Do-it-yourself plot design - thoughtful and luxurious design of a summer cottage on your own!

Budget landscape design option
What is budget landscape design? First of all, this is a great way to create a place that reflects your inner world. Here you will find many ideas that you can implement in your backyard. However, they won't put a big dent in your wallet.

Creating a modern and pleasant landscape does not have to cost a lot. Experts recommend using reusable materials, as well as plants that do not require special care and a lot of water.

Colorful collection of simple street flowers

Geometric patterns of paving stones and grass

One of the cheapest options, but still makes a great impression. If you want to somehow improve the soil in your yard, lay it out with paving stones in the form of a mosaic or stained glass window.

You can also plant ivy or other ground cover plants between the layers of paving stones - this will add contrast. This minimalism will help you save money.

Combination of paving stones and sedum

Price list for landscape design

10.1. “Sketch design” is the best option if landscape design is implemented by us. When carrying out the work, all necessary drawings are developed, and the work is carried out strictly according to the design documentation. 100 m26,000 rubles
— Sketch of the master plan
— Sketches of view points in 3d (10-15 sketches)
— Dendroplane
— Floral design plan
— Enlarged estimate for landscape work
Design time is 15-20 days.
10.2. “Detailed design” is a complete set of working documentation, ordered if the landscape design will be implemented by third-party organizations or in-house. 100 m28,000 rubles
- General plan
— Dendroplane
— Layout drawing
— Lighting plan
— Floral design plan
— Road pavement scheme
— Sketches of viewpoints in 3d (15-25 sketches)
— Automatic watering project
— Drainage system diagram
— Storm drainage diagram
— Paving layout diagram
— Enlarged estimate
Design period is 30-45 days.

Plots from 50 acres are calculated with discounts. The minimum design cost is 80,000 rubles.

10.3. Drainage system project setfrom 10000
10.4. Storm drain project setfrom 8000
10.5. Automatic watering project setfrom 8000
3.6. Decorative lighting project setfrom 10000
10.7. Vertical layout project setfrom 10000
10.8. 3D visualization setfrom 30000

Please note that the prices are conditional and are calculated for each object individually, based on the size of the plot (the larger the plot, the cheaper the landscaping per hundred square meters).

Flower pots

You probably have ornamental plants around the house, so you already know what you need. Therefore, nothing prevents you from doing the same in the yard. There are many flower pot ideas that you can most likely easily implement.

By the way, you don’t have to limit yourself to just pots - you can use boxes, barrels, car tires, old pallets, and so on.

An example of decorating a yard with potted plants


Perennials are plants that, unlike annuals, do not need to be replanted year after year. So fill your garden with them and your wallet won’t lose weight. Here are some win-win options:

  • Allium (Lilac spherical flowers in the photo below)
  • Astilbe
  • Baptisia
  • Buddleya
  • Echinacea
  • Anigozanthos (kangaroo paw)
  • Sage
  • Veronica (Purple flowers with thorns in the photo below)

The cost of perennial plants may be slightly higher, but this is a one-time expense that will pay off both financially and visually.

Allium and Veronica - beautiful perennial flowers

Where to start designing a site?

Just a few years ago, the dacha plot was used exclusively for growing vegetables, fruits and berries, and visiting it consisted only of weeding, watering, planting and harvesting.

Flower beds and ornamental plants took up a minimum of free space, and other elements for decoration were out of the question.

Now things are different with the garden. Any city resident dreams of his own corner of wildlife in which he could spend weekends and vacations, so everyone strives to make their site convenient, beautiful and comfortable.

Looking at the photo of the design of a summer cottage, you might think that you cannot create such beauty yourself, but this is a mistaken opinion.

It is not at all difficult to design a site in accordance with your requirements, the main thing is to follow the stages of work:

  • Before you create a project for a summer cottage, you need to decide on its purpose.
  • The area free from placing beds and fruit trees is planted with a lawn and this is a prerequisite for creating an attractive design, since a lawn of weeds can ruin even the most well-kept land.
  • Next, you need to make a selection of plants that will feel comfortable in the given climatic conditions, soil and lighting.

On large areas you can install a gazebo with a barbecue, build an alpine slide, a chic flower bed, an artificial pond, a swimming pool, and organize a children's area for active games and sports.

In the design of a summer cottage with an area of ​​6-8 acres, you can limit yourself to the presence of one or two of the listed objects.

Ornamental grasses

Combining different types of grasses will give your garden a modern look. Moreover, the design will look expensive, but in reality it will have a very small impact on your budget. Here are some good ornamental grasses:

  • Sheep evergreen
  • Veynik
  • Linen
  • Cirrus bristles
  • Schisachyrium paniculata
  • Zoysia (ideal among groundcovers)

Plant beautiful grass, preferably evergreen, by the way.

Yard planted with ornamental grass

Plant care and site maintenance

To keep a landscaped area in perfect condition for a long time, we offer maintenance programs for a country garden, city park or adjacent commercial area. You choose the solution yourself in accordance with your budget, the specifics of the landscape design and the requirements of the plantings. Full service is possible on an ongoing basis (gardener services, garbage collection, lawn mowing) or regular visits to monitor the condition of plants, adjust maintenance conditions, and advise your specialists.


With a good imagination and straight hands, almost anything can be made into a decoration for your landscape. So don’t be afraid to come up with and bring ideas to life!

Walls constructed from just about anything look very good

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Landscape design of a summer cottage

Purchase of raw materials

You can do it beautifully and inexpensively with your own hands, using almost everything that is under our feet - stones, sawdust, nut shells, branches, broken brick and concrete, boards and logs left after construction.

You can get such cheap raw materials:

  • In the forest - pine cones and needles can be an excellent replacement for covering instead of poorly growing grass;
  • At sawmills, you can often pick up wood chips, sawdust, and trimmings of boards for free or buy them for a little money;
  • In our own yard or at a friend's - pots, old pans, old shoes, everything that we have already found while cleaning the yard.

If you close your eyes and imagine a small ideal area, what appears before your eyes is a lawn - a smooth, fluffy grass carpet. But the most financially inaccessible pleasure on the site is the lawn! It’s not enough to buy it; it needs to be aerated, brushed, mowed periodically, expensive fertilizers applied and watered, especially in the heat. What about the dream, you ask?

It is quite possible to replace the classic lawn with an ordinary lawn with clover and chamomile. You can't go wrong, a soft colored carpet will delight you more than once.

In the design of the paths

You can use natural raw materials (round timber, stone) or leftover building materials (broken bricks, dismantling old buildings).

A brick that has been used has proven itself to stand the test of time in climatic conditions and will serve well for another 15 years. It can be used either in broken form or as a whole. An excellent path will be made from wooden boards - aligning the width of the path, beams are laid with an interval of 65-95 cm. Boards are placed on top of this base.

Another nice and inexpensive way to create a path is to lay round saw cuts close together; it looks quite picturesque and allows you to move calmly around the area.

USEFUL: The most budget-friendly option for creating a path is to design a path using gravel, sand and a border made of plastic bottles.

Use of plastic

To do this, you need to collect many identical plastic bottles, which are filled with sand and buried with the neck down, creating a border. Such paths are soft and comfortable and water does not accumulate in them after rains.

The fence can be built from what is easy to get from the forest or from old unnecessary things.

One of the budget options for making a fence is weaving from forest tree branches. Pegs are driven into the ground at the height of the fence, and then alternately braided with flexible rods, preferably willow. By following the alternate sequence, the fence can be made quite strong.

Another original, inexpensive fence option can be used car tires, which are arranged in several rows on top of each other or simply dug into the ground as a small fence. It’s easy to decorate such a fence; you can pour soil into the tires of the last row and create a flower arrangement.

Important: It should be borne in mind that these types of fences cannot be the main ones and are more suitable for dividing a site into zones.

Buying a new item for the home

The inevitable question arises of what to do with the old thing. It’s a shame to throw it away, but I don’t want to clutter up an already small area. Such items always fit well into the design as flower beds.

Complete freedom of creativity and the flight of your imagination - you can use anything for anything, the main thing is that the composition suits the creator. These can be carts and iron beds with flowers, annuals in galoshes and mugs with teapots, walls made from used glass bottles and animal figurines from basins, helmets and various plastics. Old furniture in the form of flower beds looks quite original - in the chest of drawers you can pull out the drawers to different lengths and fill them with soil to plant flower arrangements.

Decorating the design with a pond is a great idea for large and expensive areas. But what about inexpensive design? The simplest solution is to dig a bathtub or any plastic form into the ground, fill it with water and decorate the edges with gravel, and plant moisture-loving plants around it.

A rest area is needed in any case

to get together with family or friends. A light gazebo or canopies with homemade pergolas are perfect for this purpose. You can make an extension to the house, fence it off with trellises with vines and place there the old furniture that remained in the house after purchasing new ones. It is better to build an extension in the backyard, near a wall without windows, and place a barbecue nearby.

For landscaping the area, on the advice of professionals, it is better to use unpretentious shrubs - alpine currant, cotoneaster, white dogwood and spirea. Varieties of these species differ in the color of flowers and leaves.

Peonies, daylilies, irises, loosestrife and catnip are very popular among perennials.

To create a beautiful vegetable garden, you should listen to the advice of professionals:

- clearly defined beds give a well-groomed appearance

-if the soil on the site leaves much to be desired, you can raise the bed

-high beds should be made not too wide to make it easier to process

- adhere to the principle of combination. - carrots and greens, cabbage with onions.

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