Care and propagation of fleshy Hoya at home

Popularly, hoya is simply called “wax ivy.” This vine was given this name because of its dense, fleshy foliage, which looks as if it is drenched in wax. In the wild, hoya grows on rocks. It comes from Asia and is common in China and India. Some types of wax ivy also grow in Australia.

Growing hoya is not particularly difficult, but it is a heat-loving flower; its development slows down in cool rooms. One more “but”: if there are children and pets in the house who like to chew leaves, this flower cannot be grown. This will cause severe poisoning in children, and small or weakened pets may die.

What is hoya, the care and cultivation of which so frighten many gardeners?

Types of Hoya

    • Hoya Majestic or Imperial came to us from the island of Malacca. It has the appearance of a bush that climbs. Its large leaves are oval, slightly pointed at the tips. The leaves are also smooth and even. Umbrellas of 6-10 flowers hang from the stem. They are dark red on the inside and yellow on the outside. These flowers smell very nice.
    • Hoya Beautiful or Hoya Bella was brought from India, and therefore it tolerates warm, important air well. It is a small shrub with shoots that creep and are covered with small leaves up to 2.5 centimeters in length. Its flowers are white, with red or purple tops. It blooms actively all summer. Its aroma is not as strong as other types.
    • Hoya Kerry is popular for its leaves, which look like green hearts. They are especially often given in beautiful pots for the holiday of February 14th. That is why it is also called Hoya Valentine. This variety was discovered in 1911 by the American scientist A. Kerry in northern Thailand, and this vine was named in his honor. It is very easy to propagate: you just need to plant one heart-shaped leaf in the ground, and it will soon take root.

    • Hoya Greenflower has elongated leaves and velvety white or green-brown flowers.
  1. Hoya Fleshy (Carnosa) is most popular among gardeners. Her homeland is India, China, Vietnam, Japan. The length of its stems can reach 6 meters. They are thin, and therefore you need to install a support for the plant so that it wraps around it. On green stems there are fleshy leaves, above which umbrella inflorescences of star-shaped buds bloom. The flowers are pink with white edging. They emit a strong aroma. Hoya blooms several times a year, usually from June to September. Varieties of Hoya Fleshy: - tricolor (green leaves with pink-cream stains); -compacta (small curled leaves with a pattern); -variegated (green leaves with a cream line); -minibel (green leaves with light-colored dots); -exotic (leaves with a yellow center).

  • Hoya Motoskei is a long vine with stems hanging down. The shiny leaves have an elongated shape. The leaf length can be up to 8 centimeters. The flowers of this species are white or beige and have a pink crown in the middle. These flowers smell very nice.
  • Hoya Australis is a vine whose shoots can reach 10 meters. The leaves are smooth, oval and slightly elongated. The inflorescences are umbrellas of cream-colored flowers with a pleasant aroma.
  • Hoya Matilda is a hanging plant with stems hanging down and intermingling from the pot. The leaves are glossy and wide. The inflorescences are white or pink. This plant is very similar to an artificial flower.
  • Hoya Concave (Lacunosa) was brought to us from Malaysia. Its leaves are shaped like a green diamond with a dark edge. The leaves have an uneven surface with depressions. The flowers have a pleasant smell. This variety is quite unpretentious and very popular among gardeners. It is fast flowering. Popular varieties of this hoya: – popsicle (light leaves with a pattern, flowers in the shape of balls and a yellow crown); – tova (solid light green leaves)

  • Hoya multiflora is a fleshy vine with narrow, monochromatic leaves. Frequent inflorescences bloom on it. Flowers are white, cream and yellow. Their petals are bent strongly back.
  • Hoya Obscura. It is also called dark. It has green leaves with dark veins, small flowers with curved pink edges and a yellow center.
  • Hoya Linearis was brought from the Himalayas. It has green leaves that look like thin lines. It grows in the form of a whip and can reach 6 meters. Its scent is very subtle and reminiscent of lilies.

  • Hoya Fitchie has medium-sized emerald green leaves. The shade of the flowers depends on the brightness of the light that falls on it. They can be either pale pink or bright pink. This species loves humid and warm climates. If the air temperature drops below 18 degrees, the plant will die. You need to water abundantly, but do not allow water to stagnate in the pot. This type of hoya is the slowest growing.
  • Hoya Lokki grows 20-25 meters above the ground in full sun. Her homeland is Vietnam. It is there that it is bred and protected from destruction. At home, if you create the necessary conditions for the flower, it will bloom all year round and delight you with white flowers. This hoya has a slight chocolate scent that intensifies in the evening.

Popular types and varieties of indoor hoya plants: photos, names and descriptions

Today, approximately 200 species of hoya plant are known. For growing indoors, the most popular among them are:

Noua bella (hoya beautiful).

Noua carnosa (hoya fleshy).

The following types of this plant are cultivated much less frequently at home:

Hoya imperialis (majestic hoya).

Hoya longifolia (long-leaved hoya).

Hoya lacunosa (hoya concave)

Hoya pubicalyx (fuzzy cup hoya).

Hoya kerrii (Hoya Kerry).

Hoya multiflora (multiflorous hoya).

The type of hoya called beautiful is a low-growing, branched evergreen shrub, covered with small foliage (reaches a length of about 3 cm) and having drooping shoots (their length varies from 30 to 50 cm). The leaves have a fleshy structure, lanceolate-ovate shape, and a convex surface. The foliage on the shoots grows very densely. The flowers resemble small stars in appearance, the color of the petals is white and the core is crimson. The color is collected in umbrellas, each of which has from 7 to 9 “stars”.

Compare the description of the beautiful Hoya species with the photos below:

This is an epiphytic plant; in nature, its usual habitat is tree branches in tropical forests. In indoor conditions, it is grown as a hanging crop.

Within the species Noua bella, many bush-type varieties have been bred. The main difference between them is the color of the leaves.

Is Hoya poisonous, what superstitions surround it?

As for toxicity - yes, it's true. Therefore, I would not recommend growing this plant to young parents (until the child is at least four years old), as well as owners of vegetarian cats who love to chew flowerpots.

As for superstitions, hoya, like ordinary indoor ivy, is considered a “husband racer” and an energy vampire.

True, I once watched a program with a speaking psychic, and he, on the contrary, said that all ivies are a natural “soothing” that helps resolve family conflicts, and if a married woman has this plant blooming, then she is completely happy - that means her husband true.

When can you admire its flowers?

During the summer months. When you see flower stalks, don’t be too happy - they grow over the course of a long 1.5 months, and only when the whole family runs out of patience do amazing waxy flowers with pink centers open on the bush.

This process can begin from March to June. It lasts only 8 days. After this, both flowers and peduncles fall off. Immediately the plant begins to grow new ones. Thus, you can admire the blooms not only at the end of May and the beginning of summer, but also until the very beginning of autumn.

Hoya flowers have a scent that is reminiscent of vanilla. Personally, I like this scent, but my husband complains that it is too strong and even suffocating. So it’s not surprising that this plant blooms in our kitchen - that’s where the delicious smell of vanilla belongs!

Important point! When bella blooms (even after seeing a peduncle), the pot cannot be moved to another window sill. I also don’t recommend turning the other side towards the sun.

If you collect flowers of all types and varieties of hoi, you will get a beautiful picture in which white shades will predominate, but yellow, pink, and even burgundy will also be included. And what forms such flowers sometimes take!


Hoya is a beautifully flowering evergreen vine. At home it grows to a maximum height of 5 – 6 meters. Young leafless shoots of the vine are brown with shades of purple. As they grow older, when young leaves and aerial roots begin to appear on them, the shoots turn green, and then, over time, become woody. The leaves of the vine are leathery, with moderately pronounced fleshiness, as if covered with wax, with small inclusions of gray color. Different species of Hoya have leaves of different sizes and are colored in different shades of green. The leaves, shiny at a young age, gradually become dull. They are ovoid, oval or heart-shaped and have fleshy, leathery axillary inflorescences. Hoya flowers are collected in umbrellas. Sometimes up to 50 flowers are collected in one umbrella. The flowers have different shapes, but all have five rounded petals. The diameter of each flower is 1–2 cm, except for the flowers of Hoya imperatoria, which reach 8 cm in diameter. In the center of the corolla of the flower there is a five-membered crown rising above the petals. The flowers are velvety in appearance, white, brown or greenish in color. Each bud blooms and stays in the inflorescence for about three weeks, after which a new flower appears in its place. Hoya blooms at the end of May and blooms all summer and half of autumn. During flowering, a huge amount of nectar is released - Wax Ivy is a honey plant. At the peak of flowering, its aroma can drive any gardener crazy!

This is a completely harmless flower. It is not part of the poison ivy family. The plant does not suppress the growth of other flowers in the apartment. Many psychics claim that this beauty, with her energy, reduces aggression and rivalry between everyone who neighbors him. Therefore, wax ivy can be found in almost all office buildings to create a calm working atmosphere. Very rarely, the fragrant smell of a flowering plant causes a headache. Allergy sufferers also need to be careful when contacting Hoya flowers so that they do not cause dermatitis on the skin. But in general, you will get a lot of pleasure and a cozy atmosphere in your home from growing Hoya!

Why do flower growers love hoya so much?

This compact liana-like shrub came to us from India, Thailand and Australia. There it is an epiphytic plant, born on the stems of large trees.

Hoya is grown as a hanging flowerpot. It can be grown in both plastic and wicker pots. It is worth planting up to three shoots in one container (the more there are, the thicker and richer the bush turns out). In this case, you need to choose shallow pots, because the roots of the plant are weak and superficial.

Hoya bella (translated this word means “beautiful”) has waxy small leaves, dark on the outside and light on the inside, as well as amazingly shaped star flowers. Flowers bloom at the tips of long stems. Hoya branches grow quickly, and despite their apparent fragility, they are strong and strong, not requiring support.

Purchase and adaptation

Almost all types of this indoor culture are easily available - you can purchase them at any flower shop. The choice should be approached responsibly, because the future health and decorativeness of the adult flower will depend on the quality of the seedling.

Hoya bella care at home photo

The criteria for choosing a quality plant are as follows:

  • the stems are flexible, uniform, without mechanical injuries and damage by diseases and pests;
  • the leaves are juicy, rich in color in accordance with the variety, do not contain yellow, black or brown spots or holes;
  • the soil is slightly moist, without mold or acidification on the surface;
  • through the drainage holes you can determine the condition of the roots - they are dark brown, without rotting parts and plaque.

Shake off the crown - if the leaves do not fall off, then the plant is fresh and can be purchased.

The purchased flower must be kept in quarantine for 2-3 weeks to make sure that it is not sick. During this time, he adapts to room conditions.

Botanical portrait

Hoyas are perennial plants with climbing, climbing, and sometimes drooping stems. Their leaves are fleshy, leathery, deep emerald in color, with a characteristic sheen, up to 20 cm long, 5 cm wide, located oppositely along the pagons.

The flowers have a complex structure, are snow-white, cream, lemon yellow, pink or salmon-scarlet, collected in axillary inflorescences. The corollas are five-lobed, the petals are fleshy, smooth, and feel like velvet.

The most popular types in indoor culture are:

Home care

It is not difficult to create the right conditions for this plant; the main thing is to maintain them and promptly respond to weakening growth and lack of flowering of the plant. As for the location of the plant, it is best to place it on window sills that face east or west in the summer, and place it on the south side in winter. As soon as the flower blooms, you cannot turn it, otherwise the buds will begin to fall off. The plant needs fresh air, so the room where it is located needs to be ventilated, but it is not recommended to take the plant outside.

The light should be diffused, without direct sunlight. In winter you need to create additional lighting. Plants with monochromatic leaves prefer shade, while plants with bright leaves prefer sunnier places. The optimal temperature for Khoi is 20-25 degrees in summer and 16-18 degrees in winter. If the temperature starts to drop, the plant will shed its leaves. Humidity is not particularly important for Hoya, but sometimes it can be sprayed with water. This will speed up flowering. The main thing is that water does not get on the flowers.

Watering should be done moderately, avoiding excess moisture, despite the fact that this is a tropical plant. In summer you need to water when the soil has dried 1-2 centimeters from the surface. In November, watering is reduced to 2-3 times a month.

It is necessary to feed the plant twice a month during the growing season. You can use any complex fertilizers for flowering plants, as well as products for succulents, the main thing is that the fertilizer contains phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and magnesium.

Since hoya grows quickly, it is recommended to replant it in pots that are 2-3 centimeters larger than the previous ones. It will be more comfortable for her to grow in such a pot, but flowering will be more active in a cramped pot. An adult plant needs to be replanted once every 3-4 years. Transplantation is done by transferring it to a new pot. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom. Then the dried and rotten roots are removed and the flower is planted in a new pot with fresh soil. It is recommended to replant plants that have flowered and dropped their inflorescences.

How to select and prepare soil?

For hoya, a neutral or slightly acidic substrate is preferable. Many gardeners use ordinary garden soil. You can prepare a special mixture for growing hoya.

Based on leaf soil

  • Leaf soil - 1 tsp.
  • Humus – 1 hour.
  • Clay-turf soil – 2 hours.
  • Drainage is required.

Based on turf land

  • Turf soil – 2 hours.
  • Greenhouse land – 1 hour.
  • Leaf part - 1 tsp.

Another option

  • Clay-turf soil - 2 hours.

  • Leaf soil - 1 tsp.
  • Sand – 1 hour.
  • Peat – 1 hour.
  • Pieces of charcoal.
  • Drainage layer.
  • The choice of soil for hoya depends primarily on the type of plant . Thus, one type of haworthia can live well in ordinary garden soil, while another variety requires special soil.

    Therefore, before replanting a certain type of Hoya, you should study in detail what kind of soil and under what conditions the flower lives in the wild.


Hoyas are propagated in the following different ways, the most popular of which is cuttings. The Hoya stalk is a part of a solid shoot 8-10 centimeters long. It should have sprouts and a few leaves. This procedure is usually carried out in spring or summer.

Reproduction is also carried out by shifts or layering. The method of propagation by seeds is not often used, since there is a shortage of seeds and it is practically impossible to obtain them at home, and you rarely see them on sale.

The Kerry variety is propagated by leaf, but this option is not suitable for other varieties. Once you plant a leaf in the soil, there is no guarantee that you will have a new plant. It will have roots soon, but its growth may be slow.


Next you will see photos of Hoya seeds and propagation:

Not everyone can grow hoya. And one of the reasons is being kept in inappropriate conditions. We recommend that you read our articles about proper care, common diseases and pests, and also learn about ivy flowering and what to do if there are no flowers.

Diseases and pests

The main problem is dampness and low temperatures, which lead to fungal diseases of Hoya. They appear as white spots on the leaves of the plant. In case of illness, the plant must be treated with fungicides. If dark spots appear, then there is a possibility that the plant has a viral infection. The flower must be isolated from the rest and sprayed with preparations that contain copper. Already diseased leaves need to be removed urgently.

If thickening and dark spots suddenly appear on the leaves, there is a possibility that the Hoya has a viral infection. We urgently need to isolate the flower and observe it. If there is no improvement, the plant will have to be destroyed, since flowers do not yet have ways to fight viruses. If the leaves turn pale, then they either have little light or too much watering. Another reason may be a lack of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil. If hoya does not bloom well, it means that it does not have enough light. You need to move it to a sunnier place.

Sometimes the plant is attacked by aphids, mealybugs and spider mites. If there are not many of these insects, you can try to wash them off with warm water and then treat them with some insecticide. If after a week you still notice pests, you need to repeat the treatment.

Hoya is an amazing tropical plant; it decorates your home and creates coziness in it. In addition to the fact that it is easy to grow, it is pleasant to care for, it pleases the eye with its beauty and brings positive energy to the house. This plant is called a family plant because it is believed that it creates harmony and tranquility in the home.

Selecting a location

For the flower, choose a place near the window on the east or west side. It is recommended to use hanging pots, as for hanging plants. There should be enough sunlight, but direct sunlight may cause burns on the leaves, so it is better not to place the flower on the south side. It is necessary to protect the hoya from drafts.

Important! You cannot often move the hoya to a new place, as this will cause it to lose its buds and may die.

Air temperature and humidity

The optimal temperature for active growing season is considered to be +20…+25°C. The temperature should not be allowed to drop below +18°C for a long period. The cold may cause the plant to shed its leaves and unopened buds. Hoya beautiful develops better in conditions of high humidity; in summer it must be sprayed without getting water on the flowers and buds.

Hoya beautiful or Hoya Bella (Bella)

It is distinguished by miniature delicate flowers in the shape of five-pointed stars and collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences of seven or nine pieces. In warm weather, droplets of fragrant nectar appear in their centers.

Bella's homeland is the southern province of China and Indonesia. Flowering time is from May to September. Bella's second name is Hoya Bella the Beautiful.

This video shows the flowering of Hoya beautiful:

Hoya Kerry (Kerrii)

Kerry gained popularity due to the special shape of its leaves in the form of miniature green hearts . It can often be found in flower shops on the eve of Valentine's Day. “Green Hearts” are sold in beautiful pots and presented as a gift on February 14th.

By the way, thanks to this tradition, Hoya Kerry received a second name among the people - Hoya Valentine.

Hoya carnosa

Refers to climbing succulent ornamental shrubs . It is distinguished by rather large, fleshy, juicy oval-shaped leaves. The flowers are waxy, plump, dense, approximately 1 cm in diameter.

Their color ranges from pale pink to purple. Hoya fleshy as a species is valued by botanists and breeders for its ease of crossing. Thanks to Carnosa, many other varieties have been developed.

Hoya Lacunosa (lacunosa)

Refers to epiphytic, widespread and fast-flowering varieties. In nature, it enters into a symbiotic relationship with ants that settle among its roots. A characteristic feature is miniature diamond-shaped leaves with an uneven surface and depressions between the veins .

Thanks to this feature, Lacunosa was popularly called concave.

Hoya Matilde (Mathilde)

A variety bred from Hoya serpens and karnosa. It is distinguished by long curly stems 1.5 mm thick and wide oval leaves covered with silvery specks.

The flowers are fragrant, white with a greenish tint and pale pink corollas. Flowering time is all year round.

What to do if the flower does not take root?

  1. If the leaves of the hoya have lost their brightness, began to curl or dry out, you need to increase the air temperature; perhaps the hoya has begun to freeze and has stopped growing.
  2. When a flower gets rid of its leaves, the stems become bare, it is necessary to humidify the air (you can find out why hoya leaves fall and what other diseases and pests there are in this article). Spraying leaves, shading windows, and reducing watering will help.
  3. If the soil dries out for a long time, hoya can drop its buds; regular moistening of the substrate is necessary.

  4. Hoya does not take root in a damp, churned substrate; you need to replant the flower, change the substrate, and be sure to add a drainage layer. In the absence of drainage holes and drainage, the roots and stems can rot, leading to the death of the hoya.

  5. Hoya should not be moved during flowering; the flowers will begin to fall off.
  6. If young seedlings are poorly accepted and do not develop, nitrogen fertilizing is required. The root system needs fertilizers, you can feed it with any root growth hormone, you can use a urea solution in a ratio of 1 - 2 g of fertilizer per 1 liter of water.
  7. If the hoya does not take root, it is necessary to examine the flower and soil for the presence of fungal and pathogenic infections.
      The fungus is treated by spraying with a solution of phytosporin.
  8. If the hoya is affected by spider mites, the bush should be treated with any insecticides.
  9. Treatment with corbofos will help against scale insects, aphids, mealybugs and whiteflies. Small insects are collected by hand. The leaves are wiped with an alcohol solution.

In order to grow a healthy hoya, maintain the bright variegation of the leaves, and achieve bright, dense flowering, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of caring for this flower, avoid overwatering and drying out the soil, dose fertilizing, monitor the lighting and temperature of the exotic content.

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Growing Hoya bella in open ground

In terms of care, a street flower is practically no different from a home flower. Here it is also important to take care of a suitable place and take into account the basic needs of a tropical vine:

  • the area should be well lit;
  • draft protection required;
  • watering is necessary, but it is recommended to do this as the soil dries out;
  • The vine is rarely fertilized, 3 procedures per summer period are enough - once a month;
  • Hoya does not tolerate frequent transplants, so it is better to immediately allocate a permanent area for it; If you move a flower, it will spend a lot of energy on mastering new conditions and may not bloom at all.

Hoya can grow outdoors only in the summer; the harsh Russian winters are absolutely unsuitable for it - the beauty from the tropics immediately freezes and dies. Before cold weather and frosts, the bella should be dug up and planted in a pot.

Difficulties in growing

Hoya is not prone to diseases if properly cared for. Problems with the plant begin when the lighting and watering regimes are disrupted, the room is too cold or dry, and the flower lacks fertilizer.

Possible difficulties when growing hoya:

  1. Scale insects, spider mites, aphids. These pests attack the leaves of the flower and reproduce well in dry air. If there are few insects, it is enough to remove them from the plant with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. When the number of pests is large, spray with insecticides according to the instructions indicated on the packaging of the drug.

    Scale insects, aphids and spider mites

  2. Root nematode. Signs of damage by this pest are stunted growth and yellow-brown areas on the roots. The flower must be removed from the pot, the roots washed in warm water at a temperature of +50°C and treated with an insecticide. After this, the hoya is transplanted into fresh substrate.

  3. Lack of flowering. Causes may include improper temperature and pruning, excess fertilizer or lack of sunlight. To admire how hoya blooms every year, you need to keep it in a cool room in winter, limit watering and not apply fertilizer. With the onset of spring, the flower is placed in a warm and well-lit place, fed and watered abundantly.
  4. Yellowing of leaves. Occurs when growing a plant in a hot room or insufficient lighting. The problem can be eliminated by adjusting the air temperature in the room and moving the hoya pot to a brighter place.

  5. Falling leaves. The reason is cold water when watering and too dry air in the room. To save the hoya, the air in the room is intensively humidified, and only warm water is used for watering.
  6. Slow growth, small leaves. In winter, such symptoms should not cause alarm - the hoya simply goes into a dormant state. In spring and summer, the plant may not grow well due to a lack of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. To eliminate the problem, add fertilizer.
  7. Powdery mildew. A sign of this fungal disease is a white coating on the leaves, which subsequently spreads to the stems and inflorescences. The problem occurs as a result of poor ventilation of the room and dry air. To treat a flower, it is treated with a copper-soap solution and the humidity in the room is increased.
  8. Root rot. It occurs when overwatering, especially in the cold season, and often leads to the death of the plant. The Hoya is removed from the old pot, the roots are treated with Bordeaux mixture and the flower is transplanted into a new substrate, reducing watering. But this procedure does not guarantee that the plant can be saved. Therefore, it is better to cut several cuttings and root them to grow a new flower.

How to take hoya cuttings to properly root the plant

In the question of how to properly cut hoya, special attention should be paid to pruning the cuttings. The best place for roots to appear is considered to be the area located under the node itself. Therefore, you need to leave a couple of centimeters of the stem under it, and cut off the rest. After a new shoot appears from the axil of the first node, you can cut off the second node and also root it.

Rooting is possible in one of two ways:

  • Immediately in the substrate (at soil temperature +20...+25 °C).
  • In water (at a temperature of + 22 ° C).

The first option is considered to be more reliable. Before rooting hoya cuttings, you need to prepare the soil according to one of the “recipes”:

  • Mix equal parts of sphagnum moss (or peat), vermiculite (or perlite), fine expanded clay (or polystyrene foam).
  • Combine fine expanded clay (1/5 part), perlite or vermiculite (1/5 part), planting soil (3/5 part).

The prepared substrate must be breathable so that the cuttings do not rot. Perlite or vermiculite will help ensure this soil property. You should also take care of the proper soil moisture, but the higher the level of its breathability, the faster the water evaporates from it. This problem can be solved using a plastic bag (how exactly will be discussed later).

Before rooting, for 100% results, you can treat the cuttings with Kornevin, but this is not necessary.

Is it possible to keep hoya at home and the qualities of wax ivy

Many cultivars are grown indoors. This plant has decorative qualities and is often used for landscaping offices and offices. There are a large number of legends and superstitions regarding the issue of growing Hoya at home, many of which, oddly enough, contradict each other.

For example, according to one belief, this flower “expels” men from their homes (husband, sons). According to other legends, culture is able to pacify resentment and envy. Still other sources, when asked whether it is possible to keep hoya or wax ivy at home, say that this plant is a source of happiness in the family, so the ideal place for growing it is the marital bedroom.

Which version to take into account is an individual decision of the gardener. But whatever the choice, it will not cancel the fact that exotic flowers can captivate everyone with their beautiful color, even the most demanding florist.

Planting home hoya with cuttings and caring for the plant

Planting hoya using apical or stem cuttings is carried out as follows: the cutting is placed in a plastic bag filled with a slightly moistened substrate so that the lower node is covered with soil. The bag is then placed horizontally, and after 10 days it will be possible to observe the appearance of roots.

You can do it differently by planting the cuttings in a flowerpot. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the container, then a substrate is placed into which the cutting goes deep, as in the previous version. To maintain moisture, a transparent plastic bag is placed loosely over the pot.

After 14-21 days, you can get a germinated cutting, ready for planting in a permanent place of growth in soil prepared using one of the previously described technologies.

Rooting in water is done like this. The container with the liquid is wrapped in foil on all sides, and holes are made in the top of the wrapper for the cuttings. Planting materials treated at will with Kornevin are lowered into the vessel so that the lower node is under water. A plastic bag is also placed loosely on the container (to allow free air flow). Roots will appear after 14 days. You need to transplant the cutting into the ground immediately, since the roots will become very fragile and may break off.

How to transplant a Hoya into a new pot

The “plus” of growing the crop is that it does not require frequent replanting. It is carried out, if necessary, once every 1-3 years in the spring. Recommended substrate: flower soil mixture “For flowering succulents” or prepared independently according to one of the “recipes” discussed above.

Usually, the plant itself signals that replanting is necessary: ​​the root system protrudes from the drainage into the holes at the bottom of the flowerpot, the bush or vine does not grow, and the leaves become drooping.

Before replanting your home hoya, you need to choose the right new pot. If the goal is to get abundant flowering, then the container should not be much larger than the one in which the crop grew before. If it is necessary to stimulate the growth of a bush or vine, then the pot should be much more spacious than the previous one. You must not forget to place drainage at the bottom (pebbles, broken shards, stones measuring from 1 to 1.5 cm, foam chips).

Transplanting a healthy crop into a new container and fresh substrate is carried out using the transfer method - that is, an earthen ball entwined with roots is not destroyed, but is transferred to another container and supplemented with the required amount of soil. When planting, the hoya is not deeply buried; the transplanted plant requires standard care - as described above.


Young hoyas are usually replanted every year. But the plant does not like changing the pot too much. Therefore, replant adult 3-4 year old specimens only when the need is ripe. The roots entwined the entire ground and grew into the drainage holes, and the flower stopped developing.

Hoya does not take well to changing the pot, do not disturb it unless absolutely necessary.

In nature, Hoya leads the lifestyle of an epiphyte or semi-epiphyte, so at home it needs a very airy and porous soil substrate. So that the roots receive enough air and do not suffer from stagnant moisture. Soil options for Hoya:

  • ready-made soil for orchids or succulents, you can add loosening components;
  • equal parts peat, perlite, coconut fiber and tree bark;
  • one part each of soil for succulents, perlite, chopped sphagnum and pine bark and half part vermiculite with the addition of charcoal;
  • into two parts of leaf soil, part of turf, peat, sand and humus;
  • in equal parts a mixture of peat soil, perlite, crushed bark and coconut fiber.

Both plastic and ceramic pots are suitable for hoyas. But in favor of ceramics are good evaporation and high stability. Hoya is a rather weighty plant and often knocks over the pot. For long and high-quality flowering, the container needs to be tight, but for greenery to grow, it needs to be more spacious.

How to transplant hoya?

  1. Disinfect all components of the planting substrate. Boil the bark and chop it. Calcine, steam or treat the rest with a fungicide.
  2. Place drainage (fine expanded clay, pebbles, brick chips) at the bottom of the pot with holes. There is some soil on top.
  3. Remove the hoya from the old container without disturbing the earthen ball. Install it in a new pot. If the support for the vine is in a pot, place it immediately.
  4. Sprinkle the substrate between the wall of the pot and the earthen ball, compacting it a little. Pay attention to strengthening the support.
  5. Water the plant, you can spray it, place it in diffused light or partial shade.

Pruning and shaping hoya

An important aspect of caring for hoya when growing it at home is pruning. The procedure is carried out during transplantation. It is necessary to remove those shoots that are excessively long - this will promote abundant flowering of the plant. To make the stems branch, use the method of pinching the tips after the fourth leaf is formed.

To form the crown of vines, supports are used. If the shoots are flexible, then rings, hearts, arches, spirals, etc. are suitable. Branches are secured to windows or walls with threads. Hanging plants can be left hanging from the pots. The main thing is to make sure that the flowerpot is light, otherwise the risk of it tipping over will increase.

How to revive and make hoya bloom at home

Many gardeners - both beginners and professionals - are faced with the phenomenon of massive leaf fall in the indoor flowering hoya plant. The reason for this may be excess moisture, hypothermia of the soil in winter or summer when watering with cold water, or moving the pot with the crop to another place in the room. To revive a flower, you need to eliminate irritating factors.

If the leaves are covered in spots, this may indicate a lack of lighting or burns from direct sunlight. In this case, it is necessary to change the location of the flowerpot.

If the foliage has acquired a too light shade, dried out, or curled, this is a clear sign that the plant needs to be shaded, since it dies under the scorching sun.

Due to insufficient lighting and incorrect wintering temperatures, color may not appear on the crop at all. An effective method for quickly making hoya bloom at home is to bathe it in a warm shower using the technology described earlier.

Advice! Do not cut off the flower stalks of hoya fleshy: they will form new inflorescences next year. Do not move the flowerpot with the plant as soon as the buds appear on it, otherwise they may fall off, like all the foliage.

Only with proper care will an adult plant bloom profusely for a long period.

Air humidity

Hoya needs air humidity slightly above room temperature. This can be easily achieved by regular spraying with settled water in the morning.

If in the winter months the hoya is kept at a lower temperature, then spraying is stopped.

Good lighting is important for a healthy plant

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