Cereus cactus: description and care at home
It is no coincidence that Cereuses are considered one of the most common indoor and greenhouse cacti. Combining simplicity
Lilac Ball: decorate the garden with lilacs - the most popular decorative crop in our country
Many people like lilac, because this shrub with fragrant lush inflorescences does not require special care,
Hoya: types and varieties, tips for growing at home
What does hoya look like and how does it bloom in its natural environment? In summer, hoya blooms with fragrant, white,
Agrostemma. The charm of summer meadows in your flower garden
Agrostemma is a flower known to the world for a very long time. This is a clove herbaceous plant that grows in
spotted aloe
A medicinal and beautiful plant for the home is variegated aloe. Features of care and cultivation
Variegated aloe (Gonialoe variegata formerly called Aloe variegata) is a perennial herbaceous succulent from
Silver oleaster tree - decoration of your site
Today we will meet with woody owners of “cold” beauty, endowed with silver, gray-green, bluish leaves. Let me remind you,
How to transplant a money tree at home
One of the common indoor plants is the Crassula, which is also called Crassula or money tree.
How to choose soil for phalaenopsis orchids and other varieties of flowers? The best compositions
Phalaenopsis are predominantly epiphytic orchids that prefer to live in trees rather than on the ground.
Amaryllis: description, types, care, differences from hippeastrum
Amaryllis is a bulbous flowering plant of the same family. Perennial. Homeland - Olifants River Valley
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Spring freshness: what a delicate bridal bouquet of irises should look like
More and more brides are trying to move away from classic wedding interpretations in order to express their features through accessories.
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