Unpretentious chlorophytum curly. Everything about growing a flower and caring for it

Chlorophytum is an attractive house plant, which is chosen not only with the desire to create comfort and beauty at home, to complement the interior favorably, but also to purify the air in the room.

You should take a closer look at caring for chlorophytum at home, because this seemingly simple flower requires quite a lot of difficult care.

Brief description of the flower

Chlorophytum curly is a fairly common specimen, often found in apartments and offices. The tropics and Africa are considered the homeland of the perennial, where it grows directly on the bark of trees. Exotic belongs to herbaceous plants, and scientists are still arguing about its relationship to a certain family: first the Liliaceae family was mentioned, then the Asparagus family.

A distinctive feature of chlorophytum is its hanging narrow leaves, on which there are peculiar tendrils that form young bushes with aerial roots. The plant's soft white flowers, resembling stars, form panicles.

Sheet plates have several color options:

  • green;
  • creamy green;
  • white-green.

Under suitable conditions, the plant is a voluminous cascade of leaves up to 80 cm long. Chlorophytum is distinguished by a fleshy root system that accumulates a large amount of moisture. If the exotic plant is not watered for some time, it will grow and develop beautifully due to this moisture.

The perennial takes root very easily, its life expectancy is more than 10 years.

What does chlorophytum curly look like, what family does it belong to?

In indoor growing, the most popular varieties of chlorophytum are:

  • Curly is a compact type of bush with curled leaves that begin to curl with good care.
  • Crested - has long narrow leaf blades painted bright green.
  • Orange - the leaves are wider than the previous ones, have an oval shape and a dark green color.

Climbing Chlorophytum bonnie

Important! Despite the variety of species and varieties of chlorophytum, caring for these plants is identical.

Medicinal properties

The plant has a number of properties that are beneficial:

  • cleans the air of dust and germs;
  • absorbs any chemical compounds in the air;
  • releases moisture if it receives enough of it;
  • releases a lot of oxygen.

Briefly about the history of appearance

Back in 1974, the first species of this plant were described. They were discovered in South Africa. In the second half of the 19th century, the bush was brought to Europe, after which breeding work began.

Care at home

The flower does not require special care and is characterized by maximum unpretentiousness . However, to maintain its decorative effect, you should know some of the features of its proper cultivation.

Lighting and location

Chlorophytum is a shade-tolerant plant; the ideal place for it would be window sills located on the western or eastern sides. In this case, the exotic plant receives a sufficient amount of sunlight in the morning or evening, when ray activity is minimized.

Shade tolerance allows you to grow perennials in office spaces with artificial lighting , as well as in dimly lit corridors of public organizations.


The optimal temperature for tropical chlorophytum in the warm season varies from +22 to 28 °C; in the cold months the indicator should not fall below +10 °C.
When a flower is left in a cold room for a long time, its leaves acquire a yellowish tint and begin to dry out at the edges. In this case, in order to prevent the death of the plant, you need to move it to a warmer place.

Air humidity

Since chlorophytum is a tropical specimen , it requires high air humidity. To ensure this, it is recommended to regularly spray the flower with water at room temperature from a spray bottle. This is especially true on hot summer days, when exotic plants suffer from dry air. The ideal option would be to “bathe” in the shower with warm water.

Watering and spraying

The watering regime of chlorophytum is determined by the phase in which it is in a specific period of time. So, for example:

  • active vegetation in spring and summer - frequent and abundant moistening followed by removal of residual water from the pan;
  • preparation for the rest period - depending on climatic conditions and appearance;
  • resting phase - moderate watering, the purpose of which is to prevent the earthen clod from drying out.

Water the flower directly under the root.

Chlorophytum can tolerate drought well for 3-4 weeks; this feature is important for owners who are away from home for a long time due to business trips and travel.

When spraying a flower, it is recommended to remove dust from the leaf plates at least once a week using a soft cloth.

Feeding and fertilizers

During the growing season, the perennial actively grows green mass, so it needs to be provided with additional nutrition. As a top dressing, you should use liquid mineral compositions containing a large amount of nitrogen or universal fertilizers for deciduous plants growing indoors. The frequency of feeding is 2 times a month.

Planting and replanting

To support the immunity of chlorophytum, substrates enriched with nutrients and having a loose structure should be used for planting it. A soil mixture with such indicators can be purchased at the store or prepared independently. For this purpose, you need to mix turf, leaf and humus soil with sand in a ratio of 1:2:1:1.

For comfortable growth and development of a young perennial, it is recommended to replant it annually. A favorable time for the event is February-March, before the plant enters the growing season. It is advisable to select a large container, since chlorophytum has a powerful root system.

Old specimens are replanted no more than once every 3 years , using an old earthen ball. In this case, the new pot should be 10% larger than the previous one.

In cramped conditions (in a small container), the flowering period of chlorophytum begins faster, but the quality of life of the flower becomes much lower.

If necessary, large flowers are planted. As a rule, this happens when they reach the age of 3 years or when a large number of new processes are formed.

The transplant procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. prepare a container with a diameter 1-2 cm larger than the previous one;
  2. The bottom of the vessel is laid out with a layer of drainage;
  3. together with a clod of earth, chlorophytum is transferred from an old pot;
  4. the resulting voids are filled with a new nutrient substrate, after which it is compacted and moistened.

Fertilizer application immediately after transplantation is not required.

Pruning and crown formation

Despite the attractive appearance of the flower with 2-3 tiers of peduncles with new rosettes, the arrows must be periodically trimmed . An exception to this rule may be planned breeding.

Timely pruning of damaged and diseased shoots stimulates the formation of new leaves and maintains the decorative qualities of the plant.

Medicinal properties

For modern people, Chlorophytum alata is invaluable; it is considered a “home ecologist.” Scientists have found that the perennial has a unique ability - it removes harmful substances from the water. It easily eliminates formaldehyde and toxins, carbon monoxide and impurities released into the environment. Medicinal characteristics of the plant:

  • Destroys pathogenic microflora. One adult bush with the help of phytoncides cleans about 2 square meters. m. space from pathogenic microbes. A few perennials are enough to always have virtually sterile air in your apartment. The flower kills up to 80% of the bacteria around it.
  • Relieves gas pollution. Often the flower is placed on refrigerators and near gas and electrical equipment. It is able to purify the air from harmful emissions from household appliances, aerosols and chemicals.
  • Absorbs small dust particles in the air.
  • Helps increase humidity. Chlorophytum accumulates moisture between the leaves and, if necessary, releases it into the atmosphere.
  • Copes with mercury and lead vapors, acetone and carbon monoxide, and harmful emissions from operating factories. Even with frequently opened windows and balcony doors, there will always be clean air inside the apartment.

Important! The rapid growth of a perennial indicates severe pollution in the room. Chlorophytum Green Orange “feeds” on such substances, rather than accumulating them in the leaves


There are two options for propagating Chlorophytum curly: vegetative and generative. Each of them has its own characteristics and effectiveness.


Growing a plant in this way is a very painstaking process, so it is used extremely rarely at home. Basically, the technique is used by breeders to obtain new hybrids and varieties. If the grower decides to grow chlorophytum from seeds, then he needs to adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Wrap the seed in gauze and place in water for germination. The need for this procedure is due to the low germination of seeds - only 20-40%.
  2. Prepare the substrate by mixing sand and peat in equal parts.
  3. Moisten the surface of the soil mixture and spread the seed over it.
  4. Cover the container with the plantings with film or glass, and then place it in a slightly shaded and warm place.
  5. Periodically moisten the crops and ventilate the mini-greenhouse during the growth process, which lasts from 30 to 60 days.
  6. After the seedlings have formed 2 leaves, begin to gradually harden them.
  7. Plant the seedlings in separate pots.

Dividing the bush

In this case, an adult plant aged 3-4 years is used. The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. The substrate is watered abundantly, and then the flower is removed from the pot along with the earthen lump.
  2. Using a sharp sterile instrument, the root is divided into equal segments, resulting in the formation of a part of the shoot with several roots.
  3. The cut areas are treated with charcoal.
  4. The cuttings are planted in separate containers filled with nutrient substrate and equipped with a drainage system.

The soil mixture for cuttings must be prepared in the same way as for adult plants.


At the end of flowering, daughter rosettes are formed on the arrows of chlorophytum, suitable for its propagation. To increase the likelihood of obtaining the desired result, cut rosettes are placed in water for growing. After the formation of the first roots, the baby is planted in a container filled with loose nutrient substrate.

Is it possible to keep chlorophytum at home: the benefits and harms of a kitchen flower

From a biological point of view, chlorophytum is a plant whose beneficial properties are exceptional. The plant absorbs all harmful substances around itself (experiments have shown that it absorbs up to 80-90% of harmful substances in the air), and in return releases purified oxygen; it also humidifies the air around.

Clean, fresh, humidified air has a positive effect on well-being, clarity of thoughts, and the health of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, especially if you live in the city. Chlorophytum is known mainly because of this combination: beneficial properties plus amazing ease of care.

From the point of view of “subtle matters”, signs and superstitions (of course, it’s up to you to decide whether to believe them), everything is basically also very positive. It is believed that chlorophytum:

  • A plant saturated with “yang” energy, that is, creative, active, masculine energy. Therefore, it should be placed where there is a lot of such energy - for example, in the office.
  • It is believed that chlorophytum clears thoughts and helps make the right decisions. From the point of view of biology and physiology, this is indeed true: when a person breathes clean air, he thinks much better.
  • For the same reason, it is believed that chlorophytum helps to study better and remember information better.
  • A half-joking sign: they say that if chlorophytum grows very luxuriantly, it means that the air in the room is very dirty. Chlorophytum is an amazing plant that benefits from harmful compounds; it processes them. But they are harmful to humans, so if it grows too luxuriantly, it seems like it’s time for you to move from this area near the waste recycling plant.
  • Attracts good luck.
  • For an unmarried housewife, chlorophytum attracts a loved one, and for a married woman it indicates how things are in the relationship with her spouse: they say that if chlorophytum fades, it means that the spouse is unfaithful.
  • Blooming chlorophytum - to success.

As for harm, chlorophytum is absolutely harmless even for pets, although, of course, it is better not to let them eat green leaves. It's a pity.

Diseases and pests

The bacterial properties that chlorophytum has protect it from diseases and parasite attacks. However, in some cases, the plant may be affected by the following types of pests:

  • aphid;
  • nematodes;
  • thrips;
  • spider mite

Typically, infection occurs from nearby plants or from a flower brought from a store. To combat parasites, professional insecticidal preparations are used.

Of the diseases affecting chlorophytum, root rot can most often be observed.

The appearance of this problem is due to excess moisture stagnating in the root system. You can save exotic plants by transplanting them into a new substrate , after first getting rid of the root fragments damaged by rot.

Why is chlorophytum called a “vacuum cleaner”?

Let's talk about the beneficial properties. The plant absorbs a huge amount of harmful substances from the air in homes. Its cleansing qualities have no equal among other indoor greens.

The favorite place of the unpretentious handsome man is the kitchen.

The plant is able to absorb and destroy formaldehyde and phenols, carbon monoxide and acetone.

Can you imagine the benefits of a powerful bush? By the way, even a small bush can absorb 80% of carbon monoxide, which is why chlorophytum often settles in the kitchen.

Possible problems during cultivation

In the process of growing chlorophytum, certain difficulties may arise. As a rule, this is due to neglect of recommendations for the care and maintenance of the plant.

Why doesn't it curl?

Often the leaves of an adult plant become wavy, but not curly .
This negatively affects the decorative effect: the flower loses its splendor and unusual shape. This phenomenon is due to the large number of children formed during the growing season, which take a lot of energy. At the same time, the children will have full curls. Also, chlorophytum may stop curling due to the small container, which inhibits the development of the root system. To solve this problem, you should transplant into a larger pot and regularly trim off some of the children and foliage.

What to do if the leaves of a flower dry out and turn black?

Blackening and drying of leaf blades can be due to a number of reasons:

  • excess nitrogen in the soil;
  • prolonged overdrying of the earthen coma;
  • insufficient humidity level in the room where the exotic grows.

After identifying the specific cause, to eliminate the problem, strictly adhere to the feeding regime and maintain a suitable climate regime.

Why do the leaves turn yellow?

Yellowing of chlorophytum foliage can be caused by the following factors:

  • damage by pests feeding on leaf sap;
  • stagnation of moisture in the substrate, stimulating the development of root rot;
  • lack of lighting when placing chlorophytum on windowsills on the north side or lack of additional lighting in winter;
  • deficiency of nutrients in the substrate.

To solve the problem, you need to follow the procedure appropriate for your specific case:

  1. treat the perennial with a fungicide solution;
  2. transplant the flower into a new substrate;
  3. organize additional lighting;
  4. add a complex composition of fertilizers to the soil.

Transplantation according to the rules

Chlorophytum should be replanted between February and April. Do not forget that the roots of the plant are thick, large and very powerful - if you choose a container that is too small for it, it may crack.

And orange chlorophytum feels better in a compact container.

Orange chlorophytum effectively spread its “wings”.

If your bush is more than 3 years old, then when replanting it is divided. To do this, take a sharp knife and cut the earthen lump into pieces without exposing the roots. The soil mixture chosen for replanting must be loose and breathable. To do this, additional drainage is placed at the bottom of the container. By the way, additional thickenings on the roots of the plant indicate that it lacks moisture, which means that after replanting, the frequency of watering will need to be increased.

Plant characteristics

Chlorophytum curly is a genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the Asparagus family and has the following features:

  • flower color – white, fruit color – light brown;
  • leaf color is white-green, may also have a cream tint;
  • sun requirement is low;
  • size – up to 80 cm;
  • flowering - during the growing season (spring and summer);
  • the aroma is neutral.

Chlorophytum curly is an attractive flower that does not require labor-intensive care. With proper maintenance, this plant will decorate the premises for 10 years or more.

Types of indoor chlorophytums

This indoor flower is known in 3 types:

  • Crested - with long, panicle-like leaves, decorated with white longitudinal stripes. To flower, the plant shoots out an arrow, where flowers appear first, and then small children. One of the types of crested chlorophytum is Laxum. It has a denser rosette raised from the ground to a height of up to 50 cm.
  • Curly (or Bonnie) - resembles crested chlorophytum in appearance, but its leaves hang down a little and curl at the bottom. This flower is more compact and fits perfectly into small spaces.
  • Chlorophytum orange (winged, marmalade) differs significantly from other species - long, pointed leaves of a dark green color on bright orange petioles. This species reproduces only by seeds, which is why its price is slightly higher.
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