How to make a bed from scratch without weeds: ideas and weeding methods

Weeds are disgusting. They can appear in the most well-kept flower garden - let's say you receive several roses as a gift from a friend, and then it turns out that your rose garden is infested with woodlice. Careless neighbors do not fight dandelions - and now they are brazenly turning yellow in your mixborder. We will tell you about the most common weeds and how FORUMHOUSE gardeners deal with them.

Weed-free garden - 5 simple tips on how to minimize weeding

When caring for your garden, weed control is one of your top priorities. And this is really important because weeds literally steal nutrients, water and sunlight from your crops.

Gardeners and gardeners, in principle, do not have to spend a long time proving the harm of weeds. The more there are, the worse it is for cultivated plants, this is clear to everyone. But sometimes the fight against unwanted vegetation turns into a real punishment. Let's look at a few techniques that can make the task easier.

Winter wheat is a friend of your garden and tomatoes

If you plan to grow tomatoes or squash during the summer growing season, you may want to consider planting winter wheat as a ground cover crop after harvest.

Not everyone knows this method, but practitioners have an unambiguous response - winter wheat effectively clears the area of ​​weeds.

Sowing ground cover crops as a way to protect against weeds is recommended in organic farming.

Organic farmers recognize that every element in farming is interconnected, and that good crop rotation ensures healthy soil, healthy plants with minimal weeds, and good harvests.

The fundamental principle of a preventative approach is to create an ever-changing environment to which weeds cannot adapt to become a dominant and uncontrollable species. In practical terms, this means keeping crop rotations as long as possible, which prevents weed seeds from returning to the soil bank.

So, sow winter wheat seeds close enough to choke out weeds. In the spring, plant the green mass in the beds, thereby enriching it with organic matter. Wheat seeds must be free from diseases and weeds. Pay attention to this moment!

The trick to freezing compost

If you make compost, sometimes it won't heat up and burn the weed seeds.

What happens next is that when you spread compost on the beds, the weed seeds germinate and greet you along with the crop plants.

To prevent this from happening, spread compost and organic matter at least a couple of weeks before planting, and preferably during a return frost.

The reason to do this is to give the weeds time to germinate and die from the cold.

Include row-spacing with crops in your plan

When planning beds for the season, pay attention to sowing cultivated plants between rows to compete with weeds and reduce the supply of weed seeds in the soil.

This constant practice (at least three years in a row) will be especially useful for controlling perennial weeds.

You can choose companion flowers, such as nasturtium for cucumbers or alyssum for potatoes, or plant universal “cleaning” crops such as turnips, sugar beets or potatoes. It has been noticed that planting leeks and celery together also leaves virtually no chance for weeds.

Weeding rules

The best time for weeding is after heavy rain, when the ground is damp and weeds can be removed with minimal effort.

However, if you find yourself in a dry spell and weeds continue to thrive, attempting to pull the weeds by hand may be the smartest and easiest option.

  • Destroy the “tops” without mercy. Take a hoe and cut down the weeds right to the root.
  • Make a natural herbicide by mixing vinegar, water and liquid soap. Water the killer mixture on unwanted plants. If you don't have vinegar on hand, pour boiling water on your enemies.

Another way to reduce weeding is to cover the free areas of the ground with cardboard or newspaper, securing them with bricks. When you cover the ground, it prevents the weeds from accessing the energy of sunlight and they will eventually die out. Bonus - cardboard and newspaper can then be embedded in the ground to improve the soil structure.

Give the harvest a good start!

The ability of a crop to start the growing season with an advantage over weeds is critical.

That is why growing through seedlings is always popular, since the plants start already formed and provide the advantage of precise spacing, that is, no need to rely on germination, which can sometimes fail in the case of seeds.

This also highlights the size difference between the crop and weeds, which can be vital for mechanical weeding in later stages.

Finally, don’t forget about plant vitamins - Folirus liquid foliar fertilizer contains a complex of essential nutrients that are absorbed through the leaf and then released into the soil through the root system.

Thus, not only the plant itself is healthier, but the activity of the soil microbiome near the roots can also increase. As a result, your crops easily win the fight for resources over the weeds, and you get a cleaner garden and an excellent harvest!


Very often, weeds appear in the beds, as they say, “through our prayers.” By using fresh manure to fertilize the beds, which contains a large number of seeds of various weeds, you can easily introduce these weeds into your beds. A similar thing can happen if you use grass with ripened seeds for compost. Therefore, in order not to create problems for yourself, and not to think about how to clean the area, you should use only rotted manure for fertilizer, prepare compost correctly and get rid of the grass in a timely manner so that the seeds do not have time to ripen on it.

How to make beds: simple secrets of good garden beds

Tired of working bent over in the garden? We will tell you several simple ways to make beds that will greatly facilitate your work as a summer resident. Think about what problems you encounter in your garden first and foremost, and choose the solution that will help you.

How to make beds at the dacha: warm beds step by step instructions

If after every weeding you get the feeling that only a three-ton press can straighten you out, then this idea is for you. Convenient raised beds require a certain investment of money and effort at the initial stage. The first step is to assemble a box that will hold the soil. If you are planning a long bed, then every meter you need to install a stiffening rib from a wooden plank inside the box so that the side walls do not crack under the weight of the soil.

It is advisable to make the bottom of the formwork from a metal mesh (it is sold in construction stores). This net will protect your plantings from attacks by moles and mole rats.

The bottom of the bed and the space between the beds can be covered with cardboard to prevent weeds from growing. In our case, we installed the beds on a platform covered with agrofibre.

We place old branches, tops and other organic waste at the bottom of the bed. Then we fill our beds with organic fertilizers and soil, and we can plant the seedlings.

We got these beautiful warm beds.

A little advice. If cats regularly destroy your garden by making a toilet in it, then here is a reliable way to keep them away from your garden beds. Place a net on top - the cats won't like it, but it won't hurt the plants.

As you can see, to make beautiful beds, you need to work a little. But the advantages of such beds are very significant, because they are easier to process.

And they will serve you for many years if you build them responsibly and do all the work carefully.

Sides can be made from a wide variety of materials.

Some gardeners even lay them out of brick. So to speak, for centuries!

Here is an example of a garden bed built in old pallets. Pallet boards cover the row spacing, preventing the growth of weeds and giving the bed a neat appearance.

When to renew your flower garden

There are two optimal seasons for renewing flower beds - the end of May and all of August. True, before you start work, it’s worth understanding what kind of perennials you have planted. For those that bloom in the second half of summer, the best time to divide and replant is spring. But for spring and June flowers, late summer is suitable.

Can’t figure out which perennials you have planted and when they bloom, or are you going to renew a flowerbed of continuous flowering? Then do everything in the spring - the plants will have a whole season ahead, during which they will definitely take root and gain strength, although some of them may miss flowering.

How to renew and propagate garden perennials in spring The end of April and the beginning of May is time to divide perennials! Find out how to do it right so you can enjoy vibrant blooms all season long.

Before you start “destroying” the old flower garden to the ground, be sure to think about it, or better yet, draw a plan for the new one. Draw on the diagram all the plants that should be included in the composition, think about which of them you have, and which you will have to buy in addition, and whether these particular crops are currently on sale. Be sure to keep in mind that plants tend to grow over time, so they need plenty of space, even if this makes the flower bed look sparse in the first year.

What methods can you use to make a garden bed from scratch without weeds, ideas and expert advice?

Fighting unwanted vegetation takes a lot of time and effort, so everyone is interested in the question: how to make a garden bed from scratch without weeds? To prevent the growth of weeds, a number of preparatory work must be carried out. The soil is dug up, weed roots are removed from it, leveled, and covered with mulch film. Overgrown weeds in an open field are mowed, pulled out or sprayed with chemicals.

The main types of weeds growing in gardens

All gardeners, without exception, know that in order to get a good harvest, the land on which crops grow needs to be fertilized and watered. True, concern for soil fertility leads to weeds growing in the garden instead of sown plants.

Weeds are characterized by faster development, resistance to any weather conditions, and aggressive spread. They take away water and nutrients from the main crops. In the struggle for existence in the garden, cultivated plants often lose.

Weeds and control measures:

  • ragweed (mulching, weeding, treatment with Roundup, Tornado pesticides);
  • thistle (weeding, spraying with herbicides Tornado, Lapis lazuli);
  • bindweed (digging the soil, repeated cutting, treatment with herbicides Chistoryad, Ground);
  • knotweed (weeding, spraying with pesticides Gesagard, Betanal);
  • woodlice (soil mulching, weeding, use of chemicals Pyramin, Difenamide);
  • field fire (mulching, weeding, herbicides calcium cyanamide, diphenamide);
  • nettle (weeding, digging soil, mulching beds, spraying with pesticides Glyphos, Tornado);
  • milkweed (weeding, treatment with herbicides Esteron, Chistalan);
  • dandelion (mulching, weeding, irrigation with pesticides Agroxon, Metaphen);
  • plantain (weeding, treatment with herbicides Lontrel, Ballet);
  • wheatgrass (digging soil, weeding, mulching);
  • thistle (digging soil, weeding).

Weeds are combated as they appear. As a preventive measure, the soil in the garden is dug up in the fall. When you turn over a layer of earth, weed roots appear on the surface, which are simply selected. There are other measures to combat unwanted vegetation.

How to organize a bed without weeds

Unwanted vegetation must be dealt with systematically and consistently. If it is left unattended for some time, then soon the entire garden will be filled with weeds. Simple ideas and ways to control weeds will help gardeners win this difficult battle.

Herbicide treatment

You can deal with weeds without weeding. Herbicides have been used on large farms for many decades, but only a few are used in personal gardens. These chemicals make it possible to quickly deal with any weeds without much difficulty.

Herbicides (Lontrel, Roundup, Lazurit) have selective activity, that is, they act only on weeds and do not cause any harm to cultivated plants.

You can buy the herbicide at any department that sells seeds or fertilizers. Before use, the drugs are diluted with water in the dosage indicated in the instructions. Typically, field treatment with a herbicide solution is carried out in early spring, before or after sowing. Young weeds are sprayed with herbicides.

Chemicals burn or cause weeds to wilt, and after a few weeks they completely disintegrate in the soil.

Typically, a field is sprayed with herbicide only once per season.

Mechanical struggle for purity

In order to get rid of weeds, you need to fight them. The easiest way is to cut weeds at the root. True, after some time they will grow again. If new shoots appear, they are removed again. Eventually, the plant will run out of strength, it will not be able to reproduce the above-ground part and will die.

Mowing is used to control perennials. Annuals can be defeated by weeding. Weeds, along with their roots, are pulled out of the ground. For weeding, use a hoe or a Fokina flat cutter.


Without exception, all plants need sunlight for life and normal development. If you cover the bed with black plastic film or agrofibre, then all life processes will stop in the dark. Mulching can destroy not only the sprouts, but also the roots of weeds, which will not be able to live if left without food.

The soil covered with film will have to be artificially irrigated and fertilized. You can use bark, sawdust, peat, hay, and straw as mulch.

Fire treatment

You can control weeds with fire. In dry, windless weather, you need to take a blowtorch and walk around the garden with it. Only weeds should be set on fire. It is advisable to carry out this procedure in early spring - before planting vegetables, or in late autumn - after harvesting. Weeds are destroyed with a sliding flame. The fire must touch the plants.

The ground itself cannot be set on fire, otherwise a fire may occur.

Sowing green manure

This is a completely harmless biological method of weed control. As soon as space is freed up in the garden bed so that it does not become overgrown with weeds, green manure is sown. These are plants that are sown for a short time, without waiting for the harvest, they are mowed and buried in the ground so that they decompose there, and later serve as a breeding ground for new crops.

As green manure, you can use phacelia, lupine, sweet clover, oilseed radish, white mustard, peas, oats, clover, and rapeseed.

Folk methods and remedies

Weeds can be controlled using traditional methods. The beds are treated with substances that can be found in the kitchen cabinet. In small quantities, these drugs will not cause any harm to the soil.

You can destroy weeds on the field using table salt. The dry substance is sprinkled on stumps, garden paths, and areas with paving slabs. The sprinkled area should be covered with plastic wrap to prevent the salt from being soaked by precipitation. True, this method is not suitable for spraying a garden.

To control weeds in the garden, you need to prepare a solution. Usually you take one pack of salt per bucket of water. You can add 0.5 liters of vinegar and a glass of liquid dishwashing detergent to the liquid. Weeds are sprayed with this mixture and they die within 1-3 days.

Why is it easier to get rid of grass in a cemetery than in a personal plot?

You also have to get rid of weeds in the garden, but it is much more difficult to do there. After all, most chemicals that kill weeds also affect beneficial plants. And even if this is not the case, watering the soil in the garden with toxic chemicals is not a harmless procedure. Flowers are also planted in the cemetery, but there is no longer any need to worry about the environmental friendliness of the vegetation growing on the grave. Therefore, the choice of weed control products has expanded significantly.

Spraying the grass on a grave with chemicals is much safer than on a personal plot

In addition, the area that needs to be cleared of grass is very small, so if you have the time and energy, you can try to do without “chemistry” altogether. And even laying tiles or a concrete slab is a completely suitable and not very burdensome option. If the use of such coverings is not included in the plans, you need to start fighting weeds as soon as possible, before their roots grow and the grass gains vitality.

How to make a flowerbed without weeds

The gardener grows a wide variety of flowers on his plot. Many gardeners arrange their plantings in flower beds. Recently, this has come to be considered a new direction in art. Every gardener wants to see a neat, lush flower bed on his property, free of weeds and wilted plants. Even novice gardeners can create such beauty. There are several proven ways to easily get rid of weeds in a flower garden.

What are flower beds like?

Today there are many variations of creating a front garden. It all depends on the person doing the design. At the moment of creating a flower garden, you can go beyond all the rules and include the flight of creative thought.

The most common types of flower beds are:

  • Permanent - very often used in the design of city landscapes. Basically, they consist of geometric shapes, with strict straight lines. Flowers in such front gardens should have similar parameters, and they should have the same flowering period.
  • Non-permanent - close to natural flower beds. They often consist of perennial flowers and do not have clear standards of appearance. Plants are planted in small groups. Such a flower garden can combine different flowering periods and plant parameters. Growing flowers in such front gardens does not require careful care.
  • Raised - located not directly in open ground, but in a fenced small area. It can be a wooden tub, a box, or any flowerpots. They are filled with a drainage layer and soil, and flowers are planted in them. Such designs are used not only for flowers, but also for vegetables and some trees.
  • Vertical - the name speaks for itself. Most often used in areas where there is absolutely no space. It can look like flowerpots attached along the perimeter of a fence or wall of a house, or it can be an independent structure. It is also good because it can cover external defects of houses or fences. Most often, hanging plants are planted this way.
  • Monoclumba - involves planting flowers of the same type and type, having the same color.

Weed-free flower beds

When creating a flower garden after the plants have bloomed, you want to enjoy the fruits of your labors: sit in a chair and admire the beautiful color, inhale the floral aroma. You don’t want to stand in an awkward position in order to pull out weeds that harm the planted plants. How to make a flowerbed without weeds?

In cases where the creation of a front garden is planned in advance, you can also think about ways to control weeds. To do this, after marking the territory, a layer of geotextile is laid out. In the process of cutting the canvas, you may end up with several pieces that can be fastened together with special staples. The staples are made of safe material that decomposes within six months.

Those flowers that are planned to be planted in a flower bed are planted in soft containers, which are placed in specially made holes in geotextiles. How to cover the flower bed in the garden to prevent grass from growing? In order for the flowerbed to take on a decorative appearance, a layer of gravel is placed on the canvas. Today, there are many gravel options available. You can choose it by size, color, price, etc. In principle, this will be enough to prevent weeds from disturbing the gardener for 2 years.

Important! According to all the rules for creating a weed-free gravel flower bed, another layer of geotextile for the flower bed is overlapped on top of the first layer of gravel, which is covered with another layer of gravel. In this case, the weeds have no chance of ruining the appearance of the front garden and harming the planted plants. Now we know how to make flower beds to prevent weeds from growing.

Weeding flowerbeds from weeds

If the flowerbed was planted several years ago, and perennial plants that have already taken root are planted in it, the option of laying geotextiles disappears on its own.

How to get rid of weeds in flower beds? In such cases, the safest and most environmentally friendly option would be to weed the flower beds. Getting rid of weeds is a labor-intensive task, especially since you have to do it yourself. Weeding is a very important task for planted flowers in a flower bed. Unfortunately, it is regular, since weeds often grow in the most unexpected places.

Weeding flowerbeds from weeds

How to weed flower beds quickly and efficiently? If the front garden is attacked by annual weeds, it’s not a problem. It is enough to cut them off with a hoe or pruning shears, but it is recommended to do this before the flowering process, since they can shed seeds, and then it will take many times longer to destroy them.

Pain in the arms and lower back is caused by perennial weeds, which can spread from a tiny piece of root, unnoticed during the weeding process and left in the open ground. Next year, this tiny piece will create a whole system of roots that will produce a lot of unwanted grass. The best moment for weeding flower beds is considered to be the period after rain or watering, when the moisture has already slightly evaporated. In this case, it is very easy to remove unwanted grass along with the roots. In the worst case, when the weeds have attacked the flower garden too thickly and there is no option to replant the plants, you can use a herbicide called Roundup. It can be applied pointwise, you can cover all ornamental plants with a protective screen, and fill everything that is not covered with a solution of this product.

Important! After destroying the weeds, in order not to remove them several times during the season, the soil should be hilled up. If you hill up the soil in time, you won’t have to weed the bed again after a short period of time. Hilling delays the development of weeds for some time.

How to destroy flowers in a flower bed

There is nothing easier than destroying flowers in a flower bed. The whole question is for what purpose this is done, and what the gardener is guided by. There are many different chemicals used to control weeds.

Note! They work on any decorative flower without any problems. For example, the drug Roundup or Sniper.

Options for a targeted effect on a specific flower are possible. These drugs do not help for a very long time. There are also a lot of folk methods and remedies that are always at hand. But their use is not recommended, since some of them can remove flowers, remove weeds and, in general, all living microorganisms.

Decorating with streamlined pebbles

Of course, crushed stone in a flowerbed looks unusual, but why not try streamlined pebbles? Then we need a large container, cement and paint. We do everything step by step:

  • Pour a third of the crushed stone into the container, add paint, and mix thoroughly.
  • Then pour water into the crushed stone, twice as much in volume as paint.
  • Add cement (determine the quantity yourself) and mix everything. Then pour in the remaining pebbles and mix everything again.
  • Place the stones, completely painted with cement, on mesh or polyethylene until completely dry. When the process is completed, you can see that the stones have become more streamlined and well painted. They can be used in the same way as decorative crushed stone.

Weeding strategy and tactics

There is no task more tedious, monotonous and hopeless than weeding beds and flower beds. But is everything really so bleak? There is an exit!

There is no task more tedious, monotonous and hopeless than weeding beds and flower beds

Our local weed wars for territory are fought by unequal forces. Because there are many of them, but there are few of us, and besides, the green invaders are armed with thorns, thorns, razor-sharp leaves, poisonous juices and are often quite dangerous. Therefore, you need to fight them not with numbers, but with skill.


In order not to put your plantings in obviously unfavorable conditions of competition with weeds, and not to waste time weeding, you need to start from the very beginning - by preparing the land for planting.

The roots of mint, a healthy and aromatic weed, can reach 10 m

Many supporters of organic farming have switched to the no-moldboard method of tillage . With it, the soil is never dug up (except for the initial cultivation), but only loosened using a hoe or flat cutter. With this method, weed seeds are not carried to the surface, and therefore do not grow, and those brought by the wind are not capable of causing serious harm. The article Fokin’s Flat Cutter: what it is and how to use it will help you understand the models of flat cutters.

Raised beds

To prevent the earth from being trampled and settling, make high and fenced beds.

Raised beds lined with stones look decorative and protect against weeds.

Boards, bricks, tiles, and plastic border strips are suitable for frames. It is convenient to bury the latter in the soil to prevent rhizomatous weeds from getting into the bed underground.

Our market will help you choose a ribbon of the appropriate length by comparing prices for products from different online stores. View a selection of border strips for the garden.


It is better to fill the paths between the beds with loose mulch - gravel, wood chips, bark, and lay cardboard, film or geotextile underneath - then the weeds will not have the slightest chance to get from the spaces between the rows to the beds. The following publications will help you choose material for mulching:

  • Cover and... decorate: mulching materials
  • How people mulch their beds: 14 of the most practical ways that I managed to spy
  • Secrets of mulching with organic materials
  • Mulching with pine bark is the secret to beautiful flower beds
  • Mulching beds with cut grass is another recipe for an excellent harvest.
  • Decorative filling for the garden

In the same way, you can protect ground cover plants (sedums, juveniles, thymes, awl-shaped phlox and cloves) growing in gravel gardens or on rocky hills from weeds:

  1. Keep the soil free of weeds.
  2. Cover with film, newspaper or cardboard.
  3. Place a layer of soil mixture on top that meets the requirements of future residents.
  4. Fill the gaps between plants with inorganic (gravel, pebbles, granite chips, expanded clay) or organic (chips, bark, pine cones, shells) mulch.

Mulching is one of the most reliable ways to suppress weeds. Germinating seeds are deprived of light, without which plants are unable to develop. Many materials can act as mulch : compost, humus, peat, vermicompost, hay, straw, paper, mown and weeded grass, fallen leaves, pine bark, egg or nut shells.

Left: Many materials can act as mulch. Right: Straw mulch will protect plantings from unwanted neighbors - weeds

But you need to choose mulch wisely. For example, pine bark and peat greatly acidify the soil, so they are ideal for coniferous and heather plants, but for those that prefer neutral acidity, it is better not to use them.

Left: Use pine bark to mulch plants that like acidic soil. Right: Spunbond and other nonwoven fabrics are good for mulching.

In addition, there is a danger of introducing weed seeds with mulch (and organic fertilizers) if you use low-quality (immature) compost, humus, or peat for this purpose. That's why:

  1. Firstly, never put weed flowers in compost - many seeds can ripen even when cut.
  2. Secondly, if you are not sure about the quality of the substrate, you can check it: in the spring, water the compost heap or humus with water and cover with plastic wrap. If after a few days everything is covered with friendly shoots, it means it is heavily clogged. In this case, it is necessary to allow the substrate to ripen, speeding up the process by treating it with EM preparations.

Weed flowers should not be included in the compost: many of them can ripen even in cut form. Advice: to avoid introducing weeds, when mulching the rows with mowed or weeded grass, use only non-flowering and already dried plants or place them on the beds only in warm and always dry weather . From inorganic materials, use black geotextiles as mulch for garden strawberries. It can also be used for other heat-loving crops (vegetables and flowers), because in addition to suppressing weeds, black film also warms the ground.


If preventive measures do not help, call for help with herbicides - chemicals designed to control aggressive weeds, which are selective and broad-spectrum. One of the most popular is called “Roundup,” which translated from English means “all-round defense.” Publications by Roundup on weeds and Roundup - clones with different names will help you understand its properties.

There are many other herbicides that differ in name, but are based on the same substance - glyphosate. Manufacturers assure that the newest drugs do not have a harmful effect on the environment, insects, fish in water bodies and do not accumulate in the soil. How much you can trust these statements is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

You can also choose herbicides for your garden using our market, where products from various online stores are presented.

Important: when using herbicides not even on beds, but selectively on lawns, flower beds and paths, you must remember that this is still a strong toxic substance , and act strictly according to the instructions, being sure to follow all safety precautions.

Tip: You can also deal with weeds climbing out of cracks on paths and paved areas using boiling water or a strong solution of salt and vinegar.

EM drugs

Don’t want to fight weeds with chemical weapons, but need to clear the grass from a fairly large area (for example, between rows of beds or developing a new area)? Use bacteriological, or rather EM-preparations. To do this, you need to cut the weeds with a sharp hoe or a flat cutter, and then water the area with a highly diluted solution (1:100) of an EM preparation (for example, “Baikal”). As a result, the root system remaining in the soil is attacked by microorganisms and is quickly processed by them.

Important : it is best to carry out such treatment in the fall, that is, in advance, so as not to endanger the crops.

Mixed plantings

Mixed plantings (joint cultivation of vegetables, berries and herbs in one bed), where compactor plants (or neighbors, as they are also called) act as living mulch, will help reduce the number of weeds.

Mixed plantings (joint cultivation of vegetables, berries and herbs in one bed), where compactor plants (or neighbors, as they are also called) act as living mulch, will help reduce the number of weeds.

Mixed plantings, where berries, vegetables and flowers coexist peacefully, are reliable protection against invading weeds.
Mixed plantings are reliable protection against invading weeds. Compacted plantings in a flower garden, where there is not a meter of free soil, look very impressive

Method 2 - chemical

Sosnovsky's hogweed is a weed that is resistant even to herbicides.
Photo They say, however, that a new generation herbicide has appeared - Agrokiller, capable of destroying even such “monsters”. But I am always tormented by the question: what will happen to the soil into which the drug gets in? with insects or other living creatures that may accidentally stumble upon the treated plant?..

However, the choice of material for mulching the soil should be taken very carefully. So, under the black film the earth can overheat; roofing material is capable of releasing resins, the harmlessness of which is questionable - and so on

It is important to understand and take into account such nuances

A good alternative to synthetic cover is organic mulch. Just pour it in a thick layer (5-10 cm minimum). Both mown grass and tree bark are suitable - we have already talked about different types of mulch, more details about its use are described in the articles and. And in the next video you will see how you can combine materials: in this case, it is cardboard plus tree bark.

Lawn grass

Red fescue . Grass for dark areas. As it grows, it looks like a smooth dark green carpet, although it’s quite hard, so you can’t walk on it barefoot. The sprouts are located tightly to each other; weeds cannot penetrate the plants.

Geranium is magnificent. It grows so quickly in the area that it itself can be considered a weed, albeit a very beautiful one. If geraniums are not limited by borders or thinning, then very soon the flowerbed will turn into a solid purple cloud. The flowering period occurs in July. By the way, among similar aggressor crops are knotweed, saxifrage, fragrant violet, phlox, marigold, and cloves.

Astilbe. Weeds next to astilbe are prevented from breaking through by the rhizomes of the perennial. They densely weave the soil. The plant is decorative and blooms all summer.

With the beginning of the next dacha season, it becomes possible to realize many of the ideas and plans that matured in the winter. One of the very popular ideas remains the improvement and decoration of the area adjacent to the country house - the front garden. It all depends on your imagination and free time. You can sow a neat grass lawn, plant evergreens or arrange a flower bed.

More homemade products: How to quickly remove paper wallpaper from walls - life hacks with photos

Fill the remaining space after planting with the first layer of gravel. Lay a second layer of geotextile on top and cover with a second decorative layer of gravel.

Cover the prepared “bottom” of the flowerbed with fresh and not so fresh press. Just don’t get distracted by reading advertisements and old articles! We are still doing business.

"Wild dandelion" - thistle (Sonchus)

It was a European treasure, but now it can be found in the Krasnodar and Primorsky territories, in the Rostov region. Single specimens were found in Ivanovo and St. Petersburg. It is classified as a quarantine weed, i.e. it is very dangerous.

Thistle can be removed from the site without the use of chemicals:

Prickly nightshade “all covered with thorns, absolutely all”

If there is no electricity on the site, you can also cut with a hand saw, including a hacksaw, but this method is more dangerous, and after work, most likely, you will have to throw away the saw. You can use a foam concrete saw, but it is more expensive.

Such structures are good because they can easily adjust the composition and thickness of the soil layer depending on the plants being planted. Thanks to this individual selection of conditions, plants will be less affected by various diseases and pests.

Sawdust is needed to retain moisture and as fertilizer. Thanks to them, the top layers of soil crack less, and cracks increase the evaporation of moisture from the ground.

Monoflowers for the whole season

Note! Combining large and small stones of the same material gives the most beautiful result.

For the construction of this marvelous flower garden, both flat and embossed soil will do. A decorative stream or pond, hedge or arch covered with ivy will maximally decorate a colorful flower bed made of stones.

First, we’ll think about and mark out the flower beds on the dacha area, and then arrange them there. Full compliance of a flower garden on a summer cottage with the architectural style of buildings is the most successful project, so we are interested in all the varieties of flower beds discussed here, because combinations of color and shape in a country landscape are a matter of personal taste.

An example of a diagram of a round flower bed for the sunny side of the dacha.

Making a gravel flowerbed at your dacha with your own hands is not that difficult, following the following step-by-step recommendations.

A gravel bed is a mixture of stone and plants, laid and planted in a certain order. This is a small stone garden that confidently outshines simple flower beds due to its advantages:

Black agrofibre or two-tone material?

The video shows how to use non-woven covering material using the example of growing strawberries:

Mulching the soil with black non-woven materials allows you to grow tomatoes in your garden plot without much hassle or physical effort

Correct design of the trunk circle of a fruit tree. To prevent grass from breaking through from under the layer of crushed stone, you must use mulching non-woven material

Amateur gardeners, as well as farmers who grow fruits and vegetables on a large scale, are freed from the need to purchase and use herbicides against weeds. They also don’t have to spend time at their summer cottages with hoes, spending a lot of physical effort and time on weeding. There are simply no weeds. Only useful crops grow in even rows.

Lily of the valley. A paradoxical surprise of nature. A plant loved by poets and all romantics with delicate bell-shaped flowers and a pleasant aroma, it can survive all its neighbors from its territory. Weeds are afraid of him. Lily of the valley grows quickly, so it must be separated with an artificial fence. Grows in the shade and is easy to care for.

Special varieties effectively cope with the weed problem. The lawn, growing into a dense green carpet, displaces unnecessary sprouts. Before sowing lawn mixtures, you will have to work hard: tidy up the soil, remove all vegetation, dig up the soil and remove weed roots, and, if possible, treat the area with special preparations. But then you can forget about weeding and fighting wheatgrass or barnyard grass. When buying a variety of lawn grass, pay attention to its most important characteristics:

Proven folk methods

In addition to purchased powerful herbicides, you can try to kill weeds with folk remedies, although you must understand that their effectiveness is much lower. Nevertheless, some substances that are undesirable for use in the garden can be used in the cemetery. Most often, table salt, vinegar-based and kerosene-based compounds are used among the “improvised” means.

You can simply scatter salt over the area (about 1.5 kg per 1 m2), or you can spray it generously with a strong solution (up to 250 g of salt per 1 liter of water). On saline soil, almost no vegetation will grow for several years, except for the hardiest shrubs. You can enhance the effect of salt by using vinegar, but vinegar “works” on its own; you can try watering the area with its solutions without the participation of salt.

Regular salt is a good folk herbicide

It is better to use apple cider vinegar, but other origins are also possible

It is important to consider that if vinegar gets on cultivated vegetation, it will also die. Typically, a 9% solution of acetic acid is used, mixing it with alcohol (4:1) and adding (per liter of mixture) a teaspoon of citric acid and a little washing powder (for better adhesion of the product to the leaves)

Apply by spraying. This mixture will also destroy ants.

Kerosene is used in the form of an aqueous emulsion: these substances do not mix with each other, and when thoroughly mixed, a very cloudy liquid is obtained. For 2.5 liters of water take 1 liter of kerosene, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt and a drop of liquid soap, mix well and use as a spray

It is important to apply treatment before seeds appear on the weeds.

Video: folk remedies for weeds

It is possible to get rid of weeds in a cemetery for a long time, but if you do not use modern herbicides, this is not very easy. However, this is not a garden, and the use of chemicals for this purpose is quite justified.

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