Monarda flower (30 photos) - description, planting and care

Monarda (lat. Monarda) is an annual or perennial plant, depending on the variety. In total there are about 20 varieties of this flower. Monarda belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It has a straight stem and serrated leaves. The flowers come in red and purple and have a wonderful aroma with citrus notes. Thanks to its smell, Monarda repels all harmful insects. It is cultivated as an ornamental, medicinal plant and an excellent honey plant. It reaches a height of up to 150 centimeters. It grows in the same place for about 3-4 years, then it tends to wither. It is used not only for the design of a garden flower bed, but also in everyday life. It is added to tea and preserves, and used as a spice.

Healing properties of monarda

This flower has a wide range of healing properties. It contains thymol, carvacrol, valuable vitamins C, B1 and B2. Monarda essential oil has bactericidal activity. Its use is possible for the prevention of various respiratory ailments. The juice of its leaves has healing properties. Monarda oil works well against salmonellosis. Inhalations using it can defeat diseases of the ENT organs. In everyday life, it perfectly fights black mold and suppresses its growth.

Types and varieties of monarda with photos and names

Wild bergamot.
Photo from Garden bergamot is distributed throughout North America. The plant can be found in the continent's forests, dry fields and prairies. About 22 species of monarda are known. Breeders use no more than 16 of them for breeding.

In Russia, only a few varieties of monarda are available for cultivation. Among them are hybrid, double, fragrant, dotted, fistula, lemon, etc. Perennial monarda is grown in garden plots as an ornamental plant.

Monarda Pink Lace. Photo from

Among the hybrids, Pink Lace monarda stands out for its large pink-red inflorescences, as well as Sugar Lace and many double varieties. Monarda tubularis is less common.


Monarda Shuga Leis
Monarda hybrid was obtained by crossing two plant varieties - Didyma and Fistulosa. German, English and American breeders worked on developing new species. It is impossible to meet this species in the wild. It is grown in private plots. This is a perennial that annually grows many young shoots located close to each other.

An adult plant reaches 0.6-1 m in height. The leaves of the hybrid variety are distinguished by their ovoid shape, pointed tip and bright aroma. There are varieties of hybrid monarda with red, purple, lavender, white, burgundy and pink inflorescences.

Monarda begins to bloom in the second decade of June. The flowering period is more than 60 days.


Indian nettle.
Purple Monarda Didyma Monarda double or Didyma is the most common variety. A perennial herbaceous plant can reach a height of 0.8 to 1.2 m. The size of an adult monarda depends on the growing conditions. Low-growing varieties are known. Balmi Purple stands out among them. An adult plant grows no higher than 0.3 m.

The variety is distinguished by its stems, typical for its family - raised, four-pointed. The leaf blades are ovoid, with jagged edges and small petioles, oppositely arranged. The length of the leaves reaches 12 cm. Large inflorescences with a diameter of up to 6 cm bloom in early summer. The flowering period ends in October.


Fluted monarda.
Photo from Monarda fistula grows in eastern North America. Cultivated in European countries as a spicy aromatic plant. During the season, the perennial produces many ribbed shoots, displacing other grasses from the area. The height of an adult monarda fistula is from 0.6 to 1.2 m.

The leaves are simple, sword-shaped, with jagged edges, and covered with small hairs. They can reach 10 cm in length. When the leaf blade is damaged, a spicy citrus aroma is felt. Used for making drinks. Lilac inflorescences surrounded by red stipules. One peduncle can include up to 9 buds. The diameter of the inflorescence is up to 7 cm.

Russian breeders developed a dwarf variety of Monarda fistula - the Victoria variety. The maximum height of the perennial is 40 cm.


Lemon monarda. Photo from

Lemon bergamot or citrus monarda is the only plant species that is an annual.

The height of adult shoots is 0.15-0.95 m. The leaves are lanceolate. Inflorescences consist of 5-7 buds. The flowers are light or deep purple.

The aerial part of the lemon bergamot flower contains an essential oil reminiscent of basil, lemon balm and mint. Monarda citrus is used to decorate flower beds and as a spice. The plant is added during the cooking process. It enhances the taste and aroma of the finished dish.


The rarest variety of monarda is mint-leaved. The plant got its name because of its similarity to mint. It grows up to 0.5-0.7 m in height. The shoots are covered with green foliage, similar to mint leaves. The above-ground part of the plant contains a large amount of essential oil. The aroma is similar to the aroma of mint.

Video about planting and caring for monarda in open ground, varieties and types of plants

After watching the video, you will learn how and when to plant monarda. The author describes the features of growing a flower from seeds and caring for it in the garden. Useful information about plant pests and diseases, types of propagation. We recommend viewing!

Both an experienced gardener and a beginner can grow monarda on their own. However, to get large and beautiful flowers, you will have to make some effort. Caring for monarda is not at all difficult. Caring for a flower often brings joy to the gardener. The result of your efforts will pay off with interest. During the flowering period, monarda will not only become an object of visual attraction in the flower garden, but will also be a secret ingredient in many dishes and drinks in the kitchen, as well as an effective remedy for some ailments.

Description of the plant and medicinal properties

Monarda flowering.
Photo from Monarda flower has been grown in Europe for centuries. The demand for aromatic oil of the plant is constantly growing. Monarda received its name in honor of a botanist from Spain - Nicolas Bautista Monarda. Because of its unique aroma, it is considered the closest relative of bergamot. However, Monarda is closest to mint and thyme.

Popularly, the flower goes by other names - garden bergamot, Indian crown, American balm, horsemint or bee balm.

The fragrant part is the leaves. If you rub them, you can smell the aroma of bergamot, lemon or orange.

The plant belongs to the Yamnotaceae family. Monarda can be a perennial or annual. Its shoots are branched and large. They can grow up to 1-1.5 m in height. The leaves are long, lanceolate-shaped with jagged edges, with clear veins. The leaves are located on small petioles opposite each other.

Read here what types of garden flowers are used for bouquets.

Small-sized flowers are collected in loose, capitate inflorescences of a bizarre shape. Their diameter does not exceed 5-7 cm. At first glance, it seems that the inflorescences consist of the feathers of a bright bird. Flowers come in crimson, soft pink, purple and even white or yellow. The petals merge from below and form a bowl in which small buds are located - the crown. Monarda blooms without interruption all summer - from the first days of June until the end of August.

Gardeners grow different varieties of plants. Monarda duplicata, fistula, lemon and Citrodera are popular. All varieties grown in gardens are classified as expansive. Monarda grows rapidly, taking over large areas of land.

The plant is famous not only for its decorative appearance, but also for its medicinal properties.

The indigenous people of America used parts of the plant to prepare medicines for sore throats, runny noses, for the heart and to speed up the healing of wounds.

Today, Monarda is added to aromatic teas.
The plant contains vitamins B1 and B2, ascorbic acid, essential oils, biologically active substances, etc. Monarda has a sedative, antioxidant, antianemic and reproductive effect.

The plant is used for herbal medicine. Preparations based on the flower have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Regular consumption of teas with monarda helps to normalize digestive processes and alleviate colds.

Preparations based on the plant tone, and the essential oil is used in aromatherapy to treat depression and nervous disorders. A decoction of the plant is used as a soothing skin tonic.

Flower contraindications

Monarda should be used with caution for medicinal purposes. Its use is permissible only in the absence of contraindications such as:

  • individual intolerance, tendency to allergies;
  • hypotension;
  • ulcer, gastritis during exacerbation;
  • lactation, pregnancy;
  • children under 5 years old;
  • heart problems.

Before using flowers for the treatment and prevention of diseases, you must consult your doctor, follow the dosages and precautions.

How to choose and how long to store monarda

When purchasing fresh shoots, pay attention to their condition:

  1. Avoid buying plants with faded flowers, limp stems and leaves.
  2. The stem must be strong and elastic.
  3. The flowers are bright pink, purple, yellow or soft white.

Fresh monarda can be stored for several days at room temperature and about a week in a paper bag in the refrigerator.

To preserve flowers for a long time, it is better to dry them. In this case, the smell will become less intense, but the beneficial properties and taste will remain the same.

To prepare the dried spice, tie a bunch of monarda shoots with an elastic band and hang them on a string, crown down, in a warm, ventilated room with dry air.

Dried monarda should be crushed and stored in airtight containers or glass jars in a dark, cool place. In this way, flowers can be stored for up to 2 years.

Monarda flower in garden landscape design

Bee balm fits into a variety of garden design styles. They are a favorite for country gardens, herbaceous areas, allotments and vegetable gardens. Planting them near your path allows you to enjoy their vibrant colors, scent, and the fluttering butterflies they attract.

Monarda can be planted in small or large groups. To achieve a uniform wave of color, plant several plants of the same variety in a group. For a rainbow effect, plant a ton of different flowers.

Smaller varieties of the flower are ideal for small areas in the garden, in front of houses and rock gardens. They are also suitable for planting in pots. Bee balm looks great at home in decorative containers, window boxes and planters. Place a few pots near the entrance to your home to welcome your guests.

It is worth remembering that this perennial is excellent at attracting pollinating insects to the garden. If pollination of garden and vegetable crops is an important issue for you, plant a few bushes near the vegetable garden or garden shrubs or trees.

Companion plants of Monarda

Wild bergamot can grow successfully in almost any sunny garden with a variety of ornamental crops such as Daisy or garden Phlox. It is a versatile plant that pairs well with low-growing perennials to hide its sometimes scruffy lower limbs. A wonderful combination is Bee Balm combined with variegated Phlox or Daylilies, you can place flowers in front of Echinacea.

Diseases and pests

This is a very strong and healthy plant, resistant to various types of damage. In rare cases, if not properly cared for, the bush can be affected by the following diseases:

DiseaseCauseSignsCorrective measures
Powdery mildewInsect pests: aphids, thrips, scale insects, whiteflies, mealybugs.
Presence of spores in irrigation water.

Spread from infected specimens through the air, through human contact.

High humidity 60-65%.

Excess nitrogen.

Close planting of bushes.

Powdery spots on the aerial parts that secrete a dew-like liquid.
Stopped development.

Early petal fall.

Stop applying nitrogen fertilizers and replace them with phosphorus and potassium.

Treat with Bordeaux mixture 1%, Alietta or Akrobata preparations.

RustInfection from plant remains.
Airborne spores from affected bushes.
Formation of red pustules on the leaves. When they crack, an orange-colored powder is visible.
Stopping growth.

Early yellowing and dying of greenery.

Destroy fallen leaves and other dead parts outside the site.

Weed out the weeds.

Treat with colloidal sulfur, fungicides Abiga-Pik, Cumulus, Polyram, Strobi.

Further care for the Monarda garden flower

Bee balm grows quickly and does not require much care. It is worth paying a little attention to some of the needs of an ornamental plant.


Most varieties are quite drought tolerant, but should be provided with regular watering. It is enough to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. Make sure the area you are planting in does not become wet during the winter months and remains well drained.

During the first year, make sure that the soil around the garden Monarda does not dry out.

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There are two common methods of feeding Wild Bergamot.

  • In the spring, lay down a good layer of compost and cover it with a few centimeters of mulch - this will provide sufficient nutrition for the plants and good protection from weeds.
  • Alternatively, you can use liquid organic fertilizer, or a slow-release granular form, dug into the topsoil.


In early spring, if you already have established plants, it is useful to stop their growth when they reach about 30 cm in height. To stimulate branching, pinching is necessary. All you have to do is carefully pinch off the tops of each stem. Before flowering, the plant will begin to produce new branches.

If you have a large bed of Bee Balm, you can simply trim the entire area at once using pruning shears. This should prevent your plants from looking lanky.

How to make Monarda produce new flowers? Once the flower has finished blooming, cut the stem to the ground or pinch it off. This will encourage the plant to put up another flowering stem.

In the fall or winter, you should trim the stems of Bee Balm after it dies. Cut them just above the soil surface. This allows the dead plant material to be cleared away and the perennial varieties will begin to grow again in early spring.

Monarda transplant

A garden flower can grow for up to 10 years, during which time it grows greatly. Every 3-4 years, it is advisable to divide Monarda and replant the divisions to other places. Start by loosening the soil around the roots and then gently run the shovel under the roots. Gently lift the stems of the plant until you can remove it. Prepare a hole for planting in a new location. Further actions are described above.

If you are going to divide the plant for propagation during transplantation, choose flowers that are more than 3 years old.

  • Gently shake the dug-up plants and remove as much soil as possible without damaging the root system.
  • Once you can see individual roots, cut through the thicker roots with pruning shears and then carefully separate the two segments.
  • You need to make sure that each separated stem has its own root system.
  • Once you have divided the plants to the desired number of new seedlings, inspect the roots and trim off any damaged or partially rotten roots. Likewise, trim off any weak or broken stems of the plant.

The transplantation procedure must be performed quickly so that the roots do not dry out. Immediately transplant into new pots or holes as soon as the seedlings are divided and prepared.

Methods of preparation and use

Traditional medicine offers several proven methods of using monarda. Aqueous and alcoholic medicines are prepared based on the plant.


The beneficial substances contained in monarda dissolve qualitatively in the alcohol base. A strong tincture of the plant is made as follows:

  • 50 g of crushed leaves are poured with 500 ml of vodka;
  • put in a dark place under a lid for a week;
  • After the expiration date, strain the homemade preparation.

The tincture is used mainly for rubbing for pain in muscles and joints.

Monarda tincture has pronounced antiseptic properties


The aqueous infusion of the plant has good healing properties. The recipe looks like this:

  • two large spoons of herbs are poured into a thermos;
  • pour 250 ml of hot water;
  • leave overnight.

In the morning, the infusion of the plant is passed through cheesecloth. You need to drink 1/4 cup three times a day.

Monarda infusion can be used for rinsing


Monarda decoction helps a lot with inflammation, intestinal disorders and parasites. They do it like this:

  • five small spoons of dry raw materials are poured into a glass of liquid;
  • simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes;
  • filter through folded cheesecloth.

The product can be used internally in accordance with a specific recipe or externally, for compresses and inhalations.

Monarda decoction is used for colds and intestinal disorders.


Aromatic tea can be prepared from fresh or dried plants. Brew it like this:

  • pour 250 ml of water into a large spoon of leaves;
  • leave under the lid for about ten minutes;
  • pour into a cup through a fine sieve.

Tea warms well and stimulates the appetite.

Advice! Monarda goes well with chamomile and fireweed, and the herbs can be mixed together when preparing the drink.

Tea based on monarda is a good remedy for insomnia and neuroses.


At home, you can prepare monarda oil extract for rubbing and compresses. They do it like this:

  • 50 g of herbs are poured into 500 ml of vegetable oil;
  • keep in a water bath for two hours;
  • cool and filter through cheesecloth.

The use of monarda extract is indicated for eczema and psoriasis.

Monarda oil is suitable for instillation into the nose for a runny nose.

Application in cosmetology

Medicinal properties and contraindications of double monarda bergama is used for skin and hair care. The plant helps get rid of rashes and irritations, restores the water balance of the epidermis, and eliminates dandruff.

For oily scalp and hair prone to hair loss, it is useful to regularly rinse your hair with a decoction of the plant. The essential oil of the flower can be added to a regular cream to combat wrinkles; the herb infusion is suitable for daily washing in the morning.

For frequent skin irritations and the appearance of acne, this mask is beneficial:

  • two large spoons of dried flowers are brewed in a glass of boiling water;
  • insist for ten hours;
  • Mix the product with white cosmetic clay until a creamy mass is obtained.

The mask is applied to the skin and left until dry, and then removed with warm water. It is advisable to repeat the procedure at least twice a week to obtain the full effect.

Monarda after flowering

Collecting seeds

In the last days of August or the first days of September, the seeds in the fruits fully ripen. If you want to feel like a breeder, then collect the seeds and sow them immediately in open soil or grow seedlings that can be transplanted to a permanent place in the spring. If you wish, you can not sow the seeds right away, since their germination persists for 3 years. The seed method of propagation is excellent for the species of monarda, while the varietal variety is recommended to be propagated exclusively by vegetative method.

Preparing for winter

If you do not want to collect seeds, then let the fruits remain on the bush, then hungry birds can feast on them in the autumn. If annual monrada was grown on the site, then its remains must be removed and the soil prepared for planting another crop. Perennials are highly frost-resistant (up to minus 25 degrees). If a winter with little snow is expected, then it is best to mulch the area with a thick layer or cover it with spruce branches.

Planting monarda in autumn

Most often this time of year is used to divide monarda roots. A three- or four-year-old plant is dug up, the roots are freed from the ground and divided into parts. Moreover, on each segment there must be both shoots and roots. They are planted just like seedlings, not forgetting about sufficient watering. When planting, the root collar is not deepened too much, the soil is well compacted.

Important! Until complete rooting, the divisions require daily watering and frequent loosening of the soil.

If necessary, you can divide the monarda in the summer; of course, it will no longer bloom this season, but next season its flowers will be larger and more fragrant.

Autumn planting of seeds of perennial species is also often practiced. The rules are the same as when planting them in the spring. When warm days arrive, the seedlings sprout, and next year the monarda grown in this way will begin to bloom.

Reproduction methods

Monarda reproduces both generatively and vegetatively. The method of dividing the bush or cuttings is more often used, since the percentage of seed germination is not at a high level, unlike other methods.

Dividing the bush

The bush is divided after the perennial monarda turns three years old. The procedure is carried out 2 times a year:

  • mid-spring, when the soil warms up properly;
  • the beginning of autumn, when the ground has not yet frozen.

First you need to carefully remove the roots from the soil and divide them into several parts. Send new monarda bushes into the flowerbed to the same depth. The division can be done in two years, when the bush has grown greatly.


To implement this method, select at least 7 monarda cuttings measuring 0.1 m. It is better to use shoots from a large bush that has already grown quite strongly, but has not reached the flowering stage.

Trim off all the leaves on the bottom of the cutting and trim the top a little. Plant the prepared material in a spacious box filled with substrate and fertilize it with minerals. You can also simply place the cuttings in a container filled with water. After 3 weeks, you can notice that the root system has already formed. During this period, the plant should be moved to open ground.


Start collecting monarda seeds at the end of September or August; each variety has its own ripening time. You should not allow self-seeding; you need to collect the seed pods on time.

Not every plant, especially a hybrid one, has the ability to pollinate. Seeds are planted in special containers. The optimal temperature for seedling germination is 20 degrees. Growth is quite slow and may take a while, but in the future it will accelerate significantly. After the onset of phase 4 of true leaves, pick. When the monarda seedlings are strong enough, they can be transplanted into open ground. The main disadvantage of this method is that monarda does not bloom even in the second year of development.

Monarda is an ornamental plant that is popular among gardeners due to its attractiveness and unpretentiousness. Even a beginner can cope with planting and caring for this exquisite flower, but first he should learn the rules of planting and caring for a perennial.

Preparing Monarda for winter

Since the annual monarda lives only one season, there is no need to prepare it for the winter period. Unless you remove all its remains and dry them for the winter or put them in compost - hybrids that have no gastronomic or medicinal value.

Before cold weather in more northern regions, the entire above-ground part of the plant is removed. In the southern regions, where winters are mild, the green parts of the plant are usually left, cutting them off only in the spring - this way new shoots will form faster.

Most varieties and species of monarda are characterized by winter hardiness; its roots can easily withstand temperatures down to -25°C, and some species down to -40°C. But when there are forecasts for a winter with little or no snow, its outlet is usually insulated.

A thick layer of fallen leaves sprinkled with earth, spruce branches, and mulch is used as insulation. In warm areas, sheltering monarda is rarely practiced. Plants of the first year of life need to be covered not only in areas with cold winters, but also in the south.

Rules of care

Monarda likes frequent but moderate watering. She especially needs it during hot periods.

Important! If there is not enough moisture, the plant may develop powdery mildew.

Mulching with peat or leaf humus maintains soil moisture well during peak heat.

It is also worth controlling the growth of weeds and regularly loosening the soil around the bushes.

To prevent diseases, the plant should be treated with a solution of foundationazole in spring and autumn:

  • 10 grams of fungicide;
  • a bucket of water;
  • 1% solution of copper sulfate.

Fertilizer and feeding of monarda

Monarda fertilizer must be carried out at all stages of plant growth and development, even in preparation for the winter season.

The most effective method of feeding monarda is considered to be root feeding. Complex mineral fertilizers are added directly to the soil at the roots of the plant. To consolidate the result, feeding should be repeated after 2 weeks.

Advice! Mineral fertilizer is applied at the rate of 40 g per 1 m2. You can use nitroammofoska, Kemira or Agricola preparations.

You need to feed the plant in the fall with the following complex:

  • potassium fertilizers (40 g of potassium sulfate);
  • phosphorus compounds (30 g of superphosphate).

Dry granules are slightly pressed into the soil so that the fertilizer slowly dissolves and flows to the roots with water during watering.

Such feeding can be considered a prolonged action, since when watering, the fertilizer granules will slowly dissolve, thereby prolonging the period of feeding.

What are the benefits of monarda?

The plant has numerous beneficial properties. When used according to proven recipes, the herb:

  • promotes skin and tissue regeneration;
  • stops bleeding;
  • improves colds and flu;
  • helps to recover faster after operations and serious illnesses;
  • increases immune resistance;
  • has a mild analgesic effect;
  • fights inflammation and bacterial processes;
  • has an antiparasitic effect.

You can use the beneficial properties of the monarda plant to strengthen blood vessels and regulate blood pressure. Herbal remedies promote weight loss and are used in weight loss diets.

Medicinal properties of lemon monarda

Lemon monarda is actively used, primarily in cooking. However, the plant also has medicinal properties. Decoctions, infusions and oils based on it are used to treat respiratory diseases. Lemon monarda improves digestion, eliminates bacterial processes in the stomach and intestines, and helps with helminths.

Medicinal properties of monarda binata

The medicinal properties of Monarda duplicata lie in its strong antiseptic effect. First of all, the plant is used for rinsing for coughs and sore throats, as well as externally for treating wounds. You can take teas and herbal infusions to generally strengthen the immune system and for intestinal flatulence.

Medicinal properties of Monarda fistula

Medicinal properties and contraindications of the fistula monarda is used for expectoration when coughing and for inflammation of any nature. The valuable qualities of the flower are in demand in the treatment of wounds and burns, and for skin diseases.

You can wash your hair with decoctions and infusions of monarda to get rid of dandruff.

What is useful for women

The medicinal properties and contraindications of red monarda are in great demand for women. The plant has an analgesic effect and improves the condition of painful menstruation. The natural hormones in the herb provide benefits during menopause, reducing the frequency of hot flashes and strengthening the cardiovascular system.

However, the plant should not be consumed during pregnancy; it can adversely affect the fetus. The same applies to the lactation period; in order to avoid allergies in a child, the flower can only be used externally.

What is useful for men

Flavonoids in monarda provide preventive protection against prostate cancer and reduce the likelihood of its development. In addition, the plant prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, helps cleanse and strengthen blood vessels, and prevents blood clots.

What are the benefits of monarda in tea?

When added to black or green tea:

  • helps eliminate swelling;
  • helps restore water-salt balance;
  • relieves intestinal colic and spasms;
  • regulates blood pressure and equalizes heart rate.

In addition, the plant gives tea a pleasant aroma and unusual taste. The drink with the addition of dried flowers can be consumed either hot or chilled.

Can it be given to children?

Monarda can be used to strengthen children's immunity and improve digestion. However, children under 6 years old should not offer infusions and decoctions based on the plant to children. The flower can provoke severe allergies or irritate the mucous membranes.

Attention! The plant has a number of contraindications. Before giving Monarda to a child for the first time, you should consult a pediatrician.

Reproduction and growing of seedlings

Growing monarda does not cause any particular difficulties if you follow simple rules of agricultural technology. For propagation of plants, seeds and cuttings are used. Planting material is also obtained by dividing the mother bush.

Growing monarda from seeds is the most difficult process. Planting material is sown for seedlings depending on the further cultivation method. If you plan to plant the plant in open ground, sow the seeds in January-April. For growing in greenhouses, seedlings are sown in June-August.

There are about 1350-1400 seeds in 1 g. To obtain at least 1000 seedlings, 3 g of planting material is sown.

Before sowing, the seeds are stratified by placing them in the refrigerator for 7 days.

Seeds are sown in trays without deepening them. Sprinkle a thin layer of vermiculite on top. It creates the necessary humidity. For normal germination, maintain the soil temperature within 21-22 °C. The first shoots appear already on days 5-8. After the sprouts appear, the temperature in the room is gradually reduced to 16-18 °C. Seedlings are planted in open ground after the end of night frosts.

In the second half of spring, seeds can be sown in open ground. With this method, planting material is buried 1-2 cm into the soil. Monarda grows slowly, requires regular weeding and does not bloom in the first year.


The seed propagation method does not always allow preserving the varietal characteristics of the mother plant.

A simple propagation method is to divide the bush. Conducted in autumn or spring. Choose a plant that is at least 2 years old, carefully dig it up and divide it. On each part of the monarda, at least 3 healthy shoots are left. The cut area is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon. Plants are being planted.

Monardas use root shoots to reproduce. They are separated and immediately planted in the soil. The new seedling takes root quickly.

When using cuttings, prepare containers with substrate. Cut blanks from the tops of the plant. At the cut site, they are placed in a preparation to stimulate growth. The petioles are buried 2-3 cm into the soil and the temperature is maintained within 20-22 °C. The root system is formed within 10-14 days.

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