Garden camellia - planting and care in open ground

Garden camellia can enliven any corner of the garden, regardless of the time of year. This plant is increasingly gaining popularity in all corners of Russia. In order for it to grow well, bloom and not get sick, it must be properly looked after. Even when planting, there are some nuances, observing which you can avoid many difficulties in the further flowering of the plant on the site.

Camellia garden does not belong to indoor flowers. Although recently breeders have developed 3 more new hybrids. However, this type of shrub is not suitable for home use. Camellia garden planting and care in open ground have their own characteristics.

Origin and appearance of the plant

This aristocratic flower came to Russia from Japan and China. In these countries, camellia is used not only to decorate plots of land. The petals of its flowers, added to tea, give it an exquisite aroma and taste.

Camellia japonica flowers

Camellia is a perennial shrub or tree that belongs to the ornamental evergreens. It belongs to the Tea family. There are more than 200 varieties of this shrub in the world.

The 3 main varieties that are grown in central and northern Russia include:

  • Oilseed;
  • Mountain;
  • Japanese.

Camellia oleifera reaches a height of 10 m. Basically, this species is not common in Russia. More often it can be found in forests located near water bodies.

Mountain camellia grows no more than 5 m in height. Most often it is a bush growing on mountain plateaus. It is distinguished by flowers of simple shape.

Camellia oleifera

The Japanese camellia bush reaches a height of about 2 m. It is from this species that many hybrids have been bred. One of the popular hybrids is Camellia Williams. It is adapted to low air temperatures. Its distinctive feature is the dropping of withered buds from the branches. No other varieties shed color on their own.

Description of the flower of the plant

Flowers of different varieties have different diameters. You can grow a camellia with flowers whose diameter is 1 cm, or a camellia whose flower diameter can reach 12 cm. In most cases, the size of the flower depends on the variety.

Even when purchasing seedlings of varieties distinguished by large flowers, you may not see them on the branches of the plant. This can be caused by improper care of the plant, as well as an inappropriate planting location.

Interesting! Camellia shrub is distinguished by a variety of colors. In nature you can find white camellia, red, pink, orange, variegated, etc.

The flowers are located singly on the branches of the plant. There is no aroma. The petals are dense, with oval edges, double, semi-double and single.

Winter hardiness of garden camellias

Winter-hardy camellia varieties have been developed relatively recently. The plant came to Europe in 1738; in Russia it became possible to grow it closer to the middle of the twentieth century.

Types and varieties

Gerbera flower garden planting and care in open ground

Frost-resistant camellia varieties include:

  • Donation. The flowers of this variety have a rich pink color and reach 10 cm in diameter. At first glance, the plant is quite fragile, but it is not so. This variety is not so demanding in care. A gardener who has never dealt with camellias can grow it on his own plot. A feature of this shrub is its very slow growth.
  • Freedom Bell blooms with bright red flowers. Dense glossy petals create a waxy effect. The variety is not afraid of pruning. Any deteriorated branches of the plant, and the bush grows quite densely, can be removed without fear.

    Camellia japonica, variety Donation

  • Debbie. The flowers are purple in color and are about 7-8 cm in diameter. The variety is similar to Donation and is suitable for growing by gardeners without experience. Suitable for cultivation in the Krasnodar region, the Urals and Siberia.
  • Hagoromo is a variety whose flower colors change. He is also called the Empress. The buds of the plant have a light pink tint, and the blooming flowers are pearly white. The shrub develops slowly, growing in height rather than width. The diameter of the flowers is about 10 cm.
  • General Colletti. The diameter of the double flowers of this variety ranges around 7 cm. The petals are white, with coral streaks. This variety is popular in the Moscow region.


Camellias are incredibly appetizing plants not only to look and feel, but also to our “friends” of parasites and various fungal infections.
Most often, camellia suffers from spider mites. This is followed by damage from scale insects, mealybugs, rootbugs and aphids.

When fungal diseases invade, camellia leaves become spotted.

Sometimes spotted leaves and flowers are a specially caused and relatively harmless viral infection that is used to produce the decorative spotted flowers favored by the Japanese. Infection is achieved by grafting onto an infected rootstock.

Aphid. Aphids are destroyed by folk remedies - soap solution, onion and garlic infusions or chemical insecticides. They use Actellik, Aktar, Iskra.

Spider mite. Subject to the action of soap-alcohol solution, garlic infusion. Among the chemicals, Apollo, Neoron, Omite are suitable.

Tags: growing, tree-like, camellia, feature About the author: admin4ik

Camellia tree garden: planting and care in open ground

Garden azalea - planting and care in open ground

How to plant a camellia so that it blooms and does not die? Tree-like garden camellia is planted in open ground from late March to mid-May. When planting a seedling, one-stage feeding is used, which is suitable for rhododendrons. Seedlings that are more than 4 years old are planted in open ground.

Soil mixture for camellia arborescens

Camellia arborescens, like other varieties, thrives in diffused light. Direct sunlight hitting the leaves for a long time can burn them. Plant the semi-shrub away from draft winds.

The ideal soil is moderately moist with high acidity. If the site is dominated by sandy or clay soil, it can be mixed with the substrate in which rhododendrons are planted. The root system does not tolerate stagnant water. Therefore, when planting, you should definitely use drainage.

You can make your own soil mixture for camellia arborescens. To do this, leaf soil, coniferous soil, peat and sand are mixed in equal proportions.

Note! To prevent the plant's roots from drying out, the substrate must be air- and waterproof. The root collar should be above the ground.

The plant only needs feeding in the spring. When watering, it is recommended to ensure that water does not get on the flowers. After flowering, the bush can be pruned.

Mistakes of novice gardeners

  1. Camellia sheds its leaves - very dry soil. Watering time is determined by the condition of the soil; if the soil has dried out by 5 cm, then the plant needs moisture.
  2. The leaf blade becomes brown, and unopened buds fall off - the shrub is overflowing. In this case, the plant is transplanted into a new substrate.
  3. The leaves turn brown due to sunburn. The flower grows best on the east or west side.

A capricious plant - camellia
Camellia is an ornamental plant with a long flowering period. It will perfectly complement both your home interior and will be indispensable in landscape decor. In order for a shrub to delight with its flowering, it is necessary to surround it with care and love.

What problems do gardeners face?

How you care for camellia depends on how it blooms. Errors in care are the main cause of plant disease and death.

  • If the leaves fall, it means you are making mistakes with watering.
  • Withered leaves - the plant lacks nutrients.
  • If, as in the photo, brownish spots have formed on the leaves, then remove the pot from the windowsill as quickly as possible. These are signs of sunburn.

  • Poor flowering is a sign of soil acidification.
  • In case of attack by scale insects, mites or aphids, you need to treat the foliage with special preparations, or with an ordinary soap solution.

The video below clearly shows how to grow camellia and make it the queen of the winter garden. Have you had experience growing camellias? Write about the most important, in your opinion, in this process for readers.




Camellia climbing garden: planting and care

Garden hydrangea - planting and care in open ground

Most often, planting of the climbing variety of garden camellia occurs in mid-December. During this period, the plant is dormant. Like other varieties of camellia in the garden, the climbing one prefers diffused light. When planting, it is recommended to mulch the soil. To prevent the root system from rotting, drainage is introduced into the planting hole, which is pebbles of the middle fraction.

Important! Fertilizers for shrubs are applied only after the soil is moistened.

It is undesirable to allow the soil in which the plant is planted to dry out. Otherwise, the camellia will begin to shed its foliage and color. In mid-spring, the leaves can be treated with a soap solution to avoid spider mites, which very often attack the plant.

Combinations with other plants, or impeccable landscape design

Camellia will look great with any flowers, shrubs and even trees in the garden, harmonizing with the rich green hue of the foliage and striking with the beauty of large flowers at a time when flowering is no longer typical for many. The only condition is the acidity of the soil, which is difficult to achieve in mass plantings.

The solution is to grow camellias in a tub, which can not only be placed anywhere in the garden, but also brought indoors during frosts, for example. However, in this case it is worth feeding the plant more often and monitoring the condition of the foliage.

The camellia decorating your territory will please everyone, both guests and household members. All that remains is to install the swing nearby and enjoy the beauty and aroma of flowers!

Camellia standard: planting and care

The standard outdoor camellia requires shelter for the winter period, so when planting you need to plan a free space next to the plant, because it will bend down to the ground. The optimal planting time is mid-spring. If the flower was purchased in a pot, it can be planted even in summer.

The width and depth of the planting hole depend on the volume of the root system. The roots in it should be located freely and not break. Drainage must be laid at the bottom.

Important! At first, the seedling is tied to a support so that the wind does not break it.

Standard camellia is not too demanding to care for. In the spring, prevention against diseases is carried out; closer to winter, when the plant loses its color, it needs to be pruned. There is one more nuance that should be observed when planting standard camellias, which is to ensure that the root neck faces in the opposite direction from the future inclination of the flower.

Transplantation after purchase into open ground

The density of its flowering in the future depends on how accurately all the conditions for planting garden camellia were met.

What is needed for planting

To plant a plant in open ground, you should decide on the plant variety and purchase a seedling. The optimal time for acquisition is from early May to mid-July. Seedlings must be older than 4 years. The roots should look powerful, the shoots should look woody. If the seedling is younger than this age, it can grow in a tub, but in the open air. During frosty periods, it is brought onto a covered veranda or balcony.

Optimal place

The ideal place for camellia is an area with diffused light. Moreover, there should be scattered sunlight throughout the day. It is advisable to avoid direct sunlight on the leaves of the plant.

Planting camellia

When choosing a location, areas with through winds should be excluded. It is recommended to plant the semi-shrub on a small hill. This will prevent water from stagnating in the root system.

Step by step planting process

  1. Dig a planting hole. Its diameter should be 2 times larger than the root system.
  2. A drainage layer consisting of medium-sized pebbles is laid on the bottom. The layer thickness should be approximately 15 cm.
  3. A layer of prepared substrate is laid out on the drainage layer.
  4. If the camellia was purchased in pots, then the seedling is removed in such a way that a lump of earth remains on the root system. This lump is placed in the planting hole on a layer of substrate and sprinkled with prepared soil on top. If the roots of the seedling are bare, then they are carefully laid out on a layer of soil and sprinkled with soil. It is recommended to press it down on top to avoid air accumulation between the roots.
  5. The plant should be watered abundantly.

Camellia propagation

Camellia flower care and propagation in the garden occurs in several ways:

  • Cuttings;
  • Seeds.


The optimal time for propagation of camellia by cuttings is May-June. Cuttings are cut from the woody shoot of the current year. The cutting should consist of 5 paired leaves. The lower leaves are removed, the remaining 2 upper ones are cut in half. Green cuttings are planted in pots or containers with a mixture of peat and sand to a depth of 3 cm.

Propagation of camellia by cuttings

The soil mixture is well moistened. Next, the container is transferred to the greenhouse. Cuttings need ventilation and watering daily. After 3 months, the root system begins to form.

Growing from seeds

Seed germination is used for camellia species. It is recommended to purchase planting material from greenhouses. Seedlings can be released via the Internet. Before planting in the ground, the seeds are stored in the refrigerator. Last year's planting material should be soaked in water for 8-12 hours. Fresh – can be planted in the ground immediately.

Note! Dry seeds must be chopped before soaking.

For seed germination of camellias, peat, sand, sphagnum moss, vermiculite or a ready-made substrate for azaleas and camellias are used. The soil is well watered, the seeds are sown into the ground to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. The container with seedlings is covered with film and placed in a place with diffused sunlight. It is recommended to observe the temperature regime, the upper limit of which is 22°C.

Caring for camellias in open ground

Camellia in the garden, caring for and growing is not a labor-intensive process. The most important thing is to carefully monitor soil moisture and light exposure to the plant. Caring for these flowers also includes feeding, protection from diseases and harmful insects, and preparation for winter.

Watering mode

The biggest nuance to pay attention to is watering with water with a minimum lime content. During watering, moisture should not get on the flowers or buds.

The soil in which camellia grows should not dry out, but the water in it should not stagnate either.

Top dressing

Feeding is carried out in the spring. There are complex fertilizers created specifically for these shrubs. For feeding, you can use products intended for fertilizing rhododendrons. Organic matter is introduced into the root hole, thus, during watering, the plant will be enriched with the necessary macro- and microelements.

Fertilizers for camellias

During the flowering period

During the flowering period, camellia is watered carefully at the root. Fertilizers are not applied, shoots are not pruned.

During the rest period

During dormancy, the plant still needs moisture. During this period, you need to trim the wilted buds yourself; the bush itself can be thinned out and trimmed.

Preparing for winter

Preparing camellia for winter involves covering the plant. Most often, the root hole is insulated with a thick layer of peat. You can cover the bush itself.

Covering camellias for the winter with agrofibre

To do this, a frame is made, which is covered with agrofibre. It is recommended to insulate all varieties of camellia, even frost-resistant ones. Bulbous camellias, in most cases, should be moved indoors for the winter.

Camellia is quite easy to care for and maintain. Still, there are points, ignorance of which can lead to the absence of flowering of this plant over a long period. If you adhere to all the recommendations described above, there will be no problems with the development of camellia in open ground.

Botanical description

Under natural conditions, this is a large shrub or even a tree: representatives are known that have outgrown the 10-meter height mark.
In indoor conditions, camellia will not reach such heights and will grow to a maximum of 2 meters. But even such a bush requires a lot of space to accommodate.

Externally, camellia resembles a ball, which adds charm to the bush. The leaf blades are medium sized, soft and glossy, but it is the camellia blooms that are of most interest.

It occurs in winter and usually begins in November and ends in April - May. The color of the inflorescences is varied: red, white, pink and variations of their shades .

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