Description of chokeberry and its use in landscape design

  • Description of chokeberry
  • The benefits of chokeberry berries
  • Which chokeberry varieties to choose
  • Propagation of chokeberry
  • How to grow chokeberry
  • Selecting a location
  • Landing rules
  • Caring for chokeberry
  • How to use chokeberry in the garden

After a period of offensive decline in the popularity of chokeberry, it is back in fashion. And even though finding a good varietal seedling is still sometimes difficult, chokeberries are slowly winning back their rightful place in our gardens. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of chokeberry fruits. As is its decorative effect, although this is too often neglected. Beautiful crown, foliage, flowering and fruiting make chokeberry one of the most versatile skeletal shrubs that look attractive from early spring to winter. And for a good harvest, you just need to remember to water.

Chokeberry: photo, description, useful properties, planting and care.

How else is the chokeberry plant used?

Aronia chokeberry, as already noted, is a relatively moisture-loving species. This feature is often used by foresters to cultivate waterlogged forest glades, swampy treeless spaces or areas where moisture is retained for a long time in the spring, after the snow melts, and in the fall, during the rainy season. Experience shows that chokeberry is quite suitable for afforestation of temporarily waterlogged areas. Such lands can also be found in areas allocated for gardens. It is also good to use chokeberry here: neither apple tree, nor cherry tree, nor other garden species will give a significant effect under these conditions. By the way, the economic effect of chokeberry plantings is very impressive.

Another “consumer” of chokeberry is green construction. We have already talked about the enviable appearance of the plant, which changes several times a year. The chokeberry leaves do not fall off for a long time, maintaining their original autumn colors. Chokeberry is good as a bush on the lawn or in the form of a small clump. Single standard specimens also look impressive - free-standing trees obtained by grafting chokeberry onto mountain ash or hawthorn. Chokeberry is used in landscaping and as hedges.

Which chokeberry varieties to choose

A good alternative to the common chokeberry is Chokeberry Michurin , a hybrid species up to 2 m high with a typical chokeberry appearance, but with larger fruits. It is not for nothing that the plant has earned the nickname of early-fruiting chokeberry, giving a bountiful harvest in September - earlier than the species plants. Decorative forms of chokeberry are also popular - elastic , large-leaved , semi-deciduous .

Chokeberry cannot boast of a large selection of varieties, and they differ little from each other. Choose local, regionalized varieties based on fruit and bush size. A sweeter, less tart flavor and tender texture are almost guaranteed.

Aronia Michurina.

Chokeberry: cultivation and care, reproduction, varieties

Chokeberry (Chokeberry) – Aronia melanocarpa Elliot. Homeland - the Atlantic coast of North America.

Perennial deciduous shrub, height – 3 meters. Up to 6-7 years the bushes are compressed, then they spread out from the weight. The feeding area of ​​one plant is 5-6 m2. The root system is fibrous and branched.

Chokeberry has three types of buds: dormant, mixed and growing. Chokeberry bears fruit on ringlets, fruiting spears and mixed branches.

In the center of the mixed bud there is an inflorescence - a complex shield containing 10-30 flowers. The flowers are bisexual. The life span of one flower is 8-10 days

Self-pollinating flowers are an important natural adaptation of the bush, since thanks to this the fruit set is 80-90%

Chokeberry flowers

The shoots of black rowan are slightly pubescent and thin. The leaves look like cherry trees. The rowan fruit is apple-shaped and, when biologically ripe, has a dark color with a bloom. The pulp is juicy, tart, contains organic acids, tannins, sugars, and iodine. Fruit weight is from 1 to 1.5 g. Weight of 1000 seeds is 3-4 g.

The peculiarity of chokeberry is that the higher the harvest this year, the later the fruits of the next year ripen. Under unfavorable weather conditions, the process of turning growth buds into fruit buds may stop. Special conditions for growing chokeberry are not required, as it tolerates temperature changes and frosts well. Chokeberry is light-loving, so it does not tolerate shading. Pollination does not occur with its own pollen, so for food purposes it is better to plant in groups.

Black rowan does not tolerate rocky, dry, saline soils. Requires regular watering with soaking of the soil layer up to 50 cm.

Planting chokeberry consists of the following steps:

  1. Applying fertilizers to the entire planting area, at the rate of 5-6 kg of humus, 100 g of phosphorus and 40 g of potassium fertilizers per 1 m2. If we plant only one plant, then we place the entire above-mentioned norm of fertilizers in the planting hole. For high yields, fertilize annually.
  2. We plant according to the scheme 3.5 x 2.5 m. Planting on light soils to a depth of 6-8 cm, on heavy soils 2-3 cm deeper than the root collar. You can plant not only seedlings, but also adult bushes.
  3. Regular watering at the rate of 2-3 buckets of water for an adult bush.
  4. Caring for chokeberries involves weeding the rows or trunk holes to remove weeds. And, if necessary, protection from pests and diseases.

How to prune chokeberry? One of the features of black rowan is that an adult bush should have more than 40 branches (stems) of different ages. Therefore, pruning of chokeberry, up to 7 years of age, is carried out only for cutting out sick, injured, twisted branches. After 7 years, pruning of chokeberry is required for rejuvenation. We trim it in February-March, later in regions with long winters, but always according to dormant buds.

Black rowan fruits

Propagation of chokeberry

How does chokeberry reproduce? Chokeberry propagates by seeds, root suckers, cuttings, dividing the bush and grafting. The seeds are difficult to germinate, so seed propagation is used only in breeding. Chokeberry propagation is best done by cuttings.

It is better to harvest cuttings in the initial lignification phase - this phase occurs during mass flowering of mountain ash.

Cuttings are cut from young bushes, from the lower part of the shoot. Cutting length 5-10 cm (1-2 internodes). Root into prepared soil: garden soil with humus 1 bucket per m2, on top a layer of river sand with peat 1:1, 4-6 cm high. The cuttings are planted to a depth of 1.5-2 cm with a distance of 5-10 cm and a row spacing of 0 .5 m. Chubuki are watered and covered with film or glass, shading them from the bright sun. After 2-3 weeks, roots should appear. After two months, the shelter is completely removed, and in the fall the cuttings are planted. The cuttings are planted in the main place after 2 years.

Among the chokeberry vaccinations, summer budding with a dormant bud in a T-shaped incision is used.

Varieties of chokeberry:

  • Chokeberry Venisa is a universal variety. Berry weight – 1.3 g.
  • Chokeberry Nadzeya is a universal variety. Berry weight – 1.2 g.
  • Viking, Chernookaya, Altai large, Aron, Rubina, Nero, Hakkia, Nova Ves, Karkhumaki, Dabrovice. The yield and biological characteristics of varietal mountain ash are similar to each other.

In landscape design, chokeberry is used for planting free-growing hedges, or for single planting.

Botanical description and characteristics

Back in 1935, chokeberry was assigned to the chokeberry family, which differs in many ways from our usual one. Chokeberry is known not only for its unusual fruits, but also for its origin. Thanks to the work of the breeder Michurin, in which scientists crossed two species of this plant, chokeberry appeared. Thus, it received a characteristic second name in honor of its creator.

Important! The fruits of chokeberry are rich in iodine, which comes into the berries from the soil. However, the amount of this microelement depends on the region of growth.

Aronia mitschurinii is a shrub that reaches a height of about 3 m. Despite the size of the deciduous bush, its roots are not deeply buried and have many small branches. Over the years, the crown of the plant can increase in diameter up to 3 m. Chokeberry has beautiful not only fruits, but also leaves. They take on unusual colors in the fall, ranging from purple to red and orange. During the flowering period, the windows of apartments and houses can be kept open throughout the day, as the flowers emit a pleasant fragrant aroma.

When the plant begins to bear fruit, umbrellas with large black berries appear on the bright foliage. Their size is similar to a pea, they are large and juicy. Unripe fruits can be distinguished by color - they will be red. Already ripe chokeberries can be eaten: they taste sweet, but slightly tart.

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Planting in spring and autumn

Bushes can be planted in spring and autumn.

From mid-September to the twentieth of October, they are planted in the middle zone so that the roots develop before the onset of frost, and the bush itself goes into a dormant state, preparing for winter. Such bushes have greater winter hardiness.

In the spring, their development and growth begin immediately, which is a big advantage compared to seedlings planted in the spring (a lag of more than 20 days). When planting in the spring, it is necessary to monitor the occurrence of return frosts, the effect of dry winds, and temperature changes. Planting must be done before the buds open and the temperature reaches +15°C.

Site selection and soil preparation

Different types of soil are suitable for growing chokeberry. It thrives on chernozem, sod-podzolic, forest soils, on drained peat bogs and in lowlands, with a groundwater depth of no more than two meters. If the soil is clayey, sand and compost are added to it. Unsuitable:

  • rocky;
  • salty;
  • wetlands.

A place must be chosen with sufficient moisture and well-lit so that the harvest is abundant and the fruits ripen evenly.

How to choose a seedling

The difference between the characteristics of different varieties is insignificant; when choosing a seedling, it is assumed that the planting material must be adapted to local conditions. The best option is to purchase zoned varieties from a local nursery or select a bush from a neighboring plot as the starting material. A one- or two-year-old seedling with the following parameters and external characteristics is suitable:

  • height up to 1.3 m;
  • the taproots are elastic, at least 25 cm, with a large number of radiating roots;
  • bark without damage.

With a closed one, you can plant it at any time, even in summer.

When choosing a seedling with an open root system, you should pay attention to the presence of 2-3 elastic, developed roots 20 cm long; when the bark is scratched, a green layer is revealed; the shoots do not break when bent

Preparing the planting hole

The planting hole and substrate must be prepared several weeks before planting. Recommended pit size: 60x60x50 cm. The removed top layer of earth is mixed with:

  • superphosphate (120 g);
  • potassium sulfate (60 g);
  • compost or humus (2 buckets).


Before planting, the seedling is inspected, damaged areas of the roots are cut off, and dried areas are placed in water for 10 hours. To ensure better survival, the roots are dipped into a mixture of mullein, clay and water. Chokeberry needs to be planted deeper than it grew in the nursery in order to cover the root shoots coming from the root collar with soil:

  • in heavy soils - by 2-3 cm;
  • in the lungs - by 6 cm.

After the soil shrinks, the root collar will be 1-3 cm below ground level. At the bottom of the planting hole, a mound of previously prepared substrate is poured over the drainage. Install the seedling, evenly distributing the roots and making sure there are no bends.

Cover with substrate, carefully shaking the trunk so that no voids form. The tree trunk circle is compacted and watered

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A layer of mulch from sawdust, peat, and grass is poured on top. Trim the above-ground part to 20 cm if planted in spring. When planting in the fall, pruning is postponed until the spring buds open.

Reproduction methods

Chokeberry is a self-pollinating plant. Like other crops, the rowan bush can be propagated by seeds, grafting, layering, cuttings, and dividing the bush. But the easiest way is propagation by root suckers. The appearance of the first shoots will not keep you waiting long, and over the summer progress of about 40 cm will be noticeable.

Did you know? In Nalchik in 2016, the largest panel of chokeberry berries was laid out. His size was 12

19 m, and more than 4 tons of berries were spent on the painting.
Reproduction by seeds occurs in mid-spring or October days. Winter will be favorable to such seedlings, and the natural process of stratification will go well. The seeds are deepened into the soil by 2–3 cm. For the grafting method, rowan or pear material is used. But if you do not have the time or desire to use such methods, then you can always buy a ready-made seedling.

Now you know that chokeberry can decorate compositions on your site, but does not require significant care. By following simple rules, you will be able to create a massive hedge, attractive landscape groups, or focus on a single shrub in combination with other plants. Planting it on the site not only contributes to beauty, but is also beneficial, because along with a bright accent you also get a storehouse of useful microelements.


Chokeberry is very beneficial for the body due to its rich composition. It contains vitamins C, A, P, K and group B, beta-carotene, tocopherol, amygdalin, coumarin, iron, phosphorus, molybdenum, boron, manganese. Sorbitol contained in fruits stabilizes blood sugar levels and prevents surges, which is especially necessary for those suffering from diabetes. Rowan is rich in iodine and is very useful for people with endocrine system problems. The berry has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • gives strength and vigor;
  • stabilizes the central nervous system;
  • relieves anxiety and neuroses;
  • improves sleep;
  • slows down the aging of the body;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • breaks down and removes cholesterol;
  • reduces the likelihood of myocardial infarction;
  • thins the blood and improves its circulation;
  • gently opens and cleanses blood vessels;
  • improves the functioning of all organs;
  • removes excess bile and fluid;
  • facilitates liver function;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • improves digestion;
  • stops the action of free radicals;
  • helps reduce swelling of internal organs and limbs.

Chokeberry is used to prevent certain diseases:

  • varicose veins
  • atherosclerosis
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • thrombosis
  • thrombophlebitis

Application in landscape design

Due to its attractive appearance, chokeberry is often used to decorate garden plots and to create attractive landscape design compositions. This plant retains its beauty from early spring until late autumn. From the very beginning of the warm season, this bush is covered with large white flowers, which become a bright contrast against the background of green leaves.

The spectacular appearance is maintained due to the combination of black berries and orange-red leaves of chokeberry. This plant can be planted either alone or in groups, and a hedge will look quite impressive on the site.

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If the decision was made to plant a hedge of chokeberry, then in 3–5 years you can get a massive composition that will delight you not only with its beautiful shape, but also with its medicinal qualities. Chokeberry bushes, growing, form a dense green fence that tolerates pruning well. Also, such a fence can trap dust and protect other plants from its unwanted appearance. Plants need to be trimmed once every 2-3 years. This interval must be observed so that the rowan has time to bear fruit, and by cutting 15–20 cm less each time, you will give the bush the opportunity to grow in height.

In general, caring for a chokeberry hedge is quite simple, and in return you will receive a good natural fence and a healthy annual harvest of berries.

Single and group plantings

Chokeberry bushes look great both in single and group plantings. The key point is the ability to grow quickly enough and produce new shoots, which distinguishes this bush from other similar plants. In addition, rowan is quite unpretentious to the soil, does not require constant fertilizing, and easily tolerates frost and prolonged drought.

Did you know? Rowan is considered a symbol of family happiness. There is a belief according to which the berries must be laid out on the windowsill or between the frames, and as long as they retain their color, the family unit will become stronger.

It is important to adhere to the principles of pruning and follow the rules of care to maintain the attractive appearance of your garden plot.

Compatibility with other plants

Chokeberry looks great in the garden at any time of the year due to its attractive appearance. This bush goes well with various plants, thanks to which you can create interesting landscape design compositions. Partners for rowan can be paniculata hydrangeas, perennial asters, Korean chrysanthemums or Japanese anemones. It is often used in a hedge with other fertile bushes, such as red currants or gooseberries.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Back in the middle of the 20th century, the described plant was listed in a book on medicinal crops. The berry can help against many diseases, but you should not rely on it completely. Chokeberry is rich in iodine, iron, copper, manganese, boron and contains vitamins C, E, K, B1, B2, B6. For the fair sex, this berry is considered very useful: its properties slow down the aging process.

It is important to remember that excessive consumption of rowan fruits can cause an allergic reaction due to the oversaturation of the body with vitamins. In this case, the pressure may change, heartburn or constipation may occur. If you are taking a complex of vitamins with calcium, then at this time you should exclude rowan from your diet, as it does not allow calcium to be absorbed normally. When taking chokeberry as a preventive measure, do not forget that it promotes blood thickening, and this is one of the causes of thrombosis.

Important! In order to preserve the medicinal properties of chokeberry fruits for the winter, they should be dried. It is not recommended to resort to freezing, because this storage method destroys valuable tannins.

Chokeberry perfectly increases appetite; it is recommended to be consumed by people with digestive disorders, as well as obesity, because it saturates well and relieves false feelings of hunger. During periods of immune restoration, it is recommended to drink rowan tea or simply enjoy the berries. Rowan stabilizes blood sugar levels, helping with diabetes.

Planting chokeberry

The first step in growing a crop. If you plant chokeberry correctly (it makes no difference in autumn or spring), it will quickly take root, grow and after a short period of time begin to produce a harvest of healthy berries

Since the plant is undemanding to soil composition, attention is paid to the level of lighting and soil acidity

Selecting a location

Chokeberry grows well in both sandy and loamy soils. However, in the latter stages it will bloom more luxuriantly, which means that fruiting will be more abundant and longer. Before planting chokeberry, dense soil should be drained and loosened. The main tools are sand and compost. They are brought in for digging, having previously removed the remaining weeds. The place should be illuminated throughout the day and protected from drafts. Since the root system of chokeberry is superficial, the groundwater level may lie close. The main thing is not to plant the crop on saline soils. Development will stop and the seedling will quickly wither.


Shrubs and trees of any crop are usually planted in spring or autumn. Chokeberry is no exception. It takes root well even after spring planting. However, at this time the plant spends a lot of energy not only on rooting, but also on the development of green mass. Planting chokeberry (chokeberry) in the fall allows the plant to direct all its efforts to building up the underground part and go into winter with strong immunity.

Favorable neighborhood

The main factor influencing the choice of a neighbor for chokeberry is height. Since the crop loves an abundance of light, trees and shrubs growing nearby should not interfere with the access of sunlight. Chokeberries are often used to form a hedge. Red rowan is used as “inclusions” in the landscape design (design) of the “fence”. Since the first one is difficult to tolerate shadow, it is located further south. In general, the proximity of different species of the same genus is very successful - it promotes cross-pollination and abundant fruiting.

The most “tolerant” tree in the garden is the apple tree. It is undemanding, like chokeberry. By planting the latter nearby, you can use a biological method to protect the apple tree from pests. It is enough to leave a few black fruits, which will attract birds during the cold season. By pecking insects, they will save the shoots of the apple tree and chokeberry from damage.

Please note! Due to the presence of the same pests on chokeberries and chokeberries, it is better to avoid placing crops nearby.

Landing technology

When the location has been determined, the area where the bush will grow has been prepared (cleared of weeds, dug up and fertilized), the main work begins. The sequence of actions, as well as the steps themselves, are the same, regardless of the timing - the end of April or the beginning of September. Progress:

  1. A week before planting a chokeberry seedling, dig a planting hole with dimensions of 50 x 50 cm.
  2. A peg for garter is installed at the bottom, a substrate is laid out from soil (5 kg), humus (5 kg), wood ash (300 g), superphosphate (150 g).
  3. If necessary, add fertile soil to reach a height of half the hole.
  4. Pour in a bucket of water.
  5. A seedling is placed in the center, the roots are straightened, sprinkled with earth, without deepening the root collar more than 2 cm.
  6. The tree trunk circle is re-moistened with a bucket of water and mulched with a 10 cm layer of peat.
  7. The shoots are shortened by a third of their length, leaving 4 buds on each.

Care for chokeberry

How to care in spring

Caring for chokeberry is very simple. In spring, the plant needs sanitary and formative pruning, as well as whitewashing the surface of the trunk with lime. It is recommended to carry out these procedures in the last days of March or the first days of April. Preventive treatment of the plant must be carried out in April; this will kill all pests and pathogens that survived the winter in the plant bark or in the surface of the tree trunk. In May, chokeberry needs timely weeding, and it is better to do it immediately after the weed appears.

In spring, the plants are fertilized with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

How to care in summer

In summer, a large number of harmful insects appear, so you need to be especially careful at this time. Make sure that all plants in the garden are healthy, and at the first symptoms of the disease or in the presence of pests, immediately begin treatment of the affected specimen. To treat the plant, you need to choose those preparations or folk remedies that are suitable in this particular case.

Chokeberry is distinguished by its resistance to drought. However, if it is very hot in the summer and there is a drought, it must be watered. After watering, it is very easy to loosen the soil surface and remove weeds.

Autumn care

The fruits ripen in the last days of August, but they are recommended to be collected only after the first frost. In autumn, seedlings of this plant are planted in open soil. Planted plants need to be prepared for wintering. When the shrub begins its dormant period, it will need sanitary pruning. The chokeberry will also need preventive treatment, during which all pests and pathogenic microorganisms located on the surface of the tree trunk and in the bark of the plant itself will be destroyed. Young specimens need to be hilled high, while the surface of the trunk circle is covered with spruce branches or dried leaves. Adult specimens do not need shelter for the winter.

Processing chokeberry

To maintain the health of the plant and avoid possible problems, the shrub needs preventive treatments against various diseases and harmful insects. They are produced at the very beginning of spring, before the buds open. To treat the plant, use a solution of Bordeaux mixture (1%). Treatment for preventive purposes in autumn is carried out after all the foliage has fallen, and the same or a similar product is used for spraying. You can replace Bordeaux mixture with a urea solution (7%), this will not only destroy pests and pathogens, but also feed the chokeberry with nitrogen.

Watering chokeberry

Such a plant especially urgently needs watering at the very beginning of the growing season, especially if there is prolonged drought and heat. Also, watering the chokeberry is necessary at the time when the fruits begin to form. Depending on its age, 20 to 30 liters should be poured under 1 bush at a time. You need to pour water into pre-prepared furrows, which are made around the plant at a distance of 0.3–0.4 meters from the crown projection.

When watering is completed and the water is absorbed into the soil, it is recommended to loosen its top layer, as well as weeding. The first loosening of the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 centimeters around the plant should be done at the very beginning of the spring period. In total, during the summer it will be necessary to carry out another 4 or 5 loosenings. When all the fruits have been collected from the plant, be sure to loosen the surface of the trunk circle and cover it with a layer of mulch (manure, peat or compost).


In order for the harvest to be rich, chokeberry will need timely feeding. If the soil on the site is saturated with nutrients, then you will only need to feed the plant once in the spring. So, 50 grams of ammonium nitrate is added to the soil under one plant, while the surface of the tree trunk circle is mulched with organic matter (compost, manure or humus). If the soil is poor, then the chokeberry will need to be fed in the first weeks of summer. To do this, pour 10 liters of bird droppings solution (10 parts water and 1 part droppings) or 1 bucket of mullein solution (1 part mullein to 5 parts water) under one plant. In the autumn, when all the fruits have been harvested, fertilizers need to be added to the soil, so 100 grams of superphosphate and 500 ml of wood ash are taken per bush.

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Chokeberry: cultivation, benefits, recipes, 30 photos

Chokeberry or chokeberry is a fruit shrub or tree, the name of which is translated from Greek as “benefit”, “help”. The berries are highly valued not only for their excellent taste, but also for their extremely rich biochemical composition, which determines the benefits of chokeberry for the body.


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  • Chokeberry tree photo
  • Aronia chokeberry planting and care
  • Chokeberry: beneficial properties
  • Chokeberry lowers blood pressure
  • What else is useful for chokeberry?
  • Chokeberry: contraindications
  • Rowan chokeberry planting and care
  • Planting chokeberry in spring
  • Chokeberry: care and pruning
  • How to propagate chokeberry
  • What to cook from chokeberry
  • Chokeberry jam
  • Chokeberry compote
  • Chokeberry wine
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  • Pie with chokeberry
  • Chokeberry syrup

Aronia chokeberry: description, photo

Chokeberry belongs to the fruit shrubs or trees of the Aronia species from the Rosaceae family. The historical homeland of the plant is considered to be North America, as well as Canada, where chokeberry grows in the wild.

Appearance Features:

  • chokeberry height reaches 2-2.5 m;
  • the crown is dense, compact, spherical, can reach 2 m in diameter;
  • the root system is spreading, located close to the surface;
  • the leaves are dark green, turning purple by October.

Chokeberry bears round fruits 6-8 mm in diameter, collected in large clusters and ripening just before the first frost. The berries have a characteristic sweet-sour, astringent-tart taste.


Photo of berries at the end of August

Chokeberry leaves

Chokeberry leaves from the back side

How chokeberry blooms

It blooms in late May or early June. During the flowering period, the fruit bush is covered with large five-petaled flowers, with tall light pink or snow-white stamens.

The inflorescences are collected in dense, corymbose inflorescences. In the first ten days of September, the flowers are replaced by shiny spherical fruits of a black or purple-black hue with a slight bluish bloom.

Chokeberry tree photo

The tree can reach 2-2.8 m in height. Young shoots of the plant have a brownish tint, which becomes gray over time. Rowan leaves are oblong, elliptical, up to 6-8 cm long, with a serrated edge.

Chokeberry is grown as an ornamental, medicinal and fruit tree. A photo of the chokeberry tree can be seen below.

Aronia bush

Chokeberry branches

Aronia chokeberry planting and care

Refers to crops that are unpretentious in cultivation and care. That is why this fruit shrub can be seen in many garden plots. Growing rowan will not present any particular difficulties if you remember the basic nuances:

  • planting time - late September, early October or April;
  • lighting - bright sunlight;
  • soil – loamy, moist, with a neutral reaction;
  • watering - during the growing season and fruit formation, 2 buckets for each bush;
  • pruning - April-May;
  • propagation - cuttings, layering, dividing the bush, root suckers and grafting.

For active growth, full development and high yield of chokeberry, timely feeding is very important. These can be either industrial fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, superphosphate) or organic fertilizers - a solution of bird droppings or mullein.

When growing chokeberry, timely pruning of the bush is very important. Without pruning, it begins to rapidly grow in width and height, the middle of the plant turns into dense thickets and stops bearing fruit. Only side shoots bear berries. That is why it is very important to control the height of the plant and the number of its branches.

The first pruning is carried out in the spring. Fruit bush seedlings are pruned to a height of 18-20 cm. Next year, leave only a few strong shoots from the resulting shoots, leveling them in height, cut the rest at the very base.

Video on how to trim:

The next year, a few more strong shoots are added to the bush, the rest are leveled by pruning. Every year it is necessary to add several strong branches to the bush - when their number approaches 8-12, the chokeberry bush can be considered formed.

In chokeberry, branches that have not reached 8 years of age are considered fruit-bearing. As soon as the shoot overcomes this mark, it needs to be cut out, leaving instead a well-developed branch from the basal shoots.

When the entire plant becomes old, carry out the so-called anti-aging pruning - cut off all the shoots at the base, regardless of age, and form a new bush from the young shoots that appear in their place.

Chokeberry: beneficial properties

It is considered a real natural “record holder” for the content of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, amino acids and other useful substances. Tasty and aromatic berries contain flavonoids, tannins, anthocyanin pigments, sugars and pectins.

The rich biochemical composition determines the beneficial properties:

  • normalizes blood pressure levels;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, restores their elasticity;
  • improves the functioning of the hematopoietic system;
  • relieves minor painful spasms;
  • normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • improves appetite and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalizes the outflow and formation of bile;
  • stimulates the healing of wounds, microcracks and burns;
  • accelerates the removal of harmful waste and toxins from the body.

The fruits have a mild diuretic effect in diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, help fight skin rashes due to allergies, and normalize stool in intestinal disorders.

Regular consumption of rowan berries is useful for diabetes, anemia, vitamin deficiency, gastritis with high levels of gastric acidity, atherosclerosis, thyroid diseases, kidney diseases and arterial hypertension.

Aronia berries saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to various viruses and pathogens.

Chokeberry lowers blood pressure

An important feature of chokeberry berries is their ability to normalize blood pressure levels. The aromatic fruits contain magnesium, selenium, cobalt and potassium, which improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalize hematopoiesis and stabilize blood pressure.

Berries strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve hematopoiesis - this leads to normalization of blood pressure. That is why doctors recommend consuming chokeberry for patients with arterial hypertension.

What else is useful for chokeberry?

Daily consumption of 1-2 tablespoons of these berries is very beneficial for a person of any age. What are the benefits of chokeberry fruits:

  • remove radioactive metals and radionuclides;
  • iodine normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland - maintains hormonal balance in the body;
  • improves digestion;
  • normalizes stool;
  • relieves headaches.

Berries are indispensable for women's health. They normalize the menstrual cycle, reduce the unpleasant manifestations of PMS and menopause.

Fragrant fruits improve mood and put the emotional background in order - they help with insomnia, nervousness, stress and depression. They are no less useful for nursing mothers - berries increase lactation and make breast milk more satisfying and nutritious.

Chokeberry: contraindications

Chokeberry contains a large number of biologically active substances that can cause an ambiguous reaction in the body. Therefore, it is imperative to take into account existing contraindications for use.

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • gastritis with increased stomach acidity;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • tendency to regular constipation.

For chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, urinary and hematopoietic systems, before consuming chokeberry berries, it is best to consult a doctor so as not to harm the body.

Rowan chokeberry planting and care

Chokeberry can be planted in open soil both in autumn and spring. Many gardeners consider the last ten days of September or the first days of October to be the optimal period, although fruit bushes can be planted in April.

This crop is undemanding to soil. The only exception is saline soil, on which chokeberry cannot be grown. The optimal conditions for active growth, lush flowering and a rich harvest of rowan are considered to be sufficient sunlight and moist, loamy soil with a neutral reaction.

The root system of chokeberry reaches no more than 55-65 cm deep into the soil, so it can be grown even in areas with groundwater located close to the soil surface.

Chokeberry is often grown not only as a medicinal or fruit tree, but also for decorative purposes. This lush shrub can become a beautiful hedge that can decorate any garden plot.

Planting chokeberry in spring

Spring planting of chokeberry is carried out in mid or late April. For planting, it is best to choose seedlings with a well-developed root system - the length of the roots should be at least 25-30 cm.

If the roots of the seedlings are dry or weathered, they must be “rehabilitated”, otherwise the plant will not take root and take root. They should be filled with water and left for 48 hours - this time is enough to restore the root system.

Features of planting chokeberry:

  1. Remove all broken, dry roots and diseased shoots from the seedling.
  2. Rowan is best planted in open soil in the evening or in cloudy weather.
  3. Chokeberry should be planted at a distance of at least 2.5-3 m from other trees and fruit bushes, as it requires maximum sunlight.
  4. The depth of the hole for the plant should be at least 40-60 cm.
  5. Mix fertile soil with 300 g of wood ash, a bucket of humus and 150 g of superphosphate and fill the hole about 1/3 full with this mixture.
  6. Fill the hole with soil and fill the hole with a bucket of water.
  7. Place the seedling in the center of the hole so that the root collar is immersed under the soil to a depth of 2 cm.

Straighten the soil, tamp it down lightly, and then water the seedling again with a bucket of water. After this, mulch the tree trunk circle with peat, straw or humus - the layer of mulch should be at least 6-10 cm high.

At the final stage of planting, shorten the shoots of the plant to 18-20 cm, leaving no more than 5 buds on each.

Chokeberry: care and pruning

Spring care is not particularly difficult. Its main stages are sanitary (removal of dry and diseased shoots) and formative pruning, as well as treatment of the lower part of the trunks with lime solution.

Also in the spring, treatment is carried out against pests and various diseases. For this purpose, you can use both folk remedies and modern insecticidal preparations. Urea and Bordeaux mixture have a good effect - they not only protect against diseases, but also feed the plant with nitrogen.

For high yields of rowan, mineral and organic fertilizers are important:

  • 50 g of ammonium nitrate for each bush, after which mulching is carried out with compost, manure or humus;
  • mullein mixed with water in a ratio of 1:5;
  • bird droppings mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10;
  • 100 g of superphosphate and 500 g of wood ash are added in late autumn, after harvesting.

Chokeberry loves the sun very much, but does not tolerate hot, dry weather. In summer, fruit crops need watering - moisture is especially important at the beginning of the growing season and before fruit formation. For this purpose, at least 2-3 buckets of water are poured under each bush.

After watering, it is convenient to loosen the tree trunk circle. The optimal time for the first loosening is April-May, another 2-4 treatments are carried out in the summer months. The depth of soil loosening should be at least 5-8 cm.

In May, most often the fruit bush “suffers” from weeds - it is very important to promptly remove weeds that can slow down the growth of chokeberry and reduce productivity. In autumn, the shrub needs to be prepared for the dormant period.

This process includes sanitary pruning, treatment against pests that can overwinter under the bark, hilling, covering the tree trunk with spruce branches or dry leaves.

How to propagate chokeberry

Reproduction is carried out in several ways - by seeds, green and woody cuttings, layering, dividing the bush, grafting and root suckers. Gardeners consider seed propagation and cuttings to be the easiest and most effective.

Step-by-step cuttings:

  1. For propagation, annual shoots from branches 3-4 years old, 15-18 cm long, with 4-6 eyes are used.
  2. Shoots are cut from the mother plant in the second half of September.
  3. Plant the cuttings at a distance of about 10 cm from each other, at an angle of 45°, leaving only 2 buds above the soil level.
  4. Water the planted cuttings and mulch using peat.
  5. As soon as the cuttings have taken root sufficiently, feed them with ammonium nitrate (10 g per 10 liters of water).

For propagation, you can use the seed method. First of all, prepare the seeds - rub the ripe berries through a sieve, cover with water and leave for several hours. After this, mix the seeds with calcined river sand in a ratio of 1:3. The wet substance must undergo stratification - to do this, place it wet in the refrigerator for 12 weeks.

To plant seeds in open ground, make small furrows up to 7-8 cm deep in it, sow the seeds and sprinkle with soil, mulch with humus or sawdust. When the seedlings have 2 true green leaves, thin them out, leaving about 3-4 cm between them.

When the seedlings have 5-7 leaves, they are thinned to a distance of 6-7 cm. The last thinning of the seedlings is carried out next spring to a distance of up to 10 cm. When planting seeds, do not forget about regular care of the seedlings - watering, loosening the soil, weed control.

What to cook from chokeberry

One of the main features of chokeberry is that it retains all its beneficial substances and medicinal properties even after heat treatment. Juicy and aromatic chokeberry berries are widely used in cooking - delicious and healthy jams, preserves, compotes, tinctures and wines are prepared from them, they are used as a filling in the preparation of pies, rolls and other baked goods.

Chokeberry jam

There are many recipes for making tasty and healthy chokeberry jam. Most often in recipes, berries are mixed with granulated sugar in a 1:2 ratio, but each housewife can reduce or increase the amount of sugar at her own discretion.

Rub 2 kg of ripe and washed berries through a sieve, mix with 4 kg of sugar and mince. Pour the fruit mass into a thick-walled bowl or pan and place over low heat.

Bring the berries to a boil and simmer for 4-6 minutes, stirring constantly so that the sugar grains do not burn. Pour the finished treat into sterilized jars and screw the lids on tightly.

Chokeberry compote

Chokeberry compote can be prepared not only in the summer heat, but also prepared for future use, delighting the family with a tasty and healthy drink in the winter.

Required ingredients:

  • rowan berries – 800 g;
  • granulated sugar – 400-500 g;
  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • water – 5-6 l.

Rinse the rowan thoroughly under running water, cut the lemon into thin slices, and boil the water. Pour a handful of berries with a few slices of lemon into glass jars and pour boiling water over them.

Leave for 3-4 minutes, then pour from the jar into the pan and boil again. Sprinkle the berries in a jar with sugar and pour in the boiled compote, roll up with sterilized lids.

Chokeberry wine

Chokeberry wine is a tasty and aromatic intoxicating drink that will become a real decoration for any holiday feast, surpassing all industrially produced wines.

Ingredients for making wine:

  • rowan berries – 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 700-900 g;
  • water – 600-700 ml.

Mash the berries with a wooden pestle and mix with half the granulated sugar, pour into a glass container, cover the neck with gauze and leave in a dark and warm place for 7 days. When foam appears on the surface of the wine, strain it and pour into another container, wearing a medical glove with punctures in several fingers.

Mix the grounds remaining after straining with the remaining granulated sugar and heated water, leave for 5 days in a warm and dry place. After this, strain the grounds and add to the juice. When the mass stops fermenting, the foam disappears and the glove drops, pour the drink through cheesecloth into separate glass containers and leave to infuse for 12-15 weeks.

Chokeberry tincture

Chokeberry tincture is not only a tasty, but also a healthy drink that will decorate any holiday table.

To prepare the tincture you will need:

  • rowan berries – 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • vodka – 2 l;
  • clove buds – 6-7 pcs.

Grind the berries with a wooden pestle, mix with clove buds and sugar. Cover with gauze and leave to infuse for 48 hours at room temperature.

After this, add vodka to the berries, close the container with a nylon lid and place for 8 weeks in a dark and cool place. Filter the finished tincture through cheesecloth and pour into glass bottles for further storage.

Pie with chokeberry

Ripe chokeberry berries are used as a filling for various pies, pastries and other pastries. Such products are prepared very simply, but they turn out surprisingly tasty, aromatic and “airy”.

For rowan pie you will need:

  • rowan berries – 400 g;
  • cottage cheese – 400 g;
  • wheat flour – 200 g;
  • granulated sugar – 200 g;
  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs;
  • baking powder for dough – 2 sachets.

Beat the cottage cheese with granulated sugar using a fork or blender. Add eggs to the mixture and mix again.

Pour sifted flour and baking powder into the prepared mass, mix again and add chokeberry berries. Pour the dough into a baking dish and leave for 25-35 minutes in the oven preheated to 180°

Chokeberry syrup

Tasty and aromatic rowan syrup can be a worthy alternative to store-bought drinks. To prepare it, pour 1.7 kg of ripe berries into 2 liters of water, add 10-12 g of citric acid, mix thoroughly and cover the container with the fruit mass.

Leave the rowan for 24 hours, wrapping the vessel in a warm terry towel. After this, filter the syrup, add the berries separately (they can be used to make compote or jam).

Add granulated sugar (600-900 g per 1 liter) to the prepared syrup, bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 8-10 minutes. Pour into pre-sterilized jars and seal with lids.

Chokeberry is a tasty and healthy berry, which is considered an invaluable storehouse of useful vitamins, micro- and macroelements and other useful substances. Aronia berries are widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in cooking - many delicious and aromatic drinks, desserts and other dishes are prepared from it. Rowan is unpretentious in care, so even a novice gardener can grow this fruit shrub, decorating his garden plot with a beautiful, neat plant.


Chokeberry reproduces by seeds and vegetatively. Gardeners usually use vegetative propagation, which allows them to get a new plant as quickly as possible. The most popular method is cuttings.


The seeds are extracted from ripened fruits.
They are ground in a sieve and then immersed in water so that the pulp remaining on the seeds is separated. Seed propagation order:

  1. The seed material is subjected to stratification. The seeds are washed and placed in a container with disinfected sand - pre-heat it in the oven.
  2. Place the container with the seeds in the refrigerator, in the bottom drawer for vegetables.
  3. The seeds are planted at the end of April in the grooves. The depth of the furrows is 6-8 cm. The top of the crops is covered with soil and sprinkled with mulch.
  4. When the seedlings have 2 true leaves, thinning is carried out. There should be 3 cm between adjacent plants. With the appearance of 4-5 leaves, thinning is repeated, increasing the intervals to 6 cm.
  5. The next thinning is carried out next spring. This time, gaps of 10 cm are left between the grown young animals.
  6. In the autumn of the 2nd year, young seedlings can be transplanted.

While growing seedlings, the beds are watered, weeded and fed. Fertilizing is applied once - in the spring, watered with diluted manure.


The plant is propagated by green and woody cuttings. They are harvested at different times, the first in June, the second in September.

Propagation of chokeberry using different types of cuttings:

Requirements for cuttingsLength 10-15 cm from shoot tipsLength – 15-20 cm (5-6 buds). Cut from the middle of 2-4 year old branches
SubstrateMix garden soil with wood ash and compostCoarse river sand. Layer thickness – 10-15 cm. Base – clean and loose soil
Environmental conditionsOptimal temperature; +20°С. Constant humidity
Planting and rootingLanding angle 45 degrees. Intervals between cuttings are 4 cm Planted at an angle of 45 degrees. The interval between cuttings is 10-12 cm
CareModerate watering, loosening, weeding, hilling

The survival rate of cuttings is high - 70-100%. They are fed with ammonium nitrate (30 g per 10 liters of water) and slurry. Transplantation of seedlings to a permanent place is carried out a year later, next autumn.

Root suckers

Aronia produces many root suckers that can grow into a new plant. The shoots are separated with a shovel from the mother bush along with the roots. The shoot is trimmed so that about 4 buds remain on it. Next, the plant is cared for in the same way as ordinary seedlings.

By layering

Under the bush in the spring, dig up the soil 20 cm deep.
The strongest shoots are selected. They are bent to the soil and secured with staples. The tops of the shoots are pinched. They are then cared for like mature bushes. When the shoots from the layering reach 12 cm, they are covered with humus. The plants continue to grow, and the dusting is repeated 3-4 more times. The separation and transplantation of the “daughters” is carried out next spring.

Dividing the bush

Chokeberry has roots concentrated at a depth of up to 60 cm, so it can be dug up and divided into parts. The resulting shares are planted, resulting in several new bushes at once. When dividing, old shoots are removed from the resulting parts. Reproduction by division is also a rejuvenating procedure.

Attention! Only generative propagation - by shoots, division, layering - allows you to preserve the varietal characteristics of the plant.


Chokeberry is grafted in the spring, before sap flow begins. The rootstocks are seedlings of ordinary rowan. A split is made on the rootstock with a sharp tool, and the scion is cut with a wedge. The shoots are tightly combined and wrapped with film to create a greenhouse effect. after a month the “winding” is removed.

Care after landing

The shrub's maintenance requirements are minimal. In addition, it is rarely affected by pests and diseases. This makes it especially attractive for growing in the country, where the presence of a gardener is not constant.

Shelter for the winter

A seedling planted in the fall needs to be prepared for the first winter season. To do this, bend it to the ground and press it with boards.

It is important to do this until the air temperature drops to -1°C—2°C

Otherwise, the stem of the bush will lose elasticity and may break.

When bending the bush, it is important to ensure that the height of the arc does not exceed 20 -30 cm

Additionally, the seedling is covered with spruce branches, and the layer of mulch is made higher. In winters with little snow, the bush is covered with snow.

In the spring, when a stable temperature has established, the plant needs to be straightened. If you keep it bent down for a long time, the apical shoots can prop up.

A chokeberry seedling is bent to the ground and pressed, covered with spruce branches

Do shoots need to be trimmed?

For the correct balance of stability and yield, an adult shrub should have 30-50 strong trunks.

Sanitary pruning involves removing old, rotten and bare branches. The shrub lays fruit buds on annual shoots, so they should not be shortened.

To increase the productivity and life expectancy of the shrub, rejuvenating pruning should be carried out every 3-4 years. During the procedure, chokeberry shoots are shortened by half their height.

Top dressing

Chokeberry responds well to fertilizing, which should be done twice a year. To do this, the following must be embedded into the tree trunk circle per 1 m2:

  • ammonium nitrate 20 g (in spring);
  • potassium salt 20 g, superphosphate 30 g (autumn).

Good results are obtained by foliar feeding of the bush after flowering, when the fruits begin to set. To do this, it is sprayed with an aqueous solution of urea (20g/10l).

Chokeberry responds well to fertilizing, which should be done twice a year.

With the accumulation of excessive amounts of nitrogen, the growth and duration of formation of root shoots increases. In young shoots, the bark does not have time to become lignified and the apical bud does not form.

This leads to severe freezing even in the most favorable winter. Therefore, nitrogen fertilizing should not be done in the second half of the growing season.

Watering and loosening the soil

Chokeberry is a moisture-loving crop. Watering is especially important for it at the beginning of the growing season and during fruit formation.

In persistent hot weather, the bush is watered every week. The water requirement for an adult shrub is 30 liters.

To do this, you can make watering furrows at a distance of 30-40 cm from the trunks of the bush. With this method, water will penetrate to all the roots of the plant.

Excessive soil compaction contributes to severe freezing of the soil in the root layers, which significantly reduces the winter hardiness of the shrub.

Prevention of diseases and pests

After harvesting and in the spring before buds open, the shrub must be treated with fungicides. To do this, it is sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

The shrub is resistant to pests. The reason for the spread of insects to chokeberry can be a massive infestation of the area by pests.

In these cases, you need to take a drastic measure - spraying with chemicals.

Chokeberry is resistant to pest damage; for prevention it is sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture

The fruits of chokeberry are good for culinary preparations and are especially valuable for their medicinal properties. The shrub is also attractive for its decorative properties.

The plant's hedge will transform the backdrop of the garden three times a year, ranging from white during flowering to purple leaves in late fall.

Planting and caring for chokeberry:

The benefits of chokeberry berries

Medicinal and edible, the fruits of chokeberry are one of the most valuable among shrub plants. They are collected as they are completely colored into that almost perfect black color and when their sweetness opens - in September and early October. The first berries can be selectively picked as early as August.

Fruits without leaves and stalks are stored in the refrigerator in “breathable” containers for up to 2 months. For long-term storage, chokeberry can be frozen, canned, or used as an addition to other berries and fruits in preparations. But for medicinal purposes, the fruits are often dried at a moderate temperature (45-50 degrees).

Glucose and fructose make up about 10% of the mass, which allows the fruits to be quite sweet. And the sorbitol content makes them valuable for diabetic nutrition. But chokeberry is still valued for something else - its antioxidant properties, the content of vitamins PP, P, A, B and E, boron, iodine in accessible forms, fluorine, manganese, molybdenum, copper, iron, cobalt, phosphorus and other microelements. Chokeberry is a valuable source of not only vitamins and minerals, but also tannins, flavonoids, essential oils, pectin and amygdalin glycoside.

Chokeberry is valued as a preventive and therapeutic agent for hypertension, atherosclerosis, dermatitis, liver diseases, biliary tract diseases, allergic reactions, rheumatism, measles. And it is not for nothing that it is recognized as one of the best natural remedies for strengthening blood vessels and an effective choleretic, antispasmodic, and hypotensive product.

The berries increase blood clotting and the secretion of gastric juice, so all forms of phlebitis and peptic ulcers are a serious contraindication for consuming chokeberry.

Chokeberry is irreplaceable for industry and cooking thanks to its unique stable anthocyanin pigments. This is the best natural, and even vitamin dye. Chokeberry is an excellent addition to classic berries and fruits. It can be used in fillings, baked goods, desserts, jelly, marmalade, candied fruits, jelly, drinks, berry fruit drinks. Wine and tinctures are often made from chokeberry.

How to grow chokeberry

Environmental requirements

Aronia chokeberry is not very demanding on environmental conditions. The culture is winter-hardy and shade-tolerant. But in shaded places it practically does not bear fruit and can be used mainly only as an ornamental crop. Easily tolerates frosts of -30..-35 °C and even -40 °C. During the growing season, it produces higher yields with watering and good lighting. If agrotechnical requirements are met, the bush grows up to 3 m and forms up to 50 stems of different ages.

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Planting "chokeberry"

Aronia chokeberry is undemanding to soil and grows and develops normally even on depleted soils. Does not tolerate saline and rocky soils or flooding of the root system. Tolerates acidified soil, but neutral soils are most optimal. Acidic soil is neutralized with ash or dolomite flour, or lime.

To plant chokeberry seedlings, you need to buy them from specialized nurseries or use shoots of a well-known variety.

It is better to plant seedlings in the fall before the onset of severe cold or in the spring after the snow melts (if winters are very cold). Aronia chokeberry is a fast-growing crop and begins to bear fruit 1-3 years after planting.

Before planting, the roots of chokeberry seedlings are shortened to 25-30 cm and the stem is cut to 5-6 buds. The seedling is kept for several hours in a root solution or water.

Preparation of planting holes is carried out 2-3 weeks before planting the seedlings. Planting holes are dug with dimensions of 50x50x60 cm. The distance between planting holes is 2-2.5 m. If the planting is intended for fencing or for decorative purposes, then the plantings can be thickened and planted after 1-1.5 meters.

If the soil is depleted of nutrients, then the excavated soil is mixed with a bucket of organic matter (not fresh), 2-3 tablespoons of nitrophoska, a spoonful of potassium sulfate and 2 tablespoons of superphosphate are added. On fertile soils, you can limit yourself to a bucket of humus and mineral fertilizers - nitrophoska. If the soils are dense, you need to add 0.5-1.0 buckets of high-moor peat or sand.

Chokeberry planting is carried out similarly to other self-rooted bush-like berry crops. When planting, monitor the location of the root collar. It should not be buried, as this technique leads to the formation of a large number of basal shoots. If the shoots are not systematically cut out, the bush becomes shaded and loses productivity.

Chokeberry or Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa)

How to plant chokeberry

There is no need to worry about the soil: chokeberry can survive on both acidic and sandy soils. But on more acidified soil, its growth will be increased several times. Good lighting is important for this bush, since without the sun you may not see fruits and bright foliage for a long time. It is better to plant seedlings in the fall, but not everyone follows this rule. Planting in the spring, before the buds open, is also encouraged. Even if the leaves have already blossomed on the planting material, the bush will most likely successfully withstand weather conditions and take root.

Video: planting rowan

Planting chokeberry is no different from planting other fruit and berry crops. They dig a hole with the same depth and diameter - 50 cm, cover the seedling with a layer of fertile soil with humus and fertilizers, deepen the root collar by about 1.5 cm. After planting the seedling, it must be watered. Abundant watering will prevent the seedling from being rejected by the soil and will help it adapt. At this stage, humus, sawdust and dry soil are used to mulch the bush. After planting, it is cut into 4 healthy buds - this is about 20 cm.

Also find out what tapeworms are and the features of their use in landscape design.


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Caring for mountain ash on the site

In general, almost all rowan trees are fairly undemanding trees, decorative throughout the year. In mid-spring, they are covered with lacy foliage of a complex pinnately dissected shape, which darkens over time or (in some varieties) acquires a bronze or silver tint. Then numerous white-cream flowers appear on the tree, collected in large fluffy inflorescences with a strong aroma. In autumn, in their place, richly colored berries ripen, which are officially considered apples. They are collected in clusters and, as we have already mentioned, depending on the type of rowan, they can be not only the usual yellow-orange, but also almost white, lemon, pink, scarlet and even black. Well, in the fall the leaves turn yellow, orange, scarlet and burgundy. With the onset of winter, the rowan tree does not immediately and completely shed its bright outfit. Even when the leaves completely fall off, clusters of berries remain hanging on the branches, which do not fall off even under the weight of snow and attract many birds to the area - blackbirds, bullfinches, bee-eaters, waxwings and even pigeons and sparrows.

With good care, rowan grows up to 4-10 m in height. It is undemanding to soil, although it prefers light fertile loams with moderate moisture. The only requirement is regular watering and no stagnation of water at the roots.

It is best to plant rowan seedlings in autumn or early spring. If you have a choice, plant rowan in a sunny, wind-protected place on the site, at a distance of at least 5 m from other large trees - this way it will bloom and bear fruit better. If desired, when the seedlings grow up, form a trunk up to 80 cm in height and plant a couple of cuttings into its upper part, from which you will subsequently form a crown.

The rowan tree does not like being in the neighborhood only with juniper and hawthorn - these plants can be a source of various infections for each other, so they need to be planted on the territory as far as possible from one another, and it is better not to arrange them in one area at all.

Rowan is quite resistant to various pests and diseases, so basically in the future caring for it will be reduced to mulching the tree trunk, timely removal of weeds, watering and fertilizing (as for fruit trees). Every year, in early spring, before the buds open, mountain ash needs sanitary and formative pruning of the crown.

Rowan looks elegant and bright at any time of the year, which is very valuable in our climate. Whatever type and variety you choose, this plant will create unique accents in your garden, combining well with other trees and shrubs or looking great as a tapeworm - check for yourself.

Pests of chokeberry

Below we will describe those pests that most often settle on chokeberry.

Red apple and brown fruit mites

These small insects seriously harm not only this garden crop, but also plum, apple, pear and cherry trees. When the chokeberry fades, many larvae of this pest appear. They pierce the leaf blades and suck the juice out of them. After 20 days, the larvae become adults, and they lay larvae again. Over the course of one season, several generations of ticks develop. To destroy such pests, it is necessary to spray the affected bush with such agents as colloidal sulfur, Tsidial, Karbofos, Tedion, Kleschevit and other preparations of similar action. At the same time, they must be alternated, because the body of such a pest is capable of developing immunity to these drugs.

Green apple aphid

These small insects most often settle on young seedlings. This pest sucks the plant juice out of the chokeberry, causing it to weaken. It should also be remembered that aphids and mites are considered the main carriers of viral diseases that are incurable. As a preventative measure, the plant should be sprayed with Nitrafen, Bordeaux mixture or Karbofos before the buds open. The affected bush must be treated with Metaphos, Ambush, Decis, Biotlin, Cyanox or other means of similar action.


Caterpillars of the hawthorn butterfly gnaw out the buds as they open, and then destroy the flowers and leaf blades of the plant, of which only the veins remain

It should be remembered that one butterfly can lay about 500 eggs at a time, so it is so important to take care of protecting the chokeberry from such a pest. To do this, at the beginning of the spring, before the buds open, the bushes need to be sprayed with Oleocuprite, Bordeaux mixture or Nitrafen

Before chokeberry blooms, it should be treated with Karbofos, Zolon or Chlorophos.

Rowan moth

Rowan moth caterpillars gnaw holes in chokeberry berries. As a result, dark-colored spots form on their surface, and the fruits themselves become bitter. This pest can also settle on the mountain ash, and sometimes it can be found on the apple tree. To get rid of the pest, you should resort to the same methods of control as during the destruction of hawthorn.

Cherry slimy sawfly

The cherry slimy sawfly is a black insect with transparent wings and a shiny abdomen. It settles on the bush from the first days of July, and before the first autumn weeks it manages to cause significant damage to the leaf blades of the plant. The lifespan of a female of such a pest is slightly more than a week, but during this time one individual manages to lay about 75 eggs under the lower skin of the leaf blades. The larvae eat the foliage of the plant, leaving only veins of it. The affected bush should be sprayed with Chlorophos solution (20 to 30 grams per 10 liters of water). You can also use a solution of lime or soda ash for processing.

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