10 ideas for flower beds with phlox: landscape design

Using phlox flowers in garden design (with photo)

When deciding where to plant phlox to make it beautiful, you should understand that these flowers prefer sunny areas with nutritious soil.
A plant with a long flowering period is used in different ways: Creating a carpet with a bright tone. Rich flower beds look especially elegant on a green lawn. Lush flowering caps are often combined with other plants, creating ever-blooming compositions. Professionals recommend combining the culture with asters, hostas, and marigolds. Pink or orange phlox with blue aconite look ideal. And a flowerbed of phlox and daylilies will captivate you with its extravagance and nobility.

When creating beautiful compositions, every gardener must remember the rules:

  • Plants can develop in one place for no more than 8 years. Next, rejuvenation of the bushes will be required, as the flowers begin to lose their decorative effect.
  • In hot summers, plants need to be watered regularly and abundantly. Dry soil leads to yellowing and falling of the lower leaves and bare stems.
  • There are certain varieties that have low resistance to powdery mildew. Solution: carrying out preventive measures and planting varieties resistant to infection and fungi.
  • For long and abundant flowering, phlox needs nutrition. Fertilizer is applied in small doses, increasing the number of procedures.


Is it possible to plant roses next to peonies?

To plant or not to plant roses next to peonies is the choice of every gardener. It is necessary to maintain the required distances so that the crops do not interfere with each other or create shadows.

How to prepare a landing site?

It is best to plant in an open, sunny area. To allow the roots to develop in full force, you need to prepare a hole half a meter deep and in diameter. The selected soil is mixed with river sand and humus. It would be a good idea to add wood ash and superphosphate to the soil.

A spectacular combination with catnip

Although phlox can be combined with many types of plants, they look most advantageous when catnip grows next to them. Small spikelets of catnip, light lilac in color, favorably set off almost all types of phlox. This combination gives the flowerbed fullness and harmony. In addition, the essential oil content in catnip helps repel certain pests.

Cat mint

Annual daisies help to further enhance the effectiveness of the above-described composition. Nivyanik has a white color and low growth, so it will not block the beauty of phlox. But against the backdrop of daisies, the bright colors of the perennial will become more juicy and saturated.

Choosing a palette and color combinations

Even with the right choice of flower varieties, the flower bed will look poor if the color scheme is chosen incorrectly. When choosing peonies in bright burgundy shades, their neighbors should be red flowers. Decorative white onions also go harmoniously with them. Coral and white peonies complement well:

  • irises,
  • poppy,
  • sage,
  • honeysuckle,
  • bells,
  • blood red heuchera,
  • dark red carnation.

The combination of soft pink buds with barberry bushes and decorative thuja greenery looks attractive.

How to achieve greater effect

Cat mint

When the ideal flower garden has been compiled and the most suitable neighborhood has been chosen, the color combination of perennial plants can become a little boring. In this case, you can diversify the shades of the main plant. Using the root division method, it is possible to free up areas of soil in the flowerbed and plant phloxes of lighter or, on the contrary, darker shades.

A wonderful option is to play with light and the shaped arrangement of phloxes in the flowerbed. Gradient planting of different shades of flowers will allow you to admire the flowerbed for a long time and constantly discover new motifs.

Cat mint

Selection by color scheme

The color palette is rich and varied. However, these plants completely lack yellow pigment. Breeders around the world have been trying for several centuries to develop a variety that has at least a faint shade of yellow. But all attempts end in failure. However, phlox can delight the eye with all shades of red, purple and white.

Phloxes are combined with flowers that have light, light shades. In this case, they become lush and airy. The proximity to flowers of pale yellow, bluish and cream motifs emphasizes sophistication and aristocracy.

Important! Dark, rich neighboring plants will give phlox depth and sensuality.

Plant selection

First of all, you should take into account that flowers are classified not only by variety, but also by life expectancy.

Annuals are plants that go through their entire life cycle in one season. This also includes biennials that bloom in the second year after planting. If you choose specimens from these groups, you should be prepared for the fact that they will have to be replanted every season.

But you can plan their location in the flower garden in advance, not think about how they will winter, and form new flower arrangements on your site every year.

If you don’t have the time and desire to constantly change the composition of your flowerbed, then you should focus on perennials. Having taken root once, they will delight the eye with their flowering for more than one season.

The most popular representatives of this group: peonies, dahlias, pansies, bergenia, alyssum, geranium, gypsophila, irises, daylily.

Which flowers to plant in the dacha - perennials or annuals - is an individual choice for everyone, which depends on personal preferences and capabilities.

The next important criterion is the flowering period. The decorativeness of the flower bed depends on it. What flowers should I plant to create the impression of continuous flowering of plants on the site?

With the onset of summer, marigolds, bluebells, begonias, and dicentra bloom. In July - astilbe, lavender, verbena, clarkias, ageratum, zinnias. By August - chrysanthemums, dahlias, cyclamen, canna, goldenrod. Many of the summer flowers will delight you with their decorative properties until the frosts.

And finally, autumn flowers - asters, colchicum, rhododendron, impatiens.

When wondering what flowers to plant in a flowerbed, one cannot ignore how tall the adult plant will be. If you need low representatives, then it is recommended to pay attention to astilbe, periwinkle, alyssum, saxifrage, some types of phlox, primrose, sedum

The average height is for cornflower, gypsophila, daylily, heuchera, peony, lupine, and cornflower. Tall plants create a good background for their shorter counterparts. Among them, the most popular among gardeners are delphiniums, cornflowers, buzulniks, heliopsis, goldenrod, and meadowsweet.

If you need low representatives, then it is recommended to pay attention to astilbe, periwinkle, alyssum, saxifrage, some types of phlox, primrose, and sedum. Average height of cornflower, gypsophila, daylily, heuchera, peony, lupine, cornflower

Tall plants create a good background for their shorter counterparts. Among them, the most popular among gardeners are delphiniums, cornflowers, buzulniks, heliopsis, goldenrod, and meadowsweet.

Flower garden care

There are no special rules for caring for a flower garden with phlox. The culture is unpretentious and requires minimal effort when growing. It is planted in open ground in early spring or autumn (during the first two weeks of September). After planting, provide regular watering and loosening. Fertilize about five times per season with mineral mixtures. As the buds dry and wither, they are cut off or torn off.

Advice! Phlox planted in spring easily take root and bloom the same year.

Flowers do not tolerate dry soil and require abundant watering

Varieties of awl-shaped phlox


A repeat-blooming subulate phlox, the height of which reaches 20 cm. It blooms for the first time in mid-May. During flowering, it is completely covered with white, small flowers, with a blue center. It blooms again in September, but not as profusely.

Phlox subulate Bavaria

White Delight

One of the few varieties that blooms with pure white flowers, like other varieties, it requires little sun and poor soil. On fertile soil it produces a lot of greenery and few flowers. It blooms profusely, with a dense white carpet; under favorable conditions, it can bloom again.

Phlox awl-shaped White Delight

Red Wings

A very beautiful variety of awl-shaped phlox, slightly taller than previous varieties - 20-25 cm, but no less decorative during and after flowering. It blooms in a rich crimson color with small flowers. It grows very quickly, with a lot of sun, the flowers turn pale.

Phlox subulate Red Wings

Emerald Pink

In any summer cottage, this variety of awl-shaped phlox is a bright spot. Bright, pink flowers cover the bush with a dense carpet. Flowering occurs in mid-May; with proper care, it can bloom again.

Phlox subulate Emerald Pink

Emerald Cushon Blue

This variety of awl-shaped phlox is distinguished by larger flowers, a soft lilac color and a pronounced aroma. It blooms very profusely, there are so many flowers that it gives the impression that it is a dense carpet of lilac color.

Phlox subulate Emerald Cuchon Blue

Types of phlox - choosing the most beautiful

It is very difficult to select the most beautiful flowers, since each gardener has his own. Some prefer low-growing bushes, others prefer tall ones with large inflorescences. Perennial phloxes are very popular among gardeners, as they are more unpretentious in care and do not require annual planting of seedlings.

All phloxes are good and beautiful in their own way, but the following are still considered the most popular:

  • Snow Avalanche - belongs to the early flowering pyramidal group. These flowers grow up to 80 cm in height. The flowers are pure white.
  • Delta is another flower belonging to the early flowering pyramidal group. The height of an adult plant does not exceed 1 meter. The flowers are white with a crimson center.
  • Natasha - develops slowly and grows no more than 80 cm. The flowers are two-colored with white petals and wide raspberry-pink stripes.
  • Hummingbird - belongs to the representatives of small-flowered phlox. It is distinguished by branched and large conical inflorescences. The flowers are light lilac-blue shades with a purple star in the center. It is characterized by high winter hardiness.
  • Twinkling star - star-shaped flowers with a characteristic fragrant aroma and pointed edges. The bushes are low growing. The flowering period is from June to September. Thanks to its miniature size, this variety can be grown on balconies.
  • Ferdinand - grows up to 60 cm in height. The stems are branched with needle-shaped, round, star-shaped, dissected petals. Color may vary. It has a strong aroma and double flowering.


Flowers are an important attribute of almost every site. They perfectly complement the texture and also create the original shape of the landscape, giving it a special tone. It is flower arrangements that serve as a connecting element in relation to other plants located in the garden, as well as an essential component of the landscape design of any country house.

When creating flower beds, not only flowers can be used, but also shrubs or trees.

In the process of creating flower arrangements, it is recommended to use not only the general patterns of color perception, but also the basic principles of choosing plants with the most correct combination of them.

Arrangement of perennials in the flowerbed

Many perennials in their “childhood” age are so miniature that you just want to plant them in the flowerbed as closely as possible. Don't make such mistakes! Over time, they grow and require a lot of space. For example,

you can plant only 1-2 bushes per 1 m². Plants of medium height (

) – 4-5 pieces each, low-growing (

) feel free to plant 6-8 pieces. per 1 m², and creeping species (azorella, hauttuynia) can be settled even more densely: 9-10 pieces each. per 1 m² of flower bed.

When planting perennial flowers, leave room for them to grow. And don’t be embarrassed that immediately after planting the flowerbed will look empty... You can temporarily fill it with annuals: asters, marigolds, zinnias, carnations, and so on. But if you plant perennial flowers too crowded, over time the stronger plants will “clog” the weaker ones.

What to plant between lilies. Companions of lilies

I am often asked what other flowers lilies look spectacular with. My garden is overflowing with lilies, I can’t and don’t want to give up this flower. Therefore, they are often not soloists, but grow up in a friendly company with other flowers. So, if you plant orange lilies with blue clematis, this combination will amaze any critic. I always plant lilies between the roses; they don’t interfere with them, the main thing is not to forget to fertilize them. After the first wave of flowering queen roses, when there is a lull, their retinue of lilies appears on the stage. Lilies' friends include hostas, astilbes, daylilies, kareopsis, asters, and phlox. Lily is a flower that always makes a splash!

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Even with the best neighborhood, you should avoid dense planting of flowers, since they require space to form and grow. Experts do not recommend planting nearby:

  • roses with mignonette and carnations;
  • lilies of the valley with peonies and violets;
  • lilies with tulips;
  • violets with sweet peas.

Particularly aggressive are plants of the buttercup family, which thoroughly deplete the soil, sucking out not only moisture, but also useful substances. Therefore, such a neighborhood may not have the best effect on other plants and even cause their death.

Some flowers, on the contrary, protect other plantings from pests and diseases, and also promote their active growth. As neighbors in the same flower garden, you can choose:

  • for peonies - nasturtiums, since they provide protection against fungal diseases and nematodes;
  • for roses and gladioli - marigolds, which repel pests and thereby create favorable conditions for growth;
  • for petunias - asters, since in one flower garden they do not suffer from fusarium;
  • for phlox - marigolds that protect against nematodes;
  • for aster - nasturtiums, which prevent the occurrence of fusarium.

In addition, the rose can be planted surrounded by lilies, clematis and lavender, which will protect it from diseases and aphids.

List of the worst companions for a rose

Not every plant can coexist favorably with the queen of flowers - the rose. It often happens that flowers with similar preferences for comfortable growth conditions push each other out of the flower garden. When choosing which flowers to plant with roses in a flower bed, do not give preference to the following flowers:

  • Tree peony is a plant that is unfavorable for roses because it actively competes with it for moisture and nutrients. Peony has a strong root system and within a radius of 1.5 m it dominates not only flower plants, but also small trees and shrubs. Such a neighborhood is detrimental for a rose; it has no chance for growth and development next to a peony.
  • Dahlia is another representative that has a developed root system that can compete with less powerful neighbors growing nearby. Gardeners know that dahlias can suppress the growth of not only nearby cultivated plants, but also weeds. In competition, the rose loses to the dahlia.
  • Peonies - in close proximity to a rose bush, the dense and abundant foliage of the peony impairs the circulation of air and moisture between these plants, which can cause fungal diseases. In addition, peony roots secrete a special substance that has a detrimental effect on the growth and flowering of roses. There is one more fact: peonies have the property of rapid growth and suppress the development of roses.
  • Hydrangea is a flowering perennial that grows in soils where the pH level shifts to the acidic side. This soil substrate is not suitable for roses, so these two plants will not be able to coexist next to each other.
  • Fern looks impressive, but it needs shady and cool corners of the garden to grow, while roses love warmth and sunlight. The different conditions necessary for the life of these plants make it impossible for them to be in close proximity.
  • Loosestrife is a perennial plant with yellow flowers and an erect stem. Loosestrife is capable of growing quickly and occupying all available space, robbing the rose of its opportunity to grow.
  • Physostegia is a perennial flowering plant, 1.5 m high. In the wild, Physostegia chooses moist soils near swamps and along the banks of reservoirs. Despite the beauty of the plant, planting it next to a rose is risky, since the physostegia will take away moisture from the queen of flowers. In addition, the moisture-loving perennial is prone to aggressive growth and can fill all the free space around the rose.
  • Rhododendron is a popular garden plant, the beauty of its flowering could be combined effectively with a blooming rose, but they cannot grow together. Rhododendron requires highly moist acidic soil, since in the wild this perennial grows near swamps, and the root system of the rose quickly rots in such conditions.

Photo: flowering plants that are not recommended to be planted next to a rose





In the spring, young shoots should begin to grow on garden roses and buds should form. It is necessary to ensure that there are no plants from the buttercup family near it: caustic buttercup, hellebore, lumbago, larkspur, anemone. All these plants have the ability to draw moisture from the soil in large quantities, worsening the conditions for roses to grow and develop.

Photo: plants from the Buttercup family, next to which the growth and development of roses will worsen

Buttercup caustic

Lumbago (snowdrop)



In addition to ornamental plants, fruit trees, as well as birch, spruce, pine and various shrubs with a shallow root system can become undesirable neighbors for garden roses. Having their roots at the same level as the roses, competing plants will take away nutrition and moisture from the flower, depriving it of vitality.

Application in landscape design

Phlox in the garden can be combined with any other flowers. They can form an ideal composition with flowering and fruit-bearing plants, as well as evergreen shrubs. Suitable for decorating alpine slides, framing decorative ponds. From this shrub you can make a full-fledged hedge or divide the area into zones. Due to the fact that the roots of these flowers are not deep, they can be planted in flowerpots or flowerpots, thereby decorating individual areas of buildings.

Flower bed of paniculate phlox

There are about a thousand varieties of phlox around the world. They vary in shades, shrub heights, and growth and flowering characteristics. If you combine varieties correctly, you can create a unique composition that can delight you with flowering throughout almost the entire season.

Important! You should take into account all the features of growing this plant before planting phlox beautifully. Then any city house or country house will be decorated in the summer with a lush, fragrant plant

Choosing a place for a flower bed

Despite the fact that phloxes are considered unpretentious and versatile plants, they will not grow in any chosen place. For fruitful cultivation, you need to take care of the appropriate soil quality and privacy.

Phloxes in landscape design

In order for phlox to feel comfortable in the garden, the following conditions must be provided:

  • High-quality lighting - all phlox are light-loving crops that develop and bloom poorly in shading conditions. At the same time, different categories of plants require their own lighting intensity. Areas with diffused lighting are considered the most optimal place for growing these flowers.
  • Protection from wind and drafts - otherwise the plant will lose its neatness and compactness.

As for the topography of the soil, it can be either perfectly flat or have all sorts of defects. The only thing to consider is that these flowers should not be planted in lowlands, depressions, or in places where water is likely to accumulate. As for slopes, slopes and complex terrain, phlox will be able to grow normally in such places if they are provided with the necessary conditions.

Important! When creating compositions near houses or other buildings, you need to focus directly on the objects and their impact on the microclimate. On the eastern, western and partially southern sides, it is recommended to plant bush varieties that will not grow on the northern sides.

What colors do phlox go with in a flower bed?

The blurry color of phlox, with large spots of other shades, creates some difficulty in matters of compatibility of these colors with others planted in the same flowerbed.

What are flowering phloxes combined with when planting in autumn? They look great near low bushes. And in the summer, geraniums, speedwells, highlanders, low-growing bells, grass carnations, and alpine asters will be an excellent addition to them.

Landscape design of flower beds

Flower beds with phlox look good together with lilies, somedago, oriental poppy, peony, lupine, campanula, and pyrethrum.

Note! In autumn they can be combined with barberry Thunberg and spirea. Planted in rock gardens, they look great with crocuses, snowdrops or scillas

Which “neighbors” are suitable for phlox in the flowerbed?

When determining what to plant phlox with in a flower bed, it is recommended to find out which type of plant will be used in the composition:

  • Ground cover will decorate the foot of an alpine hill or become its bright top. They are used to decorate walls and garden flowerpots.
  • Low-growing plants (Pink Carpet, White Border, Fog, New varieties) are suitable as borders. They will highlight garden paths, perfectly divide the garden into zones or decorate the trunk areas of large trees.
  • Tall specimens of the Orange Giant, Renoir, and Lavender Cloud varieties will beautifully decorate mixborders.

When creating bright flower beds, the gardener should remember that phlox can change color saturation due to weather conditions. Some varieties that are presented as specimens with lilac-lilac caps (Blue Otrada, Commandment, Magic) actually have a less saturated color in bright light. But on a cloudy day or when cultivated in partial shade, they will captivate with their brightness and beauty. There are also some varieties that, under similar conditions, change their color from pink to lilac (Olympiad).

A flowerbed of phlox of perennial or annual varieties will bring complete satisfaction if the shades and sizes of different flowers are correctly selected:

  • Summer-flowering varieties can be supplemented by alpine asters, geraniums, speedwells, and low-growing bells.
  • Flowers that form lush caps in the summer-autumn period look exquisite in combination with hostas, astilbes, and lungworts.
  • Varieties with spring flowering will perfectly decorate a rock garden along with primroses and dwarf irises. They will complement conifers and lawns.
  • Combination with dwarf wormwood, edelweiss, and jasmine will help to obtain constant flowering throughout the warm period of the year.

Garden placement tips

When choosing a place for daylilies, keep in mind that although they love the sun, they do not perceive direct rays well. It is best to choose an area with light shading.

When planning to plant daylilies on your site, first make a detailed plan. It is necessary to take into account both neighboring flowers and the color of plants, their size, and height. Also immediately establish what role - the primary or secondary - the daylilies will play in this particular combination.

When planting tall varieties, especially if their buds are dark in color, use lighter background plants. Otherwise, you will end up with an unsightly dark spot on the site, adding gloom to the garden design.

The multi-layer principle works great when placing daylilies in the garden. For example, you can plant tall varieties in the background and low varieties in the foreground. The color of the buds can be either similar or contrasting - the overall impression of the composition will be positive in any case.

If there is a decorative alpine hill or other rocky structure on the site, plant miniature varieties of daylilies with bright buds here. The arrangement of plants by color and monochromatic design looks great.

If there is a decorative pond or stream or waterfall on the site, tall daylilies can be planted nearby. Flowers near a pond will look beautiful in combination with phlox, astilbe and lilies.

Plant fragrant varieties next to resting places: gazebos, benches. This way you will have the opportunity to enjoy the magnificent aroma of flowers while relaxing.

We got to know daylilies and learned how to use these beautiful flowers in garden landscaping. Daylilies are unpretentious and very attractive: this combination makes it possible to use them to decorate gardens, personal plots, parks and even urban recreation areas.

Today, phlox is not perceived as a flower from antiquity. It can decorate any garden plot. At the same time, in order not to be mistaken in the details, you should take into account some points when growing it.


These are not only the most common perennials loved by summer residents, but also the most unpretentious plants to care for. They are just one of those flowers that are not at all difficult to plant in your dacha. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, today flower growers have several hundred varieties and hybrids of this wonderful plant at their disposal.

Not everyone knows that it is correct to plant perennial flowers in the country when the soil temperature drops to 10 degrees. Usually in central Russia this time falls in mid-September.

Tulips look most successful in landscape design in groups. It is also customary to plant these plants according to their height, and to prevent the flowerbed from becoming empty quickly, you need to select varieties according to flowering time.

Is it possible to plant peonies of different types side by side?

From a botanical point of view, it is, of course, possible to plant different types of peonies nearby. They do not cross-pollinate and do not change their color.

REFERENCE . Breeders have bred varieties of all possible colors, except blue.

From the point of view of location on the site, there should be a distance of at least two meters between two varieties of flower crops, so that neither the crown nor the roots of the plants interfere with each other.

As for aesthetics, it’s a matter of taste. Some people prefer variegated color combinations: white, burgundy, pink. Some people like monochromatic lush islands of luxurious flowers.

What a flowerbed with phlox might look like (photos of planting options and flowering calendar)

Among all the varieties of phlox there are:

  • Creeping (ground cover) plants. This variety of flowers begins to turn green and bloom very first - somewhere in the middle - towards the end of May (depending on the weather). In most cases, designers use it to create the background of a landscape composition, which can include shrubs, other primroses, and fruit and berry trees. Creeping varieties of the plant produce bright purple, lush red, pink and white carpet flower beds, stream borders, arrays and ridges. The unusual flower bed with phlox shown in the photo, the pattern of which is irregular, is organized from awl-shaped flowers. It is ideal for alpine slides and single flower beds, decorating retaining walls.
  • Loose-grassed (splayed) plants. A transitional type of phlox, which no longer spreads along the ground, since it has a small (below average) stem length. It blooms after ground cover plant varieties and is considered the most unpretentious member of the family. And also exotic, because its inflorescences are a lush bunch of small flowers of light lilac, violet, lilac or white. Another advantage of the variety is the violet aroma of flowers and the longest flowering period. The photo below will help you evaluate what a flower bed of phlox will look like.
  • Bushy, low-growing plants. This variety of phlox blooms almost throughout June and has a sweet aroma. The height of the flower stem does not exceed 100 cm, and the inflorescence consists of many small white, white-violet, deep red or dark pink flowers. These plants have one fundamental difference from their previous relatives. They love acidic soil. In it they take root well and bloom profusely. To organize a flower bed with phlox, you don’t need a diagram. This plant variety looks great in a collage flower garden.
  • Bush tall plants. The most popular, extensive and famous variety of phlox. Some representatives of the species bloom somewhere in mid-to-late June, others in early July, and others in August. Their flowering lasts about a month. Tall plants have representatives with medium-sized and large ones, with spotted and strange flowers in the inflorescence. And also with an unusually shaped inflorescence. This is what phlox flower beds can look like - the photo was taken at the height of flowering.

Varieties and varieties

To get to know daylilies better, let’s get acquainted with their most popular and most beautiful varieties and species.



One of the most popular daylilies in landscape design. The plant is quite tall, capable of reaching a meter. The buds have a rich, pleasant aroma, which attracts many bees.

Yellow daylily begins to bloom in early July and pleases with its beauty until the first days of autumn. It can even grow in waterlogged soil, in lowlands. Therefore, it is excellent for decorating waterways in the garden.


Also quite a common type. Looks good in the foreground in group compositions, and can grow in shady places. It begins to bloom in mid-summer and boasts excellent double varieties.

Night Bacon

Lemon yellow

This daylily begins to bloom in mid-summer and tolerates dry days well. The buds have a beautiful appearance and a wonderful aroma, rising quite high above the leaves. The stem is capable of reaching 130 cm in height.

In general, today there is a fairly large selection of various hybrid varieties of daylilies: breeders have worked a lot in this direction. The gardener has the opportunity to choose daylilies:

  • ordinary - similar to natural, natural varieties;
  • terry - lush and decorative;
  • unusual - with a non-standard, original shape or color;
  • arachnids - with highly elongated petals, similar to spider legs;
  • multiform - a combination of several of the above characteristics.

Lush flower bed with peonies and phlox: suitable plants for combination

Before listing which plants phlox make an ideal combination with, it is necessary to recall a few rules for creating flower beds with phlox:

  • It is better to dilute brightly flowering representatives with small inflorescences with non-flowering or inconspicuously flowering herbs. This combination will allow you to present the beauty of the flower in a favorable light, and a flower bed of phlox with such an organization has a more aesthetically attractive appearance.
  • Low and creeping varieties should be in the foreground when organizing a flower garden. The taller the plant, the closer to the center or edge (group, border) it should be located.
  • Lush inflorescences of tall flowers are ideally combined with peonies. A photo of a flower bed with peonies and phlox will help you verify this - the plants were combined with flowers of pink and purple tones.

In addition to peonies, phlox can be supplemented with: dwarf irises, hybrid primroses, muscari, dwarf coniferous shrubs, edelweiss, poppy, dwarf wormwood, geranium and many others. When choosing flowers for a flower bed with phlox, we must not forget about the flowering period of all plants. For each individual variety it must be different from the others. Using this flower planting scheme, you will be able to create a flower garden that will delight your eyes throughout the entire summer season. Read: perennial gaillardia - planting and care!

Planting rules, descriptions and diagrams of flower beds

A correctly selected place for planting perennial phlox in a flower bed should not be in direct sunlight, especially at midday. This causes the petals and leaves to burn out. It is optimal to plant them close to trees or bushes to protect them from the sun and winds. It is not advisable to build such a flower bed on the north side of the site.

Flowerbed with phlox

Since varieties of this flower can be short (60 cm) or tall (up to 170 cm), they should be planted taking this fact into account. Short varieties should be planted along the perimeter of the flower bed, while for tall varieties it is better to choose a place next to the fence or in the corner of the flower arrangement. The tallest plants can be placed in the central part, and small ones along the edges.

Flowerbeds can be constructed in the following patterns:

  • Multi-level flower bed. Its principle is to plant tall flowers in the center of the composition, and plants with smaller stems along the edges.
  • Carpet flower bed. Its peculiarity is the selection of low-growing flowers with abundant flowering and planting as densely as possible to create the appearance of a carpet.
  • Figured flower beds: heart-shaped, islands, flower-shaped. In such compositions, low-growing flowers or with medium-sized stems are used. If plants with tall stems are also used for this, they will spoil the appearance of the clubs.
  • Club curb. In the territories of personal plots and gardens, paths are created that can be enlivened by a variation of the bright contours of flower plants.

Flowerbed with peonies and phlox

Peonies place increased demands on their neighbors. But peonies and phlox in the same flower bed can create an original atmosphere. The fact that peonies come in different colors allows them to be widely used in landscape design. A flower bed with peonies and phlox should be created in such a way that their height is small and does not cover the lush flowering of peonies.

Flowerbed with daylily and phlox

Daylilies are the best choice for landscaping. They can be combined with many other colors. They retain their decorative appearance until late autumn. When selecting plants adjacent to daylilies, you should carefully select their shades. For example, perennial phlox in a flowerbed with daylilies of pink and fawn shades resembles the Panikulata variety, and rich red daylilies are planted next to the Amethyst variety.

Flowerbed with daylily and phlox

Flowerbed with phlox and other plants

By following the advice on what to combine phlox with when planting, you can create flower beds that will look good at any time of the season:

Phloxes are successfully placed next to summer-autumn varieties:

For phlox that blooms in spring, you can choose the following neighbors:

They are also used for planting near borders and in rock gardens on lawns.

In order not to worry about the compatibility of shades, you can use varieties that bloom at different times in a flower garden with phlox.

These can be the following plants:

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