Tea rose (125 photos): secrets of care and propagation, what kind of flower it is, the best plant varieties, feeding and replanting

Review author: Terrari School of Design

Rose has been known to mankind since ancient times. But the teahouse came to Europe only in the 19th century. Its official name is “Rosa odorata”, which can be translated as “fragrant rose”. Almost all people agree that the rose is the true queen of flowers. For many peoples of the world it is considered a unique symbol of the country.

A bouquet of roses is a wonderful gift for representatives of the fair half of humanity. Why was the “Chinese woman” called a tea house? Let's try to answer this question.

Interesting Facts

There are three versions.

China is the birthplace of tea, and the aroma of the plant reminded Europeans of the smell of a freshly brewed drink. So they called the flower tea rose.

According to the second version, the name is associated with the shape of the flower. When fully opened, it is very similar to a Chinese tea bowl.

And finally, according to the latest version, it is from the petals of this rose that you can brew an aromatic drink.

Thanks to the work of tireless breeders, today you can find many different shades of queen petals. However, even today the delicate pink color is considered classic.

“Chinese” differs from its closest relatives in its unusual smell, larger buds and strong stem.

Unlike other species, the tea beauty blooms much longer. It begins to please the eye at the beginning of summer, the intensity decreases slightly in August, but from September numerous buds begin to appear again.

Description of the bush and its history

The tea rose blooms almost the entire season, starting from June and ending in autumn, when the temperature outside becomes sub-zero. The flowers of the plant have a pleasant smell and a very impressive appearance. This flower is a completely undemanding crop, so it is easy to grow. In order to guarantee the growth of a shrub, you must adhere to some rules, as well as listen to the advice of experienced gardeners, which will be discussed in this article.

This flower immediately fell in love with all gardeners and became widely known. Initially, growing the strange plant was not successful because the flowers were not adapted to the given weather conditions. Breeders made their contribution by developing and breeding many other varieties. The flower was prepared for different climatic conditions, so it became possible to grow roses even in the northern regions.

It should be noted here that, despite the cold resistance of the plant, it should still be well prepared before the cold winter period, and also keep in mind that there will not be many inflorescences in the northern regions. Perhaps the growth and development of the bush will not be as active, especially at the beginning of cultivation. When the plant adapts, the bush will bloom better.

The tea rose blooms very well and for a long time when compared with other species. Almost every variety blooms actively throughout July, a little less in August, and blooms profusely again in September.

Then, when the temperature reaches sub-zero temperatures, new flowers stop forming. However, in the southern regions, where winter is not so cold, when the air temperature, at least during the day, is above zero, and at night is not lower than about 35 degrees, then the rose can bloom even in the last month of autumn and at the beginning of winter. For all these reasons, the flower is highly valued by gardeners and landscape designers, who use it for their own purposes to decorate areas.

The history of the name of the flower has several versions. Some believe that the rose was named tea rose because it looks like Chinese tea cups. Others believe that the tea rose got its name because its aroma is reminiscent of tea that has just been brewed. There is also an opinion that the tea rose is called tea rose because it itself can be brewed and drunk like tea, because its flowers are not only beautiful, but also very useful.

Rose petals contain a lot of vitamins, various essential oils, and organic acids. In addition, they have antibacterial properties.

Since the tea rose was brought back in the 18th century, until now a huge variety of varieties and species have been invented and bred by breeders. More popular among them are hybrids that are bred by crossing the French rose and the original type of Chinese tea rose. The varieties are grown by gardeners in their summer cottages.

Tea and hybrid tea roses - what is the difference

tea roses so for their unique and unforgettable aroma. The height of plants in this group ranges from 60 cm to 2 m, and the diameter of the flower can be 6-14 cm - it all depends on the specific variety. The variety of colors of the buds gives a wide scope for imagination - everyone can choose flowers of a suitable color for a bouquet: from light pink to dark red, from yellow to orange.

The fragrance of tea rose can be compared to the aroma of the best varieties of Chinese tea.

A characteristic feature of tea roses is an elongated, pointed bud. In addition, this type of rose is distinguished by strong and massive stems, which are ideal for cutting.

Tea roses, as a rule, are presented as a sign of attention, however, if you do not want to wait for them as a gift, but want to grow them yourself, it is important to choose varieties that will grow comfortably in your climate zone.

Hybrid tea roses appeared as a result of crossing tea and remontant roses. Today this group is rightfully considered one of the most popular among rose lovers.

Hybrid tea roses are highly prized not only for their amazing scent, but also for their excellent flower quality and continuous bloom. In addition, from the remontant species, hybrid tea roses inherited the relative winter hardiness and hardness of the wood.

These roses are somewhat lower than tea roses: medium-sized varieties reach a height of 60-70 cm, and tall ones - 80-100 cm. Their flower diameter is 10-14 cm, but gardeners love flowers with a larger diameter: double (25-35 petals) and densely double ( 50-60 petals) varieties. The latter look truly magical. In addition, depending on the variety, the flowers can be either single or combined in small inflorescences; their color also varies greatly. However, like the appearance of the leaves - they can be leathery, matte, thick and shiny.

In the catalogs of some countries, hybrid tea roses are also called large-flowered.

Modern breeders are constantly experimenting: both with the shape and color of the flower itself, and with the shape and structure of the bush, the color of the leaves, as well as some plant properties - winter hardiness and disease resistance. By the way, the latter characteristics distinguish hybrid tea varieties of roses from others.

Both tea and hybrid tea roses today are represented by a large number of varieties, among which every gardener can choose his ideal option.


Immediately upon arrival in old Europe, the flower gained incredible popularity among gardeners. The first specimens were very capricious and had difficulty adapting to new climatic conditions.

The breeders considered their primary task to be “correcting” the main drawback of the tender queen – low frost resistance. In the end, the work was not in vain - many species were bred that successfully grow in the cold regions of European countries.

The most popular varieties of tea roses include:

  1. "Aida".
  2. "Gazebo".
  3. "Claire Renaissance".
  4. "Gloria Day."
  5. "Lady of Megginch."
  6. "Parade".
  7. "Jeff Hamilton."
  8. "Strawberry Hill"
  9. "Flamenco Dance"

The first five species listed are upright growing varieties. The next three are curly beauties.

Of particular note is Fr. The rose got its name because even a slight breeze makes the inflorescences sway in the most original way, as if they were performing a famous Spanish dance.


Now the appearance of a hybrid tea rose is as follows: it is a bush or standard tree with long flowering shoots. Each resulting flower is a work of art. Its elongated bud with a sharp tip, opening, reveals numerous satin or velvet petals with neatly curved edges, curled in the center into a high cone. The variety of petal colors and scents is amazing. The flowers are either medium-sized or larger, beautiful, with numerous petals forming a clearly visible central cone. Usually the flowers are single or with several lateral buds.

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For the queen of flowers, you need to choose a well-lit place, protected from gusts of wind and on soil with a low groundwater level.

The best time for planting is spring, when the thermometer stays at +10 °C.

In areas where night cooling is possible, the bush is insulated. Following the advice of experienced gardeners, five to six hours before planting, the cuttings are soaked in a solution that stimulates growth.

The hole for the bush should be prepared two days before planting - this will ensure that the soil is saturated with oxygen.

In soil saturated with organic elements, the depth of the hole should be equal to the length of the root. In poor soil, you need to dig a hole twice as large as the size of the root and add humus and fertilizer.

Regardless of the quality of the soil, a drainage system is designed in the hole - clay and pebbles (up to five centimeters) are laid.

Rules of care

In order for the plant to develop normally, it is recommended to provide it with adequate and complete care.


The plant should be watered regularly. This is especially true during rapid growth and flowering. Excessive dryness of the soil causes serious harm to the rose. Therefore, watering is carried out immediately after the soil dries.

At the same time, it is worth remembering a sense of proportion

It is important that the earth does not become sour. Ornamental plants are highly sensitive to excess moisture

This is especially true in winter and autumn. Therefore, after budding stops, watering should be reduced. To moisten the soil, it is recommended to use settled and filtered water.

How to feed correctly

The plant requires systematic feeding. It is recommended to use fertilizers in spring and summer. This is done once every 2 weeks. It is recommended to alternately use mineral and organic compounds. It is worth choosing standard preparations that are suitable for flowers. It is recommended to mix the product with water before use.


This procedure ensures good flowering and proper development of indoor roses. Pruning helps give the bush a beautiful shape.


It is recommended to trim the peduncle after flowering has completed if the crop is weakened. To do this, you need to take gardening gloves, sharp pruning shears and a container for cuttings. When flowering ends, the bud bends down and the petals fall off. It is these flowers that are recommended to be removed.


If the stems of the bush have become dark or wrinkled, they also need to be cut off. Healthy and strong branches are green or brown in color. If the stem is half healthy, it should be cut a little above the eye socket. If weakened and thin stems appear that are directed inside the bush, it is recommended to remove them too, cutting them off near the very base. They prevent the air circulation that the plant needs.


It is necessary to trim the leaves if you want to get a crop with a long trunk and a thick top. When pruning in spring and autumn, leaves should be removed for sanitary purposes. This helps to ensure proper flowering of the crop.


Weak shooters cannot hold heavy flowers properly. In such a situation, they must be removed.


From time to time, indoor roses require transplants. To carry out the procedure correctly, it is worth considering many features.


With the systematic use of fertilizing in the summer, the soil does not have time to deplete. Roses are transplanted only if the soil has changed its characteristics - it has become denser or, conversely, resembles dust. The procedure is also carried out if the plant has outgrown the size of the pot. It is recommended to carry out manipulation in February, before the rose awakens.

How to transplant

To transplant a rose, it is recommended to place expanded clay at the bottom of the pot. If there are the required number of drainage holes in the pot, this step can be neglected. After this, the rose should be carefully removed from the pot and moved to a new one. Sprinkle the prepared substrate on top.

Treatment against pests and diseases

The crop may encounter various pathologies and pests. In such a situation, it is recommended to remove the damaged fragments and treat the crop with fungicides or insecticides.

Choosing a pot

To ensure full development of an indoor rose, it is important to choose the right container for its cultivation. The new pot should be larger than the previous one, several centimeters in diameter

It should be 5-7 centimeters higher in height. However, it is not recommended to use too large a container.


When optimal conditions are created for the crop, it blooms every 8-9 weeks throughout the year. At the same time, the bush is covered with small decorative flowers of different shades. To make flowering more abundant, the plant should be moved to a cool place for the winter. He should be provided with complete rest and shoots should be cut to 10 centimeters.

In winter, the culture is dormant. It is recommended to prepare it for this period. To do this, it is worth reducing the number of waterings. They are carried out at intervals of 3 days. It is best to water the plant through a tray. It is not recommended to fertilize the flower during this period.

Landing rules

After completing the drainage, a mixture of soil and phosphate fertilizers is added to the poor soil. The roots of the seedling are evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the hole and are gradually covered with earth. From time to time it is necessary to compact the soil. At the end of the process, the cuttings are watered abundantly.

In fertile soil, the process of planting a tea rose is different. The drainage is compacted and covered with a one to two centimeter layer of soil. Then water is poured in and planting is done in the same way as in the first option.

Beneficial features

The unique chemical composition of tea rose petals gives them a wide range of beneficial properties. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Increasing the overall resistance of the body, its ability to resist bacteria and viruses.
  2. Normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Remedies based on rose petals not only reduce inflammatory processes, but even promote the healing of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract [10]. They help get rid of “lazy” bowel syndrome and improve liver health [11]. A slight choleretic effect is also noted.
  3. Help in the fight against insomnia, relief from nervous tension. A bath with rose petals has a relaxing effect and relieves muscle spasms. If you find yourself in a situation where you are forced to constantly exist in a mode of intellectual and emotional overload, periodically relieve yourself by inhaling the aroma of rose oil.
  4. Treatment of colds, relief of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract and oral cavity. Rose petal jam is recommended for sore throat, pharyngitis, periodontitis and stomatitis.
  5. Improving the condition of skin and hair. Rose petals have bactericidal properties, promoting wound healing and getting rid of acne. When using preparations based on this plant material, the skin becomes velvety, becomes more tender, and its tone improves. In case of allergies or mosquito bites, it is enough to apply fresh pink petals to the itchy places, after kneading them in your fingers - the burning and irritation will disappear.
  6. Normalization of the monthly cycle in women. Rose petal remedies are useful for heavy and painful periods.
  7. Removing excess fluid from the body, which helps relieve the kidneys. This way you can get rid of edema [12][13].

Not only rose petals, but even their aroma have medicinal properties. Breathing rose essential oil is indicated for angina pectoris and a tendency to heart disease. In this case, you can wear a ceramic medallion around your neck, in which a few drops of rose oil are placed.

Also, inhaling rose oil helps relieve symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia: dizziness, sudden attacks of weakness and nausea, panic attacks. To do this, you need to take slow and long breaths, inhaling healing ethereal vapors as deeply as possible.

We all know “grandmother’s” recipe in case of upper respiratory tract diseases - breathe over a pan of boiled potatoes in their jackets. However, few people know that for bronchitis and tracheitis, steam inhalations can also be done with rose petals.

Rose water, an infusion of rose petals, helps with neuralgia [14]. It is applied to the area of ​​the skin where the person is experiencing pain. Also, compresses with rose water are useful for radiculitis and osteochondrosis.


After planting, the plant needs regular watering. You need to use either rain or settled water and water the bush twice a week. Pour directly under the root so that the splashes do not fall on the foliage - a fungal disease may develop.

The rose actively blooms, “taking” nutrients from the soil. Twice a month it is necessary to make up for losses and feed the plant with manure, bird droppings, etc. fertilizers.

Important! To achieve a spectacular bud color, add a handful of salt to the soil.

Secrets of care

Care is the same as for ordinary roses:
You need to hill up the planted plant immediately, using peat or coconut substrate. This will protect the rhizomes and stems from drying out or freezing for the entire adaptation period.

It is recommended to water no more than once a week, so as not to provoke the development of fungus, in copious amounts and in the morning, water should not touch the leaves. It is better to place a watering hose with slow water pressure under the stem of the plant for a while.

Take preventive measures in the form of spraying (from bottom to top), with a solution: dissolve 100 g of colloidal sulfur in 100 liters of water, the first 2 sprays with an interval of 2 weeks, then once a month.

After the first flowering, you need to remove fading inflorescences and prune annually to shape.

The rose produces its first flowers on lateral branches of the 1st or 2nd order, which grow on the stems of the first or second year; repeated flowering appears at the tops of the shoots. The first flowering is the most abundant, so the shoots sometimes cannot even withstand the weight of the flowers and begin to sag or break.

To preserve the plant, from the second year onwards, in the spring you need to prune 1/3 of the annual shoots and 2-3 buds of the lateral shoots. After the first flowering, be sure to remove the wilted inflorescences, and the rose will delight you with flowers again.

At the first frost in cold regions, roses should be prepared for winter: remove old inflorescences, remove painful shoots, cover the base of the plant with fertilizers to a depth of 35-40 cm.

It is recommended to remove climbing varieties from their support, arrange them and place them on a prepared area of ​​dry foliage (or spruce branches), make a frame structure, cover the top with burlap, then with polyethylene film.

Be sure to clear the stems of leaves and treat them with a solution of iron sulfate (3%). Leave the ends of the winter house open until the temperature stabilizes around -5°C.

Ventilation is required periodically both in winter and in spring; with spring warming, you can gradually free the roses from their shelter, preferably on a cloudy day, and unwrap them thoroughly only at the very end.


A homemade tea rose is “trimmed” three times a season. The abundance of ovaries and the general appearance of the flower depend on the correct execution of the “haircut.”

In spring, all affected branches and leaves are removed. Only after this are young shoots without buds or with a small number of them cut off.

It is recommended to trim mature, strong branches so that at least three buds remain on them.

Summer pruning is purely cosmetic. Every amateur gardener gives the bush the shape that suits his taste. Branches with a small number of inflorescences should be removed, this will help other shoots receive more nutrients.

In autumn, weak and old (three-year-old) branches are removed. Only healthy shoots should remain on the bush. Before wintering, it is recommended to leave only five branches that have grown this year.

Important! The procedure should be performed at an angle of forty-five degrees, stepping back from the ovary by one to two centimeters.


It is very difficult for tea roses to survive the winter in central Russia. She is thermophilic. If there is insufficient shelter, it will die.

  1. Before wintering, cut off all diseased shoots. They collect them and fallen leaves and then burn them.
  2. The bush is highly mulched with compost or peat, this will prevent the roots from freezing.
  3. The lashes of the climbing tea rose are removed from the support. Roll it up into a ring. Placed on spruce branches.
  4. A frame is built over them, burlap is placed on top, and a film is placed on it, fixed with improvised materials.
  5. The ends of the shelter are left open for air circulation. Close when a stable sub-zero temperature is established.


Black spots or a whitish coating on the leaves indicate problems with the queen of flowers.

The stains will disappear if you dig up the soil, which will saturate it with oxygen.

A white coating indicates powdery mildew disease. Such a disaster occurs due to the excessive amount of fertilizer applied. It is necessary to pour new soil under the bush.

To prevent diseases, the bush is sprayed. “Colloidal sulfur” is purchased in the store and the solution is prepared in accordance with the instructions on the bag.

Diseases and pests

A common disease of tea roses is powdery mildew. Its manifestation is a white coating on the leaves and stems. At the first signs of the disease, immediately carefully treat the bush with a systemic fungicide.

But this is not the only misfortune. Rose buds may become covered with a gray coating - this is the sporulation of a fungus that causes gray rot. This disease occurs when there is excess humidity, and spreads rapidly, like all fungal diseases.

If gray plaque is detected, the plant is treated with a systemic fungicide. This drug is effective not only against gray rot, but also against powdery mildew. At the same time, it destroys spider mites.

Bronze beetles love to feast on buds. They do this in the evening, and during the day they hide under lumps of earth. Therefore, the only effective way to combat them is to collect them by hand in the evening by flashlight or early in the morning.

Pests of culture

Tea rose is very susceptible to various pests. You should check your rose bush frequently for signs of disease and pests. Mites, aphids, scale insects and other pests feed on plant sap, causing leaves to curl and fall and shoots to die.

The fight against pests and diseases of bush roses should begin with preventive measures that are carried out throughout the season. Spring treatment with insecticides is carried out until buds appear.

To control pests, you can rinse them off with a stream of water or wash the leaves with soapy water.

Powdery mildew appears as white spots on the leaves. It can be controlled with fungicides.

Powdery mildew on roses

Helpful information! If necessary, if viral or bacterial diseases have spread to rose bushes, diseased shoots are pruned back to healthy wood.

Roses are cultivated all over the world, despite a wide variety of climatic conditions. Caring for a tea rose in the garden and at home will not be particularly difficult. As a result, you will be able to enjoy the beauty of bright and fragrant flowers. This culture will create a beautiful look in the design of any garden and will decorate any flower beds in a city park or garden plot.

Diseases of tea rose (fragrant rose) and treatment

Tea rose diseases also deserve special attention. This flower, growing at home, is susceptible to a large number of diseases, for example, powdery mildew. This disease affects the stems and leaves of the plant, covering them with a white coating that looks like a cobweb. As a result of lack of treatment, the young stems will begin to die and the flower will stop growing. The culprit of this disease is considered to be fungi, which can attack tea roses growing not only outdoors, but also indoors. Factors contributing to the development of powdery mildew:

  • poor oxygen access to the root system;
  • low or high indoor humidity;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • excess fertilizer.

Another common disease of fragrant roses is spotting. This disease is the appearance of black dots on leaves and young shoots, which occur due to the lack of the required level of moisture and the required temperature.

Garden plot design

The extraordinary beauty and charm of the flower have made it a favorite element of decorating summer cottages. Almost every photograph of a landscape design features a tea rose.

It is decorated with gazebos, arches, paths and garden paths. Climbing species ennoble the walls of the house, fences, and gazebos. Upright growing plants are the main element of flower arrangements - unique colorful islands in summer cottages.


Rose cannot stand temperature changes. This leads to the fact that it fades and stops blooming. You can expose plants to fresh air only after you have hardened off the plant. This is not difficult to do: in early spring you can start opening windows for several hours a day. This way you will get more luxuriant blooms in the summer. However, you should be careful: it is not recommended to place tea roses in a pot on hot windowsills when caring for them, because an excess of sunlight will cause the plant to begin to shed its leaves.

During the summer months, the tea rose will feel great on the loggia or balcony, but it is important that the temperature does not rise above 25 degrees. During the winter cold period, the plant will need a large amount of light. If there is not enough natural light, gardeners recommend purchasing special lamps.

Photo of tea rose

Use in cooking

Tea rose petals have also been in demand in cooking since ancient times. There are a huge number of ways to use them. Fresh petals are used to decorate cakes and desserts. They are dried, soaked, and used to make jam, honey, as well as liqueurs and tinctures.

Candied rose petals are especially popular. They can act as an independent dessert, as well as an exquisite decoration for other dishes.

Rose petals are also added to black tea to give it a piquant aroma. In some countries, tea rose is used as a raw material for an independent drink. It has a pleasant, refreshing taste, as well as a very specific tart aroma.

And finally, we have all been familiar with rose petal jam since childhood - an exquisite delicacy that can satisfy the most demanding taste. Also, jelly and marmalade are prepared from tea rose buds, and cottage cheese and yoghurt are flavored with rose water.

True culinary professionals know that using rose water and rose petals is not as easy as it might seem. It is enough to just slightly overdo it with the essential oil of the queen of flowers, and the dish will turn into something with a suffocating aroma, reminiscent of expired perfume.

You need to consider what ingredients tea rose is combined with:

  1. Rose water adds flavor to dishes high in chocolate, coffee and citrus zest. It also goes well with bitter spices, in particular cloves. In Spain, a very popular sweet rose water soup is ajoblanco, to which honey and ground almonds are added and served with grapes and melon.
  2. Roses with almonds are another popular combination. Thus, in France, Orgeat almond-rose syrup, which tastes similar to amaretto, is widely available on store shelves. It is used to make cocktails. And in Iran, almond slices, soaked in rose water and rolled in sugar, are one of the main holiday delicacies.
  3. Melon pulp in rose syrup is a popular delicacy in India. Before serving, the delicacy is kept in the refrigerator for some time.
  4. The bitter aroma of coffee will partially dampen the sugary quality of the rose, so in the East, Turkish delight prepared with rose water is often served with this invigorating drink.
  5. A few drops of rose water can be added to apple desserts. Their taste will become more intense, and the aroma will sparkle in a new way.
  6. Roses and cucumbers are a strange combination, but nevertheless very popular in the UK. They prepare a cocktail with sliced ​​cucumbers and rose water. It is believed that this is a tribute to the traditions of the Victorian era, when sandwiches with slices of fresh cucumbers were served at garden picnics.
  7. A few drops of rose water added to lemonade will allow this drink to sparkle with new colors.
  8. Chocolate candies with pink fudge, chocolate ice cream in rose water sauce are another very winning combination.
  9. Cardamom, pistachios and rose water are a combination that will turn even an ordinary ice cream into an exquisite dessert that can satisfy even the most picky gourmet.

How to choose a plant when buying?

The look of your garden directly depends on the choice of seedlings. In order not to be disappointed in your purchase, you should follow simple rules :

  • Think about where exactly the rose bush will grow.
  • It is better to buy seedlings in specialized nurseries.
  • The root system of the seedling should be well developed and dark brown in color.
  • It is worth purchasing a one-year or two-year-old seedling with several living stems and dormant buds. Blooming buds are a definite reason to refuse the purchase.
  • Seedlings in containers are more preferable; they are less susceptible to injury to the root system.


The optimal way to propagate roses is cuttings. It is better to carry it out in the summer season. Should the cutting length be 10–15 cm after cutting? which must be immediately placed in water. Monitor the number of buds on the cutting - there should be at least three. Then the container with the cuttings is placed in a warm place and left for 3-4 weeks. After the roots appear, they are planted in special soil.

Rose is one of the most beautiful and popular plants. These beautiful flowers are a wonderful gift or decoration for your home or garden. Read our materials on the cultivation, care and propagation of varieties Empress Farah, Rugosa, Double Delight, Cordesa, Abraham Derby, Agangement, Chippendale, Kenyan, Lady of Shalott and Graham Thomas.


If the plant is satisfied with the humidity and the place where it grows, the flowering will be abundant and fluffy. But it also happens differently - and then flower growers wonder what to do in such a situation?

Here are some recommendations:

  • If the rose does not bloom, transplant it into a new pot.
  • Perform a complete pruning of the bush.
  • Change the place where the rose is located, perhaps you should change the lighting and air temperature.
  • Feed.

Soil preparation

First of all, the place chosen for planting should be thoroughly cleared of weeds . Next you need to dig up the soil. The recommended digging depth is 40–50 centimeters. The general rule is that the worse the soil composition, the deeper it needs to be dug.

Subtleties of planting roses:

  • The stem must be “recessed” into the ground at least 5 cm.
  • Abundant watering immediately after planting will help the seedling to take root in its new location.
  • After absorbing the water, you should carefully spud the rose and create a shadow of 20–25 cm for a period of at least a week.
  • After planting, you should moisten the soil every 3-5 days.
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