9 Delightful Spray Rose Varieties for the Midlands

Abundant and long flowering, compactness and ease of care have allowed spray roses to win the hearts of flower growers around the world.

Spray roses are a relatively young group of roses, which differ from other groups in that up to 10-15 buds can bloom on just one branch. The only drawback of roses from this group is that they do not have such a pronounced aroma. However, even this drawback can be called conditional, since sometimes it becomes necessary to arrange a flower garden in a corner of the garden where a strong smell would simply be inappropriate.

In the process of working with floribundas, breeders managed to develop several varieties that differed from others in the relatively small size of the bush (up to 50-60 cm) and abundant flowering. New roses began to enjoy great popularity, so experiments on breeding a new generation of floribundas continued. At some point there were so many of them that a separate category had to be created for them.

Main characteristics of spray roses:

  • compactness of the bush (up to 60-80, extremely rarely up to 100 cm);
  • small flower sizes (usually up to 4-5 cm, much less often up to 6-7 cm);
  • lush and abundant flowering throughout almost the entire season;
  • very weak, barely perceptible aroma;
  • almost complete absence of thorns;
  • cut flowers can stand in water for up to 10 days or more.

Rose Lovely Lidia

This variety of roses, bred by Dutch breeders, has all the qualities for which the group of spray roses is so famous.

The relatively low 60-70 cm bushes of this rose grow to 50-60 cm in diameter. The flowers of Lovely Lydia are small (only up to 4 cm in diameter), but they are distinguished by an unusual color, which varies from soft pink to bright crimson with pinkish or lilac tints. In the full bloom phase, the petals expose the dark core of the flower.

The rose is characterized by medium resistance to powdery mildew and blackleg and high resistance to gray rot. Without shelter, Lovely Lydia can tolerate frosts down to -23°C.

How to prepare for winter?

It is important to remember: how to prepare a plant for winter is how it will turn out in the spring. In order for the rose to continue to delight with its beauty after wintering, it is necessary to complete all stages of preparation:

  • Trim dry branches and flowers;
  • Organize a sand mound;
  • Form a soil ball;
  • Cover the area with dry branches or grass.

However, with progress, the methods of concealment are also improving. Some gardeners make an iron frame over the rose garden, the height of which is 0.4 meters. The insulation is fixed over it, covered with film, while all the edges are clamped with stones. Such a structure can be ventilated until frost sets in.

Rosa Alegria/Ruiortro

The lack of a rich aroma and the small size of flowers (up to 5 cm) of the Alegria rose variety are more than compensated by the unusual color of the buds and abundant flowering - up to 25-35 goblet-shaped flowers can bloom on one shoot of this rose. Unopened flowers have a delicate salmon color, which changes to warm orange as the bud opens.

Like other representatives of the spray rose group, Alegria blooms almost continuously throughout the season. This variety easily tolerates winters with frosts down to –23°C without shelter.

Cut branches of Alegria can stand in water for up to 7-10 days, so they are often used to decorate rooms.

Cultivation care

Rose Sim Salabim - description of a hybrid tea variety

The decorative perennial is an unpretentious plant. Care procedures will not cause difficulties with a competent approach.


Regular hydration is the key to abundant and long-lasting flowering. The drier the weather, the more moisture the flower needs. Water should only get under the root. Watering is carried out after the top layer of soil dries.

Watering is carried out after the top layer of soil has dried.

To save water resources and slow down drying out of the soil, it is recommended to carry out mulching.

Additional Information! In order not to harm the leaves or cause burns, it is better to water in the evening.


Fire flash rose, like other ornamental plants, needs regular fertilizer. It is especially important to feed the queen of gardens during the bud formation and flowering period.

Nitrogen fertilizers are important to maintain budding. The end of flowering coincides with the application of fertilizers containing large amounts of phosphorus and potassium.

Fertilizers can be purchased at flower shops or prepared at home according to the description of folk solutions and decoctions.


The pruning procedure should be carried out with a special garden pruner disinfected with alcohol. Treating the tool will save the plant from fungal infection.

Pruning takes place in several stages:

  • Spring pruning. Needed to get rid of frozen and diseased shoots.
  • Summer pruning. It is carried out to thin out and form a bush by cutting off too actively growing shoots inside the bush.
  • Autumn pruning. With its help, weak shoots are removed to avoid freezing during wintering.

These manipulations are carried out to prevent diseases and rejuvenate rose bushes.

Pruning is carried out to prevent diseases and rejuvenate roses.

Preparing for winter

For proper wintering, the plant is hilled up and scheduled pruning is done. The stems are bent to the ground and sprinkled with sand. Sawdust, peat or spruce forest are poured on top of the sand.

Another option for covering flash roses for the winter is airy. To do this, make a frame up to half a meter high and cover it with foam rubber and film.

Rose Mimi Eden

If you love bicolors, be sure to try growing at least one rose bush of this variety in your flower garden. Mimi Eden's petals are bright pink on the inside and soft salmon on the outside. In this case, under the influence of sunlight, the color of the petals may change to lighter. It is noted that in roses that grow in brightly lit places, the reverse side of the petals becomes almost white.

Mimi Eden's bushes are relatively low (up to 60 cm), but at the same time quite voluminous and can grow up to 70-80 cm in diameter. The rose easily tolerates frosts down to –23°C, but does not favor moisture too much.

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    Do you want to decorate your garden with two-color roses? First of all, decide on the variety.

Flower propagation

Reproduction can be carried out in any available way, which seems most convenient in a particular situation:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • in divisions.

It is necessary to take into account that the result of breeding can be quite unpredictable. Roses do not reproduce well from seeds, so we cannot even say whether the material will germinate or not. Also, the daughter plant can be very different from the mother plant.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

The easiest way is to divide the root. However, in this case, the parent bush is at risk, since dividing the rhizome is very stressful for it. After planting, flowering may be more sparse, and growth will stop for some time.

Dividing the bush is done with a sharp shovel, which must be disinfected so as not to introduce the disease. With one sharp blow, you need to divide the rhizome into 2 sections, treat the cut areas with charcoal or activated charcoal, then plant them.

For your information! A weakened plant is more susceptible to disease.

The most correct method of propagation is cuttings. In this case, the parent bush will be safe, and the cutting will definitely grow into a plant with the same characteristics that were needed. Propagation material should be stocked during heavy pruning of the flower.

It is recommended to plant in the spring; if the planting material was only collected during this period, the cuttings will take root before the end of summer. In the fall, you should plant them in a pot and leave them at home, and next spring transplant them into open ground.

The cutting must be cut at an angle of 45°. Its length should be about 15 cm, and there should be at least 2 buds on the branch. The cuttings are placed in moist soil or a root formation stimulator. After the roots appear, the twig can be planted in regular soil.

Rose Babe (Babe)

If you need to decorate the foreground of a flower garden in yellow-orange tones, be sure to pay attention to the Babe variety. The branches of a compact 60-70 cm bush are strewn with medium-sized 4-5 cm flowers. The color saturation of the petals of young buds varies from the central part to the edges from soft apricot to light pink. Fully opened buds are usually bright yellow-orange.

In unfavorable years, these may suffer from black spotting, but they are extremely rarely infected with powdery mildew, and their flowers are almost never damaged by rain.

Pest and disease control


The main pest of spray roses is aphids. These small insects settle in colonies on the inside of the leaves of the crop. Parasites suck sap from plants, which leads to wilting and curling of leaf blades. Aphids reproduce intensively, producing up to 10 generations per year.

The presence of aphids on plants can be unmistakably determined by damaged leaves or chaotically moving ants (they feed on the sap of the parasites).

To effectively combat the pest, use a soap solution with the addition of mustard powder or chemicals Karbofos, Aktelik, Rogor.


Another dangerous pest of the rose garden is the leafhopper. After parasitism by this insect, the leaves of the flower become covered with white spots and lose their original appearance. With severe damage, yellow spots appear on the surface. To combat the parasite, chemicals and insecticides are used.

A pale yellow or white leafhopper with an elongated body does not pose a threat to the plant. The main damage is caused by insect larvae that feed on plant juices.

Spider mite

Spider mites cause particular harm to crops. Its oval-shaped body up to 0.5 millimeters long consists of 4 pairs of legs. The color of the body is red or orange, the larvae are greenish. Parasites damage the lower surface of rose leaves and suck out the juices, which leads to the appearance of yellow spots and loss of decorativeness of the plant.

The pest can be detected using a magnifying glass or by the thin webs connecting the leaves.

Mite settlements can be destroyed with chemicals such as Vermitek or Fitoverm.

leaf roller

Of the rose pests, you should pay special attention to the leaf roller. Caterpillars appear on the plant in early spring, begin to chew buds and young shoots, then take hold of the leaves. The caterpillars are collected by hand and destroyed; in case of severe lesions, the plant is treated with insecticides.

Powdery mildew

Of the rose diseases, powdery mildew is considered the most popular. The disease manifests itself in the form of a powdery white coating on the leaves and shoots of the crop.

The reason for its occurrence may be moderate temperature and high humidity.

Prevention of powdery mildew is spraying plants with Bordeaux mixture and applying phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. At an intensive rate of disease development, roses are sprayed with a 0.5% concentration of soda ash solution.

Black spot

This is a fungal disease that appears on the leaf blades of roses in the form of brown spots from mid-summer. Severe damage leads to complete blackening, drying out and falling off of the leaves. Fungal spores overwinter in fallen leaves and shoots, which is why organic remains must be removed from the site and burned.

Another effective solution to the problem is the spring treatment of rose leaves with Bordeaux mixture.

Even a novice gardener can handle growing spray roses. The main thing in this matter is to follow the rules of planting and caring for plants, to carry out timely treatment of flowers from diseases and pests.

Rose Charming Piano

Photo www.rosen-tantau.com

This rose owes its birth to a random mutation that appeared during breeding work with Piano roses. These roses differ only in the color of the flowers. Piano's are deep red, while Charming Piano's are soft pink. It is curious that during the flowering process, the initially spherical buds gradually take on the shape of a bowl.

The main features of Charming Piano are not only elegant buds with a densely packed center, but also large enough for sprays. The height of the bush is 70-100 cm with a width of 45-60 cm, and the diameter of the flower can reach 6-8 cm.

For all its elegance and external fragility, Charming Piano is considered one of the hardiest spray roses. It almost never suffers from powdery mildew or black spot, and tolerates rain and frosts down to –23°C.

Rose spray - what is it and how is it used in garden design

Spray roses are without a doubt one of the newest rose varieties. And the debate about which group to include them in continues to this day. But the classification of roses is quite arbitrary and only time will put everything in its place. The only thing that can be said about these roses is that they came from the Floribunda group.

Each spray rose branch represents a whole bouquet. Sometimes these roses are called bouquet or border roses. These varieties attract attention with their incredibly elegant appearance and decorativeness, abundant flowering that lasts for a long time, as well as versatility in use (borders, in the garden, cutting, attached containers).

Rosa Catalina

Photo hienhoahong.com

The densely double buds of the Catalina rose are more reminiscent of peony flowers. However, this flower stands out not only for the shape of the bud, but also for its unusually rich lemon color. With a relatively small height (50-80 cm) and width of the bush (50-60 cm), this rose has flowers that are quite large for its “green” dimensions with a diameter of up to 7-9 cm.

Unfortunately, this rose is not highly resistant to powdery mildew and black spot, but it responds well to the prevention of these diseases.

Site selection and soil preparation

Both beginners and experienced gardeners can grow crops; the main thing is to follow all the nuances of cultivation. To plant a plant in the garden, you need to choose a sunny but protected from the winds area.

It is advisable to plant varieties with light petals in sunny areas, while roses with dark inflorescences are recommended to be placed in partial shade. If this is not done, then with high solar activity the intense color of plant buds will soon become light.

It can take up to three months to prepare high-quality soil for flowers, so for planting in the fall, the soil must be prepared in the summer or in October, if planting the crop is planned for spring.

The basic rules for soil preparation are as follows:

  1. We remove weeds and their rhizomes from the site.
  2. We dig up the soil onto the bayonet of a shovel while simultaneously transferring the soil. Next, make a ditch 40-50 centimeters deep and fill the bottom with top soil with fertilizers, and then the bottom layer mixed with fertilizers. Over several months of standing, the soil in the ditch sags and becomes saturated with useful substances. Along with this, excess moisture also leaves.
  3. Some gardeners immediately plant plants in pre-dug soil with dug holes, but this method is considered less effective.

If plants are planted in pre-prepared, well-drained soil, the root system will quickly develop and receive unhindered access to oxygen.

Many gardeners do things differently. They dig up the area using a spade blade without prior leveling in the fall. This will help freeze the top layer of soil and destroy pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms harmful to roses and pest larvae. Fertilizers added during this period can dissolve over the winter.

With the arrival of spring, the planting site is leveled with a metal rake and holes for planting crops begin to be dug. The depth and width of such recesses should be 25-30 centimeters higher and wider than the root system of the plant. If these parameters are observed, the pit is filled with light nutritious soil, which will give impetus to the intensive development of the root system.

When preparing the soil for a rose garden, it is necessary to take into account the influence of its predecessors. It is known that roses do not grow well in areas where there were previously cinquefoil, cherry, quince or hawthorn. In such areas, a 50-centimeter layer of soil is removed and replaced with new soil.

The acid composition of the soil can be determined by litmus paper. So red color indicates acidic soil, blue indicates neutral acidic soil. Sorrel and horsetail usually grow on acidic soil, and clover or horseradish on alkaline soil. If there is alkaline soil, superphosphate or compost or pine needles are added to its composition. Add wood ash or bone meal to acidic soil.

Misty Bubbles

Photo eufloriaflowers.com

The grayish-pink buds of Misty Bubbles will decorate any flower garden. The low 60-80 cm stems of this rose are crowned with large 6-8 cm flowers for such dimensions with a densely packed center. Typically, peony buds do not tolerate rain and heat very well, but Misty Bubbles manages to “keep its mark” even in rainy summer conditions.

An added advantage of Misty Bubbles is that it is rarely affected by black spot and powdery mildew.


Planting spray roses can be done by both an experienced gardener and an amateur. The entire work process can be divided into several stages:

  • we dig a planting hole with a depth and width of 45-50 centimeters;
  • We fill the bottom of the ditch with drainage in the form of small pebbles and coarse sand;
  • scatter organic matter (compost and humus);
  • sprinkle nutrients with a thin layer of soil;
  • carefully straighten the roots, place the seedling in the hole and sprinkle it with soil.

After carrying out such actions, we water the rose with warm water. For each bush you need to use 6-8 liters of liquid.

Rose Pink Flash

The marbled pink and white buds of the Pink Flash rose will appeal to lovers of bicolors. Interestingly, the color of the flowers depends on the illumination of the place in which the bush grows. Practice shows that in partial shade the pattern appears more contrasting. Bushes growing in the open sun usually produce buds of a more delicate shade.

The height of the bush is 50-70 cm, and its diameter is 40-60 cm. At the same time, Pink Flash rose flowers are extremely rarely larger than 3-4 cm.

Possessing average resistance to black spot and powdery mildew, the rose generally tolerates rain and frosts down to –23°C.

How to propagate

There are many ways to get new plants:

  • By division - when the bush is divided into separate parts;
  • Rooting layering - carried out by digging a branch of the main bush, which is located below. Over time, it takes root and becomes an independent plant;
  • By seeds - through seedlings;
  • By cuttings - when a part is cut off from the stem and immersed in a growth stimulating agent, and the shoots are stored in greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • Root shoots - produced by separating developed parts of the bush that have full roots.

Rosa Red Sensation

Rose Red Sensation is a godsend for a beginning rose grower. It tolerates frosts well down to –20-23°C and rarely suffers from black spot and powdery mildew. Low 40-60 cm bushes of this rose are crowned with lush dark red flowers (up to 4-5 cm).

The height of the bush and the saturation of color depend on weather conditions. The buds of roses growing in temperate climates tend to be more saturated in color.

Spray roses are compact, unpretentious and withstand midland winters very well, which makes them an excellent solution for a garden of any size.

Where can I buy?

You can purchase seedlings of these amazing crops in nurseries, gardening stores, buy spray rose seedlings by mail or through an online store.

VarietyWhere can I buyPrice
Lovely LydiaVyatka roses (Nursery, online store)320 rubles
Pink flashRose growing farm "Kuban rose"200 rubles
SashaLLC "Wonderful Garden"350 rubles
MidgetOnline store "Samara seeds"250 rubles
RumbaVyatka roses (Nursery, online store)320 rubles

Good plant catalogs can be viewed on the website of the Omsk nursery “Wonderful Garden”, on the website “Rose Bushes” of the Krasnodar Territory; also in the Altai selection catalogs there are spray roses of various colors (pink, red, yellow, white and others).

History of origin

This variety was bred by breeders from the Dutch company Interplant. This company is mainly engaged in the creation of varieties of roses for cutting and the cultivation of potted forms of noble plants. The name of the Fire flash variety is translated from English as “fiery flash” and perfectly reflects the originality of the colors of its blossoming buds. This variety is also known under the no less sonorous name Intertrofla. In addition, in various sources you can find such names of the culture as “Flash Eye” and “My Fire”.

Basic information

So spray rose is a new group of roses. It appeared thanks to the efforts of flower growers and botanists in the second half of the twentieth century and over the past time has managed to fall in love with flower growers around the world. This type of flower is also called patio rose.

The spray group appeared as a result of separation from the floribunda group of roses. The new species is represented by compact low bushes. Their average height is approximately 50 cm, although sometimes they can grow up to 90 cm. About 15 buds can bloom on one branch.

The flowers themselves can be large, medium, or small, creating the impression of “splashes” on the bush. The diameter of spray rose flowers is from 4 to 7 cm. There are a large number of flowers on one bush, which is why this plant is called “pink spray” (English: “pink spray”). These are decorative and very elegant plants, they are used to decorate personal plots, and are also used to form bouquets, in particular wedding ones, which is why these flowers are often called “wedding”.

Spray roses combine the best qualities of flowers:

  • abundant and long flowering;
  • unpretentiousness to conditions of detention;
  • endurance in Russian climatic conditions.

They can be grown in Russia due to their excellent resistance to frost. There are not many thorns on its stems, and sometimes they are completely absent. If this plant is pruned correctly, you can get continuous or simply very long flowering: with the arrival of warmth and before the onset of the first cold weather.

The plant is actively used in landscape design. It is grown in containers, rose gardens, and also on the street along paths. The flowers have a light, pleasant aroma.

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