Do-it-yourself garden furniture for a dacha - photos of successful homemade products
Unremarkable plots of land are turned into beautiful places only after long and hard work. At
willow in landscape design photo
Growing willow in the garden - types and varieties with photos, care, cuttings and diseases
The genus of willow or willow (Salix) is extremely numerous and difficult to classify. Its types
Polycarbonate canopies - self-production and design features (100 photos)
A do-it-yourself canopy over the porch made of metal, wood, polycarbonate or any material provides a protective
Fertilizer for viburnum
Viburnum: how to plant, care for and prune the bush correctly
Viburnum (lat. Viburnum) belongs to the genus of woody flowering plants of the Adoxaceae family, of which there are more
Second life of ceramic pots: 9 interesting ideas for a hand made country house
Ceramic pots are not too expensive, and crafts made from them are very interesting and
Strawberry bed options: advantages and disadvantages
Every summer resident would like to receive a rich harvest of strawberries in the shortest possible time. And enterprising
How to choose the right grass for your lawn
Moorish lawn: neither a flowerbed nor a classic lawn in front of the house
Declension of the noun lawn (which case) Declension of the word by case in singular and plural.
How to easily make a garden path from tiles in a country house or plot of land - 5 steps with photos
Beautifully designed garden paths at the dacha or at home undoubtedly delight the eye and carry a certain
Helenium autumn: growing through seedlings, planting and care in open ground, photo
The bright and elegant helenium flower grows naturally in North and Central America. His
Site for a car - parking and arrangement of parking for cars (60 photos)
Most summer residents come to their site by car. Therefore, the question arises about
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