Do-it-yourself landscape design near the house. 12 popular styles with descriptions (40 photos and 3 videos)

Construction of a country house is an interesting, but troublesome task. There is so much that needs to be taken into account in addition to the planning and construction of the home itself! This includes the development of the design, its furnishings, the purchase of accessories (paintings, house plants, furniture, etc.) ... And finally, the house is built and furnished. Now is the time to think about decorating your garden plot.

You want your country house to please not only from the inside, you also want to enjoy its surroundings: sit in the garden in silence, read a book or drink coffee with friends.

Where to begin

A well-groomed, landscaped summer cottage is the dream of, perhaps, every owner of a house with adjacent land. There is a completely unfounded opinion that only a professional can bring shine.

To argue with or agree with this statement is a personal matter for everyone, but arranging a summer house with your own hands is a completely feasible task. The main thing is to cast aside fear and doubts, understand the material, decide on your desires, and then you can get down to business.

Perhaps in some ways the design of the site will be inferior to that made by professionals, but the fact that it will be original, with its own individuality, outweighs all possible shortcomings.

The design of a garden plot begins with drawing up a plan. You can use graph paper, a ruler and a simple pencil the old fashioned way, drawing in the selected scale all the elements that you plan to place on the site.

You can take advantage of modern technologies and draw up a plan in one of the computer programs specially designed for this. It is designed as a projection, top view, observing proportions in the sizes of parts and elements.

The plan should be as detailed as possible. It is necessary to take into account everything necessary for a dacha and garden: entrance, paths, trees, decor, vegetable garden, buildings and structures, the design of which is determined before the start of landscaping work.

During the process of implementation, the plan will partially change, some ideas that came to mind a little later may find embodiment, but will be discarded into the original ones. The main thing is to have something to start from at the start.

In cases where the design of a summer cottage is adjusted to existing realities, all buildings, paths, flower beds and other important elements must be placed on the plan, as accurately as possible, in order to accurately fit them into the new exterior.

It is important to consider the location of not only large structures, such as a gazebo, covered terrace, bathhouse, barn, but also to consider the location of an artificial pond or inflatable pool.

Plants play an important role. However, you need to take into account that:

  • tall bushes and trees will create shade,
  • climbing and curly ones require support,
  • not all flowers can be adjacent to each other.

Flower beds, flower beds, rock gardens, and alpine slides are arranged taking into account the relief. Special attention is given to decorative elements: benches, garden figures, lanterns, fences.

Data collection

Before starting measurements, a preliminary (without scaling) sketch of the area (crops) is drawn on a small sheet. The measurement results are applied to it:

  • Orientation to the cardinal points.
  • Schematic arrangement of those elements that will not change (borders, trees, buildings). It may be necessary to mark some off-site features that may affect future design. For example, a tall tree that casts a thick shadow (light-loving plants should not be planted near it).
  • Dimensions of objects and distances between them.

Preliminary sketch Source

Functional areas of the garden plot

The design of the site of a country house fulfills not only an aesthetic, but also a practical task. With the help of decorative elements, correctly located structures, and fences, you can divide the territory into parts, identifying the main zones. Typically this is:

  • the front area is the pride of the hostess, the basis of the decor. Located in plain sight, not far from the driveway, near the house;
  • a recreation area containing a gazebo or covered terrace, a place for barbecue, barbecue, chairs, a hammock, an area for outdoor games, a swimming pool;
  • the area of ​​outbuildings includes sheds, a garage, a bathhouse, and a cellar. It is usually hidden from prying eyes;
  • garden and vegetable garden area, optional, but quite popular. Even on the most luxurious plots you can find fruit trees and shrubs, greenhouses, greenhouses, and beds with herbs.


The key quality when choosing a tree for your front yard should be its discreet appeal. The right tree can transform a front yard, adding structural interest, seasonal color, shade and dimension. The best tree choice for your front yard depends on factors including your climate, the space you have, preferences, and the orientation of your landscape.

Trees for small spaces

When choosing a tree for a small front yard, look for a specimen that will create a focal point without dominating your home or landscape. There are many small or dwarf tree varieties that will not grow taller than 8 meters, but have eye-catching features that more than make up for their lack of height, such as interesting leaf shapes and unique branch directions. Good options include dogwoods, Japanese maples, cherry trees and purple plum trees.

Decorative trees for small spaces


Flowering trees will give your front yard a welcome splash of color after a long winter, often before the rest of the landscape comes to life. The effect will be similar to the shape of a vase full of flowers, providing a temporary but vibrant splash of color and an intoxicating aroma. Many flowering trees also provide multi-season interest, producing colorful berries and vibrant fall foliage such as flowering cherry trees, myrtle, apple trees and eastern redbells.


Planting trees for shade in front of your home can block the harsh morning and afternoon sun from pouring into your windows, keeping your home cooler throughout the summer. Their dense canopies of leaves also slow the evaporation of water from lawns and garden beds. Shade trees come in many shapes and sizes, but fast-growing varieties deliver their benefits sooner. Examples include red maple, oak, poplar, birch, and ash.

Slender birch tree on the site near the house

For autumn foliage

Every front yard should have at least one tree that provides dazzling fall color, with leaves that turn seemingly overnight into brilliant shades of yellow, orange, red or purple. Some trees, such as the sugar maple, will produce a kaleidoscope of colors, ranging from yellow to orange and finally to red.


While many deciduous trees will reward you with spring flowers and fall color, their glory often fades in the winter after the leaves have fallen, leaving you with a lifeless landscape. Almost any front yard can benefit from the year-round color and sculptural beauty of conifers.

Design of the main elements of the site

Each style consists of individual components. The final picture depends on how appropriate and compatible they are with each other.

Decorative coniferous trees and shrubs

In a private house on the site you cannot do without trees and shrubs. Conifers have earned special love and popularity: they are unpretentious, shade-loving, frost-resistant, they are not afraid of drought, look aesthetically pleasing and are extremely easy to care for.

They can be tall, dwarf and creeping; with their help you can zone an area, fence a site, decorate flower beds and alpine slides. The most popular crops: junipers, spruce, fir, thuja, yew, pine.


One of the most popular design elements of a site in a private house. In the photo, green lawns look perfect. However, you need to understand that the lawn requires constant care and systematic mowing of the grass. Therefore, it is suitable in the case when someone constantly lives at the summer cottage or comes quite often.

To sow, the area is leveled and sown with a special mixture of grasses.

Ponds and fountains

Not the easiest to organize, but one of the most beautiful elements of garden decor is an artificial pond or fountain. Today, many devices are sold that allow you to make a pond on your property.

Instructions (even videos) can be found on the Internet. The costs of communication and work are worth the result.


Options for how to design a fence should be considered based on the overall style and material of the house. The fence can be made of wood, brick, stone, wicker, polycarbonate, metal profiles, boards, metal.

There are established standards regarding the height of the fence.

Paths: principle of arrangement and shape

You can get ideas for decorating paths from photographs on the Internet or rely on your own imagination.

The materials used are wood, stone, gravel, and ready-made pallets. Color, shape, texture depend on the chosen style.

Design of flower beds and flower beds

Making a flower garden at your dacha with your own hands is not difficult. The main thing is to decide on the plants that will be planted in the flower beds, as well as the shape and location.

In addition to the usual flower beds, there are also tall, vertical ones. You can plant flowers for one season or plant perennials; give preference to one culture or create a composition of several. If you set a goal, the flower beds on the site will bloom from early spring to late autumn.

Areas with uneven terrain

Natural unevenness and height changes can be used as decorative elements by designing alpine slides, streams, waterfalls, stairs and platforms.


Lighting plays a huge role on the site. From the point of view of convenience and safety, lamps and lanterns are necessary, but fitting them into the design and creating a special atmosphere with the help of light is a real art.

In a summer cottage, practical lanterns with sound and motion sensors and solar-powered lamps are convenient, but closed candlesticks, old-style lamps (if suitable), and individual spotlights in recreation areas are beautiful and cozy.

Garden figurines

Figures made from natural and artificial materials add color to the area and make it more alive. In addition, with their help you can distribute accents in the desired way or disguise flaws.

Dry stream in landscape design

A dry stream is a real find for those who, for some reason, do not want to deal with water or combine both types on the site. On the slopes, the imitation of flowing water, created with the help of stones, looks very original.

Benches and swings

It is impossible to do without benches on the site both from a functional and decorative point of view. High and low, with or without a back, made of wood, metal, plastic, scrap materials, benches fit into any style.

The swing is also a good detail; the choice of model depends on the chosen design style.

Flower beds and flower beds

Depending on the general style, flower beds are designed. The choice of crops depends on personal preferences and the ability to care for them.

In simple words about the landscape

Design is a whole science, but it is not always possible to learn it at universities and other educational institutions.

The ability to see and create beauty should be in the blood, and come not from a diploma with honors, but from the heart.

It is not at all necessary to study for years to become a designer; you can create landscape objects with your own hands, which is what today’s article is devoted to.

Don't be afraid to be creative and create something new, because many inventions were recognized long after they were created.

True beauty is always deeper, follow the call of your soul, and it will lead you where you should.

Landscape design of the courtyard of a private house

A beautiful yard sets the tone for the entire property. If the space is limited only to the yard, then it can be decorated in accordance with the criteria of any style you like.

It is problematic to make a fountain or pond in a small area, but

  • tiered flower beds,
  • vertical gardening,
  • original paths and decorative elements,
  • pots of flowers near the porch,
  • a small corner for drinking tea in the open air

no one canceled. By using every centimeter of space wisely, you can make your yard an example to follow and the envy of your neighbors.

A couple of ideas to implement

The number of ideas for decorating a beautiful, fashionable landscape design for a cottage is limitless; we offer only a few of them:

  • The site has a formal style with clean lines and geometric shapes, complemented by lanterns and statues from the Middle Ages.
  • A site with Arabic notes (abstract-shaped stones, fountains and arches on the façade).
  • Oriental style – adherence to minimalism, tiered garden, rock garden, Chinese gazebo, etc.

Landscape design of a country house on 10 acres

A space of 10 acres allows you to organize not only flower beds, but also plant a garden and vegetable garden. It is better if the beds are located behind the house, then the area in front of it can be used for decoration.

It is important to plan in such a way that the zones do not interfere with each other. For example,

  • the shadow from the trees did not fall on the beds,
  • the flowers did not suffer from excess sunlight,
  • the seating area was not in a dark corner.

Use zoning with plants. At the same time, decorative paths, flower beds and beds will get along well next to each other. Free spaces can be decorated with garden figures, lighting, and furniture for relaxation.

To summarize, we can say that landscaping a summer cottage with your own hands is quite a feasible task. How to arrange it, in what style, what materials to choose? You need to focus on the style you like, look at the photographs, of which there are many on the Internet, make a plan and get down to business.

Video description

About garden figurines and figurines that will decorate any garden in the following video:


If you see a landscape that, in terms of content and materials, looks like a cross between minimalism and high-tech, but with predominant streamlined shapes and a touch of elegance, then you are looking at modernism. The softness of the forms imitates living nature; In honor of the winding paths, wavy borders for flower beds, benches and fences with forged parts. When performing a similar landscape design with a pencil, the layout is marked out from a central point, which is usually assigned to a residential building. The boundaries of the zones are separated by lawns, hedges and paths.

Modern Source

See also: Small architectural forms construction service

Living colors

Plants and flowers have attractive colors. This quality is often used in the production process of natural paints. Owners of luxurious front gardens know about this and actively use the information for personal purposes. This paint is perfect for adding color to clothes and fabrics.

In addition, many varieties of plants are excellent honey plants. Insects rush to them, which are beneficial and pollinate the flowers. Calendula, millennial and others have this property.

A path with flowers will look very beautiful

Flowers can beautifully decorate the yard

Plants and flowers look attractive

See alsoDesign of the courtyard of a private house. Choosing a stylistic direction

Basic plan

Based on the collected data, a basic plan is drawn up. It is drawn on graph paper using a ruler and a triangle. Accuracy is important here, and if the cuttings were done by hand, by eye, then you will need to maintain the scale. For large areas, a scale of 1:100 is suitable (1 cm on the plan corresponds to 100 cm or 1 m on the ground). For a small plot, it is more convenient to take a larger scale of 1:50 (1 cm on the plan corresponds to 50 cm or 0.5 m on the ground).

The plan marks the boundaries of the site, the position of the house and other buildings that will remain after all the transformations; The position of the trees is plotted. Useful information is indicated in the margins of the plan: north-south direction, wind rose, direction of paths (if they are clearly defined).


Landscape design is a job that takes more than one day, even for professional designers. Many specialists have the habit of sketching in pencil, and only the final design of the project is entrusted to the program. The results of the stylistic design will have to wait several years; only then will you be able to enjoy the style that you developed and thought through to the smallest detail at the beginning of a difficult journey.

A little more attention!

Do you think it’s worth doing landscape design yourself? The work may be enjoyable, but it will take a lot of time, and the risk of making a mistake is quite high. It is difficult for a non-professional to take into account all the influencing factors, and the result can be disappointment. On the other hand, contacting a specialist will require control and coordination, and you will have to observe the process from the outside.

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