DIY waterfall: types, how to make an alpine slide, care

A do-it-yourself alpine slide with a waterfall undoubtedly becomes a real decoration of the local area. Unlike standard flower beds and edgings, arranging a rock garden requires careful design, where each element must be given a separate place. In this thoughtful composition, all components must be in harmony with each other. Here, decorative crops, stones, and a waterfall must be in certain proportions in order to ultimately create a luxurious recreation area.

Selection of stones for an alpine slide

There are many types of stones that will look great in your garden. This may include:

  • granite;
  • wild stone;
  • limestone;
  • tuff;
  • sandstone and others.

Planting perennial plants.
By following these simple rules, it’s easy to create an alpine slide with your own hands. Step-by-step photo locations of stones will help you choose the optimal design for any site. So:

  • the selected stones should not be the same size;
  • it is preferable to select specimens that are uneven in shape and structure;
  • the finished flowerbed should be asymmetrical as possible;
  • the selected stones must be of the same type.

Planting coniferous plants.

Stone elements can be arranged in different ways, it all depends on the owner’s imagination. Professional designers offer several schemes for laying boulders. The large stone blocks located throughout the entire area of ​​the rock garden, with smaller fragments scattered between them, look quite original.

Some will prefer to place the most beautiful and interesting-shaped boulder at the very top of the hill, while others, on the contrary, will place large specimens closer to the bottom. Any options have the right to be implemented.

When creating a rock garden from solid stone, try asking family and friends for help. It is quite difficult for one person to master such a structure with his own hands. A photo of an alpine slide with stones demonstrates the scale of these compositions.

Adding small stones, final formation of the composition.

When installing large and medium stones, care should be taken to ensure their stability. In places invisible to the eye, they can be fixed with cement mortar to give the entire structure greater strength. Lightly buried boulders look good. This move allows you to simulate the rupture of the soil by rocks and strengthen the entire rock garden.

On a note! An alpine meadow looks good in a garden plot. This is a bright green meadow strewn with meadow flowers. For its construction, stones are usually not used, and the effect of a slide is created by arranging the plants in height.

Watering the finished rock garden.

After arranging the base, after a couple of months you can begin planting plants. You can use any type of plant that does not require particularly careful care and can tolerate bright sun and heavy rainfall.

On a note! In order for your rock garden to delight you with its beauty all year round, you need to know the flowering times of various plants. Bulbous plants bloom in the spring, in the fall, mostly perennial specimens, and in the winter, conifers keep the alpine hill empty.

It is better to select slow-growing specimens for arranging an alpine hill in your dacha with your own hands. Photo-ready compositions show how original and beautiful, for example, coniferous evergreens can look in such unusual flower beds.

Looks good:

  • thuja;
  • some varieties of fir trees;
  • juniper;
  • mountain pine.

Such plants can be given any intricate shape. With their original appearance, they will ideally complement an alpine flower garden. Gardeners give such representatives of the fauna a conical shape or trim them into other interesting shapes when creating an alpine slide with their own hands. Step-by-step photos showing options for correct pruning will help you cope with this task yourself, without inviting a landscape specialist.

Suitable herbaceous plants include:

  • periwinkle;
  • low growing carnation;
  • thyme;
  • nasturtiums;
  • marigold;
  • bell and many others.

Planning and preparatory work

The developed project will help to accurately mark the site and plan the work. On paper you need to schematically indicate the main elements with dimensions.

Preparing the base for an alpine slide consists of several stages:

  • The diagram is transferred to the site, the contours are marked, and the turf is removed with a thickness of at least 40 cm:
  • to protect against excess moisture and gas exchange, form a cushion of 10-20 cm of crushed stone and broken brick;
  • the surface is covered with a 5-10 cm layer of coarse sand and watered;
  • a mixture of fertile soil, wood chips, humus, and fine gravel is placed and compacted onto the prepared drainage.

These stages cannot be ignored; drainage not only normalizes the moisture balance, but also works as a foundation. A stone flower garden will not sag over time.

Selecting plants for planting

For an alpine hill, vegetation with different flowering periods and slow growth is selected. Not all alpine plants take root well, so landscape designers often use representatives of forest and steppe flora. The basis of the composition is made up of low-growing juniper, mountain pine, thuja, fern, blueberry, and lingonberry. The flowerbed is filled with lavender, fescue, marigolds, bergenia, chickweed, and periwinkle. A cushion of Moricia and grains looks beautiful around rocky structures. Sunflowers and phlox are planted in the middle rows. Medicinal and spicy herbs get along with stones: lovage, basil, thyme, sage, oregano, mint. You can place indoor crops in pots between the stones. During the summer holidays, pelargonium, indoor roses, hydrangea, hippeastrum, and aloe are transported to the yard and dacha. Moss gives a natural appearance to mountainous fragments.

A classic rock garden is populated with plants characteristic of rocky slopes, alpine meadows, and highlands.

  • winter-hardy and unpretentious Boyd's willow with fluffy leaves is combined with creeping coniferous shrubs and flowering perennials, does not grow to the sides;
  • cotoneaster bushes with small white inflorescences and red fruits survive well on artificial embankments;
  • Erica blooms from early spring to October;
  • Canadian derain creates a white and green carpet on the alpine hill;
  • the miniature joster tree looks beautiful against the background of stones;
  • creeping evergreen euonymus take root in shaded areas.

For the rock garden, unpretentious flowers are chosen: echinacea, alpine carnation, rock alyssum, young, haretail. Capricious edelweiss and rock bells are difficult to care for.

Planting scheme

Visually, the rock garden is divided into tiers, each level is filled with vegetation with similar care conditions.

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Tiered filling

1UpperLight-loving grasses and flowers that are resistant to wind and lack of moisture are planted.Iberis, young, edelweiss, creeping thyme
2AverageChoose varieties growing in partial shadeWoolly chickweed, phlox, sunflower, alpine aster
3LowerThe foot is decorated with shade-loving and moisture-loving cropsRhododendrons, conifers, saxifrages

Selection of stones, installation option

To make the right choice, you need to know the degree of fragility and porosity of each rock.

  • Sandstone - blocks with a coarse-grained structure are used not only for decorating an alpine hill, but also for planting shrubs with small roots.
  • Granite is used in combination with conifers and heather shrubs.
  • Tuff is suitable for high-mountain flora and is beautifully overgrown with lichens.
  • The slate exfoliates into sheets and fits well into a mountain wall or ladder.
  • Dolomite reduces soil acidity and is easy to process.

The installation option depends on the type of alpine slide. To recreate the valley, the blocks are placed randomly. For a rocky wall, choose flat fragments of equal height, and compensate for unevenness with small stones. When laying a slide on a slope, the stones are placed parallel with a slight slope back.

Step-by-step installation of a classic rock garden

The first tier is laid out from large blocks, the gaps are filled with small stones, and the empty space is covered with pebbles. For natural shrinkage, the rocky structure is formed in the fall. They think through the installation in advance so that it is easy to move along the hill for watering and weeding. To create a natural effect, symmetry and uniformity are avoided. The first tier is laid out from large blocks, buried by a third of the volume. The gaps are filled with small stones, and space is left between them for plants. The laid row is covered with soil, compacted, and watered. Smaller stone fragments are placed in the next tiers. The top of the alpine hill is crowned with a large beautiful stone.

Form and types of cascades

The shapes and types of waterfall cascades in a country house can be completely different. The simplest options can be made from scrap materials. Fans of grandiose structures will appreciate multi-stage large structures with fountains, streams and canals.

The choice of cascade type depends on your capabilities and strengths. Calculate in advance how much space you can allocate for the composition and how much money you are willing to spend.

Waterfall layouts can be completely different. How the water flows depends on the stone from which it flows. Falling smooth streams are obtained from stones with rounded, polished edges. Sparkling threads of water will come from the cut stone. Using two stones and two levels of water drainage, an asymmetrical flow will be obtained. In this case, the volume of water in both streams can be the same. If the volume of water is limited, it is better to make it flow around the stone.

Types of decorative waterfalls

The composition can be in any form. Those who like clear lines can make a rectangular or round waterfall. If you prefer natural forms, then you should make a design with smooth, asymmetrical outlines. If desired, you can put fish in the pond under the waterfall , but then you will have to take care of underwater plants, which means you should pay attention to the depth of the reservoir. The best option is a meter-deep pond, or better yet, a little deeper so that the plants and fish do not freeze in winter.

How to choose plants for an alpine hill

The choice of plants for a rock garden must be thought out in advance, since each type of landscape is suitable for one or another set of representatives of the fauna world, for example, rock gardens on slopes are characterized by creeping species, and valleys are characterized by flowering types. Experts advise choosing representatives of the flora that bloom in different periods, so that the alpine slide can please the eye for a long time. Perennials, in most cases, bloom in the fall. This could be lavender, geranium, saxifrage, etc. Their growth requires careful monitoring, since heavily overgrown crops can block sunlight for shorter plants. Bulbs (crocuses, hyacinths) bloom in the spring, and in winter, coniferous species - thujas, some varieties of spruces, etc. - will not allow the landscape to be empty.

On the alpine hills there are also low-growing shrubs, such as Japanese maple, rosemary, azalea, and dwarf roses. Among herbaceous representatives, you can choose thyme, bells, marigolds, and edelweiss, phlox, and dwarf ferns are also often planted on the hills. Ground cover daisies, St. John's wort, and yarrow will perfectly cover the empty spaces between the stones.

When planting, you need to take into account one of the important rules: low-growing species are planted in groups, and lush flowering ones - separately. Planting plants in the ground begins from the top of the alpine hill and gradually moves to its foot

To avoid water evaporation and block plants from being damaged by weeds, when planting, you need to leave a small funnel around each specimen into which to pour pebbles.

Combination with water

The highest point of skill regarding structures that imitate the natural landscape is considered to be a rock garden with a pond. The murmur of water in a stream and a yellowed leaf floating past bring romance and harmony to the composition. Some craftsmen spare no effort to create a rock garden with a real fountain.

If you want to get not just a slide, but an object with a waterfall, you will need to consider the following points:

  • the bottom of the reservoir must be completely waterproof;
  • the pump pumping water requires laying an electrical wire;
  • plants in certain zones will need to be selected, taking into account their tolerance to humidity;
  • the pond needs regular cleaning;
  • In the summer months, koi - Japanese carps - look great in the pond, but keeping them will be fraught with certain difficulties in the winter.

For carp, you will have to equip a pit for wintering at least 80 cm deep, and also install an aeration system there to ensure the survival of the fish when the pond is covered with ice.

The bowl for the pond must be created at the same time as the slide. The depth of the pond is usually not high, so that you can clearly see the pebbles and fish swimming on the bottom, if they are planned. In addition, the shallow bowl of the reservoir is easier to clean. It is necessary to create recesses for installing the pump. The electrical cable for it is also installed at this stage.

As for the placement of the reservoir, it is better to place it northeast of the hill so that the pond is in the shade for some time. This will protect the water from premature flowering.

It is recommended to make the walls of the bowl with a slight slope - this will make it easier to place stones on them. The bottom is covered with a 100 mm layer of sand and compacted well. Geotextiles are laid on top of the sand, and a waterproofing rubber film is placed on top of it. This film will easily last for several decades. It is necessary to leave free edges outside the hole; later they will be buried in the ground.

The film is then pressed down with stones and the pond is filled with water from a hose. After this, the wrinkles that appear on the film are straightened.

The pump power for the waterfall should be 70 W. It is mounted on a special stand so as not to touch the bottom, and is well camouflaged with stones. The device must pass a connection safety test. By this point, the rock garden should be laid out to the border from which water begins to flow. A hose is brought here and masked with stones.

You can decorate a pond in different ways. The choice of building materials is now huge, so this process is quite easy. Ceramic elements, for example, jugs and flowerpots, are often used in arranging a reservoir. Near a pond or stream it is good to plant moisture-loving plants: bergenia, mosses, ferns, bathing plants.

How to make an alpine slide in a small area?

If you have firmly decided that a self-made alpine slide will be the decoration of your garden, step-by-step instructions will give you the opportunity to avoid gross mistakes and get the desired result.

Before starting work, sketch out a sketch of the rock garden - this will help you decide how much area it will occupy, what configuration it will have and how many tiers you will make on it.

You can even roughly estimate how much an alpine slide will cost you - a diagram drawn to scale will help you calculate how many and what kind of stones you will need, how much drainage, sand and soil will need to be prepared. The design needs to be made in relation to the area in order to take advantage of all the advantageous aspects of the existing landscape.

Creative decoration for rock gardens - clay bowl with plants

When deciding on the location for the future rock garden, do not forget that you will need to look at it - choose the most favorable angles. In addition, think about it - you may want to spend your free time near it. Then you will need an adjacent flat area with paths, space for a table and a fireplace.

The path from the rock garden leads directly to the recreation area

A cozy corner for relaxation in the “rock garden”

Very interesting visual effects will be obtained by using natural uneven terrain - decorative elements inscribed in the natural landscape will be a great addition to it.

Spectacular alpine slide with a small pond

This is not an imitation of a landscape, but simply an artistic composition of asymmetrically located stone blocks with paths between them and plant compositions

  1. The next step is to transfer your diagram to the site. Make the markings using a string or filling the required lines with a contrasting material - sand, lime. This will allow you to look at the proposed location of the rock garden from the outside. You may decide to slightly change its configuration to suit the terrain.
  2. Having approved the choice of location, you need to prepare the site for laying stones. Soil consisting largely of clay or chernozem will have to be drained; sandy soils do not need such preparation. For drainage, the soil is removed to a depth of at least 30 cm, the pit is filled with large fractions of building materials, compacted and covered with removed soil flush with the surrounding soil. To compact the loosened soil, it is spilled with water.
  3. The largest boulders are placed along the perimeter of the prepared site. If necessary, they can be buried in the soil - then they will have a more natural appearance. The internal space is filled with soil, which will become the basis for the next tier, as well as a habitat for plants.
  4. Having retreated the calculated distance from the first row, insert the next chain of stones, maintaining the desired configuration of the rock garden.
  5. Having completed the required number of tiers, the top is decorated. To do this, you can lay one large stone, or use several small ones stacked in a pyramid. This will prevent erosion of the soil, and will also complete the composition.

Vertical blooming alpine composition creates a romantic mood

A retaining wall in the form of a rock garden is a new salvation from “boring” walls

Tanks, reservoirs and reservoirs

The size of the structure can be very different. It is from the desired dimensions that you need to start when choosing a bowl. If you are thinking about how to make a small fountain in the country with your own hands, a large flowerpot mounted on a pedestal, or even an ordinary basin dug into the ground and decorated around the circumference with pebbles, is suitable for this. All that remains is to fill it with water, lower the pump and connect it to the network.

For a more solid structure, you can also choose a tank by purchasing a ready-made one in a store or by adapting an old bathtub. Finished containers are made of plastic and composite materials. The former are cheaper, but are not highly durable, the latter are more expensive, have considerable weight, but last a long time.

The container for the reservoir can be chosen in any shape and sizeSource

Installation of the finished container

To install a tank under it, a pit of the appropriate size and depth is dug in the ground, taking into account a sand cushion, which is poured to the bottom in a layer of 5-10 cm and compacted.

The bowl is placed in the pit, leveled and sand is poured under it along the entire perimeter. To compact the sand, it is spilled with water.

What stones should you choose for an alpine slide?

Stones and plants for an alpine slide are the core of its design, so their choice must be taken seriously.

First, you need to decide on the size of the alpine slide and start from there. If the alpine slide is large, you can use large boulders, otherwise (if the slide is approximately 5m*3m) small stones and flagstone are used.

Stones for an alpine slide are the key to an effective design

When choosing stones, pay attention to their shape and appearance, because... these criteria will be noticeably reflected in the overall design of the slide

Laying stones should be carried out in tiers, no less than 3, but no more than 5. Don’t be afraid to experiment and embody the most vivid manifestations of your imagination: create patterns from stones, make a stone composition, etc.

Remember that in winter and early spring the alpine hill will not delight you with flowering plants, so the stones should create an attractive appearance even without additional decorative elements.

You should not make large distances between the stones, because... the created alpine slide may seem bald, but at the same time, do not forget to leave room for ornamental shrubs and flowers.

Avoid perfect symmetry in the arrangement of stones, because... the general appearance should resemble a piece of a natural area untouched by human hands.

As for the placement of the stones itself, it should be noted that the most massive boulders should be installed at the foot of the hill, and small stones should be placed closer to the top.

Among all the stones, choose the most attractive and original one to install it on the top of the alpine hill.

This, in fact, is all I wanted to tell you about the component of the alpine hill - the stones, now let's move on to the next important element - the plant world

Video description

The installation of a tank for a decorative pond and fountain is shown in the video:

Making a bowl with your own hands

If you can’t find a suitable container in the store, you can take a different approach to the question of how to build a fountain in your dacha with your own hands. To do this, you will need sand, geotextiles and pool film or regular thick polyethylene film (it is cheaper):

  • First, a pit of the required size and depth is dug.
  • After removing roots, stones and other protrusions, the bottom is carefully compacted and covered with sand.
  • Then the pit is completely covered with geotextiles to prevent plant germination.
  • The film is laid loosely on top of the geotextile. It should not be pulled, and the edges should extend to the surface of the ground at least 25 cm.
  • Along the perimeter, the edges of the film are pressed with boulders; pebbles and rounded stones without sharp edges that can damage the waterproofing are also placed on the bottom of the bowl.

Ready reservoir for a fountain Source
The cable from the pump is brought to the surface, hidden between boulders. To reach it to the outlet, dig a shallow groove from the reservoir and lay the cable in it, after passing it through a corrugated or plastic water pipe.

Time to collect stones

Of particular importance are the stones, which will serve as both a construction and a decorative element for the slide.

Their selection should be approached with special attention, and experts advise giving preference to rocks with low porosity.

These include sandstone, granite or basalt. Rocks such as tuff or shell rock absorb water quite quickly, which leads to their relatively rapid destruction.

As for the shape of the stones selected for construction, it is better to look for a middle ground.

If you look at a photo of an alpine slide made by yourself, you will notice that the most pleasant-looking options are the ones in which the boulders are not too round, but at the same time not too angular and sharp. All stones must be of the same type.

Plants that are perfect

Any alpine hill is decorated with green spaces. For a picturesque structure in which a flowing stream is located, you need to choose moisture-resistant plant specimens, which we will talk about in more detail. Photos of the most common ones can be found on the Internet. Suitable ones are:

Plants can also be used in water. To do this, it is advisable to pre-plant them in pots. Arrowhead, water lily, and sedge are suitable. Specimens such as water chestnut and wolfia are not picky and beautiful. Azola produces a dense, lacy covering of its leaves that can vary in shades from brown to green and even pinkish.

Construction of the slide

The construction of the slide is of no small importance. This design can be done in different ways

rocky slope

This option is characterized by a rocky shape, which is mainly made of stones. Plants are planted among them.

Terraced slope

This composition is characterized by protrusions at different heights. They are made using retaining walls. Buildings can have different configurations.

mountain gully

This area is characterized by stones of different sizes. They protrude from the ground. The boulders are supplemented with plants with a long flowering period.


When constructing it, it is worth taking into account the terrain. Stones are used to decorate the slopes. At the same time, ground cover crops are planted on the hill.

Czech rolling pin

This is a multi-tiered hill that includes flat stones. They are folded vertically. Decorative crops are planted nearby.

Valley in the mountains

The structure is made of large stones, which are partially immersed in the ground. The composition is complemented by lushly flowering crops.

Choosing a location for a waterfall

One of the most difficult stages of building a waterfall is choosing a location for it. If the structure is positioned incorrectly, it will only spoil the appearance of the site. It is worth considering other features of choosing a location:

  • Trees should not be located near the hydraulic structure. They will be drawn towards the water, destroying the ground under the structure.
  • Cascades are also not installed near the house. Otherwise, water may wash away the foundation, which will lead to the destruction of the house. Moreover, mold will form on the walls of the building.
  • It is recommended to install the waterfall on a hill. This will not only look beautiful, but will also create a natural slope for the water to fall. If you don’t have such a place on your site, then it should be created artificially. You should not place the cascade near a low-lying area, otherwise all the debris will get into the water, which will certainly clog the pump.
  • Among other things, you should make sure that the waterfall is clearly visible from different points - that is, it should be placed in an open space.

Once you have decided on the location for the structure, you can begin choosing materials to create it.

Installation of pond film

To form a pond using film, it is worth making some effort and performing a specific sequence of actions.


First, it is recommended to mark the area, and then start digging a pit. In this case, it is worth making several ledges on the sides. The depth of the pit varies.

The most common solution is 1 meter.

Surface cleaning

Since film will be placed in the pit, its bottom should be prepared. To do this, it is recommended to get rid of sharp stones and remove plant roots.

Leveling the bottom for the pit

It is recommended to carefully level and compact the bottom of the pit. To place the film evenly, pour 10 centimeters of sand into the hole. It is recommended to level it, water it and compact it. Geotextiles should be placed on top.

This non-woven material prevents root growth and ensures even load distribution.

Calculation of sizes

To correctly calculate the size of the film, you should use the following formulas:

  1. Length = L1 + 2H + 0.7 (meters).
  2. Width = L2 + 2H + 0.7 (meters).

In this case, L1 is the length of the pit, L2 is the width, H is the depth. A coefficient of 0.7 is introduced to determine the film stock.


First, it is recommended to place the film on the bottom, in the recess, level it well and press it with stones in the corners. The ledges should be pressed down with stones. This will ensure reliable fixation of the material.

Common Mistakes

At first glance, laying the film is considered a simple task. But beginners can make mistakes that will ruin the appearance of the lake. These include the following:

  1. If you do not cover the walls and ledges with stones, the film will spoil the impression of the lake.
  2. If you do not fasten the stones with mortar, after some time they will sink to the bottom.
  3. The protruding sides should be covered with stones. Thanks to this, the bowl will acquire a neat appearance.
  4. If the film is installed incorrectly, there is a risk of air bubbles appearing. This will lead to displacement of the structure. As a result, she will look untidy.

Caring for decorative structures

The lifespan of the waterfall depends on how the waterfall is cared for.

To extend the life of a waterfall, it is necessary to provide it with proper care. The main activities are as follows:

  • systematically add water to the tank as it evaporates;
  • clean the water surface from accumulated debris (leaves, branches);
  • add special anti-blooming drugs to the water;
  • Aquatic plants are planted in the pond (if possible), which will not only decorate, but also purify the water;
  • Clean the pump filters 2 times a month;
  • drain the water for the winter;
  • Regularly inspect the wires for damage.

Materials and equipment

The choice of materials and tools for creating a waterfall should be based on the characteristics of the site, the size of the structure, and design. In any case, you will need:

  • pump for pumping water, filter, electrical cable and hose;
  • water supply pump;
  • waterproofing;
  • materials for decoration.

Particular attention should be paid to the pump. It must be special, designed for use in such structures. Submersible or surface models can be used. Special pumps are designed for a long service life; they provide low pressure but operate continuously. The power of the unit depends on the volume of water that needs to be pumped.

Step-by-step guide to creating an alpine slide

Step 1. Preparatory stage The first stage is to choose the most “picturesque” corner of your site. Draw a diagram of the rock garden on paper according to your wishes. Decide how many rocks you need, what types of plants you want and how to plant them. This alpine slide diagram will tell you the approximate cost of materials. You'll need to consider a few other factors, such as the level of the terrain (you may need to create a slope or berm for proper drainage). You need to determine how much sunlight and shade your rock slide will receive at any given time.

Types of alpine slides

Of course, you also need to determine the size of your composition. If you plan to install large rocks, you will most likely need to hire an excavator and other professional equipment to create optimal drainage conditions for your plants. Step 2: Gather the necessary materials Tools and materials needed to create your own alpine slide:

  • Crowbar for moving large stones, tape measure, cord, pegs, wheelbarrow, watering can,
  • A shovel for cultivating the soil, a rake for spreading compost and a trowel for planting;
  • Alpine or other suitable plant species;
  • Landscape fabric or polyethylene sheet;
  • Broken pots, small stones, old bricks and other fillers;
  • Stones of different sizes (slate, granite or sandstone), sand, crushed stone, gravel, compost.

Step 3. Mark the boundaries of the future rock garden using rope and contrasting bulk material (sand or lime). Step 4. Remove weeds. If you cannot get rid of them in the usual way, use a herbicide to kill more resistant weeds. Step 5. Remove the soil to a depth of 30 cm. The created “bowl” is filled with broken bricks, various types of waste construction materials, and gravel. This will improve drainage and also provide support for the stones. Compact this cushion layer well. If you are creating a slide on a flat area, pour a slide from the same material and also compact it well.

Step 6: Separate the bottom base layer from the compost. Step 7: Lay down the rocks. Step 8: Mix up the prepared soil mixture and mound it around the boulders. Step 9: Take a rake and level the soil mixture. Step 10: Add plants to your rock garden Step 11: Add a layer of mulch.

The alpine slide you created with your own hands requires regular maintenance in the future. A rock garden as part of a garden plot is also susceptible to various types of pests - ants, birds, slugs, etc. You need to regularly inspect your alpine slide and remove weeds. Don't overwater your plants to avoid problems with root rot. Remove fallen leaves immediately. Be careful with watering to avoid problems with root rot along the line.

Drawing a site plan with a rock garden

Practice shows that a thorough study of the sketch of the site greatly facilitates the work in the future and helps to foresee possible difficulties. The sketch simplifies the creation of the slide and reduces the cost, because with it you will avoid purchasing unnecessary materials and double work.

It’s easier to navigate and place all the stones on paper than on the ground. In addition, if the slide will occupy an area of ​​more than 10 m2, you need to immediately mark the locations of the paths and transitions.

Schematic layout of a site with an alpine slide

Based on the approved plan, you can immediately draw up a cost estimate and purchase all the necessary tools and materials. An alpine slide at the dacha with stones (photo posted in the article), made without preliminary preparation, will bring more trouble than pleasure.

The creation of an alpine slide consists of several main stages:

  • choosing a suitable location for the future rock garden;
  • installation of a drainage system;
  • selection and placement of stones;
  • soil preparation for planting vegetation;
  • Direct planting.

Schematic plan for organizing a rock garden on a personal plot

Features of the alpine slide

The main feature is that the composition should look as natural as possible; artificial elements are not allowed.


Alpine slide, as the name suggests, is a hill. The height can vary from 1 to 3 meters.

For taller compositions, a slide core will be required to prevent collapse. One slope should be flatter, which is best located on the south or east side.


Also, the alpine slide is a rock garden. Depending on the type of stones there may be more or less. Natural stones-boulders of the same type, differing in size, look best.


Since the landscape composition in question is an imitation of mountainous terrain, the plants for the alpine hill must be suitable.

It is advisable to use low-growing plants; evergreen conifers are well suited: cedar, juniper, spruce, larch.

Also suitable for use: thuja, succulents, violet, phlox, hosta and other plants.

It is best to choose flowering plants so that they bloom at different times for a beautiful display throughout the season.


At the dacha, alpine slides look most organic on natural slopes or breaks in the landscape. But this does not mean that such a composition cannot be created on a flat area.

Alpine slides are placed in a prominent place and so that the bulk of the plants are in the sun before noon, and in partial shade after noon.

Not the best location in the shade of large trees and where groundwater comes close to the soil surface.

Stages of self-construction of a waterfall

As a rule, the design includes 3 main elements:

  • cascade of falling type;
  • channel;
  • a pond where water circulates.

If everything is done correctly, technical devices will be hidden. This means that the water will seem to come from nowhere.

Before you begin work on installing the structure, you should decide what depth and shape of the pond suits you. If you plan to introduce fish into a pond, it should be deeper; if not, it should be shallower. The shape of the pond should be natural, that is, there should be some bends.

Next, let's look at the stages of work.

Digging a pit

First you need to dig a pit. Then its bottom is cleared of debris and covered with sand. Next, waterproofing is laid; it is better to use garden film or PVC.

Creating a cascade

The optimal height for a falling cascade is 1.5 m. There should be several steps in the main descent. The lower one should be approximately 0.3 m from the water level. The height of subsequent ledges can be up to 40 cm.

In order for the structure to be strong, it is reinforced with a frame. It is usually made of wood and reinforced with concrete mortar. A flat stone is placed at the top of the waterfall, slightly moving it forward. This is necessary for a steep decline in water.

Pump installation

After the stone is installed, you can attach the pump. If the structure is small, a unit with a power of 70 W will suffice. For large cascades, it is better to choose ground-type pumps with more power. To prevent the mechanisms from being obvious, they will have to be decorated with plants and stones. The hoses are placed between the stones, again so that they are invisible.

Among other things, for the system to work, you will need a low voltage transformer. It will power the entire system. It should be installed indoors. It is worth noting that the cable length does not exceed 9 meters, so it will need to be extended. To do this, you will need to find an extension cord that is not afraid of moisture. If you take a cable with a total length of more than 12 m, the pump power will decrease. That is, in this case it is necessary to acquire a pump of greater power.

Decorating the composition

After installing the pump, all that remains is to decorate the structure. You should approach the matter with imagination. Absolutely everything can be used for decoration, except for plants that do not like moisture. Large gravel and pebbles of different colors will look great. You can also place a bench for relaxation next to the structure, or even better, hang a hammock. If you have children, you can install figurines of fairy-tale characters near the pond. Another great option is to create a rock garden on a waterfall. The latest fashion is to install LED lighting or special flashlights. These decorative elements will allow the pond to shimmer at night and look amazing. At the end of the design work, you can start the pump and enjoy the result.

Stones: which ones and where to get them

The basis of any type of slide is stones and you will need a lot of them - several tons, and of different sizes. Choose from those breeds that are more common in your area. Chopped blocks look best, but already aged, with dark edges. You can also use pellets with smooth sides, but creating a natural composition from them is not an easy task. You will need about one fourth of a large size, about the same amount of a medium size - the rest are small stones.

Granite looks great. But it is hard and “cold”; even the most tenacious saxifrages can rarely grow on it, and the soil next to it quickly acidifies. This should also be kept in mind and periodically adjust the acidity (or plant plants that love acidic soil).

Stones in the form of slabs look good on low slides

It is best to use tuff. It drains water well, water flows through it well, and what’s even more important is that plants grow well right on it

What’s also important is that it neutralizes acidity, which the “Alpines” like.

Lime slabs are also good, but they come in slabs; they are good for decorating alpine plains or very low and gentle hills.

What is a rock garden

The mound of stones and plants is very similar to an alpine mountain landscape in miniature. To make the composition natural, a suitable option would be an elevation of three tiers with flower beds, with a flowing stream or water source at the foot.

Types of alpine slides

The future design of the alpine slide depends on the chosen type. There are many options, including:

Rocky slope. It has a rocky appearance, built mainly from stones, among which alpine plants are rarely planted.

rocky slope

Mountain slope. This is a complex, combined composition. It uses stones of various sizes. The mountain slope is high; creeping and low-growing crops are used to decorate it. An artificial waterfall can be installed in this building.

mountain slope

Terraced slope. A composition with protrusions at different heights, which are lined up using retaining walls. Such buildings differ in configuration and length.

Terraced slope

A hill of stones. One of the most difficult buildings to construct. The composition harmoniously combines low-growing perennial plants and large boulders.

Hill of stones

Mountain hollow. This is an area with different sizes of stones protruding from the ground. The boulders are diluted with plants that have a long flowering period.

mountain gully

Gorge. During construction, the terrain is taken into account. The slopes are decorated with stones; the flora in this rock garden is represented by any ground cover plants. This composition is often built with an artificial pond.


Czech rolling pin. A multi-tiered hill made of flat, vertically stacked stones. Alpine plants are planted next to the building.

Czech rolling pin

Valley in the mountains. Looks like a mountain valley. Constructed from large stones immersed (partially) in the soil. The composition is complemented by asymmetrically arranged plants that bloom profusely.

Valley in the mountains

Alpine lawn. This is a stylish mound of stones with plants from the highlands. It is assumed that there is a fountain or pond.

Installing the pump

The fountain will not be able to work without the most important mechanism - the pump. It is he who is responsible for the continuous movement of water flow. The general operating principle of the pump is simple: water is released through a nozzle into the tank, then enters the pipeline, where it undergoes coarse and fine cleaning, and then the already purified water is sent back to the nozzle.

The quality of the fountain’s functioning directly depends on the type of pump:

Submersible - works on the principle of a centrifuge and is located in the center of the fountain tank under water. This is a cheap but reliable device, the installation of which does not require any fasteners - the submersible pump is quite heavy, so it does not budge on its own. It is suitable for small weak fountains.

Diagram: fountain pump operation

Surface is a more serious type of pump, which is installed not inside the tank, but on its edge on the surface of the earth. This device is designed for large fountains with complex designs.

The piping for the pumping system can be constructed from plastic pipes. Their optimal diameter is 16 mm.

Advice. In order to enhance the operation of the pump, additionally install a pressure tank - it will guarantee a constant pressure of the water flow.

Stones for the slide

From large stones
When the drainage is ready, you need to select stones.

  1. When selecting boulders, it is necessary to take into account that the smaller the size of the rock garden, the smaller the size of the stones should be. For a large slide, you can take decent-sized boulders, but for a small slide, flagstone will do.
  2. Choosing stones
    The only criterion that the owner of the site must follow when constructing a rock garden is the criterion of naturalness. That is, there is no need to be too zealous. Excessive randomness in the arrangement of stones is as unnatural as regularity.
  3. You should not take several different types of boulders. Usually in nature, piles of stones are found from the same rock. Preference should be given to natural materials.
  4. For a rock garden to look truly amazing, it needs to look good even without any vegetation. This is precisely the secret of the masters.
  5. The slide, as a rule, has from 3 to 5-6 tiers.
  6. When laying stones, we must remember that plants will soon need to be planted here. Therefore, a layer of moist, fertile soil should be poured between the tiers. Don't pack the stones too tightly.

Video description

More details about self-construction of the cascade are described in the video:

At the end of construction, the fountain is decorated by planting moisture-loving plants around it and installing garden sculptures. Don't forget to set up a relaxation area nearby with comfortable benches or a hammock.

Before you build a fountain with your own hands, you need to think about its parameters: the size and depth of the bowl, the height to which the water column should rise, the method of decoration. Then you can buy or build a water tank yourself and select a pump. To install a finished bowl, just dig a pit under it and add a layer of sand. A homemade pond is waterproofed with geotextiles and film. To install a fountain, you can purchase a submersible pump and install it at the bottom. Surface mechanisms are placed on the shore and a suction and pressure pipeline is connected to them.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a rock garden

There are different schemes for creating a rock garden with your own hands. It is difficult to say which of them is better, because they are all interesting and attractive in their own way. Let's consider one of the instructions for creating an alpine slide using the example of the most classic and popular scheme.

Before you study the step-by-step instructions in detail, pay attention to the stages of creating an alpine slide with your own hands:

  1. Planning (drawing a sketch, drawing up a diagram).
  2. Selection of stone materials and flowers, plants.
  3. Site selection.
  4. Marking of the future building.
  5. Creation of drainage.
  6. Laying stones.
  7. Planting plants.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an alpine slide will help any summer resident and gardener create a wonderful composition on their site. And now we can move on to a more detailed description.

Marking the future structure

Ideally, you need to make a sketch of the future composition. It will help you understand how well the location was chosen and how organically the slide will fit into the site. Using a sketch diagram, you need to decide how much space the structure will take up, what its height will be, and also approximately calculate how much material will be needed - stones, substrate, sand.

When you decide on the shapes and boundaries of the composition, you can make markings. To do this, it is best to use a thick rope or make markings using lines made of some material (for example, sand, crushed chalk).

Preparing the site

If the soil in your chosen location is sandy, then you don’t have to make a drainage base, but in other cases you can’t do without drainage.

Creating a drainage base involves the following steps:

  • It is necessary to make a depression at the selected location of at least thirty centimeters (optimally 50 cm) and fill the hole with drainage material (the optimal drainage thickness is 10 centimeters, and if the soil is very dense, then the layer can be made thicker). Crushed stone, broken brick, moderate stones, and gravel are ideal.
  • It is recommended to pour sand about 5 centimeters thick on top of this layer.
  • After this, the material needs to be slightly compacted and covered with excavated soil to the level of the rest of the ground. But before laying the soil, it is imperative to clear it of weeds.
  • Then it is necessary to water this place abundantly so that the earth settles down.

The drainage layer will protect the area from stagnation of moisture and ensure normal air permeability in the soil. Thanks to this, the plants will be able to develop and grow normally, delighting with their beauty.

Installation of stones

Now you can proceed to installing the stones. The ideal shape for an alpine slide is pyramidal. The stones are laid in tiers (usually from three to six tiers). That is, you need to lay stones in tiers like a pyramid to imitate a slope.

The following sequence of work should be followed when arranging stones:

1) The largest stones are laid first. It will be better if you bury them a little into the ground (for maximum reliability and naturalness).

2) Then the space between the installed boulders is filled with soil. As soil, you can use a mixture of garden soil, peat, sand (mix in the same ratio).

3) After this, you need to lay down a second row of stones, which is smaller in size than the first row, and also fill the empty space with soil

Please note, to make a rock garden slope, each subsequent row must be smaller than the previous one

4) After you have installed the required number of rows (and the required number is determined by your desires), you should complete the top of the composition - you can install one large or several not very large stones on the top.

Let's consider the classic schemes for creating an alpine slide and the arrangement of stones:

Video: instructions on how to make an alpine slide with your own hands.


There are several excellent options for planting plants; surely everyone can find the ideal option for their dacha or garden. To make a real alpine slope with your own hands, you should choose suitable plants.

Below you can study several popular schemes for planting plants on an alpine hill and choose the best option for yourself:

How to install a bowl with your own hands

To begin with, it is recommended to turn the bowl over and trace its outline with a shovel. Then you should start digging a pit. However, it should be slightly larger than the bowl. Thanks to this, the liner will sit well on the prepared area.

To form slopes, it is worth considering the appearance of the bowl. Sometimes it has geometric ledges. They should be repeated in the recess. Thanks to this, the liner can be securely fastened after filling with water. The bottom and walls of the recess should be sprinkled with sand - its layer should be 7-10 centimeters. Water the structure from above. After installing the liner in the pit, the cracks should be filled with sand. It is recommended to compact it with available tools.

See also

Remaking an old fur coat into a stylish one with your own hands, interesting ideas and instructions

Classification of alpine slides for a country cottage

The admiration for the beauty and thoughtfulness of details in rock gardens is amazing. In them, every stone is in the right place, and the flowering of plants lasts all year. An alpine slide is an aesthetic decorative element for the courtyard of a country house. There are 7 styles of its design:

  1. Natural rocky surface.
  2. “Mountain slopes” with coniferous trees, complex bends and huge blocks of stone.
  3. “Valley in the mountains.” This style of execution involves the chaotic placement of stones of different sizes on the territory of an alpine hill.
  4. “Slope with terrace.” Different wall heights, use of unusual shapes and elements.
  5. “Forest Ravine” is a decorative space with natural springs and a waterfall. It can be created artificially.
  6. “Wall made of stone.” Here the stones are arranged in a chaotic manner, and the mound is of small height.
  7. “Rock from the Czech Republic.” The stonework in it is made in layers of stones of equal size.
  8. “Lawn in the Alps.” This is a combination of wild mountain plants and coniferous trees. All of them grow exclusively in the mountains, so special conditions should be created for their optimal growth and development.

Create the base of the rock garden in the fall so that in the spring you can plant plant seeds and tree seedlings in the ground. Already in the summer you will enjoy the aesthetic beauty of the created composition.

Types of rock gardens

Contrary to popular belief that creating a rock garden is not a cheap pleasure, since you will need the services of a designer and expensive materials, we note that it is not difficult to create such beauty yourself. The main thing is to decide what kind of composition you would like to see on your site. There are the following main types of rock gardens:

1. Rock cliff.

Creating such a landscape will require a decent amount of large bare stones, which are piled up in the form of an elevation. Plants are present here in minimal quantities - they are mainly located in niches between boulders.

2. Mountain slope.

The composition is formed on a high elevation area, so it is better to form it if this form of relief is already present on the territory. If not, make the hill yourself, and then lay stones of different sizes and plant low-growing and creeping representatives of the flora.

3. Mountain valley.

This mini-landscape is built on the principle of arranging large stones in a chaotic manner. In this case, the blocks should only partially protrude above the surface of the soil, and flowering green crops are planted in the spaces between them.

4. Gorge.

This is an excellent option if there is a hollow on the ground surface. In this case, all that remains is to form rocky slopes and plant representatives of mountain vegetation.

5. Alpine meadow

- a special type of rock garden, when stones are practically not used, and the effect of elevation is created by planting plants of different heights. Overall, this is a beautiful green meadow with meadow flowers.

6. Swamp.

This option is suitable for lovers of everything unusual. When created, a shallow hole is formed, the perimeter of which is laid with boulders. Marsh plant species are planted here, and the general atmosphere is emphasized by selected unusual driftwood.

7. Rock garden with a pond.

An excellent composition, where there is a small pond at the foot of an alpine hill, and graceful mountain streams flow down the rocky slopes. Creating such a rock garden is the most labor-intensive process, but the result will certainly justify the effort.

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