How to properly plant roses in open ground: step-by-step instructions, recommendations from experienced gardeners

RosesRose is the collective name for species and varieties of representatives of the genus Rosehip (Latin... they look delightful in the garden and in order for their aroma to remain subtle and delicate, and the petals to be elastic, the gardener must properly prepare the place and soil for planting, distribute the plants according to the pattern, determine the time and method of planting the seedling, and for some varieties - study special recommendations.

RosesRose is the collective name for species and varieties of representatives of the genus Rosehip (Latin... are among the most demanding garden flowers to care for. To get truly lush, beautiful buds, you need to make a lot of effort. Moreover, you should pay attention to plants at all stages of their cultivation, starting from planting in the ground.If you make a mistake at this stage, then timely feeding, proper pruning, disease prevention and covering the bushes for the winter will no longer matter.

When can you plant roses in open ground?

There are many opinions regarding the choice of time to transfer the plant to the ground. Rose is a plant that is unpretentious and very versatile. Accordingly, sprouts can be transferred at almost any time, with the exception of winter.

When can you plant roses in open ground:

  • Many gardeners believe that spring is the ideal time to plant all plants, including roses, in open ground. This is true, it is important to choose the right moment.
  • If these are the Southern regions, then the ideal option would be to transfer them to the ground at the end of April. If these are mid-latitudes, for example the Moscow region, then it is best to postpone the transplant until the beginning of May or its middle. It is necessary that the air temperature be +10-12 degrees during the week.
  • This is due to the fact that the roots need to adapt, and the outer part of the plant needs to get used to a fairly cool environment. You can also rely on the lunar calendar. Here you can learn more about planting dates according to the lunar calendar.

Preparation of bushes

Preparation of young seedlings

◊ Escapes. We need to cut off all damaged and dried shoots under the first bud.

Healthy shoots must also be pruned, but (for stronger seedlings, 5 buds are left, for seedlings of average strength and quality, 3 buds; if the seedling is weakened, the shoots must be shortened to almost the entire length, leaving 3 mm at the base).

When planting roses in spring, we save:

  • Floribunda: 3-4 buds.
  • Hybrid tea species: 2-3 buds.
  • Low-growing polyanthus: 2-3 buds.
  • Rambler climbing groups: shoots are cut to 35 cm.
  • Tall: shoots can be shortened by 10-15 cm for early flowering.
  • Miniature and park varieties are not pruned; the shoots only need to be slightly refreshed (trimmed the tops).

◊ Roots. We inspect the roots: we cut off the dented ones, we dive the good ones 1-2 cm from the tip. Then we dip the roots into a solution of water and “Kornevin”, keeping them there for several hours.

Before planting roses, the roots of the plant are cut to 20-25 cm, damaged ones are removed until healthy tissue begins to appear.

The day before planting, place the roses in a container with water for 11-12 hours. Then we moisten the roots with a mixture of clay and mullein (proportion 3x1), adding a heteroauxin tablet to a bucket of solution (pre-dissolve the tablet in water).

Packaging Features

Rose seedlings can be found in completely different packages. Features of the form in which the young rose was sold must be taken into account when preparing the plant for planting:

♦ Polyethylene cylinders. Baltic producers like to pack rose seedlings in plastic tube cylinders without a bottom.

The plants are in this packaging from the very moment of grafting, so they can be easily planted without destroying the earth ball. But before you plant, carefully inspect the roots.

  • If the roots are light and directed outward, the plant can be planted immediately. And if there are few light roots, they are tangled - in this case, carefully straighten the roots and cut off the dry ones. It is imperative to ensure that the roots are directed outward and downward. If seedlings in cylinders need to be preserved, store them in a pot, first freeing them from packaging.

♦ Seedlings grown on light peat in greenhouses. Based on the experience of gardeners, such seedlings need to be planted by disturbing the earthen ball (by the way, contrary to many literary instructions).

As a rule, the pots of such seedlings are small, and the roots tightly entangle the ground, forming a kind of “felt”. The roots cannot get out of such a coma on their own; roses do not take root in a new place for a long time and often die.

  • Be sure to remove the seedling from the pot before planting and soak it in water so that all the air comes out of the earthen ball. Then use a sharp knife to remove the outer layer of roots. Wash the roots of the seedling from the soil, but do not touch them at the base. Then straighten the roots and plant the rose.

♦ Mesh packaging. The manufacturer says that seedlings in a mesh container can be planted directly in it. But according to the experience of gardeners, planting roses in a net very often gives poor results. The seedlings take root poorly.

Therefore, try to partially disrupt the integrity of the mesh before planting and straighten the surface roots (by cutting off rotten or dry ones).

When to plant roses in open ground in the fall?

Many gardeners believe that the ideal option is to move them outdoors around the end of October.

When to plant roses in open ground in the fall:

  • It is in autumn that the weather remains quite warm, but there is no intense heat.
  • In the southern regions, autumn is quite warm and long, so transfer to the ground can be successfully carried out in the autumn.
  • Before winter, plants have time to adapt and get used to it. Such crops must be treated with special care, and when cold weather sets in, cover them with special covering material.

Planting roses


Roses need space. Typically, 60 to 90 centimeters deep and around the roots of the plant is sufficient. If groundwater lies close to the surface or water stagnates in the selected area, take care of raised beds and beds for roses to provide them with favorable conditions for growth.

To summarize: choose a non-wetland area for planting with fertile soil, sufficient sunlight and good air circulation.

Choosing a place to plant roses will not be an impossible task for you if you pay attention to the needs of the rose and take everything into account when creating a rose garden in your garden! The efforts made will certainly be justified by the riot of colors and aroma of these magnificent flowers.

How to plant roses in open ground in spring?

Once you decide to plant plants, you need to choose the right seedling. In general, there are two types of plants sold in stores: with an open root system and a closed one. It is necessary to examine the roots very carefully and evaluate their quality, as well as health.

How to plant roses in open ground in spring:

  • If you find any rotten areas, it is best to refrain from purchasing the sprout. Next, you need to look at the quality of the shoots. It is necessary that their number be at least two lignified shoots. The roots should be sufficiently branched and strong, with no dry areas.
  • If the roots are more than 35 cm long, they must be trimmed. Likewise, you should not purchase plants with large runs and leaves. The color of the leaves should be rich, green, and the roots, when cut, should have a whitish-yellowish tint.
  • If you have chosen the required seedling, you need to treat it before planting it in the ground. This will increase the chances of the sprout taking root and speed up the process, protecting the plant from damage and disease. Immediately after purchase, you need to remove any remaining soil from the roots and soak the plant in plain water or a growth stimulant for about 2-3 hours. Please note that next you need to cut off all dry and thin roots, as well as rotten areas.
  • It is best to prune 2 cm above the affected area. It is also recommended to cut the top shoots to a length of no more than 30 cm. Please note that in some stores they treat the stems and tops with wax.
  • It must be carefully removed with a toothpick. Typically this wax is applied to prevent the plant from losing moisture. Next, you need to cut off the ends that were covered with paraffin by about 2 cm. This will allow the plant to breathe best. Never leave paraffin residue on the rose, as this will interfere with its breathing.

Planting roses

Disembarkation scheme

Regardless of the purpose for which a rose garden is created - as a decorative flower bed, or as a nursery - seedlings must be planted in such a way that they are easy to care for. You should not set up a flower garden in the middle of an artificial pond or on a steep slope, where it will be difficult to get close to the flowers. And in the flowerbed itself, plants should be planted in no more than 2-3 rows. Otherwise, caring for flowers will be difficult. These are the most basic rules on how to properly plant a rose in the garden in the spring.

The density and location of planting are largely determined by the variety, or rather the shape of adult bushes. The main thing is that in the end their crowns create a continuous wall of flowers and leaves. For example, floribundas should be planted in groups consisting of 3-5 bushes, and hybrid tea rosesRose is the collective name for species and varieties of representatives of the genus Rosehip (Latin ... - at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. Climbing RosesRose is the collective name for species and varieties of representatives of the genus Rosehip (lat. ... will look great near arches, trellises and other structures along which plants can climb up. This, by the way, is a great way to decorate a porch or gazebo.

How to plant a rose in the ground correctly: site preparation

Next, you need to decide on the soil. Roses simply love slightly acidic soil with a pH of 5.5-6.5 units. Therefore, if the soil is very acidic, it is necessary to additionally treat it with lime or dolomite flour.

How to plant a rose in the ground correctly:

  • It is also recommended to apply organic fertilizers, but under no circumstances should you use fresh manure or bird droppings. A prerequisite is that the organic fertilizer must be rotted, otherwise burns cannot be avoided.
  • The rose root system is very sensitive, therefore it reacts sharply to organic fertilizers by causing burns and malnutrition. Such plants do not take root well and may die. To plant plants in the ground, you must choose a clear day, without rain. Much attention should be paid to the deepening, as well as the features of the landing.
  • The width of the pit should be approximately 50 cm, and the depth may vary depending on the quality of the soil. Usually, if the soil is loamy, soft, it is recommended to add another 15 cm to the length of the roots. However, if the soil is very heavy, clayey and damp, then the depth of the hole should be approximately 60-70 cm.


Place for a rose garden

Since planting a rose in the garden is a whole science, if possible, it is recommended to first consult with an experienced gardener. Keep in mind that Roses are the collective name for species and varieties of representatives of the genus Rosehip (Latin ... are heat-loving plants, but high humidity is detrimental for them due to the high risk of fungal diseases. In this regard, the flower garden should be located in an area that is well illuminated by the sun in the first half of the day. Thus, the morning dew will quickly evaporate, reducing the risk of "flour" on the leaves. Also, the flowerbed should, if possible, be protected from the north wind with the help of other shrubs or a low hedge. However, rose bushes should not be allowed spent most of the day in the shade of walls or trees.

An area that has a slight slope to the south is exactly the place where it is better to plant a rose in the garden. In this case, it is recommended to raise the flowerbed above the general ground level by 30-50 cm in order to provide the flowers with better access to the sun's rays and prevent melt water from stagnating in the spring.

As for the type of soil, in this matter Roses are the collective name for species and varieties of representatives of the genus Rosehip (Latin ... are relatively not picky and can thrive in almost any soil. However, light loams with sufficient amount of humus. At the same time, it is important that the groundwater level approaches the surface no closer than 75-100 cm. As already mentioned, RosesRose is the collective name for species and varieties of representatives of the genus Rosehip (lat. ... do not tolerate excess moisture well, and the root the system in some hybrids can reach a depth of 1 meter.In addition, wet soil does not warm up well, which slows down the development of plants.

Roses: how to plant and care?

In order for roots to grow into such soil, a large amount of strength and fertilizer is needed. Great attention should be paid to deepening the root collar. It needs to be completely immersed in the soil.

Roses: how to plant and care:

  • It is recommended to deepen the grafting site by 6-7 cm so that it is not visible. In case of abundant watering, if suddenly the root collar is exposed, it must be sprinkled with soil. This will prevent the plant from withering and dying.
  • After this, it is necessary to water the plants abundantly and introduce fertilizers. It is best if it is humus or compost. Please note that experienced gardeners recommend covering the roots with a clay solution before planting.
  • Root growth stimulants are usually added to it. After planting, you need to look at the shoots and leave those that are quite strong and woody. It is recommended to have at least two buds on each shoot.

After disembarkation

Features of planting different types of roses

The answer to the question: how to plant roses depends greatly on their variety. In order for the plants in the garden to actively grow and develop, it is worth taking into account all the features and nuances of their planting.

climbing roses

  • the grafting site of the seedling is buried 10 cm;
  • shoots are not pruned, but slightly renewed;
  • plants are planted next to a support (arch, column, trellis);
  • the distance between seedlings should be at least 1 - 1.5 m.

What soil should I plant roses in?

A prerequisite when planting roses is to mulch the soil. In addition, roses love frequent loosening and fairly fluffy soil.

What soil to plant roses in:

  • Please note that planting roses in shady places is not the best option. However, it is worth limiting its location in a draft or along the path of the top. It’s very bad if the rose is located in the shade; try to place the bushes directly in the sun.
  • Immediately after planting, for about two weeks, try to generally shade the rose from the sun using a cover. This is quite easy to do with the help of garden sheds.
  • Please note that the rose must be watered daily at the initial stage, immediately after planting. It is best to do this early in the morning or late in the evening, with warm water that has settled. Please note that after frequent watering, the neck of the roots may be exposed, which will facilitate the evaporation of moisture.
  • To prevent this from happening, be sure to use mulch. Sawdust can be used for this purpose. You need to carry out regular feeding, as well as bush formation. It is best to apply fertilizer only 2 years after planting the rose. This is due to the fact that the plant is very sensitive to fertilizers and it is quite difficult to calculate their optimal amount.


Rules for caring for a garden rose

In order for a rose to bloom and delight its owners for many years, you should pay attention to it, do not forget to feed it and protect it from viral diseases. Don't be afraid of difficulties: caring for different types of roses growing in the garden is not as difficult as it seems.

Plant nutrition

Manure is a natural fertilizer and, of course, preference should be given to it. Horse manure that is at least six months old is considered the best. Chicken and pig manure, especially when fresh, can seriously harm the plant: it is sour and can simply burn young shoots. Fresh manure also has a bad effect on the soil because it blocks nitrogen.

Manure is a natural fertilizer, and therefore the most acceptable. When choosing fertilizer, preference should be given to rotted horse manure or mullein

During the period of bud formation, you need to feed the plant with a solution of calcium nitrate at the rate of 1 tbsp. for 10 liters of water. During the period of active growth and development of the plant, it should be watered once every 10-15 days with herbal infusion, a solution of mineral fertilizers, chicken droppings or infused mullein. In order for fertilizing to be better accepted by the plant, it is better to apply the same mineral fertilizers in dissolved form and after the next watering. When the first half of summer is already over, that is, in the second part of July, feeding the rose stops. The plant begins to prepare for winter.

Plants can also survive stress. It is in this state that they remain during periods of extreme heat, cold or prolonged rain. To make roses more easily overcome difficult times in their lives, you need to spray them with zircon, epin, ecosil or sodium humate. Overfed roses produce abundant greenery, but bloom very sparingly.

The procedure for watering the plant

Roses should be watered no more than once a week. If the summer is hot, then the frequency of watering can be doubled. Watering norm is a bucket of warm water for each bush. It is necessary to pour water at the root, being careful not to get on the foliage. Water must penetrate the soil to a depth of at least 20-30cm. If you water roses shallowly, shallow roots may form that are easily damaged.

A rose in dew is a magnificent sight, but nature decreed that the dew disappears with the first rays of the sun, otherwise its drops, like magnifying glasses, would enhance the energy of the sun and burn the petals: you need to water roses at the root

If there is no one to water the roses for a long period of time (more than a week), the soil at the base of the plant should be covered with humus, mown grass or tree bark. This measure will not only retain moisture at the roots, but will also prevent the growth of weeds.

If there is a lack of moisture, the flowers of the plant may become small, but you should not overwater the roses: this can lead to a reduction in the supply of oxygen to the roots. As a result, the plant's leaves will turn yellow. To prevent this from happening, do not forget to loosen the soil after watering.

Prevention, control of diseases and parasites

Of course, proper feeding and watering are important, but the process of caring for a garden rose is not limited to this. One of the most unpleasant diseases for garden roses is powdery mildew. Preventive measures will help take care of the health of the plant in advance. The rose must be sprayed directly on the leaves with a solution of ordinary baking soda at the rate of 40 grams of soda per liter of water. This must be done 2-3 times a week in the spring, as well as at the beginning of summer.

Plants, like all living things on earth, can get sick. These are not random stains or traces of fertilizers. This is powdery mildew, which is easier to prevent than to treat.

Aphids are a big nuisance for roses. But you can overcome it. To do this, boil a bucket of water, put a piece of grated laundry soap and a couple of wormwood branches into it, then cook for 10-15 minutes. The cooled and strained solution is sprayed onto the roses. After a week, the procedure should be repeated. If the aphid stubbornly refuses to leave the plant, you will have to use a systemic poison, for example, Aktara.

Aphids will not appear on roses at all if you plant lavender or nasturtium under them. And calendula and marigolds will help get rid of beetles. By the way, onions and garlic will add health to roses, just like people. In their environment, plants become more fragrant and suffer less.

Spots on the leaves, cracks on the stems and cessation of bud development indicate a disease. Affected branches should be removed. Prepare an infusion of horsetail, wormwood and nettle, with which you spray the rose.

This is useful! How to cover roses for the winter:

How to plant roses in open ground correctly?

Weak bushes may not respond adequately to the application of fertilizers, which will not stimulate their growth, but, on the contrary, contribute to wilting. In addition to all these manipulations, it is necessary to regularly monitor the condition of the bushes, buds, and leaves.

How to plant roses in open ground correctly:

  • If there are any signs of infection, fungicide treatment must be carried out. It is also necessary to loosen the soil regularly. After all these manipulations, you can begin to form a bush.
  • To do this, pinching up to 4-5 buds is carried out. This must be done until the bush takes the shape you need. Do not regret cutting buds from a young bush.
  • Immediately after planting, after a while, you will see that new ovaries are formed on the bush. However, if this happens, it is necessary to pick the buds. It’s usually a shame to do this at the initial stage, because you want to see the color. However, remember that such manipulation can worsen the nutrition of the bush. Remember that the rose releases some of its nutrients into the buds. Therefore, over time, the bushes can become very weak.

Do not hesitate to cut off all the buds until the bush acquires the required size and strength. Over time, the culture will delight you with huge, large buds with bright flowers.

Where should I plant a rose so that it gets enough light?

Some varieties of roses, primarily tea-hybrid roses with pure white or very dark flowers, have an unpleasant feature: in too bright sun their flowers are damaged and lose their decorative effect. This point is usually mentioned in the description of the variety. The best place for such a rose is on the south-eastern side of the site, where it will be illuminated by the mild afternoon sun. For all other varieties, the south side is perfect. Roses should not be planted next to trees and shrubs, which over time can grow and shade the rose bushes.

How to choose a seedling

A rose seedling must have at least 2-3 green cervical shoots, undamaged, not wrinkled, with good turgor. The roots are evenly developed, brown in color, without rot.

How to prepare a rose for planting, how to treat it

It is better to soak the seedlings prepared for planting head first in a solution of one of the growth stimulants “NV-101”, “Ecogel”, “Zircon”, “Epin-Extra” (according to the instructions). If the seedling is dried out, it also needs to be completely soaked for at least 10 hours in cold water with genus stimulants.

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