fades. The perennial is beautiful not only during flowering - the petioled leaves divided into lobes look original against the background of crops with a different shade of green.

Flowers with pink or white outer petals and reddish, white inner petals look like dangling hearts. The racemose inflorescence bends in the shape of an arc under their weight, which gives the bush a delicate outline.

Original varieties:

  • Alba and Snowdrift - snowy white petals;
  • Gold Heart - golden yellow leaf.

Italian bristlecone or mogar (Setaria italica)

Drought-resistant herbaceous annual that prefers bright sunny areas. The height varies - from 10 to 100 cm. Nowadays it is popular as an original ornamental plant, diluting the elegant beauty of garden crops with its simplicity.

Growing in the form of dense bunches (height from 50 to 150 cm), it forms a closed herbage. The leaf is long, rough, the inflorescence looks like a spike-shaped shaggy panicle. The flowering period lasts from July to August. Planted as a tapeworm, as a hedge, for cutting, for winter bouquets, for decorating paths, lawns, and diluting flower beds with greenery.


This evergreen garden plant belongs to the tea family, which includes more than eighty species of different plants. They were named in honor of the priest and naturalist G.K. Camelius, who first brought these plants from the Philippines to Europe.

This genus consists of compact evergreen shrubs and trees with simple glossy leaves that are ovate in shape.

The leaves come with pointed and blunt ends; they grow separately from each other in two or three pieces. Numerous stamens are pink, red or white

The plant needs careful care, and lack of light, high temperature, lack of humidity or an unsuitable soil mixture can cause the death of the flower.

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Flowers for garden decoration

The most popular decoration for a site in the summer season are flowers. It is important to choose the right flower varieties for a harmonious combination with other plants. Flowers for the garden are divided into two groups: annuals and perennials.

Annual representatives of the flower family are:

  • Crocus is an annual bulbous flower that belongs to the Iris family. Its stems and leaves are covered with translucent scales. Flowers are pollinated by insects and can be colored in both cool and warm shades. It is best to grow crocuses in a well-lit place where moisture will not linger for a long time.
  • Brachycoma is a visitor from Australia and belongs to the Aster family. The plant is small, and most often the length of the stems does not exceed 12-30 cm. Despite its small size, brachycoma is spreading, making the crop look “fluffy”. The flowers of the plant also do not differ in size and do not exceed 3 cm in diameter. Brachycoma blooms until the end of September, which is good news.
  • Lavatera is an excellent option for arranging flower beds and flower beds. The bushy plant blooms almost the entire summer season. Lavatera flowers are cone-shaped and cover the area with a carpet of different colors.

Popular perennials that are popular with gardeners are:

  • Daisy is another representative of the Astrov family. The plant is native to Southern and Central Europe. The height of the bush reaches 18−30 cm. Flowers can be reed or tubular in shape. In gardening, the plant is used for group plantings and as a greenhouse decoration.

  • Phloxes are beautiful and bright flowers of the Cyanaceae family. The plant has high decorative properties, as well as unpretentiousness, which allows flowers to grow on almost any soil, with any lighting. Phlox has many types, which differ from each other in the color and height of the bush.
  • Hydrangea is part of a family that has about 80 species of flowers. It blooms from spring to late autumn. Its inflorescences are located at the ends of its stems and have a spherical shape. Most often the plant is white, but there are specimens with other shades.


Another lovely ornamental plant, shown in the photo, is beautifully called Beadweed or God's tree. Tamarisk took its scientific name from the Tama Riz River, which flows in the Pyrenees Mountains.

Bisernik mainly grows in deserts and sand dunes. It can be found in Africa, Asia and southern Europe.

This tree has more than fifteen species, and in the Caucasus it rises to a height of over six hundred meters. Deciduous or evergreen shrubs grow in a bush-like manner, reaching a height of one and a half to twelve meters. Their trunk, as a rule, is no thicker than half a meter.

Its crown has many twig-like stems, on which small leaf blades that look like scales are alternately located. Their color can be light or dark green, as well as emerald blue.

Evergreen shrubs


This “golden tree” remains green in any frost and pleases the eye with glossy leaves covered with golden specks. Young seedlings need to be planted at a sufficient distance from each other (from 20 centimeters). The height of the crop reaches from 2 to 4 meters, and for active growth, it needs regular feeding in spring and autumn (at least 5 times a year). In the summer, the bush blooms with discreet but attractive flowers, which in the fall give way to berries.


An original shrub that can be planted as a single small tree or created with the help of several seedlings as a hedge. The dark green leaves change color to a rich burgundy color in the fall. Flowering occurs in May-June, during which barely noticeable white flowers, collected in large inflorescences, are replaced by fruits. Easily tolerates temperatures down to -20 degrees and prefers sunny places in important fertile soil.

Holly holly

A fairly tall plant - up to three meters. Large snow-white flowers in autumn are replaced by bright red berries, which completely cover the tree or shrub. The glossy leaves contrast beautifully with the red berries, which is why the plant often becomes a decoration for homes at Christmas; the branches are used to make wreaths and bouquets.


This evergreen shrub is of high value to landscape designers when creating decorative compositions. The plant takes root well in shaded areas with plenty of moisture and, with regular fertilization, pleases with abundant and persistent flowering. The shrub propagates very easily - by cuttings or seeds; it is recommended to plant it in the autumn, a few weeks before serious frosts.


Thuja has a variety of varieties, which can be boasted by a small number of plants - about 100 species, but gardeners recommend the Smaragd and Brabant varieties for planting as a hedge. Although the culture belongs to conifers, instead of needles it has soft, pleasant scales that delight with a soft green color all season long. It is important to fertilize the young seedling and choose a sunny place for planting, otherwise the plant will lose its brightness and take a long time to gain growth.

Rhododendron ponticus

Tall, up to 5 meters, shrub with glossy, rich leaves, which in May are complemented by large purple-pink inflorescences. The plant loves fresh and nutritious soil with good drainage properties. It looks quite massive, so it is planted as a hedge, fence or decoration of a house line.

Mahonia holly

Fancy carved leaves attract attention, and golden flowers fill the garden with a lasting vanilla aroma. The shrub grows small - up to one and a half meters. This leafy shrub is one of the few that take root and overwinter in central Russia. Small yellow flowers are collected in fluffy inflorescences and abundantly decorate a small bush in spring.


This evergreen coniferous plant is great for the garden because it provides year-round greenery on the site. About eight species of trees and shrubs belonging to the Yew family are characterized by rather slow growth.

This crop is in particular demand among gardeners who use coniferous plants in landscape design.

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Despite the fact that yew is an unpretentious and highly ornamental plant, year after year it becomes less and less in natural conditions.

Yew has a red-brown scaly bark, a multi-vertex cylindrical crown, and dark green soft needles. Thanks to its valuable wood with antibacterial properties, the plant is listed in the Red Book.

How to grow perennial plants for your garden

Not only vegetables and fruit trees can grow in your garden plot, but also evergreens and beautiful flowers, which are planted in a variety of flower beds and flower beds. To carry out this work, gardeners can use the catalog of perennial flowers and plants for their summer cottage. Colorful photographs with names will help them choose from a wide variety of what is needed for the garden. And in this article, perennial plants for giving photos with names will be proposed. Here you will see their catalog.


Perennial plants. Features of their use in garden plots

Perennials are a type of flowering plant. These include decorative deciduous species. They all have a long growth period. Those. these plants can grow in a flower garden for many years. In addition, there will be no need to replant flowers or additional sowing.

Important! A huge number of perennial plants can perfectly tolerate low temperatures. At this time, green plants will not lose their decorative characteristics.

A large number of perennials are undemanding in terms of growth conditions and care. They begin to bloom earlier than annual plant species.

Area where perennials are used:

  • Volumetric compositions;
  • Hanging panel;
  • Multi-tiered landscape objects;
  • Sculptures made of flowers to decorate the garden plot.

It is quite possible to make beautiful flower arrangements from perennial plants. All those plants that belong to this category can be used to create flower beds, acting as the main background for other plants, or as a decorative addition. They differ from each other in height, shape, and color. These differences make them great complements to each other.

Why you need to choose perennials

Many gardeners prefer this type of plant to annuals for a large number of reasons. And now we will list the advantages of perennials:

  • The opportunity to design a beautiful flower garden that will retain its visual appeal throughout the entire summer season.
  • Landscape design created using these plants can last for many years. This period will depend on the grade of the flower garden. In addition, the summer resident will not need to dig up flowers, replant them, and sow the flower garden all year round.
  • A huge number of varieties are resistant to low temperatures. For this reason, the flower garden will survive wintering well in the ground, without the need for additional protective agents. In the warm season, perennial plants will be the first to bloom, since they have a strong root system.
  • Growing decorative flower beds will be accompanied by minimal financial costs. In order to preserve the beauty of flower beds, there is no need to buy planting material. A combination of all kinds of garden plants will decorate your garden.

Advice! Use perennials to obtain additional seeds, seedlings, tubers.

Most gardeners like to practice a system of exchanging planting material among themselves. Use this method to receive new varieties for your flower garden for free.

Catalog of perennials for a summer cottage: photographs with the names of the most popular plants

Perennial plants in the garden and country house can make a landscaped area more pleasant. You should familiarize yourself with the proposed catalog. The perennial flowers for a summer cottage with names listed in the catalog can be considered as a guide to the world of landscape design and gardening. Since there is a lot of seed material on the flower market, you should pay attention to the most popular varieties that even a novice amateur gardener can grow.

Important! Watering is the main component of caring for garden plants. Therefore, this important rule must be remembered.

Alyssum: photo, planting and flowerbed care

Alyssum is best suited for dry areas. It can withstand both drought and severe frosts. This plant can take root in almost any soil. There is no need for complex care. Area of ​​use:

  • Rock gardens.
  • Landscape objects.
  • Curbs.
  • Flower arrangements that need ground cover addition.

Alyssum has beautiful rich colors and very fragrant flowers. It is planted on top of light fertile soil. This plant needs a lot of sunlight. Alyssum is best combined with paved slab fences, rocky crevices and paths. It should be watered moderately and highly nourished in the first stages of development. Alyssum is an unpretentious plant that can take root even on dry soil.

Anemones: planting, care, flower photos

This type of plant belongs to the genus Anemone. Photos of anemone flowers show off beautiful blues, purples, and bright reds. In harsh areas, this type of plant is grown as annual flowers. The total diameter of its flowers is approximately 65-80mm.

Advice! In order to create a beautiful bouquet from this plant, we recommend cutting off the buds of anemones that have not fully opened and have a weak color. The vase must be filled with water to a quarter of the entire length of the peduncle. Anemone petals should not be wetted.

Planting anemones and further caring for them is very simple. The tubers of this plant must be planted in fertile soil in a place well lit by the sun to a depth of 5 cm. The soil must be breathable. In poor and infertile soil, this plant needs to be fed regularly. It is best to use complex fertilizers for this, which need to be applied to the soil twice a summer. Beautiful rich anemone flowers can decorate any flower garden.

Pansies: planting and care, photo

Pansies are one of the most popular plant species. Their second name is viola. This perennial is characterized by a large number of colors:

  • Yellow.
  • Snow-white.
  • Black.
  • Blue.
  • With red spots.

Moist loamy soil and a sunny location are optimal for growing this plant. All these factors can increase the time of its flowering. It is best to avoid planting viola in lowlands, where water often stagnates. These flowers must be regularly fed with various fertilizers. For example, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate. But you should not add fresh manure to the soil. In order to extend the flowering period of the plant, i.e. areas that have already bloomed, as well as seed pods, need to be removed. Otherwise, the ripening of seeds will take a large amount of energy from the viola.

Astilbe: planting in open soil and caring for the plant

In this article we list unpretentious perennial plants for the garden. Therefore, you should pay attention to this list.

Many gardeners will probably be attracted to photographs of beautiful astilbe. Planting and further care of this plant may differ, since this flower contains several varieties. They can be short, dwarf, medium, or tall. This perennial has inflorescences resembling panicles of different colors. Planting and caring for astilbe contains the following requirements:

  • Soil rich in humus.
  • Penumbra.
  • Removing flower stalks after flowering.
  • Regular watering.
  • Does not like overheating of the root system.

Advice! The bare roots of the plant must be covered with a special covering material, or spruce branches must be used for protective purposes, so that the astilbe does not die from low temperature.

This plant does well in a sunny place and also in partial shade.

Asters: planting and care in open ground

In the photographs, aster flowers look very beautiful and impressive. And this is not surprising. This perennial plant is the dominant one that can grow in the garden in the fall. Aster blooms very profusely, almost until the first frost. The shades of aster flowers are distinguished by their diversity: white, light purple, deep pink, delicate lilac.

Basic requirements for planting and care:

  • Abundant watering.
  • Planting in light partial shade or in a sunny area.
  • Feeding the plant with mineral or organic fertilizers.
  • Planting in light and permeable soil.
  • Divide the plant bushes and plant them once every five years.

The area of ​​application of this plant is most common for decorating the edges of paths and flower beds. Aster plays the role of borders and carpet flower bed.

Bergenia: planting in open soil and caring for perennials

Do you want to know how to grow perennial plants for your garden, then this article was created especially for you. Pay attention to the following plant. Bergenia leaves have a round shape and a shiny surface. The flowers of this plant are pink. Bergenia can develop quite well in fertile soil. It is best to plant this plant in partial shade. And the lack of sun will affect the timing of flowering and the beauty of bergenia. Poor soil can also become the basis for the growth of this perennial.

Application area:

  • Flower beds of group type.
  • Borders and ridges.
  • Rocky areas of the garden.

Please pay attention! The plant that can survive the cold winter will become very vulnerable to the effects of various fungi. Based on this, with the onset of spring, it is necessary to start fertilizing the bergenia and treat the foliage part of this plant with various protective preparations.

Periwinkle: planting in open ground and care

A perennial such as periwinkle belongs to the creeping and climbing species of ground cover plants. It can grow in width very quickly. Vinca leaves are glossy and have a leathery texture. They can be light or dark green. Sometimes you can find leaves covered with spots of cream or golden shades. Periwinkle begins to form a root system quite quickly. Loves partial shade. The soil in this case may be different. But there is only one condition for good development: the soil does not dry out. This perennial can be watered regularly. Periwinkle needs to be trimmed from time to time. During the cold winter months, it is necessary to protect the plant with covering material. Good neighbors for periwinkle will be: primroses, scillas, heucheras, hyacinths.

Colchicum: photographs and features of perennial

Colchicum is very similar to crocus. This plant also has a second name - colchicum. It is quite easy to distinguish the colchicum from the crocus. You need to turn your attention to the flowers. They will be much larger and smell very nice. Just one bulb can form up to four flowers. Periwinkle blooms for 3-4 weeks. Pollinated flowers immediately begin to fade. But this plant can easily overwinter under a layer of snow. As for soil and care, this perennial is unpretentious. The same applies to the conditions of its growth. We recommend planting periwinkle on alpine hills. In addition, ordinary flower beds may also be suitable.

Buzulnik: photos and specifics

The rather large leaves of buzulnik and its original color attract the attention of many gardeners. This plant is mainly characterized by long and abundant flowering. Perennial, easy to care for.

Helpful advice! A sunny area must be chosen very carefully, since too much light will damage and burn the buzulnik leaves. It is best to plant buzulnik in moist and fertile soil.

This plant should be watered as needed. Mineral and organic fertilizers must be applied in late spring. With the onset of autumn, it is necessary to mulch with peat and remove plants down to the root base. It should not be covered with protective material for the winter period.

Loosestrife: photo, planting and caring for the plant

Many gardeners call loosestrife lysimachia. This perennial plant has an erect appearance or creeping shoots. Beautiful photographs of loosestrife can show how beautiful and impressive a flowerbed in a garden plot with red or yellow flowers looks. Some flowers are used as medicinal remedies. A huge number of plants of this species prefer a lot of sunlight. And only some varieties will feel much better in partial shade.

Basic care requirements:

  • Abundant regular watering.
  • Wet soil.
  • Feed the plant with mineral fertilizers 2 times a month.
  • Loosestrife can easily withstand cold winters. It does not need to be covered with material.

Gazania: planting, care, photo

Gazania is a plant that begins to bloom with the onset of summer. It has a wide palette of colors. Based on this, many landscape designers nicknamed this plant South African chamomile.

You should pay attention! The perennial gazania includes about 40 varieties that grow in warm countries. A number of them may grow in cold regions. But already as an annual.

Gazania can be grown:

  • in the rock garden,
  • in flowerpots,
  • on a balcony or loggia in boxes,

The plant can also grow as a border plant.

To ensure normal growth and development of this plant, it is necessary to choose open and well-lit areas. The soil must contain turf and sand. Stagnation of moisture in the soil is undesirable. Even during dry periods, this perennial needs to be watered moderately.

Hyacinths: planting in open soil and caring for the plant

Caring for and planting hyacinths, as a rule, comes down to applying fertilizers. In order to get full and large flowers, dry fertilizer is applied to the soil immediately after the first shoots appear and the soil is loosened. It is necessary to re-apply fertilizer to the soil after the formation of buds. In this case, fertilizer should be applied at the root of the plant in liquid form. The third feeding must be done after the hyacinths bloom. This type of plant requires special watering conditions. Before the hyacinth bulbs harden, it is not recommended to allow the soil to dry out. The soil should be moist. In the remaining time, after the sprouts appear, it is necessary to carry out regular watering, especially during the dry period.

Perennial gypsophila: planting, care, photo

Gypsophila looks like a flowering shrub. Beautiful delicate pink and white flowers completely cover this perennial plant and resemble an airy haze. Photos of gypsophila, which you can easily find on the Internet, can clearly show you that this type of perennial will look great:

  • At the walls for retaining purposes.
  • In the distant areas of the garden.
  • In the rock garden.

Gypsophila tolerates low temperatures. The main preferences are light soil with high levels of humidity and fertility, a lighted area.

We recommend! Gypsophila reacts very strongly to transplantation. In order to increase the percentage of positive outcomes, it is necessary to pre-treat the root system with a root formation stimulator.

Gladioli in open ground: planting and care, growth features

Beautiful gladiolus is planted in open areas. In this case, you need to provide protection from the wind. We do not recommend planting this plant in places where water may stagnate. In areas with high heat and dryness, gladiolus will need some shade. Midday sun rays can have a detrimental effect on this plant. For this reason, flowers will need to be protected from direct rays and high temperatures. In areas with a temperate climate, even a slight shade can delay the flowering of gladiolus and reduce the level of decorativeness. Gladiolus will respond well to sandy loam soil, which must be treated in advance to a depth of 25-30 cm and impregnated with organic fertilizers.

Gentian: photo, planting and care, features

In this publication you can also see fast-growing perennial garden plants. Continue to explore our catalogue.

Gentian is a perennial that blooms with bright blue bells. Its flowering period occurs in the summer. This mountain plant is best planted on alpine hills. The group of plants belonging to this genus includes about 400 varieties and varieties. Gentian, like all low-growing flowers, needs a correct and careful approach to the choice of fertilizers. Feeding with a large amount of nitrogen can negatively affect the plant. Exposure to direct sunlight must be regulated. But this does not mean that this perennial should be planted in the shade. Dried gentian shoots must be removed from the flower garden.

Delphinium: photos and varieties

Seeds must be planted in the ground in early March. According to the recommendations of landscape designers, it is necessary to sow densely in order for the flower garden to be lush. After sowing, the flowerbed should be sprinkled with a small layer of earth about 0.3 -0.5 cm thick. The category of perennial plants includes the following types of dolphinarium:

  • Large-flowered.
  • Holostalk.
  • Persian.
  • Hybrid.

This plant prefers regular watering. Especially in hot and dry weather. Wet soil must be loosened after watering. But this must be done very carefully.

We recommend! Dolphinarium prefers root watering. A competent watering system will completely help eliminate the appearance of powdery mildew on the plant. .


In photographs of such a perennial as dicentra, you can see inflorescences in the form of arcs, which are densely dotted with heart-shaped flowers. They come in pink, white and light purple. As a rule, this type of plant has around 10 cultivated varieties. One of the most important conditions for excellent cultivation of dicentra is a well-chosen planting area. This perennial will do best in partial shade. But a sunny place can also be an excellent place for growth for dicentra. The soil must be saturated with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Creeping tenacious: photos and care features

Summer residents prefer to grow tenacious for its good resistance to the negative effects of weather. This plant is not vulnerable to various diseases and pests. Thanks to the fact that the tenacious blooms profusely. Even under conditions of minimal sun exposure, this perennial can be planted in specific places in the garden.

Scope of its use:

  • Circular design of tree trunks.
  • Decoration of rocky slopes.
  • Planting plants at the bottom of a green hedge.

The process of planting, seating and replanting is quite possible to carry out throughout the entire dacha period. Loose soils mixed with turf, peat and sand are suitable for survival.

Honeysuckle: photographs, varieties, description

Honeysuckle is a small fruit-bearing shrub. The plant has many varieties. But if we consider only those varieties that produce edible berries, the choice will be between honeysuckle:

  • Kamchatskaya.
  • Edible.
  • Turchaninova.
  • Altai.

This shrub is unpretentious in its care. It can be planted in almost any area of ​​the garden plot. The most important thing is protection from the wind and plenty of sun.

Useful recommendation! Honeysuckle does not like to grow alone. But it also cannot tolerate proximity to similar varieties. In any of these cases, the yield of this plant will decrease sharply.

Clematis: planting and care. Photograph of a vine plant

A perennial such as clematis will be a wonderful decoration for any summer cottage or garden in a private home. Advantages of clematis:

  • long flowering period,
  • resistance to winter conditions,
  • durability,
  • ease of care.

Clematis is a heat-loving plant and loves the sun. It is planted in increments of two meters. Unsuitable places for planting clematis are low-lying areas and areas that are located near groundwater. The soil should be sandy and loamy. In very heavy soil, a drainage system will need to be installed. In winter, this perennial must be protected.

Swimsuit: photos and landing features

To plant the swimsuit, you will need to first prepare the soil. For the best development of this plant, shade should be provided. In sunny areas, the swimsuit can also develop well, but a large amount of sunlight can cause the flowers to quickly fade.

Soil requirements:

  • humidity,
  • looseness,
  • presence of drainage.

You should not plant the swimsuit on dry or sandy soil. The plant must be watered regularly, loosened the soil and weeded. Fertilizing the soil is also a necessary procedure. The most suitable nutrition for a swimsuit is the addition of Agricola, nitrophoska and urea in combination: one tbsp. a spoonful of each listed fertilizer and 10 liters of water.

Kupena: photo of a perennial plant

Kupena is a little-known perennial plant. It belongs to the Liliaceae family. On the curved stems of this plant there are bluish-green leaves with droplets of bells hanging down. Lightly shaded areas provide excellent habitat for this beautiful perennial. The sun will only slow down its growth and negatively affect the decorative effect of the plant.

Pay attention! This perennial contains many medicinal properties. It speeds up the metabolism in the body and strengthens the immune system.

Lakonos: photo, description and conditions for its cultivation

Powderwort is a very large perennial plant. The homeland of the lacconaceous plant is America. Over the entire summer period of its growth, this perennial grows from small seeds into a beautiful and lush plant. The height of the Lakonos can reach one meter. By the beginning of autumn, the flower stalks of the plant are completely covered with black shiny berries. Both the berries and the juice of the milkweed are very poisonous. But this fact did not become an obstacle for gardeners. They place it in the center of their compositions. In the very middle of the flowerbed, this plant will not pose any danger. It can be an addition to the hedge, since open sunny areas are harmful to it.

Lilies of the valley: photos and care tips

Before the start of the summer season, all gardeners carefully study the catalogs of perennial plants for spring 2022. Our article is a storehouse of information. Therefore, it is also recommended to study it carefully. Let's talk about lilies of the valley.

The best growing area for lilies of the valley, of course, is moist soil, which is hidden under the shade of spreading trees. This perennial plant can easily tolerate a long absence of sun. But if the shadow is too deep, the number of flowers will decrease. In return for this decrease, the lily of the valley begins to grow foliage

Useful recommendation! Many gardeners advise planting lilies of the valley near fences and walls. Very hot weather will be detrimental to lily of the valley.

Don't forget about watering these plants. It is better to completely avoid transplanting lilies of the valley.

Daylilies: planting and caring for bushes

The shrubs of this plant are planted in a planting hole. For daylilies, the depth of such a planting hole should be approximately 22-25 cm. And the plants themselves are placed in increments of 0.5-0.6 m. Before planting the bush in a hole, you need to pour a small amount of soil in the form of a slide onto the bottom. In the future, roots will spread along it. The part where the transition from roots to leaves begins is called the neck. It goes deep into the soil approximately 3-4cm. Daylilies should be watered abundantly and the soil should be mulched regularly. We advise you to cover the soil around the daylily from 5 to 7 cm around its circumference. After planting, the plant must be fertilized and watered regularly.

Lupines in open ground: planting and care

The decorative value of this plant is quite high. Many gardeners love this plant for the natural beauty of lupins. Caring for and planting perennials is a pleasure. The soil requirements of this plant are low. If you want to achieve optimal conditions for growing lupines, then you need to choose acidic types of soil. In this environment, the flower will begin to improve the composition of the soil and will itself form nitrogen-containing fertilizer on the tubers. In order to increase acidity, we recommend adding manure and sawdust to the soil.

Lungworts: photographs of flowers in the garden plot and features of flower garden care

Landscape designers call lungwort pulmonaria. It differs from other perennials in having beautiful flowers with an early bloom time. With the help of this plant you can beautifully decorate your garden plot:

  • Rabatki near garden paths.
  • Living borders.
  • Ground cover addition to flower beds.

You can plant lungwort in a cool, dark place. Then she will delight you with beautiful flowers even on poor soil. Sandy soil composition is best. This plant loves regular watering. And before winter, it will be necessary to do mulching.

Euphorbia: photo, rules of care and cultivation

To plant milkweed in your garden plot, you need to choose a sunny area. It is also possible to grow spurge in partial shade, but in this case, it will not bloom so profusely.

Important! Heavy soil will be a poor basis for planting milkweed. This will cause the plant to slow down its growth. And in winter, its root system will rot.

The plant should be watered moderately. At the time of its vegetative development, no more than 2 fertilizing with mineral fertilizers can be carried out. And the decorative appearance of this perennial can be preserved by timely removal of dead flowers and pruning.

Muscari: photo on the plot

This type of perennial plant belongs to the Hyacinth family. It would be difficult to find a more interesting plant for a flower garden in a garden plot. Muscari is unpretentious. Muscari got its name due to its musk-like smell. Many gardeners use muscari:

  • Armenian (blue, with white border),
  • racemose (purple),
  • Turgenevsky (light blue),
  • grape-shaped (blue, white, blue-violet).

This perennial prefers regular and abundant watering and plenty of sunlight. Muscarine also does well in partial shade.

Narcissus: planting and care in open ground

Daffodils growing next to tulips will be a wonderful addition to the garden plot. Narcissus blooms quite early. It has many different varieties:

  • tubular,
  • onkeleform,
  • terry,
  • small-crowned,
  • taceniformes,
  • cyclamenoides,
  • poetic,
  • large-crowned.

Planting daffodils is quite simple. The most important thing in this process is to guess the timing. As a rule, the packaging indicates the appropriate month for planting the daffodil. The main conditions for care: regular watering and loosening of the soil, planting other varieties of narcissus and removing diseased plants.

Forget-me-nots: photos and features of perennials

If you want to see what brunera is like, look at a plant like forget-me-not. This plant begins to bloom in late spring with beautiful soft blue flowers. After flowering, they will be replaced by heart-shaped leaves. These leaves have a sharp end.

It is important to know! Forget-me-not needs moisture. If watering is poor, the perennial leaves will begin to wither. For this reason, it is necessary to constantly monitor the timing of watering.

Forget-me-nots are best planted in clay soil, which constantly retains moisture.

Nivyanyk: photos and features

Nivyanik is called differently: roman herb, white chamomile, white flower, popovnik. This plant is a frequent inhabitant of suburban gardens. Nivyanik can perfectly tolerate negative weather conditions (frost, heat). It is necessary to remove faded baskets in a timely manner. This will help the plant prolong its flowering time. If we take into account the origin of this perennial plant, it becomes clear that the cornflower prefers sunny, open areas. It is better to avoid places where water stagnates.

Liverwort: photo and characteristics

Liverwort is also called coppice. This perennial belongs to the genus of the Buttercup family. Its homeland is forests located in northern latitudes, with a predominant temperate climate. In garden plots you can see only one species of this plant - the noble liverwort. The liverwort is famous for its long life span. With proper care, its life expectancy can be 25 years.

Peonies in the ground: planting and caring for a flower bed

Peonies can be seen in many gardens and parks. This plant loves light and fertile soil. In one place he can live up to 45-50 years. To plant peonies, you need to choose areas that are sunny but protected from strong gusts of wind. Peony bushes love to grow. For this reason, when designing paths, you need to leave a small space between the planting hole and the path. There is no need to plant peonies under the walls of buildings. All the rainwater falling from the roof will increase the soil moisture. And if water stagnates, the peony roots will begin to rot.

Pyrethrum: photos for lovers of garden daisies

If you see a photo of a colored chamomile in front of your eyes, then you see pyrethrum. Planting and subsequent care of this perennial are very specific. But not complicated. This plant is unpretentious in its care and grows well in sunny flower beds and in partial shade.

Pay attention! If there is no direct sunlight, the pyrethrum shoots will begin to stretch.

There are no specific soil requirements. But a very poor soil composition and high humidity will significantly slow down the development of the flower. Watering should be done regularly, but moderately. If you promptly remove dead flower stalks, the plant may bloom again.

Climbing rose: planting and care

Climbing roses can create a romantic atmosphere in your garden. This plant needs sunlight. Based on this, it is best to plant roses in open, well-ventilated areas. Low-lying and swampy places are not suitable for growing this flower. We do not recommend painting bushes where there used to be a flower bed. The plant simply may not take root. In order to avoid the death of the climbing rose, we recommend planting it on a hill or on slopes. This will help rid the soil where the bush grows from waterlogging. It can occur in rainy weather, or in areas with groundwater that lies near the surface.

Perennial primrose: photo, care and planting

Primrose is also called primrose, as this plant blooms very early. It is for this reason that primrose is a favorite perennial for many gardeners. In the photo you can see yellow, purple, blue and red flowers.

Attention! This plant is widely used in folk medicine.

Before planting primrose, you need to add fertilizer to the soil. The soil must be moist. To do this, it is best to choose the outskirts of the site with deep shadow. Primrose will take root well under fruit trees such as apple and pear.

Perennial rudbeckia: planting and care

There are quite a few varieties of rudbeckia. The perennial is somewhat similar to chamomile. Rudbeckia petals have different colors:

  • Blue.
  • Brown.
  • Yellow.
  • Lemon.

This perennial has no special soil requirements. It will feel great on well-groomed soil, which is fertilized with humus and has high water permeability. The growth time of a plant in one place without transplantation is five years. During the growing season, it is necessary to fertilize with nitrophoska and potassium sulfate. Dead inflorescences must be removed along with young shoots.

Yarrow: photographs of an unpretentious and medicinal plant

A plant such as yarrow is quite a popular perennial among gardeners who design flower beds. Yarrow inflorescences have bright colors (white, red, pink, cherry, orange, yellow). They retain their beauty and attractiveness for a very long time. This plant is medicinal. There are 200 different types of yarrow.

Perennial phlox: photo, planting

Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, the number of phlox varieties has increased. These plants settled in every flowerbed of the garden plot. Phlox can grow well, even in poor soil. To do this, you need to add coarse grain and sand to the bottom of the hole when planting. In sandy soil, a layer of clay will not be amiss. Phlox should be planted 2.5-3 cm deep into the soil. The root collar of the plant is buried to this depth.

Hosta: types and photos with the names of varieties

Hosta loves shady areas. This plant is not demanding in its care. This perennial contains a lot of varieties:

  • White Christmas.
  • Alex Summers.
  • Christmas Eve.
  • First love.
  • Mango tango.

One can get confused about the varieties of this plant, since most of them were based on sports i.e. shoots that differ from the mother flower.

Note! Sandy soil can significantly slow down the growth of perennials. in this case, the composition of the soil will enhance the color of the leaves. The optimal soil condition is moisture and shade.

Perennial garden chrysanthemums: planting and care, photo

This plant has a three-thousand-year history. Its first cultivation occurred for gardening purposes in ancient China. Chrysanthemum blooms with beautiful and lush flowers. To be able to achieve excellent results, you need to wisely choose the place and time of landing. After planting, it is necessary to perform the first pinching. In other words, you need to remove growth points. Repeated pinching must be done after three weeks and the upper shoots must be removed. Chrysanthemum reacts negatively to the lack of humidity and does not like shade. It is best to plant chrysanthemums in elevated areas.

Soil requirements: good moisture permeability, looseness, fertility.

Rose stock: photo, specificity

The rose stock differs from other perennial plants in its very beautiful flowering and love of light. For this reason, it must be planted in a well-lit area. The shadow will retard its development and growth. Dry and poor soil is also not suitable for it. Watering should be done moderately, since too much liquid can lead to rotting of the root system. The soil must be saturated with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.


We hope that you were able to learn about which unpretentious perennial flowers to plant in your dacha. Thanks to our recommendations, beautiful plants will appear in your summer cottage, which will delight you with their beautiful flowering.

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Decorative indoor plants

Growing beautifully flowering plants in pots began to be practiced back in the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries. Today, caring for indoor plants is a passion for millions of people around the world.

Flowers vary in shape, color and foliage characteristics and may be of local or distant origin. In any case, in the bustle of the city, they remind you of the enchanting delights of nature.

Fast growing shrubs


An excellent option for a hedge, creating an impenetrable wall up to 2-3 meters high. The shrub grows quickly and abundantly, compacting especially well in the first three years of growth in a new location. The plant is undemanding to growing conditions and watering, and does not require fertilizers. Easy to cut and takes any shape. It is important to pay attention to the poisonous fruits - if you have children or pets, it is better to avoid this plant.

Yellow acacia

Deciduous shrub with unusual yellow flowers. Acacia easily tolerates pruning and is therefore often used to create hedges. In 5 years of growth it is capable of creating an impenetrable wall up to 5 meters high. Acacia can also stabilize the soil in marshy areas or on slopes thanks to its branching root system.


It is important to note that the famous fruiting honeysuckle is not suitable for creating a hedge. Over the course of a year, the shoots of an ornamental plant increase in length by almost 2 m (Honeysuckle honeysuckle). This spectacular vine can quickly create a beautiful hedge along a fence or weave a gazebo. All types and varieties are not demanding on maintenance conditions and do not require fertilizers or watering.


The famous hedge, which can be grown even by an inexperienced gardener. The culture loves shade and prefers loose and fertile soil. Each individual bush has a cone-shaped shape, which looks self-sufficient on the site, but if desired, it can be cut in any season, the plant quickly recovers. To create a dense hedge, the bushes are planted in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 50-60 centimeters from each other. Juniper grows quite quickly - by 20 centimeters per year, reaching a height of about one and a half meters.


See description above.


See description above.


This decorative flower is incredibly popular due to its unpretentiousness, almost constant flowering and easy propagation.

People call it affectionately the sparkle, impatiens or evergreen. Having appeared in Europe at the beginning of the 16th century, it was subsequently quite quickly spread throughout the world.

Its branched, succulent stems, depending on the variety, reach a height of fifteen to fifty centimeters. And the fleshy leaves with wavy edges are green-red, green or bronze in color.

Shrub crops

Ornamental shrubs are a large group of perennial plants that have different shapes and proportions. Most ornamental shrubs are deciduous, but there are also coniferous specimens.

The most popular coniferous shrubs are:

  • Juniper belongs to the Cypress family. The plant grows in height from 0.2 to 8 m. The shrub is very popular among gardeners and designers who use it to create rock gardens and rockeries. High varieties are used in the construction of hedges. Juniper leaves are scaly and have a pleasant aroma, which is especially noticeable after rain.
  • Yew is a perennial ornamental shrub that has many varieties. Basically all varieties are small in size. The crown has a round, dense shape. The needles are quite tough. The fruits are presented in the form of red cone-berries.
  • Cypress is an artificially bred shrub with decorative properties. The plant's growth is small, up to 1 m. The shrub has dense green needles. The cones are small with a small number of seeds. In autumn, the cypress tree acquires an unusual purple-violet color.

The most common deciduous shrubs are:

  • Barberry Thunberg is a deciduous shrub. It usually grows up to 1 m in height, although it should reach 2.5 m. Barberry has bright shoots and ribbed needles that are red or red-orange in color. The berries are also red and ovoid in shape. The plant is practically not afraid of frost and various diseases.
  • White dogwood is a beautiful shrub that gives the garden a special appeal. It has a large number of light inflorescences, and after flowering is completed it is covered with berries. The plant is quite unpretentious, so even a beginner can cope with its cultivation.
  • The mountain ash plant is native to Asia. The plant got its name for its resemblance to rowan. It is used as a hedge and reaches a height of 2-3 m. The shoots of fieldfare are erect, 1-1.5 cm thick. The shrub is unpretentious and can be grown in various places in the garden, both in sunny and shaded areas.

There are other shrubs that are widely used in gardening: spirea, black elderberry, flowering weigela, and viburnum leaf.


The name of this floral and ornamental plant dates back to the 17th century thanks to the monk Charles Plumier. While collecting plants in the Antilles, he discovered six species of flower of incredible beauty with decorative leaves and flowers.

The monk named his discovery in honor of his best friend, the governor of the island of Haiti, M. Begon. At the moment, there are about a thousand species of this plant and more than two thousand hybrids in nature.

Begonia is light-loving, but it should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Due to the fact that the plant is tropical, it requires high air humidity.

Purpose of ornamental plants

The main purpose of ornamental plants is decoration. Such crops are divided into several types:

  • Garden.
  • Homemade.
  • Aquarium.

Aquarium plants are a separate part here. They, in addition to performing their decorative functions, play an important role in the life of underwater inhabitants. Aquarium vegetation is divided into several types:

  • Growing in the ground - limnophila, Indian fern, hemianthus dwarf, etc.
  • Living in water are Aegagropyla, Moss monosolenium and Java moss.
  • Living on the surface - Pistia, Riccia floating, Limnobium shooty, etc.

Duckweed is a small plant that lives on the surface of the water. It has small leaves with a convexity. The bulge is filled with air, which is why duckweed floats. Duckweed is used both as an ornamental plant and as an additive to the diet of fish. In addition, some fish use duckweed as cover for spawning. Duckweed is an unpretentious plant that takes root in almost any conditions. The main condition for its maintenance is a large amount of sunlight.

Java moss is a plant that lives in the water column. Its homeland is Southeast Asia. Moss looks like an interweaving of thin green threads. If left undisturbed, it can attach itself to objects and form attractive thickets. Fish use moss as a spawning site. The optimal temperature for moss is 23−28 degrees Celsius. At low temperatures it stops developing.

The Indian fern is one of the most popular aquarium inhabitants. In addition to decorative functions, it plays an important role in water purification.

When planting a fern, you should pay attention to the soil, it should be soft, sand is perfect. The optimal temperature ranges from 23 to 25 degrees. The aquarium should be in a well-lit place.


This ornamental houseplant is also called Egyptian Star. It blooms at a time when there is practically no greenery outside the window, there is a lack of sunlight and one feels the imminent approach of winter.

The bright flowering cap of Pentas pleases the eye and lifts the mood from October to February, when it is cold and windy outside.

The flower can have different colors, it is not afraid of drafts, but after a long winter you should not expose it immediately to direct sunlight in order to avoid burning the leaves.

The flower should be accustomed to light gradually. It is worth considering that the most suitable place for it is the south window in the house.

Features of using plants in garden landscape design

Green spaces perform several functions at once:

  • decorative, create a certain mood, atmosphere;
  • practical - trees provide beneficial shade on a hot day, fruit crops are grown for harvest;
  • corrective - plants visually level out the unevenness of the natural relief;
  • camouflage - a hedge protects from prying eyes and pets; vines mask imperfections in walls and fences.

Beautifully flowering perennials impress with their color during the flowering period.
The main purpose of plants is to produce oxygen and process carbon dioxide through photosynthesis.

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