Cherry tree - botanical description and characteristics, features, photos of fruits and inflorescences, what species it belongs to, how to care for cherries

The decoration of any garden is the cherry. This is not only a beautifully flowering tree, but also delicious fruits that will decorate your table after harvest.

The variety of cherry varieties allows you to choose the best option for many climatic zones in Russia. From this article you will learn how to properly plant and care for this tree.

Selection and preparation of a landing site

If you want to grow a good tree that produces a large number of fruits, you need to choose the right place for planting and prepare it. Cherry is a durable tree, so when choosing a part of the site for planting, you need to take into account that every year the tree will grow as well as its root system. To ensure that the cherry tree has enough space and does not disturb its neighbors, the distance between the trees should be at least one and a half meters.

When choosing a place, try to pay attention to its lighting. Cherry loves sunlight and light, but does not tolerate drafts. Try to choose the southern part of the site, then the seedling will take root well and develop fully.

To plant a seedling, you need to dig a hole measuring 30 cm in width, length and depth. It is recommended to do this six months before the intended planting. It is very important to know when to plant cherries, because the time of planting also affects fruiting. If you plan to plant cherries in the spring, then the hole should be dug in the fall.

But experienced gardeners recommend planting seedlings in the first month of autumn so that they have time to take root well before the onset of winter. In this case, the hole is dug in the spring. Peat, sand, humus and nitrogen-potassium fertilizer are placed at the bottom of the dug pit, which are then sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.


Domestic and even wild cherries can provide benefits with their external body parts. Thanks to the leaves, inflammatory processes can be stopped or slowed down. To do this, you need to dry and grind the leaves, and then brew them as a fortified tea.

It should be remembered that bones are completely dangerous, but in small quantities they can affect the treatment of gout. 1-2 bones per week and the disease remains the same.

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Who doesn't like to eat delicious food? Probably someone who has never tried ripe cherries. It is used in making excellent pies, drinks and dumplings. All dishes are so reminiscent of childhood that adult life is accompanied by an eternal search for the right berries.

Selection of seedlings

You should not buy seedlings from unverified sellers. In this case, you can buy a wild one. Therefore, pay attention to the root system and trunk of the seedling when purchasing. It is advisable to plant annual plants that already have several shoots and the grafting is clearly visible.

Younger seedlings do not take root well, especially if planted in the fall. There are several types of cherries, so be careful about the type of cherry you choose and whether you buy a pollinated or self-pollinated tree. For good fruiting, the garden must have both types of trees.

When planting, follow the following sequence of actions:

  • place the seedling in the center of the pre-dug hole so that the root system is not damaged;
  • sprinkle with soil and form a small depression near the trunk;
  • pour two buckets of water at room temperature, wait until it is absorbed and loosen the soil to prevent moisture evaporation.

Brief description of the best varieties with photographs

Domestic gardeners successfully cultivate both old varieties, bred more than a hundred years ago, and modern ones, which appeared more recently. Among the ancient cherries, the most popular are “Shpanka”, “Lyubskaya”, “Vladimirskaya”, but new ones are gradually replacing them due to the fact that, as a rule, they have higher disease resistance and superior fruit quality.

Derivatives from steppe cherry

“Asha” is a spontaneous hybrid of steppe and ordinary. Included in the State Register in 2002, recommended for the Ural region. A late-summer ripening variety, productive (up to 10 kg per tree, 75 c/ha), self-fertile. The plant is 2.5-3 m tall, with a mixed type of fruiting. The fruits are dark burgundy, medium in size, the flesh is dark red, very juicy, sweet and sour. Characterized by high drought resistance, resistance to coccomycosis and other common diseases. Frost resistance is at an average level, after freezing it demonstrates high reducing ability.

Berries weighing about 4 g, taste is rated 4.4 points (out of 5)

“Brusnitsyna” is popular in the Urals and Siberia, and is also grown in regions with milder climates; it is not included in the State Register. The plant is self-fertile, winter-hardy, drought-resistant, resistant to fungal diseases. The bush is medium tall (about 2 m), with strong and flexible branches. The fruits are bright red, large, weighing 4-6 g, with juicy sweet and sour pulp. The yield is high - up to 20 kg per bush.

Brusnitsyna cherry can withstand temperatures down to −40 ℃

“Seliverstovskaya” - bred at NIISS named after. M.A. Lisavenko, entered into the State Register in 2004, recommended for cultivation in all regions of Russia. The tree-like bush grows up to 2 m in height and has a spherical drooping crown. The fruits are of medium ripening, one-dimensional, dark red, round; the pulp is juicy, dense, dark red, sweet and sour. Valuable qualities are self-fertility, drought resistance, heat resistance, high winter hardiness and resistance to coccomycosis.

Average berry weight – 3.5 g, tasting score – 4.3 points, purpose – universal

Common cherry

“Evening Dawn” is a new variety obtained at the Federal Scientific Center named after. I.V. Michurina, entered into the State Register in 2015, zoned in the Central Black Earth region. Tree of medium height, partially self-fertile. The fruits are round, large, dark red, and ripen early. The pulp is juicy, tender, dark red, sweet and sour. It has a high content of sugars and vitamin C. The yield is high - 136.7 c/ha. The plant is winter-hardy, drought-resistant, heat-resistant, and is relatively rarely affected by fungal diseases.

The fruits are one-dimensional (weighing on average 5.4 g), taste is rated 4.5 points

“Dessert Morozova” – entered into the State Register in 1997, recommended for the Central Black Earth region. The tree is medium-sized, partially self-fertile, with early flowering, productive (about 50-70 c/ha). Fruiting is concentrated on annual growths. The fruits are large, red, with juicy and tender pulp of excellent dessert taste. The plant has high winter hardiness and average resistance to coccomycosis.

Fruits weighing 3.5-4 g are intended for table use and are characterized by dry detachment from the stalk

“Zhukovskaya” - bred in the middle of the last century, is well suited for cultivation in the Central Black Earth, Central, Lower Volga and Middle Volga regions. Tree of moderate height, with a rounded crown. Fruiting occurs on bouquet branches, as well as on last year's growths (partially). The fruits are large, dark red. The pulp is juicy, dense, dark red, sweet and sour, excellent taste: maximum tasting score - 5 points. The plant is self-sterile and produces a good harvest in the presence of pollinators. Winter hardiness and resistance to coccomycosis are at an average level.

From an adult 20-year-old tree you can collect about 30 kg

“Molodezhnaya” - created in VSTISP, zoned in the Central region in 1993. Self-fertile (does not need pollinators), productive (10-12 kg per tree), medium-late ripening. The plant looks like a shrub or small tree 2-2.5 m high with slightly drooping branches. Fruits on annual growth. The fruits are dark burgundy in color, large (4.5 g). The pulp is juicy, dense, sweet and sour. Winter hardiness is above average, resistance to coccomycosis and moniliosis is average. Well suited for growing in the Moscow region.

Cherries of a wide round shape, with a dry separation from the stalk

“The same age” - bred by VNIISPK specialists, intended for cultivation in the Central Black Earth region, primarily in the Oryol region, included in the State Register in 1986. A tree of medium height with a reverse-pyramidal crown. The fruits are late ripening, medium-sized, dark burgundy in color, almost black, very tasty. The pulp is juicy, tender, dark red. The plant is partially self-fertile, relatively resistant to coccomycosis, and has high winter hardiness. Productivity is above average.

Berries weighing 3-3.5 g, with a semi-dry detachment, become almost black when fully ripe

“Turgenevka” is zoned in the Central, Central Black Earth and North Caucasus regions. The tree reaches a height of 3 m, the shape of the crown is reverse pyramidal. Fruits on bouquet branches. The fruits are large, dark red, the pulp is juicy, dense in consistency, dark red, sweet and sour. The harvest ripens in medium terms. The plant is partially self-fertile, relatively resistant to fungal diseases, and is characterized by high frost resistance. Winter hardiness of flower buds is at an average level.

“Tergenevka” is classified as a technical variety of culture that has a pleasant (satisfactory) but sour taste

“Kharitonovskaya” is one of the best modern varieties, included in the State Register in 1998, recommended for the Central and Central Black Earth regions. The tree is medium-sized, with a spherical crown. Fruiting on bouquet branches and last year's growths. The fruits are dark red, large; The pulp is orange, tender, with an excellent sweet and sour taste. The plant is partially self-fertile (good pollinators “Zhukovskaya”, “Vladimirskaya”), has increased resistance to coccomycosis and good frost resistance. Productivity significantly exceeds control indicators.

When picking, the berries are not injured, separation from the stalk is dry

“Shokoladnitsa” is mid-season, partially self-fertile, winter-hardy, drought-resistant, productive (up to 96.6 c/ha). Brought to VNIISPK, included in the State Register in 1996, zoned in the Central region. The tree is not tall (2-2.5 m), the crown is compact and has a reverse pyramidal shape. Mixed fruiting. The fruits are not very large, the color of the skin is almost black, the flesh is dark burgundy, tasty, sweet with sourness. The plant is relatively resistant to coccomycosis and susceptible to moniliosis.

Flat-round berries weigh an average of 3 g, their taste is rated 4.6 points

Felt cherry

“Natalie” - obtained at the Far Eastern Experimental Station VNIIR, entered into the State Register in 1997, suitable for cultivation in all regions of Russia. The shrub is about 180 cm tall, with continuous fruiting along the entire length of the branches. The fruits are large, dark red, pubescent. The pulp is juicy, dense, gristly, red, with a harmonious sweet and sour taste. The plant is self-sterile, needs pollinators, has very good winter hardiness and high yield (up to 110 c/ha).

Berries weighing about 4 g with semi-dry detachment from the stalk

Rules of care

Caring for cherry seedlings does not require special attention. Therefore, it is enough for the gardener to water the tree in a timely manner, without allowing the soil to dry out too much. But during the flowering period, special attention should be paid to the tree.

It's close to mid-May, the garden is filled with incredible beauty and gardeners have a lot of work to do. The fact is that during the flowering period, the formation of ovaries depends on pollination.

But it is influenced by many factors, so it is important to properly care for cherry seedlings.

Pollination can be hampered by bad weather, heavy rain and wind. These factors affect both pollination by bees and self-pollination of cherries and can significantly reduce the yield.

If there are not enough bees, it is necessary to sprinkle the crown with water with honey or sugar.

To prevent pollination from being interfered with by burns, pests and cherry diseases, it is necessary to whitewash the trunk at the beginning of summer using special preparations with the addition of disinfectants.

Interesting Facts

The oldest cherry tree grows in England - its age reaches more than 150 years, and the height of the plant is almost fourteen meters.

  • Eating about twenty cherries can improve your sleep. This is facilitated by the large amount of melatonin in their composition.
  • Along with green apples, the berries of this tree are excellent in relieving headaches.

There is a Japanese variety of cherry - sakura. It is inedible, but has a delightfully beautiful appearance when flowering. For Japanese people, cherry blossoms symbolize the beginning of rice sowing.

In Switzerland there is a sign that says that a good harvest from this tree can be obtained if the first berries are treated to a woman who has given birth to her first child.


The tree is propagated by seeds, root shoots, cuttings or grafting. Most often, gardeners prefer to use the vegetative method or grafting to propagate cherries.

So, these options are suitable for any type of wood. But it is worth considering that a tree can be propagated using root growth only when it is a rooted plant of its own.

How to prune correctly?

The formation of the crown must begin from the first year of the tree’s life, following several rules. Therefore, it is very important to know how to trim cherry trees correctly.

In the spring, when all the snow has melted and sanitary pruning of the cherries is carried out. All broken, dried and damaged branches are removed. To cover the cuts, you should use garden varnish.

In the autumn, in order to prevent a large number of new shoots, it is necessary to perform a crown thinning procedure. Pruning the cherry tree this way will allow air to circulate freely between the branches, and it will also help heat and light penetrate deep into the crown.

In this case, all uneven and crossed shoots are removed. If the cherry tree produces a lot of undergrowth, you need to cut off the shoots near the root at ground level as soon as they appear on the surface.

Fertilizers and watering

Subject to proper systematic watering and fertilizing, the tree develops well and produces a rich harvest. Watering should be done three times during the season:

  • after the flowering period and the appearance of the ovary;
  • when the fruits fill and ripen;
  • at the end of autumn, before frost, but only then if there was not enough rain to saturate the soil with moisture.

Along with watering, you need to apply fertilizer. Fertilizing cherries is carried out using fertilizers containing potassium and nitrogen.

Pharmacological properties

Scientists have long proven the ability to cure many diseases with the help of cherry fruit pulp. The most famous way to use this fruit plant is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and, as a result, prevent thrombosis and other diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

Also added to the list of conquered ailments is a decrease in blood pressure, an increase in hemoglobin, arthritis, gout and epilepsy.

You can also eat cherries during colds - they cope well with inflammatory processes, reduce fever and help expectorate mucus from the lungs, and have a positive effect on the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Cherry is a source of a large number of valuable substances

The presence of folic acid in fruits perfectly helps the development of the embryo in a pregnant woman, which is why many doctors recommend not to give up this red helper.

Freshly squeezed cherry juice becomes an active fighter against various infections characterized by pyogenic formations and various E. coli, while improving all metabolic processes in the body.

It is impossible not to indicate the dietary purpose of this healing product. It easily improves appetite and promotes mild digestion and a laxative effect. Little is known, but the juice from cherry leaves actively stops nosebleeds.

Various infusions have a calming effect. Extracts from leaves and branches exhibit antioxidant properties, which means that such products are simply necessary for any body to improve the immune system.

Speaking about the leaves of the common cherry, you can also point out many beneficial properties associated with a wide variety of ailments. By brewing tea made from such leaves, you can protect yourself from inflammatory processes.

Water infusions stop bleeding, dissolve kidney stones, etc.

The stalks, or rather the products based on them, have a diuretic effect. The roots help in treating stomach ulcers. The resin secreted by the tree during its life processes heals the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach, as it has enveloping and protective properties.

Cherry tea is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent

Indications for use

The well-known delicious cherry is not just food - it is an excellent ally in the fight against many disorders and ailments.

There are a great many indications for the use of various products based on this fruit. The fresh pulp itself is considered useful. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, various inflammatory processes, colds, disorders in the central nervous system (central nervous system) - this small, seemingly ordinary cherry can easily cope with all these ailments.

Also, this representative of the flora is indispensable in dietary nutrition due to its beneficial properties (debilitating, diuretic, sedative effect) and low calorie content.

At the same time, preventing the development of purulent infections, improving metabolism and normalizing the functioning of the kidneys and lungs is also the result of the interaction of the chemical components of common cherries.

Cherries are good for kidney diseases Contraindications

To begin with, it is worth pointing out that cherries are allergenic. For people with stomach ulcers and low blood pressure, it is also worth giving up the berry - it helps lower it even further.

Another important fact is the presence in the bone of the substance amygdalin (the strongest poison), which, when disintegrating in the intestines, is converted into destructive hydrocyanic acid.

Therefore, very long-term storage of jam or compotes based on cherries is dangerous to health.

Diseases and pests

The entire period of tree development requires special attention regarding cherry diseases and pests. Most carefully, it is worth taking a closer look at young trees.

If the tree shows signs of disease or pests, immediate action must be taken to prevent them from causing serious damage to the cherry.

The most dangerous pests for cherries include caterpillars, aphids and moths. These insects cause damage to the entire tree, including the fruit.

Among the diseases, it is worth highlighting fruit rot. The first signs of the disease appear as brown spots on the foliage, which lead to rapid falling asleep of the branches.

Also, coccomycosis is dangerous for cherries. It spreads instantly, affecting the leaves and preventing the development of the tree. The first signs of the disease appear as small dots and purple spots on the leaves of the crown.

If a disease is detected, it is necessary to treat the cherries with copper sulfate or other preparations containing copper. The tree should be treated three times during the season:

  • before flowering;
  • after the harvest is harvested;
  • in the autumn season, after circumcision.

Before each treatment, it is necessary to inspect the tree, removing all dried, damaged branches and foliage. Closer to winter, be sure to treat the trunk using a solution with lime and copper sulfate. This will disinfect the bark and repel rodents.

If you properly care for the tree, from the moment it is replanted and throughout its life, the cherry will produce a good harvest and delight you with its juicy fruits.

Diversity of cultural species

Most popular varieties come from three types: common cherry, steppe cherry and felt cherry, which differ in their characteristics.

Common cherry, or sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) is the most widespread. It is believed that it occurred as a result of an accidental crossing of steppe cherries and sweet cherries. Currently, this species does not occur in natural conditions.

There are many varieties, which are divided into two large groups: tree-like and bush-like. Examples of tree-like ones are “Turgenevka”, “Zhukovskaya”; their fruiting, as a rule, occurs on bouquet branches. Among the bushy varieties, “Molodezhnaya”, “Vladimirskaya”, “Lyubskaya” are popular - they bear fruit on annual growths.

Many varieties have a mixed type of fruiting: ovaries are formed both on bouquet branches and on annual growths

Steppe cherry, or V. bush cherry (Prunus fruticosa Pall.) is a low shrub with many trunks and drooping branches. It is found naturally in Southern and Central Europe; in Russia it grows in the Volga region, Siberia, and the Urals. It is characterized by high winter hardiness and unpretentiousness, and is a good honey plant. Varieties bred with the participation of steppe cherries begin to bear fruit early, are drought-resistant, can adapt to different soil conditions, and are frost-resistant (“Ashinskaya”, “Seliverstovskaya”, “Brusnitsyna”).

Plants are well adapted to unfavorable weather and climatic factors in risky farming areas

Felt cherry (Prunus tomentosa Thunb.) grows naturally in China, Korea, and the Far East in Russia. One of the features of this species is dense pubescence on the underside of the leaves, reminiscent of felt - hence the name.

The plant is quite unpretentious, can withstand low temperatures, drought, and is a shrub up to 3 m high. The fruits are not as large as those of ordinary cherries, but usually very sweet, almost without acid. Currently, breeders have developed large-fruited varieties - “Natalie”, “Tsarevna”, which are excellent for cultivation in regions with harsh climates (Urals, Siberia, Far East), and can also be successfully grown in central Russia.

Felt combines high decorativeness and decent taste of berries

Photo of cherry tree

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