Perennial flowers (120 photos) – catalog of flowers for the cottage and garden with names and descriptions

When decorating flower beds, rock gardens, edgings, framing lawns, we try to select garden flowers that are easy to care for. Especially if these are flowers for the garden. There is usually more than enough work; there is not always enough strength for capricious plants. We will publish a selection of beautiful and varied flowers with different flowering periods - from early spring to late autumn. All you have to do is choose according to your taste and color.

Selecting flowers for your garden so that they bloom all season long is an art.

Benefits of growing primroses

Perennial and annual flowers are beautiful in their own way. But many gardeners prefer perennial plants, as they have many advantages:

  • withstands frosts and spring frosts;
  • undemanding in care;
  • transplantation can be done once every 2-3 years;
  • appear immediately after the snow melts.

To make the flower garden pleasing to the eye in early spring, you need to take care of it in the fall. Planting early perennials can be of three types: bulbs, seeds, rhizomes. With the right selection of varieties, your garden plot will be transformed with bright colors, because they will bloom throughout the spring months.

Evergreen shrubs

These plants decorate the hedge with their beauty all year round; they are a permanent “fence”. Even in winter you can’t see anything through such a fence!

We recommend studying: our secrets of planting and caring for juniper

The most popular evergreen perennials:

  1. Juniper well
    . Flowerbeds and lawns look impressive against the background of pine needles.
  2. Boxwood .
    Bushes with small glossy leaves. Boxwood grows slowly and is an unpretentious plant. Hedges made from this shrub often reach a height of up to five meters.
  3. Lavrovishnya:
    tree-bush with dark green leathery leaves. Cherry laurel lives up to 100 years, growing up to 8 meters in height.

  4. Heather
    . The shrub is highly branched, its height is up to 80 cm. The plant is used for borders and low evergreen fences.

Perennial shrubs are universal plants, because they are used to solve different problems on the site. The abundance of varieties and species allows you to choose plants not only to your taste, but also to suit your goals.

✦ This is interesting: A selection of shade-loving, unpretentious, long-blooming perennial flowers for the garden with photos and names

A small selection of perennials at last

Ornamental crops that can grow in one place for decades may lose their attractiveness over the years. This is due to the fact that the soil releases useful substances, and the root system has nothing else to feed on. In this regard, we offer several varieties of varieties that are resistant to transplantation and are able to exist in the soil without losing their appearance, even if its composition is critical:

  • Oregano. It mainly grows in the European part of the country. The first greenery appears in March, has a pleasant, unobtrusive smell and beautiful lilac flowers. Grows in different soils.
  • Lofant or multi-column. Spicy and good-smelling plant. Plays the role of a decorative and medicinal crop. Without much effort, it takes root in illuminated areas and can develop in light soils.
  • Monarda. It is distinguished by a large number of varieties of inflorescences. They try to plant such a perennial with other similar plants. Culture will become a luxurious backdrop for other cultures. Combines with diphinium and light blue bells.
  • Phlox. A bright and unpretentious contender for a place in your flower garden. They winter well even in harsh conditions; they begin to bloom around mid-summer (late June-early July). It is distinguished by a large number of colors and participates as the main component in alpine slides.

Unpretentious cultures are actually attractive. The main thing is to be able to combine them correctly.


  • Annuals and perennials
  • Colors: orange, pink, white
  • Height: varieties 40 – 80 cm tall
  • Blooms in spring, summer and autumn
  • Grows quickly from seeds
  • Repels mosquitoes
  • Prefers well-drained soils and grows well in dry or sandy gardens.
  • Requires good watering
  • Should be grown in full sun with partial shade


An unpretentious evergreen ornamental shrub, popular not only for its blue or purple spike-shaped flowers, but also for its persistent, refined aroma. When planted in groups, the effect of a continuous “blanket” is obtained, for which this plant is especially favored by lovers of atmospheric photos. Some varieties bloom from early summer to autumn, while others bloom from April to July, and then produce a second wave of flowering in September.

Seeds Gavrish Medicinal series Lavender Voznesenskaya

An open area is optimal for lavender, and watering in hot weather is about twice a week.

Photo: Instagram _sleepy_apple_

Photo: Instagram lrinakachanova

Photo: Instagram pinacolada_garden

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A favorite among gardeners both in our country and abroad. It can survive in almost any soil if the seedlings are healthy and strong. It is very difficult to grow these from seeds yourself, so it is better to buy ready-made, grown ones.

Petunia can be planted outside in March, as it is not afraid of light frosts. Blooms continuously from April until late autumn. In the southern regions you can find blooming petunia even in November.

Seeds SEARCH Petunia ampelous Opera Lilac

The plant feels great in the sun, but if it is not possible to water at least every other day, it is better to arrange a flower garden in partial shade. But strong shade is contraindicated - the seedlings will quickly weaken and may die. Petunia is an annual plant, but craftsmen manage to save it for the second year.

Photo: Instagram altpark

Photo: Instagram love_flowers_on

Photo: Instagram lary_ela

Photo: Instagram irinanazarovaperm

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For many, this is a country must-have, just like marigolds and petunias. And not only due to its medicinal properties. Its decorative component is also excellent.

If you sow calendula in the ground in late autumn, it will withstand frosts down to minus 5°C, and in the spring it will bloom very early. Then it will reproduce on its own in the sunniest places; it only needs to be thinned out and planted. You don’t have to bother with frequent watering - calendula tolerates a long absence of moisture well.

Photo: Instagram victoriaorlova_

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  • Grown as annuals (can be perennial/biennial in zones 6-10).
  • Colors: a variety of colors from white to dark purple
  • Height: about 20cm high
  • In warmer climates, pansies will bloom throughout the winter and early spring.
  • Attracts butterflies
  • Loves rich, well-drained soil.
  • Needs regular watering
  • Blooms in sun or partial shade
  • Grows best at a temperature of 15-24 degrees


  • Grown as annuals (can be perennial in zones 5-10)
  • Colors: white, yellow, pink, red, orange, peach, purple and dark purple.
  • Height: 20-25 cm in height
  • Blooms from spring to fall in cool summer growing conditions.
  • Attracts butterflies
  • Prefers well-drained soil
  • The base of the plant needs to be watered regularly
  • Blooms best in full sun

Rare exotics

In temperate climates, adapted varieties of tropical plants do well. One of them is Ornithogalum - a bulbous relative of hyacinth. The second name of the plant is Poultry Plant.

Ornithogalum umbellata

The following types of this primrose winter well and are easy to care for:

  • umbrella (narrow thin leaves, white flowers, forms a lush green bush, blooms in April-May);
  • drooping (height 40 cm, narrow leaves, tall peduncles, spike inflorescence strewn with small white bells);
  • balance (winter-hardy dwarf species 15 cm high with large white flowers, blooms in May).

Sanguinaria terry

Sanguinaria canadensis is a miniature flower that blooms as soon as the snow melts. Flowering is long - about 3-4 weeks. The flowers look like tiny water lilies. This is a member of the poppy family, native to North America.

The plant is shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, unpretentious. It is not affected by diseases and pests and reproduces in plots. In the garden it is planted under trees and shrubs and quickly grows to entire clearings.

Kandyk Siberian

Kandyk is a rare bulbous plant from the lily family, similar in appearance to cyclamen. It blooms in April, and both flowers and leaves with brown spots are decorative. Forms dense bushes 30-40 cm high. The peduncles are tall, on which drooping flowers with bent petals of white, pink, purple and other shades are located. A winter-hardy and unpretentious plant, native to the northern regions.

Early flowers for the garden have one main advantage - they are highly anticipated when they bloom. They are the ones who symbolize the arrival of the long-awaited spring, even if there is still snow in the yard and the frost gets stronger at night.

Garden perennial bush flowers: where is the best place to plant them?

Solutions when flowers are planted exclusively in flower beds have long been a thing of the past. Nowadays it is very popular to place crops in different areas to create original compositions. Perennial bush flowers for the garden are an excellent solution for planting along garden paths; they are used to form a hedge to hide the yard from prying eyes.

A very popular trend is to plant perennials when creating mixborders, combining them with conifers, adding unique flavors to the composition.

Excellent mixes are obtained from garden benches and bush flowers, which allows you to create bright alleys for relaxation. There is also room for perennial shrubs in flower beds.


It enlivens the landscape with its colorful inflorescences, which look like fluffy pompoms consisting of many small flowers. Their palette is impressive - experts count about 50 shades!

Seeds Gavrish Garden of Fragrances Ageratum White Bouquet

Ageratum blooms for about three months: either from May to July, or from June to August, depending on the climate. Suitable for creating “carpets”, compositions in pots, living borders. It rots from excess moisture, so very moderate watering is required.

Photo: Instagram home_gardens

Photo: Instagram sannata_teddy

Photo: Instagram anna1_knyazeva

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  • perennial
  • Colors: white, purple, pink, red, blue, there are varieties of variegated colors
  • Height: spreads from one meter to 2 meters
  • Blooms in late summer or early autumn
  • Bindweed is a flower that sows itself; you need to be careful not to fill the entire summer cottage with it
  • Attracts birds and butterflies
  • The seeds are very toxic if ingested
  • Prefers moderately fertile, well-drained soils. The plant needs to be watered weekly during dry periods.
  • Plant in full sun


Phlox will fit into the shaded areas of the dacha, where groundwater comes close to the surface. They love high humidity and coolness. And in the sun they quickly lose their decorative appearance. Subject to these basic conditions and the right choice of soil - without clay, with the addition of lime, with an average humus content - the bushes can grow for many years without special care and not lose their attractiveness.

Photo: Instagram kirykik

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Also known under the Ukrainian name “chornobryvtsi”. They came to us from America, and now it’s hard to imagine a Russian dacha without them. And all because this is perhaps the easiest plant to care for, even for a beginner. By the way, they are easy to grow from scratch. You can start the sowing campaign in early spring, but it is better to do it indoors. At the end of April - beginning of May, marigolds are no longer afraid of open ground. But if there is a threat of frost, it is better to cover them with film.

In the open sun, marigolds bloom most magnificently. But, as with petunias, if it is not possible to water frequently, it is better to choose partial shade. They bloom until autumn and then “die”. But you can collect the seeds and grow them next year.

Photo: Instagram vovchik_dik

Photo: Instagram anna1_knyazeva

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