Festive trees: how to decorate trees in the park, in the yard, in the country, in the garden, on the street, at a wedding. How to decorate a tree with your own hands: flowers, ribbons, garlands, frost, crafts. How to decorate a tree stump

When creating the design of a garden plot and allocating areas for planting various crops, the design of beds, paths and flower beds plays a significant role. Wood is perhaps the most accessible and most “obedient” material. We offer examples of how to make not only practical, but also aesthetic beds from boards with your own hands, in detail in the article.

High beds allow you to create the most favorable conditions for growing vegetables, herbs and berries in small areas

Decorated trees photo

When decorating trees in the garden, in the park, on the street

Despite the fact that the tradition of decorating trees appeared quite recently, today it is widely used both in urban landscapes and in private areas. This is especially true on holidays or on the occasion of any event. For example, on New Year’s Day, all cities and towns are transformed, where not only Christmas trees are decorated, but trees are also decorated with glowing garlands. And in Germany it is customary to hang decorated eggs on trees for Easter. During the holidays, the Chinese decorate trees with paper or silk flowers to create a festive mood among people. On the occasion of a wedding or anniversary, if such an event takes place outdoors, incorporating trees into the design and decorating them with flowers or other attributes, along with other decor, is an excellent solution. This idea is also widely used by owners of corporate buildings, restaurants and private homes. Special mention should be made of garden plots, where the most daring ideas for decorating trees can be realized.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

When creating board borders, fences, flower beds, box beds and other structures necessary on the site, summer residents note a number of advantages:

  1. Easy to assemble using available tools . Old fence boards, scraps from construction, and wooden window/door frames left over after replacing the windows with modern plastic ones will be used as a basis.
  2. No restrictions in choosing shape, size and height. Using an ordinary hand hacksaw or jigsaw, it is easy to cut rectangular, oval, and round sections and assemble multi-level or multi-tiered structures. The tree holds its shape perfectly without breaking or sagging under the weight of the soil.
  3. Possibility of painting and repainting. Varnish, stain, and paint adhere perfectly to wooden boards. If desired, they can be repainted at least every season, adding variety to the design of the site.
  4. Transformation options. The beds can be easily disassembled and assembled using a screwdriver; from the same boards you can assemble fences of different sizes and shapes, lengthen, shorten or expand unsuccessful buildings.
  5. Mobility and compactness. Wooden fences of flower beds and flower beds can be easily moved to another place, disassembled for the winter and stored in a barn or garage. When disassembled, a set of boards and posts takes up less space than a bicycle.
  6. Suitable for all plants. Box beds are universal for different plantings. Both carrots, with their powerful root system, and strawberries, whose roots do not go deeper than 15 cm, grow well in wooden boxes. The main thing is to choose the right size and height, taking into account the needs of individual crops.
  7. Cheap and accessible. Any boards are suitable for work: old, slab, and unedged. They are easy to purchase at any construction market. Compared to metal, plastic or slate, wood is the cheapest building material.

A compact berry plantation can be conveniently placed in the yard, on the terrace or on the balcony

Despite its significant advantages, wood, like any other material, has its own characteristics and limitations. disadvantages in using boards for making beds are:

  • ability to absorb moisture. When in contact with wet soil, wood absorbs water, swells and begins to rot, which provokes the development of mold and other fungi and pathogenic microorganisms;
  • short service life. Compared to the 50-year service life of slate beds and the 20-year service life of plastic and metal, wooden beds become unusable within 5-10 years. But it’s also easier to replace them - take the old ones apart and put them in the oven, and put new ones in their place;
  • exposure to weathering. Not only rain and snow, but also the sun provokes the destruction of wood. Untreated wood may become gray and cracked within a year;
  • the ability to turn into a “cozy home” for wintering pathogens and pests of cultivated plants.

Almost all of the listed shortcomings can be corrected by proper preparation of the boards. With the help of impregnation, varnish, and paint, the service life of wood can be doubled.

How to decorate a tree with flowers

Trees are usually decorated with flowers for a special event. This idea is especially popular for weddings. Along with other attributes, the tree trunk is decorated with both artificial and fresh flowers.

A garland of flowers can be ordered from a store that specializes in preparing and holding special events.

One option for decorating a garden is to simply fill jars with water, place a small bouquet in them and hang them from tree branches.

The wish tree is decorated with flowers in many countries. In addition to flowers, notes with cherished wishes are hung on it.

But this decoration is perfect for a photo session. In this example, carnations are used, but you can choose other flowers, the heads of which are pierced in the middle of the bud and strung on threads.

What is a trunk circle

It is unlikely that there will be owners of summer cottages and personal plots who absolutely do not care what appearance their garden has. Therefore, everyone tries to organize the space so that it looks as advantageous as possible.

True, there is one nuance. Few people forget about the lush greenery of the tree crowns, but not everyone remembers what is happening around the plant on the ground. The result is semi-desert rows of perennials. In order to fill this space, a tree trunk circle .

This is the name for the area that is located at the base of the trunk of apple trees, birch trees, pine trees and more. As a rule, the size of this area is slightly larger than the diameter of the crown itself. Here the possible span of the root system is taken as a basis, which is approximately equal to the width of the spreading branches.

How to decorate a tree with ribbons

Decorating with ribbons is a fairly common idea, for example, if you are throwing an outdoor party.

In Rus', trees were decorated with bright ribbons during Maslenitsa, as if calling on nature to wake up quickly.

Outdoor wedding ceremony

When preparing to celebrate an occasion, along with other decorations, hang small ribbons on any tree.

III. Exposing the roots is the key to increasing their frost resistance

After 3 - 4 years, and with poor care after 5 - 6 years, the growth of fruit trees in flower beds, when they have developed a sufficiently powerful and deep root system, we advise, as an experiment, to expose the base of the roots.

At the end of spring - beginning of summer, the soil is carefully dug out from the roots to a depth of 20 - 25 cm from their base, and so they remain open for the entire life of the tree.

Under the influence of light and other natural factors, bare roots increase their frost resistance by 1.5 - 2 times. The roots of an apple tree growing in a planting hole can withstand frosts down to – 14 – 15°C, and bare roots up to 23 – 29°C, i.e. they are approaching the frost resistance of the branches!!!

There is something to think about for far-sighted gardeners who have gardens in places where freezing of roots is not a rare phenomenon!

Honored Agronomist of Russia
V.I. Susov

How to decorate a tree with garlands

The process of decorating trees with garlands is quite simple. The main advantage of this method is its versatility.

When choosing a garland, you should proceed from the height of the tree, divide it by the distance between the turns of the garland and multiply by the girth of the trunk.

In LED filaments, the bulbs are located at the same distance from each other.

A popular garland for decorating trees - clip-light will allow you to turn even several trees into a magical garden.

slider garland consists of several threads and is connected to one power supply.

When decorating branches, you can emphasize only thick branches, so the decor looks neater and more harmonious.

You cannot decorate trees with homemade garlands intended for indoor use, since they do not have special protection from natural phenomena.

When using several garlands, it is better to connect them in one circuit to connect them to the same cable.

How to decorate a tree trunk

There are a lot of options for decorating tree trunks, it all depends on your imagination. if you have artistic abilities, draw a picture on the trunk. To do this, first clean the surface; first moisten the area on the trunk with water, since wet bark is easier to clean. Fill up any defects with wood putty, then pour water over the trunk again, let it dry and apply a primer. After this you can start working. Upon completion, it is recommended to cover the painting with two layers of varnish (waterproof and frost-resistant).

If you see trees tied with woolen cloths on the streets, you should know that this art is called yarnbombing. But this type of tree decoration is not durable, as it can lose its appearance under the influence of precipitation.

For Halloween, the trunk can be decorated with small pumpkins.

For lovers of fairy tales about gnomes, the best option would be to decorate a unique house at the roots of a tree.

The originality of the decoration depends on your imagination. As an option - colorful butterflies.

Why is it needed?

It is important to remember that when organizing this space, not only the decorative component is taken into account, but the agronomic one. After all, a properly created landscape allows the tree to receive a sufficient amount of water, not have a lack of nutrients, and also “breathe roots” freely.

There may be a completely different approach here. Much depends on how old the plant is. If it is very young, you should not get carried away with decorating the space around the trunk. After all, any neighbors can prevent the culture from taking root calmly and actively developing.

If we talk about size, then the trunk circles of trees of this age can be a maximum of two meters in diameter (but not less than one and a half). There are some mandatory procedures. In mid-autumn, do not forget to thoroughly dig up the soil in this area.

This is necessary in order to drive various pests away from their homes. But don't overdo it; there's no need to push the shovel into the ground too hard. Otherwise, you will cause injury to the roots. It will be enough to take a depth of five to ten centimeters as a guide.

The tree trunk area should be dug carefully and not to a great depth.

One more nuance, do not place the shovel parallel to the trunk, only sideways, otherwise, again, there is a risk of damaging something. Afterwards you will need constant loosening. Not only ornamental plants, but also weeds have no place in such a circle. So don’t forget to get rid of them on time.

Mulch can be an excellent option for both young specimens and mature ones. This protective “blanket” will provide the earth with nutrients and save it from freezing and erosion.

This design of tree trunk circles will retain moisture in the soil longer. In addition, the ubiquitous weeds will bother you less. Another plus is that the appearance becomes more neat.

Mulching with straw is one of the simplest methods, but not the most effective.

This is because you can use not one, but several materials at once for these purposes. In this case, peat fractions, compost, manure, and even certain types of woven materials can serve as a substrate. You can add paper products and cardboard to this list; they will make an excellent substrate.

And on top you need to lay a layer of something more attractive in appearance. It could be fallen leaves. There are some peculiarities here: firstly, they should not be green, only dry ones will do. Secondly, for such purposes, take only healthy, unaffected mass.

Otherwise, the result will be exactly the opposite of what was expected. And do not forget that the selected material must be composted. If you do everything correctly, your tree is guaranteed an additional influx of beneficial components in the form of calcium and magnesium.

There is another mulching option - pine needles. However, it is worth remembering that it will not always work. After all, the needles are full of resin. This must be taken into account; not every soil will accept such a “gift”. But if the soil’s acidity levels are not high, this choice will be the most correct. In addition, the thorns will not allow various small pests to approach the plant.

How to decorate a dry tree

Sometimes a tree that has been bearing fruit for a long time dries up for one reason or another, but the roots remain strong. It is worth making a little effort, sawing off thin dry branches, and using the remaining ones as stands for pots with hanging flowers.

A simple and attractive way is to leave the natural trunk, unless it is rotten or rotten.

Since wood tends to deteriorate over time, treatment with a special product or varnish is recommended.

Using nails, self-tapping screws, clamps and wire, you can attach various shapes, purchased in a store or made by yourself.

Painted dry wood will look like an original art object.

Advantages and disadvantages

Almost any type of such design requires preliminary digging. That’s why some people prefer not to touch this space at all, leaving it in its original form. We have already described all the advantages of such processing above.

What disadvantages can you encounter with such an organization of space? Let's start with the fact that when wielding a shovel, you prevent not only harmful organisms from surviving, but also beneficial ones. Special bacteria, without which the plant cannot absorb nutrients, need air flow.

How to decorate a tree stump

Quite often, stumps from cut down trees remain on the plots, which are usually uprooted. But don’t rush, it’s better to make an original landscape element out of a stump. Make a hole, pour nutrient substrate into it and plant the plants.

You can make a variety of crafts from stumps.

And if you turn on your imagination and use artistic taste, the stump can turn into a work of art.

How to make a tree trunk circle correctly

So, processing tree trunk circles , before organizing a flower bed there, should include:

  • Loosening, it is important to saturate the soil with oxygen
  • Remove everything unnecessary (weeds, stones, and especially garbage)
  • Then make indentations for each of the seedlings
  • Be sure to lay drainage at the bottom of such holes.
  • Fill the holes with soil suitable for the type of flowers chosen.

You can, of course, mark the boundaries (with a low fence, stones), but this is not necessary. All this beauty needs care. Do not forget to nourish the soil with urea in early spring. And in July you will need to thoroughly fertilize the flowerbed with fertilizers. As soon as spring comes and the buds wilt, cut the stems and mulch the area.

You can use another option for planting, using spunbond. Take this sulfur-colored material, lay it in place, and cut cross-shaped holes in it. This is where flowers are planted. The rest of the area is sprinkled with mulch.

If you decide to plant something edible in such a place, keep in mind that the tree may need to be treated with chemicals, and all this “good” will end up on lower plants, and quite possibly, on your table.

How to decorate a tree in the country

Trees in the garden can be decorated using any materials you have. The main thing is to arm yourself with ideas and get down to business. If there is a cleft in the tree trunk, it can be turned into a flower pot. Or simply hang pots with plants on branches.

Decorating a tree in the form of an elf house. Children will be delighted with this idea.

You can attract positive energy using Feng Shui; any materials are suitable for this. Hanging objects will sway in the wind and create music.

Hang LED lanterns on the trees that will glow at night and decorate the garden.

Simple decoration - hanging figures.

How to decorate a tree with frost, description

It is very easy to make snow-covered branches; there are several ways to do this.

  • Prepare a solution of salt - take one and a half parts of water for one part of salt, boil and put the twigs in it for 5 hours, then remove and hang to dry. Use coarse salt.

To get blue crystals, you will need a solution of copper sulfate in a 1 to 1 ratio with water.

  • Grate the foam plastic on a fine grater, grease the branches with glue (PVA) and sprinkle with foam plastic.
  • Melt the paraffin, dip the branches, then remove and dry.
  • Take white and silver spray paint and spray it on the branches.

To make the branches shimmer beautifully, grease them with glue and sprinkle them with glitter.

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