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Snow-white lily, Candidum, medicinal - all these are different names for a perennial flower with beautiful white petals, belonging to the genus of lilies. The plant is valued for its aesthetic appearance, but in addition, it has a large number of beneficial properties that are used in cosmetology and folk medicine.

White lily is widespread in the Balkans and Western Asia


There are about 100 varieties of this flower, and the snow-white lily has its own variations.


The classic subspecies - Lílium candidum - has beautiful snow-white petals and yellow perianths, the clusters are lush and densely arranged.

The indoor lily candidum is a rather finicky flower, but it can grow well in indoor conditions.

Lilium candidum

Asian hybrids

This includes varieties such as Malvina, Aphrodite, Tango, Detroit, Golden Stone, Forever Susan and others.

Asiatic lilies can look different and are distinguished by their bright colors. They are valued for their high frost resistance.

European hybrids

These are snow-white flowers descended from European species. Lilies are extremely demanding to care for.

Chalcedonicum is almost always cited as an example. But experts consider Apollo to be the best variety among them.

White medicinal

The plant has a wide range of beneficial properties and is used as:

  • Antiseptic.
  • Tonic.
  • A remedy for inflammation and pain.
  • Laxative.
  • Choleretic and diuretic.
  • Calming.
  • Hemostatic.
  • For tissue regeneration.
  • For lightening purposes.

Nymphea is also most often snow-white


Nymphea, or water flower, also belongs to the category of snow-white lilies and has a special appearance - water lilies.

Nymphea, according to its name, grows only in reservoirs. It is distinguished by a long brown rhizome running horizontally, large floating leaves, round or heart-shaped, and single flowers up to 20 cm in diameter.

Today, many people plant water lilies in artificial ponds.

Description and photo

Lily belongs to the Liliaceae family. It grows from a bulb. Its name translated from Gallic means “white-white” . This is very symbolic, since out of the variety of species, the white lily the first to become known .

It adorned ancient frescoes, was a symbol of royal power, and was woven into brides’ wreaths. Modern brides also often choose it for their wedding bouquet. In Christianity, the white lily is called the flower of the Virgin Mary, as a symbol of purity and purity.

But let's return to the description of the plant itself. Its appearance cannot be confused with any other. It is characterized by a straight long stem of 30 cm, oblong leaves, large flowers looking up. 4-5 flowers bloom at the same time. The photo below shows the White Lily.

What does the White Lily look like - photo of the flower:

Meaning in the language of flowers

The peoples of the world recognize the incredible beauty of lilies and give it the meaning of purity and purity, tenderness and tranquility.

For the French, the bouquet also personifies mercy, and in eastern countries they see the plant’s resemblance to a lotus.

In ancient times, Candidum was a sign of refined taste and high origin: it could be found on lodges and chariots, and ladies decorated their hair with it.

White lilies decorate hair


Reproduction is available by several methods.

Using seeds:

  • In the wild they spread through the air - the wind easily carries them over long distances.
  • Mature seeds are brown in color and treated with hydrogen peroxide or zinc sulfate before planting.
  • It is recommended to plant in February-March.

Suitable mixtures:
  • leaf soil and sand;
  • sandy-peaty with an admixture of humus.

The seeds are laid on the surface and sprinkled with a half-centimeter layer of sand and peat mixture on top and lightly moistened. To create a greenhouse effect, the pots are covered with film until the first shoots appear.

As soon as you notice that the seedlings have 4-5 leaves, place them in separate pots. Transplantation under the open sky is carried out during May - June.

Vegetative method

Bulbous method. If the plant lives for more than three years in open ground, then rest assured that the bulb is ready to reproduce. They dig it up, carefully separate it, and plant it.

Using scales. After flowering, the bulb is removed, then the scales are separated by pressing on the base. They are placed in a soil mixture similar to that used for seeds. After 4-12 weeks you can see 2-3 new bulbs. Flowering occurs no earlier than 4 years.

Bulbs. They are formed at the end of the growing season. The bulbs are considered ripe when they fall off. They are placed at a depth of 0.5 cm (that is, sprinkled on top), maintaining a gap of 6 cm between the bulbs and 25 cm between the rows.

If you decide to buy planting material, then take a closer look to see if there are any external defects, damage, stains of mold or rot. It should be dry, hard and elastic.

Take mature and large specimens, since young ones rarely bloom in the first years, if they take root at all.

Planting a flower in open soil

The main question for gardeners concerns the rules for planting bulbs in the garden, in particular, when it is best to do this - in spring or autumn. The choice depends on the initial state of the material and climatic factors.

Having decided on the time, it is necessary to adhere to general principles:

  1. Take a healthy onion. Pre-clean it of dry scales.
  2. The bottom of the garden pit is covered with sand (2-3 cm). The top of the shoot is also covered with sand.
  3. If planting occurs in the fall, then the place is covered with mulch. Peat and sawdust or humus are added if necessary to create an acidic environment.
  4. Afterwards the plant is watered abundantly.

The water lily is planted in clay soil, placed in a special tub, and then on the bottom of the reservoir.

The snow-white flower among Christian peoples is considered a symbol of the Archangel Gabriel and the Virgin Mary

leopard lily

Belamkanda Chinese, blackberry and leopard lily are the same plant, just different variations of the name. This type of plant can be distinguished from others by its short rhizome, gray-green sword-shaped foliage collected in a bunch, and inflorescences of orange flowers with dark spots.

There is another unique feature of the leopard lily: its flower blooms for only 1 day. In the morning at sunrise it blooms, and towards sunset it curls up and fades.

At the end of summer, belamkanda's seed capsules ripen; over time, they open, and the black, smooth seeds can overwinter in this form all winter. The seeds germinate very well, the main thing is to provide them with stratification, and in the fall the seedlings can be planted.

Caring for a snow-white flower

For each subspecies it is necessary to select individual conditions for growth and development.

Lighting, temperature and humidity

The plant needs sunlight, they cannot be placed in the shade, however, the flowers do not welcome active heat.

Lilies need to be watered periodically, maintaining adequate soil moisture and preventing flooding if placed outdoors.

Feeding, preparation for winter

Fertilizing should be done 3 times, using only mineral fertilizers. These are the periods: at the beginning of growth, before flowering, after the petals fall in August or September.

The lily cannot live in conditions of both heat and cold, so before the onset of winter its bulbs are transplanted into baskets.

Benefits and harms

In addition to aesthetic pleasure, white lily is good for health and has medicinal properties . On its basis, tinctures are prepared, which:

  • soothe toothache;
  • heal wounds, burns and bruises;
  • cleanses the skin, including freckles;
  • help with heart diseases;
  • act as a diuretic;
  • help with arthritis;
  • used to combat cancer.

It is very simple to prepare the tincture at home.

During flowering, the petals are collected and placed in a container with dark glass.

Pour the contents with wine vinegar so that it covers the petals by 2 cm.

Close the container tightly and put it in a cool, dark place.

After 6 weeks the product is ready. Before use, shake the tincture and dilute 2/3 with boiled water. contraindications for use. The main thing is to correctly observe the proportions during cooking. White lily is not poisonous , but if you inhale its aroma for a long time, it causes headaches and nausea.

How to propagate a plant?

The easiest way to propagate these flowers is by dividing the bush. Approximately once every 3 years in August or September, the plant is dug up, and the inflorescence is carefully unraveled and separated from the shoot.

The most complex propagation method involves collecting and preparing seeds. Amateurs practically do not practice this method, since they will have to wait about 5 years for flowering.

In Europe, lilies are bred as a source of essential oil for the production of perfumes

Long-flowered lily

The long-flowered lily is the smallest among its relatives. The stem height is from 30 to 90 cm, the bulb is oval, made of tightly adjacent scales. The leaves are light green, the flowers are long white tubular, with bright yellow pollen, more like bells. The flowering period is from May to September.

In caring for the plant, important aspects are: average illumination (eastern, western side), abundant watering 2-3 times a week, and fertilizers during the period of active growth. Grows well in loose, nutritious soil with neutral acidity. Sudden temperature changes can prevent flowering.

Photo of lilies

Use in garden design

Lush lily bushes and monoflower beds with the addition of snow-white plants look good in an outdoor garden.

It is not recommended to plant flowers in separate plantings, especially in the middle of mixborders and the front area of ​​the site. The fact is that some species will begin to fade earlier than others and will have to be cut off - this must be taken into account when planning the landscape.

Snow-white beauties will look expressive if they are placed in tapestry flower beds or rose gardens.

Asiatic lilies

Initially, Asiatic lilies were exclusively red-orange in color. Over time, with the help of anthocyanins, pink, white and purple flowers appeared. The height of the peduncle reaches 150 cm; it grows well in greenhouses, garden plots and greenhouses. It has a concentrated tart aroma, petal shape:

  • turban-shaped;
  • cup-shaped;
  • funnel-shaped;
  • stellar.

By adhering to some rules for caring for lilies, growing flowers will be a real pleasure.

It is imperative to trim off faded flowers and seed ovaries, because they deplete the peduncle.

The stem must be burned; it is not suitable for composting.

Fast-growing species need to be freed from their daughter bulbs.

Amazonian or Eucharis

The bud opens 10 cm in width, only a couple of times a year with rational and balanced maintenance. It will become an elegant decorative element.

It is placed on the windowsill, preferably on the north side. The optimal temperature is 18-22 degrees. Overwatering can cause rot, so water less frequently and in small quantities.

Based on the review of lily varieties, with photos and names, you can, with the simplicity inherent in competent gardeners, navigate your choice based on specific nuances.

To enjoy beauty throughout the entire season, purchase a wide variety, based on existing reviews, and they will gradually change, pleasing your eye.

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