Life expectancy of rowan, places of growth, use in medicine and design

Everyone watched how rowan bunches burned with fire in the fall. After all, it is impossible to pass by a tree of extraordinary beauty. Its picturesque carved leaves captivate the eye. In spring, rowan berries are fragrant with white flowers and attract bees. In autumn she surprises with coral beads of berries. In winter, bright clusters hide under white caps of snow. This tree surprises with its decorative effect all year round. There are many types and varieties of rowan. Life expectancy, growing conditions, its application - all this interests many gardeners. Well, we invite you to watch this long-lived woman. The lifespan of mountain ash in nature can reach 300 years.

When to plant rowan in the fall?

The time of autumn planting is determined by the climate of the area where the mountain ash will grow:

  1. In the central region, the best period will be mid-September - mid-October.
  2. In southern latitudes, it is best to plant rowan from early October to early November.
  3. In the northern regions, an acceptable period would be the whole of September - early October.

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Honor and respect

In Ancient Rus', mountain ash always grew in every garden - as a symbol of happiness and peace in the family. One of the Christian holidays, the day of Peter and Paul Ryabinnikov, is also dedicated to this culture. Many agricultural signs have long been associated with rowan: when it blooms, it’s time to sow flax; when it blooms well, it means a rich flax harvest; when it blooms late, it means a long autumn... Rowan has always been held in high esteem. Its branches were used to decorate the home, and the powder from the dried fruit was added to flour. Berries boiled in honey, soaked or dried were served among other dishes. “I think you will be surprised to learn that rowan is a relative of the rose, they belong to the same family Rosaceae,”

Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin was the first to look at the ordinary rowan tree. By crossing it with various plants, he developed new varieties. “Burka” is a hybrid with alpine rowan, “pomegranate” - with blood-red hawthorn, “liqueur” - with chokeberry. Later, breeders experimented with medlar, apple and even pear trees. Thus, the varieties “scarlet large” and “beauty” were obtained from crossing Moravian rowan and a mixture of pear pollen. There are about 90 species of rowan in the world flora, but only 14 have been introduced into cultivation. And the most common is the common rowan. Sweet-fruited forms of rowan, such as Moravian, sweet-fruited, Nevezhinskaya, large-fruited, or domestic, have also been cultivated.

Distribution area

Rowan is a frost-resistant plant. It is widespread in northern Europe and Asia. It is known that places where mountain ash grows are sometimes found even beyond the Arctic Circle.

In the wild, these trees tend to grow solitarily or in small groups. Favorite habitats are the slopes of ravines, clearings and forest edges. Rowan prefers soddy-podzolic and medium loamy soils. It grows poorly on poor and sandy soils. Science has also proven that the lifespan of rowan is longer at high air humidity.

Common rowan grows in large quantities in Belarus, Ukraine (Galicia, Polesie), as well as in the European part of Russia. Other species of this plant are found in the Baltic states, Scandinavian countries, the Far East and Siberia.

Practical work “Fruits travel”

We see that the fruits of maple, birch or linden resemble small airplanes; they are very light and fly over long distances. This is how these trees have adapted to disseminate seeds.

The fruits of string and burdock spread differently. They have barbed hooks that cling to animal fur and human clothing. Both animals and humans carry these fruits.

Dandelion fruits are also very light, similar to parachutes. They are carried by the wind, but their shape differs from the fruits of trees. After all, dandelion is a herb and grows close to the ground. Therefore, in order for its seeds to travel, they must fly. So they developed such an adaptation to flight.

Try to explain why fruits must travel.

The fruits of plants must travel because plants need to spread to new territories. Where they grow there is little space for young shoots; the plants need open space. To get to it, the fruits have to travel.

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Caring for rowan trees is the same as caring for an orchard: timely watering, fertilizing and weeding.
The plant is very responsive to fertilizers. In the first year after planting, give up organic matter: it will only make the roots grow worse. Then (a year later) feed with nitrogen fertilizers in the spring, and in the fall apply 40-50 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium salt for each plant.

Since the roots of mountain ash lie close to the surface of the earth (18-20 cm), the soil around it must be loosened carefully. In addition, deep processing causes abundant growth of root shoots (especially in the first years after planting), which prevents the tree from growing. Therefore, every year in March, before the buds swell, carefully cut off the shoots with pruning shears or a sharp knife, without leaving stumps, otherwise new shoots will come out of the dormant buds.

Pruning is mainly carried out only for sanitary purposes. In vigorous varieties and species from 5-6 years of age, the height is limited to 3-3.5 m, transferring the central conductor to one of the lateral branches, and the skeletal branches to the lateral semi-skeletal ones. This way the crown turns out lighter, and the branches do not shade each other.

A planted rowan tree can delight you for half a century. But it actively bears fruit for no more than 25 years.

Copies and originals

Rowan is propagated by seeds and vegetatively - by grafting, root suckers, green cuttings, layering.
The easiest way is with seeds. But at the same time, seedlings do not always fully convey maternal qualities. The grafted tree begins to bear fruit in the 3-5th year, and when propagated by layering and root shoots - in the 5th-7th. All varietal rowan trees are self-sterile. Therefore, to obtain good harvests, it is necessary to have at least two different varieties on the plot. You can plant them on the same tree. Or plant wildflowers from the forest.

Two or more varieties blooming at the same time will ensure high-quality pollination and fruit set.

For every taste

In Europe, rowan is considered mainly an ornamental plant. More than a dozen varieties with multi-colored fruits have been bred: from white and yellow to orange and bright red with a great variety of shades. There are also shrub forms.

Kene.Pomegranate.Joseph Rock.

"Joseph Rock" is one of the most beautiful yellow-fruited mountain ash varieties.
The Kashmiri rowan has white, like luminous fruits, while the Arnold's rowan "Kirsten Pin" has pink fruits. The berries are richly pink, and the Chinese mountain ash has a “pink pagoda” coloration. The fruits of the English, squat, Tien Shan, Finnish and Japanese rowan have crimson-red fruits. Light red - in Kamchatka. Orange-red - in elderberry, common, Thuringian and broadleaf, orange - in aria. And bicolor rowan fruits can be cream, orange and red at the same time. The berries of the European rowan glogovina, or medicinal bereka, are yellowish-brown and turn blue when ripe. It also has the largest fruits - up to 12 mm in diameter! Sweet-sour, without bitterness, elderberry rowan berries ripen in September. It is very convenient to collect them: the bush does not grow higher than 2.5 m. The plant is winter-hardy, drought-resistant, and light-loving. In terms of its healing qualities it is not inferior to the mountain ash.

Rowan Kale comes from China, but has already acclimatized in our latitudes. These low (up to 3 m) trees are similar to the common rowan, but they bloom later - in mid-June. And the white, large (up to 8 mm in diameter), sour, without bitterness fruits ripen in September.

Garden Cinderella

Since rowan is a rather tall tree, it is advisable to plant it along the border of the garden, preferably on the north side, so as not to shade the area.
It grows well on any soil, even poor soil, but prefers loam that retains water well. On sandstone and clay, the roots suffer either from a lack of moisture or from excess moisture and lack of oxygen. It is better to plant rowan in the fall. It is possible, of course, in the spring - before the buds swell. But in March - April there are a lot of other worries, and therefore if you want to get a sweet rowan, do it now.

Rowan loves light and warmth, but groundwater lying close to the surface (less than 1.5 m) does not.

The best planting material is grafted 1-2 year old seedlings. If the trees are dry, keep them in water for a day or two, and then dip them in a mixture of humus and earth (1:1), adding a little mullein.

Plant plants at a distance of 2-2.5 m from each other. Prepare planting holes in advance and add 1 square meter. m 8 kg of manure or peat compost, 40-60 g of superphosphate, 20-30 g of potassium salt.

Be sure to water (2-3 buckets are enough). To prevent water from draining, make a hole, and after watering, mulch the ground with peat. And pay attention to the root collar: it should be slightly above the soil level.


  1. Biology. Bacteria, fungi, plants. 6th grade: textbook. for general education institutions / V.V. Beekeeper. – 14th ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2011. – 304 p.: ill.
  2. Tikhonova E.T., Romanova N.I. Biology, 6. – M.: Russian Word.
  3. Isaeva T.A., Romanova N.I. Biology, 6. – M.: Russian Word.

Seeds are quite rare, but germinate directly in the plant. For example, cutting into a ripe pumpkin, we can observe already sprouted seeds in it. However, they generally germinate not where they ripen, but in a completely different place. What are they - methods of dispersal of fruits and seeds of plants? How does this happen and why? Let's find out!

Use of fruits

Folk healers have always valued rowan as the main healing plant. The Russian people have always revered this plant. In Rus', it was customary to carry a sick person under a rowan tree so that her spirit would be taken away by the disease. Previously, bitter jam was made from the fruits to calm the nervous system. The bark of the tree was used to treat the liver.

Our ancestors fermented ripe berries, covered them with sugar, poured honey, and dried them. Berries that had already been caught by frost were especially valued. A special paste was made from them by grinding with powdered sugar. For stones in the kidneys and gall bladder, a special porridge made from rowan berries was cooked.

Rowan fruits are a multivitamin product; they contain many vitamin compounds. This is an excellent astringent, laxative, diuretic, choleretic, hemostatic and estrogenic drug. Mountain ash extract is included in many pharmacy multivitamins, drugs for improving immunity, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

Homework assignments

Observe how the fruits of maple, linden, birch and other plants spread in winter.

In winter, the fruits of many plants can be seen in the snow. They cover the snow under the trees. These fruits can lie in the snow all winter, but rodents and birds can drag them away.

In spring, the snow melts, and streams pick up the fruits and carry them over long distances.

The seeds are also distributed by animals and birds that eat the fruits.

The story “How do animals help plants reproduce?” for 3rd grade

Many animals help plants spread.

This happens in different ways.

For example, insects pollinate plant flowers and help produce fruits. Such insects are called pollinators. These include bees, bumblebees, butterflies and many other flying insects.

Many plant fruits have hooks and spines, with the help of which they cling to animal fur. The animal carries these fruits far from the plant. For example, a dog with a burdock fruit attached to its fur can carry it several kilometers away.

Birds also help plants spread. They feed on fruits, and the seeds fall into the ground, along with waste products. Birds can carry seeds for many kilometers.

Birds can also hide fruits, making supplies for the winter. And then forget about them. This often happens to the jay bird, which loses hidden acorns.

Animals that feed on fruits also participate in the distribution of plants. For example, a squirrel can drag pine nuts into hollows and lose some of them. When nuts fall into the ground, they can germinate and give life to a new tree.

How long does it take for an oak tree to grow?

The oak has become the tree that has been repeatedly written about in various legends and tales. It has always been considered a source of strength and power among our ancestors. So today, this tree, growing in various parts of the world (its population is especially large in Russia), never ceases to amaze with its size.

Thanks to the fact that science and technology are very well developed at present, scientists have been able to establish that the lifespan and growth of an oak tree is from 300 to 500 years. During its first 100 years, the tree grows quickly and increases in height to its maximum, and throughout the rest of its life, its crown grows and the trunk becomes thicker.

The lifespan of a tree can vary and is influenced by many different factors. Let's list the main ones.

  • State of the environment. Man and his activities, which have repeatedly become the cause of various man-made and natural disasters, have a very large impact on the lifespan of the plant.
  • Water resources and sunlight. Oak, like any other member of the flora family, needs sunlight and water. If he gets them in a balanced amount at the right time, he feels great and thrives. Otherwise, for example, with a high level of humidity and lack of sun (or vice versa), the tree begins to fade and dries out.

It is worth noting that the lifespan of a tree is also influenced by the condition of the soil in which it grows. Currently, the problem of soil swamping, which also arose due to human activity, is relevant. Constant cultivation of the soil and installation of irrigation systems lead to the fact that the previously healthy soil, full of nutrients and microelements, begins to die. And along with it, all vegetation dies. Even an oak tree, no matter how big and strong it may be, cannot survive in such an environment.

Numerous studies have established that currently there are oak trees growing on Earth, the approximate age of which is about 2 thousand years. Scientists also claim that there are several specimens of mature trees that are about 5 thousand years old. Such mature plants are considered descendants of the very first and most ancient oak trees. Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine the exact age today; there are only assumptions.

From all of the above, we can conclude that a tree, under the most favorable conditions for it, can live for a very long time, even several thousand years. On average, of course, taking into account the current state of ecology and the environment, this figure does not exceed 300 years. It is a pity that a person does not have time to stop and think about the colossal harm he causes to everything that surrounds him, even to such giants as oak trees.

Nevezhinskaya secret

“The rowan tree is different from the rowan tree,
” continues Lyudmila Alexandrovna.
One has large clusters, the other has smaller ones.
A bunch can contain from 20 to 50 berries - small or large, sweet or sour. The best fruits - large, juicy and aromatic - come from Nevezhinsky mountain ash. And although this plant is considered a variety of folk selection, its main advantage is its delicious berries: even unripe ones, they are without bitterness or astringency. A peasant found this tree in the forest near the village of Nevezhino, Vladimir province (hence the name) and planted it near his hut. And then the sweet mountain ash spread to other villagers’ plots. Every year the rumor about the miracle tree spread further and further. This is how the seemingly unremarkable village became famous. The famous Moscow wine merchant Pyotr Smirnov at that time bought up all the berries of the Nevezhin rowan, forbidding the peasants to sell them to anyone else. And in order to confuse competitors, on the labels with the tincture he wrote: “Nezhenskaya Rowan.”

Today, the most famous are three varieties of Nevezhinsky mountain ash: “cubic”, “red” and “yellow”. They differ from each other in the size and color of the berries. The “cube” fruits are red-orange, pentagonal, sweet and sour, the “red” ones are bright red, large, sweet, the “yellow” ones are yellow-orange, fresh-sweet.

Nevezhinsky mountain ash is an old-timer tree: it can grow in one place for 100 years or more, while producing almost a hundredweight of berries annually. It is also more winter-hardy than other fruit crops: it can withstand even 40-45 degree frosts.

Compared to other rowan trees, Nevezhinskaya begins to bear fruit early - in the 4th year.

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