The attractiveness of spherical thujas: what to choose and how to care for them?

Sofya Slavyanskaya vacationed in Crimea

Recently I was on vacation in Crimea. I was amazed by the spherical thujas in the landscape design on the territory of the holiday home! I really wanted to plant dwarf varieties of thuja on my summer cottage: they would fit perfectly into my small rock garden.

Planting and caring for globular thuja in the garden is a new topic for me, and I began to look for articles on thematic websites, magazines and blogs. I share the information I found here.

Varieties and types of thuja globulus have taken a strong place in the design of alpine slides.

Using thuja in the flowerbed

In gardening art, thuja can rightfully be called the most versatile representative of the flora. This tree has a wide range of uses, and its ease of care and pruning allows you to create a truly unique and inimitable garden. The plant looks good both in group plantings in combination with flowering and coniferous species, and in individual plantings. Often the central specimen of a flower bed is made from thuja, surrounded by perennial and annual flowers or shrubs.

However, the plant looks most harmonious in a rock garden. Being one of the traditional representatives of mountainous terrain, a small tree will best highlight an artificial rocky landscape, filling the upper plant layer. At the same time, it will create a favorable microclimate for the growth and development of lower tier species and ground cover plants.

Special attention should be paid to the use of this coniferous species as a hedge. The tree can be used as the basis for a continuous garden border, dividing an area or highlighting garden paths. Thujas are also often used to create alleys, and the crown of the tree is often given a pyramidal or spherical shape.

Balloons or plants on stems

Plants with spherical crowns can be standard or bush. The spherical crown is most clearly manifested in standard forms. As a result of using tall trunks as a rootstock for plants with a spherical crown, we will get a crown that will be similar to a ball, since the growth of the branches will not be limited in space, and they will develop evenly in all directions. If the grafting is made into the root collar, the soil level will limit the growth of the branches, and they will be directed vertically upward and horizontally to the sides, forming a hemisphere.

Thuja in a flowerbed in combination with flowers and other conifers

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Coniferous trees are included in the list of central plants that are used for landscaping a summer cottage and creating a diverse composition. Among them, the most popular is the thuja, due to its unpretentiousness, elegant appearance, and ability to complement almost any flower bed. The article discusses in detail how to properly use this plant in a mixborder, and also provides the most successful schemes for combining wood in modern landscape design.

Botanical certificate

Experts categorically object to the current situation, when coniferous plants, due to widespread habit, are called “conifers.” According to the botanical classification, they are representatives of different classes that are included in the Gymnosperms department.

So, the conifers include the well-known spruce, pine, fir, larch, juniper, cypress, thuja, yew, etc. , and among the Gnetaceae (Temenaceae) the order Ephedra stands out, the prominent representative of which is ephedra or double-spike conifer, colloquially also called “Kuzmicheva grass” and “Steppe raspberry”.

More than 60 species of ephedra are known, which grow in southern Europe, Western Siberia, Asia, Kazakhstan, China on the slopes of hills, mountains, and among stones. In many regions the plant has conservation status. The fact is that many types of ephedra contain the alkaloid ephedrine, which has an effect similar to adrenaline. The drugs methamphetamine and ephedrone are produced from ephedrine.

Since 2004, the plant has been included in the list of those prohibited by the Government of the Russian Federation for cultivation in large and especially large sizes. In the case of ephedra, a large fine will be issued if more than 10 specimens are found on the site. But this beautiful shrub is an excellent component of the alpine hill; its fruits are edible both fresh and processed (jam, preserves), and contain only residual traces of ephedrine.

The juicy cone berries are similar to multi-drupe raspberries - hence the name “Steppe raspberry”. The plant is not a conifer

The plant has been known since ancient times. Tribes and nationalities inhabiting the areas where conifers grow used them for ritual ceremonies.

In China, Chinese ephedra, called “yellow hemp,” was used for medicinal purposes.

In Russia, at the end of the 19th century, a peasant from the Samara province, Fyodor Kuzmich Mukhovnikov, treated rheumatism, digestive disorders, and bronchopulmonary diseases with ephedra decoctions. In his honor, the plant began to be called “Kuzmicheva grass” among the people.

“Ephedra two-spikelet” is not at all similar to representatives of Conifers. Gray-green shoots extend from the shortened woody stem, reaching a height of 30-50 cm. The leaves are reduced. The fruits are juicy cone berries (false berries), which birds feed on, which contributes to the spread of the species.

Dwarf thujas: main advantages

Why do most gardeners prefer this variety exclusively:

  • First of all, dwarf thujas are coniferous plants. And they delight the gardener’s eye with their abundance of green mass throughout the twelve months.
  • In city conditions, shrubs can perfectly clean the air. It produces oxygen. Because of this, thuja is planted in areas near hospitals, in park areas and alleys, where pensioners, children, and families regularly take walks.
  • Dwarf thujas are perfect for making “living” fencing. These fences create an excellent decorative element while reducing the amount of extraneous noise.
  • Not demanding in agricultural technology.
  • Coniferous dwarf shrubs can easily withstand sudden temperature changes.
  • By planting thujas in a country, garden, or suburban area, it is possible to create a wide variety of unusual decorative elements, since most dwarf thujas are only up to 1 meter.

Species affiliation

Before moving on to care recommendations, you should understand the origin of thujas with a rounded crown shape. They are not a separate species, but are a collection of specially bred varieties. In our climatic conditions, Western thuja varieties have become widespread. There are several explanations for this:

  1. Thuja occidentalis is unpretentious and suitable for growing in our country.
  2. The varietal diversity of this species is so great that you can choose the appropriate option from the available varieties. In addition, the selection of new varieties continues to this day.

Globular forms are also found among other types of thuja (Japanese, Korean and others), but these varieties are difficult to grow in our climatic conditions outdoors. Further care recommendations apply specifically to spherical varieties of Western thuja.

How to choose the right variety of dwarf thuja

To achieve a beautiful decorative appearance, it is necessary to carefully and seriously approach the selection of dwarf shrubs that will grow in rock gardens. From the very beginning, experts recommend taking into account all sorts of specifics and areas. As well as the size of the area where the tree will be grown.

When choosing a variety of decorative thuja, you need to take into account the following aspects:

  • ability to grow in partially or completely shaded areas.
  • level of resistance to low temperatures and cold.
  • whimsicality in agricultural technology.

Before purchasing a coniferous dwarf shrub, you need to carefully examine it. Because if you buy a thuja with any imperfections, after some time it will be susceptible to disease quite often. And it will not be able to cope with its main goal - to become a decorative element of the territory.

What you should pay attention to when purchasing a tree:

  • Bareness of the root system - the completeness of the clod of earth on the root system provides shelter for the branches from negative influences, low or high temperatures, as well as most other external influences. It is also worth paying attention to the degree of development of the root system. If the root system is cut off, then the thuja will most likely not adapt at all.
  • The root system and trunk are considered indicators of the external assessment of the condition of the seedling. If the top of a coniferous bush crumbles and peels, then most likely this tree will not survive.
  • The crown must be examined with close attention. And the trunk will help you find out in time about all sorts of existing defects or the presence of parasites and various diseases. It is immediately clear that you should not purchase infected planting material, because there is no one hundred percent chance that it will adapt to you.

Combination of thuja with bushes

Traditionally, thuja is considered one of the most successful plants for planting next to tall and creeping shrubs. This is one of the most successful combinations that allows you to create an aesthetic composition. The tree is complemented with absolutely any bushy species, including creeping varieties of coniferous and deciduous bushes. However, the most successful combination is considered to be planting thuja with heather.

This plant allows you to create a truly colorful composition, and all kinds of hybrids can fill both the middle and lower tier of the mixborder. At the same time, the bright shades of the flowers will create an excellent contrast to the bright green needles. You can combine conifers with barberry and spirea quite effectively. Their bright and rich leaves of red, burgundy, yellow and golden tones can give high contrast to the needles and make them stand out perfectly against the background of the entire garden.

Reproduction of spherical thujas

Western columnar thuja - description of varieties

The most popular way to propagate shrubs is to use seedlings. If you plan to plant seeds, you need to purchase them from specialized stores. This is important because when self-seeding is used, the species characteristics of the parent bushes are not transferred to the new plant. To obtain seeds with the desired qualities, specialists must work on this.

The easiest way to propagate growing shrubs on the site is using cuttings.

Propagation by cuttings

Planting material is obtained in the fall. To do this, take sprouts up to half a meter long. It is desirable that they have a well-formed heel.

For germination, a mixture of turf soil, crushed peat and sand, taken in equal parts, is used. The cuttings are buried a couple of centimeters and covered with film on top. This requires watering and good lighting. When roots appear, the cutting will be ready for planting.

Plants that look good paired with thuja

As mentioned above, thuja can be combined with almost any ornamental plant. However, to create a truly harmonious and attractive flowerbed, you need to try hard. At the same time, in order not to make a mistake, you can use the traditional and win-win combination of wood with other decorative types.


Thuja and juniper make it possible to create a simple, but at the same time graceful evergreen conifer that can delight all year round. Plant growers know a huge number of varieties of these plants, so almost everyone can choose the most aesthetic combination. At the same time, such a mixborder will look as advantageous as possible, regardless of the initial budget.

Description of Western globular thuja (round)

This shrub has good frost resistance. A characteristic feature of the appearance is the rounded crown. In some varieties it persists throughout life, but there are also those where this occurs only in the first years of life.

For your information! Frost resistance allows you to grow spherical thuja in most of Russia.

The needles are usually pleasant-smelling scales.

To grow shrubs, abundant sunlight is not necessary.

Thuja globulus


The varietal diversity of thujas with a spherical crown shape is great. The trees differ in both size and color. Below are photos of the varieties and types of spherical thuja that are most widespread, as well as their description.

Globoza is a tall variety, the height of adult plants reaches 1.2-1.5 meters. The color of the needles changes depending on the season: in summer it is green, in winter it is brown. Plants of this variety do not require shaping - by 5-7 years of life, the trees become spherical, further growth is 5 cm in height and width annually, and the crown becomes thicker with age.

Thuja spherical Danica is a low-growing variety (the height of mature trees is up to 80 cm). It gained popularity due to its unpretentiousness, winter hardiness and ability to maintain shape without pruning.

The Reingold variety is highly decorative. The main feature of this tall plant (up to 1.5 m) is the unusual color of the needles: pinkish in spring, light golden in summer, and copper-yellow, almost brown in autumn.

One of the new selections is the dwarf spherical thuja variety Teddy. The height of this unusually dense shrub reaches 30 cm, and the needles are atypical for thujas: smooth, rich green and not prickly. The plant is resistant to sunburn and does not lose its decorative effect for a long time.

Application in landscape design

Thuja globulus has found wide application in landscape design. These versatile trees pair well with other plants and a variety of decorative items. Due to their slow growth, compositions with thujas retain their original appearance for a long time, which is why they are often used in mixborders, rock gardens and Japanese gardens.

Dwarf varieties grow well in containers and pots; with their help you can create a kind of coniferous lawn. A medium-sized variety of spherical thuja can be used as borders or hedges.

Deciduous balls

Thunberg barberry (Berberis thunbergii) “Bagatelle” is a dwarf shrub with a spherical crown, reaches a height of about 25–30 cm. On young shoots, the leaves are dark pink, over time they acquire a purple color. Prefers alkaline soils, light-loving and drought-resistant.

Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) “Compacta” is a shrub with a dense spherical crown, the height of which depends on the height of the trunk on which it is grafted. Prefers sunny areas with light shade during lunch hours. The plant is undemanding to soil fertility, prefers regular and abundant watering, and is resistant to low temperatures.

Common cherry (Cerasus vulgaris) “Umbraculifera” (hemispherical) – has a compact crown, the height of the plant depends on the height of the rootstock; when grown on a trunk, it sometimes forms an umbrella-shaped crown. Prefers well-lit areas, light loamy or sandy loam soils. Drought-resistant, undemanding to moisture, resistant to low temperatures. Cherry fruits are edible. Used in gardens of various styles and directions.

Bush or steppe cherry (C. fruticosa) “Globosa” is characterized by a small spherical crown, the diameter of which reaches up to 2 m. It grows from Central Europe to Siberia. It is especially decorative during flowering, since it blooms before the leaves bloom. Prefers sunny areas, well-drained fresh or moist soils, requires protection from the wind.

Rough elm (Ulmus scabra) “Nana” - forms a dense dwarf regular spherical crown; accordingly, the height of the trunk should be harmoniously combined with the diameter of the crown, which usually does not exceed 2 m. Prefers sunny areas or light partial shade, grows well on fertile, moist soils, does not tolerate drought, puts up with the conditions of the city. In winter, young shoots may freeze.

English oak (Quercus robus) “Umbraculifera” is a tree with a uniformly spherical crown, prefers fertile soils, well-lit places, does not tolerate waterlogging. Resistant to drought and frost, often affected by powdery mildew.

Brittle willow (Salix fragilis) “Bullata” has a unique crown, as if consisting of several balls. Reaches a height of up to 6 m. Requirements for growing conditions correspond to the biological characteristics of the species - light-loving, prefers moist clay soils, frost-resistant, brittle branches. It looks most impressive in plantings along the banks of reservoirs, streams and rivers.

Purple willow (S. purpurea) “Nana” forms a dense, spherical crown up to 2 m in diameter with thin flexible shoots covered with elongated leaves. The plant grows quickly, the annual growth is 25 cm. It grows better on loose, fertile, moist soil, but does not tolerate stagnant water; it should be planted in sunny places. In winter it may freeze slightly, but then recovers; Standard plants are especially vulnerable. In winter, it is advisable to tie the plant. Because under the influence of snow the crown can fall apart.

Catalpa bignonioides “Umbraculifera” is a small tree with a spherical compact crown 3–5 m in diameter. The height of the plant depends on the height of the trunk. Over time, the crown becomes more oval in horizontal section and takes on an umbrella shape. It grows slowly. Prefers a sunny location or light partial shade. Tolerates drought and urban air pollution well. Grows best in moist soils. In winter it may freeze.

Norway maple or platanoleaved maple (Acer platanoides) “Globosa” is another famous rounded representative of the plant world, the crown of which becomes more elongated in the horizontal direction with age and reaches a diameter of 6–8 m. Among the shrubby maples, up to 5 m high, there is a very interesting maple holly "Golden Globe", which has not only a spherical crown, but also golden foliage throughout the summer. The maple "Rubra Globosa" with purple foliage deserves special attention. These forms prefer sunny areas or partial shade, as well as loose, nutritious soils. Resistant to drought and frost. Also noteworthy in this category of spherical trees are the field maple (A. campestre) “Compacta”, the Trautvetter maple (A. trautvetteria) “Ovalis” and the red maple (A.rubrum) “Globosum”.

Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) "Umbraculifera" forms an even spherical crown. Reaches a height of 5–7 m. The dwarf form of chestnut “Pumila”, grafted onto a trunk, looks most impressive. Chestnuts grow well in sunny areas or light partial shade. Prefer fertile soils. Resistant to low temperatures.

Robinia pseudoacacia "Bessoniana" forms an openwork crown that is slightly elongated in the horizontal section; the variety "Umbraculifera" is distinguished by its smaller size and slightly hanging ends of the branches. Photophilous. It is undemanding to soil, drought-resistant, and freezes in severe winters.

Japanese spirea (Spiraea japonica) “Little Princess” is a compact shrub with a dense cushion-shaped crown up to 0.6 m high and up to 1.2 m wide. It is highly decorative during flowering (June - July), when pale pink inflorescences crown the ends shoots. Prefers fresh, fertile soil. Photophilous, can tolerate light shade. To maintain the shape of the bush, old and weakened branches are removed in the spring. Winter hardiness is high. Stable in urban environments.

Common or tall ash (Fraxinus excelsior) “Globosa” forms a spherical crown, the openwork of which is due to pinnately compound leaves with small leaf blades. Prefers a sunny location. Prefers fertile, moist soils that are not subject to salinization and compaction. May be damaged by spring frosts.

Of course, the range of spherical trees and shrubs is not limited to the species and varieties given as examples. Every year new wonders appear on the plant market, and scissors and pruners in skillful hands bring the natural form to the desired perfection.

Natalya Vysotskaya, candidate s. -X. sciences, landscape designer

© 2014, Planting a Garden. All rights reserved.

Types and varieties that match flowers

Thuja is considered an indispensable plant for creating complex, but at the same time motley compositions from several groups of plants. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that this coniferous species can be easily pruned. This allows you to give the crown almost any shape, including creating a unique garden figure.

The most popular type of plant used for garden landscaping is the thuja occidentalis. This is a large tree, characterized by a dense crown and soft needles. For planting together with flowering species, the varieties Brabant, Smaragd, Danica, Woodward, Filiformis and Erikoides are often used, including combining them with each other.

In addition, a beautiful flower garden can be created with the following types of thuja:




Why do spherical thujas turn yellow?

There may be several reasons for this:

  • in some situations this may be a natural process. Needles have their own lifespan. When it comes to completion, the color changes. This does not indicate any problems when growing in the garden, but is a common occurrence. In place of the dried and fallen needle, a new one should appear;
  • Sometimes the color change with the arrival of autumn and winter is a property of a particular variety. When spring comes, the plant will again take its previous appearance;
  • however, when the cause of the yellow color is problems that arose due to errors in planting and care, then you need to pay close attention to this. One possible reason could be planting shrubs on sandy soil. Another common situation of this kind is lack of drainage.

If the cause is gardener error, it is necessary to determine what the plant needs and correct the existing problem.

Thuja spherical combines a decorative appearance and ease of care. If a gardener chooses this shrub for cultivation, he will receive a valuable plant for design compositions.

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