Marigolds - detailed description, varieties, medicinal properties, cultivation features + 73 photos

In order to make the territory of a summer cottage attractive or to enliven the exterior of a city balcony, you do not need to be a professional gardener. Exotics in flower beds can be quite successfully replaced with a carpet of marigolds. Even those who have never planted a seed in the ground can grow these cute flowers, they are so unpretentious. They do not need specific soil or regular watering. With their non-capricious character, marigolds manage to demonstrate the highest decorative qualities, and this, you see, is the exception rather than the rule for flowers. Breeders have done a great job and today, instead of several natural species, plants are presented in an amazing variety of varieties. You can easily find options that match the color, height, size of the flower bowl, and can realize any landscape compositions that your imagination has drawn for you.

marigolds in flowerbed design

But don’t rush to just throw marigold seeds into the ground! For everything to really grow and sprout, one “light hand” is not enough. Of course, you can rely on chance, but still, knowledge about some aspects of growing these representatives of the flower world will never be superfluous.

Description of the species

Marigolds are representatives of annual plants. They have a fairly powerful root system for a flower and a branched aerial part. The sepals are distinguished by a variety of shades. In addition to pure yellow or red petals, flower bowls can contain a luxurious mixture of shades. The absence of the need to create special living conditions and exhausting care make marigolds a priority plant in the design of suburban areas.

The bright color of marigolds will undoubtedly attract the attention of others

general information

Oddly enough, marigolds are classified as asteraceae, although few people compare these flowers. They were incredibly popular even in ancient times, when the bright flowers were used in rituals or to treat illnesses. Depending on the variety, marigolds begin to bloom in the first half of summer and continue until frost.

Marigolds have straight but branched stems that form a true bush. Moreover, this bush is not always miniature, and some varieties grow up to 1-1.5 m. They have feathery, dissected leaves of all shades of green and voluminous flower baskets from yellow to red and brown.

Marigold seeds are almost impossible to spoil. They germinate in any conditions, remain viable for up to 4 years, and reproduce very abundantly by self-sowing.


Varieties of marigolds

There are three main types of marigolds:

  1. Thin-leaved.
  2. Rejected.
  3. Erect.

Marigold thin-leaved

fine-leaved marigolds will create a sunny mood in the garden

These are representatives of the compact category of the species. Their height ranges from 20-40 cm. The foliage of the variety is small, but gracefully indented and very dense. The flowers are small, with a cup diameter of up to 2 cm, but with a variety of colors in the yellow-red spectrum. There are options with two-color petals. The species is ideal for borders and is often found in mixed plantings. Thin-leaved marigolds bloom extremely profusely, but the beginning of the flowering period is somewhat shifted, which allows them to be classified as late-flowering.

Marigolds rejected

rejected marigolds are the most common variety in summer cottages

The most active and vigorously flowering variety. A bush can have up to hundreds of buds, the color of which can vary in the yellow-brown spectrum. The flowers are large, 4-6 cm in diameter. The plant bushes well. Height indicators are 20-60cm.

This variety is extremely resilient, however, it is incredibly heat-loving, so the first frost will destroy it.

The smallest representatives of rejected marigolds are planted on hills and as a border.

Marigolds erect

huge buds of erect marigolds delight with their flowering from late June until late autumn

The most powerful representatives of the species, capable of reaching a meter in height and blooming in simple or terry baskets with a diameter of up to 12 cm. Their color spectrum:

  1. Orange.
  2. Yellow.
  3. Light brown.

Erect marigolds bloom at the end of June. The flowering period extends until late autumn. The pleasant soft aroma makes this variety of marigold suitable for cutting.

upright marigolds are great for making bouquets

Main place of residence:

  1. Flowerbeds.
  2. Discounts.
  3. Mixborders.


A group characterized by a strong stem 30-120 cm high. The central conductor clearly stands out among the rest, becoming more rustic over time. The side shoots are also oriented upward. Due to this structure of the bush, the flowers are called erect.

Large lanceolate leaves are located alternately on the bush . They are painted in different colors - from light green to dark. The inflorescence of erect marigolds is also large in size. Single flower caps have a double or semi-double shape, the diameter reaches 7-15 cm. They are predominantly monochromatic:

  • white;
  • yellow;
  • creamy;
  • orange.

After 35-40 days from the moment of blooming, it is possible to collect the ripened heads, 1 gram of which contains up to 300 seeds.

Erect marigolds can be propagated by cuttings, which form roots very quickly.

Sow in the ground or grow marigolds as seedlings?

collecting marigold seeds

You can sow seeds in several periods:

  1. In March, sending the seeds to a box on the home windowsill.
  2. In the first days of May, we set up a film greenhouse for the seedlings.
  3. In the last days of May, immediately into the ground.

In principle, marigolds are fast-growing plants, which allows them to begin blooming within a month and a half from the moment of sowing. Their unpretentiousness and relative cold resistance do not prevent sowing seeds directly into open ground, in the planned place of growth. However, the insidiousness of our climate often plays a cruel joke, returning frosts in late spring. So, it’s better not to risk it and prepare flower seedlings. If you want to grow several varietal varieties of marigolds at once, including upright specimens, then sow the seeds of the latter as early as possible, in early March. Low-growing species can be sown closer to mid-spring.

Where can I get the seeds?

sowing marigold seeds in the ground

If this is the first time you have decided to decorate your country landscape with these magnificent flowers, then you will have to go to the store to buy seeds or look for interesting offers on the Internet. You can, of course, “get hold of” them from one of your neighbors, but then you will have to forget about the variety of varieties and the play of colors. Having spent once and purchased marigold seeds of the species that suit you, you will win twice:

  1. Get a beautiful site design.
  2. You will have your own seeds for next season.

How to get strong seedlings?

sowing seeds in pre-prepared grooves

The process is not particularly labor-intensive and will not tire you. If space allows, plant the seeds in individual cups. This will save you from subsequent picking of the grown shoots. In other cases, marigolds are sown in bowls or boxes and subsequently the sprouted seedlings are moved into separate pots.

Planting soil

Marigolds can also be grown on the balcony

“The soil must be disinfected”

In order for the seeds to feel comfortable, a soil mixture is prepared for them, which should contain the following mixed in equal parts:

  1. Forest land.
  2. Peat.
  3. Humus.
  4. Sand.

The proportions of the components can be slightly changed, the main thing is that the result is a light, moisture-intensive and nutritious substrate. There is no desire or time to bother with preparing the soil mixture - go to the store. There are always ready-made offers there.

marigolds should be planted at a distance of 5 - 7cm

The soil must be disinfected before use, and it does not matter whether you bought it in a package or prepared it yourself. The easiest way to do this is to leave the soil to freeze on the balcony for a couple of weeks. You can treat the soil by watering it with a fungicidal solution or a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Sowing stage

Option for sowing marigolds followed by picking

Planting change in plastic containers is quite convenient. Drainage holes are made in the bottom of the container and then filled with moistened soil to about 1 cm. The surface of the soil mixture is leveled and seeds are scattered over it. Don't forget about the drainage layer. In this case, ordinary sand can act as it.

for planting marigolds, you should choose open areas or areas with light partial shade

Flowers such as marigolds have excellent germination rates, so don’t try to sow the soil thicker. The seeds are hidden under another centimeter (no more!) layer of soil, after which the surface of the latter is moistened with a spraying method. The container is covered with a lid, a piece of glass or film and sent to a warm place.

The sprouts will hatch in 2-4 days. In the case of old seeds or poorly germinating varieties, the process can take up to 8 days.

The emergence of seedlings is a signal to remove the film and move the containers to a cooler place. This will slow down the growth of seedlings and prevent them from stretching into thin blades of grass.

orange marigolds with a yellow border are especially attractive

Marigold sprouts show miracles of resilience, so you don’t have to worry about organizing a stable microclimate for them in terms of humidity. They will not fall and dry out if they are not watered on time. The sprouts will need the first fertilizers 14 days after replanting, picking or planting, that is, by the time the nutritional resources of the soil mixture are exhausted.

Marigold picking time

germination of marigolds in a box

You can pick marigolds from the moment the first pair of real carved leaves, characteristic of this variety, appear on them. When picking, the stems are buried in the ground up to the cotyledons. In this way, they reduce the height of the fragile stem and help to form a powerful and strong root system (additional root shoots will also appear on the buried part of the stem).

The picking process stimulates the active growth of the flower, which is a consequence of the increase in “personal” land space. The seedlings will be ready for planting in balcony containers or flower beds in 21 days.

diving marigolds

Option for planting seeds without picking

Picking is not required if the seeds are planted with a step distance of 6 cm.
A guarantee of avoiding picking marigolds will be to plant them in personal palettes. Before planting, you can soak the seeds and wait for them to “awaken”. As soon as the sprouts hatch, the seed is immediately transferred to the soil. An “incubator” for seeds is prepared from a damp cloth, which is placed on a saucer. Seeds are scattered over it and covered with film. The planting process begins on the second day. Cups are prepared for the planting period in the same way as large containers.

in order not to pick marigolds, they are planted in separate palettes

Nuances of caring for seedlings

Among the unpretentious marigolds, one species can still be distinguished, which will require some attention to its content.
We are talking about a thin-leaved variety. And, nevertheless, marigolds of all varieties will equally enjoy the correctly selected temperature regime and adequate watering. Lighting

The seedlings are transferred to a well-lit windowsill with the appearance of the first sprouts.


bright marigolds will be a worthy decoration for any flower bed

Seeds need to be germinated at 25C. The emergence of seedlings requires changing the conditions under which the plants are located, sharply reducing the temperature by 5-7C.

Watering seedlings

The sown soil is moistened regularly. This is done by spraying its surface, rather than pouring it from a watering can. On the contrary, sprouted seedlings should be watered at the root, but try not to over-moisten the soil. The watering interval will be determined by the drying speed of its surface.

Planting marigolds in the ground

transplanting marigolds into open ground

“Very often, gardeners sow marigold seeds directly into the garden soil.”

You need to transfer seedlings to a flowerbed only in very late spring, when the threat of night frosts has passed. Transplanted seedlings must have a strengthened root system and at least three clearly formed leaves on the stem. Loamy, highly fertile soil with good moisture will be ideal for marigolds. If the quality of the soil leaves much to be desired, then you will have to replenish the depleted reserves of minerals and nutrients with additional fertilizing. During the growing season of plants it will have to be carried out several times.

The stepping distance when planting marigolds in the ground is determined in accordance with their type and variety. Representatives of the erect class must be at least 40cm apart from each other. Medium-sized marigolds are planted at intervals of 20 cm, and dwarf species no further than at a distance of 10-15 cm.

the distance of marigolds when planting in the ground depends on the plant variety

Very often, gardeners do not bother with growing seedlings, but sow marigold seeds directly into the garden soil. This is usually done in early May. The landing site is hidden under film. By the end of the month, the site will have strong and strong plants that can be moved anywhere.

Marigolds can be replanted at any period of their life. They calmly react to this process and easily restore even a severely damaged root system.

Vegetable garden design.

Planting marigolds next to vegetables is doubly beneficial for gardeners. On the one hand, the garden becomes decorative, and on the other, it is protected from pests and diseases.

Repellent plants, which are marigolds, repel pests such as the Colorado potato beetle, cabbage whites, onion flies, mole crickets, weevils and aphids.

Marigolds planted between cabbage rows protect against cabbage whites

Marigolds planted along the beds and along the perimeter of potato plantings are beneficial and decorate the garden. Bright and catchy marigolds look impressive against the backdrop of salads and herbs.

Subtleties of caring for marigolds

caring for marigolds requires minimal effort

Caring for marigolds is a sheer pleasure, because the plants respond incredibly gratefully to every bit of your attention, rewarding the minimal effort you spend on cultivating their life with vigorous flowering.

– In principle, marigolds will feel good in an area of ​​any light intensity, but the most beautiful bushes will still be in a sunny area. They will do well on western, southern and even eastern balconies. On the northern side and in dense shade, their flowering will be noticeably weaker and may stop prematurely by September.

Marigolds harmonize perfectly with other flowers

– It is important to properly organize the irrigation regime. Marigolds can be “watered” regularly and even generously, on hot days and twice a day. If this is not done, disaster will not happen, because the plants are more than drought-resistant, but their aesthetic appearance will noticeably suffer. The lower leaves will lose color and dry out.

Abundant watering is carried out only until flowering begins. After the buds appear, the amount of moisture supplied is significantly reduced. Overwatering will lead to stagnation of water and provoke the development of putrefactive processes in the roots and stem, which will end very sadly.

– The roots of flowers do not mind “breathing”, which creates the need to loosen the top layer of soil above them, approximately once every 7 days. This can be done with any convenient tool: a small spatula, a cultivator or just a stick. Loosening will help improve the overall appearance of marigolds and encourage active flowering.

marigolds are unpretentious and grow well next to other plants

Marigolds do not require feeding, but if they receive it or fertilizer, they will not fail to respond positively to your care
. If you decide to feed your flowers, do it in three stages. The plants are fertilized for the first time when they reach ten centimeters in height. This is done again during the period when the buds appear. The end of the cycle occurs at the beginning of flowering.

small flowerbed with marigolds

Basically, the question of additional fertilizer arises for marigolds growing in closed ground conditions. The soil in containers and pots is depleted very quickly, which can cause the flowering to stop, so it is better to prevent the situation than to look for a way out of it later.

– Marigolds must be pruned. This is done:

  • if the bush is too bulky;
  • if the bush needs to be given a special shape;
  • if flowering has begun to decline, which happens in mid-summer.

marigolds in the design of a stone path

Pruning will renew the plants and activate the desire to bloom.

– If you want your marigolds to bloom wildly without interruption, then give them a few minutes a day to remove faded inflorescences. Why do this? The problem is that a seed pod will appear in place of the withered buds, and the ripening of the seeds will require large resources from the plant, thus, a redistribution of forces will occur and the number of flowers will be noticeably reduced.

– The only situation where marigolds will need to be carefully cared for may arise in a summer that is too rainy. Excessive dampness stimulates the proliferation of snails and slugs, which will happily extract the juices from fragrant flowers. You can scare away pests with the smell of bleach, jars of which will need to be placed in the flower garden and do not forget to regularly change their contents. Frequent loosening of the flower beds will also be required so that the root system of the marigolds growing there is well ventilated.

Marigolds are not only beautiful, but also fragrant, therefore, flowers cut from a flower bed will decorate your home

Pest protection

Marigold plantings can suffer not only from slug attacks, but also from gray rot. The latter can deprive you of a luxurious discount in a matter of days. The fight against this disease should be carried out only by radical methods. All affected bushes must be immediately uprooted and subsequently destroyed in a fire. Don’t be lazy to burn diseased specimens. If you simply throw them into the compost heap, there is a danger of the infection spreading to other garden plots, and you will lose not only your flower beds, but also your harvest.

erect marigolds in flowerbed design

With the arrival of summer drought, marigolds in the flowerbed have a new enemy - the spider mite.
Regular spraying of plants with water will help prevent infection, which will help regulate humidity in the microclimatic conditions of the flower bed
. If the moment is missed, and the parasite has already spread its web in the foliage of flowers, spray the planting with an infusion of yarrow, onion and hot pepper.

Diseases and pests

From the time of planting the marigold until the first flowers appear, 2 months pass. If there are no buds after this period, the plant may have been improperly cared for, the plant was attacked by pests, or simply became ill. The table will help you find out the causes of the illness and find a solution:

ProblemCause Elimination
BlacklegDamage to young plants and seedlings.Watering seedlings and bushes with a pale pink solution of manganese. Using fungicides, sprinkling the soil with ash. In severe cases, plant transplantation.
Gray rotHigh humidity, dampness, too thick planting. Using manure as organic fertilizer. It is better to pull out diseased bushes and dispose of them. Prevention: weeding, loose soil that allows moisture to pass through well.
Viral infectionBacteria in the soil.Removing damaged plants.
Fungal infectionOver-moistened earthen lump.
Spider miteDry air.Regular watering, spraying the leaves with tobacco tincture: for 3 liters 200 grams, leave for 2 days, then dilute with water to an amount of 10 liters and add 50 grams of soap.
WhiteflyHot weather, growing in closed greenhouses with low humidity.Spraying with preparations: Aktara, Fitoferm, Iskra.
Snails, slugsWet weather, excess humidity.Collecting pests by hand, spraying the ground around the plants with mustard infusion.
ThripsLack of care and prevention.Treatment with special agents: Malathion, Spinosad or Thiamethoxam.
CaterpillarsUse of chemicals: Commander, Fufan. Sprinkling leaves with ashes.

Not only are marigolds suitable for planting in flower beds or containers, they look great in the front row of the vegetable garden. With a specific smell, flowers repel pests from vegetables, helping to preserve the harvest. Protects against fungal diseases such as fusarium.

They make infusions that protect against aphids. To do this, grind any parts of the plants, fill a 5 liter bucket halfway and fill it with hot water. Leave in a dark place for 2 days. Then add 30-40 grams of liquid or bar soap and spray on fruit trees, cucumbers or cabbage.

Marigolds are not just flowers

chic flower bed with narrow-leaved lavender, chamomile and marigolds

Few people know that marigolds in the garden have not only a decorative mission. This flower, with its unique smell, can repel a variety of garden pests. In addition, the phytoncides produced by the plant help disinfect the soil adjacent to the bush. This should be a reason to plant marigolds not only in areas reserved for flower beds, but also between vegetable beds, and also to plant strawberry plantations with them.

Medicinal properties of the flower

A flowerbed of these flowers has real healing properties. A large amount of lutein helps cope with many human diseases. Marigolds are good for chronic and obstructive bronchitis, stomatitis and stomach ulcers.

A warm bath with marigold extract helps relieve fatigue and tension after a hard day. The medicinal properties of the flower have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular rhythm.

In the culinary arts, the elements of this plant allow you to create delicious dishes that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Photo gallery - marigolds:


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