A luxurious lawn for lazy people, is it possible? Important rules for a beautiful and problem-free lawn

Many summer residents, especially beginners, make many mistakes when growing a lawn. It takes a lot of effort to correct them later. We want to introduce you to the most important rules that will help you create a beautiful lawn right away.

First, approach the stage of laying a lawn thoroughly: prepare the area correctly, apply the necessary fertilizers, and sow the appropriate seeds. Secondly, in the future, do not forget about simple but regular care - and then the silky emerald carpet will certainly become a decoration of your area.

Now let's tell you about everything in more detail.

Types of lawn grass

In specialized stores you can easily find a suitable mixture of seeds for the lawn.
Typically, these mixtures contain up to 8 different types of herbs. This is done in order to balance fluctuations in seed growth that may appear for one reason or another. Different seed subspecies may behave differently in certain climates. Some survive, others die. But the loss of shoots is not visible to the average person, since the seeds that have sprouted completely recreate the complete grass cover. There are several main types of lawn grass mixtures:

  • decorative compositions - with a maximum cover height of 3 cm. Typically, such mixtures include red fescue;
  • mixtures for sports fields , stadiums, etc. The height of the grass cover of such mixtures is slightly larger - 4 cm. In the composition of such a lawn you can find meadow bluegrass and other types of fescue.

The types of mixtures that contain thin bentgrass, perennial ryegrass, meadow bluegrass and red fescue can be universal. In this regard, there are several main types of lawns:

  • grass for semi-shaded areas;
  • ground lawn;
  • lawn for sports fields.

For the airfield, a special type of lawn is planted, which contains seeds of shoots with a powerful root system . The Moorish carpet consists of many types of grass, their number sometimes reaching up to 40. Lawn grass for the lazy is a separate type of green cover, which will be discussed below.

Bottom line

Well-groomed green lawns are the decoration of any summer cottage. There is nothing difficult about how to plant a lawn with your own hands if you follow the recommendations. Thanks to our advice, you will easily cope with the task.


  • https://gsservice.ru/stati/gazon/gazonnaya-trava-kogda-sazhat-gazon-na-dache-kak-pravilno-eto-delat.html
  • https://Zagorod.Spb.ru/articles/2752-lenivyy_gazon_shag_za_shagom
  • https://MegaOgorod.com/atricle/2198-gazon-dlya-lenivyh-chudo-luzhayka-na-vashem-uchastke
  • https://masterlandshafta.ru/gazon/posevnoj/kak-sazhat-travu.html
  • https://vsadu.ru/post/kak-sazhat-gazonnuju-travu-instrukcii-i-sovety.html
  • https://dacha.help/sadovyiy-dekor/posadka-gazona-vesnoy-svoimi-rukami
  • https://flowergarden.pro/posadka-gazona/
  • https://kak-sdelano.ru/landshaftnyij-dizajn/gazon-na-dache
  • https://zonagazona.ru/info/osnovnye_svedeniya_dlya_sozdaniya_gazona/sozdanie_gazona


What is a "lazy man's lawn"?

This type of grass lawn fully lives up to its name; it is very easy to use, and there is almost no need to monitor and care for the shoots.
Lawn "Liliput" is a specially bred variety of lawn grasses that grow very slowly. This herbal mixture appeared thanks to a large amount of research by European scientists. This lawn mixture contains 7 main components of meadow grasses. They are supplied to Russia from abroad, more precisely from Europe and Canada. Grass varieties are recognized as slow-growing and unpretentious to different soil climates.

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Thanks to the small seeds, 30 grams is enough to sow one square meter of territory. “Liliput” contains at least 15% bentgrass and the same amount of meadow grass.

Creating a clover lawn and caring for it

Well, first you need to understand the seeds. You can find them in any garden store, as well as from grannies who stand in spontaneous markets. In general, the choice of places and the range of planting material is wide. Before purchasing, I just want to remind you of the main features of different types of trefoil:

  • White trefoil - a representative of this type of clover does not require frequent cutting, because it spreads more along the ground than reaches up and is itself a low-growing species.
  • Pink shamrock and its red-colored relatives grow tall and require frequent trimming.

Have you ever thought that in nature, plants and all living things get along just fine without humans? Everything grows and bears fruit year after year. Don't worry too much about clover either. This is still not a skillfully bred plant species that can get sick from any oblique ray of sunlight.

It was not for nothing that mongrels (Belka and Strelka) flew into space, and not purebred dogs - they would not have been able to cope with the aggressive environment of space. What is this for? Don’t worry too much about what kind of planting and care clover needs - if you follow all the recommendations, you will definitely succeed.

Planting clover

Clover will take root in the area no matter what season of the year (except winter, of course) it is planted. Ungerminated seeds cope with heat and drought better than you think. As for frosts, try to sow clover a month and a half before they start.

Prepare the soil before planting

In the spring, begin preparing the soil for sowing shamrocks. After the soil has warmed up well, carefully level the area for sowing. Get rid of weeds, debris, large stones and roll the area.

Mix purchased trefoil seeds with sand and scatter evenly over the planting area. Place a small one-centimeter layer of peat and soil on top of the seeds. You can calculate the number of seeds using the formula 1-2.5 kg/1 hundred square meters.

A newly sown area requires good watering. Use a hose with a sprayer for this procedure so that the pressure does not damage the top layer of the future clover lawn.

Expect the appearance of the first sprouts within 14 days

The main requirement for caring for a clover lawn is watering, and then only during seed germination.

Trefoil does not need fertilizers, because It itself serves as sederat - a green fertilizer that has a good effect on soil fertility.

As we have already written, the clover lawn does not particularly need mowing, especially since it is very important for us to give the clover the opportunity to bloom and self-sow. Use a trimmer to cut your hair

Here's everything you need to know about how to care for your shamrock lawn.

Features of grass for the lazy

The composition of the multi-grass “Liliput” in percentage terms includes the following types of shoots:

  • Red fescue SERGEI – 25% . It forms a dark green lawn at any time of the year and is resistant to frost and drought.
  • Modified red fescue CHANCELLOR – 20%. This grass variety produces a large number of ground shoots. It is found only in combination with other types of fescue.
  • Red fescue CAROUSEL – 10%. This variety produces the highest lawn density. Resistant to frost and drought.
  • Red fescue MYSTIC – 10%
  • Meadow bluegrass SOBRA/EVORA - 20%. Its grass stand is intensely green with hard turf. This is the most durable variety of grass; it lasts in the lawn for up to 3 years.
  • Fine bentgrass HIGHLAND – 10%. The grass is unpretentious, resistant to trampling, and retains its green color even in winter.
  • Bentgrass KROMI - 5%. This variety of low-growing grass grows very quickly, is drought-resistant and unpretentious.

Stages of work

The entire installation technology is quite simple and consists of the following steps.

Site preparation

Laying a lawn is impossible without proper site preparation. It must be carried out very carefully, and not one of its stages should be neglected. The quality of the future green lawn directly depends on it.

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The installation of a rolled lawn should begin with garbage collection and weed control. To remove weeds, it is best to use special preparations - herbicides. They will quickly and effectively destroy all weeds.

If the area is clayey, it is also necessary to arrange drainage. To do this, a layer of crushed stone or sand is poured. Such a pillow will remove excess moisture and provide optimal water-air conditions. If necessary, you will have to lay special drains for water.

For successful grass growth, a good fertile layer of soil at least 20 cm thick is required. If the soil on the site is sufficiently fertile, and there is no need for a continuous drainage pad, you can get by with plowing and cultivation. Otherwise, fertile soil will have to be brought in.

Laying a rolled lawn is impossible without leveling the soil surface. In this case, it is best to arrange a slight slope on the site, which will allow excess moisture to drain freely

It is also worth paying attention to garden paths. They should be slightly above the soil surface

The height of their elevation should correspond to the thickness of the future turf.

It is better to lay turf plates on a dense and level soil surface, so after leveling the soil, they begin to roll it. For this, special or homemade rollers are used.

The last stage is watering the site and applying fertilizers. If laying is carried out in the spring, nitrogen complexes are added, if in the autumn - phosphorus-potassium complexes.

Now we’ll tell you exactly how to lay a rolled lawn.

Roll stacking

Recommendations on how to lay rolled lawn:

  1. When laying, it is advisable to move in such a way that you do not have to step on already laid panels. If, for some reason, there is a need to move along the already laid panels, then you should put a wooden shield and walk strictly along it.
  2. When laying the canvas, the sods simply unfold carefully. They should be placed strictly in a straight line. After laying the first row, it is compacted using a wooden board of its own weight. This allows for closer contact of the root system with the soil. This should be done with each subsequent row.
  3. The turf sheets should be laid in a checkerboard pattern. To do this, you need to start the row with a whole panel or half of it. This will avoid unnecessary gaps where the transverse seams meet.
  4. When combining the edges of the panels, you can make a small slide. During subsequent rolling, the turf will sag and form a dense surface without gaps. When laying turf in rolls, do not allow overlap of edges or, conversely, gaps.

    In irregularly shaped areas, the plates are simply cut accordingly. They do the same by leaving tree trunk circles. The remaining small trimmings cannot be placed along the edges; they most likely will not grow to the soil.

  5. After finishing the laying work, the edges of the turf at the ends are covered with a layer of mulch or soil. This will prevent moisture from escaping from under the spread sheet.

Advantages and disadvantages of Lilliput grass

The composition of this mixture is selected in such a way that the green color can be for a long time . Also, the “Liliput” lawn was developed in order to avoid cutting the grass frequently .

Pros of grass for the lazy:

  • it does not die in drought and frost;
  • the grass is resistant to trampling and other mechanical stress;
  • the lawn can grow in the shade;
  • the grass cover is soft and silky;
  • You only need to mow the grass in the second year;
  • The lawn stays green even in winter.

disadvantages . These include the cost of the lawn and the size of the seeds. To sow a large area with slow-growing varieties of grass, more shoots are needed when compared with a universal lawn.

Sowing rules

The technique for sowing Lilliput lawn grass is very simple. It is specially selected so that the costs of working with it are minimal.

The description of the step-by-step process looks like this:

  1. Eliminate all plants in the area where the lawn is intended to be located. They need to be removed completely, along with the root system. Chemicals are used for this.
  2. Prepare the soil by leveling it, removing cobblestones and various debris.
  3. Apply the fertilizers sold with the Liliput grass mixture.
  4. Loosen the soil.
  5. Mix the seeds and plant crosswise (some in one direction, some in the other) using a seeder or by hand.
  6. Cover the seed with soil using a rake. The layer should not exceed 10 mm.
  7. Roll the soil so that seedlings emerge evenly. It is advisable to use a roller for this.

Seed consumption

Seeds of different types of lawn grasses differ in size and density, so seeding rates for specific crops vary. If we take the average parameters (seed size and its density), 30-40 g of seeds per 1 m2 are sown in light, loose soils, and 40-50 g/m2 in heavy soils. If the lawn has a large area, the mass of seed is calculated per 1 hundred square meters and is 3-4 kg on light soils and 4-5 kg ​​on heavy soils.

A significant deviation from the norm in one direction or another is not desirable, as this affects the quality of the lawn. If you take more seeds, their germination is extended over time and occurs more slowly. The sprouts “compete” with each other: those that emerged earlier suppress the growth of late shoots. If less than the norm is sown, seedlings are sparse, uneven, and bald spots remain on the lawn.

Problems with soil landscaping

Even experienced gardeners are not always able to grow a beautiful lawn, let alone amateurs. What is the difficulty?

The main reason is that creating and maintaining an ideal cover requires numerous manipulations and a lot of time. The process consists of several stages and each must be performed carefully. Not everyone has the perseverance for this. Certain little things begin to be overlooked, the order of actions or the timing of their implementation is not followed. As a result, the result does not live up to expectations.

But there are also a number of objective factors:

  • unfavorable climate;
  • inappropriate soil properties;
  • low quality grass mixture;
  • uneven distribution of seeds during sowing;
  • poor care (insufficient or excessive watering, poor loosening of the soil, lack of fertilizers);
  • weather conditions.

If you want to have a good, well-groomed lawn, like those that adorn the pages of glossy magazines, you need to take all these points into account.

Growth rate

Those grasses are selected that have the same growth rate and height, so that the lawn always looks great, is neat, beautiful, even if the owners or gardener do not trim it in a timely manner.


The color, shade of the stems, and their shape are important. Gray fescue, for example, grows bushily and forms a wavy, slightly uneven cover. It has blue-green stems.

Red fescue has light green foliage and beautiful flowering, silvery-pink colossi-inflorescences. Ryegrass and meadow bluegrass form a smooth, lush covering of lawns.

Also, these plants are valuable for the agricultural industry and farming. They are used as green fertilizer to restore depleted areas. Their leaves and stems accumulate substances useful for poultry and farm animals, which simplifies the task of keeping and breeding.

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