Mountain cornflower - a beautiful and unpretentious perennial on your site

Oh, cornflowers, cornflowers, how many of you flash in the field... Cornflowers are field plants, loved by many.
It is not for nothing that in Russian this flower is given such a tender and affectionate name - cornflower. There are songs about him, and poems... A bouquet of cornflowersCornflowers are found in meadows among multi-colored herbs; open spaces with blue cornflowers and red poppies look especially beautiful. They also grow in fields, especially often found among rye crops, now as weeds, but even here their blue heads sway so beautifully among the golden ears.

All this has been said about the most familiar species to us - blue cornflower, an annual plant known to everyone. But its genus is very extensive: almost 500 species of different cornflowers grow in nature.

Pink cornflower Cornflowers, cornflowers, blue flowers - this is what this plant is called in different parts of our country. Let's get to know each other better. Cornflower (Centaurea) is a genus of plants in the Asteraceae family. Found almost everywhere in the northern hemisphere. It is believed that its Latin name comes from the Greek word kentaurion, which means Chiron: this was the name of the famous centaur from ancient Greek myths, the teacher of the famous Hercules and a healer who knew medicinal herbs and their properties.

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More about the plant

All cornflowers are herbaceous plants, usually having straight, rather tall, branched stems, but there are also plants with recumbent shoots.
Their leaves can be simple or dissected. Cornflower flower Cornflowers have a basket-shaped inflorescence consisting of funnel-shaped flowers of various colors. They are located along the edge, and in the middle, as usual in all Asteraceae, the flowers are tubular.

Features of different types

It is interesting that different types of cornflowers have different root systems.
Some have a long rhizome with branches, for example, soft cornflower. Others produce many root shoots - this is c. Fisher. Still others have a tap root, going deep, like v. Russian. Some species have powerful thick rhizomes. Perennial cornflowers have one more feature - their basal leaves remain green all year round. They grow in 2 periods: in the spring, young leaves appear, which live until the end of summer, and in September-October, others grow and remain until the next spring. The leaves of all species are beautiful, feathery, often pubescent so that they appear silvery. Cornflowers can be considered wonderful plants that add unique beauty to flower beds throughout the season. Meadow cornflowers

And when they are in bloom, they are especially elegant. In addition, their flowering usually lasts quite a long time, from about the end of June to the beginning of August, that is, about 45 days.

Groups of cornflowers

The diversity of the structure of the root system is important for gardeners, since it is by this type that garden cornflowers can be divided into 2 main groups:

  1. Plants with a long root or shortened rhizome. This is Russian cornflower, whitened, meadow, Marshall, large-headed. These species form fairly dense bushes that grow slowly and reproduce only with the help of seeds.
  2. Another group is represented by plants in which the rhizome is located horizontally or has root suckers. With their help, they easily grow and reproduce vegetatively. This is a soft, mountain, Fischer cornflower.

We invite you to our market for cornflower seeds.
There you will probably choose exactly the plant that is best suited for your site. Cornflower Dwarf White, 0.1 g 16 RUR

Musk cornflower Magic aroma, Mixture, 0.1 g 22 rub.

Cornflower Cherry crown, 0.2 g 30 RUR

Cornflower Tom Paus Pink, 0.3 g 45 RUR

Mountain cornflower: description

Mountain cornflower is a long plant with erect shoots topped with single flowers with a diameter of 6-8.5 cm. If you look closely, you can easily notice the structure of the inflorescence. This is a basket, along the edges of which there are large funnel-shaped and small tubular flowers.

They are wrapped underneath in a wrapper of several sequences of fringed leaves.

Mountain cornflower blooms for about 2 months, starting in June.


  • Alba, a low plant with white flowers.
  • Parham (purple).
  • Grandiflora with light blue flowers up to 8 cm in diameter.
  • Rosea has pink flowers.
  • Violetta with dark purple flowers.

The homeland of the mountain cornflower is the Western European mountains. Based on this, he is adapted to negative conditions. strong wind and scorching sun are not scary for this plant. The branched root, penetrating into the ground to a depth of 10 cm, helps to stay firmly in the ground.

It is formed in a horizontal plane and increases by 5-6 cm per year.

Mountain cornflower is valued for its beautiful flowers and decorative whole leaves with white edges.

They grow intensively in the spring. By the end of summer they slowly fall off, but the plant does not lose its attractiveness. Instead of fallen leaves, new ones grow, which remain green until next spring.

Application of mountain cornflower:

  • In the form of clumps (separate groups).
  • For the design of rockeries (areas using stones).
  • In mixborders (mixed elongated flower beds).
  • For rock gardens.
  • Cut flowers last a long time in a vase.
  • Relatively recently opened flowers can be dried, hung in a place protected from sunlight, and used in winter bouquets.

Collection and preparation

Flowers, shoots and leaves of cornflower can be harvested as medicinal raw materials throughout the entire flowering period. The rhizome is dug up in the fall. The collected raw materials are sorted, the roots are cleaned from the ground under running water. They can be cut straight away with garden shears. For drying, use well-ventilated rooms or outdoor sheds that protect from direct sunlight. The temperature should not exceed +40…+50С. The raw materials are periodically turned over until completely dry, and then stored in closed glass jars for no more than 2 years.

In addition to medicinal purposes, cornflower is used in cosmetology as a means to cleanse and improve the condition of oily skin that is prone to excessive oiliness.


Mountain cornflower is not very demanding on the soil, but grows better on fertile loamy soils. It can tolerate mild drought, but does not like stagnant water. Based on this, the land must be drained. It is possible to add crushed bark of deciduous trees and garden compost.

It is better to do this several months before planting. The growing scheme is 50 x 50 cm. With this planting scheme, the bushes do not cover each other and are perfectly lit.

Mountain cornflower tolerates cold in winter (it freezes in the middle zone) and sun in summer. But it doesn’t like shade; it loses its decorative effect in that place.

Based on this, it must be planted in sunny areas.

Mountain cornflower is a plant that does not require special care. It is practically not affected by diseases and pests. But it can suffer from the fungal disease fusarium.

Leaves wither and turn pale for no apparent reason. This happens if cornflower grows on acidic or slightly acidic soils. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to maintain an acidity level of pH 7-8 (neutral or slightly alkaline).

Clover, field bindweed, and chamomile growing on the site indicate that the soil is neutral and not very acidic. Wild poppy grows on alkaline soils. If the soil is too acidic (horsetail and plantain grow on the site), add slaked lime or wood ash to it.

If you follow these simple rules, mountain cornflower will grow in one place for 7-10 years.


Like most long-lasting flowers, mountain cornflower reproduces by seeds and by dividing the bush. At the end of flowering, an egg-shaped seed capsule is formed. The seeds are small, there are up to 300 of them in 1 g. They are collected in August.

But they don’t sow right away, because at this time in most cases there is drought, and they will not germinate. Seeds do not lose their germination capacity for 3 years.

In order for them to sprout, they are sown before winter (October-November) or in the spring, in April-May, in a permanent place.

Sow randomly, lightly sprinkle with soil and water. Seeds germinate at normal humidity in seven to one and a half days. If the seedlings are dense, they are broken through, leaving a distance of at least 20 cm.

It is easier to propagate mountain cornflower by dividing the bush or by root suckers:

  • This is done much more often in the spring, but it is also possible in August, after flowering has ended.
  • The bush that will be used for propagation is dug up.
  • The root complex is washed.
  • Cut the bush into pieces, each of which must have at least three buds (growth points) and a root.
  • They are preparing the ground. They add garden compost and rotted manure, dig up the soil and plant the prepared cuttings.
  • The roots are directed to the sides and down. You shouldn't go too deep.
  • The soil around the plant is pressed so that all vacuums are filled.
  • Water systematically until the plant begins to grow.
  • It is possible to mulch the ground around the plants with crushed bark. It will give the site a decorative appearance and retain moisture in the ground.

Propagation by seeds is a little more troublesome than dividing the bush. But both will bloom next year. Based on this, propagation by seeds is justified if it is not possible to reach the cuttings.

Caring for mountain cornflower

Mountain cornflower is tall, 40-60 cm. Based on this, in most cases it is placed in the background or in the center of the flower bed. It is possible to tie up lashes with flowers. In dry weather, the area where the mountain cornflower grows is watered. This also applies to seed germination. Since they need watering more than adult plants.

After the flowers have lost their decorative value, they can be cut off along with the flower stalks above the branching point. This will promote abundant formation of new buds. Do not remove them if you are going to collect seeds.

In order for the plant to bloom as long as possible, feed it with complex mineral fertilizer.

A tablespoon of nitrophoska and urea is diluted in a bucket of water and watered before flowering. In the autumn, they are fed so that the plant can overwinter well.

To prevent fusarium, all parts of the plant are sprinkled with wood ash. From time to time, old spots appear on the pages of the mountain cornflower. This occurs when liquid enters during watering.

Such leaves are removed. In most cases, mountain cornflower does not require special care. It is enough to occasionally weed the ground until the leaves merge into a whole carpet.

Mountain cornflower is sometimes called a flower for lazy gardeners. In addition, minimal care can provide a good result. The main thing is to successfully place the plant in the garden so that the catchy flowers are clearly visible.

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Mountain cornflower (lat. Centaurea montana) is a herbaceous plant of the genus Cornflower (lat. Centaurea), classified in the Aster family (lat. Asteraceae). This is a typical representative of the genus with a straight, strong stem and a large blue-violet inflorescence formed by two types of flowers, protected by a tiled capsule of bristly sepals. The plant is inedible, but its medicinal qualities are popular in Central European countries.

What's in your name

The Latin name of the genus "Centaurea" comes from the name of a mortal wild creature from ancient Greek myths, who was half-man, half-horse and had a violent temper. But it was not such unattractive features of the Centaur, as this creature was called, that was the reason for the name of the genus of very peaceful and attractive plants, but information about the medicinal abilities of Cornflowers, which managed to save the Centaur from the poisonous bite of the Hydra, another formidable representative of myths. Carl Linnaeus, familiar with the myths of Ancient Greece and the healing abilities of some species of cornflowers, decided to give such a formidable Latin name to the plant genus.

In Russian, people chose a more tender and affectionate name for the plants - Cornflower.

The specific epithet “montana” (“mountain”) was assigned to the plant for its choice of residence, located in the mountains of Western Europe.


Mountain cornflower is a perennial plant that can grow in one place for up to 10 years. It has an erect stem without lateral branching, with a height of 30 to 70 centimeters.

It is distinguished by whole, lanceolate-shaped leaves, forming a basal rosette and climbing up the stem on short petioles, almost sessile in the upper part of the stem. The leaves are simple, green, with a central light vein.

The stem is crowned by a single large basket (less commonly, the number of baskets can be up to three). The diameter of the inflorescence formed by two types of flowers is up to 6 centimeters. The inner tubular flowers are darker, the marginal asexual flowers-petals are a lighter blue-violet color. Flowering lasts from May to August.

The inflorescence is born from a tiled capsule of sepals, similar to an elegant miniature bristly Pineapple fruit. You can call a box of sepals the calling card of Cornflowers, distinguishing them from their many relatives in the Asteraceae family.

After pollination, the capsule turns into a multi-seeded fruit - an achene. Once ripe, the seeds are spilled onto the ground to sprout with new shoots next year.

Mountain cornflower is similar in appearance to blue cornflower (Centaurea cyanus). The differences between them are that the mountain cornflower is a perennial plant, while the blue cornflower is an annual or biennial. In addition, Cornflower usually has a single inflorescence basket, while its relative has a branched stem in the upper part and has many flower heads.


Mountain cornflower has been known in culture since the 16th century, decorating the gardens and parks of nobles. It is still a popular garden plant today, providing bright, long-lasting flowering with minimal care costs.

Although the plant is not edible, its healing powers are very popular in Central Europe.

Growing conditions

Born in the mountains, Cornflower prefers sunny places in gardens. Since the plant is evergreen and begins to bloom early, a place under the crowns of shrubs and trees that stand in winter and early spring without leaves is quite suitable for it, without depriving the Cornflower, which is preparing for flowering, of the required amount of sunlight. Thus, the peak of flowering will occur during the light foliage period.

If for some reason the plant is dug up from its rightful place, Mountain Cornflower will easily restore its presence from small pieces of roots remaining in the soil.

Mountain cornflower is unpretentious to soils and grows well in any soil, from light sand to heavy clay. It also tolerates any acidity of the soil and dry conditions.

What Mountain Cornflower does not like is excessive dampness, swampiness, and stagnant water.

Mountain white cornflower The leaves of white cornflower are green all year round, as they are renewed twice a season - in spring and in August-September. Mountain cornflower is a stable ornamental plant. Under the ground, mountain cornflower has a large horizontal rhizome, which grows up to 50 cm per year and, with good care, forms a dense thicket that is resistant to the onslaught of weeds. The leaves are softly pubescent, entire, oblong-lanceolate, and have a light silver-gray tint. Peduncles from 30 to 50 cm tall. Blooms in summer. Refers to light-loving garden plants. Not damaged by spring and autumn frosts.

White mountain cornflower. Place and soil. All cornflowers (with the exception of soft cornflower) are light-loving plants that grow poorly even in slight shade. Therefore, it is preferable to plant them in sunny places. And even in such flower beds, cornflowers should be planted in front so that the sun's rays evenly illuminate their leaves. The light-loving nature of cornflowers also dictates the density of their planting. It is desirable that the bushes do not cover each other, and therefore the distance between them should be at least 50 cm. Cornflowers prefer light loams. The soil should be neutral and fairly loose. Acidic soil must be treated with limestone: spread dolomite flour or limestone about 1 cm thick over the top layer. This procedure is carried out in the fall. Clay soils are lightened by adding sand.

Planting mountain white cornflower . In the spring, when the soil warms up (in central Russia, late April - early May), cornflowers are planted on plowed and fertilized soil (limed if necessary). The distance between seats must be at least 50 cm; only in this case the plants have the opportunity to form a bush of the correct and beautiful shape. The soil around the plot is compressed to eliminate empty cavities. This technique promotes better rooting of plantings. It is very important not to bury the plant. When planting, the roots should be spread down and to the sides, and the renewal bud (or already growing leaves) should be at soil level.

Caring for mountain white cornflower . Most cornflowers are light and non-labor-intensive crops. The planted plants are watered, and further care for them consists of weeding and loosening. The plants bloom in June-July. In the first year after planting, flowering is still not abundant, but the bush is already formed and quite decorative. After the end of flowering, it is recommended to trim the shoots at the rosette level so as not to disturb the beauty of the flower garden. The leaves of the rosette, as a rule, go green under the snow and decorate the flower garden in late autumn, when other perennials have already finished their growing season. Starting from the second year of planting, at the beginning of growth, plants need watering and loosening the soil so that it does not become over-compacted. If plants (especially musk cornflower) are grown for cutting, it is necessary to fertilize with complex fertilizers and timely watering every two weeks. Then large inflorescences will form on strong stems. If you want to collect seeds, it is better to do this the next year after planting, when the plants are already strong enough. Since diseases and pests rarely damage cornflowers, these flowers do not require special measures to protect them. As a last resort, the leaves of damaged plants need to be cut off and burned, and the next year young healthy leaves will appear.

Reproduction of white mountain cornflower . Annual species reproduce directly by planting seeds in the soil in early spring. They sprout quickly, grow well and bloom. Perennial species are most often propagated by dividing the roots or by cuttings after flowering in August. Planting and replanting cornflowers can also be done at the end of summer (August 10-30). The cornflower bush intended for division is dug up, the roots are carefully shaken off the ground and washed in a bucket of water. Aboveground shoots are pruned and part of the bush is cut off from the peripheral part of the bush with a sharp knife or shovel. It’s even better if this part of the bush can be easily separated simply by hand. The resulting division must contain several buds for next year. Typically, a division with three buds is considered one planting unit. The divisions are planted immediately in place. The above-ground part is cut off leaving no more than 10 cm from the soil level. Next summer the plants will bloom normally.

Use of white mountain cornflower. Cornflowers are the best decoration for flower beds. But it should be remembered that the methods of using them in flower beds are different. Beautiful tall tapeworms among the lawn can be created from cornflower. In mixborders, mixed plantings, both tall plants, which are planted in the background, and medium-sized ones are used. These cornflowers, characterized by beautifully spherical bushes with very attractive silvery foliage, look good in the foreground of flower beds. They are especially interesting when mixed with yellow coreopsis, white chamomile (Nivberry), and purple petal. It should be remembered that many cornflowers decorate sunny rockeries. Cornflowers are often used in bouquets. Annual cornflowers last a particularly long time when cut, and musk cornflower is one of the best cut plants. Large, tender, with a pleasant aroma, they are always a great success.

Description . Mountain cornflower (Centaurea montana) is one of the most famous and easily recognizable plants in our gardens. An unpretentious perennial with creeping rhizomes that forms loose clumps. Indispensable for those who can only care for the garden on weekends. Plant height is about 60 cm. Large baskets with a diameter of 6-8 cm, flowers of deep blue color. It blooms from June for 2-2.5 months, attracting butterflies and insects with its fragrant and beautiful bright flowers.

Usage . Tall varieties look beautiful in the background in group plantings - in mixborders, on the edges, in rockeries, in flower beds near paths. Plants should be planted on the south side so that sunlight reaches the leaves evenly. Good for cutting.

Varieties. Can be found on sale: 'Parham' - lavender; 'Grandiflora' - blue (up to 8 cm in diameter); 'Alba'—white; 'Rosea' - pink; 'Violetta' - dark purple.

All plants are quite easy to maintain, very hardy and cold-resistant.

Planting and care. Sections of rhizomes with a bud, root shoots, divisions with a section of rhizomes and seedlings are planted. Mountain cornflower prefers alkaline soil (like musk cornflower and Russian cornflower ) and moderate soil moisture. Sand is added to heavy clay soils. It is recommended to lime acidic soils once every three years. To do this, in September-October, lime, dolomite flour or ash are scattered over the soil surface in the flower garden. Mountain cornflower is light-loving, so when planting it is necessary to maintain a distance of 50 cm between bushes so that the plants do not shade each other. It can grow in one place for a long time - up to 10 years. But after 3 years, it is better to divide the bush and replant the plants, otherwise the flowering becomes defective and the curtain falls apart. To ensure long flowering, fertilize by diluting 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea and nitrophoska in 10 liters of water and watering the cornflowers with this solution (3-4 liters per 1 sq.m.) before flowering. It is also recommended to remove faded flower stalks.

Reproduction. Propagates well by dividing roots. The easiest way to propagate mountain cornflower is by dividing the bush in the second half of August, after flowering. The bush intended for division is dug up and carefully shaken off the ground. The stems are trimmed with pruning shears, leaving about 10-15 cm, and sections containing at least 3 buds are cut from the peripheral part of the bush. Then the divisions are planted in a permanent place. It is important that the distance between planting places is at least 50 cm so that the plant can form a beautiful bush. When planting, the roots are carefully straightened, the root collar is slightly pierced by 1-2 cm. After planting, the soil around the plant is slightly compacted and watered so that there are no voids left in the soil. For normal rooting, plantings are watered 3-4 times a week for a month, preventing the soil from drying out. Next summer the plant will bloom profusely.



In general, it is unpretentious, undemanding to soils, but blooms more luxuriantly on fertile loams.

For lush flowering, complex feeding is required.

Prefers moderate watering and is sensitive to soil drying out.

Removing faded inflorescences, pruning.

Description of the flower

Cornflower is a perennial plant. It is herbaceous, has an ascending stem reaching a height of up to 80 cm. Cornflower has a long, branching, powerful root system with a deep tap root. The leaves are entire, oblong, gray-green in color.

The inflorescences are baskets of flowers reaching a diameter of 5 to 7 cm. The outer flowers can be of different colors: white, blue, blue, red, but more often in mountain cornflower they are found bright blue or light blue. In the middle it blooms with dark blue, violet-lilac or purple flowers. Cornflower is not deprived of the attention of landscape design specialists. It looks good when decorated alone or in combination with other colors. The flower has no medicinal properties, but is not completely useless. Its healing properties can be used to soothe eye irritation and relieve swelling of the eyelids, it perfectly fights colds and can have a positive effect on the digestive system of the human body. The plant has more than 500 varieties, one of which is the mountain cornflower, which came to Russia from Southern Europe.

How to properly collect flowers to prepare medicine

Cornflower is not a universal plant that treats many diseases. But, nevertheless, its properties have a number of useful qualities. In order to prepare the necessary medicine for treatment, you must correctly collect cornflower flowers. To do this, baskets of flowers are collected and the outer flowers are plucked out, which are then laid out on paper and placed in a dark place.

If dried properly, the flowers will have a bitter taste and no odor at all. Do not expose collected flowers to sunlight. As a result of such drying, the flowers will turn white and completely lose their medicinal qualities.

For storage, the dried material is placed in glass jars, where it can be stored for up to 2 years. It is important to remember that any plant contains certain components that can have side effects on the human body. Therefore, it is recommended to use cornflower as a medicine on the recommendation of a doctor.

Good place to land

Mountain cornflower is an unpretentious plant, but even with such advantages it has its own vagaries. Loves loamy soil and sunny places. Before planting, it is recommended to drain the soil, which will have a positive effect on the further growth of the flower. For this, old leaves or compost are used. It is recommended to carry out the drainage procedure approximately 1.5 - 2 months before planting the cornflower, which will allow the fertilizer to mix well with the soil and create favorable conditions for the plant. Acidic soil, on the contrary, is negative for the flower; it begins to hurt. This is manifested by wilting leaves that turn pale. Cornflower is not susceptible to diseases and pest attacks, but poor soil can cause the plant to rot. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain the acidity of the soil while caring for the flower. To do this, you can add wood ash or slaked lime to the soil. The elementary rule of maintaining acidity levels will be the key to longevity. The flower is not afraid of frost, but at very low temperatures, there will still be a risk of death. Cornflower has a negative attitude towards shady places.

Protection from diseases and pests

Decorative culture rarely suffers, for which it is valued among flower growers and designers. In rare cases, cornflower gets sick with a fungal infection if the air temperature drops and the humidity increases.

Spider mite

The appearance of a pest on cornflowers can be determined by the web on the back of the leaf. In this case, the plant begins to lag behind in growth and development. The harmful effects of insects should be stopped by spraying with insecticides or tobacco decoction.


When cornflower leaves become covered with brown spots, and then there are visible black pycnidia on them, then this fusarium fungus has become active on the plants. Due to infection, cornflowers wither and die. The fungus is combated by spraying with Fundazol or Topsin N. For prevention, you should sprinkle the bushes with wood ash.

Recommendations for landing

The first step for planting in open ground is to choose a sunny place. Cornflower loves space, free space, does not like shading. Therefore, it is worth planting bushes at a certain distance. The recommended distance should be from 20 to 50 cm. As the plant grows, it will expand and take shape, and this distance will allow this to be done without one bush interfering with another. Cornflower can be planted together with other flowers. This could be a flower bed in a garden plot or a planned landscape design. Regardless of the neighborhood and planting location, you need to take into account that it is better to place the cornflower in the first row, facing the south, sunny side. Thanks to this, the plant will receive a sufficient amount of sunny color, and neighboring flowers will not shade it.

Wildflowers: names

Cornflower is a representative of the Asteraceae family.

The field bell got its name from the shape of the flower. Unfortunately, due to its delicate, surprisingly attractive flowers, the bluebell is rarely found in forests today. However, it can be grown as an ornamental plant in garden plots. The bluebell, like most wildflowers, is loved by poets who praise it in many of their works.

Wildflowers are not only attractive for their romantic appearance – their names are also surprising and original. Many flowers have names that in themselves speak about their purpose and unusual properties. For example, elecampane is a flower with the meaning “nine powers”, coltsfoot has a leaf that is cold on the top side and warm on the bottom, which is interpreted as the warmth of the mother and the coolness of the stepmother, etc.

Cornflower propagation

The plant is no different from most others, so its propagation occurs in the usual ways for gardeners. The first priority for flowers is seed spraying. Cornflower has small seeds, 1 gram of mass contains up to 300 pieces. Harvesting occurs at the end of summer, when the plant has finished flowering. A box shaped like an egg is formed on the bush, which contains the seed mass. After collection, scattering is not recommended, since the soil is not favorable at this stage of time, and the weather may not be entirely favorable at this time of year. It’s not scary if the seeds are stale; they can remain viable for 3 years. The technology for sowing cornflower seeds is standard: scattered by hand, leveled (mixed) with the ground and watered. After germination, it is necessary to thin out the seedlings so that there is a distance of at least 20 cm between the bushes.

Dividing the bush

One way to propagate plants is to divide the bush. The procedure is known to summer residents, which is carried out after the cornflower blooms at the end of summer. You can propagate mountain cornflower using this method in early spring.

  1. The plant bush is dug up and the root system is thoroughly washed.
  2. Next, division is carried out. It is important that after dividing the bush, each bush has at least 3 buds and part of the rhizome.
  3. Before planting, the soil is prepared, compost is added, and drainage is carried out.
  4. Planting is done by sinking the root system into the ground. There is no need to plant deeply, the main thing is for the roots to take hold.
  5. The soil around the seedling is pressed down to prevent air from accumulating in the soil.

In the future, the plant must be constantly watered until noticeable growth begins. To maintain moisture in the ground around the cornflower, you can sprinkle sawdust or dry leaves. Reproduction by dividing the bush and seeds give the same result. In both cases, the cornflower will begin to bloom the next year.

Cutting propagation

This method is also not alien to gardeners. It takes place in mid-summer:

  • A part of the trunk with leaves of approximately 10–15 cm is cut off, this is done with an oblique cut. It is advisable to trim under the next leaf, which must be removed in the future before planting in the ground.
  • Afterwards the cuttings are planted in pots. The soil should not be oversaturated with fertilizers, top dressing, manure or compost.
  • The cutting is stuck into the ground and watered. It is necessary to maintain constant soil moisture until the first roots appear.

To create a greenhouse effect, you can cover the pot with a plastic bottle or greenhouse film. Planting in open ground takes place next year in the spring. In order for the seedlings to feel good in a new place, you should follow the recommendations for planting cornflowers in open ground described above.

Plant diseases

The uniqueness of cornflower is that it is practically not susceptible to disease infection. The only negative thing that can happen to him is infection with fusarium. This is a dangerous and rapidly spreading fungal disease that affects plants of any age. The infection process occurs when the fungus enters through the wounds of the flower. The pest also acts through the root system. There is only one consequence of defeat - the death of the cornflower.

How to deal with fusarium

In order to prevent the disease in time, it is necessary to periodically inspect the plant. If dark spots appear on it, then a fungal infection may have begun. In the early stages, the destruction of the pest is possible using special means. You can use spraying with drugs for their intended purpose, which are available in stores, or use the preparation of a solution from cow manure. An infusion is made and the plant is sprayed about 3 times a day. The second way to combat fusarium is to use ash, which is sprinkled on the plant itself and the soil around it. If part of the flower bush is already seriously affected by the fungus, but the plant is able to survive, then it is necessary to prune the infected leaves and stems. This will, first of all, prevent the development of the disease, and secondly, the infected foliage will not fall into the ground, where it will continue to reproduce and infect other plants.

Healing properties of meadow plants

Sinotsvetka is used as an antispasmodic, choleretic, antioxidant, analgesic, antiviral, pathogenic, diuretic and antimicrobial agent. The use of cornflower elements is indicated for the following problems:

  • eye diseases;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathologies of the liver and biliary tract;
  • swelling;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • cystitis, nephritis, urethritis.

The herb of the medicinal plant helps with swelling of the kidneys and heart, jaundice, dropsy, colds and coughs, and inflammatory processes in the body. The use of cornflower-based products internally is necessary to improve appetite; they can also be used in the form of lotions and decoctions. Laxatives, lotions, hair infusions, and herbal infusions are made from the elements of the plant.

Products containing cornflower are great for headaches, cleanse the blood and help get rid of ailments such as colic, fever, gout, helminths and skin diseases.

The medicinal plant helps with toxicosis, therefore it is recommended for use by pregnant women in the second and third trimester. During breastfeeding, it is useful for young mothers to use blue cornflower, as it improves lactation by promoting the release of large amounts of milk.

External use of cornflower infusions is especially important for people with skin diseases: neurodermatitis, exudative diathesis, allergic dermatosis, furunculosis, etc. You can apply freshly prepared ointment to the affected areas or make lotions from cornflower infusion.

planting ❀ growing ❀ care

Mountain cornflower is a rhizomatous perennial. The size of the plant depends on the growing conditions and ranges from 30 to 90 cm. Cornflower blooms from June to early September. The stems are ribbed with white uneven pubescence. The leaves are dark green, whole or pinnately dissected, white pubescent. The inflorescences are baskets with a diameter of 6-8 cm, on the edges of which there are large funnel-shaped flowers, and inside - small tubular flowers. They are “wrapped” from below in a wrapper of several rows of fringed leaves. The marginal funnel-shaped flowers are bright blue or blue, the middle ones are tubular, purple, dark blue or violet-lilac. The plant is unpretentious, but in rich soil it fattens and blooms weakly. It grows quite quickly. Mountain cornflower propagates by seeds, rhizome suckers and cuttings. Tall varieties look beautiful in the background in group plantings - in mixborders, on the edges, in rockeries, in flower beds near paths. Plants should be planted on the south side so that sunlight reaches the leaves evenly. Good for cutting.

general information

Cornflowers are found throughout Europe, decorating lawns and flower beds in gardens and cities. They also grow in the wild, where our distant ancestors noticed it and began to use it as a medicinal plant.

The bright flowers of cornflower are large inflorescences-baskets of individual small flowers that look like petals. In addition to blue and dark blue varieties, there are white, pink, yellow and burgundy varieties.

Cornflower is a herbaceous plant, but it is not always small, because some species can grow over a meter. Among them there are annuals and perennials, and in natural conditions they grow almost like weeds.

Basically, the stems of cornflowers are erect or recumbent, and the leaves can be whole or heavily dissected. The inflorescences are collected in several pieces, due to which wonderful bouquets are obtained from cornflowers. Otherwise, it is quite problematic to derive a single general description due to the diversity of the genus.


Mountain cornflower - popular varieties


A low bush (60 cm) of the Alba mountain variety of cornflower with light green neat leaves looks decorative even when it is not blooming: it holds its shape well, has a neat appearance, does not fall apart, and retains its rich green color. But during the flowering period, this beautiful cornflower becomes elegant and graceful: bright snow-white inflorescences in the form of large baskets consist of many delicate bells. Cut inflorescences do not wither for a long time and ideally decorate bouquets. This is a light-loving plant; you should not plant cornflower in the shade; it will bloom beautifully in sunny areas. It is easy to care for, the plant is very unpretentious. Its frost resistance is excellent; cornflower is drought-resistant and can tolerate short-term flooding. The soil is desirable to be permeable to air and moisture, of any composition and fertility. The plant needs to be watered only after planting, and after that it is enough to only loosen the soil and weed from time to time.


A powerful, unpretentious, fast-growing perennial plant with lavender-colored flowers. The height of the plant is 80 cm, the flower is 5-7 cm, it grows very quickly as a bush, occupies an area of ​​50X50 cm or more, and creeps with roots. Practically not damaged by diseases and pests. It takes 7-10 years to grow without dividing or replanting. Blooms in June - July for 2-2.5 months. After flowering, the flower stalks are cut back to a rosette of leaves.


Mountain cornflower “Grandiflora” has a long, obliquely growing rhizome, buried 8-10 cm. The basal leaves are entire, lanceolate, whitish-pubescent, on short petioles, collected in a rosette, overwintering. In June, stems grow with sessile alternate, also entire leaves, covered with cobwebby pubescence. The stems are erect (up to 60 cm high), usually unbranched. Beautifully shaped bush. Despite the presence of long rhizomes, mountain cornflower looks like a bush plant. It is consistently decorative throughout the season, but is especially beautiful during the flowering period. Flowering begins in June and lasts 2-2.5 months. The inflorescence is a basket of blue, more precisely, deep blue-violet color, with a diameter of 8 cm.


It has a long, obliquely growing rhizome, buried 8-10 cm. The rhizome is highly branched, growing by 5-6 cm per year. The basal leaves are entire, lanceolate, whitish-pubescent, on short petioles, collected in a rosette, overwintering. In June, stems grow with sessile, alternate, entire leaves covered with cobwebby pubescence. The stems are erect (up to 60 cm high), usually unbranched. The bush holds its shape well. Flowering begins in June and lasts 2-2.5 months. The seeds ripen in August. The inflorescence is a pink basket, 6 cm in diameter. It is propagated both by seeds (sowing before winter) and by dividing the bush (in spring or late summer). It takes 7-10 years to grow without dividing or replanting.


Mountain cornflower "Violetta" is the most famous species of perennial cornflowers. This rhizomatous perennial reaches 40-60 cm in height, with dark purple flowers appearing from June to July. Mountain cornflower “Violetta” prefers well-lit areas with fertile, preferably alkaline, drained, moisture-absorbing soils. Almost never gets sick. Grows in one place for up to 10 years.

Botanical description[edit | edit code]

Blue cornflower is a flower bud.
The stem is rough, straight, ribbed, 15–100 cm high[2].

The leaves are lanceolate, notched, sessile, all leaves are pubescent with thin felt[2].

The flowers vary in color from blue to lilac-purple. Flower baskets are single, large, the outer involucres of the baskets are ovoid with a brownish membranous fringed edge. The inner involucres are linear-lanceolate, yellowish at the ends, with a membranous whole or serrated appendage; the marginal flowers in the baskets are bright blue, obliquely funnel-shaped, sterile, the inner ones are blue-violet, tubular, bisexual; rarely all flowers are white[2].

The fruits are achenes with a reddish tuft almost equal in length[2].

The root is thin, taproot.

Blooms in June-September[2].

Mountain cornflower - planting and care

It is better to plant cornflowers on the south side. They are very light-loving, so they need to be allocated the most illuminated place. If you plan to plant several plants, then you do not need to place them close to each other; the distance between the bushes should be at least 15 cm. When planting in the garden in a composition with other flowers, cornflowers are planted in the first row so that most of the light falls on them

Sections of rhizomes with a bud, root shoots, divisions with a section of rhizomes and seedlings are planted. Mountain cornflower prefers alkaline soil (like musk cornflower and Russian cornflower) and moderate soil moisture. Sand is added to heavy clay soils. It is recommended to lime acidic soils once every three years. To do this, in September-October, lime, dolomite flour or ash are scattered over the soil surface in the flower garden.

Mountain cornflower is light-loving, so when planting it is necessary to maintain a distance of 50 cm between bushes so that the plants do not shade each other. It can grow in one place for a long time - up to 10 years. But after 3 years, it is better to divide the bush and replant the plants, otherwise the flowering becomes defective and the curtain falls apart. To ensure long flowering, fertilize by diluting 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea and nitrophoska in 10 liters of water and watering the cornflowers with this solution (3-4 liters per 1 sq.m.) before flowering. It is also recommended to remove faded flower stalks.

How to plant in open ground

If you want to improve abandoned areas in the garden where nothing grows, then it is best to plant cornflowers there. The garden variety of plant varieties allows you to make a corner of the garden bright and spreading fragrance.


Planting cornflower seeds requires warmth. It is best to sow an ornamental plant in late April or early May. The dates are shifted if the soil has not warmed up well.

Cornflowers are planted by cuttings in the fall, in mid-October.

Selecting a location

They note the unpretentiousness of garden perennial species. The main thing for cornflowers is that the site has:

  • good lighting;
  • loose light soil;
  • neutral acidity;
  • humus layer.

You can plant flowers in flower beds where partial shade does not last long. But the plant blooms better in the light.

Soil requirements

Sandy, dry soils are suitable for cornflower. The flower grows worse on clay soil. Before sowing seeds, they dig up the area and harrow it, breaking up large lumps of earth. If nothing grew in this place, then you need to apply fertilizer. You should scatter humus or compost before digging the flower bed.

Planting scheme

Flower seeds are planted to a depth of 2-3 centimeters. The distance between them should be 20-30 centimeters. Bushes should be planted so that the growth bud is at the level of the soil surface. If the roots of the cornflower are horizontal, then the bud is lowered 2-4 centimeters deep when planting. The distance between seedlings is not less than half a meter.

Mountain cornflower - reproduction

Propagates well by dividing roots. The easiest way to propagate mountain cornflower is by dividing the bush in the second half of August, after flowering. The bush intended for division is dug up and carefully shaken off the ground. The stems are trimmed with pruning shears, leaving about 10-15 cm, and sections containing at least 3 buds are cut from the peripheral part of the bush. Then the divisions are planted in a permanent place. It is important that the distance between planting places is at least 50 cm so that the plant can form a beautiful bush. When planting, the roots are carefully straightened, the root collar is slightly pierced by 1-2 cm. After planting, the soil around the plant is slightly compacted and watered so that there are no voids left in the soil. For normal rooting, plantings are watered 3-4 times a week for a month, preventing the soil from drying out. Next summer the plant will bloom profusely.

Mountain cornflower - care

Mountain cornflower is quite tall - up to 90 cm. Therefore, it is usually placed in the background or in the center of the flower bed. Scourges with flowers can be tied up. In dry weather, the area where the mountain cornflower grows is watered. This also applies to seed germination. After all, they need watering more than adult plants. After the flowers have lost their decorative value, they can be cut off along with the peduncles above the branching point. This will promote abundant formation of new buds. Do not remove them if you plan to collect seeds.

In order for the plant to bloom as long as possible, fertilize with complex mineral fertilizer. A tablespoon of nitrophoska and urea is diluted in a bucket of water and watered before flowering. In the fall, they are fed so that the plant overwinters well.

To prevent fusarium, all parts of the plant are sprinkled with wood ash. Sometimes rusty spots appear on the leaves of mountain cornflower. This happens when moisture gets in during watering. Such leaves are removed. Typically, mountain cornflower does not require special care. It is enough to periodically weed the soil until the leaves merge into a continuous carpet. Mountain cornflower is sometimes called a flower for lazy gardeners. Even minimal care can provide excellent results. The main thing is to successfully place the plant in the garden so that the bright flowers are clearly visible.

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