Shrubs with white flowers, pink, yellow flowers

Shrubs with white flowers

The most popular are bushes that bloom with white flowers. They fit into any landscape composition and serve as an excellent background for other plants.

Varieties of white shrubs

White lilac

Lilac is considered a valuable ornamental plant due to the variety of shades of inflorescences.

Among them there are varieties with snow-white, white-pink, cream and white-green flowers.

For reference: timely pruning of faded lilac inflorescences will ensure abundant flowering next year.


The flowering of the bush lasts from the beginning of summer for 1.5 months. Regular watering is required.

Mock orange tolerates cold winters without problems. Suitable for single plantings or use in compositions.


In the wild, hydrangea can grow up to 4 meters in height. Heavy, ball-shaped inflorescences with small white flowers pull the branches toward the ground.

For reference: the color of hydrangea flowers can be not only white, but also red, purple, blue, and pink.

White rosehip

Rosehip bushes can be found everywhere. Terry varieties are considered the most valuable.

Abundant flowering begins in May until the end of June. With regular feeding, flowering will be lush and long-lasting.


Deciduous shrub from the Rosaceae family. When grown on a personal plot, it is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and the ability to maintain a neat appearance throughout the growing season.

Bladderwort is often used as a hedge.


An unpretentious plant, adapted for cultivation in all regions of the country.

The flowering period occurs in May-July.

The shrub is shade-tolerant, loves good moisture, and care requirements are minimal. Inflorescences can reach 15 cm in diameter; branches sometimes require additional support.

For reference: there are varieties not only with bitter, but also with sweet berries.

Deutzia and fothergilla

Deutzia is a perennial ornamental shrub suitable for growing in the south of the country. The height of the bushes reaches 2 meters.

Flowering occurs from May to July. There are varieties of shrubs with large double white flowers collected in umbrella inflorescences.

Fothergilla is quite rare in Russian gardens. The growth of a low bush is slow. It is covered with flowers in May. Throughout the summer season, the leaves constantly change color.

low growing trees

Fruit trees and shrubs for the garden, columnar fruit trees

Sometimes the boundary between a tree and a bush is blurred, but with skillful formation of the crown, a tree (trunk) can be obtained from a bush. Among the decorative and fruit forms there are many that can delight you with exquisite flowering, followed by fruits. You can choose a suitable small bush option to decorate the driveway near the house and for a free corner in the garden.

Interesting! Most crops are excellent for forming hedges.


A bush up to 3 m high can be formed into a tree. Its branches in the spring are covered with abundant white, red or orange rather large flowers, from which small, but quite edible fruits will ripen by autumn. The plant is valued for its decorativeness, fertility and unpretentiousness.

Japanese quince flowering

Tamarisk (comber)

Quite a numerous species, in which there are trees and shrubs with an average height of 3-5 m, but there are also dwarfs. The fragrant honey plant is distinguished by its very high vitality; it is not afraid of severe frosts and prolonged drought. Flowers are formed on one-year-old shoots and can be colored pink, lilac, or purple.

Tamarisk blossom


A low tree or small shrub, forsythia belongs to the Olive family. In the spring, before the leaves emerge, the branches are covered with numerous bright yellow, four-lobed, bell-shaped flowers.

Flowering occurs exceptionally early, as soon as the snow melts. Following their withering, new shoots appear, on which buds will appear next spring. The plant, which is very undemanding to care, tolerates any formative pruning without pain.

Blooming forsythia bush

Advantages of low trees for gardening

The choice in favor of low-growing crops is quite justified on a personal plot. Any plant becomes most decorative with regular and proper care. It is necessary to carry out pruning, pest control, and harvesting every season. Anyone can do this work at a height of up to 3 m; you don’t have to hire workers; all you need is an ordinary stepladder.

In large areas where there are tall trees, there is always free space that can be filled with ornamental crops. For example, it is quite possible to plant roses, lilacs, barberries, or any other shrubs or low-growing trees near tall apple or pear trees.

Important! Low-growing plants not only serve a decorative purpose, but also provide protection from draft winds.

White bush blooming in spring

The flowering period of ornamental shrubs extends throughout the entire season, from spring to late autumn. But most of the beautifully flowering white bushes begin to bud in May, towards the middle of the month.


Spiraea - species and varieties with white and pink flowers

The earliest varieties of lilac begin to bloom in early May. Mid-flowering varieties are a little later, and late-flowering varieties become covered with inflorescences only in the summer in June-July.

White lilacs are usually early bloomers. At the same time, a lilac panicle lasts about 15-20 days until it wilts, and the full flowering cycle of the bush takes up to 40 days.


Another relative of the rose. It has flexible shoots of light brown color. It can be dwarf or tall, height varies from 15 cm to 2.5 m.

The shape of the inflorescences can be paniculate, spike-shaped, in the form of scutes or pyramids. Among the variety of colors, white is the most popular.


A large unpretentious bush that retains its decorative effect for a long time.

In May it blooms with white flowers, and by autumn it is covered with red-orange berries.

Attention! Flowering occurs even in unfavorable conditions, but it is advisable to provide good lighting and loose neutral soil.

Deutzia Lemoine

A bush crop obtained by crossing Amur and graceful deutia. Belongs to the Hydrangeaceae family and reaches a height of 1.5 meters.

The bush is spreading, the inflorescences are white lacy. The bush can bloom as early as May and continues to bloom for 3 weeks.

Shrub that blooms with pink flowers

Decorative shrubs for the garden and cottage

Flowering shrubs with showy pink flowers are widely used in group plantings. Delicate or rich colors of inflorescences will decorate any corner of the garden and create a bright accent in the landscape composition.

Varieties of shrubs with pink flowers


Spreading plant up to 2 meters high. Suitable for growing in central Russia, but requires shelter for the winter.

The flowers are bell-shaped.

Weigela flowering begins at the end of May and lasts from 10 to 30 days.


It is the varieties with pinkish, pink-purple inflorescences that have become more widespread throughout the country. The shrub is easy to care for and frost-resistant.

It begins to bloom in May. Typically, the more saturated the color, the later flowering occurs.


Ornamental bush up to 2 meters high, preferring acidic soil. Flowers can come in all shades of pink.

Flowering period is May-June. Wilted inflorescences need to be cut off.

Attention! Rhododendron must be covered for the winter.


Ornamental shrub blooms with pink flowers. More suitable for cultivation in the southern regions of the country.

By winter, the plant is covered by wrapping the trunk in burlap, and insulating the roots with fallen leaves.

Flowering trees for garden decoration

Considering that the main decoration of a personal plot is still annual and perennial flowers, ornamental trees are selected for them so that their flowering periods fill the “pauses” that occur in spring and summer.

The modern range of garden crops allows you to choose any shade to suit your taste.

Beautiful flowering trees for the garden

When choosing a suitable tree or bush, you need to decide on your goals. For some, a plant with beautiful flowers is enough, but for others, healthy and tasty fruits are important. When choosing an ornamental crop, you should pay attention to its winter hardiness. Not everyone can winter without shelter at subzero temperatures.

A considerable number of tree varieties are distinguished by long-lasting flowering, but ultimately do not produce any fruits useful to humans. They are traditionally planted behind the fence of a personal plot, decorating the access area. This category includes: sakura, chestnut, linden, elderberry, bird cherry, etc.

Cherry blossoms

Fruit trees can bloom quite modestly, but more often than not, the appearance of the harvest is preceded by a massive blooming of beautiful and fragrant buds. The flowering time of pears, apple trees, cherries, plums, cherry plums, quinces, almonds, peaches, and apricots is a real holiday for bees and gardeners.

Trees with pink flowers

Names of some species that show beautiful blooms in all shades of pink:

  • Almond - it can be tall, medium-sized and dwarf, with an average height of 4 to 6 m. It produces delicious sweet or bitter fruits, but its flowers are also very beautiful. Each flower reaches 2.5 cm in diameter and has 5-7 pink or almost white petals. Almonds prefer to bloom in May, when there are no leaves on the branches.
  • Rhododendron is a numerous species, which in Russia is represented by wild evergreen or deciduous specimens, growing not only in the Caucasus, but also in Siberia and the Far East. Quite large corollas bear 5 petals of pink or purple-violet shades, collected in brushes or large corymbose inflorescences.
  • Magnolia is a southern tree that requires wintering at positive temperatures. Its large fragrant pink flowers bear 6-12 petals, collected in 2-4 circles. The size of the flowers is so large that pollinators are not only bees, but also bumblebees and large beetles.
  • Peach - this fruit tree is traditionally grown in the south, but nurseries offer modern varieties with increased winter hardiness: Frost, White Swan, August Stable, Harbinger. Sessile single pink flowers bloom ahead of the leaves and exude a delicate, sweet aroma, reminiscent of cherry, and invariably causing children's delight.

Almond blossom branch

Trees with red flowers

Red color is less common among flowering trees, but it can also be found if desired. For example:

  • Apple Tree – The most common shade of flowers for this tree is soft pink or white. But among the newest varieties you can also find representatives with red flowers: Royalty, Rudolf, Nedvetsky. You can choose the option with large or small fruits. The trees in bloom look simply fabulous.
  • Pomegranate is valued for its tasty and healthy fruits; its flowers serve as decoration for the garden. Among the popular varieties are tall and dwarf, fruit and ornamental varieties. The pomegranate flower can be pink, scarlet or purple in color. Up to 97% of the buds formed during the season are infertile, and only 3% will bear fruit. In this case, the flowering period lasts up to 6 months. The wintering temperature minimum is up to -17 °C.

Pomegranate flowers

Trees with white flowers

It is believed that the white shade of petals on deciduous trees is the most common. Indeed, many fruit and ornamental species bloom this way. For example:

  • Acacia - its various species can bloom with yellow and white flowers, and in central Russia the most common varieties are those with snow-white inflorescences. The bell-shaped calyx of the flower consists of fused petals, inside of which there is a lot of nectar, which lures bees to the area. A sweet floral aroma, spreading for many kilometers around, accompanies the acacia season. A good variety should be selected carefully, because instead of the expected 3-4 m, you may well end up with a real giant.
  • Bird cherry is a favorite ornamental garden and street plant, park plant, which every spring is covered with a fragrant blanket of snow-white boiled flowers, collected in brushes or corymbose inflorescences. At this time the tree is beautiful, like a dream. The fruits of new cultivated varieties are eaten and have healing properties.
  • Viburnum is a cold-resistant, beautifully flowering fruit plant. Its lush white inflorescences produce red, black or yellow edible berries in late autumn. When choosing a variety for your site, it is worth clarifying its characteristics. The selection of this crop was carried out in two directions and produced varieties of two types: with medium-sized flowers and large juicy berries for the table, or with sterile large flowers that do not bear fruit.

Branch of blossoming bird cherry

Shrub blooming with yellow flowers

Flowering shrubs for the garden, perennial and unpretentious

Yellow bushes greatly decorate areas and create a spring mood. Finding out the name of a shrub with yellow flowers is not difficult - not many varieties are used in garden floriculture.


Powerful branched bush from 1 to 6 meters in height.

It blooms starting in April, when other trees are just gaining buds.

Small flowers in the form of bright yellow bells with four petals completely cling to the branches. In nutritious soil and under the right care conditions, flowering lasts up to 2 weeks.


A heat-loving ornamental shrub with yellow buds, whose name is kerria, belongs to the Rosaceae family. In central Russia, it is recommended to grow it in large tubs, which are brought indoors for the winter.

The history of monochrome gardens

Using a single-color palette to design a landscape was invented a long time ago.
Nowadays, designers are only continuing what they started hundreds of years ago. In the Middle Ages, gardens called moon gardens were popular in India and East Asia. To create such a landscape, exclusively white color . But at the same time there was no feeling of monotony and boredom, since the plants were selected very competently. Thanks to their different shapes, sizes and general appearance, lunar gardens at dusk acquired many shades of halftones. By night, the landscape seemed to consist of different pictures that were woven by the play of shadows. In addition to plants, white stones, artificial ponds and rivers, and white sea sand were also used in the gardens. All this together gave an amazing effect.

However, it was not only the Middle Ages that were famous for such masterpieces. In modern England there is still a garden called Sissinghurst Garden. It was created by the writer Vita Sackville-West at the beginning of the twentieth century. Sissinghurst amazes with its many shades of white. The leaves of its trees and shrubs are edged with silvery white. The plants are selected in such a way that the garden delights visitors with its blooms all year round. Sissinghurst is one of the most masterpiece examples of landscape creation. Modern designers and gardeners are still guided by it.

Shrubs with decorative leaves

There are many shrubs with decorative leaves or unusual berries (for example, derain and snowberry). They effectively decorate the site and are widely used in landscape design.

Shrubs with decorative foliage

Marsh rosemary

An erect evergreen shrub with small leaves up to 1.5 meters high. The leaves are green shiny needles with downward curved edges, fleecy and reddish at the bottom.

Attention! The plant is poisonous, the floral smell can cause headaches.


Deciduous shrub up to 3 meters tall with patterned leaves similar to rowan.

Used to create group and single plantings and hedges.

Staghorn sumac

Deciduous or evergreen plant, in nature growing up to 12 meters.

The leaves, also similar to mountain ash, are rough or slightly pubescent, have a dark green or silvery-gray color. By autumn they begin to play with bright red-orange colors.

The easiest way is to choose a shrub to decorate your site based on photos and descriptions. Taking into account the characteristics of each plant and the climate in the growing region, it is possible to create unique continuously flowering compositions.

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