Silver oleaster tree - decoration of your site

The shrub, which has such a strange name, is very useful for the human body. Traditional healers use almost all parts of the plant for their purposes. The oleaster plant has many varieties and is found in almost all countries of the world. It is widely used for landscaping gardens and parks. The shrub is valued for its decorative appearance and berries that can be eaten.

Places and growing conditions

This plant is found preferably in forest-steppes and steppes, as well as on river banks of the European part of Russia, in Ukraine, in the foothills of the Caucasus, in Central Asia, Siberia and Kazakhstan, where entire thickets of bushes grow.

As an ornamental and fruit plant, Eleven angustifolia is bred in parks and gardens; as a result of selection, this crop has quite large fruits. Its silvery foliage adorns parkland.

Elf angustifolia grows quite quickly, about a meter annually. After 4 years, silvery pubescent side shoots appear. Propagated by cuttings, seeds and offsets.


Russian olive, with its tendency to spread rapidly, poses a threat to riparian forests, threatening vigorous native species such as cotton and willow. Sucker plants are responsible for controlling a large amount of vegetation, interfering with natural plant succession, nutrient cycling, and clogging irrigation canals and swamps. This movement of individual plant species is critical to habitats for wildlife, birds and other species. The heavy, dense shade of the oleaster is also responsible for blocking sunlight needed by other trees and plants in fields, open woodlands and forest edges. In general, areas where suckers predominate do not have high concentrations of wildlife.

Description of the plant

The trunk of the oleaster, covered with brown bark with 3-centimeter spines (which are not found in cultivated forms of the plant), bends during rapid growth. The plant has a powerful and strong root system that adapts to any soil (even sandy and highly saline) and moderately moist soil, and can withstand droughts. It is unpretentious to city dust and air pollution, but is afraid of frost.

The leaves of the oleaster are oval, lanceolate, similar to laurel leaves, gray-green above and white below, covered with small scales. They are attached to the trunk using 5-6 cm petioles narrowed to the base.

A three- to five-year-old plant begins to bloom and bear fruit. The flowers are single, small, orange-yellow on the inside and silver-gray on the outside, located in the axils of the leaves, and have a strong aroma. The plant begins to bloom in June, flowering continues for 3 weeks.

In August, the fruit begins to ripen in the form of an oval-shaped orange drupe, about 1 cm long and weighing 3 g with a stone inside. Full ripening of fruits is favored by prolonged warm weather. The fruits have an astringent sweet taste and are of great nutritional value. They are easy to harvest as they have a long, thin stalk. The fruits are stored for quite a long time; at room temperature they can be kept all winter.


Reproduction occurs in several ways:

  • Cuttings. Shoots must be cut after mid-June. Cuttings for propagation are taken with 2 or 4 leaves. They are kept in a root-stimulating solution for 14-16 hours, then planted.

Gardeners rarely choose this method, since no more than a third of the cuttings take root.

  • Root layering. For this type of propagation, the lower strong branch is placed 10-15 cm into the furrow and covered with earth. After just a few months, roots of 5-15 cm appear, and the cuttings can be separated from the mother. Fruits on such a tree appear in 3-5 years of life.
  • Seeds. It is best to sow in autumn. When sown in spring, most seedlings will germinate only the following year. The planted seeds are covered with leaves, humus or straw for the winter.

Reproduction by seed is considered the best and easiest. Such trees begin to bear fruit at 5-6 years.

Useful properties and applications

The plant is planted to strengthen dams, forest belts, and rivers. On the roots of the oleaster there are nodules with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which help improve even the most depleted and poor soil.

The bark and leaves are used in the process of dyeing and tanning leather, and the resin is included in varnishes and paints. Furniture and musical instruments are made from wood.

Fresh berries of Eleven angustifolia are eaten . In the Caucasus and Central Asia, food is prepared from the fruits of the plant, the dried fruits are ground into flour, which is used for cooking jelly, baking gingerbread and other baked goods, added to other fruits when cooking compotes, and spiced wine is made from them.

Tea brewed from oleaster flowers with the addition of a small amount of leaves turns out to be very aromatic: it is rich in vitamins, has a tart but delicate taste, and is slightly oily.

Eleven angustifolia flowers have a strong aroma. The honey that bees collect from it is amber in color with a pronounced sweet smell and pleasant taste.

The fruits are used in medicine: the drug pshatin is made from them - a binding agent in the treatment of the digestive system. Even short-term oral administration helps improve the general condition and improves the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Rinsing with pshatin helps cure inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

An infusion of freshly ripened oleaster fruits is taken as a homeopathic remedy. The medicinal properties of Eleven angustifolia are successfully used for inflammatory processes, heart disease, respiratory tract diseases, rheumatism, gout, and hypertension. It removes parasites from the body and is used as a wound-healing substance.

The drupe of the tree contains:

  • sugar;
  • natural monosaccharide fructose;
  • protein responsible for construction processes in the body;
  • phosphorus, which ensures the growth of bone and dental tissues;
  • salt;
  • tannin (tannic acid), used to remove toxins;
  • organic acids;
  • coloring matter.

The leaves contain ascorbic acid, the bark contains alkaloids, tannins and dyes, and the flowers contain essential oil, which is successfully used in aromatherapy for heart disease.

Soil preparation

The bush is native to North America, so it is not afraid of not only frosts, but also the significant frosty winters of Russia. When planting, you don’t have to be afraid that the plant will freeze or frostbites will appear on it.

Please note: the bush is not afraid of low temperatures, but is very sensitive to drought, so when planting it is necessary to provide an option for watering it.

For planting the plant, a place with sandy soil that has a neutral reaction to acidity is better suited. Before planting, dig up the selected area well, trying to remove all the roots and weeds.

Since the roots of the plant are located closer to the surface, you should try to remove all stones and rhizomes before planting, so that nothing interferes with the normal development of the young bush.

Traditional medicine recipes

Remedies based on Eleven angustifolia are quite popular and are used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of various ailments .

Infusion of fruits

For 6 hours, infuse half a glass of oleaster fruit minced in a meat grinder in 2-3 glasses of cool water, strain, and brew the remaining mixture with two glasses of boiling water and mix everything. Take a couple of tablespoons before and after meals three times a day for digestive problems.

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Decoction of fruits or dried leaves

Brew 30 g of fruits or leaves with a glass of boiling water and simmer for half an hour in a water bath, then strain while hot through several layers of gauze, squeeze and bring the volume to the original volume. Drink warm before meals, 2 tablespoons three times a day for inflammatory diseases of the stomach and colon. This decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of two days.

Infusion and tincture of flowers

It is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, to strengthen the heart muscle, for hypertension and as an antipyretic.

6 g of flowers are poured into a glass of hot water , left in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, and after squeezing and straining, bring the volume to the original volume. Take the infusion one third of a glass before meals three times a day.

To get a tincture of flowers, take 40-degree vodka, pour in oleaster flowers at a rate of 1:10 and keep warm for 10 days. The tincture is taken orally, 10-20 drops three times a day on an empty stomach.

Seed tincture

It is prepared in the same way. Use a tincture of seeds for skin rashes and feverish conditions.

The fruits of the oleaster, crushed together with plantain leaves, are used to treat hemorrhoids. The leaves are applied to stop bleeding in open wounds and are also used to treat non-healing wounds and ulcers.

Required care

There are no special problems with care; it is enough to water on time, as well as loosen the soil, remove weeds and mulch the top layer.
The gumi variety must be pressed with hooks and tied with twine in the fall. Then it is covered, brushwood is used for these purposes. You should not make shelters using burlap or other durable material, as this will lead to the bush starting to rot. During the first 10 years, I do gentle pruning, that is, only frozen, shriveled and broken shoots are removed. After the tree reaches 10 years of age, the branches are partially thinned out and the bush is rejuvenated, with about a third of the old branches being cut out.

If you grow a plant from seeds, then you can expect fruiting after five years, and if you carry out the procedure by layering, then after 3-4 years. The oleaster bush is a long-lived plant, so it can bear fruit for 25 years.

Decorative forms of oleaster

A variety of Elf angustifolia is Elf prickly - an evergreen shrub up to 7 m high, with spreading branches and thick spines. Thanks to the long shoots, with the help of which the sucker clings to other plants, it can rise to a height of 10 meters, which is why it has earned the name of a climbing shrub.

The similarity between the spiny oleagin and the angustifolia is in the fruits, leaves and flowers.

In the south of Russia it is widely used in landscape design as a hedge and in a special spherical mold. They can be used to decorate fences, walls, fences. The prickly oleaster goes well with other evergreen ornamental plants - privet, aucuba, photinia, euonymus, holly, and is used as compositions with coniferous plants.

Where is it found?

The homeland of the Indian sucker is the Hindustan Peninsula. This tree-like shrub was revered in Ancient China. Local residents considered it a tree with magical properties. It was believed that it had certain magical properties that could give strength and rejuvenate the body. It originally came to Russia from the island of Sakhalin, where it was brought by immigrants from Japan. There they planted it around their houses.

Some social network users are looking for the Eleven Chilean plant in a search engine, but unfortunately, this variety does not exist.

There are many other representatives of the sucker family:

  1. Narrow-leaved. Distribution: southern regions of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and the region of Central Asia, Caucasus countries.
  2. Multi-flowered. Found in Japan and China.
  3. Silver. Natural habitat: eastern regions of North America.
  4. Barbed. Japan is considered the birthplace of this species.
  5. Umbrella. In its natural environment it can be found in eastern Asia.

In Kazakhstan, in abandoned areas it is capable of forming thickets - “tugai forests”.
Its habitats are confined to steppe and forest-steppe zones; also, the oleaster plant prefers river banks. The shrub is undemanding to soil and can grow on saline, poor soils. Heat-loving. Hardly tolerates frosts and harsh winters. There are about 40 species of representatives of the sucker family. The tree can live up to 60 years and grow up to 10 m.

Elf angustifolia

Eleven angustifolia or eastern oleaster is a honey-bearing shrub or small tree of the Sucker family. It grows in forests, on forest edges, on the banks of reservoirs in the European territory of Russia, in the Altai Territory, Western Siberia, and is also found in Asia, Eastern Europe, and the Caucasus. It is an unpretentious and fast growing plant. It is planted in ornamental gardening in the form of hedges, as a water-protective and soil-strengthening plant (to protect forests, fields, and strengthen slopes).

The fruits of the oleaster angustifolia are eaten fresh, compotes are made from them, ground into flour, which is added to confectionery and even soups. Elder angustifolia is also used in folk medicine and homeopathy, in construction, leather and paint production.

Can it be grown in a garden plot?

As a rule, the following types of shrubs are grown in the garden plot:

  • narrow-leaved;
  • multi-flowered;
  • umbrella.

Their fruits are eaten, decoctions and infusions are made. The berries of the angustifolia taste like the fruits of a palm tree. The umbrella bush is very prolific. The berries are juicy and can be consumed in any form. The most exotic is the multi-flowered variety. The fruits are sour-sweet, reminiscent of a mixture of apple, grapes, currants and dogwood.

The tree can be planted to improve the properties of the soil; it adds decorative value to plantings and responds well to the formation of the crown.

Description and preparation

Elf angustifolia has gray (young - silvery) shoots, elongated lanceolate leaves, grayish-green above, silvery-white below. The bark is covered with spines (cultivated species may not have spines). The plant can reach up to 7 meters in height. In May-June (depending on the region), Eleven angustifolia blooms with white-yellow flowers located in the axils of the leaves. It begins to bloom at the age of 3-6 years. At the end of summer - beginning of autumn, the fruits ripen - spherical drupes with edible pericarp. Flowers, leaves, fruits and bark of Elf angustifolia are used as medicinal raw materials. Flowers are collected during the flowering period and dried in the shade or in an electric dryer at temperatures up to 40°C. Dried flowers can be stored for no more than 1 year. Harvesting leaves of Elegant angustifolia is carried out at the beginning of summer: they are collected and dried in a well-ventilated area or in a dryer at temperatures up to 50°C.

The leaves are stored for 2 years. The fruits are collected as they ripen and stored in a cool place for no more than 4 months. Unripe or rotten oleaster fruits should not be consumed.

Landing rules

Loch prefers to grow in open and well-lit areas. It can survive the shade, but it will produce much worse fruit. It is better to use light, breathable soil for planting. If groundwater flows close to the ground, then the oleaster should be planted on a hill or in a garden bed.

It is recommended to clear the area where there is a large accumulation of snow in winter. To prevent the plant from freezing, you should bend the flexible branches to the soil: this will protect them from frost. If the soil is acidic, lime should be added a year before planting.

Trees should be planted so that they do not interfere with each other. Planting is done as follows:

  1. Plants are placed so that the distance between them is approximately 3 meters. If there is enough space on the territory, the gaps should be increased to 4-5 meters.
  2. Dig a hole half a meter deep and a meter wide. Place a layer of drainage at the bottom; you can use stones for this. Next, the hole is filled with soil, to which you need to add compost and humus with sand. It is recommended to add a little nitrogen fertilizer, 200 g of superphosphate and half a kilogram of ash.
  3. Seedlings are planted in a vertical position. After they are buried 5 cm, they are sprinkled with earth and watered, placing a bucket under each tree.
  4. The soil is mulched with humus.

Feeding of seedlings is done a year after planting, and then this procedure is repeated annually. It is better to use liquid fertilizers; mullein or bird droppings are perfect. It is necessary to regularly water the seedlings during drought periods. After watering, be sure to mulch the soil.

Composition and properties

The fruits of the angustifolia oleaster are rich in: tannin, glucose, fructose, potassium and phosphorus salts, organic acids, proteins, ascorbic acid, nitrogen and coloring matter. Flowers are rich in copper, zinc, chromium and essential oil. Leaf leaves contain ascorbic acid in large quantities. The bark contains tannins, alkaloids, and dyes. Thanks to its composition, Eleven angustifolia has anti-inflammatory, astringent, enveloping, diuretic, antibacterial, expectorant, sedative and anthelmintic effects. In folk medicine, Eleven angustifolia is recommended for:

  • colds, flu, fever;
  • malaria;
  • bronchitis;
  • scurvy;
  • hypertension;
  • heart diseases;
  • catarrh of the gastrointestinal tract, colitis and other diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • loose stools;
  • rheumatism, gout, radiculitis;
  • swelling;
  • helminthiasis;
  • insomnia;
  • memory impairment (fetuses);
  • inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • purulent wounds.
  • 10 g of Eleven angustifolia flowers;
  • 250 ml boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the flowers and let sit until cool. Strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. An infusion of flowers helps with hypertension, fever, colds with high body temperature, gout, rheumatism, edema, and heart disease. To prepare an infusion for heart disease, increase the number of flowers to 30 grams. Leaf infusion:

  • 20 g crushed oleaster leaf;
  • 250 ml boiling water.

For colds, flu, fever, radiculitis, gout, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, use an infusion of oleaster leaf. Pour boiling water over the leaves, let it brew for half an hour and strain.

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Drink 50 ml three times a day after meals. Also, an infusion of the leaf can be used for rinsing and compresses (poultices, lotions).

  • 30 g of oleaster angustifolia fruits;
  • 1 tbsp. hot water.

Pour hot water over the fruits and boil in a water bath for half an hour under the lid. Strain the broth and add boiled water to the original volume. Take 2 tablespoons warm 3-4 times a day before meals. A decoction of the fruit helps with digestive disorders, loose stools, and intestinal inflammation. Decoction of flowers and leaves:

  • 6 g of flowers and leaves of Eleven angustifolia;
  • 250 ml hot water.

Pour the plant material with water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain the broth and add boiled water to the original volume. Take 60 ml three times a day for edema, hypertension, fever, flu, scurvy. This decoction can also be added to therapeutic anti-inflammatory baths. Decoction for worms:

  • 50 g of oleaster angustifolia fruits;
  • 250 ml hot water.

Boil the oleaster fruits in water and let cool. Strain the broth. Drink after meals 4 times a day.

  • 100 g of fresh Eleven angustifolia flowers;
  • 1 liter of alcohol.

Fill the flowers with alcohol and place them in a dark, cool place for 20 days. Strain the finished tincture. Take 20 drops diluted in 100 ml of water once a day. The tincture is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, the elderly and debilitated patients. It should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 20 days. Tincture for hypertension:

  • 1 part of a leaf of Eleven angustifolia;
  • 10 parts of 40% alcohol or vodka.

Pour alcohol over the leaves and let it brew in a warm place for 10 days. Strain. Take 15-20 drops, diluted in a small amount of water, three times a day before meals. This tincture can also be taken for colds. For rheumatism, a poultice is made from fresh leaves of oleaster: steam 100 g of oleaster leaf in boiling water for 15 minutes, and then apply to the sore spot for half an hour.

Pain relieving compress for gout and rheumatoid arthritis:

  • 100 g of fresh leaf of Eleven angustifolia;
  • 500 ml boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the leaves and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain. Use the decoction to make a compress. To heal purulent wounds, apply fresh leaves of the oleaginosa angustifolia to them and fix them with a gauze bandage. Bandages need to be changed daily.

Elf angustifolia is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology, as a plant with pronounced anti-inflammatory and vitaminizing properties. Decoction for washing:

  • 2 tbsp. dry leaves and flowers of Eleven angustifolia;
  • 1 liter of boiling water.

Brew the lox with boiling water, let it brew until it cools and strain. Washing with the infusion of Eleven angustifolia relieves inflammation, helps get rid of skin rashes and saturates it with vitamins. Sucker decoction is also used for bathing small children, as it has a beneficial effect on the child’s skin and does not dry it out.


Eleven angustifolia is contraindicated for:

  • renal failure;
  • fever of unknown origin, with body temperature more than 40 degrees;
  • individual intolerance;
  • allergies.

Children under 12 years of age can only consume boiled oleaster fruits, and medicines based on this plant are contraindicated for children. Pregnant and lactating women can use lox only after consultation with their doctor and under his strict supervision.

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Elaeagnus angustifolia

Syn: silver sucker, butterberry, wild olive, olive.

A species of shrubs or trees up to 10 meters high of the genus Elaeagnus of the family Elaeagnaceae.

Table of contents

Flower formula

In medicine

Elf angustifolia is prescribed for enterocolitis, diarrhea, diseases of the central nervous system, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and the initial stages of hypertension.

Elf angustifolia is used in medicine as one of the most effective anticholinergics for the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system.

Concentrates of colloidal and tannin substances are obtained from the plant.

Lox is prescribed as an astringent for enterocolitis.

A decoction of angustifolia berries is used for diarrhea, colitis, gastric diseases, and also for respiratory diseases and is used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Loja preparations have a pronounced effect on blood circulation, positively affecting the functioning of the heart. In hypertension, they lower blood pressure.

Eleven angustifolia berries have a sedative effect and can potentiate the effect of hypnotic substances.

Eleven angustifolia has almost no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. However, for pregnant women and during lactation, it is better to consult a doctor before starting to use preparations based on lox.

Of all the natural herbal remedies traditionally used for baths when bathing babies, lox has the least drying effect on the baby's skin.

In cosmetology

The beneficial properties of silver sucker are used in cosmetology. Having an anti-inflammatory effect, helping with skin rashes, and providing a vitaminizing effect on the skin, lox is suitable for bathing and washing with its decoction or infusion. Its flowers and leaves are suitable for this. For washing, prepare an infusion of 2 tablespoons of dry leaves with oleaster flowers per 1 liter of water. Oil is produced from the flowers for the perfume industry.

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In other areas

Ripe fresh oleaster fruits with their unusual mealy-sweet taste can be eaten. They are used to make wines, candied fruits, and added to flour products, bread, and soups.

Tea made from flowers with a small addition of leaves is no less tasty than from linden blossom, it is rich in vitamins, has a delicate but tart, slightly oily, soft taste.

Flowers and a small amount of leaves, which have a delicate, delicate oily aroma, are added to aromatic sachets with a soft, faint aroma.

In other areas

Loja wood is used to make musical instruments.


Elaeagnus angustifolia belongs to the Elaeagnus genus of the Elaeagnaceae family.

Botanical description

Elf angustifolia is a tree-like shrub from the family Elafaceae with red-brown bark, large stem spines, and lanceolate narrow leaves. The flowers of the plant on short stalks are small, no more than 1 cm. They are located in the axils of the leaves, 1–3 pieces each. Each flower has a simple four-membered bell-shaped perianth, 4 stamens and a pistil with a filiform style. The shrub is cross-pollinated with the help of insects. During flowering, the fragrant sweet aroma of flowers can be heard from afar. Leaf angustifolia flower formula: *H(4)V0T4P1

The fruits are oval, mealy, yellowish-brown drupes, shaped like an olive. The fruits have a sweet, mealy, slightly astringent taste. The plant reaches a height of 10 meters.


In the wild, the sucker is distributed along the banks of reservoirs, in the European part of Russia - in the south, in forests, on the edges of the Caucasus, in Siberia and Central Asia, in North America. As an ornamental and fruit plant, it is grown in parks, gardens and as a very suitable and useful plant for shelterbelts, and also grows along river banks and in forests on the edges.

Elf is a very ancient cultivated plant; its cultivated forms do not have thorns.

In Central Asia and the Caucasus there are quite a lot of large-fruiting varieties of this crop. These varieties are the result of selection carried out over many centuries. Leaves, fruits, and flowers are used for medicinal purposes.

Procurement of raw materials

When preparing raw materials, leaves are collected in the first half of summer, flowers - in May and early June. Collection is not as difficult as it might seem, but it is better to choose trees with fewer thorns. Silver oleagin flowers are collected together with leaves. The raw materials are dried under a ventilated canopy or in specially adapted dryers at a temperature not exceeding 40-50 °C. Finished raw materials can be stored for no more than two years, flowers - only for one year, after which they lose their beneficial qualities.

Chemical composition

Leaf fruits are astringent, sweet, contain sugar up to 40%, consisting of fructose and glucose, tannin up to 36%. In addition, they contain: about 11% protein, nitrogen and dyes, organic acids, phosphorus and potassium salts. The bark and seeds contain alkaloids, and the leaves contain vitamin C (up to 350 mg%).

Various parts of the sucker contain coumarins, flavonoids, alkaloids, cyclitols, gum, vitamin C, catechins, phenolcarboxylic acids, carbohydrates, essential oil, steroids, tannins.

Pharmacological properties

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, oleaster fruits are often used as an astringent for diarrhea. Leaves and fruit powder can be used for the same purpose. Pounded fresh leaves of silver oleagin are applied to purulent wounds, taking into account its anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. In the same way, you can use a poultice made from steamed dry oleaster leaves wrapped in gauze.

For colds, the antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant properties of Eleven angustifolia are used.

In folk medicine of Transbaikalia and the Caucasus, the fruits are used as a diuretic, astringent, enveloping, and expectorant.

The anthelmintic effect of sucker is known. In addition, folk healers treat hypertension with an infusion of the flowers of this shrub tree.

To reduce gouty and rheumatic pain, wrap the steamed leaves in gauze. Apply pads to sore areas.

Silver sucker is a good remedy for use in children. Due to its non-toxicity, hypoallergenicity, and mild action, it is quite safe for them. For children with diarrhea, it is prescribed as an astringent.

Historical reference

Elf is a very ancient cultivated plant, a type of deciduous shrub or low tree. Cultural forms of sucker are devoid of spines.

In the past, oleaster gum was used for book printing, calico printing, and the production of varnishes, glue, and paints. The bark was used to dye fabrics brown and black and was used for tanning leather.

Landing in the ground

You can propagate silver eagles in different ways:

  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • dividing an overgrown bush;
  • removed rhizome shoots.

Take note:

when propagating by seeds, they must be sown before winter, marking the planting site, since in the spring, during active work, you can forget about the housewarming and accidentally weed it out.

It is better to carry out all root transplants in the spring (layering, cuttings, dividing the bush). If normal watering and timely fertilizing are provided, seedlings quickly tolerate stress and grow together.

For good survival, you need to take care of the planting hole in advance:

  • in the dug up area, a hole is made a little deeper than the bayonet of a shovel, with a diameter of about 1 m, while they try to lay the top, fertile layer separately;
  • a layer of broken brick, expanded clay or pebbles is placed at the bottom for drainage; a layer of humus with mineral fertilizers and part of the sand is poured onto it;
  • a peg is driven in to secure the plant so that the young seedling is not damaged or falls over in strong winds;
  • the young plant is placed at the peg, evenly spreading the root system and carefully covering it with earth, compacting it, trying not to damage the bark and roots;
  • After the hole is filled with earth, the plant is tied to the peg with a loop so that the bark is not damaged in the future and watered abundantly.
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