Red flowers for flower beds, photos and names of the most popular
The color red symbolizes energy, beauty and love. Therefore, since ancient times, flowers in fiery
How to make a beautiful tree of happiness with your own hands: step-by-step master class for beginners (100 photos + video tutorials)
On the shelves and window sills of many houses you can see pretty trees, the crown of which
Phlox Drummond with amazing flowers of various shapes and colors
Phlox Drummond with amazing flowers of various shapes and colors
Phlox Drummond is an annual plant belonging to the Blue family. The height of the bush is usually
Norway maple
Decorative varieties of maple: types and varieties (part one)
Maple is very popular because of its appearance, especially in the fall when its leaves become colorful.
Alpine slide in landscape design
Do-it-yourself Alpine slide in a small area: important points
The topic of this article is “Do-it-yourself Alpine slide in a small area”, so we will be in
The main characteristics of honeysuckle Honeysuckle and rules for its cultivation
Honeysuckle Honeysuckle is ideal for landscaping a personal plot. Such a “hedge” is involved in creating
Celosia (67 photos): planting and care, growing rules
Celosia is a plant from the Amaranth family. Buds are often compared to fire, which is where it comes from
How to make a drinking bowl for chickens with your own hands - types of drinking bowls, stages of creation, useful tips
It is very important to provide chickens with sufficient clean and fresh water in a timely manner. Proper watering of chickens
Armeria - photo, planting and care in open ground, propagation - growing from seeds
The evergreen perennial plant Armeria in its natural state lives on the northern coasts of the seas and oceans.
Which rowan to plant in the country - description and photos of popular species and varieties
Rowan (Sorbus) is a genus of woody plants of the Apple tribe, which is a member of the Rosaceae family.
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