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Irises: planting in open ground and care, growing in the garden
Author: Elena N. Category: Garden plants Published: January 27, 2019Last edits: January 20
Phlox (130 photos): popular types and varieties, what kind of soil they like, phlox in landscape design, propagation and selection
Review author: Terrari School of Design We can safely say that Phlox remains a favorite of the country landscape.
Hyacinth (55 photos) - description, types and varieties, growing in the garden and at home
The bulbous flowering perennial plant hyacinth (Hyacinthus) is a member of the Asparagus family, but was previously
Effective ways to cheaply drain an area of ​​water with your own hands
In some regions, groundwater is very close to the surface. So close that they
Marigolds - detailed description, varieties, medicinal properties, cultivation features + 73 photos
In order to make the territory of a summer cottage attractive or to enliven the exterior of a city balcony, do not
Nightshade plants. List, photos, names of decorative, wild, cultivated, poisonous
Plants of the nightshade family belong to the dicotyledonous class and the flowering division. Also in this family
Climbing rose (60 photos): types, cultivation, care and planting
Climbing roses include types of rose hips, as well as several varieties of garden roses, branching quite
Description, planting and care of winged euonymus, its use in landscape design
Winged euonymus is a garden ornamental shrub. The peculiarity of the plant and its beauty lies in the oval
Pest and Disease Control - Gloxinia
Getting to know gloxinia varieties from photos and descriptions
Beautiful Sinningia, better known to flower growers as Gloxinia, has been receiving increased attention from lovers for several decades.
Temperature - Hosta care
Guide to types and varieties of hostas (names, photos, descriptions)
If you were looking for a detailed description of the different types and most popular varieties of hosta - you
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