Blue cornflower: description of the plant, cultivation and use

Cornflower Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an...

is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can be an ideal plant for decorating flower beds, balconies and gardens. Anyone who has ever seen a blooming CornflowerCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an id..., was probably fascinated by its beauty.

Blue or field cornflowerCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an..., was revered in Rus' as a flower symbolizing devotion and innocence. A representative of the Asteraceae, it attracts attention with its tenderness and brightness. Since the 60s, Cornflower Cornflower is a magnificent member of the Asteraceae family that can become the id... blue has been named the national plant of the Estonians.

Cornflower Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal... blue is often present as a bright “guest” in city flower beds and flower gardens, and thanks to its medicinal properties, it was recognized as a medicinal plant and included in the book of medicinal herbs.

Cornflower blue description

Cornflower Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become i..., found among meadow grasses, belongs to the representatives of the Asteraceae, a group of Asteraceae. In common people, the plant was called blue flower, rye flower, hairy flower, and blue flower. Thanks to its fast growth rate and unpretentiousness, Cornflower Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become i... settled far beyond the borders of its homeland.

Among the cornflower variety there are perennial and annual varieties. Perennial plants withstand bad weather, cold, and drought more steadfastly; flowers of this type grow quickly, get along with all types of plants and sometimes some survive from the site.

Cornflower Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an i... blue one, is little susceptible to disease, reproduces without problems, blooms for a long time, and therefore is so loved by gardeners. Throughout the growing season, the leaves of cornflowerCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become i... remain green, in the fall, with proper care, the plant can turn green again, and even delight you with flowers.

The stem of the plant is thin, erect, and prone to lodging, like all meadow plants. Flowering is long, the first from May to June, and with proper care, it blooms again in August, with bright blue flowers.

After flowering, it forms a small seed box, which must be removed in time to avoid the flower turning into an annoying weed.

It is customary to cut the seed pod until it cracks; if necessary, the seeds are removed and dried.

Blue CornflowerCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an... often found as a weed in fields sown with ryeRye is an annual (biennial) herbaceous plant of the Evil family..., thanks to its long and strong root system, the flower grows quite long and is capable of endure any weather changes.

Growing quickly, it can completely clog a cereal crop, so the plant is an undesirable guest in the fields.

Shades of cornflowerCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become i... blue varies from dark blue to purple, the stem of the plant is thin but long, reaching a meter in height. The plant bears fruit with asteraceous fruits, a tufted oblong achene, and oval shape.

Composition of cornflower flowersCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become i... includes a glycoside, cyanogenic and pigment, these substances are mildly toxic, therefore, when using the plant for medicinal purposes, you must clearly know the dosage and its contraindications.

Rich color Cornflower Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ide... received due to the presence of anthocyanin in the composition, this element has antioxidant properties.

In addition to the above, Cornflower Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become i... blue is rich in organic acids, resins, alkaloids, tannins, B vitamins, retinol, esters, phenols and flavones.

Characteristics of the flower

Cornflower is considered an ornamental crop and can have a variety of colors - from white to dark purple . This variety has double inflorescences, rising on thin branched stems, reaching a height of 50 cm, and the diameter of the flowers themselves is 6 cm.

This plant looks great:

  • in the flower beds;
  • in mixborders.

These flowers make wonderful borders and edgings; they can also be planted in masses or in separate groups.

Where is it used and are there any contraindications?

Dried cornflower flowers are often used for medicinal purposes. Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal... Homeopaths use cornflower raw materialCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can turn blue, for the preparation of diuretic infusions, infusions and anti-inflammatory herbal teas.

Cornflower blue decoction is recommended for eliminating edema, improving diuresis, for heart ailments, urinary tract diseases, cystitis, urethritis and for the treatment of the prostate.

Infusion of cornflowerCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become i... blue. It regulates the water-salt balance in the body, eliminates the first signs of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, washes sand from the kidneys, has a choleretic, anti-inflammatory effect and a slight analgesic effect.

Cornflower decoctions have antispasmodic and mild sedative effects. Cornflower Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal... used for cholecystitis, liver diseases, metabolic disorders in the body, cholangitis and diseases of the nasopharynx.

Cornflower Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal... often found in anti-inflammatory and diuretic preparations, containing bearberry, licorice root and ginger. Cornflower infusion is taken according to Art. l. up to 4 times a day, on an empty stomach.

Cornflower decoctionCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal... used in cosmetology, lotions are prepared from the plant, the extract and esters are included in the composition of creams, moisturizing and soothing pastes for facial care. Frozen cube of cornflower decoctionCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal... tones the skin, fights increased oiliness, irritation, redness, enlarged pores and eliminates acne.

Thanks to its antibacterial and disinfecting effects, herbalists use cornflower infusions. Cornflower is an excellent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal... in the treatment of eyes and respiratory infections.

The plant is also used to rinse hair; the flower stimulates hair growth, nourishes the roots, and relieves dandruff and itching. In combination with a decoction of nettle and burdock, Cornflower Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal... blue fights alopecia, makes hair strong, thick and shiny.

Cosmetology actively uses cosmetic preparations based on cornflowerCornflower is an excellent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal... to eliminate blue circles, swelling, excessive puffiness under the eyes, and lotions with a decoction of cornflowerCornflower is an excellent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal... blue to eliminate irritation and redness of the eyes.

Alcohol tincture of cornflowerCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal..., in a totem with celandine, it fights fungal skin infections, ulcers, eczema, and also helps speed up the healing process of wounds and abrasions. Cornflower Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become... blue also has hemostatic properties, it is used during uterine blood loss. Rinsing with a decoction of cornflowerCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become id... and oak bark, will eliminate gum disease and bleeding.

Like all medicinal herbs, cornflowerCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become has its own contraindications. The flower is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as it is mildly toxic and affects blood clotting. During pregnancy, cyanide, contained in large quantities in cornflower, Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become i..., are able to penetrate the placental barrier and negatively affect the fetus.

In addition to expectant mothers, persons with individual intolerance and allergy sufferers should not take medicinal infusions of cornflower. Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become i..., without consulting a doctor. People with high blood clotting and open stomach ulcers should also refrain from treatment with herbal decoctions.


Growing and planting cornflowerCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an... not a difficult task. As already mentioned, the wild “blue flower” is mostly a weed, so it does not require painstaking care, has excellent survival rate and can withstand bad weather.

However, if you want to achieve several blooms per season and large inflorescences, you need to know some of the subtleties of planting cornflower. Cornflower is a magnificent member of the Asteraceae family, which can turn id... blue.

First, decide on the planting site. Cornflower Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an i... loves sunny and windless areas, because with a lack of sun it stretches upward, its flowers become smaller, and in strong winds it is prone to lodging. Therefore, choose sunny, windless areas.

The only requirement for soil is that the soil is not swampy and fertile. If you plan to plant several different plants to form a composition, then the first rows should belong to cornflowers. Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal... so that the shadow from other plants does not fall on them. The only variety of cornflowerCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become id... blue, which is able to tolerate shade can be called “CornflowerCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become id... soft,” but it will also suffer from a lack of sunlight and become smaller year after year.

Planting blue cornflowerCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal... you can do it in a row, or in a checkerboard pattern, or in pots, the main thing is to give each specimen plenty of space. If you intend to plant the plant in rows, then follow the “step” at least 45 cm between flowers.

Proper planting and adherence to agricultural technology will give you a plant that is not only healthy, but also healing. Indeed, on fertile soils and with good care, the plant fully reveals its medicinal potential, accumulates valuable microelements and retains them.

Purchased cornflower seedsCornflower is an excellent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become, it is better to sow it in the spring, when the earth has warmed up enough, sowing in beds about 2 cm deep, without thickening. The first shoots will appear within a week; it is better to thin out densely growing seedlings immediately.

If you are planting cornflower seedlings, then plant them in holes no more than 10 cm deep, based on the size and length of the roots (the soil should completely cover them, covering three centimeters of the stem).

Keep the distance between seedlings in increments of 30-40 cm.

Flowers are propagated by seed; after flowering, the cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become... a seed pod is formed, which, after ripening, will be ready to give you new seeds for planting.

The unpretentiousness of the plant makes it possible for even beginners and inexperienced gardeners to grow it, and its endurance and vitality will save you from painstaking care. Cornflower Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal... blooms for a long time and fits perfectly into any landscape, giving it brightness and airiness. And thanks to its ability to survive, the plant is suitable for absolutely any planting, both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.

Wild species

What types of Cornflower are common in the wild? Here are some of them :

  1. Eastern cornflower (Centaurea orientalis)
  2. Phrygian cornflower (Centaurea phrygia)
  3. Cornflower (Centaurea preudophrygia)
  4. Cornflower (Centaurea jacea)

Oriental (Centaurea orientalis)

Oriental cornflower (Centaurea orientalis)
This perennial variety of cornflower has a tall growth of 120 cm and large yellow flowers located at the ends of powerful shoots.

Phrygian (Centaurea phrygia)

Phrygian cornflower (Centaurea phrygia)
Perennial, bush height can vary from 30-130 cm . The flowers are large, up to 5 cm in diameter, the middle leaflets are involucre at the apex with a constriction and black fringed-dissected appendages.

Grows throughout Russia.

False Phrygian (Centaurea preudophrygia)

False Phrygian Cornflower (Centaurea preudophrygia)
This species resembles the Phrygian Cornflower. The difference is that the color of the appendages is brown and there are no constrictions on the involucre leaves. Flowering continues throughout the summer and early autumn . Grows throughout central Russia.

Caring for cornflower crops

The flower is unpretentious, adapts perfectly to any climatic latitudes and grows on different soils, sometimes unsuitable for flowering crops. Winter period for cornflowersCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become... not scary (the plant is frost-resistant), and flowering can please the eye from May to July.

The plant does not need hilling, treatment or protection from insects, and there is no need for frequent weeding either. The flower is not susceptible to disease. For such durability, Cornflower Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become the id... blue has been recognized by many gardeners as a “win-win” floriculture crop, which everyone can grow.

Light, warmth and moist soil, these are the three postulates that must be observed when planting cornflower. Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal... A warm, sunny area and regular watering are all the conditions for favorable growth and flowering.

For abundant flowering and large buds, Cornflower Cornflower is an excellent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become i... you should feed it during the spring awakening and make sure that at the early stage of the plant’s growing season there are no weeds nearby. Any mineral or organic fertilizer is suitable as a top dressing.

To develop a strong root system, especially on heavy clay soils, cornflowerCornflower is an excellent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal... loosening, which should be carried out at least once a week, will not hurt.

Pruning and shaping the plant is not required, but is not prohibited. After the end of flowering, dried flowers should still be torn off so as not to spoil the overall appearance. A species is an evolutionarily developed set of individuals, characterized by a single ... flower bed.

Perennial cornflowersCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become i... they bloom without replanting for more than 5 seasons and do not become smaller; they bear fruit from the second year of the growing season. Reproduction of cornflowersCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an id... perhaps by seed and by dividing the bush.

After the completion of the flowering cycle, in the fall, cornflowersCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become i... it is better to prune at the root so as not to infect the root system with a putrefactive infection or fungus.

Landing rules

Cornflowers are practically not affected by diseases and pests

When choosing a place to plant these unpretentious flowers, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the area should be sunny, only slight shading is allowed;
  • Any soil is suitable, but cornflower will grow best on poor soils with the addition of lime;
  • Watering is moderate (it is better to use a drip irrigation system), and abundant when planting seedlings.

This is important: if the acidity of the soil is increased, the growth and development of cornflowers is inhibited. In this case, it is necessary to liming the soil.

Properties of blue cornflower

The plant has become famous for its high content of cyanidin, pelargonidin, anocyanins, flavonoids, luteolin, kaempferol, astragalin, mineral salts, saponins, bitterness, alkaloids, ascorbic acid and pectin. All of these substances have a significant spectrum of antibacterial and diuretic effects.

Pharmaceutical and cosmetology companies have long included hairweed in the list of popular herbs and use it as a single raw material for the manufacture of medicines, and as part of “compounded” teas.

The main raw materials for harvesting are flowers and the peduncle of the plant. During harvesting - cornflower flowersCornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become... cut, dried, and only then used for its intended purpose.

Medicinal raw materials, if properly dried, can be stored for up to six months in a dry, dark place.

Voloshka, a strong diuretic, is therefore primarily used for the treatment of genitourinary diseases. During research, it was found that medications based on cornflowerCornflower is an excellent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become i... blue, relieve spasms, have a diuretic effect, reduce the concentration of uric acid in the body, have an antibacterial and choleretic effect, normalize kidney function and relieve inflammation, and due to the high content of bitterness in the raw material, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.

Cornflower Cornflower is a magnificent representative of the Asteraceae family, which can become an ideal... blue is not only a beautiful plant that can add brightness and airiness to your area, but also an excellent medicine for many ailments.

Methods of propagation of varieties

Like most breeding flowering grasses, cornflowers are either annual or perennial. Annual cornflowers are grown from seeds, while perennial cornflowers are mostly transplanted. Gardeners prefer perennial varieties that can grow in the same place for up to 10 years.

All the numerous varieties of centaurus are divided into:

  1. Xerophytes . Steppe varieties, accustomed to heat and arid climate. Xerophytes include Blue Cornflower, Amberboa musk, etc. Xerophytes have a massive tap root and are able to go quite deep into the soil in search of moisture.
  2. Mesophytes . More delicate meadow flowers that prefer slightly moist soil. The flowers of this group are mainly annual: Lugovoi cornflower, Myagky cornflower, Phrygian cornflower, etc. The acidity of the soil for growing these species is recommended to be neutral.
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