Features of caring for the colorful Euonymus tree at home and in the open ground

Euonymus is a low shrub with small dense leaves and berries of white, pink or red color, depending on the type and variety. Despite its visual attractiveness, euonymus is not as popular in Russia as, for example, in America. This is due to the fact that the fruits of the shrub are very poisonous and gardeners are afraid to plant it in areas where there are small children. In addition, the plant can only be considered attractive in the autumn months, when the foliage turns red and burgundy and bright fruit pods form on the branches. Growing and caring for euonymus is not difficult; thanks to its frost resistance and unpretentiousness, the shrub can be recommended to a novice gardener.

Timing for planting euonymus and choosing a location on the site

Depending on the climatic characteristics of the region, shrubs are planted in early spring or autumn. Thus, residents of the southern regions can root a seedling in the autumn without fear of it freezing. In a moderately warm climate, autumn planting is acceptable, but in this case the young plant will have to be covered. It is best to purchase a seedling in early spring and plant it on the site at the end of April, when the soil has warmed up. During the spring-summer period, it will have time to get stronger, grow a root system and easily survive the coming winter.

For planting euonymus, it is better to select shaded areas, although some species prefer intense lighting; this must be taken into account when choosing a plant variety. The soil should be light and fertile, neutral or slightly alkaline. The optimal pH level is from 6.6 to 7.5. Too acidic soil is diluted with slaked lime or dolomite flour, and it is recommended to choose lime gravel as drainage. Euonymus does not tolerate stagnation of water in the roots, so areas with high groundwater levels are absolutely not suitable. In this case, it is recommended to make an embankment, line it around the perimeter with bricks or boards, and only after that plant the seedling.


Since euonymus has leathery leaves that evaporate little moisture, it can easily adapt to the dry air of apartments. However, very low humidity combined with high temperatures can cause the flower to begin to shed its leaves. Peudolaurus grows best when the ambient humidity is above 50%.

To increase the humidity level, you can place containers of water around the plant, and during the heating season, place a damp cloth on the radiators.

Technology of planting euonymus seedlings

Euonymus - planting a shrub begins with preparing a hole. It is dug out at least 15–20 days before work. The size of the hole depends on the volume of the root system of the seedling, but most often they dig up an area of ​​50x50 cm and, if necessary, add fertilizer to the soil:

  • turf soil - 2 parts,
  • compost or rotted manure - 2 parts,
  • coarse sand – 1 part,
  • slaked lime (if necessary) – 200 g.

In the prepared area, dig a hole and place a seedling in it. Next, the roots are carefully straightened and sprinkled with garden soil, periodically compacting so that there are no air “pockets” left. The root collar cannot be buried; it must be located at the same level as the top layer of soil. The planting pattern depends on the type and variety of the plant; most shrubs grow both upwards and to the sides, so it is better to maintain a distance of 1.5–1.8 m between specimens. However, to grow a hedge, the planting should be denser; for convenience, it is recommended to dig not pits, but trenches.

To complete the work, the euonymus seedling is watered and the soil surface is mulched. Over the next 10 days, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil and, if necessary, moisten it, preventing the top layer from drying out.

Outdoor care

It is advisable to place the seedling in the ground in the spring. Acidic soil is not suitable. It is desirable that the bottom layer of soil be drainage in the form of expanded clay, and the soil itself should be a mixture of sand, turf and leaf soil, as well as sand.

It is necessary to form a crown only during warm periods. If you want to create a hedge, create rectangular or other shapes only after the plant has reached the height you want.

Watering should be moderate. Strengthen the process during dry periods.

Features of caring for euonymus

Euonymus - growing and caring for it will not cause much trouble for the gardener. Watering, fertilizing and pruning are the main points that a beginner needs to know.

Watering and fertilizing

Euonymus does not need frequent watering, with the exception of the first days after planting. In the future, the bush is watered only if the weather is dry and hot. Dampness can cause much more harm than short-term drought. Good aeration of the root system is important for the successful development of the plant, so regular loosening of the top layer of soil is an integral part of care when growing euonymus.

If a sufficient amount of fertilizer was applied during planting, then additional nutrition will be needed no earlier than in the third year of life. It is enough to carry out 2 feedings per season - in early May and in September. In the spring, you can use organic matter or mineral compounds with a high nitrogen content, and in the fall - potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Pruning euonymus and preparing for winter

The next year after planting the euonymus, you can begin to form the crown. The shrub tolerates pruning well, so it can be done 2 times a year - in early spring and autumn. The plant is branched, with small leaves, thanks to which the shrub can be given a decorative shape. Some gardeners prefer to form a cone or pyramid, while others prefer a standard tree. In early spring, as a rule, decorative pruning is carried out, and in the fall, dry and broken branches are removed. Throughout the growing season, you can pinch the tops or cut off weak shoots.

The shrub has good frost resistance and winters well in northern latitudes without shelter, but young seedlings 1–3 years old are recommended to be covered. To do this, first clean the garden, rake old branches and fallen leaves into a pile, then renew the mulch layer. It is best to lay out peat, hay or wood shavings as a protective layer; its thickness should be at least 10 cm. Then the seedling is wrapped in non-woven material (geotextile, agrofibre) folded in 3-4 layers and tied with twine. Additionally, the bushes can be covered with spruce branches, and as soon as real snow falls, a snowdrift can be added. Adult specimens do not need shelter for the above-ground part, but to prevent freezing of the root system, it is recommended to mulch the area around the trunk in the same way.

Optimal microclimate for the plant

Euonymus is relatively unpretentious. It will survive in different conditions. But in order for the plant to look its best, it is advisable to listen to its “requirements” and create a microclimate close to the optimal one.

Table: how to create suitable conditions for euonymus

LocationThe sill of a window facing southeast or southwest. The room must be regularly ventilated, while protecting the plant from drafts. In the summer, it is useful to send the pot to the balcony (indoor or outdoor), terrace, veranda, or garden.
LightingMost types of euonymus prefer bright light, without even suffering from direct sunlight. Variegated hybrids are more light-loving, but under direct rays they quickly “fade”, so it is advisable to shade them.
TemperatureThe optimal temperature in summer is 22–25ºС, in winter 12–15ºС. In winter, hybrids will tolerate lower (3–5ºС), but not negative temperatures. “Natural” euonymus is not afraid of frosts down to -20ºС. If the room is too warm in winter (20ºC or more), even an evergreen euonymus will most likely lose most of its leaves.
Air humidityEuonymus grows best in high humidity (60–70%), but does not suffer much from dry air. In extreme heat, you can spray the flower or periodically give it a warm shower. The last procedure is also useful for cleaning the flower from dust (once a week is enough).

Euonymuses are mostly shade-tolerant, but not shade-loving. A compact, even crown of the bush is formed only in bright light or at least in light partial shade.

Euonymus will tolerate both shade and completely artificial light, but will not form a beautiful crown in such conditions.

Euonymus care

The genus Euonymus belongs to the family Euonymus and unites more than two hundred species of plants. Translated from Latin, the name means “tree with a good name” or “glorious tree.” Popularly, euonymus is also known by other names: night blindness, meresklet, lady's eyes, privet, wolf's earrings or wolf's bast. In gardening, a large number of varieties of euonymus are grown, which are widely used in landscape design for decorative purposes.

Homeland and appearance of euonymus

In nature, euonymus grows in almost all corners of the world: in Europe, Asia, America and Asia. You can find the plant in the undergrowth of mixed forests or near rivers.

Euonymus is a deciduous, evergreen plant. The genus includes shrubs and trees. Due to the wide variety of varieties and species, euonymus is often used in landscape design; plants are planted singly, in groups, or as hedges.

Euonymus branches are round or tetrahedral, and growths often appear on them. Under natural conditions, plants can grow up to four meters.

The foliage is of the greatest decorative value, since depending on the variety and type, leaves are red, yellow, with spots of white, cream or silver. The crown of the euonymus changes its color depending on the time of year.

The flowers are of no decorative value; as a rule, they are inconspicuous, small, and collected in inflorescences. At the end of flowering, fruits are formed - boxes with four or five nests in which seeds develop. Euonymus fruits are brightly colored and can be crimson, scarlet, yellow, purple or burgundy.

The most popular types of euonymus

Today, no more than 20 plant species are cultivated in Russia, among which the following are the most popular:

  1. European. Homeland - Spain. It reaches a height of seven meters, the branches are tetrahedral, it blooms in summer, the fruits are highly decorative. The variety is resistant to drought.
  2. Warty. Grows in Eurasia. It can be a shrub up to 3.5 meters high or a tree up to 6 meters high. It blooms in early summer, red fruits ripen in September.
  3. Dwarf. Also from Eurasia. The shoots are vertical and reach a height of one meter. The leaves are lanceolate, the fruits are yellowish-green. Can be grown in light partial shade.
  4. Winged. Homeland - Far East. The plant reaches a height of two meters. By mid-autumn the fruits acquire a rich red color, the leaves also turn red. Can also be grown in the shade.
  5. Japanese. It grows mainly in the southern regions, reaching a height of seven meters. Blooms in mid-summer. Tolerates shade well.

Given the wide variety of species and varieties of euonymus, it is not surprising that individual growing conditions need to be selected for each. However, some recommendations from gardeners are universal; they can be applied to all types of euonymus.

Watering mode

Watering must be careful; it is important to maintain the “golden” mean in order to prevent excess moisture and drying out of the soil. It is necessary to adjust the frequency and volume of watering depending on the time of year and growing conditions. The warmer the weather, the more abundant watering can be and, conversely, in cold weather watering is reduced to a minimum.

Lighting requirements

In this matter, you should take into account the color of the leaves and the variety of the plant.

For example, European and Warty euonymus prefer partial shade; it is best to plant them in the shade of tall trees, the crown of which will protect them from direct sunlight.

Euonymus Sakhalin and Sacred are used to form hedges, so they tolerate light partial shade and open sun well.

Euonymus euonymus loves mountain slopes and relief terrain.

Maak's euonymus grows well and quickly in open areas and is usually used as a solitary plant.


Temperature is not the most important growing criterion. The vast majority of varieties and types of euonymus are frost-resistant and tolerate sudden temperature changes. Young plants (up to three years old) are covered for the winter, while mature shrubs and trees need to be mulched with leaves or spruce branches. Some varieties can withstand temperatures as low as -20 degrees.

Top dressing

At the beginning of the period of active growth, the plant is fed with humus or compost. Fertilizers are applied during April, May and June at the root to prevent nutrients from reaching the leaves, which can cause leaf burn.

If the euonymus is a thicket, mulch, ash or mineral fertilizers with phosphorus or complex mixtures are used as fertilizer.

Soil for euonymus

But all types and varieties of euonymus are demanding when it comes to soil quality. They need soil with a certain level of acidity: neutral or slightly alkaline, otherwise lime is added to the soil. You should not grow euonymus on clay soil, into which you will need to add sand. The soil should be loose enough to prevent water stagnation.

Botanical description

The height of the bush is 0.5-10 m, depending on the type. The stems have a round or tetrahedral cross-section; sometimes cork growths appear on them. The leaves are oblong with smooth or serrated edges, glossy, arranged oppositely. The leaf blades are dark green; there are varieties with spots or edging of white, cream, or silver.

As autumn approaches, the leaves turn purple-red. Flowering consists of inconspicuous flowers of yellow-green, cream, burgundy shades, collected in racemes or corymbose inflorescences. The fruit is a dry, leathery, 4-5-sided capsule containing several seeds. Depending on the species, as it matures, the seed box acquires a pink, scarlet, crimson, burgundy, yellow, and dark purple color.

Attention: the fruits, like all parts of the plant, are poisonous.

Planting and replanting euonymus

Proper planting of euonymus depends on two factors:

  • Planting period;
  • Landing algorithm.

When is the best time to plant or transplant euonymus?

The optimal period for working in the garden is early spring, however, autumn planting (transplanting) is also allowed. It is necessary to choose shaded places, but varieties with variegated leaves are best grown in open, sunny places.

As for the soil, it should be light and nutritious. Soil acidity varies from neutral to slightly alkaline. If the soil is acidic, lime is added to it before planting.

The vast majority of euonymus varieties grow in width and height with age, which is why plants should not be planted in close proximity to other fruit trees and shrubs.

To plant dwarf species, gardeners recommend using boxes or containers that stand in the garden during the warm season, and in a room with a low temperature during the cold season.

Landing algorithm

The planting hole for the plant is prepared several weeks before planting. Its volume should be one and a half times the size of the root system.

The soil removed from the pit must be mixed with compost. Broken brick or sand is laid on the bottom as a drainage layer, a small layer of a mixture of earth and compost is laid on top, then the euonymus can be lowered into the hole. If the acidity of the soil is high, add a glass of slaked lime to the hole.

After the seedling is lowered into the hole, you need to straighten its root system and cover it with the remaining mixture of soil and compost. As the hole is filled with soil, it must be compacted to eliminate the possibility of air pockets forming. The root collar of the plant must remain on the surface, flush with the soil.

To plant a hedge, it is better to prepare a trench. Watering is carried out immediately after planting or replanting and the seedlings are watered every day for a week.


Fertilizing should only be done in spring and summer once a month after watering. Liquid mineral fertilizers are suitable for decorative foliage plants.

For variegated varieties of euonymus, fertilizers with large amounts of nitrogen cannot be used . Otherwise, the leaves may turn green.

The plant does not need intensive feeding. Therefore, when diluting nutritional compositions to the required concentration, you must carefully study the instructions. For this plant, excessive concentration of fertilizers is very harmful. It is better to add a little more water to the mixture to obtain a less concentrated composition.

Nutrient mixtures can be added to the soil only a few hours after watering the plant. This will ensure uniform absorption of beneficial elements and protect the root system from damage.

In winter, euonymus is not fertilized. It is stopped in mid-autumn and resumed at the beginning of the spring growing season.

Euonymus propagation

There are several ways to propagate the plant:

Propagation by seeds

Gardeners recommend sowing seeds immediately after collection. Sowing is carried out in the fall, immediately in open ground. The area with the planted seeds is first mulched and then covered with straw or fallen leaves.

Reproduction by layering

Branches located near the ground are suitable for this method. It is necessary to dig a groove in the soil, place the shoot in it, fix it and sprinkle it with the excavated soil. Only the tip of the shoot should remain on the surface. Very soon roots will appear, after which the cuttings can be separated from the mother plant and transplanted to a permanent growing location.

Propagation by cuttings

For rooting, use the tops of semi-lignified shoots that are at least five years old. The optimal period for breeding is mid-summer. The length of the cuttings is approximately 7 cm, each with at least one internode. The cut site must be treated with a growth stimulator, and then the shoots should be planted in a substrate made of a mixture of peat and sand.

Cuttings should be grown under film, in a well-lit and cool place. Roots form over several months, after which the young plants are transplanted into open ground for growing. When the plants have acclimatized and become stronger, they can be planted in a permanent place in the garden.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

For propagation, shoots with a height of 40 to 50 cm are selected. The best time for gardening is spring, when the soil warms up sufficiently after frost. Each shoot must have a formed root system: thickness of at least one and a half centimeters, length approximately 30 cm. There is no need to clear the soil from the dug out shoot; the plant can be immediately planted in a permanent place in the garden or planted in a temporary place for growing.

This method is only suitable for dwarf varieties of euonymus. The root system of such species is located close to the soil surface, so every spring young shoots appear around adult plants. It is this that must be carefully separated from the root system with a sharp shovel. The shoots need to be trimmed, leaving a third, and planted in a permanent place in the garden. For euonymus, this procedure is not dangerous and does not injure the plant.

The soil

Euonymus does not put forward any special requirements for the composition of the soil. It is important that it allows air and water to pass through well. A ready-made substrate for decorative foliage indoor plants , purchased in a store, is suitable.

To prepare the mixture yourself, you should take 1 part of leaf soil, humus and sand and 2 parts of turf soil. Another option is turf soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 3:0.5:1.

Before planting, it is important to disinfect the soil by placing it in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes or spilling it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

At the bottom of the pot with holes for draining, it is necessary to lay a good layer of drainage, consisting of pieces of foam plastic, expanded clay or clay shards. This will help avoid water stagnation.

Pruning euonymus

Euonymus responds very well to crown formation; in no case should you be afraid to prune the plant. The optimal period for this is early spring or after the fruits ripen. If it is necessary to trim during a period of active growth, the procedure is allowed only for sanitary purposes, when weakened, damaged branches should be removed or the tops should be pinched.


Spraying is especially important on hot days

Euonymus responds well to spraying, which is recommended 2-3 times a week, in the morning or evening. The procedure is especially important on hot summer days and during the heating season, when the indoor air becomes very dry.

For spraying, it is important to use filtered or boiled water so that there are no traces or plaque left on the leaves.

It is periodically recommended to give the euonymus a warm shower . It helps to achieve two goals: the first is to clean the bush from dirt and dust, the second is that the shower prevents the appearance of pests.

Wintering of euonymus

Before you think about wintering euonymus, you need to collect the seeds of the plant. You can begin the collection process when you hear the cracking of the boxes. Seeds should be planted immediately to ensure maximum germination.

First, you need to free the seeds from their buds and treat them with a solution of potassium permanganate. Planting is carried out in moist soil and the area is covered with dry straw or leaves. Adult plants, as a rule, tolerate wintering well in open ground and do not require special preparation. However, it still doesn’t hurt to mulch the plant with sawdust or leaves. Young seedlings that have not reached three years of age need to be prepared for wintering. To do this, they are covered with spruce branches or fallen leaves.

Varieties suitable for growing at home

Euonymus can be grown at home if it is not possible to plant a shrub in the country house or garden. There are miniature varieties that are easy to care for. It is enough to maintain soil moisture and regularly remove weeds.

Euonymus Japanese . In nature, this Asian shrub can grow up to 8 m, but, nevertheless, it can be planted at home. Japanese euonymus is not suitable for growing in open ground in central Russia due to intolerance to low temperatures in winter. The dwarf Japanese euonymus has variegated, greenish-yellow leaves. The plant is unpretentious in care: it takes root well in partial shade. But you shouldn’t put it in the most heated room in winter - the euonymus can shed its leaves.

Fortune's euonymus . An ideal option not only for landscaping garden plots, but also for decorating rooms in the house. Since the plant can grow up to 3 m in height, it is advisable to trim it. You can grow Fortune on the plot in the summer, and bring it indoors with the onset of the first frost. Often this shrub is placed as decoration on loggias, attics and balconies.

Koopman's euonymus . A dwarf shrub is ideal for home decoration. The maximum grows to a length of 1 m. Koopmana has green ribbed shoots. A creeping shrub with elongated leaves from 1 to 5 cm. The flowers are painted green - they grow in semi-umbrellas or singly.

I am planting ERUPONUS FORTUNA Do not confuse it with Vinca!!!

Diseases and pests of euonymus

Unfortunately, euonymus is a favorite treat for insects. Most often, aphids, mealybugs, caterpillars and spider mites can be found on plants.

Spider mites, aphids and mealybugs feed on plant sap, which leads to deformation of branches and leaves. Weekly treatment with a chemical insecticide will help destroy insects.

Gardeners recommend collecting caterpillars by hand, but these insects will no longer be found on neighboring fruit trees. Euonymus seems to attract caterpillars and thereby protect the crop.

As for diseases, powdery mildew and trunk rot are terrible for euonymus. If powdery mildew can be controlled with the help of fungicides, then stem rot is practically impossible to destroy.

It’s better to play it safe and take a number of preventative measures in spring and autumn:

  • Treat the plant with a solution of Bordeaux mixture or an analogue of the drug; the best time for the procedure is the second half of spring and early summer;
  • Remove affected areas of the plant and burn them.

Video on caring for euonymus

Euonymus belongs to the Euonymus family. These are evergreen deciduous shrubs and trees that are distinguished by an amazing variety of shapes and color palette. Gardeners also value the plant for its light and simple nature: frost resistance, some species can withstand temperatures down to -20 degrees, resistance to gas pollution, and grows well in partial shade. However, each type of euonymus requires individual growing conditions.

Autumn will not seem dull if there is an euonymus on the site. The plant is a shrub, tree or creeping carpet. Decorative in the beauty of variegated leathery leaves, catkins of poisonous berries. Planting and caring for euonymus is a fascinating activity.

Euonymus varieties used in culture

Euonymus represents plants between deciduous and evergreen species. In nature, it is found in the undergrowth of the middle zone, sometimes in the tropics. Used in culture for landscape gardening. The decorative effect lies in the autumn color of the leaf blade and the hanging earrings of bright inedible seeds. Cultivated forms lost their tall stature, and dwarf varieties appeared.

As examples of various forms of euonymus, consider a few of the hundreds of species:

  • European euonymus, is a low tree or bush, purple in autumn with orange fruit catkins;
  • winged euonymus, a 2-meter shrub, grows wild as undergrowth in the Far East, red in autumn;
  • Fortune, a creeping groundcover shrub with variegated leathery leaves, native to China;
  • Japanese, evergreen shrub that can be grown indoors and is used for growing bonsai trees.

Varieties and photos

Of the large number of species, approximately a tenth is used for cultivation. Below are photos, names and descriptions of euonymus varieties suitable for propagation and care at home:


This species is a branching bush or not too tall tree. Grows on rocks, near rivers and in the mountains of Sakhalin, China, Korea, Japan. The branches, covered with gray bark, are tetrahedral. The dark green foliage is diamond-shaped or obovate. Each inflorescence has 3 pale green flowers , the red seed pods are very bright.

The winged one has 20 forms, the most common being Compactus. This is a bush with a compact domed crown, growing up to 2 meters. The flowers are greenish, inconspicuous. In autumn the foliage and fruits are red. Compactus does not tolerate drought and high temperatures, and is resistant to frost. The photo below shows the Winged Euonymus:


Natural environment China. It is popular in this country and is often found in gardens. Fortune is not a deciduous, creeping bush; it grows and develops normally in mid-latitudes. Snow cover is sufficient for winter protection.

The glossy, leathery foliage is elliptical, with a curved, uneven edge. Many decorative varieties have been developed, differing in foliage colors. Only vegetative methods are used for propagation . When propagated in culture, mulching and pruning are required. It is necessary to regularly remove weak and injured stems.

You can see what the Euonymus Fortune variety looks like in the photo below:

Emerald Gaiety

This variety is evergreen, bred from Fortune. The shrub has branched shoots, two-colored, glossy foliage, combining dark shades of green with light ones. The growth rate is average. Loves partial shade, shade, soil type does not matter. Planting and care do not create problems. Suitable for lawns, rocky hills, rock gardens, rockeries, Japanese gardens. Often planted near ponds.

Emerald Gold

This slow-growing shrub is also bred from the Fortune species. Height up to half a meter, width up to one and a half meters, can be climbed along a support. The shoots are creeping, long, the crown is widely spread, forming a thick carpet. In spring, the foliage plates are dark green, with yellow edging. In summer the color is lighter , with spots and streaks on the edges, in autumn they are red. The spherical flowers are small, pale, with a greenish tint.

Emerald Gold tolerates shade well, but in good light the color is brighter. Planted in fertile soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline pH. Recommended for gardens, lawns, landscape compositions, rockeries.


Harlequin variety is evergreen, creeping. Young shoots are raised, then lie low, quickly taking root. They can climb walls, tree trunks, and ladders to a height of up to one and a half meters. The oval foliage is first white, then green, spotted, located opposite. In winter, a pink tint appears on the plates.

Decorative qualities do not depend on lighting . The best soil is garden soil, with moderate moisture. Most often, Harlequin is planted around trees, less often in containers. Suitable for alpine slides, rockeries, mixborders, low borders.


More often a bush, less often a tree. Young stems are green, thickenings are longitudinal. Mature shoots are almost black. The foliage is leathery, green, and reddish at the end of the growing season. The fruits are pink. the achenes are covered with soft tissue.

European euonymus is resistant to drought and frost and takes root well in cities. Many decorative varieties have been bred, but they freeze out in frosty winters. In the photo below is the Euonymus European variety:


It is grown outdoors and indoors, although it can grow up to 7 meters. The angle between the trunk and the shoots is acute, so the bush seems to tend upward. The foliage is large, dense, leathery, with an uneven edge. Growth in favorable conditions is 15-20 cm per year.

Care in summer as for a garden plant , in winter - as for a houseplant. It is planted in a large container and transferred to a room without heating in the fall. At temperatures below +5°C, the Japanese euonymus dies. The photo below shows the Japanese Euonymus:


Natural conditions: the European part of Russia, European countries (except the northern ones). Warty shrub, green shoots, covered with black “warts”. The leaf blades are green, pale, the flowers are light, the fruits are pinkish, the achenes are in a brown-red substance. In autumn the foliage is pink. Warty grows slower than other varieties and tolerates shade well. Most often used to decorate gardens.


Natural environment beech and hornbeam forests of Asia Minor, Southern Europe, Crimea, Caucasus. The bush is erect, the crown is dense, spreading, young shoots are smooth, round, green, with a yellow tint, with black lentils. The foliage is green, bright, pointed, with cloves along the edges. There are a lot of inconspicuous white and green flowers, the aroma has a negative effect on humans. The fruit is a bright carmine capsule.

variety tolerates temperatures down to -29°C , develops well in the shade, and goes well with other garden plants. Used in compositions with conifers and herbaceous annuals. It is planted in hedges with mock orange, lilac, and barberry.

In pharmacology they are used:

  • roots (infusion stimulates the sexual sphere);
  • bark (decoctions treat heart disease, alcohol infusions treat hypertension);
  • foliage (infusions treat helminthiasis, pediculosis, scabies, migraines, neuroses);
  • fruits (infusions are used as expectorants).

All parts of Broadleaf have calming characteristics.

Euonymus Fortune in landscape design photo

The creeping shrub is distinguished by its decorative leaves. Among the many variegated varieties, there are bordered and spotted varieties, with white and yellow patterns on a green field. At the same time, the large leaves, leathery to the touch, hold their shape well.

Fortune is an indispensable shrub for decorating the landscape of the middle zone. The ground cover plant is evergreen. It is worth covering a low bush for the winter; with the melting of the snow, a bright, juicy spot brings back summer. In addition, the bush can be trimmed and keeps its shape well.

The euonymus bush produces flowers that are invisible against the background of variegated leaves. But in the fall, the bush dresses up with earrings of inedible berries. Only the creeping form of an evergreen plant can be preserved from freezing where frosts reach -20 degrees. Cover the bushes in late autumn to avoid damping off. The covering material can be pine spruce branches and large shavings that allow air to pass through.

Another property of Fortune is used by designers. A 3-meter-long liana is capable of climbing vertical walls. To prevent it from slipping, it is necessary to prepare supports for the aerial roots to hold on to. This way you can drape waste storage areas and outbuildings away from indiscreet eyes.

Breeding Euonymus

Reproduction of euonymus in natural conditions occurs due to the transfer of seeds by birds. The berries are poisonous to humans, but serve as food for birds during the winter months.

In cultural conditions, it is easier to propagate by root layering and cuttings in the spring - classical methods. To do this, in the spring, lignified cuttings are rooted in a greenhouse, and developed plants are planted in the ground in August.

An easy way to propagate is to root a branch in a trench. Since euonymus tends to produce roots in internodes, the branch is pinned to the soil and a small area is dug in where roots form. Later, the branch is separated from the mother bush. In landscape design, euonymus, as in the photo, is irreplaceable in the fall.

With its victorious color, it reminds that life is eternal and there is no reason for despondency. Autumn has its own colors. And the gray cloudy day becomes brighter. Designers like to use free-standing trees in displays, dressed with colorful leaves, and bright bunches of berries.

Undeservedly forgotten, euonymus has reappeared in the landscape design of properties.

What you need to know about euonymus

For landscaping, cultivated plant forms, dwarf varieties and shrubs are used. Where it is cold in winter, single plants are grown in pots and tubs, putting them in a cool place for the winter.

In nature, euonymus grows under the canopy of trees. In bright sunny colors, the decorative effect of the leaves is lost. The best temperature for the plant is 18-22 degrees. The warmer it is, the more often you need to moisten the leaves and the lump of earth. If the euonymus winters outdoors, its branches need protection. It is best to make a bush coat from spruce branches of coniferous trees.

The plant is poisonous. Just 35 berries for an adult is a lethal dose. It should not be planted in a place accessible to children.

Where to place the plant in the garden

If you need to grow a single tree, the Maak euonymus is suitable. This species loves sunlight and does not tolerate shade. For European varieties, the best place will be the shade of mature trees.

For a hedge, you should purchase Sakhalin or sacred euonymus. These plants produce rooting branches and are ground cover.

The soil for euonymus should be light with an alkaline or neutral reaction. The plant does not like clay and is grateful for mineral supplements.

Watering the bush should be moderate. All euonymuses do not like stagnant moisture and high groundwater.


  • The main reason why a plant's leaves turn yellow and fall off is overwatering;
  • The leaves become dull, turn pale, and begin to curl when exposed to excess light;
  • Euonymus leaves begin to fall off when humidity is low and temperatures are high in winter;
  • Variegated species lose their bright colors due to lack of light.

Another reason for the loss of color in variegated varieties is excessive feeding of the plant with nitrogen fertilizers. It is necessary to feed the euonymus no more than once a month.

The leaves of the plant turn yellow and dry out when the earthen clod dries out for a long time. It is recommended to water regularly.

The plant significantly slows down its growth and begins to lose leaves en masse in a very cramped pot. At the same time, it is recommended to transplant it into a pot whose diameter is 1-2 cm larger.

How to grow a lonely tree in a pot

Like any young, rapidly growing plant, euonymus is planted in a small container in light soil. At first they are replanted every year, then less often. In summer, the culture is kept outside; in winter, it is placed in a cool room with a temperature above 5 degrees.

In a warm room, the plant will also overwinter, but may lose its leaves. Keeping a plant indoors is not easy. Leaves are lost from the heat, moldy from humidity, and turn pale in the shade.

Japanese euonymus is suitable for cultivation as a houseplant. Its leathery blue-green leaves are more resilient. During growth, the young tree is deformed, creating bizarre bends in the branches.


Although pseudolaurel is shade-tolerant, it prefers bright but diffused light.

It is optimal to choose a southeast or southwest window for the euonymus . A small amount of direct sunlight, especially in winter, will not harm.

Due to insufficient lighting, the leaves of the plant may begin to turn yellow. Variegated varieties especially need bright light, since otherwise the color of the foliage becomes dull and may disappear altogether.

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