Mandarin - distribution area, beneficial properties, contraindications, home varieties + 95 photos

Mandarin is an exquisite, beloved citrus fruit. The tangerine tree is evergreen, with dense leaves.

Often this fruit is planted at home, someone on the windowsill in the house, people living in warm regions grow tangerine trees right in their yard.

Growing tangerines at home is not at all difficult, the main thing is that there is no frost outside. The tree pollinates on its own, after which the fruits quickly develop.

After planting a tree, already in the third year you can pamper yourself with juicy fruits. The fruit ripening season is September, and by the end of October the fruits will be completely ready for consumption.

For sale, tangerines are picked in September, when they are slightly greenish; as a rule, they ripen well under artificial conditions.

Unlike oranges, tangerines are quite easy to peel; the skin separates well from the pulp.

What are the benefits of tangerine?

The composition of beneficial microelements in mandarin is special; the fruit is considered indispensable for the body during the cold season. Recently, tangerines have begun to be brought to Russia even in spring and summer, therefore, it is possible to receive vitamins and macroelements all year round.

Mandarin is rich in vitamin B, A, C, rutin, organic acids and sugars. Winter varieties have a large supply of minerals, namely calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc. Citrus pulp is also rich in phytancides necessary for the body, which protect against fungus and virus.

After eating tangerine, your appetite awakens, and you can eat it in unlimited quantities, since the fruit has absolutely no calories.

Tangerine peel, rich in essential oils and carotene, is especially useful. Healthy oils are produced from tangerines and are widely used in cosmetology.

Tangerine oil, when consumed internally, has a beneficial effect on the walls of the stomach, helping food to be absorbed and digested well. The activity of blood vessels and the heart is normalized if you eat this wonderful fruit more often.

Various decoctions are prepared from citrus peel, also with the addition of lemon and mint, which help with colds, relieve stress, and alleviate diseases associated with pneumonia. If you make compresses with tangerine oil, you can defeat fungus on the skin in a short time.

The fruit can be considered waste-free; even tangerine seeds are used to strengthen and restore the body. They are rich in potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the heart, prevents heart attacks, vitamin A promotes the natural production of collagen.

Classification of varieties

Tangerines have types and varieties, and various hybrids are also developed. They are divided by region of origin, method of production, color, etc.

Main species groups:

  • Noble ones. Heat-loving, have large leaves and large fruits. Their skin is bright orange and lumpy.
  • Tangerines (Italian). Trees with small leaves, medium oval fruits, heat-loving. The skin is bright orange or yellow, thin, with a pronounced aroma.
  • Satsumas or unshiu. Winter-hardy trees that tolerate frosts down to – 10⁰С. The fruits are light orange, sometimes with green spots. The skin is thin. This species is sometimes called Japanese; the famous Abkhazian tangerines originated from it.

Scientific classification

It is customary to divide into 7 pomological groups:

  • Citrus unshiu. The dwarf yellow Satsuma or unshiu mandarin, which is well suited to temperate climates, is native to Japan. Many varieties and hybrids have been bred on its basis. The average weight of the fruit is 50-70 g, their main advantage is the absence of seeds. These tangerines are grown in Georgia and Abkhazia; they are popular in Azerbaijan and Crimea.
  • Citrus austere. The sweetest and most delicious Chinese tangerine with bright orange peel and pulp. It is classified as a separate species. In Europe, the citrus fruit is known as Italian or Sicilian tangerine. Widely cultivated in the USA.
  • Citrus deliciosa. A group of Sino-Mediterranean varieties. Its characteristics are similar to the previous one. The species is often grown in tubs as a home bush.
  • Citrus reticulate. Chinese-Indian group. Grows in Taiwan, the Philippines, and is popular in Brazil.
  • Citrus nobilis. Indian-Malay group, popular in Southeast Asia. These are large, lumpy citrus fruits with thick skin and sweet pulp, they are also called noble.
  • Chinese-Japanese group. Small tangerines growing on dwarf trees. Fruits are often grown at home.
  • Hybrids. Tangerines are crossed with almost all citrus fruits. This causes them to change their size, shape, and taste.

Classification by color

Red and yellow varieties are common in our country

Classification of varieties of sweet tangerines by color:

  • Reds
  • Yellow
  • Greens

In our country, the first two are most common. Green ones are not very popular, although there are varieties that combine orange, yellow and green shades.

In what cases is tangerine contraindicated?

Despite its unique taste and beneficial properties, tangerine is still prohibited for consumption in some cases. People with chronic diseases need to eat it in small quantities.

Citrus should not be consumed if:

  • for stomach ulcers;
  • for colitis, enteritis, gastritis;
  • for hepatitis, cholecystitis;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for allergies.

Hybrid varieties

Already in the previous sections some hybrids of red and yellow species were mentioned. Crossing various tangerines with other citrus fruits is a popular breeding direction. At the same time, large-sized fruits with original taste are obtained. There are hybrids with early ripening periods that are resistant to frost, pests and diseases.

Description of popular tangerine hybrids:

  • September. Bred in Sukhumi on the basis of the varieties Unshiu and Pontsirus trifoliata, a pioneer of Soviet selection. A tree with a dense crown, flowers with a diameter of 2-3.5 cm. The harvest is harvested in September-October. Due to the early ripening period, the variety got its name. The fruits are medium-sized, with a thin skin that is easily separated from the pulp. The taste is sweet and sour, the flesh is juicy.
  • Royal Mandarin. Country of origin: Pakistan. It is the result of a cross between Citrus nobilis and Citrus deliciosa. The variety was improved in 1935 in California. The color of the skin is yellow-orange, the flesh is juicy, with seeds, the taste is rich and intense.
  • Kumquat for real. A complex triple hybrid of the kumquat species Fortunella Hindsii and the Montreal clementine. The result was an oblong small tangerine with a rich sweet and sour taste. Like the kumquat, it has many seeds. The fruits are eaten along with the skin. It is possible to grow a bush both outdoors and at home.
  • Rangpur. Product of crossing with lemon. The fruits are small, up to 5 cm in diameter. Taste with characteristic sourness.
  • Mineola. Hybrid of Dancy variety and Duncan grapefruit. The fruits are large, weighing more than 80 g. The peel is red-orange, the pulp is juicy, sweet and sour, and contains about 80% of the daily requirement of folic acid.
  • A hybrid of tangerine, orange and grapefruit. Sweet and sour fruits, with large fruits, up to 7-8 cm in diameter. The skin is orange-red, thin. The harvest is early, fruits are harvested from September to November.
  • Hybrid of clementine and tangelo Orlando. Grows in dry areas of Arizona and California. Large sweet tangerines weigh about 100 g, the pulp is juicy, and the acidity is only 0.7%.

Photo of tangerine

How to select and store

You should choose beautiful fruits, with smooth skin, without rot or spots. Remember that ripe fruits do not last long. If you bought them in advance, try to store them correctly. To do this, you need to rub the skin with vegetable oil and place the fruit in a special compartment of the refrigerator and keep it at a temperature of +6 degrees. The level of humidity is very important; you cannot let them dry out. Be sure to remove the plastic bag from the tangerines and place them in a net. If there are leaves on the branches, do not tear them off, this will keep the fruit longer.

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