Primrose when it blooms: ripening period and changes in flower care

Regardless of their origin, many types of primroses fit perfectly into the harsh climate of Russia with frosty, snowy winters and damp, cool springs. Conditions similar to the habitat facilitate cultivation and minimize the care of primrose, ensuring earlier, abundant and long-lasting flowering. Thanks to this, the delicate touching flower, heralding the arrival of spring, did not get lost among other early-blooming crops and gained nationwide love.

A little messenger of spring, brightening up the gloomy garden with bright colors.


When and how does it bloom

It is generally accepted that primroses bloom only in early spring. Primrose is a plant whose flowering time depends on the variety. Some species bloom from April to June, while others bloom at the beginning of summer.

When does hydrangea bloom - flowering period, how long does it bloom

Despite the relatively small size of the plant, large and bright flowers grow on it. Often, the inflorescences are umbrella-shaped and grow on a flowering stem 25 to 50 cm high. Depending on the variety, 1 flower or a group of several buds grows on the stem.

The color range is wide, including shades of purple, red, flowers can be white, yellow or pink. The petals can be plain or variegated in 2 or 3 colors at once.

Perennial varieties that bloom every year are very popular. Lovers of house plants know how long perennial primrose blooms, and appreciate it for this. With proper maintenance, the flowering period can last throughout winter and spring.

Flowering period

One of the best indoor flowers that quickly takes root at home is the primrose. How long does this plant bloom? On average, the flowering period lasts 1-3 months; during the year, different types of primrose bloom several times.

If the indoor primrose has faded, what to do next:

  • Remove dry and yellow leaves and inflorescences;
  • Reduce watering to 1-2 times a week with small portions of water. There is no need to spray with water from a spray bottle;
  • Leave the plant in a cool, well-lit room.

Why doesn't it bloom

Primroses look great when they bloom, which is why they are bought. Sometimes primrose owners are faced with the problem of a lack of flowers on the plant, the reasons for this may be different:

  • Increased indoor air temperature. Primroses do not tolerate temperatures above 19-20°C; they will grow, but without flowers;
  • Low humidity in the room, in this case the flower begins to dry out, it does not have enough strength to bloom. Also, do not expose primrose to direct sunlight;
  • Strong drafts. Indoor plants are less resistant to temperature changes;
  • Lack of sunlight. This usually happens if the pot is near a north window;
  • During the heating season, a flower pot stands on the windowsill above the radiator;
  • Lack of space in the pot. Over time, the flower grows, it needs to be replanted - it may not have enough previous volumes of land. The new pot should be 2-3 times larger than the top of the plant;
  • No fertilizers. If the soil has not had time to be fertilized, the primrose may not have enough nutrients to form inflorescences;
  • Too frequent watering, using untreated tap water;
  • Incorrect soil composition and soil salinization;
  • Lack of drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, water stagnation;
  • The plant is affected by diseases or pests. You can recognize the problem by the color of the leaves; they change color or become stained;
  • Too early to bloom. Perhaps there is a primrose growing at home, the flowering season of which begins later.

The presence of at least 1 problem can slow down the flowering period. If all the causes are eliminated, the plant will bloom again next season.

Note! Flower shops often sell annual plants; this needs to be clarified when purchasing. If the primrose is annual, there will be no re-blooming.

Instructions for growing from seeds

How to prepare?

If it is not possible to collect seeds, you can buy them in the store by choosing a variety. It should also be taken into account that many varieties of primroses require preliminary exposure to cold when sowing seeds, which is the key to successful germination. To do this, they are kept in the refrigerator for a month.

There is also a faster option for temperature preparation. Five times, in a single course, place for two hours in the cold and for two hours in the heat. To activate germination, you can carry out a biostimulating procedure by holding the seeds in aloe juice for twenty minutes before sowing.

Before sowing, it is necessary to slightly dry the seed material by spreading it over an absorbent paper or sponge surface.

Material options for sowing seeds:

  • an even layer of snow is laid out on the substrate layer and the seeds are distributed on top;
  • distribute seeds over the surface of moistened soil;
  • small-seeded primroses, such as Siebolda and Auriculum, are sown on a small layer of vermiculite and sprayed with a spray bottle;
  • into peat tablets.


When does Lavender bloom?

There are about 400 plant species, which are divided into separate sections. Different primroses require different conditions for growth and development, bloom at different times and differ in appearance from each other. This flower can be garden or indoor, annual or perennial.

Flowers of different colors

Among indoor flowers, the most popular are:

  • Obconika is a small perennial flower. If you properly care for Primula Obkonika, it can bloom all year round;
  • Stemless primrose is a small flower, the height of which does not exceed 20 cm. The flowering season begins in April and ends in July;
  • Soft. The flowering period of a perennial plant begins in early spring and lasts until early summer.

Among garden primroses, the following varieties are popular:

  • Japanese. The shape of the inflorescences is candelabra, growing up to 30-50 cm in height. Flowering begins in June and lasts 1 month;
  • Orchid, or Vial's primrose. It is distinguished by its appearance; an inflorescence with bell flowers is formed on the peduncle;
  • High. It grows up to 40-50 cm in height, the umbrella-shaped inflorescences consist of flowers measuring 2 cm in diameter. The flowering season lasts from early April to late May;
  • Cushion-shaped. The flowers of this primrose are solitary, not collected in inflorescences. Flowering continues from early April to late May.

Note! Primrose, when it blooms, becomes like a violet.

How to prepare primrose for winter?

Primrose is represented by a huge variety of several hundred varieties, among which there are both natural varieties and those created by the efforts of breeders.
The largest number of wild species live in the northern hemisphere, where temperate climatic conditions prevail. Primula loves to settle near water, along the banks of rivers, on lakes, as well as in meadows and mountain slopes. You can see the flower in the Himalayan massif. The plant is an evergreen perennial, available in both bush and herbaceous types.

Home care

Caucasian rhododendron in the mountains: when to bloom

How long an indoor primrose blooms depends on how it was cared for. The light-loving plant loves cool weather and does not tolerate direct sunlight. Active care for primroses begins after a period of dormancy; during flowering, it is enough to monitor the air temperature and water on time.

Multicolored in pots


Primroses are unpretentious to air humidity. In the wild, primrose is one of the first to grow, grows during the thaw and is constantly in a humid environment. In dry weather, the leaves of the flower may dry out; it needs to be sprayed every day.

In summer, you can place a jar or any container with water next to the flower. Evaporation will maintain the necessary air humidity. Another option is to place the pot of primrose on top of damp pebbles or expanded clay. The drainage needs to be poured into a tray and moistened, and a pot placed on top. You can also place the flower on a damp cloth.

Drainage layer

Note! If damp drainage is poured into the tray, you must ensure that the pot does not touch the water.


Primrose requires regular watering. The soil in which the flower grows should always be moderately moist. Liquid stagnation should not be allowed, otherwise the root system will begin to rot. Before use, tap water should sit in open bottles for 2-3 days. Bad or contaminated water can ruin the plant.

Watering in spring, summer and autumn-winter differs:

  • In spring, there is no exact schedule for watering primroses; it is better to focus on the soil moisture. If the top layer is completely dry, the flower requires watering. There is no need to moisten the soil every day; it is enough to water the flower with a small amount of water every other day;
  • In dry weather in summer, the plant requires more water; it is watered every other day or every day. Once a month, the flower can be given a light shower. The procedure will not only moisten the soil, but also wash away excess dust;
  • In the autumn-winter period, primrose is prepared for the dormant period and the next flowering. Watering is reduced to 2-3 times a week.


Not everyone knows when to apply fertilizer and what is the best way to feed primrose in the spring for lush flowering. During the dormant period, when the plant does not bloom, there is no need to fertilize the soil.

Primrose requires a small amount of fertilizer during flowering. Feeding rules:

  • The flower is fed with complex fertilizer for flowering plants;
  • The fertilizer must contain phosphorus, zinc and potassium;
  • It is better to avoid fertilizers with a large amount of nitrogen;
  • The amount of fertilizer indicated on the package is reduced by 2 times;
  • During the flowering period, fertilizing is carried out every 2 weeks until the end of the season.

Note! There is no need to feed the primrose before the buds form, otherwise only the leaves will begin to grow.


Primroses are not afraid of cold weather and low temperatures; in such conditions they grow well. Indoor primrose does not take root in hot and dry rooms. The ideal air temperature should be between 14-18°C, and the plant also feels good at 11-13°C.

In summer, the flower normally tolerates temperatures up to 20°C, but it needs to be moistened regularly. At the end of summer, the primrose must be moved to a cool room, the temperature in which is no more than 16-18 ° C, otherwise it may not bloom.

Note! In winter, primroses should not be placed on the windowsill if the radiator underneath is too hot. From excess heat, the flower will begin to wither and may die.

How to plant seeds correctly in the fall?

If it is possible to sow primrose seeds immediately after they have been collected, then this should be done in high-quality garden soil in a box. The containers are buried in open beds. The soil is watered thoroughly before sowing. The sowing itself is carried out shallowly. Young flowers are protected for the winter with a dense layer of mulch (up to 12 centimeters).

It is best to sow seeds for the winter in boxes. This should be done when the first night frosts arrive and the soil begins to freeze. It is necessary to lay a thick layer of drainage at the bottom of the box. You also need to provide the box with plenty of drainage holes. The sowing itself should be done as thickly as possible, but the seeds are sown superficially, covering the top a little with soil.

To protect the flower, it must be covered with any non-woven material or film . This will save the primrose from snow, weeds and excessive humidity.

Attention : The container must be placed in a shaded place until spring. Young flowers will need constant watering. Even short-term drought is not acceptable for seedlings.

Reproduction methods

Primrose is propagated using seeds, cuttings or division into parts. Seeds are planted in winter, propagation by vegetative methods is carried out from June to July.


Primrose is propagated by seeds in winter, immediately after collection. If seeds have been stored for more than a month, their germination capacity is partially reduced and germination time increases. Storage throughout the season reduces the probability of germination by 70-80%.

Primrose sprouts

How to sow correctly:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the substrate for planting in advance; it consists of leaf soil, cleaned and disinfected sand and peat soil in a 1:1:1 ratio;
  2. The earth mixture is poured into a small container of sufficient area;
  3. The seeds are evenly distributed over the surface of the earth and sprinkled on top. There is no need to bury them, as this will make it more difficult for them to germinate;
  4. The container with soil should be covered with glass or plastic, you can cover it with cling film. The container is placed in a cool room, the air temperature should not exceed 15-19°C;
  5. You can transplant the sprouts into separate containers when several leaves have grown.

Usually, when sowing in autumn, sprouts appear within 3-5 months; when planting in spring, the seeds germinate already on 25-30 days.


You can get the required number of cuttings after trimming the flower. Primrose cuttings are carried out if the flower is small in size or has a weak leaf rosette, and it is not possible to divide the bush in half. How to take cuttings correctly:

  1. From the base of the flower near the roots you need to cut off a leaf with a petiole with a sharp knife;
  2. A layer of peat soil is poured into the planting container, and 2 times less coarse sand is poured on top;
  3. The cutting must be placed in the prepared mixture; it must stand at an angle and be buried 2-3 cm into the ground. The soil must be irrigated abundantly with water;
  4. The container with cuttings is covered with film or glass. The air temperature in the room should be within 15-18oC.

Every day the film is opened to ventilate and water the soil. Rooting takes 80-120 days, during which time roots and small leaves will grow. The plant is transplanted into a separate pot with soil for primrose. Flowering will begin no earlier than in 5-6 months.

Dividing the bush

A more common method of propagating primrose is by dividing the bush. Plants can be divided at the age of 3-4 years. The procedure is carried out only 7-14 days after the end of the flowering season. How to properly divide a bush into parts:

  1. The primrose needs to be carefully removed from the pot, the roots shaken off the ground;
  2. The roots must be clean; to do this, they are washed with cold water;
  3. With a well-sharpened knife, the primrose is divided into several parts, each of them should have a growth point - a piece of the main shoot;
  4. All side cuts must be sprinkled with coal powder or ash;
  5. The cut bush must be planted immediately, otherwise it may dry out. A substrate for planting primrose is poured into a low box, into which the cut parts are placed. The earth needs to be watered;
  6. The top of the box is covered with glass or covered with film; it should be kept in a bright room at a temperature no higher than 19°C. Every day the soil is ventilated and watered with a small amount of water.

After 15-20 days, the plants are transplanted into separate pots.

Note! The soil should be moist, but not soggy. If the container is covered with a stack, excessive moisture will provoke the development of fungus or rotting of the roots.

The soil

In order to create a good aerated environment for primrose, 3 buckets of sand, 40 g of superphosphate, 0.5 buckets of humus (per 1 sq.m.) should be added soil with a heavy clay composition Sandy soil quickly loses moisture, overheats greatly in summer, and freezes in winter, so before planting, you need to add 2-3 buckets of humus, 20-30 g of phosphorus and potassium, and a little clay per 1 sq.m. For some types of primrose, the soil must be limed; for example, alpine species prefer slightly alkaline soils .

Garden primrose will bloom well only on light soils

Flower pruning

Caring for primrose is not only about watering and fertilizing; the plant needs to be pruned on time. Not everyone knows which leaves should be removed or whether it is necessary to trim the primrose at all after flowering.

Trimming dry leaves

For indoor primrose, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning during flowering and when it fades. In summer, dry leaves of primrose need to be cut off so that they do not interfere. It is impossible to prune the foliage of garden varieties before winter, as it protects the flower from hypothermia. Indoor plants spend the winter indoors; regardless of the season, yellowed leaves should be cut off from an indoor flower.

During the flowering period, primrose needs sanitary pruning; at this time, faded flowers must be removed along with the peduncle stem. If this is not done, they will pull some of the nutrients from the soil. After removal, all the plant’s forces will be directed to the formation of new inflorescences.

A true decoration of any garden or apartment is a blooming primrose; the timing of its flowering depends on how it was cared for and in what conditions it grows. If the plant is provided with the necessary conditions, it will delight with lush flowering for several months in a row.

Perennial primrose: combination with other plants

This primrose looks good under tall bushes. Harmonious in combination with hostas, ferns, astilbes, heucheras. Dwarf conifers make good company for him. You can create a picturesque ensemble of primrose and irises, marigold, soapwort (saponaria), and ornamental cereals.

Primrose with daffodils and tulips

This plant gets along well with other primroses. Gets along well with daffodils, muscari, and tulips. When planting, you can experiment with colors, for example, combining pink primrose with purple leaves of weigela or barberry. Yellow or orange flowers will be well shaded by heuchera growing nearby, for example, the “Caramel” variety.


Perennial garden primrose (planting and care must be done at the right time) looks great in any area. Since the plant is perennial, this allows you to create flowerbed designs that will delight you for many years. Primrose lends itself well to transplantation and propagation. There are many varieties of the flower.

But it is worth highlighting some of the problems that gardeners face when growing primrose:

  • If the primrose does not have enough water or is exposed to scorching rays of the sun, it quickly begins to fade.

  • When using cold water for irrigation, there is a risk of damaging the root system. If the roots begin to rot, it will be very difficult to notice immediately. There is a risk that the plant will die.
  • If the primrose does not have enough fertilizer, the flowers become small and there are much fewer buds.
  • An adult plant must not only be replanted, but also the bush must be divided, which takes quite a lot of time.

However, most of these disadvantages of perennial garden primrose are characteristic of many other flowers. Of course, primrose has more advantages than disadvantages. If you plant correctly and do not forget about caring for the plant, it will not cause any trouble.

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