Flowerbeds from tires: how to make a flower girl out of a tire

To improve and decorate their garden plots, summer residents resort to different methods. They usually decorate their yards and gardens with beautiful, bright and original flower beds made by themselves. They can be made from absolutely any materials, even those that were going to be thrown away.

For example, many people make original flower bowls from old pieces of furniture, cast-iron bathtubs, broken wooden barrels, and car tires. In this article we will talk about how to give unnecessary tires a second life by making bright and colorful fakes for the garden out of them.

Flowerbeds made of tires at the dacha

To make these flower beds made of tires cute and use them to create a decor for your summer cottage, you can use various methods:

  • they can be painted in bright colors;
  • You can cut various patterns on them;
  • You can make various shapes from them;
  • You can hang them on the wall or dig them into the ground.

Folk craftsmen have come up with a wide variety of products made from tires.
You can place some of them in your own garden. Wheels suspended from a branch or on a thick rope are a popular solution not only for creating children's swings, but also for creating flower beds. Choose a place for your flower bed right away. Once the tire is filled with soil and watered, it will be too heavy to move. It can be placed in the lowest part of the garden or near a decorative pond, then the soil in the pot will “suck” water from the soil.

The easiest way to create a flower bed from tires with your own hands is to put it in the right place and fill it with soil, in which to plant flowers and ornamental plants.

A bed of tires can be painted and cut to form a star or flower, or even a swan. This task is more difficult, but gives quite interesting effects.

Smaller tires can be painted, filled with soil and hung.

The benefits of tires are that they are durable and can be used to make many interesting decorations. Some disadvantage is the inability to completely disguise the nature of this item. No matter what we do with them, it will still be clear that these are tires.

Therefore, such recycling of tires would be appropriate at a summer cottage or in a sandbox, but at a country house in a romantic, English or Japanese style, they will not look very harmonious

Baskets and flowerpots for pots

Tire swans look attractive among the greenery of the garden or on the lawn . They can be left as garden decoration, or used as planters for low pots. To make them, you take a tire and draw a contour on it, which you then need to “go through” with a jigsaw or a sharp knife.

To secure the swan's long neck, you can use thick wire , which can then be painted over.

In order for the paint to adhere better, you need to degrease the surface of the tire and additionally prime it before painting. For a swan, two types of paint are most often used: white and black.

Which old car wheels are suitable?

If there is a choice, it is better to make complex structures from imported tires, since their rubber is softer and easier to cut. It is better to leave domestic tires for flowerbed elements that do not require changing the shape. If you choose between summer and winter tires, it is better to give preference to winter tires - they are more pliable and easier to cut. It should also be taken into account that the longer the tire has been in use, the easier it will be to work with it: cut and turn it out.

To create flower beds, use only tires that are thoroughly cleaned of dirt.

Important! Tires as a material for making flower beds have a number of advantages: durability, immunity to temperature changes, ease of processing and cost-effectiveness.

How to choose the right tire and the right plant

When choosing a tire, you should pay attention to the following:

  • manufacturer _ Domestic material is more difficult to cut than imported material;
  • seasonality . Winter tires are the most flexible and much more pleasant to work with than summer tires;
  • lifetime . The larger it is, the more flexible the material will be in work;
  • material for making cord . Polymer products are easier to work with than metal ones.

Attention : if the product will not turn inside out, you should take rubber with a well-preserved and clear tread. If on the contrary, then it is better to give preference to bald tires.

As for the choice of plants, the following can be planted in a tire flower garden:

  • annuals . Among them, they look beautiful: pansies, primroses, purslane, phlox, petunias;
  • perennials . Here it is recommended to give preference to unpretentious flowers: daisies, mattiolla, calendula, carnations.

Most summer residents prefer perennials, as they please the eye for many years. Also, when choosing plants for a flower garden, do not forget about their color scheme, care requirements and height. Various mixes look beautiful, in which the color scheme, bud shape and plant growth are well chosen.

Preparing for work

First of all, carefully inspect the side surface of the tire. Pay special attention to the small print. You need to look for the word "steel" or make sure it isn't there.

Using worn-out tires, you can make an original flowerbed without much expense.

The presence of this word indicates that the tire is reinforced with steel wire, so you will need a fine-tooth metal file.

If there is no inscription, the tire is reinforced with nylon, and to work with it you need to insert a large-tooth file for soft wood into a jigsaw. It is easier to saw rubber with a large-toothed saw, because you have to put in less effort.

Most often, steel wire is used to reinforce truck tires, but it is still necessary to check the tire to ensure that the file does not become dull.

If you have not only a tire, but also a disk for it, you can make two types of flower beds - low and high.

The cutting technology is the same, the difference is in some nuances of marking and the method of “turning out” the tire. Moreover, it is necessary to determine what kind of flower bed you will make before you start applying the markings.

How to cut tires

Beautiful flower beds of annuals, photo examples

In general, when making crafts from tires, they often need to be cut. This is far from easy. It is more or less easy to cut off the side surface of the tread. People with strong hands and good knives do this by hand. By the way, a good workout for the hands and the entire shoulder girdle. If you are going to cut with a knife, lubricate the blade with grease: the rubber constantly “jams” the metal, and the blade covered with grease slides out well.

You can also cut off the sidewall with a jigsaw or grinder. Cutting with a grinder is relatively quick, but the stench is wild. Therefore, with a grinder, even if there is one, only the first cut is made so that the jigsaw file can be inserted. Then they work with this tool. To cut rubber, take a blade with a reverse tooth made of good steel.

You can use tires with cut edges to make a raised bed for strawberries.

If you have to cut the tread, doing it with a jigsaw or, especially, with a knife is useless. At least with a regular knife. Blades made of special steel can even cut iron cord, but it’s unlikely that anyone would want to damage such a tool on an old tire. That’s why they most often work with an angle grinder. To avoid any troubles, the protector is secured: always think about safety. If the sidewalls have already been cut off, the tread tape is quite elastic and can be compressed with a clamp. Once cut, it will not spring back.

What tools may be useful for creating a flower bed?

First of all, this is something that will help cut rubber - an electric jigsaw, an angle grinder, a knife. If you decide to use a knife, the blade should be sharpened.

It is important to understand that thick rubber is difficult to cut with a knife. Therefore, it must first be lubricated with grease. If you don't use a cutting knife, it can still be useful for making small cuts.

An electric jigsaw is the optimal cutting tool. Moreover, the more powerful it is, the easier it will be to cut the wheel. Even better is to use a grinder.

Third step

Once you've finished making the cuts, you can start turning the tires inside out. It is worth noting that this procedure is not at all simple and can create a problem for many people. You will need to make a significant effort. True, you shouldn’t despair - you need to unscrew at least a small part, and then the work will go much easier. If you cannot cut through the metal cord, you can use a grinder. Having completed this stage, you will receive a finished vase that you can begin to decorate.

Turning out a tire for a flower bed

The simplest types of flower beds

The easiest way is to put an old tire on the plot, throw some soil there and plant seedlings.

If you want to make a beautiful area for flowers, but there is no time or desire to do extensive work, then you can do the following:

  • Take several tires of the same format.
  • Wash them thoroughly to remove any dirt.
  • Treat with primer.
  • After it dries, paint the rubber in any bright color.
  • All that remains is to place the wheels at the right points in the garden or arrange them into a multi-level structure like a pyramid of several tiers.
  • The inner cavity of the tires is filled with earth and your favorite plants are planted there.

The simplest version of a flowerbed made of tires

This is, of course, simple, but it doesn’t look like an exclusive decoration. The situation can be improved. Let's take bright acrylic or oil paints, select several of them that are most compatible in color and paint several tires. Then you can install them on top of each other and get a wonderful multi-level flower bed.

To make making a flowerbed out of car tires with your own hands a truly creative experience, try making a figurine of a turtle:

  1. Prepare two tires for the flowerbed. Leave one intact, and cut out the protector from the other.
  2. Divide the tread into four equal parts, which will become the turtle's paws.
  3. Make a short triangular tail from a piece of tread.
  4. For the head, take a flat bottle of household chemicals, for example, from “Mr. Muscle”. Its neck will become the neck of a turtle.
  5. Make cuts in the whole tire and insert the paws, tail and bottle into them. Secure with self-tapping screws.
  6. Color the turtle and draw its face.

Low bright flowers look good on the turtle flower bed in the garden: tagetes, nasturtium, ornamental cabbage

An original do-it-yourself vertical flowerbed of tires is created from several tires of different diameters, stacked on top of each other like a pyramid. You can put a flower pot on top if you don’t have a small tire on the farm. After painting and filling the inner space of the tires with soil, you can grow hanging plants, for example, petunia or strawberries, in the resulting flowerbed.

Flower beds made from tires can also be hanging. Attach a strong metal chain (thick cord, rope, etc.) to the tire and hang it on a tree. In order to be able to pour soil into the flowerbed, the bottom of the tire must be covered. For example, fix inside a flowerpot with a diameter slightly larger than the inner circumference of the tire. Or put a thick piece of rubber inside - think for yourself, there will probably be a material suitable for covering on the farm.

Tires are often used to make original flower beds in the form of a tea set or just a separate mug. To make such a flowerbed, it is enough to stock up on one tire. One side of the tire needs to be cut off across its entire width. Then the tire and the cut part need to be turned inside out. All that remains is to install the tire on the cut element and secure them together. It turns out something like a vase. To make it look like a cup, you need to attach a handle made of wire or any other suitable material to the side. All that remains is to paint the cup and fill it with soil in which perennial plants will grow.

Children's zone

A flower garden in the shape of a frog princess is created from three tires. Two elements become the paws of a fairy-tale character, and the third becomes the body and head. The eyes are made from small plastic buckets, and the crown is made from a cut-off bottle. To prevent the decor from getting lost in the abundance of plants, you should not plant many colorful crops. Single bulbous species or low-growing periwinkles look beautiful.

Frog from an old tire Source financloansinvest.ru

You can make original flower beds of simple shapes from tires. From 3 elements it is easy to assemble popular minions whose hair will become plants. A flower garden of 2 wheels is painted to look like a ladybug. Decorations do not interfere with the site and become a natural extension of the landscape.

Garden figures - minions Source 90552.com Pink flower stand with polka dots Source roomester.ru

The turtle is a simple flower bed made of tires that will become a bright detail in the children's area. A third of the element is dug into the ground, the head and paws are glued. Low flowers become an extension of the shell, so choose plants in several shades. Hanging flowerpots made from tires in the shape of bright birds (parrots, hummingbirds) will be an original decoration for the playground.

Flowerbed made from an inverted tire

Flowerbeds made from inverted tires resemble pot-bellied round flowerpots, to create which you will need:

1. Cut out a design of flowerbed petals on the top of the tire

Petals can be rectangular, triangular, round and even wavy. To begin with, they should be drawn with chalk or soap, and then cut out using a sharp knife, hacksaw or jigsaw. If you decide to use a knife, we recommend that you moisten it with soapy water while working - this will make it easier to overcome the resistance of the dense rubber.

2. Turn the tire inside out

Many people are interested in how to turn a flowerbed tire inside out, because this is not an easy task and requires considerable effort. To do this, you need to turn the tire upside down with the side on which we did not cut anything, grab the cuts from the bottom with your hands and, pressing on the tread, carefully turn it out. Once you've done about half of the tire, flatten it into an oval and easily turn the rest out.

It will take physical effort to turn the tire out. You can ask someone strong to do this

When turning the tire, do not be afraid of damaging it. Even a passenger car tire is designed to withstand loads that cannot be created by hand.

As a result, we should end up with something like this:

An inverted tire is an almost finished flowerbed.

3. Paint the flowerbed in a spectacular color

We paint the resulting flowerbed in any color that will be in harmony with the rest of the landscape objects on your site. You can settle on a single color, but multi-colored ones, for example, in the form of stripes or a bright pattern, will look more impressive.

Required tools and materials

When creating a colorful flower girl you will need the following tools:

  • angle grinder (aka grinder);
  • electric jigsaw;
  • sharp knife.

Materials you will need: paints:

  • aerosol;
  • oil based;
  • auto enamel;
  • nitro enamel.

Also useful in the work process: gloves, safety glasses, brushes, rollers, spray bottle, chalk or marker (for marking), fasteners for making complex shapes (brackets, screws).

Making flower beds from tires

For those who are interested in how to make a flower girl out of a tire, it is worth noting that there is nothing complicated in this process. The main thing is to choose in advance on the Internet or come up with your own form for the future flower garden, find suitable consumables, prepare tools and stock up on free time. Following the advice and experts in the field of gardening, even inexperienced beginners in this matter can make flower beds from tires with their own hands.

How to turn a tire inside out?

Many people are interested in the question of how to properly turn a tire inside out. There is absolutely nothing complicated here:

  1. An old tire is selected (the older it is, the better).
  2. Thoroughly cleaned of dirt, washed and dried.
  3. Using a marker, cut lines are made, which are cut with a knife, jigsaw or grinder.
  4. Turn the tire inside out with both hands. In this case, you need to grab the cut edge, step on the middle of the tire with your foot, and pull it towards you with force.
  5. Finally, the cut edges of the product are sanded and treated with gasoline. Next, you can start painting the flower girl in the chosen color.

Flowerpot from a wheel: turning the tires out

A popular type of flower beds are tires turned inside out in the form of flowerpots with legs. They have a rounded shape, reminiscent of pot-bellied vases. The workflow itself for creating such an original flower garden is as follows:

  1. Petals are cut out of the tire using a knife or jigsaw (they must be cut to the tread).
  2. Next, the lower and upper parts of the rubber are turned inside out. In this case, the disc should not be removed from the tire, as it will serve as the flowerpot’s leg.
  3. The upper part of the product is painted in bright colors: orange, red, purple.
  4. The bottom one is green (since it will act as a stem).

Flowerbeds made from a car tire in the shape of a swan

Many people are interested in the question: how to make a flowerbed in the shape of a swan from a wheel? Quite easy and simple. Here the tire is turned inside out (just like when making a flowerpot with a leg). The only difference between flower beds is the more complex work of cutting rubber.

How to color it correctly?

Fans of multi-tiered design are interested in how to make a flower bed attractive and not damage its surface. It is for this purpose that it is recommended to prepare the outer part of the tire by grinding.

When sanding is ready, the flower bed needs to be thoroughly rinsed to remove old deposits that are tightly stuck in the tread cracks.

After drying, the tire is treated with a chemical solvent. If you managed to properly prepare the old tire, then begin painting it.

You can paint old tires using:

  • Wood brushes of all sizes;
  • Spray bottle;
  • Spray bottle.

If you use a brush, you can beautifully paint multi-tiered cut parts of tires with your own hands. To decorate tires with patterns, choose a thin brush. This way you can paint an old tire with a pattern of flowers and wood.

If you spray paint old tires, the step-by-step application will be quick, but will not give an interesting result.

The dye and primer are applied to both the outer edge of the tire and the inner edge of the tire. The flowerbed is ready after drying on the sunny side of the garden.

To beautifully paint the product, you need to purchase automotive enamel

Rules for coloring tires:

  • A light-colored primer will protect the roots of flowers from overheating in the area;
  • When applying large layers of primer, the cut product for flowers is ready, but may cause cracks that are noticeable to the eye;
  • The colorful design of a plastic flower bed or alpine slide may not give the desired appearance to old plants or the area.

Color decoration ideas should give the proper appearance to the garden.

She may be:

  1. Silver shade. When the tiered vase with plants is ready, it will become glamorous;
  2. Bright green, then the flowers will be beautifully camouflaged behind the fence from prying eyes;
  3. Original flowers, then even tiered flowers and huge plants will be beautifully decorated.
  4. The figured pattern can be made with a stencil or an original chess pattern.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tire foundation
The desire to give your garden a beautiful and original appearance forces the owner to put effort into decorating all kinds of flower beds. Gray pots or plastic containers look ordinary and monotonous.

Very often everything comes down to the financial component of this issue. Presenting flower bed owners with a choice between purchasing tempting plant specimens or purchasing ready-made forms for planting them.

To avoid unnecessary expenses, you can make a flower bed yourself using old tires. This material is available in huge quantities at stations specializing in tire manufacturing. There you can easily choose tires of suitable sizes for you, which have long expired.

Over time, used tires lose their former rigidity, so they can be processed without much difficulty. The edges of a tire turned inside out look more fun. After this, they resemble tree leaves or flower petals. The difficulties that arise at this stage can be easily overcome by imagination and a strong hand.

A more complicated option - flowerpots

Many gardeners, encountering funny designs for flower beds made from car tires in city front gardens, often thought about the question of how to make a flowerpot from a tire that would become a worthy decoration for the garden plot.

Car tires, having served their service life properly, can find a new life by becoming an interesting and functional element of garden decor.

DIY flowerpots made from tires are a quick, convenient and most importantly free way to create original decorations that can highlight the beauty and splendor of plants planted at the bottom. You can get hold of the material for making a flower pot at any tire shop.

To create an unusual element of the interior of a personal plot, you will need a little imagination and about half an hour of physical effort to cut out petals or other parts of the vase with a powerful knife or jigsaw.

The technology for making a flowerpot from a tire with your own hands is quite simple. Any tire size can be chosen:

  • Preparing the base. The rim is cut with a knife along the border of the transition from soft to thicker rubber around the entire tire. Under the tread inside the tire there is a metal cord that cannot be cut. The cord will serve as a natural boundary to which to cut from the center to the tread in the sidewall of the tire.
  • Making cuts. Cuts 5-10 cm deep are made with a well-sharpened knife. The width of the cuts is any, but not less than 10 cm, since in the future they will serve as the basis for the decorative elements of the flowerpot.
  • Turning the tire out. After the cuts are made along the entire diameter of the tire, you need to turn it inside out. To do this, the tire is turned over with the cuts down, and the foot is fixed to the ground on the side with a solid rim in the area where it transitions to the tread. To turn the tire out, force should be directed from the center of the product and at an angle of 45 degrees. Having turned out a small part of the rubber, further work proceeds easily.
  • Elaboration of decorative elements. The tire turned inside out now looks like a real flowerpot, which just needs to be supplemented with small elements and painted in the desired color. The sections of rubber between the cuts can later be shaped into petals, semicircles, and triangles. Such DIY garden flowerpots will decorate the front area, patio, and recreation areas.
  • Filling the flowerbed with soil. Any agrotextile material is placed at the bottom of the flowerpot to prevent weed germination and provide the necessary water drainage. The container is filled with fertile soil for planting plants and flowers. For this purpose, a truck tire is laid out at the base and filled with a layer of earth, on top is a flowerpot of R16-17 wheels, and on the third level is a flowerpot of R12-R13 tires.

Here's what the whole thing looks like:

To transform a tire into a pretty flowerpot, you should first remove the very durable hard inner rim, which is always located where the wheel meets the rim

If you want to create a flowerpot for the garden on a stand, you can not cut out the core at all, but use it as a base for a bowl.

Making your own concrete vases

If you want to create a spectacular decoration for your garden or flower garden that will last for decades, you can make decorative flowerpots from concrete with your own hands. You will need cement, sand, water and any form for pouring. If there are often no problems with purchasing material for manufacturing, then questions may arise with finding a form, especially if it is original or complex. Ready-made forms can be found in construction stores. They are often made of plastic.

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Before filling the mold with cement mortar, treat its inner surface with motor oil, lubricant or spray for processing concrete products. Surface treatment will allow you to easily separate the form from the concrete in the future. The solution is mixed in a separate container. Only after this is it poured a third into the mold.

A smaller container (also treated with a spray) to create a recess for placing a flower is immersed in the center of the flowerpot when the solution has set a little, but is still quite liquid

The voids between the walls are filled with mortar to the brim and left for several days to harden. The template is easily removed from the concrete flowerpot after lightly tapping it with a hammer along the entire outer side.

In the absence of the opportunity to incur additional costs for purchasing a form, you can use two ordinary cardboard boxes of different sizes. To do this, the seams of the box are reinforced with tape. A thin layer of sand is poured onto the bottom of a larger box and cement mortar is poured into one quarter of the box. While the solution is holding together a little, you should prepare another smaller box and cut out the bottom in it. Then install this box on top of the cement mortar. Also fill the voids between the walls of the boxes with solution. It takes 5-6 days for the form to harden. The frozen flowerpot is removed from the mold. The bottom of the vase is drilled in several places to ensure sufficient water drainage. The concrete flowerpot is ready: you can fill in a layer of soil and plant flowers.

We offer you an example of making a concrete flowerpot using factory molds:

Three best ideas for creating flower beds from solid tires

Idea 1: “Pyramid” There is nothing easier than creating a flower bed in the form of a pyramid for flowers:
You will need:
  1. Tires of different diameters.
  2. Paints, brushes.


  1. Space the tires far apart from each other.
  2. Color them in different colors.
  3. Once the paint has dried, stack them on top of each other following the basic pyramid: large ones at the bottom, then medium ones, and at the end the smallest one.
  4. During installation, fill each tire tightly with earth (use any plank as the bottom)
Idea 2: "Minions"
Simple, but at the same time very funny characters from wheel tires will look:

You will need:

  1. 6 tires (for two).
  2. Paints, brushes.


  1. Stack the tires on top of each other in groups of 3.
  2. Color them according to the chosen minion image.
  3. Add additional elements: glasses, hands, etc.

Idea 3: “Tire plant pots”
Hanging flower beds made from tires look very unusual in the garden. Especially if you plant hanging plants in them:


  1. Just attach old tires to any wall using self-tapping screws and plant flowers in them.
  2. If desired, you can paint the tires in your favorite color

How to cut a tire

I think it will be clear from the photo: why cut the tire. Indeed, they do not rot and do not creep away from the sun and frost. Accidental impacts, unlike asbestos cement sheets, do not harm them. After all, rubber strips can be used in many ways. Even if you don’t edge the beds like I did. Even if you don't cut the tire

onto the tape, the hoops obtained from it can be used as a compost bin or vertical bed. Yes, you hear a lot about how it’s harmful and terrible and all that. Don't know. But my ants build their summer incubator nests near the rubber, where they keep their pupae. If rubber were harmful, I don’t think they would have worked like that. And if they aren’t afraid, then it’s somehow no good for me either. OK. Everyone decides this question for themselves. But for those who decide to cut a tire for their needs, here are some tips:

You need to start cutting the tire with a shoe knife. We make the same cut several times, pressing on the side so that the cut diverges and cut through. Now we insert a good knife into the cut, sharpening it toward you (I made a special cutter from the blade of an industrial hacksaw) and cut it with an upward-toward motion, simultaneously bending what is being cut to the side. Cut the tire

how they cut bread - no need. Rip up the rubber. And the knife doesn’t have to be razor-sharp: the slight sawtooth shape of the burrs is only beneficial.

I recommend turning the tire out for the winter and letting it rest. Otherwise, cut, it will become a wave. It is necessary to remove the trough-like appearance, which will give the hoop a long shelf life. But you can do it differently. Make a bunch of cuts on the inside out tire.

You can cut hoops into ribbons with a regular small grinder. Just make sure that the wind is not blowing towards your neighbors, otherwise you won’t be able to avoid an untranslatable play on words (in one of the local dialects) because this thing is stinking. BUT! The rubber is nicely cut with a grinder, the metal cord is also striped with it, etc. In general, cutting a tire is a quick job once you see how. And to make it completely clear, here’s a video where tire cutting takes place in real time.

Tire pitfalls

When processing and manufacturing products from old tires, there are pitfalls that are hidden from view and only appear directly during the process. This article is dedicated to these stones.

Catch #1. Material: rubber.

The tire must be firmly secured, or at least the part that is currently being cultivated must be secured. In our case, an original tire cutting technique has been developed. Based on this, you need to cut the tread first while the tire has maximum rigidity. If there is, you need to cut the tread and rest against nothing, an ordinary glass jar will come to the rescue, although after cutting 5-6 centimeters, the jar must be moved.

The threads of old and new tires are different, and at the same time the results i.e. properties of cutting elements are different. For clarity, if you make a swan from a bald tire, then the swan’s head falls to the front, and if from an almost new one, then the head, on the contrary, falls back.

Catch #2. The presence of a metal cord and tread thickness.

The metal cord is located only over the entire area of ​​the rubbing surface. The metal cord, together with the thickness of the tread itself, creates additional difficulties when cutting the tire.

Using a hacksaw for metal, cutting a tire is very, very difficult, and in some places it is completely impossible.

When treating the main rubbing surface, use:

  • electric jigsaw (the best option - the rubber does not burn and is processed well). Having tried several jigsaws, I was surprised that not every jigsaw can cut a tire.
  • grinder (in some cases convenient, but the rubber burns - a lot of smoke)

But the sides of the wheel can be easily cut with an ordinary knife. Rarely, but accurately, there are tires without a metal cord at all - probably 1 in 40.

Catch #3. A ring on which the tire sits on a metal rim.

The ring is a hardened stranded metal rod bent into a ring. Cutting metal with a hacksaw is unrealistic, but it can take a long time. There is only one way out - use Balgarka. In my opinion, the seat ring is correctly called. Many people immediately want to get rid of the ring; in some cases, the rigidity of the ring is used in the design.

Catch #4. Tire painting.

You can paint the wheels with any paint. Nitroenamel dries quickly and allows you to immediately place and use the figures. But since you have to paint rubber, which is deformed during transportation, the paint also cracks and bursts - regardless of the type of paint. Since the chemical reaction is ongoing, the colors fade, white becomes yellowish, so it is better if it is possible to repaint the figures annually.

Landscape Design Basics

In order for a dacha or local area to look decent, often neither high professionalism nor significant financial costs are required. Anything can be used: broken bricks, stones, plastic bottles, old watering cans and much more.

For example, an alpine slide, which is the object of dreams of many owners of suburban areas, can easily be built without the involvement of specialists. The most important thing is not to be afraid to experiment and boldly combine different items and objects.

Interesting. Often old junk, which, it would seem, is time to throw away, can do a good job in decorating the territory.

So, for example, an old rickety chair will make a beautiful stand for a flowerpot. An old chest of drawers, if painted and decorated accordingly, can decorate any blank wall by planting bright flowers in its drawers.

More complex structures can be made from scrap materials, for example, with a metal rod and flower pots on hand, you can build a very interesting vertical flower bed.

Among domestic gardeners and owners of suburban areas, flower beds made from tires are in fairly high demand. They will be discussed further.

Photo gallery - we create crafts from old tires for the garden:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA bright flowerpots made from old tires a bright flowerpot made from tires will become the main accent in the garden landscape design

Where to place an alpine slide made of tires and stones

Choose sunny or shaded areas. It all depends on the plants that the summer resident prefers. On the south side there is a rock garden for drought-resistant and light-loving crops. In the north there are shade-loving and moisture-resistant crops.

An alpine hill made of tires and stones can be placed on a beautiful background: a fence, grapes or an open lawn

Rules for placing a rock garden:

  • it should be an open sunny area, visible from anywhere in the yard; Attention! The alpine slide should not be placed close to flowering flower beds, otherwise it will “get lost.”
  • experts do not recommend placing the slide near the fence and outbuildings, since debris will accumulate in the gaps and snakes or rodents may appear;
  • the alpine slide must be protected from the wind;
  • it is desirable that there is a body of water nearby;
  • if the site is located in a lowland and the rock garden is constantly in wet soil, then moisture-loving plants are planted on it or a drainage layer of expanded clay or crushed stone is arranged;
  • if the site already has a natural hill, then an alpine hill is placed on it;
  • the depressions are designed in the form of a gorge.


beautiful three-tier flowerpot

Painting tires is best done after giving the initial shape, but before directly assembling the final product. Almost any paint is suitable for outdoor use. The most commonly used are enamel, oil-based or aerosol. The cleaning of the tires was completed at the preparatory stage, so you can start painting. For each color, applying one layer will be enough; there is no special technology. After painting, the tire must be allowed to dry; the time depends on the type of paint.

All of the above steps are basic for creating crafts from old tires for the garden. Further work will be individual for each product.


Advantages and disadvantages of products made from car tires

The advantages of creating flower girls from old car tires include:

  • low cost. Many owners of dachas and country houses will definitely have unnecessary tires in their garage. Or, you can always ask them from a neighbor, friend, or buy them at a low price at a service station;
  • durability. Rubber products can serve their owners for many years without losing their original qualities;
  • strength and reliability. Such fakes are not afraid of either mechanical influences or negative environmental factors. They are not afraid of sudden changes in temperature, heavy precipitation, or exposure to direct sunlight;
  • the ability to create bright and original crafts using paints and varnishes (any paint can be applied to tires easily and evenly, which does not wear off for a long time and does not fade).

Thanks to the pliability and elasticity of rubber, fakes can be given absolutely any shape. And thanks to the dense texture of the material, this shape lasts a long time and does not deform.

But flower beds made from wheels have no disadvantages. The only thing is that you will have to spend a little effort and your free time to create an exclusive flower girl in the form of a snail, turtle or bird.


2-3 tires placed one on top of the other will turn into a cup if you make a handle on one of the sides.

A strip 5-8 cm wide is cut out of the tread, one end is bolted to the bottom tire, and the other to the top. The cup is installed on a pre-cut side of the tire, like on a saucer. A teapot is made using this principle, but you also need to attach a spout to it.

To make the teaware more realistic, you can use tires of different diameters and cut off the side part on the upper parts. Cups with a teapot are painted accordingly: with large polka dots, Gzhel, with floral patterns.

Whether or not to plant flowers inside depends on the situation. If there are enough other flower beds in the garden, it is better to leave the dishes as is, and when there is little space for a flower bed, they can be made in cups.

What is the fine for flower beds made of tires in the yard, garden and summer cottage in 2022?

In Russia, administrative responsibility is being introduced for the creation of flower beds for flowers, bushes and trees in the yard, at the dacha and on a plot of land from used tires. Now lovers of rubber flower beds will receive a punishment of from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles, and the management company that allowed them to be placed either placed them or did not remove them on time - from 100 to 250 thousand rubles.

For several years now, the Ministry of Ecology has announced the enormous harm to nature caused by car tires. However, only in 2021 a law was passed banning the use of car tires. Part 1 of Article 8.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses prohibits the use of old rubber tires for decoration and equipment of yards, gardens, streets, etc., and introduces an administrative penalty for individuals and legal entities - a fine. Namely:

  1. Owners of land plots who made flower beds from tires and others will pay a fine of up to 2,000 rubles.
  2. In case of a repeated violation, as well as if the previous one is not eliminated, a fine of 3,000 rubles
  3. Legal entities pay the most, they are fined 100,000 - 250,000 rubles.

Those who were previously dissatisfied with such decorations are now happy and clap their hands with happiness. Now all these homemade products will have to be disassembled and disposed of.

Attention! It must be borne in mind that rubber tires cannot be thrown into a landfill; they must be taken to special points that handle recycling. As a rule, old tires are accepted at tire shops, but this service is not free. The price for recycling old tires is from 50 rubles per piece.

Variety of crafts

You can use tires to make garden chairs with a comfortable backrest.

The crafts themselves can be divided into two categories: functional and decorative. The first group will include products that have practical benefits. For example, flower beds or tire swings. The second will include crafts that are used as decoration, for example, a fence made from old tires or an outlandish rubber animal. For both groups, you can come up with a huge number of products, the main difference of which will be the complexity of their execution, from simple to complex. Each craft will become a distinctive feature of the garden at the dacha, and with due effort, you will get a real masterpiece from a tire.

Useful tips for recycling tires

There are many good recommendations that will help you make a flower garden of any shape:

  1. When choosing a tire, you should choose the one that is the most worn, with thin and soft rubber. This will help in processing the material.
  2. Winter tires are more comfortable to use and pliable. Summer ones require a lot of effort in cutting.
  3. Tires with worn tread are easier to turn out.
  4. At the first stage, the material is prepared for work. First, the tire is cleaned of dirt and all kinds of foreign objects.
  5. If you plan to cut out shaped elements, then markings are applied first to make cutting the materials easier. As a result, the work will be more accurate and precise. For this purpose, you can use chalk and markers.
  6. We also recommend using tires from imported manufacturers, which are thinner and softer.

By learning how to make a flower bed from a tire with your own hands and studying step-by-step instructions with photos, you can create unique products that will decorate your garden plot.

Sources used: babushkinadacha.ru, www.syl.ru, yellowhome.ru, gardenerschool.ru, evropa-park.ru, landizayn.ru, agroeda.ru, www.stoydiz.ru, greennirvana.ru, karniz-dv.ru , qlumba.com, rem-stroitelstvo.ru, vdome.club, landshaftt.ru, lishou.ru, comfortdacha.ru, odengah.com, landshaftnik.com, vsedlydachi.ru

We select and prepare tires for making flower beds with our own hands

Old car tires will be soft after a long period of use and will be easier to shape into the desired shape. You can ask your neighbors for tires - motorists who do not need them. You can also pick up used car tires at service stations, since they would otherwise simply be thrown into a landfill. And if you have the opportunity to choose between domestic and imported tires, then it is better to make flower beds from imported tires. Because tires from foreign manufacturers are much softer , so it is easier for them to give different shapes, turn them out, etc.

Dirty tires should first be cleaned of as much dirt and sand as possible. After all, it’s more pleasant to work with clean material, and the blades of the knives will become dull faster when working with tires dirty with dirt and sand.

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