Description of rose varieties Spray, planting and care in open ground for beginners

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This article is about a relatively new group of roses. They are called spray or patio roses. They first heard about it in the second part of the 20th century and it quickly became one of the favorite varieties among gardeners.

This variety is often used to decorate flower arrangements that decorate the territory of a wedding celebration, and is also used by brides as their bouquet. You can recognize this group of roses, for example, by their size. They are quite small, and the height is about 0.8 meters. Each branch consists of 9 buds. The size of peduncles can be different, both small, medium and large. But, if you determine the approximate range of their diameter, then it can range from 3 to 8 centimeters.

Rose spray has a number of positive aspects. Here are some of them:

  • There are no thorns on their shoots or branches;
  • The buds exude a delicate aroma;
  • Unpretentious in care and planting;
  • They can be grown in pots and flowerpots;
  • The fruiting period is quite long;
  • Calmly tolerates cold and bad weather;
  • The last flower stalks form at the end of autumn.

The most popular varieties of roses Patio

There are many varieties of spray roses in the Rosaceae family. They vary in color scheme and color type. The planting method and care are the same. The difference is the price. It is best to buy seedlings from trusted sellers or in specialized stores so as not to stumble upon a wild seedling or a rose of a different variety. The following varieties are usually frost-resistant, which is good for residents of the CIS. They are also resistant to pests and diseases if cared for properly.

Pink and cream

Patio pink and cream roses can be divided into the following varieties.

  1. Cherry Foley. This is a compact, slender shrub. The shade is lilac with a white undertone. This variety does well in middle and northern latitudes.
  2. Orion. An attractive shrub known for its large, delicate lavender flowers. This variety blooms for a long time and is frost-resistant.
  3. Tiramisu. Roses are terracotta-caramel in color, lighter inside. Easy to care for.

In addition to the primary colors, roses come in several vibrant shades. Hocus Pocus is one of those roses. Its petals are covered with crimson and bright yellow stripes. The mixture of colors creates the color of a tiger. White varieties are no less charming and can stand alone in the garden. Among these flowers, the varieties Kent and Princess stand out.

Yellow and orange

Yellow miniature roses enchant with their exotic beauty and have a wide range of combinations in landscape design.

  1. Sphinx. These are bright yellow roses with a light scent. A shrub with large rich yellow flowers grows up to 60 cm in height. This subspecies is resistant to changeable weather.
  2. Fire flash. This member of the Rosaceae family has a bright yellow color, closer to orange. The petals towards the end have a coral color, reminiscent of the color of a tiger. Flowers are about 4 centimeters across.
  3. Orchids. The rose is yellow-red, a showy bush, with dense, frilly inflorescences. The color of the petals changes from yellow to crimson. The shrub reaches a height of up to 70 cm. It blooms until the end of November.

The yellow spray roses above will fit into any floral arrangement, breaking up the classic pink-red hue.


Roses with a scarlet coating are a must-have attribute of any garden. They create bouquets for any occasion, the red hue symbolizes passion, represents love.

  1. Tamango. Shrub up to 60 cm high, 70 cm in diameter. This subspecies is characterized by its small size and abundant, long-lasting flowers. The velvety flowers are quite large, about 7 centimeters in diameter. They consist of many petals. On one branch there can be up to 10 inflorescences of scarlet and crimson colors. This rose grows well in both sun and shade.
  2. Natalie. This decorative subspecies grows to a height of no more than 70 cm. The shrub has a compact shape and blooms profusely. The flowers are small, up to 5 centimeters in diameter, with a weak aroma. The color of the rose is red.
  3. Mikado. A dark scarlet rose with mahogany cupped flowers. Compact shrub up to 70 cm high, with spreading stems and abundant flowering. Up to 6 flowers can grow on one inflorescence.

Red varieties will look very harmonious in borders and in the foreground of flower beds.


There are also many varieties in different shades.

  1. Tiger pepper. One of the most extravagant subspecies, the flowers are dense, unique purple-violet with white lines and spots. One flower bouquet contains up to 5 flowers with a diameter of about 6 cm. Flowering is long-lasting, and the shrub often blooms multiple times. The shrub reaches a height of up to 70 cm. The aroma is light, with musky notes. This subspecies is usually used for edging and decorating flower beds.
  2. Dewdrop. Rose spray grows up to 60 cm in height. The plant adapts well to garden plots, is suitable for edging paths, and is grown in containers and on balconies. Color varies from red through pinkish to purple.
  3. Kent. It is a compact shrub covered with a mass of snow-white flowers. The plant grows up to 60 cm in height and width. Blooms until the first frost.

The above types are the most popular in recent years in the countries of the former USSR and abroad.

The place of garden flowers in landscape design

Roses framed by a trimmed border

  1. Spray roses look great in an area decorated in a regular style. The brightness of the flowers is emphasized by group plantings and trimmed borders.
  2. These beautiful flowers look amazing planted along lawns and garden paths.
  3. Container plantings are good because they can be placed anywhere on the site. Flowerpots with flowers will decorate the entrance to the house, garden gazebo, lawn, veranda, etc.
  4. Mixborders are also decorated with roses from the spray group. In this case, a mixed flower bed can be purely flower or contain other plants.

Flowerpots with flowers can be installed on any part of the local area

Subtleties of landing

Planting a rose is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the instructions. Choose a sunny location, protected from gusts of wind. Some subspecies burn in the sun, but a little shade is enough. To plant a plant, follow these steps:

  • dig a hole 45*45;
  • At the base of the pit there should be a drainage layer of pebbles and sand;
  • Place organic fertilizer—dried leaves, humus, manure, decomposed wood—on top of the drainage;
  • Plant the plant in the hole, fill it with open soil and press it slightly against the stems;

Finally, water the plant with settled water in the amount of 8 liters per bush.

Flower propagation methods

Patio propagates in two ways:

  • cuttings;
  • grafting a shoot onto a rose hip.

Reproduction by cuttings

Cuttings are cut at any time of the year. It is believed that cuttings taken in summer take root best. If they are immediately planted in open ground, then they are first placed in water until the first roots appear. If harvested on the eve of winter, the cuttings are wrapped in peat and paper and stored in the refrigerator or cellar.

Reproduction by grafting a shoot onto a rose hip

I advise you to take a frost-resistant rosehip variety, at least 3 years old.

Shoots 5 cm long are cut from the middle part of the rose bush. Important conditions are the presence of buds and well-peeling bark.

The rootstock of the rose is rosehip. The plant is dug up, the stems are shortened to 20 cm and stored in a cool place until spring. Before the procedure, he is examined for the presence of diseases. If there are any, the plant is treated with a solution of clay mash.

Cuttings in the ground

Vaccination can be carried out in the summer, but it is better in the spring. You will need a rose cutting and a rosehip rootstock, on which 2 oblique cuts are made. In this cut, the rose cutting is fixed using grafting tape or strips of fabric. The blanks are placed in boxes.

For quick results, boxes with blanks are placed in a room with high humidity and a temperature of 15-20 degrees. The fusion of the slices will begin in 2 weeks. 3 weeks after planting, the boxes are moved to a warmer place. The rose cutting and rose hip root completely grow together in 1-1.5 months. Then the fixing tapes are removed and the seedlings are planted in open ground.

Important! The seedlings are covered with film on top to create a greenhouse effect and to protect them from the scorching rays of the sun. They'll take it off in a couple of weeks.

Nuances of care

Apply high-nitrogen fertilizers from March to July. Potassium and phosphorus should be added in summer and autumn. It is important to feed during budding and at the end of flowering. The soil around the bush should be loosened regularly. Cover the plant for the winter. On hot days, it is worth spraying the petals with water, but in the late afternoon, when the sun has already set.


Miniature roses should be watered in the same way as other varieties of flowering roses. Pour water under the root so that it does not get on the leaves. Start watering when the soil is dry from the previous watering. One bush requires 8 liters of water.

Do not use ice cold liquid, it should be at room temperature. Then weed the soil to make sure there is no crust on it.

Top dressing

It is recommended to fertilize roses periodically. Especially during the period of budding and flowering. The procedure follows the general rules:

  • During the appearance of buds;
  • At the end of summer.

Roses love nitrogen fertilizers. By autumn, add potassium-phosphorus compounds. You can buy ready-made mixtures in the store and dilute them according to the instructions.


Before frost, around the beginning of October, prune rose bushes to a height of 30-40 cm. Remove all leaves, buds and flowers, filling them with soil to a height of 30 cm. Place pine needles on top and cover with matting. If the roses are covered in snow, don't worry. This will provide them with additional shelter and moisture.

How and when to prune

Prune shrubs to encourage them to produce new shoots and ensure long-lasting flowering. Prune 2-3 times during the growing season. Remove damaged and dry branches at the same time. After flowering, remove spent flowers. In June, shorten the bush so that the rose does not waste energy on fruiting and blooms more luxuriantly. Pruning is an excellent preventive measure against fungal infections.

Description of culture

Spray roses are a group of subspecies similar to floribundas. Their distinctive feature is the short stature of the bushes. They reach up to about 60 centimeters. The flowers are miniature, beautiful, from 3 to 7 cm in diameter. There are 10-15 buds on one branch. They bloom evenly, one shoot is a full-fledged bouquet. In floristry, flowers are used not only to create wedding arrangements, but also as a background for larger crops in complex compositions.

Only those plants that have similar requirements for growing conditions can be roses' companions. It is important to take into account the time of flowering - it is better when the companions of roses bloom before or after the queen of flowers. Equally important is the combination of plants by aroma: you should not plant flowers next to a rose that emit a strong scent, interrupting the delicate aroma of the rose.

Diseases and pests

Rose Patio is rarely attacked by pests and diseases, but if an attack does occur, it is important to carry out sanitary treatment.

  1. A soap solution with mustard powder will help. You can also use chemicals such as Actellik, Rogor and Karbofos.
  2. Cicadas are killed using chemicals and insecticides.
  3. Spider mites can be removed using Vermitek or Fitoverm.
  4. Listeria is removed using insecticides.
  5. Powdery mildew is removed by spraying plants with a 0.5% solution of soda ash.
  6. The fight against black spot is carried out by spraying the bushes with Bordeaux mixture. If the infestation is severe, burn the rose.

Proper pruning, fertilizing the soil and preventing pests and diseases.


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Update date: 01/13/2022

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How to propagate Spray roses

Miniature roses can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, division and rooting. The result can be unpredictable, so gardeners without experience should not undertake this task.

Patio Rosa does not propagate well from seeds and may produce other flowers. The easiest way is to divide the bush. This technique allows you to obtain a finished, mature plant. This is stressful for the mother rose and it loses its resilience. Flowering may be sparse and growth may be intermittent. They also take a long time to take root.

Basic information

So spray rose is a new group of roses. It appeared thanks to the efforts of flower growers and botanists in the second half of the twentieth century and over the past time has managed to fall in love with flower growers around the world. This type of flower is also called patio rose.

The spray group appeared as a result of separation from the floribunda group of roses. The new species is represented by compact low bushes. Their average height is approximately 50 cm, although sometimes they can grow up to 90 cm. About 15 buds can bloom on one branch.

The flowers themselves can be large, medium, or small, creating the impression of “splashes” on the bush. The diameter of spray rose flowers is from 4 to 7 cm. There are a large number of flowers on one bush, which is why this plant is called “pink spray” (English: “pink spray”). These are decorative and very elegant plants, they are used to decorate personal plots, and are also used to form bouquets, in particular wedding ones, which is why these flowers are often called “wedding”.

Spray roses combine the best qualities of flowers:

  • abundant and long flowering;
  • unpretentiousness to conditions of detention;
  • endurance in Russian climatic conditions.

They can be grown in Russia due to their excellent resistance to frost. There are not many thorns on its stems, and sometimes they are completely absent. If this plant is pruned correctly, you can get continuous or simply very long flowering: with the arrival of warmth and before the onset of the first cold weather.

The plant is actively used in landscape design. It is grown in containers, rose gardens, and also on the street along paths. The flowers have a light, pleasant aroma.


Bouquet roses continue to bloom throughout the season, from June to the end of September. A large number of buds bloom on the plants, alternately replacing each other. With proper pruning and good health, the plants will delight you with their flowering without interruption.

During the flowering period, try not to skip watering and promptly trim off faded inflorescences. These activities will help prolong flowering.

Basic care consists of watering, weeding, loosening the soil, and applying fertilizers. In the spring, before the first buds appear, nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers are applied. When the rose blooms, you can alternate the use of complex mineral fertilizers (with a high content of phosphorus and potassium in the composition) and organic ones. Plants are responsive to soil mulching and sprinkling in hot weather.

Reasons for lack of flowering and ways to eliminate them

  1. Little time passed after landing . The plant needs time to adapt.
  2. Poor quality planting material . Sick or weak specimens require longer adaptation. In the first year, the buds are completely removed.
  3. Incorrect planting location : too sunny place (possible burns), drafts, close groundwater in the spring. The plant needs to be replanted.
  4. Timely pruning was not carried out . It is important to cut out weakened shoots, remove faded flowers and diseased parts of the bush.
  5. Illiterate feeding . Roses usually respond positively to fertilization, but if you overfeed them, there will be fewer flowers.
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