Indoor flower “Women’s Happiness”: care at home!

We consider the spathiphyllum flower (Women's happiness) and care at home: watering, flowering, replanting, propagation. As well as possible problems during cultivation (why spathiphyllum leaves dry out, turn black or turn yellow) and much more.

Read about the benefits of spathiphyllum in a separate article.




Indoor flower Spathiphyllum (female happiness), care at home.

This is a plant with elongated leaves on thin stalks of green or bright green color, which pleases not only with its greenery, but also with beautiful white flowers.
The plant is universally suitable for growing at home and in the office, but in order for it to delight with its flowering, it must be properly cared for. Spathiphyllum at home

Spathiphyllum is considered a marsh plant and does not like too much light. Moreover, when direct sunlight hits it, not only do the tips of its leaves dry out, but also the soil instantly dries out. Therefore, the optimal conditions for its maintenance are not too high temperatures and the absence of bright sun. The flower can be successfully placed not only on the windowsill, but also on the bedside table, the only condition is that it still comes into contact with the sun. The ideal window for this flower faces southwest or southeast. If the flower has enough light, the foliage will have a rich green tint. With its deficiency, she begins to turn pale.


There is no need to replant the plant too often, nor does it require choosing a pot that is too large. In principle, to renew the soil, it is enough to look for a pot with a diameter 1-1.5 cm wider than the previous one once a year, in the spring. The easiest way is to purchase ready-made soil, but it is much more important not to forget about drainage. Since the flower loves water very much, it needs as much drainage as will help to avoid stagnation. A few centimeters of expanded clay poured onto the bottom of the pot will eliminate this problem.

Top dressing

In general, the flower is fed at least once a month. During the flowering period, this is done more often, once every 10 days or every two weeks. Any mineral complexes or fertilizer for flowering plants are used for feeding.

Home care

Despite all the apparent difficulties, there are no special problems with caring for spathiphyllum. You just need to water and spray it regularly. The flower loves moisture and does it so clearly that it is simply impossible to confuse the moment when it begins to need watering. If the leaves of the spathiphyllum suddenly droop, as if withered, it means it needs water. Water the flower quite often. In summer this can be even every other day, and in winter a couple of times a week. It is not forbidden to water the flower both from above and through the tray, but the latter must be deep enough to deliver the required amount of liquid to the roots. Water for watering the plant should be soft, or settled, or filtered.

Consequences of mistakes in home care

If an indoor spathiphyllum flower feels good, it regularly sends out new leaves, and twice a year it blooms with white flowers that look like half-closed small cups. When this does not happen, you need to look for the reasons why the flower does not shoot out its arrows. It is possible that the lack of light, feeding, or too large a pot are to blame. In this case, all energy will be spent on the development of the root system, and not on flowering.

Home care for leaves. But you need to spray the foliage regularly. In conditions of winter heating or summer heat, it is advisable to do this as the drops dry on the leaves, but only a few gardeners can do this. So, to maintain sufficient humidity, all that remains is to place open vessels with water next to the flower, and spray it at least twice a day.

How to make a diagnosis based on spathiphyllum leaves?

Spathiphyllum is one of the plants whose condition can be confidently determined by its appearance. Characteristic changes in the condition of the petioles and leaves will tell you what is wrong with your magnificent flower.

1. If the leaves of spathiphyllum have brown spots, this can only mean one thing - the plant is faced with an overabundance of nutrients.

2. If the spathiphyllum turns yellow, it means you are overwatering it. Subsequently, the leaves may completely rot, and with it the entire plant.

3. A sharp decrease in the temperature of the plant has a particularly strong effect on the condition of the plant. If you keep it at a temperature of 15 degrees, the earthen ball will become hypothermic and the plant will die.

4. If there is elongation of the petioles, then the plant does not have enough light.

5. If the leaves of the spathiphyllum turn yellow, this may also indicate that the earthen ball has dried out and the leaf density cannot quickly recover. Old leaves may dry out completely, and young leaves will lose their natural shine.

6. Spathiphyllum leaves can wither either with a lack or with an excess of moisture. Therefore, water the plant correctly.

7. If you damage the roots when transplanting spathiphyllum, this can also lead to drying out of the leaves. Don’t forget to spray the crown well after transplanting.

8. If the tips of the spathiphyllum leaves dry out, this indicates that the air in the room is not humid enough. The leaves of such a plant will not be beautiful.

9. If young leaves do not fully unfold, be sure to check the soil. It is quite possible that it has become overly compacted. In dense soil, roots cannot actively develop, resulting in unhealthy leaves.

10. If during the replanting process you removed several rotten roots, do not water the plant for the first two days. Just spray.

11. If the spathiphyllum does not bloom, then the plant is planted in a pot that is too large. Only after the root system of the flower has entangled the earthen ball will the plant have the opportunity to fully bloom. In addition, the lack of flowering may indicate that it is kept in too dark a place.

12. If all the new inflorescences turn out to be very small, and the leaves look frail, the plant needs to be replanted, since this soil no longer contains enough nutrients. If the spathiphyllum turns black, this is the next stage, which can lead to the death of the entire plant.

13. If you notice rapid greening of the flower cover, it means the plant is kept at a high temperature, or there is an excess of nitrogen in the soil. The blanket should turn green only after the plant has flowered. It is better to remove such a blanket immediately so that new inflorescences form.

What is the cause of spathiphyllum diseases?

Spathiphyllum can hardly be classified as a demanding and capricious plant. However, in the process of growing them, you may still encounter certain problems that I would like to tell you about. These problems are quite easy to solve, but if they are neglected, the tropical plant may die.

1. If the tips of the spathiphyllum leaves turn black, it means the soil in the pot is dry, or the plant is in too cold and dry air. When overdrying, the plant cannot quickly restore leaf turf, which greatly affects the condition of the leaves. Do not allow it to dry out under any circumstances, this is very important.

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly treat and care for

If they burn

This clearly indicates that the plant is standing in bright sun and its leaves have suffered from burns.

  1. We urgently need to move the flower pot into partial shade.
  2. Then carefully remove all the leaves that have received burns (burnt), cut them with a sharp knife or scissors and sprinkle the sections with crushed coal.
  3. Then the plant should be bathed, the correct habitat should be determined for it - there should be partial shade, the light should fall in diffused rays.
  4. Next, carefully care for it, not forgetting to spray.

Now we will look at why the leaves of this plant curl. The reason for leaf curling is in insufficiently humid air, that is, the air is too dry for the flower.

  1. First of all, we remove all diseased (twisted) leaves and those whose tips have just begun to dry (they still will not return their green color).
  2. Then we put the flower under the shower (warm).
  3. Next, you need to strictly ensure that the spraying regime is observed and ensure the necessary air humidity in the room in any convenient way:
      you can put a small decorative fountain next to the flower or just a bowl of water at least;
  4. you can place the pot in a container of water, into which pebbles or expanded clay are poured (to prevent damage to the roots, they should not be constantly in the water);
  5. Another option is to purchase an air humidifier and then there will be no problems at all.

Why are the leaves small? This happens due to a lack of nutrients, that is, either the plant was too rarely pampered with fertilizing or very tiny doses were added.

Note! The leaves may become smaller due to old and already non-nutritious soil, which means that the plant has not been replanted for a long time; you should begin to correct the situation with replanting.

  1. We take a new pot, a suitable substrate (for Aroids), which, by the way, is easy to make yourself - from peat, sand, humus and turf soil.
  2. We replant the plant.
  3. Then we apply the necessary fertilizing exactly as scheduled; At the same time, small leaves need to be cut off; full-fledged healthy leaves will soon grow to replace them.


The main reason for the leaves to wither is the lack of moisture at the roots, that is, the soil is very dry; you need to immediately water the flower and immerse it in a basin of water for 15 minutes so that the soil is well saturated on all sides.

You will find more information about wilting of plant leaves and flowers.

Spathiphyllum leaves can turn yellow from excess sunlight, in this case you just need to shade the plant or remove it from the window, place it in the distance, first, of course, cutting off all the yellow leaves; Also, the leaves may turn yellow when mites appear, therefore, to exclude the presence of pests, you need to:

  1. First, inspect the underside of the leaves.
  2. If there are brown spots (in addition to yellowness), then the plant urgently needs to be treated with Actellik.

You can learn about why other parts of the plant turn yellow from our material.

Are turning brown

Why do spathiphyllum leaves have brown tips? One of the reasons may be an excess of applied fertilizers and the plant may suffer quickly because of this - literally within a day; first, brown spots appear on the leaves, and then the entire leaf quickly turns brown and falls off the bush; Therefore, measures must be taken as a matter of urgency.

  1. First, remove the plant from the pot, wash the roots in water and cut off all the affected leaves.
  2. Next, plant the flower in fresh soil, spray and water.
  3. You need to refrain from any fertilizing for about a month, and then gradually apply it only strictly following the instructions, so as not to cause harm again.

There may be another reason - the Spathiphyllum roots have become very cold, this can happen due to evening watering (and at night the temperature dropped sharply).

  1. The plant should be removed from the cold windowsill and not watered in the evening.
  2. Damaged leaves should be cut off and the bush should be sprayed with Epin solution to relieve stress.

A third reason is also possible - this is the presence of a dangerous pest - scale insects, we carefully examine the entire bush and if you come across convex brown plaques that seem to have stuck to the leaf - this is a scale insect.

  1. It must first be cleared from the sheet.
  2. Then treat everything with “Aktara” or “Aktellik” (you can first treat it with garlic or tobacco infusion).

Spathiphyllum leaves may darken due to too cold room temperature, in this case:

  1. Remove all darkened leaves.
  2. Provide a comfortable temperature for Spathiphyllum; The set temperature can be easily set using the air conditioner.

The leaves first wither or turn yellow and then fall off, the main reason being the presence of harmful insects.

  1. First, trim off damaged leaves.
  2. Then you can treat the bush with tobacco crumbs or tobacco infusion.
  3. If it doesn't help, then apply an insecticide.

They grow profusely, but the perennial does not bloom

This can happen due to an incorrectly selected pot (too large), the plant intensively grows roots and green mass, and until the roots cover the entire ground, there will be no flowering, so the flower needs to be transplanted into a smaller pot - it should be a little larger in size root volume.

Why does the “female happiness” flower drop its leaves and wither? How to save drooping spathiphyllum?

Spathiphyllum is not particularly demanding of care, so owners usually have no problems growing it. However, in some cases, the plant suddenly begins to wither, dropping the leaves down, and if measures are not taken in time, the problem will spread to the stems and root system. Another unpleasant transformation that can happen to a flower is a change in the color of the leaves and their deformation.

Description of the manifestations of the problem and photos of the affected areas

A disease that affects the leaves of spathiphyllum can manifest itself as their gradual wilting and further yellowing.

Sometimes you can see pale yellow or brown spots, which then dry out and fall off (why do spathiphyllum leaves and their tips dry out?). Also, the disease can only affect the tips of the leaves: they become dry and brown (why does spathiphyllum dry out?). The symptoms of two or more causes may be similar, so the process of identifying the main one may take some time and require patience.

Why does the flower “female happiness” wither?

As a rule, the wilting of spathiphyllum is associated with five main reasons :

  • improper care;
  • container that is inconvenient for proper plant development;
  • unsuitable soil composition;
  • serious illnesses;
  • insect pests.

You can determine why your favorite flower is fading by its external signs.

Why did it drop its leaves?

Most often, gardeners are faced with the problem of drooping leaves; just yesterday, “female happiness” proudly raised the dark green foliage up, and today all the greenery has fallen and is tenderly hugging the pot.
Such a nuisance can happen to a flower for the following reasons:

  • Dried soil . The problem arises as a result of irregular and not abundant watering. In addition to an acute lack of moisture, the leaves also experience a lack of nutrients that enter the root system along with the liquid. As a result, the plates lose their elasticity, sag and turn yellow. Excessively dry soil can be identified by the crust that has formed on the surface.
  • Unsuitable liquid for irrigation . If you irrigate a flower with too cold water, its root system may experience temperature shock. Too hard tap water that has not settled is also not suitable.
  • Excessive irrigation . Spathiphyllum does not like drought, but abundant watering is also detrimental to it. If liquid stagnates in the pan, the root system may rot, and this in turn will not only cause the foliage to wither, but will ultimately lead to the death of the plant.
  • Drafts . Spathiphyllum, like any plant, loves warmth. Prolonged exposure to a draft or a cold room with frequent watering can cause its foliage to quickly wilt. Due to prolonged exposure to the cold, the root system of the flower dies and cannot be restored.
  • Incorrect transplant . Any plant needs a bowl that is ideal in size. Spathiphyllum is no exception. As soon as the flower reaches a certain size, it must be transplanted into a suitable container where its root system will develop correctly.
  • Unsuitable soil . Too dense and heavy soil with high acidity, as well as a disturbed drainage layer, can cause leaves to wither due to a lack of liquid that lingers in the soil and does not reach the roots.
  • Diseases and pests . Infection of spathiphyllum with aphids, thrips, spider and soft-bodied mites, felt mites, chlorosis or gommosis leads to deformation of the leaf plates, their drooping appearance and color change.

Important! If only the foliage of a plant has wilted, in most cases it can be revived.

The whole plant has withered

Wilting of leaf blades is the first sign of incipient diseases or problems associated with improper care. If the cause is not identified in time and appropriate measures are not taken, the flower will shed its leaves, and wilting will spread to its trunk and rhizome, and this, in turn, will cause the death of the plant.

Most often, spathiphyllum withers completely due to rotting of the root system , which occurred as a result of infection by infectious rot or late blight, as well as due to violation of watering rules. The condition of the roots can also be affected by incorrectly selected soil, which will not allow the nutrients necessary for proper growth and development to pass through to them.

Useful video

See how to recognize problems with a flower by leaf diseases and how to solve them:

In addition to the problems listed above, gardeners may also encounter blackening and drying of the spathiphyllum, as well as a lack of growth. You will learn about what to do in these cases from separate materials on our portal.

Despite some of the hassle associated with caring for Spathiphyllum, you should never give up this plant. He emits so much positive energy, he brings so much benefit, and he decorates any home simply with his presence. In addition, he has a magical gift to extinguish all conflicts in the family and give love, and in return you will give him yours.

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What to do to save a drooping flower?

If the leaves become limp and the flower wilts, in most cases the plant can be revived by replanting, which should be done according to the algorithm given below:

  1. Remove the plant from the bowl along with a lump of earth, being careful not to damage the roots.
  2. Carefully free the flower from excess soil by washing it off with water at room temperature.
  3. Inspect the roots for affected areas.
  4. Trim off diseased, empty, damaged shoots, leaving only healthy ones.
  5. Grind the activated carbon tablet into dust. Sprinkle the powder on the cuts to stop the rotting process.
  6. Place the flower on napkins so that the rhizomes dry slightly. A couple of hours will be enough.
  7. Fill a suitable-sized pot with light, fresh soil from leaf soil, peat, coarse sand, charcoal and humus, having first placed a drainage layer on the bottom.
  8. Lightly moisten the soil.
  9. Plant a flower.
  10. Moisten the soil again.

Important! If only the leaves of a flower have wilted, and there are no plans to replant it yet, you should not fill it with water to save it, since you first need to establish why the problem arose.

If the soil is dry, abundant watering is contraindicated for the plant . It must be moistened with small portions of water, and then the surface of the soil must be covered with film, repeating the procedure every two days.

In case of excessive watering, the plant must be dried by reducing the one-time amount of liquid. When affected by diseases and insect pests, the flower is treated with special insecticidal solutions.

What to do if the leaves become lighter?

To save “women’s happiness,” the florist must perform the following steps::

  1. Normalize watering. The soil is moistened only after 1/3 of the total volume of soil has dried out. And at the same time do not allow the soil to dry out. For irrigation, take settled water at room temperature.
  2. Spray the crop daily to maintain optimal air humidity levels.
  3. The air temperature in summer and spring should be 25-27 degrees, and in autumn and winter – 15-18 degrees.
  4. During the period of active plant growth, feed it regularly (once a week), using ready-made mineral complexes for this.
  5. To combat diseases, treat spathiphyllum with a fungicide, and use insecticides to kill pests.

What does blackening, yellowing, pale and drying foliage mean?

In addition to withering and deformation, leaf blades can change color. Based on these visible changes, you can determine why the condition of the flower is deteriorating:

  • Leaf blades that have turned black at the tips indicate the appearance of gommosis, hypothermia, or the onset of putrefactive processes.
  • Yellowed, drooping foliage indicates chlorosis or improper soil moisture.
  • Gray-brown coating is a sign of gray mold.
  • Leaves rolled into a tube indicate the presence of soft-bodied mites.

Attention! Fading and drying leaves are a sign of increased air dryness, which tropical spathiphyllum perceives negatively. This may also be a sign of improperly selected soil.

In most cases, it is possible to save a fading spathiphyllum. To do this, the cause should be identified, and if putrefactive processes are detected, the flower should be replanted, having previously removed the diseased areas of the root system. If the plant is affected by diseases and pests, it is necessary to treat it with special preparations or use proven folk methods.

Why do spathiphyllum leaves wither, and what to do about it?

Most often, the reasons for the change in color of spathiphyllum foliage lie in non-compliance with the rules of caring for it.

The land is overdried

Rare or insufficient watering leads to the soil becoming dry. It is difficult for the flower to obtain the elements it needs, and there is also an acute lack of moisture. Because of this, the leaves first lose their elasticity and then turn yellow. The earth is covered with a dry crust. It is dangerous to water such a flower suddenly.

First you need to water with half the usual amount of moisture. After the procedure, the flower must be covered with a transparent bag. The next irrigation procedure is carried out a day or two later using the same amount of water.

Heterogeneous soil

Heterogeneity or poor quality of soil leads to a deficiency of nutrients. This leads to drying out of the foliage. You need to replant the plant by filling the pot with a light nutrient mixture with a drainage layer.

Root rotting

Blackening of the tip of the spathiphyllum leaf blade indicates soaking of the roots and the beginning of putrefactive processes. In this case, the flower must be urgently saved, otherwise it will die. The salvation will be replanting into a new pot with fresh soil. Before planting, the root system must be inspected, affected roots must be removed, and the rest must be treated with activated carbon.

Improper watering

Even if spathiphyllum is watered, its foliage may still turn yellow. The reason may be that watering is not systematic (rare or very frequent), cold and hard water is used. It is also detrimental to the plant if excess water remains in the pan after watering. If the leaves are yellowed, but not blackened, and the soil is moist, then most likely watering was frequent, so you need to get rid of excess moisture.

To do this, you need to lay out paper napkins on the surface of the soil, on the leaves, and under the bottom of the flowerpot. When they are saturated with moisture, remove them and lay out new ones. The steps are repeated until the napkins remain dry.


If the spathiphyllum is left in a draft for a long time, in a cold room, or if there is water left in the tray and the window sill is cold, the leaves begin to turn black at the tips. Moreover, blackness often appears on very young leaves that have not had time to open. Old leaves may droop. Such a flower needs to be removed from the soil and the roots examined. If they are alive, treat with Elin and plant in new soil.

Incorrect plant replanting

Poor quality or unsuitable soil, or a flowerpot of the wrong size, can cause the “female happiness” to begin to turn yellow after transplantation. The soil should be air- and water-permeable, and a layer of drainage should be placed underneath it. The pot is chosen commensurate with the size of the flower. If after transplanting you are not sure whether the soil is suitable, water it and see how it absorbs moisture.

If it’s bad, change the soil to looser, lighter soil with minerals. After changing the pot, do not overwater the flower. It’s better to treat it with Zircon. It will help you quickly adapt to a new place. If you don’t have the drug on hand, you can cover the pot with “women’s happiness” with a transparent bag and leave it like that for a couple of days.

What causes spathiphyllum leaves to curl?

Leaf blades begin to curl and new ones begin to shrink when changes in care regime are necessary: ​​watering, lighting or nutrition. Sources of the problem include:

  • reduced room temperature. The leaves acquire dark shades, even burgundy-green. They begin to wrap themselves in peculiar cocoons. The deviation is caused by being in a place where there are constant drafts, or air from the air conditioner hits the plant;

Spathiphyllum leaves curl

  • lack of lighting. The problem is relevant in the winter months or during prolonged and prolonged rains. To correct the situation, use a specialized ultraviolet lamp; it will help compensate for the lack of sunlight;
  • aphid damage. The attack of the parasitic insect is suppressed by insecticides. Experienced flower growers prefer to use Actellik, which gives the desired effect after the first procedure.

For your information! Some varieties of spathiphyllum have an innate predisposition to folding leaf plates. This process has the opposite effect - after some time they unfold independently, without outside help.

Diseases and pests that cause spathiphyllum to wither

Diseases and pests often cause changes in foliage color and deformation of the leaf plate. If you take a closer look at the spathiphyllum and find that tiny insects live on the back of the leaves and on the stems, and the flower itself has begun to droop, most likely it has been attacked by aphids. In this case, the plant must be treated with pyrethrum. The procedure is repeated every 14 days until the pest disappears.

It may be that when examining the flower, red small insects and a thin cobweb covering everything around were noticed. This is a spider mite. It can be expelled with insecticides, which are treated once every 14 days until the insect completely disappears.

It is also possible that the foliage has drooped, the soil and the root part of the stems are covered with mold. This is how gray rot appears, which occurs due to waterlogging. You need to dry the soil with napkins and clean the drainage holes in the pot. If the plant does not come to life, you should examine its roots; perhaps the disease has affected them too. If there are diseased roots, spathiphyllum is transplanted.

Immediate rescue measures

First of all, the diseased plant must be placed in a place with soft and diffused light. It is important to normalize the humidity level and temperature in the room. It is recommended to spray the flower daily and apply complex fertilizers once every 7-10 days. You need to regularly treat the leaf plates with a soap solution (once a week). A warm shower is also useful for a green pet, but before the procedure the soil must be protected with polyethylene. If a flower is damaged by pathogenic microorganisms, it is treated with fungicides, and, if necessary, the soil is completely replaced.

Spathiphyllum is an original exotic plant with bright flowering. Even beginners can grow it, the main thing is not to neglect the basic rules of care. If the ends of the leaf blades begin to dry out or change color, then the cause should be looked for and treatment should be organized immediately, then the chances of a quick restoration of the decorative crop will be much greater.


How to save a plant by replanting?

From the above, we can conclude that replanting is the salvation of a plant from many problems. But this procedure must be carried out correctly, otherwise positive changes will not be seen.

For this:

  1. Carefully remove the flower from the flowerpot and shake off the soil.
  2. Rinse off any remaining soil in a container of water.
  3. Inspect the root system. Leave the light, healthy roots and cut off the rest.
  4. Sprinkle the sections with powdered activated carbon.
  5. Place the flower on paper so its roots can dry (2-3 hours).
  6. Fill the new pot with fresh soil. Mix an activated carbon tablet into it to prevent rotting of the cuts. The soil should consist of leaf soil, peat, coarse sand, charcoal and humus.
  7. Add drainage. The flowerpot must have drainage holes.
  8. Moisten the soil and plant the flower in it, moistening the soil a little more after planting.


Preventive measures consist of the simplest measures:

  • Humidity level maintenance.
  • Position the plant in such a way that it receives only diffuse sunlight.
  • Regular watering and fertilizing (without exceeding the recommended dosage).
  • When parasites or diseases appear, the crop is treated with special means and transplanted into new soil and a flowerpot.

Failure to follow the rules of care can lead to problems with growing “female happiness” and loss of its decorative value. The florist should respond to changes quickly and competently.


Features of further care

After transplantation, it is not difficult to care for spathiphyllum, but you need to be careful and follow the rules:

  1. Make sure the soil is moist, not wet.
  2. Spray the foliage every two to three days in winter and daily in summer with irrigation procedures.
  3. Do not allow direct sunlight to fall on the spathiphyllum. Make sure that in spring and summer the temperature does not exceed +26°C. In winter, it should not fall below +16°C.

Yellowing and wilting of the leaf blade is primarily a consequence of poor plant care. Correcting the situation is not easy, so it is always better to carefully monitor the condition of the flower and how the soil absorbs moisture. As soon as the first signs of a change in the color of the leaf plate are noticed, immediate action must be taken.

Why do the leaves dry out?

Caring for a tropical flower is not difficult, the main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of agricultural technology. Then the plant will delight its owner for a long time with glossy leaves that grow directly from the soil, and flowers of extraordinary beauty.

Under favorable growing conditions, the perennial ornamental crop blooms every spring and autumn, this period lasts almost a month. To prevent the appearance of drying leaves in spathiphyllum, it is necessary to find out the factors that provoke this nuisance.

Too much sun

Under natural conditions, the “female happiness” flower prefers to be in damp forests, under tall trees, where there is sufficient soft and diffused light. Considering that it is somewhat problematic to create such conditions in a closed space, the choice of placement of the pot should be approached with all responsibility.

If you place spathiphyllum on the windowsill of a north-facing window, its leaves along the edges will begin to curl, darken, and dry out. Lack of sun has a detrimental effect on the decorative qualities of an exotic flower.

The best option for placing spathiphyllum in an apartment is windows located on the south, east or west side. To avoid the appearance of burns on the leaf blades, which are considered a source of further drying and wilting, the plant should be protected from the negative effects of direct sunlight.

To provide the necessary illumination in winter, it is recommended for the green pet to install additional lighting nearby - a phytolamp.

High temperature and dry air

Since the “female happiness” flower is a prominent representative of tropical crops, it painfully tolerates low humidity levels in the apartment. In nature, spathiphyllum grows near the banks of rivers and streams, which imposes certain requirements for creating a microclimate that is comfortable for it. The humidity level in the room should be at least 60%.

If the plant is kept in a room with dry air for a long time, then pretty soon its succulent foliage will begin to deplete, becoming yellow and unpresentable. To ensure that spathiphyllum does not lose its decorative properties during the heating season, it is placed away from appliances that heat the room, or a special air humidifier is installed nearby.

During the hot season, it is recommended to spray the leaves daily.

Despite the sufficient degree of hardiness of the exotic flower, it is not worth allowing it to be in a room where the temperature is unstable. Under conditions of sudden changes, the flower begins to hurt, so for its normal growth and development in the room it is recommended to maintain the indicators at +23 °C.

Drafts are also painful for decorative crops. As a result of severe stress provoked by cold air, she experiences a decrease in immunity, which often leads to drying out and withering of the green pet.

Improper watering

A lack of moisture in the pot is one of the main reasons for the yellowing and drying of the leaf blades of an exotic flower. It is recommended to carry out irrigation measures only after the top layer of soil has dried (by 1 cm).

For these purposes, use exclusively settled water at room temperature. Cold liquid causes stress for a green pet, and it can shed all its foliage. A couple of hours after water procedures, excess liquid from the tray must be removed, otherwise the roots may rot if moisture stagnates in the pot.

Root rot is a dangerous disease and difficult to treat; it will require a complete replacement of the soil substrate and treatment of spathiphyllum with fungicidal preparations.

In winter, the frequency of irrigation activities is reduced, maintaining the soil mixture in a moderately moist state. When watering, it is worth considering that complete drying out of the earthen coma is just as fraught with wilting for the plant as with overwatering.

Violation of the feeding regime

Lack or excess of nutrition is unacceptable when growing ornamental crops. As a result of such violations in care, the flower dries out. Spathiphyllum needs feeding procedures before and during the flowering phase, since all its energy is spent on releasing flower stalks.

It is best to add nutritional complex compositions to the soil intended for flowering plants or directly for spathiphyllums. Fertilizers must be used in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions; overdose must not be allowed.

In the spring-autumn period, the frequency of feeding procedures is 1 time per week, and in winter, 1 time per month is sufficient.

Development of the disease

Diseases can also cause the flower to dry out and wilt if not properly cared for. Viruses and fungi weaken it, and the plant dies. If the spathiphyllum is affected by root rot, it can only be combated by replacing the soil:

  1. The plant is carefully removed from the container.
  2. Inspect its root system.
  3. Rotten areas are removed, and the wound surface is treated with crushed activated carbon.
  4. The flowerpot and new soil substrate are disinfected using a solution of potassium permanganate.
  5. A drainage cushion made of expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the pot.
  6. Sprinkle with a layer of fertile and loose soil.
  7. Place a flower in the center of the container and cover its roots with soil.
  8. Moisturize.

It is extremely difficult to treat fungal and viral diseases, therefore, when growing an ornamental crop, you should not overdo it with watering, and indoor conditions should be maintained as comfortable as possible for its active growth and development.

Discoloration of spathiphyllum leaves - how it manifests itself

If the leaves of a woman’s happiness turn pale, this is a signal that you need to act immediately. At first, the leaf becomes limp, its rich green color gradually fades. The foliage loses turgor (elasticity), followed by yellowness, various kinds of spotting and a significant deterioration in the overall appearance of the plant, leading to its death.

Why does this happen and what to do with spathiphyllum

When blanching is observed, its reasons may lie in the following:

  • violation of the irrigation regime (excess or lack of water);
  • fungal diseases;
  • insect damage;
  • lack of minerals;
  • the need for replanting due to depletion of the soil in the pot and the growth of the plant’s root system.

Inappropriate Content Settings

All of the above, unfortunately, refers to inappropriate maintenance parameters and occurs solely through the fault or ignorance of the flower owner. It happens that the owner thinks that he is carefully caring for the plant, but fatal mistakes can be made. Therefore, when purchasing spathiphyllum, it is important to know the specifics of aroid plants and always act in accordance with it.

Excess fluid

With a regular excess of liquid, the leaves often become discolored. It’s not difficult to identify the problem: just feel the soil in the pot. It should never be wet. Its optimal condition is looseness, friability and light moisture. Alas, plants are often “flooded”. The irrigation system should be adjusted as follows.

First of all, check if the pot has drainage holes. If they suddenly are not there, and the flower is mistakenly planted in a pot, it is not surprising that moisture stagnates inside the container and contributes to the rapid rotting of the root system. Remedy: immediate replanting in a suitable container with drainage holes and fresh fertile soil - followed by adjustment of the watering system.

An equally common mistake that contributes to the total “flooding” of a flower is the lack of control over the condition of the tray in the pot - if there are drainage holes. Excess water, some time after watering, ends up in the pan. They need to be drained in a timely manner, avoiding liquid stagnation, otherwise problems are inevitable.

In this case, you can try to do without replanting and just wait until the soil dries out properly. But if it is too wet, it is better to replant the plant and try not to make such mistakes in the future.

It's easy to control watering. Here you need to focus not so much on the number of water procedures per week, but on the condition of the soil, air humidity and its temperature - depending on the time of year. You can water spathiphyllum moderately - a maximum of twice a week, spraying its ground part in dry and hot weather.

In autumn and winter, if the room is not too hot, watering once a week will be enough. However, if heating radiators work intensively, the plant may need more liquid - along with regular spraying and wiping the foliage with a damp and soft cloth.


Spathiphyllum diseases are most often of fungal origin. Their spectrum is very diverse, and the fight is best carried out with the help of effective means - chemical fungicides, without waiting for the moment when the flower completely loses its vigor. When gray, rusty or black spots appear on the leaves, most likely, we are talking about a total fungal infection. The most typical ones are black spot and rust.

All affected areas of the plant are cut off with a sharp object and destroyed. The cut areas should be treated with potassium permanganate and sprinkled with activated carbon powder, after which the flower should be treated with an antifungal drug of chemical origin. There are a lot of products, and any of them can be freely purchased at a flower shop. The “patient” should also change the soil along with the pot, because fungal spores always remain in both the container and the ground. Only in this case is there a chance that the plant will cope with a serious disease and return to its former healthy leaf color.

During treatment with antifungal drugs, it will not hurt to add supporting agents - Epin or Zircon - to the water used for irrigation. This will help spathiphyllum activate the remaining vital forces. When replanting, it is recommended to pre-treat the fresh soil with Fitosporin. This method will prevent re-infection with fungal spores.


The reason for the paleness of the foliage may also be that the plant has been attacked by pests. The classic way to deal with them is a warm solution of laundry soap, with which the flower is treated “from head to toe,” including the soil in the pot and even the surrounding space of the window sill. It is allowed to leave the solution on the spathiphyllum for no more than two hours, then it is carefully washed off in the shower.

If a large number of insects are observed, it is useless to resort to folk remedies. It is recommended to use insecticides that act as quickly and effectively as possible. Repeated treatment is carried out after 5-7 days. It saves a lot of time and often helps to save the life of a plant in time.

Lack of moisture

Lack of moisture is determined simply: first, yellowness and dryness appear at the tips of the foliage, and then the leaves fall off. This happens when the spathiphyllum is constantly exposed to too much sun. If this is the case, the plant should be moved to cool partial shade with diffused light, remembering that complete shading is also contraindicated for it. Dry leaves are often caused by stuffiness in the room during the winter season, due to the intensive operation of steam heating radiators or heating devices.

In this case, you should move the container away from devices that heat the room. To increase humidity, you can use a tray with moistened expanded clay in which to place the pot. Substrate moisture content is constantly monitored. If there is an aquarium in the room, spathiphyllum is placed nearby. As a last resort, it is always possible to place several containers with cool water near it. As water evaporates, it releases moisture into the space, and the flower takes it away.

Lack of essential microelements

The flower may experience an acute deficiency of minerals after the flowering season. The leaves begin to quickly turn yellow (usually from below), and if measures are not taken, the flower will soon wither completely. To prevent this phenomenon, as soon as the flowering season begins, you should definitely apply mineral fertilizers. Balanced complex formulations with a minimum amount of nitrogen are well suited (it helps thicken the foliage, but stops the color, so you need to be careful with it). It is best to use potassium-containing fertilizers and phosphates. These substances promote the intensity of flowering, prolong it, and also maintain the vitality of spathiphyllum in optimal condition.

Many diseases of indoor plants are caused by improper care of them. If you have certain knowledge, the gardener will not make such mistakes in the future, and the spathiphyllum will delight the owner not only with healthy green foliage, but also with beautiful delicate blooms every year.

You can learn about caring for spathiphyllum from the video:

How to treat a flower when its lower and upper leaves change appearance?


This means that the leaves have been burned from being in direct sunlight for a long time.

  1. It is necessary to move the pot with the plant to partial shade.
  2. Cut off any leaves that have been burned with a sharp knife or scissors.
  3. Sprinkle the cut areas with crushed activated carbon.
  4. Wash the plant in the shower, water and spray.
  5. In the future, choose the correct location of the plant (west or east windows) and avoid direct sunlight.

Curl up

An insufficient level of humidity can cause spathiphyllum leaves to curl, especially if the temperature in the room is quite low (for example, the flower is on a cold windowsill) or there are drafts.

  1. Leaves that have already begun to curl a little will gradually turn pale and will no longer regain their previous appearance, so they need to be carefully trimmed.
  2. Spathiphyllum needs a shower with warm water.
  3. Subsequently, you need to carefully monitor the temperature and humidity levels in the room. And you can do this as follows:
      Place a container of water next to the spathiphyllum, which will evaporate and humidify the air.
  4. Use a humidifier.
  5. Place the container with the flower in a pot with moistened expanded clay.

Became small

If spathiphyllum leaves become smaller over time, this means that it lacks minerals. Feeding is done in small quantities or very rarely. This can also happen due to the fact that the pot has become too small for the flower.

  1. It is necessary to establish a feeding regime and choose suitable fertilizers if this is the problem.
  2. Purchase new soil (for aroind plants) and a larger container and replant the plant if the problem lies in the wrong container.

Turned brown

The main reason is excessive fertilization of the plant. In a very short period of time, brown spots appear on the leaves, spreading at high speed throughout the spathiphyllum. Then you need to take the following actions:

  1. Cut off leaves with brown spots.
  2. Remove the earthen ball from the pot and wash the leaves.
  3. If there are damage to the roots, cut them off and be sure to sprinkle the cut areas.
  4. Plant spathiphyllum in new soil.

If the spathiphyllum is hypothermic, you need to do the following:

  1. Move the flower from a cold saucer or put it in another room with a higher temperature.
  2. Do not water it for several days to avoid root rot.
  3. Damaged leaves are removed, the plant is sprayed with Epin solution to speed up recovery.

If the spathiphyllum is attacked by pests, you need to immediately remove it as far as possible from other indoor flowers and treat it with insecticidal preparations; if you don’t have any at hand, you can use a shower and soap solution or folk remedies (infusions of onion peels or citrus peels).


The main reason that spathiphyllum leaves wither and lose their elasticity is the lack of moisture in the substrate. To be sure of this, you need to inspect the top layer of the substrate for dryness. In this case, you need to immediately water the flower and spray it so that the leaves return to their previous shape as quickly as possible.

Read more about why spathiphyllum withered and how to save the plant.

Turn yellow

Spathiphyllum leaves can turn yellow in two cases:

  • excessive lighting;
  • pest attack.

In the first case, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Move spathiphyllum to partial shade.
  2. Cut off leaves with yellow spots because they will not recover.
  3. Water the plant.
  4. Spray.
  5. Choose the right place for the spathiphyllum (west or east window sills).

Fall off

Harmful insects cause spathiphyllum leaves to turn yellow and subsequently fall off.

  1. Get rid of damaged leaves (withered, yellowed, or lost elasticity).
  2. Treat the flower with insecticidal preparations, tobacco infusion or tobacco crumbs (experienced flower growers claim that this is many times more effective than drugs).

It's getting dark

Cold room temperature may be the cause of this phenomenon, in which case you need to:

  1. Remove darkened spathiphyllum leaves.
  2. Ensure the required temperature conditions (in winter and autumn not lower than 15 degrees, in spring and summer not higher than 28 degrees).

You can find out why spathiphyllum flowers and leaves darken, and from this article you will learn why the leaves turn black and dry and what to do to save the plant).

Not only experienced gardeners, but also beginners in this matter can cope with growing spathiphyllum. Diseases affecting the leaves of spathiphyllum are quite rare for this plant, because it can withstand almost any conditions, but, nevertheless, it is important to know how to cope with this possible disease.

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