China white pearl latifolia growing from seeds. China latifolia home care

China (Lathyrus) is not often found in our gardens. This magnificent ornamental vine belongs to the legume family (Papilionaceae) and its appearance is very reminiscent of the well-known annual sweet pea, to which it is a relative.

The plant reaches 2-3 meters in height and has oval-lanceolate green leaves. The main decoration of the china are beautiful large white, pink, red and even purple flowers, collected in not very large inflorescences on the tops of thin, hard stems, but unlike sweet peas, they have practically no aroma. The liana blooms from June to September. After flowering, fruits develop - green pods with seeds.

China perennial or lathyrus - growing and care

China (Lathyrus) is not often found in our gardens.
This magnificent ornamental vine belongs to the legume family (Papilionaceae) and its appearance is very reminiscent of the well-known annual sweet pea, to which it is a relative. The plant reaches 2-3 meters in height and has oval-lanceolate green leaves. The main decoration of the china are beautiful large white, pink, red and even purple flowers, collected in not very large inflorescences on the tops of thin, hard stems, but unlike sweet peas, they have practically no aroma. The liana blooms from June to September. After flowering, fruits develop - green pods with seeds.

Technical use of rank

Meadow chin is a forage plant and has lush foliage. From a planting area of ​​1 hectare, up to 50 centners of high-quality hay are collected for horses, sheep, etc. Legumes are used to enrich the soil with nitrogenous substances. It is planted during the period of preparing the soil for growing other plants.

Crushed seeds are added to the diet of sheep, cows, and pigs in 1/5 proportion with other feed. The meadow variety is in demand for technical purposes for the production of wood glue. High-quality starch that complies with State Standards is obtained as a by-product.

due to its rich chemical composition, the flower has a positive effect on human health

Care Tips

Lathyrus likes a warm sunny location or some partial shade. The soil for planting should be nutritious, light, rich in humus and calcium, and not too wet. The liana has a deep branched root system, so it can go without watering for quite a long time. It tolerates severe frosts well and is practically not affected by pests. The stems of the tree reliably cling to the supports with their tendrils, so they do not require special support. In autumn, the above-ground part dies off, and in the new season it begins to develop again from the root.

Lathyrus reproduces using seeds, which must first be subjected to stratification at low temperatures. The seeds have a dense shell and therefore little germination. To make the process easier, you can rub the seed on sandpaper or soak it in warm water and wait until sprouts appear. Seeds are sown in May in open ground.

Only small plants are replanted and divided, since an adult vine has a very long root and does not tolerate the procedure well. China perennial is an ideal plant for decorating sunny terraces, fences, pergolas and gazebos. Looks great surrounded by roses, princelings, kobei, thunbergia, clematis.

Popular large-flowered varieties in gardening: “Albus”, “Red Pearl”.

Broadleaf chin (Lathyrus latifolius)

Entry from 07/14/2013 Author Irina

Lathyrus latifolius, or Lathyrus megalanthus) is a perennial plant of the legume family (Fabáceae, or Leguminósae, or Papilionaceae), its homeland is South-Eastern Europe, where it was introduced into culture in the 16th century. The seeds are often sold on sale under the name perennial sweet pea.

Description and varieties.

Chin latifolia is a climbing climbing plant; its densely leafy stems reach a length of 2–4 meters. They cling tightly to the support with the help of twisted antennae. The leaves are compound, they consist of one pair of elongated oval leaflets, light on the underside.

China latifolia

China flowers are large, characteristic of Legumes, collected in an inflorescence raceme of 3 - 10 pieces. They come in bright pink or white. Flowering is observed from June to September (within 90 days). In place of the flowers, elongated beans are tied.

The varieties of China “White Pearl” and “Red Pearl” with larger flowers than the original species were bred.

Chin is good to use for decorating fences, walls, arches. It can be planted next to a trellis, placed on a screen or cone in the center of a flower bed or lawn. Against its background, annuals (zinnias, phlox, annual dahlias) and perennials (carnations, asters, cornflower, pyrethrum) look great.

China latifolia "Red Pearl"

Growing conditions and care.

China broadleaf feels best on light fertile soils, prefers an open sunny place or partial shade. The plant's winter hardiness is good; it tolerates frosts down to -29 °C.

The tree has a deep, branched root system, so it can go without watering for a long time. Pests practically do not affect it. Young seedlings are watered for the first time, weeds are removed around them, and in the future they practically do not need care. Like all legumes, china enriches the soil with nitrogen due to symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria.


Propagation of latifolia (perennial pea) is best done by seeds. The seeds have a dense shell, which it is advisable to break (scarify) before sowing. This can be done by rubbing the seed on sandpaper or making a small cut with a sharp knife (do not damage the inside of the seed). You can also soak the seeds in warm water to encourage sprouts.

China latifolia

Scarified or sprouted seeds are sown in open ground in mid-May or for seedlings in early April. When growing seedlings, planting china in open ground should be carried out together with a lump of earth, without violating the integrity of the root system.

It is possible to propagate the tree by dividing the bush. However, adult plants do not tolerate replanting well (due to the deep-rooted root system); annual seedlings take root much better.

>Sweet peas perennial growing from seeds

Home » Watering » Perennial sweet pea growing from seeds

Perennial sweet peas: planting and care rules

Sweet pea is a flowering herbaceous plant of the Chin genus, legume family. The plant has a huge color palette of large fragrant flowers. The decorative vine is very popular among gardeners because of its climbing stems. It is used for vertical decoration of fences, gazebos, verandas, and house walls.

The flowering period of peas with proper care is from June to November, the plant can withstand frosts down to -5℃, it is not particularly demanding, and can grow in any environment. In temperate climates, perennial sweet peas can grow in one place for up to 10 years.

Types and varieties of sweet peas

Perennial sweet peas ( China ), unlike annual ones, do not have a wide range of colors, and their flowers have no aroma. More often you can find purple or pink flowers. The Chin genus has more than a hundred species of flowers.

The popular perennial has several decorative forms.

  1. China broadleaf or large-flowered. The plant can be tall, reaches up to 2-3 meters in height and is attached to the support with tendrils. The inflorescences are pink or bright red, without aroma. Flowering begins in June and continues until the end of August. Frost-resistant, can withstand cold temperatures down to -30℃.
  2. Chin is tuberous with dark red fragrant flowers, stem height is up to 1 meter. Due to its fragrant aroma, it was previously used as a raw material for perfume products. It is not recommended to plant next to other plants, as it has a strong root system.
  3. The forest chin is found mainly in the Caucasus and the European territory of our country. The plant is light- and heat-loving and begins to bloom in June. Actively used in medicine. But since it belongs to rare and endangered species, it is listed in the Red Book.
  4. China Gmelina grows in coniferous forests. It has large leaves and grows up to 150 cm. It begins to bloom in June, the fruits ripen in August. It is widely used in folk medicine.
  5. Spring compatriot. It has an erect stem up to 60 cm high. It grows in shady forests. It begins to bloom in the first half of June, the color is raspberry-lilac.


China pallidum is not included in the official list of the Red Book of the Penza Region, but it is included in the “List of rare and vulnerable species of vascular plants not included in the Red Book of the Penza Region, but in need of constant monitoring.” Apparently, that’s why I met it for the first time: it blooms early - from May to June, and most likely does not grow everywhere. This is already the sixth type of rank that I managed to find not very far from the city. Almost all types of chyna in our region are distinguished by their bright color: pink, purple, carmine - these are: pea chyna, forest chyna, tuberous chyna and spring chyna. The meadow chin has yellow flowers, and there is only one pair of leaves, with a tendril at the end of the leaf. The tree itself is pale, more white than yellow, and has 2-3 pairs of leaves on a leaf. A list of types of ranks can be found in the Glossary


The inflorescence is a multi-flowered raceme of 4-10 flowers, located on a long peduncle (peduncles are longer than the leaves).

The flowers are yellowish-white, unopened buds are pale yellow. The flag is white with yellowish veins. A boat with a blunt bow.

The stamen tube is straight cut in front.

The stigma is spatulate, widened, with a flat posterior back, short pubescent (bearded) on top.

The calyx is bell-shaped, with 5 teeth, obliquely cut at the pharynx. The teeth are triangular, as if pressed inward relative to the calyx, along the edge with a border the color of the corolla. The bottom clove is the largest, the top two are the smallest. The calyx and peduncle are covered with short hairs.

Flowers have bracts. They look like cup-shaped, with unevenly jagged-wavy edges, outgrowths around the base of the flower.

Corolla length 15-17 mm, calyx length 5-7 mm including teeth, pedicel length 2-3 mm.


The leaves are alternate, directed upward (in the direction of stem growth). The leaves are also directed upwards.

All leaves are compound, leaves are paired-pinnate, there are 2-3 pairs of leaflets.

The leaves are linear-lanceolate, pointed, sparsely pubescent above, often, but not densely, pubescent below with short hairs. On the lower side, five “conditionally parallel” veins stand out noticeably.

The leaves end in a spine, not a tendril (there are no tendrils at all). In our case, it is not a spine, or a bristle, or a point - it is just a very small leaf. Which, apparently, gives us the right to consider the leaf to be paired-pinnate, and this small leaf to be a point, bristle or spine. I had a lot of trouble with this spine when determining the genus; it was not clear whether I should consider the leaf to be paired or unpaired.

Stipules are paired, semi-arrow-shaped, noticeably smaller than leaves and peduncles.

The length of the leaflets is 2.5-3 cm, the width of the leaflets is about 3 mm, the length of the upper part of the stipules is about 1 cm. I must say that the photographs were taken in a dry year and the dimensions of the leaf may well be much larger.


The stem is simple, not branched. Perennial with creeping rhizome.

The stem is faceted, briefly pubescent.

The thickness of the stem is 2-3 mm.

The height of the stem is about 35 cm, can reach 60 cm.


It grows on steppe slopes, steppe meadows and clearings, on outcrops of chalk and limestone. With this rank, I remembered V.S. Chernomyrdin for a long time: “It wasn’t, it wasn’t, and here it is again!” What I mean is that I definitely went to the place where I found the pallidum for a couple of years more than once and there were no signs of this plant there. And now suddenly a whole shoot has grown. Something is wrong here. Maybe just because I’ve never been here in the spring before?

I haven't seen any obvious use. Most likely because the plant is not found very often.

More photos:

See what else needs to be photographed for this article. In general, you need to do the following: Fruits, rhizome, stigma, longer leaves, general appearance

Landing Features

To grow on your plot , planting and caring for them will not be difficult. There are two ways to plant it: sow the seeds in open ground or use seedlings. To create the most favorable environment for the growth of sweet peas, when choosing a variety, you should pay attention to the conditions for its cultivation.

Growing from seeds

In order for sweet peas to bloom in June, the seeds must be sown in April-May . If you want to grow a large and lush plant, you need to properly prepare the beans for planting. Since beans have a hard shell, they take a long time to germinate.

To speed up this process, an incision is made - additional mechanical damage to the shell. Lightly cut the surface with a knife or, using a sewing needle, make punctures in several places.

  1. To check the completeness of the seeds, they must be placed in a saline solution (30 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Soak different varieties of seeds in hot water for 60 minutes. Floated beans are unsuitable for planting.
  2. Only brown and gray-brown beans can be soaked. If you have cream-colored or light-colored seeds, they may not tolerate such heat treatment. They are planted dry without soaking.
  3. After a day, drain the water and create a moist environment for germination; you can add wet sand or sawdust and cover the seeds with a wet cloth, periodically adding water. After about 6-10 days, subject to a temperature regime of 18-23 degrees, the seeds will germinate. After this, they are planted in open ground or a greenhouse.
  4. First clear the soil of roots and weeds, loosen it well and level it. Prepare holes 2-3 cm deep. The flower will grow well and turn into a lush bush, so the distance between the holes should be 20-25 cm.
  5. Place 2-5 grains in one hole, making an additional hole for each.

The plant will sprout quickly, when 2-3 leaves are formed, the tops of the shoots must be pinched. In order for the peas to begin to bush, the same must be done with the side shoots.

Seedling method

The process of growing peas using seedlings is more labor-intensive . The difficulty is that the plant has long branched roots, which is why it does not tolerate transplantation well. Therefore, it is better to plant seeds in peat pots or plastic cups.

Then, during transplantation, the root system will not be damaged.

Seeds for seedlings are planted in the third decade of March or early April. If you plant later, the roots will not have time to form and the plant will wither.

  1. Preliminary preparation of beans is carried out similarly to the method of growing from seeds, they are soaked and germinated.
  2. It is better to grow seedlings in a greenhouse, since at home, due to lack of lighting, the plant will become very elongated and may break during transplantation. Alternatively, provide additional lighting.
  3. Prepare containers (pots or glasses) and fill them with a soil mixture of turf soil with the addition of sand and peat. For 2 kg of soil - 1 kg of peat and half a kilogram of sand. You can buy ready-made soil for climbing plants at a specialty store.
  4. Place 2-3 seeds in each container with pre-moistened soil. Planting depth is 2-3 cm. Water and cover with film on top to create a greenhouse effect and retain moisture in the ground.
  5. Seedlings must be watered regularly and provided with plenty of light and heat.
  6. After one or two weeks, the peas will begin to sprout. When the first three leaves grow, you need to pinch the top. This is done so that the side shoots begin to grow more actively.
  7. After this, watering is reduced to once a week.
  8. After 40 days, approximately in mid-May, when the height of the seedlings reaches 5-10 cm, the seedlings can be planted in open ground.
  9. Prepare holes at a distance of 20-25 cm. Transplant 2-3 plants into each hole, carefully pulling them out of a plastic cup along with the soil. Or plant it together with a peat pot.
  10. For tall varieties, immediately prepare supports, you can take a net or twine, and start tying small stems, not forgetting to set the right direction.

Pea varieties for growing at home

Today, more than 100 varieties of sweet peas have been developed, which are adapted for urban conditions. The varieties differ:

  • height;
  • flowering period;
  • shape and color of flowers.

Seeds are selected depending on individual preferences. Among the low-growing ones, the Fantasia variety is common, among the large-sized ones, Spencer is distinguished, and among the climbing varieties, Royal is distinguished.

It is recommended to grow peas at home on the south side of the apartment, where plenty of heat and regular lighting will promote rapid growth. The light-loving plant is not afraid of cold weather. However, at the initial stage, it is best to start planting on a windowsill, avoiding drafts.

Important! Peas can safely exist at low temperatures, down to – 5 degrees, but for normal growth and development they prefer no lower than + 15. They do not like sudden cold snaps. In a stressful situation, it may shed its leaves.

Growing peas can be continued on an uninsulated balcony no earlier than May, until the weather becomes stable.

The most suitable container for legumes is an oblong box made of wood or high-quality plastic. It should be quite deep and spacious, at least 15 cm high. Each shoot should have a special support or mesh. In intertwined stems, development slows down and air exchange in the roots is disrupted.

The ideal box for green peas

Trellis and wooden frames will help keep the plant upright, maintaining a thin root system, and sweet peas will begin to grow more vigorously.

There must be drainage and drain holes at the bottom of the container to avoid root rot. It is recommended to water the plant as the upper earthen ball dries out, 1 – 2 times a week. After each watering it is necessary to loosen the soil.

Soil and site preparation

There are no special requirements for the soil; the soil must be fertile, not heavy , with neutral acidity. It is not recommended to fertilize the soil with fresh manure, as it can provoke Fusarium wilt and cause plant disease. If you have clay soil, then you need to make additional drainage to prevent excessive soil moisture.

Peas are a light-loving plant, so choose an open, sunny but windless area of ​​the garden. The plant will also grow in the shade, but it will not bloom for long and not very abundantly.

Rules of care

With good and proper care, the plant will bloom until late autumn.

  1. Timely and regular watering. Monitor the condition of the soil, do not allow it to dry out, but also do not flood it, so that there is no stagnation of water.
  2. Loosening the soil and removing weeds. When loosening, do not allow the roots to become exposed; this will lead to withering of the plant.
  3. To stimulate the growth of adventitious roots, it is necessary to hill the plant to a height of 5-7 cm.
  4. Twice a month, fertilize the soil with organic fertilizers.
  5. Do not let the seeds ripen; cut off the dried flowers. This will extend the flowering period.
  6. Sweet peas do not require pruning.

Protection from diseases and pests

Most often, peas are susceptible to fungal diseases that can cause significant harm to the plant: root rot and black leg, gray mold, true or downy mildew. For prevention and control, use fresh seed material for seedlings, follow the rules of agricultural technology.

For prevention, prevention and treatment, the plant can be sprayed with Topaz or Hom (before and after flowering). When preparing the solution, follow the instructions on the package. If the infected stems of the plant cannot be cured, then they must be cut off.

Among the pests that are dangerous are the pea or chin aphid and the nodule weevil. We need to start fighting them in the early stages. For prevention, before sowing, the soil is spilled with a 0.1% chlorophos solution, 100 ml per hole. The plants themselves can be sprayed with the same solution or the preparations “Zineb” or “Tsiram” can be used. You can also carry out prevention with an infusion of ash, tobacco dust or soap.

If you follow all the rules for growing, planting and caring, you will have a great opportunity to admire this beautiful plant until late autumn.

How to deal with powdery mildew

Those who are interested in sweet peas and their care should familiarize themselves with the diseases of this plant, as well as ways to combat them. Powdery mildew appears on the leaves of young plants in the form of a whitish-gray coating, which over time turns gray-brown. There are several folk remedies to combat powdery mildew:

  1. Dissolve five grams of laundry soap and baking soda in one liter of water. Treat the infected areas with this solution twice, with an interval of six days.
  2. Add 0.5 cups of wood ash to boiling water. After two days, add a prepared solution of five grams of laundry soap and a small amount of water to this mixture, mix the solution thoroughly before using. If the plant is severely damaged by powdery mildew, then it should be treated several times, with a break of five to six days.
  3. A simpler and quite effective method is the use of various weeds. To do this, fill half a bucket with various finely chopped weeds and pour hot water over them. The prepared mixture should be in the fermentation process for several days, after which it should be filtered through cheesecloth or other filter material. Treat affected sweet pea plants in the evening.

Sweet peas: planting and care

Sweet peas are used to decorate arches, fences, and gazebos, to which the plant gives unique beauty and comfort. Moreover, the flower does not require any special conditions for planting and growing.

Sweet peas are a cold-resistant plant that can withstand frosts down to -5° Celsius.

Although breeders have proposed many varieties of annuals in addition to perennial peas, gardeners still prefer the former. This is explained by the following reasons:

  • no annual planting and cultivation of seeds is required;
  • the flower will please the eye for several years without needing replanting.

The main thing here is to plant the plant correctly in the first year.

Types of sweet pea flowers

There are many varieties and types of china, the thickets of which adorn the fields of Eurasia, the Mediterranean coast, the mountains of Africa and South America. The most popular varieties of sweet peas are:

  • China broadleaf or large-flowered;
  • fragrant chyna;
  • forest rank;
  • spring compatriot;
  • rank tuberous
  • rank of Gmelin.

Growing sweet peas from seeds

Material for growing sweet peas from seeds must be prepared in early spring (March-April). Before sowing, the seeds should be soaked in an aqueous solution of the “Bud” preparation (1-2g/1l), and the water should have a temperature of +50°C .

Floating seeds should be removed as they are unsuitable for planting. The rest should be placed in a moist environment for germination. To do this, use a piece of cloth and damp sand, which must be constantly kept moist.

To grow sweet pea seedlings, it is better to purchase store-bought flower soil “Saintpaulia” or “Rose”. But you can also use a universal soil mixture. ​ To disinfect the soil, it must be pre-treated with a manganese solution.

Plant the sprouted seeds in a container or other container. You can use pots, paper or plastic cups, etc.

Specialized stores now offer a wide range of pots, containers and flowerpots of various shapes and colors, so you can easily select a container for a plant depending on its type and color.

Planting depth - 2-3 cm . The plant must be watered regularly and provided with sufficient heat and light.

After 10-14 days, active germination of sweet peas will begin. When the first three true leaves appear, the top should be pinched. This will ensure active growth of side shoots. To ensure rapid germination of seeds at low air temperatures, it is necessary to cover the container with a piece of glass or film. Watering is carried out once every 7 days.

Important! Seedlings are planted in the ground when they reach a height of 5-10 cm. In order for sweet peas to take root well, it is recommended to replant the plant together with an existing earthen lump. Do not allow the soil to oxidize, as this can lead to rotting of the root system.

Caring for sweet peas

Perennial sweet peas, provided you follow the rules of caring for them, already in the first year after sowing will delight you with the flowering of snow-white, orange and bright crimson inflorescences up to half a meter long.

Watering the plant in dry weather is carried out once every 7 days, but quite intensively. 1 m2 of planting will require 30-35 liters of water.

During the entire period of tree growth in open ground, it is recommended to carry out the following 3 feedings:

  • At the beginning of seedling growth. Dilute urea and nitrophoska (1 tablespoon each) in water (10 liters).
  • During the flowering period. The drug "Agricola" and potassium sulfate (1 tablespoon each) per 10 liters of water.
  • During the flowering period. “Agricola for flowering plants” and “Rossa” (1 tbsp each) per 10 liters of water. Consumption - 3-4 l of solution/1 m2 of area.

During the adaptation period, the plant requires regular watering .

Sweet peas, although able to tolerate cold, still need warmth and sunlight. If you enrich the soil with mineral fertilizers before planting seedlings, you will get a friendly appearance of flowers.

While the stems are not too long, they must be carefully tied.

Should climbing sweet peas need to be pruned?

Since the nature of the plant itself is such that it climbs on its own, while being braided with garters, pruning is not required at all. You just need to monitor the appearance of the peas and periodically remove dry inflorescences. Thanks to this procedure, new flowers become lush, bright and large. In addition, timely removal of old inflorescences promotes longer flowering (about 6 months).

If the flowers you grow do not correspond to those depicted on the packaging, do not rush to scold the manufacturer: it is quite possible that the soil simply does not suit and they need to be replanted next year.

At the end of the warm period, the branches of the plant need to be cut off at the root and the roots should be covered with sawdust. If the trunk of sweet peas is too thin, you can add potassium or phosphorus fertilizers to the soil. This will help strengthen it for next season.

Community of little green men

Plant type: perennial, biennial or annual

Attitude to light: shade-tolerant, light-loving

Attitude to moisture: prefers moderate moisture

Wintering: winter-hardy, does not overwinter in the middle zone

Soil: prefers garden soils

Flowering dates: spring-summer (May-June), summer (July-August), late summer - autumn (August-October)

Height: liana, medium (50-100 cm), low (10-50 cm)

Cultural value: beautifully flowering

Lathyrus, China, peas. Annual and perennial herbaceous plants with dense tap roots. Stems simple or climbing. The leaves are pinnate and large. The flowers are blue, purple, pink, white, yellow, red, large, moth-type, solitary or in a racemose inflorescence.

Types and varieties of rank

The genus includes about 100 species, distributed in temperate and subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere, in the mountainous regions of tropical South America and Africa. The most widespread in decorative floriculture is the annual plant sweet pea or sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus); a number of other species are grown in perennial culture.

Sweet pea or sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)

An annual plant with climbing, weakly branched stems. The height depends on the variety and varies from 30 to 200 cm. The leaves are complex, feathery, flowers are irregular in shape, fragrant, white, pink, blue, red, purple, collected in racemose inflorescences. The plant prefers well-warmed sunny places, protected from the wind.

Currently, more than 1000 varieties of sweet peas have been created, grouped into 16 garden groups.

Sweet peas bloom from late June to late August depending on the variety. The varieties also differ in the color of the flowers, which can be white, light yellow, pink, red, blue, purple, or bicolor.

There are a lot of pea varieties; they are divided into the following groups (Western selection):

Multiflora - fairly large flowers with corrugated petals, located on a long stalk of 4-6 pieces, good for growing in greenhouses;

Spencer - varieties primarily for open ground, with flowers 4-5 cm in diameter, often corrugated, 4-5 in a raceme, on long stalks;

Cuthbertson - varieties for open pound, flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm, arranged in 4-5 pieces on a rather long peduncle;

Galaxy - varieties with medium-sized flowers with grooved petals; in a raceme there are 4-6 flowers on a fairly long peduncle;

Knee-Li is a large-flowered variety with flowers ruffled along the edges, arranged in groups of 4-9 on rather short peduncles.

Perennial species: black chin (Lathyrus niger) - a plant 100-120 cm high, spring chin (Lathyrus vernus) - up to 45 cm high, sparsely flowering chin (Lathyrus laxiflorus) with creeping shoots, large-flowered chin (Lathyrus megalanthus) - liana-shaped chin with large pink flowers and others.

Spring chin (Lathyrus vernus)

A bushy perennial 20-30 cm high. The leaves are pinnate with narrow lobes, the flowers are irregular in shape, and as they age they change color from blue to purple, attracting butterflies. Blooms in May. Grows well in partial shade on loose soil rich in organic matter.

Lathyrus latifolius (Lathyrus latifolius)

Perennial climbing plant with stems 200-400 cm long. Leaves with one pair of oblong-oval leaflets, whitish below. The flowers are large, bright pink or white, collected in groups of 3-10 in loose racemes. Blooms from June 80-90 days. A powerful bush needs reliable support.

Chin of Gmelin (Lathyrus gmelinii)

The plant is up to 150 cm high, the flowers are moth-like, collected in sparse clusters, the corolla is yellow at the beginning of flowering, then orange. Blooms in June–July.

Caring for china or peas

An unpretentious plant that prefers loose neutral, moderately moist fertile soils. Light-loving, but can also grow in partial shade. They need regular watering and fertilizing with complete mineral fertilizer 2-3 times per season.

Reproduction of the rank

Propagated in spring by sowing seeds in open ground in a permanent place. The seeds are covered with a dense shell and remain viable for up to 10 years. The seeds are pre-soaked in warm water until they swell or germinate. Chine fragrant is grown through seedlings, sowing is carried out in mid-March in a greenhouse. Seedlings can withstand frosts down to –5 °C.

Sweet peas - growing from seeds

Every gardener has his own secrets for growing certain plants, including sweet peas.

Here are some of them:

  • seeds should be soaked and germinated in the spring (April-May);
  • It is better to grow seedlings in a greenhouse, since in room conditions, due to lack of lighting, seedlings stretch out and can break during planting in the ground;
  • Peas should be planted in peat pots. This will save the seedlings from damage to the green mass and root system in the future;
  • Before planting, china seeds should be soaked, as their dense shell prevents germination.

Preliminary preparation of peas is mandatory for varieties with brown and brown inflorescences.

Chin seeds, which have a cream or light color, are sown in the ground without soaking or preliminary preparation.

  • As soon as 2-5 true leaves are formed on the seedlings, they need to arrange a lattice, support or garter, on which the direction of growth is formed. If this is not done in time, the stems will intertwine and it will be very difficult to separate them;
  • sweet peas bloom beautifully and abundantly in the sunny side;
  • The soil for planting china must be neutral, well-drained. Fertilizers must be applied 2 times a month;
  • the formation of dense greenery and new flowers depends on the regularity of watering.

Important. Sudden changes in temperature (day/night), as well as a lack and, conversely, an excess of moisture can trigger the loss of flowers and buds .

  • The soil should not be fertilized with fresh manure before planting;
  • peas do not grow on fatty soils;
  • It is better to take planting material from plants grown in seedlings.

Growing sweet peas, although it requires some care, is worth it. After all, how nice it is to sit in the gazebo in the evening, inhaling the delicate floral aroma or admire the green hedge with fragrant bright inflorescences. . .

By following simple recommendations and advice from experienced gardeners, you can easily afford it.

If you love climbing plants or are crazy about vines, then we advise you to pay attention to the chin plant. Reproduction, planting and care are possible both on a personal plot and on a balcony or even in an apartment.

China belongs to the legume family. Its Latin name translates to “very attractive.” And indeed this plant is very pretty. It grows in places where the climate is temperate; it lives in the Mediterranean countries, in the mountains of South America, in China, and in the eastern part of Russia. In total, there are more than fifty different species of this plant. Some of them can be found in our country.

And now everyone goes to the garden.

Due to the fact that transplanting adult chin plants is difficult due to the deep and branched root system, you should “measure a hundred times and once...” and plant the chin in its permanent place forever. However, annual seedlings are transplanted without any problems.

The use of china in garden design stems from its botanical properties: being a plant of forest edges, it is able to grow in moving light partial shade (however, in full sun the flowering will be more abundant), its unpretentiousness is a true gift for “lazy” gardeners or super-busy gardeners. And the flowering period of 3 months, starting in June (depending on the weather), is very long. The chin is ideal for decorating arched entrances (and exits), decorating fragments of fences or pergolas, decorative grilles dividing the garden into separate “rooms”. Our heroine will also look great on pyramidal supports. Flowering hedge-walls, including netted ones, with broadleaf rank should also look great. The main condition is that support is required!

A little about the landscape companions of latifolia. It seems that plants that are not too tall, forming dense cushion-shaped clumps, such as astilbes, peonies, heucheras, may be perfect...

Moreover, you can choose the shade of the companion flowers or the color of the foliage to match or in some contrast to the inflorescences of the rank. Either pink to pink (white to white), or burgundy, scarlet for companions. You can combine our rank with other vertical dominants, for example with delphiniums, mullein, hollyhocks, with the appropriate selection of the overall color scheme. China broadleaf is also suitable for cutting, for example, for mini-bouquets or boutonnieres.

Such an attractive and problem-free plant, of course, could not help but encourage breeders to create ornamental varieties. Even if there are not as many of them as varieties of sweet peas, the closest relative of our heroine. Of the varieties, all sorts of “pearls”, that is, pearls, are known: White pearls, Pink pearls, Red pearls and Pearl mixture

. There are varieties with dark red flowers.

So, the story about another problem-free and therefore favorite plant in my garden comes to an end. It remains to add that after a pleasant acquaintance with the “wild” latifolia, I really want to sow a white and even darker colored variety...

And there is also the rank of Gmelin

with yellow-orange flowers, which is a relict of the pre-glacial period, the tuberous china, which has a wonderful aroma, but at the same time is perennial and edible, and of course, the Japanese china, since I am working on creating a corner of Japan on my site - a Japanese garden.

What does rank look like?

This herbaceous plant grows in height from twenty centimeters to almost one and a half meters. There are perennial ranks, and there are also annuals. The stems of rank have three or four sides. All varieties are climbing plants; very rarely are they upright. The leaves of the tree have a lanceolate shape and end in a point.

The flowers of the tree are quite large and have a moth-like shape. Flower colors vary: white, pink, orange, purple, red. There are up to seven flowers in an inflorescence. The fruit of the tree is a bean. The seeds have an angular shape, different sizes and colors.

As a typical representative of the Legume family, china thrives in symbiosis with bacteria that obtain nitrogen from the air. As a result, the plant does not require additional feeding from the outside; it feeds itself perfectly.

Self-cultivation of china

This plant grows well in the shade. But for good development and rapid growth, as well as for abundant flowering, it is better to place the plant in well-lit areas of the garden. This plant is afraid of wind, so plant it in a place protected from the wind. Sudden changes in temperature, which sometimes occur on summer nights, can cause the china to drop its buds.

For rank, the composition of the soil is not so important. It will do well in neutral soil with good fertility. When planting, chin does not need to be fertilized. And it’s better to avoid nitrogen-containing fertilizers altogether. Once during the entire season it is allowed to apply fertilizing in the form of a liquid mineral composition. It is best to do this in the spring, when the shoots are growing.

How to care for your chin?

In the summer, when it is very hot and dry outside, the tree needs to be watered well and abundantly. It should be borne in mind that the tree tolerates short periods of drought quite well. Species classified as perennial tolerate winter frosts quite well. In late autumn, all shoots of these species die off. They need to be cut close to the ground. With the onset of spring, fresh young shoots quickly grow from renewal buds.

If for some reason the rhizome of the plant becomes bare and appears on the surface, it simply needs to be covered with earth again. Growing rank does not require a special approach or attention.

How to propagate rank?

China has fairly large seeds that are covered with a hard shell. If you do not open the shells of the seeds, they will not lose their germination even after ten years. Scarification is required for seed germination.

Break the seed shells with a sharp object and soak them in very warm water overnight. This should be done in early April, so that the seeds can be planted in the flowerbed immediately after swelling and germination. You can pre-plant the seeds in peat pots and germinate them in a greenhouse or apartment.

To plant seeds, you will need soil consisting of two parts earth, one part peat and half part sand. Plant three seeds in each peat pot. In about a week, the first sprouts of the tree will hatch. When three true leaves are formed, the seedlings must be pinched. This must be done so that the plant blooms more luxuriantly and side shoots form. You will see for yourself that the rank grows very quickly and does not require much effort to take care of itself. You can plant china in flower beds in early May. At the same time, try to maintain a distance between the bushes of about thirty centimeters.

How can you use chin

China is perfect for arranging vertical flower beds. Provide special supports for it and form a hedge or group flower bed. This plant looks great for decorating various arches or mesh fences. It can be used to improve the appearance of unsightly outbuildings. If you plant china in the vicinity of other plants, then select those that will be in the same color scheme with it. For example, mallow looks great next to china. China, which has many flowers, will look great in a bouquet.

Some types of chin are used in folk medicine. It is also grown as green animal feed.

Chin plant / Sweet pea: photos, types, cultivation, planting and care in open ground

Thanks to their graceful flowers, varieties of sweet peas, or peas, growing in the garden all summer long, and sometimes also in spring and early autumn, create a decorative effect. Most species of this genus are vines that cling to support with tendrils located at the ends of the leaves. They look great on pole tents, on walls or hedges, or entwined in old bushes. The flowers are great for cutting. The genus also includes bushy, non-climbing species suitable for flower beds and mixed borders. These include dwarf varieties of sweet pea, Lathyrus odoratus, which can also be successfully grown in containers.


The genus includes both annuals and herbaceous perennials. Almost all cultivated species of chin are hardy and easy to grow.

Annual varieties

Odoratus (Ch. sweet pea, Sweet pea)

Flowers come in a wide variety of colors - from snow-white to purple with all sorts of shades of pink, red and lilac, up to 4 cm in diameter. They are located one at a time or 2-3 at a time. Leaves with one pair of leaflets. Blooms all summer. Homeland: Italy and Crete. The height and diameter of the plant is 2x0.3 m.

There are three main groups of sweet pea varieties - tall, medium and dwarf. Sail petals with wavy or carved edges, often with a faint aroma.

Tall varieties of sweet peas can grow up to 1.8-3 m in height, with flower diameters up to 5 cm. The most popular of them are varieties of the Spencer group with 4-5 flowers on each strong peduncle. These include:

"Beaujolais" and "Midnight"

Flowers dark burgundy

“Mrs. Bernard Jones"

The flowers are pink and white;

Pink and white flowers

"Noel Sutton"

"Noel Sutton"

"Royal Wedding"

White flowers


The flowers are pink and white;


"White Leamington"

"White Leamington"

"Winston Churchill"

"Winston Churchill"

"WJ Unwin"

The flowers of all varieties except the last two have a pleasant smell.

Other tall varieties have a larger number of flowers on each peduncle.

Early Multifiora Gigantea, Galaxy and Royal

Group varieties with up to eight flowers in an inflorescence are usually sold as a mixture of colors - white, cream and all shades of pink, red and blue.

In inflorescence up to eight flowers

Early Multifiora Gigantea and Galaxy

Group varieties bloom 7-10 days earlier than Spencer group varieties. Medium-height varieties reach sizes of 60-100x15-20 cm.

These include:

"Continental" and "Jet Set"

Both of these varieties grow up to 1 m and require support.


"Snoopea" and "Supersnoop"

Varieties 60-75 cm high, erect plants without tendrils that do not require support.

Varieties 60-75 cm high


The variety blooms a little earlier than Snoopea.


Seeds of these four varieties are sold only in a mixture of colors.

Dwarf varieties are 15-40 cm high and the bush up to 15 cm wide. These are erect plants that do not need support. They look good when planted along the edges of containers or in raised beds. The varieties listed below are sold in mixed colors only.

Variety up to 40 cm high;


The variety is 15 cm high, the flowers are also fragrant, the plant is spreading.

Fragrant flowers

The 30 cm tall variety has a very pleasant aroma.

Salivas (Ch. sowing)

A plant with a clinging or lodging stem and blue, white or blue-white single flowers about 2 cm in size. Leaves with 1-2 pairs of long narrow leaflets. Originally from Europe. The height and diameter of the plant is 100x20 cm.

A plant with a clinging or lodging stem

Collecting seeds

After the petals fall off, a pod is formed. At first it is flat and green. Gradually increasing in size, the pod changes color and thickens. When fully ripe, it turns light brown.

At this time, seed collection begins. The cut pods are dried and opened. Next, the peas themselves are dried for a couple of days and placed in paper bags. Seed germination period is 7-8 years.

Perennial species and varieties

L. aureus hort (Ch. golden)

The flowers are first golden-yellow, later dark amber in color, about 2 cm, 12 or more on one peduncle. Blooms in late spring and early summer. The leaves are yellowish-green, with 3-6 pairs of oval leaflets. The plant is bushy, forming a dense lump that does not require support. Homeland - Balkans. The height and diameter of the plant is 60x30 cm.

L. aureus hort

L. grandiflorus (Ch. grandiflora)

This is a powerful, spreading plant with three-centimeter flowers with dark blue sails and purple oars. There are 2-3 flowers on each peduncle. Leaves with a single pair of oval bluish-green leaflets. The plant is pubescent. Homeland - Italy, South Balkans. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.8x1 m.

Powerful, spreading plant

Latifolius (Ch. broadleaf)

On each peduncle there are up to 15 closely spaced purple flowers up to 3 cm wide. Flowering from early summer to early autumn. It is a lush, clinging plant. Homeland - E. Europe, 3. Asia. The height and diameter of the plant is 1x1 m.


L. vernus (Ch. vernus, Sochevichnik vernus)

Purple flowers, turning blue towards the end of flowering, 1.5 cm wide, in five-centimeter inflorescences. Blooms from mid to late spring. There are no tendrils on the leaves. This bushy plant with erect stems does not need support. After flowering in summer, the plant dies. Homeland - Russia, Europe. The height and diameter of the plant is 40x30 cm.

Purple flowers

L. nervosus (Ch. veined)

Fragrant blue flowers about 2 cm wide, 3-7 on each long peduncle, leaves are grayish-green, with one pair of oval leaflets. It can also be grown as an annual - when sown in spring, the plants bloom in summer. Homeland - South America. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1 m.

L. nervosus

L. rotundifolius (Ch. round-leaved)

Dark pink flowers 2 cm wide in dense racemose inflorescences on peduncles up to 20 cm long. Blooms in early summer. This vigorous, clinging plant has leaves with a single pair of round, dark green leaves.

Dark pink flowers


Less powerful bushes, pink and white flowers.


Bilder ur Nordens Flora
by K. A. M. Lindmann , 1917–1926

Meadow chin is a perennial 30–100(120) cm high.

The rhizome is thin, branched, creeping, cylindrical, with shoots.

The stem is hollow, compressed-tetrahedral or narrow-winged, slightly flattened, prostrate or ascending, thin and weak, highly branched, usually climbing.

Leaves with one pair of lanceolate or linear-lanceolate leaflets with large stipules with leaf tendrils, which cling to other plants. Stipules 0.7–3.7 cm long, 0.2–1.2 cm wide. The leaf petiole is wingless, grooved. The leaf axis ends in a simple or slightly branched tendril. Leaflets are 2-4 (5) cm long, (3) 5-10 mm wide, pointed, with three stronger veins ending in a spine.

Peduncles are often somewhat bent, longer than the leaves (without a raceme), sometimes twice as long as them. The flowers are 1.0–1.5 cm long, bright yellow, moth-like, collected in a sparse raceme of 3(5)–10 flowers. The peduncle is white-fluffy, slightly shorter than the calyx. The calyx is five-toothed, tubular-bell-shaped, slightly white-fluffy, its teeth are triangular-lanceolate, the same length as the tube, awl-shaped at the end, widely spaced at the end. Corolla of five petals, ten stamens, one pistil. The flag is oblong-oval, immediately narrowed into a nail, its plate at the apex is barely notched. The wings are on a thin bent marigold, their plate is oblong-oval, narrowed at the base, with a long narrow ear. The boat is on a long thin nail, its plate is bent, broadly lanceolate, narrowed upward, with a short ear at the base. Blooms in the second half of June.

The pods are oblong-linear, 2.5-3.5 cm long, 5-6 mm wide, sessile, immediately narrowed towards the top into a short spout, along the valves with clearly visible veins forming a network, sometimes slightly bent. There are eight to ten seeds, compressed-round, red-brown, with a dark brown marble-like color, shiny, smooth. The scar covers 1/6 of the seed.


Plant annuals in any well-drained but moisture-absorbing soil. Chin grows poorly in heavily shaded areas, and on south-facing walls and hedges the plants quickly fade. Clinging forms need support; As they grow, new shoots should be tied up. Pinching the growing tip at the level of the third pair of leaves leads to a significant increase in growth. This should be done when the plant height is about 15 cm.

In dry weather, watering is required. Perennial species are planted in any good garden soil. L. grandiflorus, L. latifolius and L. vernus can be planted in shade with some sun or in areas that receive shade for part of the day. L. rotundifalius grows best in the shade. Clinging plants require support; You can direct their growth onto hedges or bushes. Remove spent parts of plants to prolong flowering. In autumn, the stems are cut to the ground. L. nervosus should be mulched in mid-autumn and these plants should be protected over the winter by covering them with glass frames or covers.


For early summer flowering, seeds are sown permanently in April and May. In order to speed up flowering by three weeks, seeds are sown for seedlings in March in cool, well-lit greenhouses. In May, the seedlings are hardened off and planted in open ground. In warm climates with mild winters, very early flowering can be achieved by sowing sweet peas in mid-autumn in greenhouses or unheated greenhouses.

It is recommended to soak the seeds of dwarf varieties of L. odoratus and any other varieties with a hard seed coat overnight before sowing. For seeds that have not swelled after this, you need to tear the shell.

Plant seeds of perennial species and varieties in early spring in pots or directly in a permanent place. They can also be propagated by dividing the bushes in early spring. In this case, you need to be especially careful with clinging species that do not tolerate transplantation well.

Secrets of gardeners

Sweet pea sprouts

Growing china is not an easy task even for inexperienced gardeners. But, knowing the secrets of agricultural technology, you can turn this process into pleasure. With good care, sweet peas bloom earlier than other plants and finish blooming in late autumn.

10 secrets on how to grow sweet peas or sweet peas:

  1. Seed treatment (soaking, germination) should begin in mid-April or early May (see photo).
  2. It is best to grow seedlings in a greenhouse. At home, the plant will not have enough light, the seedlings will stretch and easily break when transplanted.
  3. It is better to plant beans in peat pots. When transplanting, the root system and green mass are not damaged.
  4. The dense seed coat prevents most plants from germinating, so for selection it is better to pre-soak the beans. If the choice of seeds is small, their shell is pierced with a thin needle in several places.

Seed preparation is relevant for plants with brown or brown inflorescences.

  • Varieties with light or cream colors are planted in the ground dry, without pre-treatment or soaking.
  • Immediately after the formation of 2-5 adult leaves on the seedlings, arrange a garter, support, trellis (see photo). Otherwise it's very
    Lattice for weaving plants

    overgrown foliage will intertwine with each other and will be difficult to disentangle without damaging it. Form the direction of the stems towards the support.

  • The sun is an important factor in abundant flowering.
  • The soil requires fertilizer every 2 weeks. Peas should be grown in neutral soils without excessive moisture.
  • The growing location should be changed annually.
  • Regular abundant watering provides the plant with strength to form new flowers and dense green mass.
  • Excessive waterlogging or insufficient watering can also cause bud loss. Sweet peas do not like oily soils and do not tolerate fresh manure. It is better to collect planting material from plants that are grown as seedlings.

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