Flower pots - design ideas for indoor and garden plants (65 photos)

Flowerpot or pot: the same thing?

“The main differences between a flower pot and a flower pot are the functions they perform”

For flower growers with extensive experience, the answer to this question is obvious. The main differences between a flower pot and a flower pot are the functions they perform. A pot is a place where soil is poured and the flower itself is planted. A flower pot, in turn, is a decorative package, the main task of which is to hide an ordinary, unremarkable flower pot. Many people very often confuse these two terms. The main task of the pot is to ensure high-quality growth of the plant, with the correct ratio of drainage and soil, and the pot is designed to make the appearance of the pot more presentable and in harmony with the design of the rooms.

Flower pots will decorate any pot

It would seem that the pot and flower pot look approximately the same when purchased, but the pot, as mentioned above, has several holes at the bottom and a separate stand for excess liquid to drain out. The pot is a solid vessel without any slits. Depending on where they will be located, there are table-top, wall-mounted, floor-mounted and hanging flower pots. In addition, there are indoor, balcony and outdoor flowerpots.


Any small fragments will be suitable as a mosaic. They can be small pieces of ceramic tiles, multi-colored pieces of glass, plastic Lego parts, pebbles, buttons, shells, coins.

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For this type of decoration, the pot is first covered with soil and then with glue. And before it has time to dry, he lays down the selected decor. Usually you start decorating from the bottom, but some ideas will require you to change direction and start from the top.

This way you can decorate the entire pot, make unusual stripes or interesting inserts.

Selecting flower pots

The choice of pots remains individual for each housewife. There are no particular strict criteria for purchasing flowerpots. Here a field of fantasy opens up for everyone. But there are two parameters that you need to pay special attention to: size and material. The parameters of the pots directly depend on the size of the container where the indoor plant is directly planted. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken in volumes, you need to measure the height and diameter of the plant container before purchasing, and then add a few centimeters to them. The pot should be larger than the pot itself so that there is enough space for excess water to drain.

The size of the pot should be slightly smaller than the size of the pot

It should be remembered that approximately 8 minutes after watering the plant, the remaining liquid must be removed from the pots, otherwise the roots will gradually rot and the plant will not take root. However, if the room temperature is more than 20 degrees, the liquid will most likely evaporate on its own.

Wicker baskets

Simple decorations are easy to make yourself from various materials, for example, wicker baskets for pots can be used as independent decoration or hanging in the form of flowerpots.

With a simple weaving technique, materials such as newspaper tubes, willow twigs, artificial or natural rattan are used; it is better to coat the finished basket with varnish or waterproof paint of any color.

Materials for flowerpots

Flowerpots are most often made of metal, plastic, and natural materials. There are also flowerpots that can be used to decorate a house or room from the street. Materials that can withstand any weather conditions are best suited for them. These pots are usually made from durable materials, such as earthenware or fireclay.

Let's take a closer look at several primary materials for creating flowerpots. Ceramics is one of the most famous materials. Ceramic flower pots are in great demand. You can apply any design to it, cover it with different colors or other decorative decorations.

Ceramic flower pots

Plastic is perhaps the cheapest material of all. In addition, it is easy to care for, and plastic flower pots look good in almost every interior, made in a classic, neutral version.

Flower pots made of plastic

Pots made of glass are great for flowers that require constant care. In such a pot you can easily control the water level. But glass is known to be very fragile. You need to take the choice of quality glass seriously.

A glass planter will allow you to monitor the water level in the pot

Pots made from natural materials are the most suitable for a summer house or garden. Such materials do not require special care. When purchasing wood, it is important to pay attention to its quality and also check its resistance to moisture.

Flower pots made of wood

Preparatory work

The decor of plastic pots does not require additional preparation, but it is better to treat clay products with several layers of acrylic paint so that water does not leak through the pores and spoil the creation of its owner.

The second option would be to periodically change the decor, which will help quickly transform the location of the plants.

Flowerpots as interior decoration

Before you buy a flowerpot, you should consider its compatibility with the overall interior of the room. Flowerpots, as a decorative item, are often used in design solutions. Such a minor element can completely change the image of a room. Agree, ordinary plastic containers for plants can ruin the whole “picture”. Therefore, you should carefully select decorative flowerpots for them. Below we will look at a few simple rules for successfully arranging flowerpots with flowers in the interior of a room.

1. Pots should be in harmony with the style of the entire room. For example, if the room is designed in a strict, business style, then a pot of neutral shades with a simple design will fit perfectly here. Accordingly, flowerpots of bright colors with cheerful images will look good in a children's room.

Flower pots in the same style as the interior

2. In a room where plants are arranged in rows or groups, the container in which they are planted should all be of the same type. This condition applies to all pots of plants located in one place. The most interesting option that is appropriate in this case is to use flower pots that are similar in shape. But, if you want to add some variety to the room, you can combine different types of flowerpots. In the case where the plants in the room are not the same size, flower pots of the same parameters with one shade will look good.

Pots for flowers in a single color scheme

At the same time, the color scheme of the dishes should correspond to the general style of the current interior. Currently, bright, flower pots made in one collection can easily be bought in stores specializing in floristry. The most elaborate combinations of shapes require a separate professional approach and, of course, the eyes of an experienced designer.

Pots for flowers of different shapes in the same style

3. When decorating rooms, you should always remember about the options for unusual placement of flower pots in the interior. It can be made hanging. This type of flower arrangement is perfect if there are not enough horizontal surfaces in the room, or you simply don’t want to take up a lot of space on them. The option with a hanging flower pot is suitable mainly for climbing or hanging indoor plants. But, in fact, almost all types of flowers can be perfectly arranged in such containers. The exceptions are, perhaps, plants that are too large. It is better to place them on the floor.

Hanging flower pots

4. A very interesting idea is plant pots built into pieces of furniture. They can be built into tables, shelves, benches and even into tiles. This unusual idea is embodied by many designers. As a result of such an interesting symbiosis, you can get very original and practical pieces of furniture that perform several functions at once. Obviously, there is one and only disadvantage of this decor option - it is difficult to plant and care for plants.

Flower pots on the table

5. In addition to the color shades of the flowerpots, you also need to pay attention to the color of the plant itself placed in it. For example, plants that do not bloom are best placed in brightly colored flowerpots. But a bright flowering plant will look appropriate in a pot of neutral color, such as white or beige.

Neutral color planters for bright flowers

Decorating flower pots with twine, fabric, yarn

When it comes to choosing indoor pots, there are several criteria to consider: material, price, and individual tastes. After all, the product should please both owners and guests. An excellent choice for a room would be flower pots in a textile frame, adding coziness to the room. This handmade option is very affordable.


All you need is glue and a few types of lace you have lying around in your closet. A wonderful home solution for terraces and balconies. Decoration is very simple. You can choose colored lace to match the decor of your interior or terrace. If the flower pot is left standing at home, it does not need to be secured further. If you plan to place it on a balcony, terrace or in the garden, it is recommended to paint the fabric with a transparent varnish, which will protect the lace and the pot from exposure to adverse weather conditions.

Twine and burlap for decorating a pot

You can wrap a regular pot or jar with twine. This option looks very nice. You can purchase materials for the craft at any DIY store. An excellent decorative option would be burlap, which is even easier to work with than twine.

Flowerpot in a sweater

A sleeve of a sweater is enough to make a warm cover for a pot. This solution greatly warms the interior, bringing comfort.

Unusual flower pots

For those who are constantly at work or simply do not have enough time to care for plants, the best option for such people would be a pot with automatic watering. Among such pots, the “Lechuza” model is especially popular. The history of this unique German brand begins in the 2000s. Lechuza plant pots are known all over the world for their convenient automatic watering system, fashionable design and functional features. You can completely forget about watering for twelve weeks. This is very convenient in the summer when most people go on vacation. You don't have to worry about your favorite house plants. But for such an automatic watering system to start working correctly, housewives will have to water the plant about the same amount and carefully monitor the water level in the pot. But home flowers will only become stronger and grow faster with the help of such automatic watering technology.

Flower pots "Lechuza" with automatic watering

DIY flower pots - fun and original

“It won’t be difficult for dreamers to make and decorate flower pots with their own hands in an unusual way.”

Such a find will not leave people with pronounced creative abilities indifferent. If you decorate flowerpots at home, then you should look for a large number of ideas with photographs on the Internet or fashion magazines. Then you can try to implement all the ideas you like in decorating your home. For dreamers, it will not be difficult to make and decorate flower pots with your own hands in an unusual way.

You can make flower pots with your own hands

You just need to purchase some blanks: a simple flower pot of the same color and various decorative elements. Among them may be multi-colored sparkles, beads, river shells and pebbles of different colors, various ribbons, rhinestones and much more. Here everyone has a field for imagination. In addition to small details, you can also use paints for decoration. You can draw an interesting sketch or pattern on the flowerpot, then paint it in an original way and add sparkles, and then varnish it. Quite an interesting and unique idea. By decorating a flowerpot in this way, you will certainly praise yourself, and your idea will always be the center of attention. Here are a few examples of unusual flowerpot decorations.


Tabletop, wall or hanging flower pots made using the macrame technique always look great. This ancient handicraft, known all over the world, allows you to create strong knotted structures into which you can add various decorative elements: large stone and wooden beads, plastic or clay flowers. Now there are many options and detailed descriptions for creating elegant plant pots with your own hands. Schemes with accurate data can easily be found in newspapers or magazines related to this type of needlework, and it is better to purchase materials in a special store or order them online (cheaper option). After carrying out design manipulations, the flowerpot will look like a real work of art in your interior.

Flower pots made using macrame technique

Magic shell method

One of the most interesting and, probably, painstaking methods of finishing flower pots with your own hands. No matter how strange it may sound, the shell can be used as a material at hand. The shells peeled from boiled eggs are easy to crush and break easily. Of course, you will have to tinker a little, but the result is worth it. The shells can be dyed by boiling them in the same pan with onion skins or dipping them into a dye solution. The main thing is not to forget to remove the film from the peel at the beginning of work, as well as degrease and dry the delicate finishing material.

Flower pot decor with eggshells

Yarn, fabric, threads

It is impossible not to mention such a technology for decorating flower pots with your own hands as decorating with fabric, ropes, and thick threads. Most of the listed sheathing elements are attached to the surface using glue. You can also attach ribbons, buttons, various kinds of appliqués, coffee beans and everything that your imagination can do to the fabric. As you know, there are no limits to creativity. The results of the work will pleasantly surprise every housewife. These flowerpots will provide warmth and comfort to the entire home.

Decorating flowerpots with yarn

Let's consider a few more options from which you can make a unique flower pot.

Old metal cans

It is better to purchase such items in antique stores. Well, in order not to waste money, you can use simple coffee or tea cans.

Tea cans as flowerpots

Glass aquarium

You just need to put the flower pot in the aquarium. You can add sand, pebbles, shells and other decorative elements there. As they say, whatever your heart desires. The main thing is that it looks harmonious.

Aquarium flower pots

Large glasses or vases

The same as the option with an aquarium only of a smaller size. They will look great on shelves, window sills or tables.

Flower pots from a vase

To avoid getting bored, you can decorate flower pots with your children. Joint creativity helps develop friendly relationships in the family, helps eliminate conflict situations, and also supports communication between relatives. This hobby will give you the opportunity to spend more time with your child. Both adults and children will get a lot of pleasure and unforgettable emotions from such a pastime. Well, handmade flower pots will delight not only their owners, but also their guests.

Stitched covers

Pieces of fabric are also suitable for decorating flower pots. To do this, you simply need to wrap the selected scraps around the pot and secure them with a ribbon or a lush bow.

Such sewn covers look great from leftover curtains, beautifully completing the decoration of windows.

Photo gallery – flower pots

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