Large-flowered chrysanthemum: 10 delicious varieties

Born in the East, ancient chrysanthemums had only one shade - yellow. But many centuries have passed since then, and during this time breeders have managed to develop a huge number of flowers of various colors, sizes and shapes. Today we have collected for you a dozen magnificent varieties of large-flowered chrysanthemums!

Large-flowered chrysanthemums are perennial tall shrubs of the Aster family with a powerful, well-branched rhizome, long strong shoots and lush flowers with a diameter of 10 to 20 cm. These include most Indian chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum × indicum), as well as medium-sized and tall varieties of Korean (Chrysanthemum × koreanum).

The strong, elastic stems of the plants are pubescent or bare, and their length can vary from 50 cm to 1-1.2 m. The carved leaves are arranged alternately and are colored light or dark green. Flowers, consisting of many reed or tubular petals, have the shape of a basket or ball, and are also anemone-shaped and hemispherical.

Large-flowered chrysanthemums of modern varieties and hybrids are distinguished by petals of the most unusual shape - they can be needle-shaped, ray-shaped, spider-like and curly-bent. Huge double or semi-double inflorescences on long, strong stems are ideal for cutting, and therefore are often used by florists when composing bouquets and flower arrangements. Cut flowers stay fresh for up to 3 weeks.

Large-flowered chrysanthemums do not have frost resistance, so in the middle zone they are often grown indoors or in containers, which are taken to a greenhouse or room for the winter.

We invite you to take a closer look at these gorgeous plants - you will probably want to place a couple of them in your garden!

Silver-haired Lady

Gray Lady is one of the largest varieties among single-headed chrysanthemums. Its straight, densely leafy stems grow up to 1 m in height, and are crowned with huge terry caps of inflorescences. The circumference of flowers can reach an incredible 30 cm!

The inflorescences of plants of this variety consist of long reed petals, colored dark pink on the inside and a lighter dusty shade on the outside. This combination adds volume to an already lush flower, gives grace and even some mystery.

Chrysanthemums of the Silver-haired Lady variety do not tolerate cold weather - when grown in open ground in a temperate climate, they must be dug up for the winter and transferred for storage to a cellar or basement.

What do needle chrysanthemums look like?

Chrysanthemums are very diverse - about 600 varieties of this beautiful plant are already known. Among them there are representatives of the group of needle-shaped or ray-shaped chrysanthemums. The petals of the flowers have a tongue shape. They are long, somewhat rolled inward, so they look very beautiful. In hybrid varieties, the “needles” may also be forked and untwisted.

The inflorescences are quite large, reaching 10 cm in diameter. The colors of needle-shaped chrysanthemums are varied: white, milky, yellow, red, orange, pink, crimson.

Recently, breeders have even managed to develop hybrids whose petals have a greenish tint. There are also varieties with a complex color scheme - the outer side of the petals is painted one color, the inner side another.

You can even buy blue needle-shaped chrysanthemums in flower shops. In fact, there are no such varieties in nature. They are obtained artificially using dyes. They are applied from a floral spray can. There is also a budget option - get a solution, make an oblique lower cut of the stem and leave the flower for 24-36 hours.


Gazelle is an exhibition variety of English selection with large hemispherical inflorescences. Snow-white terry buds reach an average size of 12-14 cm, and with good care they can grow up to 17 cm. In the core of the flower the shade can be cream.

The bush is tall, thin stems 70-80 cm long need support or garter. Small carved foliage of light green color creates a wonderful background for delicate flower heads that appear in August and remain a decoration of the garden until frost.

An interesting feature of the Gazelle variety is that its flowers are able to change shape depending on the length of daylight. With illumination of more than 10 hours a day, the inflorescences grow large and take on a flattened shape, and with a short day of light, the diameter of the flower decreases and it becomes rounded and convex.

Why do you dream of white chrysanthemums?

In dream interpretation, white chrysanthemums (as opposed to other colors) mean sadness or loss, which will ultimately give impetus to inner spiritual growth. Any actions with these flowers promise difficulties and adversity. A girl who sees them in a dream should be prepared to meet great love, which she will lose because of her pride and immoderate ambitions. Collecting chrysanthemums in a dream means facing troubles in real life.

White chrysanthemums: a sign of love and sadness. Often such dreams foreshadow heartache.

However, it is difficult to say unequivocally why white chrysanthemums are dreamed of. All known dream books give different, sometimes contradictory answers to this question. When deciphering a dream, the first thing you need to consider is whether you dreamed of a fresh or withered flower, or whether you saw one or several flowers in a dream.

So, for example, if you dreamed of a stranger presenting you with a lush, fresh bouquet, most likely a joyful event will happen in your life in the near future. If the presented composition of white chrysanthemums is not of the first freshness, expect trouble. The more flowers in the bouquet, the greater the joy or sorrow.

In any case, there is no need to attach too much importance to what white chrysanthemums mean in dreams. After all, their reliability is influenced by too many factors, including the day of the week and time of day.

Creamiest Yellow

The Kremist Yellow variety also belongs to the group of cut chrysanthemums due to its strong stems 70-90 cm high and huge lush spherical flowers. The inflorescences are painted in a rich yellow or lemon color and reach 14-18 cm in girth. When cut, subject to regular changes of water, they can last up to a month, which makes the flowers an excellent material for florists.

Plants of this variety are grown in open ground, planted in mixborders and borders; they are also good in container planting - as a decoration for terraces, balconies and winter gardens. Cremiest Yellow chrysanthemums bloom all autumn - from September to November, but in order to get such a long flowering, it is recommended to put them in a greenhouse or bring them into the house before frost sets in. If wintering in open ground, plants require dry shelter.

  • What flowers can be brought into the house for the winter?

    The first autumn frosts will cause many summer flowers to wither and die. But some of them can be saved by moving them into the house. Find out which ones.

Features of planting and propagation

Garden bush chrysanthemum is undemanding to the soil and planting site. The first stage of planting such a flower is to choose a suitable place. The plant will bloom even in partial shade, but it is still better to plant it in a sunny area. But it should be remembered that hot weather, especially at night, can negatively affect flowering.

There are several options for propagating such a plant. So, chrysanthemum propagation can occur in three ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

Even if you have no experience in planting such flowers, you should not worry, since the plant is quite unpretentious, so planting it is not so difficult.

Growing from seeds

This landing option is not the most popular. The main disadvantage is that flowers grown from seeds are not always similar to the chrysanthemums from which the seeds were collected. To get flowering in the year of planting, you should grow seedlings, and only then transplant them into open ground. Seeds should be planted in January or February. This landing option involves the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Choose a suitable container in which the seedlings will grow. You can prepare peat for planting yourself. To do this, you need to mix peat with humus.
  2. Fill the container with soil. Be sure to place drainage at the bottom of the pot or box. You can use gravel, broken brick or expanded clay. Drainage is created to ensure that the soil does not become waterlogged when watering.
  3. Plant the seeds. Annuals should be planted to a depth of about 0.5 cm, and perennials should be placed deeper.

After planting seeds in pots, they should be looked after . The quality of care depends on how quickly the sprouts appear. The temperature of the room in which the plant is located should be 23-25 ​​degrees. Under comfortable conditions, the first shoots begin to appear within 1.5-2 weeks after sowing the seeds.

The next stage is caring for the seedlings. When it has risen, it should be dived into different containers. For replanting, you should use the same soil that was used for planting the seeds. After picking, the plants need to be sprinkled with a special solution that will help them take root better.

In about a month, the seedlings should grow to 20 cm, and then they can be transplanted into open ground. When a constant temperature of 15-18 degrees is established, the seedlings can begin to harden. It can be planted in open ground as early as early June.

Planting seeds directly into the ground has its own characteristics. So, you need to follow the scheme:

  1. Make holes. Their distance between each other should be 20-25 cm. Then they should be spilled with warm water.
  2. Place 2-3 seeds in each hole and sprinkle them with a little soil.
  3. Cover the beds with garden film, and remove it after the first shoots appear.
  4. When the plants reach about 10 cm in height, the weakest ones can be removed.

Reproduction by cuttings

Growing a flower through cuttings is quite easy. This is the most common method. To replant, you simply need to separate a strong side shoot from the bouquet and plant it in open ground.

There is another option for propagation by cuttings - it involves purchasing an already rooted cutting, which you simply need to plant in the ground. It should be planted in the spring so that it is well rooted by winter. In order for the bush to have a beautiful shape, after rooting the top of the cutting must be plucked off .

Dividing the bush into several parts

This is the same hassle-free way of propagating chrysanthemums as cuttings. The procedure of dividing the bush also has a healing effect on such a flower. If you do not separate the bushes, then over time they begin to lose their aesthetic properties.

Part of the bush can be purchased in the spring at the market or separated from what is growing in your flower garden. To do this, dig up a bush and divide it into 2-3 parts . The number of parts depends on how dense the original bush is.


Shamrock is a unique variety of single-headed chrysanthemums of unusual color and with “curly” shaped petals. Hemispherical double inflorescences-baskets of golden-green color reach 12 cm in diameter and are crowned with powerful tree-like stems growing up to 80-90 cm. The leaves are rich green, dense, fleshy, located alternately on the shoots. The needle-shaped petals are long, slightly curved at the edges and “look” at the core of the flower, hiding it.

Shamrock chrysanthemums bloom early in July and can last until October. Thanks to their original coloring, plants of this variety are especially loved by landscape designers - the flowers are often used to create compositions, combined with decorative conifers and grasses. These large flowers are also good as an accent in bouquets because... They retain freshness for a long time after cutting.

Plants of the Shamrock variety are heat-loving, but feel uncomfortable in cold climates. In the middle zone, they are recommended to be grown in greenhouses or conservatories, and when planted in open ground, transplanted into containers before the first serious cold snap.

Garden chrysanthemum varieties photo

Bouquet chrysanthemums are distinguished by large trunks and large inflorescences, which are located at the very top of the stem. They are used to create bouquets for sale and as gifts for loved ones. Large-flowered chrysanthemums came to our country from India.

They are called large-flowered, so as not to be confused in foreign terms. This type of flowers is grown in greenhouses; in open ground they do not develop well. If you want to grow flowers as a plantation, you need to use special technology.

Chrysanthemum variety Gazelle photo

The flowers are large in diameter and white in color. The average flower diameter is up to 14 centimeters, it is double. The leaves are light green in color and there are relatively few of them on the stems. Chrysanthemum flowers begin in mid-August. This variety looks rich and interesting and goes well in bouquets with other types of flowers.

Chrysanthemum variety Valentina Tereshkova photo

Chrysanthemums of this variety can be called primitive. They have the usual pink tint; the flower is lighter on top and darkens closer to the stem. They begin to bloom in late August and September and are perfect for sale. They are often purchased for September 1st, gifts for teachers and other purposes.

Chrysanthemum variety Alec Bedser photo

The flowers of this species grow impressively up to 70 centimeters in length. Chrysanthemum Alec Bedser has large inflorescences and a hemispherical shape. The average flower diameter is 14 centimeters, color shades may vary.

The flowering period of chrysanthemums of this species occurs in mid-September, and they bloom until the end of October. At the moment when everything in nature begins to prepare for winter sleep, Alec beautifully decorates the area.


Lush spherical inflorescences of chrysanthemums of the Milka variety are colored pink or white and can reach 16-18 cm in diameter. Their delicate petals with a beautiful curve grow tightly and reliably cover the core of the flower.

The bushes of this variety are tall, their shoots reach a length of 1 m and often require “support” - a garter or installation of a bush holder.

Most often, Milka variety plants are used for cutting and creating bouquets, but they are also excellent for growing as a potted crop. These chrysanthemums are planted in containers to decorate terraces or patios for the spring and summer, and in the fall they are successfully moved into the house, where they continue to delight the owners with lush blooms.

Annual and perennial chrysanthemums

Perennial chrysanthemums are distinguished by the fact that they can produce beautiful flowers for more than 3 years and do not require significant care or rejuvenation of the bush. Such flowers actively grow in parks and recreation areas, and are used to decorate areas around the house and for other purposes.

Both annual and perennial chrysanthemums can be used in landscape design. Naturally, there are fewer worries with perennial flowers, but there are varieties of annuals that are superior in beauty to many similar varieties.

Chrysanthemum tricolor photo

The variety has flowers 6-8 centimeters in diameter. Chrysanthemum has thick leaves and a stem 60 centimeters long. The flowers look amazing in bouquets, massive and bright. The variety got its name because each flower actually combines 3 shades of the same color.

They smoothly flow from a lighter to a darker shade; the colors can be arranged in the reverse order. There are several types of 3-color chrysanthemum. They are united by the same flowering period, which begins in June and continues until September.

If you want to grow this type of chrysanthemum, you can safely plant varieties Cocarde, Nordstern, Flammenstahl.

Field chrysanthemum photo

The flowers have long stems that can reach 60 centimeters in size. In appearance, the flowers resemble large daisies. The average diameter of each flower is up to 5 centimeters.

The leaves of the flower are dense and look massive. Chrysanthemums of this variety can be soft white, yellow, or cream. They are great for both bouquets and landscape compositions.

Crowned chrysanthemum photo

Sometimes this variety of flowers is called Crown Chrysanthemum. The names are different, but the essence is the same - beautiful flowers for your site. Each flower has pointed tips that resemble a crown. In color, it can be white or yellow.

The chrysanthemum stem grows 40 centimeters in height and has good strength. It looks interesting both in bouquets and on the site.

Globular garden chrysanthemums photo

Interesting types of chrysanthemums that differ in flower size, color saturation and easy care. When you are planning the design of a site, why not use several types of flowers at the same time?

It’s nice that plant care is identical. and due to the colors, textures, and sizes of flowers, you can get an amazing result. Combining different varieties of chrysanthemums allows you to bring any idea in the field of landscape design to life.

So, what types of spherical chrysanthemums can be grown on the site?

Chrysanthemum variety Ida photo

The chrysanthemum bush resembles a ball, the structure is lush and interesting. Each flower has a diameter of no more than 3 centimeters. Chrysanthemum blooms in September or October. The shoots grow long up to 60 centimeters in length. And if you combine several types of flowers, you can get a beautiful flower bed that requires virtually no maintenance.

Chrysanthemum variety Multiflora photo

This type of flower is quite specific. It blooms in September and produces small flowers of orange, greenish, plum, white or pink. The shape of the bush resembles a ball. Bright flowers and green leaves look quite original.

You can plant such chrysanthemums both for the purpose of decorating a site and for bouquet arrangements.

Chrysanthemum variety Knopa photo

A beautiful chrysanthemum bush that will not go unnoticed on your site. Flowers can grow up to 35 centimeters in height, have dense stems and a spherical shape. Chrysanthemum of this variety blooms profusely and beautifully. Up to 160 small flowers can bloom at one time.

Chrysanthemums look good as a complement to bouquets, interior design decoration, or addition to a landscape area. Caring for this variety is no different from the care system for other chrysanthemums.

Korean chrysanthemums photo

An amazing variety of chrysanthemums that will become a worthy decoration for your site or part of a commercial program. All plants have small flowers of different shades, there are many of them, they are a little hard. Chrysanthemum can grow in a greenhouse or in an open area. In the natural environment, the variety produces many flowers; they have a weak aroma, familiar to chrysanthemums.

If you grow flowers in a greenhouse, they will bloom almost all year round. Korean chrysanthemums are advantageous because they can be grown for sale. When the flowers are almost all gone, Korean chrysanthemums will be incredibly popular.

We will consider below what varieties of Korean chrysanthemums can be grown on the site.

Chrysanthemum variety Altyn Ai photo

Chrysanthemums of this variety have yellow flowers and a bush measuring 50 centimeters. The stems are massive, the leaves are succulent and dark green. Double flowers have a diameter of about 8 centimeters and are striking.

The variety begins to bloom in August, and the flowering period lasts almost 66 days. If you want to extend the life of flowers and are not going to propagate them using seeds, then trim off the faded inflorescences.

Chrysanthemum Dune photo

This variety of chrysanthemums has an interesting feature: the crimson buds beautifully bloom into yellow-brown flowers. The chrysanthemum bush is 50 centimeters tall.

Like other Korean chrysanthemums, the Dune variety has small flowers, but there are many of them.

Chrysanthemum variety Malchish-Kibalchish photo

Chrysanthemums of this type have a rich red or crimson hue. There are always a lot of them on the bush, which grows up to 50 centimeters in height. At the same time, the width of the bush is about 35 centimeters, the flowers will not take up much space.

Chrysanthemums of this variety go well with other types of plants and can be used for landscape design, interior decoration or making bouquets. Korean chrysanthemums look delicate and fragile, they look very beautiful in flower arrangements.

Chrysanthemum variety Vivat Botany photo

These chrysanthemums bloom for about 62 days. The color period begins in mid-August and lasts until the end of September and beyond. Each bush is 53 centimeters high, the flowers are usually small but beautiful. It is believed that this variety has semi-double inflorescences.

Each flower is about 8 centimeters in diameter and looks gorgeous. The hue of this chrysanthemum variety can be yellow, white or pale red. Growing this variety of flowers is no more difficult than other types of chrysanthemums.

Single-headed large-flowered chrysanthemums photo

Single-headed chrysanthemums are a rarity in the field of floriculture. They are not grown very often, although obtaining a suitable variety is not difficult. Chrysanthemums began to be called single-headed because only one large inflorescence grows on the stem.

On the site, such flowers will catch the eye. Using chrysanthemums of this type, you can create incredible flower arrangements for landscape design and interior decoration.

They look great in bouquets, so single-headed chrysanthemums are often grown on an industrial scale for cutting and creating bouquets.

We will consider below what varieties of single-headed chrysanthemums exist and are grown.

Chrysanthemum variety Inga photo

This variety of flowers has long stems, which sometimes reach 70 centimeters. The flowers are considered semi-double and have an amazing, light aroma. The leaves of chrysanthemums of this variety are juicy green and dense.

This variety is easy to grow; the flowers will be relevant both for bouquet cutting and for decorating the area. The bushes grow compactly and resemble a ball in appearance. The petals of the flower are well separated and slightly concave. If you look closely, you can say that they grow from top to bottom.

Chrysanthemums of this variety are incredibly attractive; they will become a worthy decoration of the site.

Chrysanthemum variety Shamrock photo

Amazing look with eye-catching flowers in bright shades. The diameter of each flower is about 10 centimeters. The stems of the plant grow massive, strong and long. The average length of each shoot is about 80 centimeters.

The leaves on the inflorescences grow synchronously, covering the core so that it becomes invisible. Such flowers will be relevant on the site of a country house, near a commercial building, or as an interior decoration item. A pleasant feature is the fact that cut chrysanthemums can last in a vase for several weeks.

But in order for your bouquet to maintain its beauty, the water must be fresh every day. Single-headed chrysanthemums are distinguished by the fact that they attract attention and look rich. They can be used for a variety of purposes without being considered difficult to care for.

Chrysanthemum variety Regina White photo

Beautiful white chrysanthemum. The bush grows lushly, the size of the shoots is about 80 centimeters each. Chrysanthemums are shaped like a ball and look beautiful in bouquets. In general, you can grow any type of these flowers; the care system for them is identical.

There are also early chrysanthemums for regions where autumn is cold. Choose varieties, combine them and get amazing flower beds that will be elegant until winter.

Check with flower shops for information on caring for seedlings and fertilizers . Choose high-quality seeds and your chrysanthemums will delight the eye for several seasons in a row.

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Spider Pink

Spider Pink is one of the unusual, rare varieties of chrysanthemums with large flowers. A fantasy image is created thanks to “disheveled” inflorescences with petals that look like spider legs. Double flowers of a pinkish-lilac hue can reach 15 cm in diameter. Along the edge of the flower, the petals are long and thin, with hook-shaped ends, shorter closer to the center.

Spider Pink chrysanthemum bushes are medium-sized, erect, 45-60 cm high. They are easy to form by trimming the shoots for more luxuriant branching. The stems are densely covered with carved “woolly” leaves of rich green color.

The Spider Pink chrysanthemum blooms in September-October and looks great in compositions with ornamental grasses and cereals. It prefers to grow in sunny, wind-protected areas; it likes nutritious, loose, well-drained soil. It is moisture-loving and responds well to fertilizing. Under cover it is able to winter in open ground.

Blue chrysanthemums

Tamarix shrub - description of species and varieties

There is great interest in blue chrysanthemums among both gardeners and scientists. With the help of selection, it was possible to develop chrysanthemums of cream, purple, white, and green colors. Blue ones can only be obtained at the moment thanks to proper planting and care.

Variety of blue

The inflorescences acquire this unusual color after spraying or using food coloring.

Additional Information. However, before you receive such extraordinary flowers, you should take care of the right place for planting and proper careful care. The autumn queen chrysanthemum loves light and moisture; the soil should be constantly loosened so that it drains water well.

White, creamy beige specimens are suitable for coloring. Before coloring, prepare a jar, blue or blue food coloring, water and cut flowers.


  • A neat cut is made on the stem of the bush. You can't damage it.
  • According to the instructions, dye is diluted in water, where cut flowers are placed.
  • The dyeing process takes from 8 to 20 hours.


Avignon is a beautiful, densely double variety of single-headed chrysanthemums with large flowers up to 15 cm in diameter. The petals of the inflorescences are painted in the most pleasant shades - from soft peach to rich pink. Dense spherical caps of flowers sit on long powerful stems covered with dense carved dark green foliage. The height of the shoots reaches 80 cm.

The variety is a late-flowering variety - the inflorescences open by the end of October, which means that in the middle zone, when grown in open ground, you may not wait for flowering. Therefore, it is recommended to plant Avignon bushes in containers and put them away in a house, greenhouse or winter garden for the winter.

To whom is it customary to give white chrysanthemums?

Chrysanthemums occupy a special place in the symbolism of the “flower” world. Speaking about what they mean in its hierarchy, you need to understand: these gifts of flora are not as romantic as roses, but also not as strict as hyacinths. More common than newfangled hydrangeas, but they also do not have stable associative connections, like, for example, carnations. A bouquet of white chrysanthemums does not have a pronounced romantic connotation and is appropriate when congratulating a manager or colleagues, a business partner, a doctor, a teacher, elderly people of any gender or older relatives.

The one who gives you white chrysanthemums seems to be telling you: “Trust me.” In addition, snow-white chrysanthemum heals the soul from pain and negativity, helps to relax, and brings peace.

An excellent solution is to present a snow-white bouquet as a sign of apology or reconciliation: the white color, including in the language of flowers, has symbolized sincerity and purity of intentions since ancient times. Since aster flowers remain fresh for a long time even after cutting, the chances of erasing resentment from the opponent’s heart increase - after all, it is difficult not to forgive a person whose feelings are reminded for so long by a beautiful bouquet on the table.

And, of course, one of the most popular events where flowers with snow-white petals are often used is a wedding celebration. If the yellow chrysanthemum is usually called the “queen of autumn,” then the white one can be called, without exaggeration, the “queen of wedding bouquets.” In the East, it is believed that if a bride chooses a white chrysanthemum (in the language of flowers, a symbol of purity and innocence) as the main flower for her bouquet, her marriage will be blessed by heaven.


This variety is one of the most popular among large-flowered chrysanthemums. It is grown as a garden annual and as a potted plant for indoor floriculture. Depending on the living conditions, Zembla bushes have different heights and sizes of inflorescences.

In open ground, this chrysanthemum grows up to 90 cm and produces lush double flowers with a diameter of more than 20 cm. When grown in a container, the bushes reach a height of only 30 cm, but the size of the inflorescences cannot be called small - 12-15 cm.

In open ground, the Zembla chrysanthemum blooms from mid-September until frost, and when planted in containers and provided with additional lighting, flowering can last 6-8 months. Up to three inflorescences with smooth reed petals bloom on one branch. Their color can be different, but the most common are varieties with yellow (Zembla Lime) and white (Zembla White) flowers.

Cassandra Pink

Adult bushes of the Korean chrysanthemum variety Cassandra Pink reach a height of 100 cm and are perfect for planting in mixborders and flower beds, as well as for cutting into bouquets. Lush hemispherical inflorescences of a lilac hue reach an average diameter of 10 cm and delight with their appearance in August-September.

In the case of Korean chrysanthemums, plant height and flower size depend on agricultural practices. When forming a round bush with many shoots, the inflorescences will be small - 5-7 cm. If you need to grow large flowers, you should remove the side shoots, leaving 2-3 buds on each stem. Then the plant will not waste energy on branching, but will direct all its potential to the development of existing flowers.

The soil for planting plants of this variety, as for most chrysanthemums, needs light, nutritious, and moisture-permeable. The soil reaction should be neutral or slightly acidic. It is better to choose a sunny place for planting, protected from drafts.

Classification of chrysanthemums by stem height

Tall chrysanthemums. The stems of these flowers reach 45-60 cm in height. These include all large-flowered varieties and some of the small-flowered ones. The bush of such chrysanthemums is well developed, the inflorescences are large. But there is also a minus - the need to install supports for the stems. Varieties of tall chrysanthemums:

  • Anessi: early branch variety, has needle-shaped petals, bud diameter – 6 cm, color – lemon or pink;
  • Tamara: spherical flower, bud diameter reaches 9 cm, color – purple, begins to bloom at the end of summer;
  • Minx: early daisy-shaped chrysanthemum, diameter – 10 cm, color – yellow.

Medium-sized chrysanthemums. The height of such varieties ranges from 30 to 45 cm. Flowers can have a wide variety of colors. The inflorescences of medium-sized chrysanthemums are divided into simple, double and semi-double. These flowers are chosen for decorating flower beds, as well as in creating composition bouquets. Varieties of medium-sized chrysanthemums:

  • Umka: a spherical flower with a snow-white color, 4 cm in diameter, starts flowering at the end of August, looks like snow globes from a distance;
  • Princess Diana: Korean chrysanthemum, flower shape – chamomile, diameter – 7 cm, color – lilac with a yellow center;
  • Opal: a spherical variety of yellow color, the diameter of the buds reaches 9 cm.

Low growing chrysanthemums. The height of the shoot is 15-30 cm. The flowers independently form their bush in the form of a ball. They have a small root system. They belong to early varieties.

Chrysanthemums "Opal"

Important! Low-growing chrysanthemums are ideal for decorating flower beds. They are most often used as border flowers.

Varieties of low-growing chrysanthemums:

  • Ausma: a flower with a spherical shape, bud diameter 3 cm, color – orange-yellow;
  • Alexandrite: semi-double variety, has white petals, yellow-pink center, bud diameter reaches 5 cm;
  • Smile: chrysanthemums are spherical, the petals look like tubes, the color is soft lilac, diameter is up to 8 cm.

Chrysanthemum has hundreds of varieties that can satisfy any taste of connoisseurs of this amazing flower. Chrysanthemums will perfectly decorate your flowerbed, windowsill or loggia. With it you can create various color compositions, as well as excellent bouquets. If you don’t know which flower to choose for growing in the fall, then choose a chrysanthemum. It will amaze you with its unpretentiousness and bright flowering.

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