Korean fir photo
Abies procera Glauca Prostrata. Tall fir Glauca - Abies procera Glauca
The beauty and grandeur of coniferous trees is truly mesmerizing. They fill the space with tranquility, create an atmosphere in
Phalaenopsis Schiller
How to properly care for phalaenopsis? Recommendations for home care
What kind is this? Phalaenopsis is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Orchid family. IN
Schlippenbach rhododendron: photo, growing from seeds, beneficial properties
At different times, many wild flowers were cultivated in order to achieve their beautiful appearance.
Decorative growing perennials - iris and iris families
To flower and ornamental plants, which are widely used in colorful landscaping of parks, gardens, alpine hills, rocky
Akalifa flower. Growing akalifa. Caring for Akalifa
Decorative akalifa is distinguished by its crimson color and oblong shape of inflorescences. With its unusual appearance and flowering
Artificial lawn: photo of plastic grass flooring, overview of the advantages and disadvantages, artificial grass for the garden
Review author: Terrari School of Design This type of lawn is a convenient alternative to natural lawn. Artificial turf
How to make a front garden from Euro picket fence with your own hands: photo
The fence in the front garden made of Euro picket fence meets all quality standards: it is light, inexpensive and attractive
types of nettle
Types of nettle, description, beneficial and dangerous properties
The flowering plant nettle (Urtica) is a member of the nettle family. This genus unites more than 50 different
Planting tulips in 2022 in open ground in autumn and summer, when and how to plant correctly according to the lunar calendar
With the onset of spring, garden departments begin to sell many beautiful flowers, including
Thunberg's barberry in garden landscape design
Barberry Thunberg: planting and care, description of varieties
Author: Elena N. https://floristics.info/ru/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=19 Category: Garden plants Published: February 20, 2019Republished: November 17, 2021Latest
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