Shrub roses: the best varieties and cultivation characteristics

Shrub roses come from the rosehip genus, which has over 200 thousand varieties. Having the same plant structure, they differ from each other in the shape of the flower, its color, and the duration of flowering. There are bush roses with all known colors - these are English, Canadian, grandiflora, park, ground cover, polyanthus, floribunda.

Shrub roses are successfully both unpretentious and beautiful. A wide variety of bush roses allows you to achieve their maximum use in the landscape design of the site: be it a small flower bed or a hedge. Externally, such roses are pyramid-shaped bushes from 25 cm to 2 meters high with a large number of flowers and lush foliage.

Shrub roses can bloom once or several times a season. Flower buds do not open all at once, but gradually, which is why the flowering of rose bushes lasts 1-3 weeks. Many varieties of rose bushes do not require special conditions during wintering, which makes it easier to grow such flowers in climate zones with cold winters. Climbing roses are presented here.

Easy to care for

Description of the plant:

Rose Bush

general characteristicsBush roses
Plant heightup to 3 m
Flower sizeup to 16 cm
ColorBuds of different colors depending on the variety
BloomFrom May to November
Winter hardinessDepending on the variety
  1. Bush rose - (lat. Rosa spray) a type of dwarf or tall plants . Flowers combine the beauty and sophistication of hybrid tea varieties and ease of care.
  2. Bud shapes: spherical, peony-shaped, cup-shaped and goblet-shaped. Flowering lasts from May to November.
  3. The height of the bushes reaches from 30 cm to 3 m . Shoots are thorny and smooth.
  4. The buds are 8 - 16 cm in diameter. They grow singly or in inflorescences.

Bush roses are distinguished by a variety of species and a rich color palette.
Photo: The author of the story shares the secrets of planting roses correctly. Recommends treating the roots with Fitosporin to prevent rot from appearing:

The best varieties of spray roses with the ADR quality mark

Shrub roses with the ADR quality mark include:

Variety "Angela" - carmine pink color.

Variety "Armada" - pink and light pink.

Variety "Baum's Rokoko" - the color is light lilac and lilac-pink.

Variety "Bingo Meidiland" - light pink color.

The Bonanza variety is golden yellow with a copper edge.

Variety "Burghausen" - purple in color.

Variety "Dortmunder Kaisertiain" - light pink color.

Variety "Felicitas" - dark pink color.

Variety "Gentano" - velvety red color, with a yellow eye.

Variety "Grandhotel" - velvety purple color.

Variety "Hagenbecks Tierpark" - dark pink color.

Variety "Lichtkonigin Lucia" - intense lemon yellow color.

Variety "Pierette" - violet-carmine-red color.

Variety "Postillion" - yellow color.

Variety "Richard Strauf" - reddish in color, white in the center.

Variety Rosa rugose "Rote Apart" - lilac-pink color.

Variety "Rote Woge" - bright purple color.

Variety "Roter Korsar" - dark red color.

Variety "Rotes Meer" - light purple color.

Variety "Rugelda" - lemon yellow color.

The “Tascaria” variety is velvety red in color, with visually distinguishable stamens.

Variety "Vogelpark Walsrode" - light pink color.

Variety "Westerland" - orange-apricot, apricot color.

Variety "Windrose" - pink color.

Look how beautiful the varieties of spray roses of different colors are in these photos:

Propagate by cuttings, layering, dividing the bush

How to plant bush roses:

  • take semi-lignified and lignified shoots;
  • make a straight upper cut 5 mm above the bud and an oblique lower cut under the bud;
  • tear off thorns and leaves;
  • shorten 2 sheet plates by ½ part;
  • root cuttings in open ground;
  • compact the soil, water the soil and cover everything with film;
  • make small holes in the shelter;
  • provide seedlings with watering, fertilizing, loosening the substrate and weeding;
  • pick off the buds that appear;
  • in winter, cover the seedlings with insulation and plastic film;
  • remove cover for plants in spring

  • reproduction occurs in early spring;
  • make a circular cut on the stems at the root collar;
  • press them to the soil and place them in a pre-dug hole;
  • secure the stem with a hook or wire bracket in the middle;
  • cover the stem with substrate so that the top is on the surface of the soil;
  • stick a peg next to the top and tie it so that it looks up;
  • in the summer, water the soil above the layer;
  • separate the cuttings next spring

Dividing the bush
  • this method is carried out in spring or autumn;
  • sterilize a sharp instrument and divide the bush into parts;
  • Each seedling must have roots and at least 1 stem;
  • treat the cuts with crushed coal;
  • plant seedlings

Preparing for winter

In the Moscow region and similar regions, roses endure winter relatively calmly. However, preparatory measures need to be carried out in the Urals and Siberia. To do this, it is necessary to cut off all weak and diseased shoots and treat them with garden varnish. On the remaining stems, you need to pick off all the leaves and treat them with Bordeaux mixture. When the temperature reaches -8 °C, the bush must be protected with any covering material, on top of which a film is laid.

The bush rose is one of the most unpretentious plants with which you can decorate your garden. However, it is important to follow the rules for planting and caring for the plant.

Reviews from gardeners

Ksenia POP

All roses are considered light-loving plants, and English bush scrubs are no exception. The technology for planting in open ground is no different from other garden groups: dig a planting hole, put clean horse manure on the bottom, then make a layer of fertile soil.


Nafanya, Rostokino

I’ve had two sprays for three years now, Lydia and Macarena. I bought it at Grandiflora (if I'm not mistaken). We overwintered better than others. They bloom in two waves. Now it’s just a break, there are not a single flower.


How to choose the right seedlings

The growth, development and flowering of a bush rose depends on the quality of the selected seedling. The main attention when choosing is paid to the roots. They should be smooth, dense with a large number of small roots on strong branches. There are no traces of overgrowth elimination.

A slightly peeled layer of dark bark should peel off easily, and juice should be released through the scratch. The root collar of grafted roses should be the same diameter before and after grafting, but not thicker than 9 mm. The ground part of the seedling is young shoots with small green leaves.

Features of rose propagation

Rose lovers are interested in how to grow a rose from a cutting from a bouquet , whether this is possible in principle. Yes, it is possible, but there is no guarantee of success.

Cuttings are the most popular and fastest way to propagate this amazing beauty. But all possible methods should be carefully considered.

Please take a look at the following article. It contains more useful information - Chinese rose (hibiscus): care at home.

Propagation by seeds

Propagating flowers by seeds takes a long time, so it is often used by experienced flower growers who know some tricks. They share instructions on how to grow a rose from seeds.

So here you need:

  1. Seeds can be purchased ready-made or collected from your own plantings. As soon as the rose “fertilizes,” it must be cut and carefully remove all the formed seeds.
  2. The prey is washed with a special solution, for the preparation of which a glass of water and 2 tsp are used. any bleach.
  3. Now you should wash the seeds and soak them for a day in a 3% peroxide solution. Only those seeds that have sunk to the bottom are used for planting.
  4. To speed up the growth of future plants, the seeds are placed in a rag or cotton pads soaked in peroxide. The workpiece is stored for 1.5-2 months in a cool room with an air temperature no higher than +3-+5 °C.

  5. In a month, the seeds will “hatch” and they can be planted. Before planting, additional treatment should be carried out in the form of sprinkling the future crops with a special powder against root rot.
  6. There are no specific instructions for the soil for sowing. It is enough to use a universal composition for flowers. Pour soil into the container and deepen the seeds 1-2 cm.
  7. It is better to remove the container from direct sunlight, but keep it at room temperature. As the soil dries, the roses are watered.

Sowing roses in the presented way will give the first shoots in 3-4 weeks. The first buds can be seen in two months. Yes, they will be small and not distinguished by a large number, but still.

It is better to sow in the fall and allow it to grow at home until next year. And next spring, transplant it into the ground in the garden plot.

How to grow roses from seeds. Website "Garden World"

Pruning roses in spring for beginners

An important aspect in independently growing the presented flowers is timely pruning of shoots. The absence of this process provokes the formation of fewer buds and their significant reduction in diameter.

Caring for roses in the spring at the dacha begins with pruning. The guide for beginners looks simple: remove all the shoots that grow inward from the bushes.

By the way, look at the previous article. There is a lot of useful information for you - Chrysanthemums: planting and care in open ground.

Such prevention by removing shoots and faded buds allows you to preserve the strength and energy of the bush for flowering, which can happen again in good weather, even if this is not inherent in the characteristics of the variety.

How to prune roses and cover them for the winter, our proven method for pruning roses


Everyone wants to know how to prepare a bush rose for planting, what is needed for this. The best time, intended by nature itself, for this procedure is autumn. At the same time, seedlings are not purchased in advance, but immediately before planting. Select healthy, undamaged rose bushes without traces of pests.

The next stage is determining the location for the rose garden. Areas near trees and other shrubs are not suitable. Roses need light and warmth, and for this they choose an open, not shaded place. Swampy soil with close groundwater will be a bad solution.

Roses of any variety definitely need drainage. Acid balance is important. The pH level should be between 6-6.5 units. It is advisable that roses and related plants have not previously been grown on the selected site.

How park roses bloom, how many times per season

The park rose blooms early, and this process lasts up to a month, and in some varieties longer. The colors of the buds are very multifaceted: you can see both soft white flowers and specimens of deep purple color. The bud is a little rough and terry to the touch, and the number of petals exceeds 100 pieces. No other rose variety can boast of this.

Park roses are conventionally divided into two large groups:

  • bloom once;
  • blooming repeatedly.

How to care during and after flowering

During the flowering period, faded buds should be removed. At the end of the process, you need to trim the stems. In September, it is recommended to remove all the foliage from the shoots for the winter, bend them to the ground and secure them, then cover the bushes with spunbond and spruce branches. You need to open the shelter only when the first days of spring arrive.

Pest and disease control

Shrub roses can be attacked by pests: gnawing - beetles, sawfly larvae, caterpillars and sucking - cicadas, mites, whiteflies, scale insects, aphids. Biting insects eat parts of the rose, which slows down the development and flowering of the plant. The suckers pierce and suck out plant sap from the ground parts of the rose.

The fight against harmful insects can begin as they appear. But experts recommend carrying out preventive treatment in the spring before the buds swell.

Unfavorable conditions lead to diseases such as: powdery mildew, downy mildew, rust, chlorosis. It is necessary to organize measures to determine the causes and eliminate them.

It is difficult to find a person who would not be admired by the beauty and pleasant aroma of roses. By choosing the right place for these magnificent flowers and providing them with simple but proper care, you will receive great pleasure from the unique riot of colors and aroma.


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