Brick flower beds - instructions on how to build a flower bed and an overview of their varieties (120 photos + video)

Brick is a universal and textured material that allows you to implement almost any design solution and fits well into accepted styles: rustic, country, modern, eco, high-tech. A brick flowerbed goes perfectly with wrought-iron garden furniture, rough benches made of planed boards, and wooden or metal installations.

When designing design objects on a site, both real building bricks and various types of its imitation are used

The texture of the material and the clear geometry of the forms are expressively emphasized by the surroundings in the form of real or fake fruits - tassels of grapes, rowan berries, large flowers - pumpkins, sunflowers, garden sculptures, models of animals, birds.

Ideas for brick flower beds, offered in abundance in photo collections of glossy magazines and on Internet sites, do not have to be implemented exactly. It is quite possible to take what you saw as a basis and create your own version of a brick flower bed with your own hands, taking into account the characteristics of your personal plot.

Functions and nuances of flowerbed design

To create an aesthetically competent design, construction at the dacha should be carried out in the same style. And if the owners dream of brick flower beds, then the paths, the decorative pond, and other structures on the site should be built from the same material.

Fencing flower beds not only has a decorative function, but also protects the territory of the dacha from excessive growth of plants and prevents the soil in the flower garden from crumbling.

Keep an eye on the level

When you build your flowerbed, be sure to repeat the level check throughout the entire process.

Each layer should be straight to prevent tipping or tilting. If one part is raised a little higher, simply place a piece of wood on it and tap with a hammer to adjust.

Flat brick flowerbed

Round flower beds are usually located in the center of an open area. Designers recommend planting the best low-growing, brightly colored flowers in such a flower bed.

Flower beds with high walls are very attractive, but they occupy a fairly large area.

In small areas, experts prefer oval-shaped flower beds, which go well with the French style.

Waterfall in the corner of the yard

Water features are more than just a pleasing aesthetic for the garden, they are a relaxing addition that creates a wonderful outdoor ambiance. The trickle of water attracts birds and beneficial insects (such as butterflies and other pollinators). A "brick waterfall" placed in the corner of a patio or fence can add charm to any area. Professional masons make gorgeous waterfalls in a cascading way (a beginner may not be able to handle this).

The jet version of the structure can be mastered by a person without experience. An open place is chosen for the waterfall so that there are no buildings that would block all the beauty. Also, you should not start constructing a structure near dense green spaces, since branches and foliage will constantly pollute the water. The size of the structure must correspond to the free space. Bricks of different sizes and colors perfectly emphasize the naturalness of the building.

We advise you to learn how to use high-tech style in landscape design.

Adding natural stones makes sense. Using broken and old bricks is a smart and economical solution. Fantasy, bold ideas, skillful hands are the components of creating any brick structures. In addition, the reuse of recycled construction materials is of great benefit, ensuring a clean environment.

Multi-tiered flower beds

On the lower tier, low-growing creeping plants are planted, covering the soil with a “carpet”. On the upper tier there are the same plants, but with tassels beautifully flowing down.

When the simple rectangular shape of a flower bed does not satisfy the owners of the site, polygonal flower beds are erected. It should also be taken into account that multi-tiered flower beds require a foundation with a depth of at least 0.7 m.

Campfire areas

The brick roaster combines safety and ease of use. By using substandard bricks, you can create a unique place for making a fire. The project of creating such a zone requires nothing more than building materials and the most basic skills. When building a future fireplace, you need to take care of the drainage layer and safety precautions.

The building must be at least 10 m away from flammable structures. Recycled fireclay brick raw materials are heat-intensive and resistant to external influences, so the owners of land plots build a barbecue from it. A person who has no experience in construction can easily lay out a groove under the foundation, having previously marked the boundaries of the building.

Important! If old or broken brick cannot withstand extreme heat, then lining the fire area with a material that can withstand the heat should be considered. Otherwise, the brick structure may crack and break.

Then fill the furrow with broken bricks and pour concrete mortar. It must be taken into account that the walls of the barbecue must be level; skew is not allowed. Design reliability is an important aspect. At the fifth stage of the masonry, you will need to install a metal mesh or steel rods. Lay 2 more lines of bricks and build a canopy.

The positive aspects of brick flower beds

Such flower beds are not limited in size and height. From bricks of various colors and textures currently available for sale, you can create any planned structure. The owners’ imagination is not limited by anything.

To paint brickwork, you should use facade paints that do not lose color over time and are very durable.

With the help of various kinds of frames it is much easier to zoning a site. The bricks remaining after building the house will allow you to make the necessary zoning and save on the purchase of building materials.

Laying methods

Layout may vary. Before completing the task, you need to decide what functions the structure will perform.

Everything is important: height, dimensions, scale of the structure. This will allow you to correctly calculate the amount of brick needed.

Construction of a flower bed made of bricks

In addition to bricks, you will need sand and cement.

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to make a flowerbed out of brick with your own hands:

  • Use sand, lime or some colored tape to mark the future flower bed.
  • In accordance with the markings, a trench 0.3 m deep is dug.
  • A drainage layer of sand is laid at the bottom of the trench.
  • The laying of the first tier of masonry begins on the sand.
  • The bricks are fixed using a binder mortar.
  • It is necessary to leave holes on the side to drain excess water. Without this, plant roots may rot.
  • The strict horizontality of the masonry will be controlled by stakes with twine or fishing line stretched between them.
  • After the binding solution has hardened (5-6 days), soil can be poured into the flowerbed.
  • Before planting the plants, the soil in the flowerbed should be watered abundantly and the soil should be allowed to settle.

Features of creating a flower bed made of bricks

To create a beautiful flower bed, plants are planted according to a pre-drawn plan. The flowerbed should be placed in an unshaded area accessible to direct sunlight. Lack of light can lead to slower plant growth and degradation.

Erection of a brick flowerbed fencing is a feasible task even for those who have no construction experience and are doing it for the first time.

Such design of the site requires significant financial costs, but is compensated by a favorable aesthetic effect.

The choice of brick as a material for the construction of flower beds is especially justified if there is a fence and buildings made of the same material on the site.

If you have any difficulties in choosing a design or during the construction process, you should familiarize yourself with photo and video materials posted on the Internet that describe the stages of creating a brick flower bed.

Place for a flower garden

In order for flowers to grow well, you need to choose the right place for the flower garden. The following factors should be taken into account:

  • Sunlight - best to install where there is access to shade - most flowers cannot withstand direct rays.
  • Easy to see - no need to hide the flower garden, because its main purpose is to improve your mood.
  • Organization of space - if space is limited, you can plant flowers around the perimeter of the territory. If you choose the right plants, you can save your garden from known pests. For example: marigolds or calendula.

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By the way, chrysanthemums scare away mole crickets, which like to spoil young plants. By correctly positioning the flowerbed on your site, you can save yourself from unnecessary worries.

Photos of brick flower beds

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