Why anthurium flowers are not red, but green, mistakes in care

Why do anthurium have small flowers: reasons, features of care and cultivation

  • January 9, 2019
  • Flowers
  • Efimova Anastasia

The anthurium plant is considered one of the most unusual and exotic to keep at home. This representative of the plant world came to us from the tropical zone of South America, which means that creating a suitable microclimate for it in an apartment is not so easy. But flower growers are not afraid of difficulties, because this plant literally attracts the eye with its bright shiny foliage and extraordinary “waxy” flowers. It is for the shape of the bud that the anthurium got its name - from Greek it is translated as “flower-tail”. The inflorescence looks like a spadix, around which a bright cloak of red, white, green or deep burgundy is spread.

Why do anthurium flowers turn green?

First of all, there are pronounced hybrids - they may eventually lose the bright color of the stipules when the flower-cobs finally fade. And if the flowers of the anthurium turn green (more precisely, the bedspreads), becoming green or almost white, this is a normal phenomenon. Closer to spring, the previous appearance will be restored. But when the bright crimson stipules of “classic” specimens retained their bright color year after year and suddenly began to lose it, that’s a different matter.

Most often, this phenomenon is associated with errors in care. By the way, when observing a sharp discoloration of the bedspreads after a season of abundant flowering, all inflorescences pigmented with a different color are cut off, and care measures are observed more carefully.

Why do anthurium flowers turn green and leaves turn yellow?

Anthurium is an unusually beautiful tropical plant that belongs to the Araceae family. The flower grows in the tropical forests of Latin America. Anthurium inflorescence can be white, red or pink, with large green leaves. In the middle of the flowers there is a lemon-colored cob.

Very often, gardeners grow the plant at home. Anthurium, just like other flowers, has its own characteristics in care. And many experts are faced with a repeated problem - the leaves of anthurium turn yellow. There are several factors why this occurs, and almost all of them are due to improper care.

Conditions under which anthurium does not bloom

Anthurium is demanding of care and knows how to send distress signals. The first question is always, anthurium does not bloom, what should I do? If an adult plant does not gain color, it means that its contents are impaired. Therefore, for a bush that has no signs of disease, flowering can be stimulated:

  • temporarily reduce the temperature below 20 0;
  • replant the plant;
  • Before the onset of spring activity, water the Anthurium flower once with water at a temperature of 40-50 0.

These are special measures, but at the same time you should create normal lighting and be sure of proper care.
If we draw an analogy with the human body, then flowering is associated with reproductive function. It will come in a mature body, in which there is enough strength to bear a healthy fetus. In a stressful situation, a miscarriage may occur.

Also, the plant only decides to procreate when the nutrition and maintenance allow it not only to throw away the flower, but to obtain seeds. So, a flower will not appear if the plant does not have enough nutrition, heat, or light. If the conditions of detention are violated, when the peduncle is released, a “miscarriage” occurs - the flowers dry on the anthurium. The reason has long been determined by nature. In critical circumstances, it is necessary to preserve the mother; she will later give birth to offspring in better conditions. If the roots cannot feed the entire plant, then priority is selected. But there may not be enough food for the leaves, and then they die too. But such a state of the plant on the verge of survival requires rescue. Even an atrium that has lived in an apartment for a long time, constantly blooming, can begin to act up. In any case, there are reasons for this.


The plant has long been endowed with many signs. It has been noticed that in a house in which anthurium grows, the level of positive energy increases significantly. The flower fills the house with harmony, enhances the intuition of its inhabitants, and encourages them to make important decisions.

In some countries, it is customary to give anthurium to young couples for a wedding , since such a gift, according to signs, gives the groom the masculine strength necessary for a happy start to family life.

You will learn more about the signs associated with anthurium from this video:


Watering needs to be balanced, without waterlogging or drying out the soil. The first is much more dangerous, since the roots will rot. Therefore, it is important to always drain the water remaining in the pan.

In summer you need to water the flower every three days; in winter it is recommended to moisten the soil once a week. But this may not be enough, since in winter apartments are often hot and dry, and the soil dries out quickly.

Optimal air humidity is 70%. Therefore, you need to spray the flower regularly, and also wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Anthurium does not like lime water - it can react to it by yellowing the leaves. Therefore, for irrigation it is necessary to use clean melted or filtered lukewarm water.

Solving problems and difficulties during cultivation

While growing anthurium, you may encounter some problems and difficulties, the timely solution of which will help cure and restore the plant.

Why do the leaves dry out and turn yellow?

Yellowness and dryness of the leaves indicate that the plant is either in a draft or simply frozen. By restoring the temperature regime and moving the pot to another place, you will bring the flower back to life.

Why do anthurium leaves crack?

If the leaves are cracked, then the soil or the quality of the water used for irrigation is not suitable for the plant. The flower should not be watered with fresh running water. Before watering, the liquid must stand in the room for at least a day.

Why doesn't anthurium bloom?

Lack of flowering can be caused by insufficient lighting, disturbed temperature conditions and lack of fertilizing. Simply fertilize the soil and move the pot to a suitable room with more light. Also, anthurium may not bloom if its root system is significantly smaller in volume than the substrate. In such a case, simply transplant the plant into a smaller pot.

What to do if there are brown spots on the leaves

There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • excessive watering;
  • incorrectly selected soil;
  • the plant is too hot and dry (the tips of the leaves darken);
  • anthracnose fungus (there is a small black dot in the center of the spot).

Once proper care is restored, the stains will go away. If the flower is infected with fungus, spray the leaves with an antifungal agent, following the instructions on the package.

If the leaves have darkened completely, it means that you are watering the anthurium with too cold and unsettled water.

How to update an old anthurium

As the anthurium grows, old leaves die off and new ones form on top. Due to this phenomenon, the flower loses its presentable appearance. To restore the plant's attractiveness, cut off and root the top. The procedure is convenient to do during transplantation.

Why do Anthurium flowers turn green?

For some varieties this is a natural process that occurs at the end of flowering. If you carefully remove the green flowers, it will be easier for the plant and it will bloom again faster. If the process is regular, the rules of care may have been violated, and if restored, the problem will go away.

If the roots have rotted, how to save the anthurium

If the roots are completely rotten, try to restore the plant by rooting cuttings. Perform all actions in the same way as during reproduction.

Why does anthurium grow poorly?

If the anthurium begins to grow slowly, think about whether you have changed its location, due to which the quality of lighting or watering has changed. Mineral fertilizers and fertilizing, as well as the resumption of proper watering and lighting levels, will help restore the flower.

Why does anthurium have small leaves and flowers?

With a similar phenomenon, anthurium indicates a lack of nutrients, moisture or lighting. Feed the plant, restore watering and lighting, and the flower will grow.

Why does anthurium wither?

It happens that the flower begins to emit an unpleasant odor. The problem can be caused by either hypothermia of the plant or fsarium disease, which appears from an excess of liquid, as well as infection from pets or dirty hands.

How often does anthurium bloom?

Anthurium blooms for more than six months, resting only in the harsh winter. The first flowers bloom as early as March and can remain on the stems for several months. When cut, anthurium flowers can last in water for about a month.

Growing an anthurium is not difficult if you follow all the subtleties of care: install the flower in a suitable place, regularly feed and replant, and observe watering standards. The plant reacts instantly to any violation of the regime. Before purchasing an anthurium, consider whether you can provide the flower with proper care.

What’s wrong with “male happiness”: anthurium does not want to bloom

Good afternoon, my reader. Anthurium (also called “male happiness”) is on the list of gardeners’ favorites. This exotic fell into the category of favorites because of its lush, bright foliage, unusual, plastic-like flowers, and long-lasting flowering. But for some it blooms profusely, while for others it fades and stops “throwing out” bright flower bedspreads with a long cob-tail. The fact is that although anthurium has the status of an unpretentious plant, it is still a capricious plant. Everything is critical for him: conditions of detention, rules of care and transplantation.

What to do next when the plant has flowered?

After the anthurium has faded, the old flowers must be carefully separated from the main plant by cutting off the fading buds. The formation of seeds contributes to the weakening of the plant, and it is important not to miss the beginning of this process.

In general, keeping and breeding anthuriums does not cause much trouble ; they are much less capricious than their distant relatives - orchids. Creating favorable conditions for their growth is not difficult at all, even in a typical city apartment. Anthurium is a very responsive and grateful plant: proper care will be rewarded with long, colorful flowering.

Preventive measures

One of the main precautions is to regularly check for diseases and insect pests on anthurium. This will allow you to detect the first signs of a problem in time. It is also recommended to carefully follow the care instructions.

It is important to create the best and most suitable conditions for a comfortable life for plants. If traces of the disease are found on the surface, it is necessary to isolate the plant from other flowers to prevent spread. Compliance with precautionary measures will prevent the deterioration of the anthurium’s condition, allow you to quickly detect troubles and heal the flowers.

Yellowing of anthurium leaves can be caused not only by disease or improper care, but also by natural processes inside the flower. If this problem is discovered, you need to find the true cause, and then act immediately, do everything possible to save your house plants.

Reasons for color change

Sometimes a flower turns green for a natural reason - the flowering period ends. In this case, no measures need to be taken. To make the process easier, the peduncle can be trimmed. Compliance with the care conditions will ensure that a new flower quickly appears in its place.

In the case when the petals turn green at the very beginning or middle of flowering, and other negative signs are observed (for example, yellowing of leaves), it is necessary to reconsider the conditions of keeping the anthurium and pay attention to the absence of pests. Let's look at each reason in more detail.

Where to put it in the house?

In its natural habitat, anthurium grows in the shade of the crowns of dense tropical trees; it does not tolerate direct sunlight, preferring soft, diffused light.
When choosing the location of a flower pot, you should consider which side the windows in the house face. Plants located on the windowsill on the east or west side will receive a lot of light. Bright light is allowed, but it must be diffused . If it is not possible to ensure this condition, it would be more favorable for the flower to be placed in the back of the room.

If there is insufficient lighting for lush flowering, you can additionally illuminate the area where the plant is located with a special lamp. But it is best to place the anthurium on a window located on the north side.

Frequently Asked Questions: Anthurium

General information on caring for anthurium.

1. Are anthuriums especially capricious? Tell me what you should especially pay attention to when growing them.


Anthuriums are kept at a temperature not lower than 18 degrees in conditions of high air humidity (daily spraying is required). Photophilous. The soil temperature cannot be lower than the ambient temperature, so it is better to use plastic rather than ceramic pots. Anthurium consumes a lot of water, so the soil should not be allowed to dry out. In general, decorative-leaved anthuriums are very grateful plants that, with a little attention, grow beautifully in an apartment. Regarding light - anthuriums are shade-tolerant, they will grow in the shade, but they bloom well only when kept in light. Anthurium Andre tolerates the sun better than Anthurium Scherzer, but it is better to shade it; it feels fine in bright light, but also without the sun, and better in a humid atmosphere. When spraying, try not to get large drops of water on the flowers - unsightly spots will remain.

2. What soil should I plant anthurium in?


Of the common ready-made soils, none are suitable. If you find a special substrate for epiphytes, it is better to use it. Otherwise, you have to cook it yourself. Mix acidic soil like “Azalea” with peat, expanded clay, sphagnum, and pine bark. The finished substrate should be loose, breathable, airy, and moisture-absorbing. Anthurium feels great in such a substrate. As a last resort, just use acidic soil plus expanded clay, but the result will be worse. in this case you will need to be very careful with watering. If there is none, then “begonia” + sphagnum + perlite. In general, the following soil mixture is recommended for planting anthuriums: 1 part leaf soil, 1 part coniferous soil, 1 part peat, 0.5 sand with the addition of coniferous bark and charcoal. Anthurium is an epiphytic plant, so it must be planted in very well-breathable and at the same time moisture-absorbing soil. By the way, my anthurium feels great when planted in clean moss, without soil or other additives. There are enough nutrients in sphagnum, air permeability and moisture capacity are ideal. In addition, in this case there is no need for additional methods of increasing air humidity.

3. How to divide anthurium?


Very careful! When dividing, the roots must be carefully untangled. It is advisable to add crushed bark (it is sold) to the soil. And good drainage. And coal. You can spill a little epin or root.

4. I bought Anthurium Andre. The plant requires replanting, but it is recommended to replant only in the spring, I am afraid that after replanting it will disappear.


It is best to now transfer it into a pot a little larger than before, and carefully change the top layer of soil without exposing the roots, if possible. Good drainage and very loose soil are required. If there are aerial roots, lightly sprinkle them with the same soil or cover them with damp moss.

5. Tell me why the edges of Anthurium Andre (red) flowers are green?


I think he doesn't have enough light. In general, aroids turn green in old age. And there are also special varieties of anthuriums with greenery.

6. The anthurium got sick, began to rot, decided to replant it, and saw that there was wet soil at the bottom of the pot. Who would have thought, the ground was dry on top and at the level of the nail it was also dry. Please advise how long should I not water it or is there nothing left to hope for?


Clear away the soil, inspect the roots, cut off the rotten parts and sprinkle them with coal. You can leave it like this for a couple of hours (so that the sections dry out). Plant in a small pot, drainage to a third, a mixture for aroids, you can add pine bark, chopped sphagnum or perlite. It’s good to spray the roots with some fungicide before planting. Sprinkle the leaves with epin and leave it under the bag for ten days. And don't fill it up anymore! Anthurium tolerates drying out the earthen clod quite well. It's better to spray more often.

7. My anthurium grows well, but does not bloom. I've had him for six months, I feed him regularly and follow all the care instructions. What is he missing?


Firstly, the right time of year.

Secondly, my anthurium stood for quite a long time in the summer without flowering. After I started feeding “Ideal” and moved it to a brighter place, it bloomed, and very profusely. Then at the end of November I stopped. I stood without flowers all winter.

So now, with the onset of spring, I hope it will bloom for both you and me.

8. My anthurium Andre has yellow spots on the leaves. Why does this happen, from hard water or from overfeeding with fertilizers?


If the spots are large - evenly over the entire surface of the leaf, and the leaves themselves are either smaller than the previous ones or larger - then these are clear signs of an unbalanced fertilizer. If the spots are small and visible in the light, then perhaps they are spider mites.

9. Is it possible to replant a flowering anthurium?


It is quite possible to replant, especially if the pot is small. All aroid flowers are very persistent and last a long time - up to 3 weeks, so they will not drop them if they are replanted. It is not recommended to replant flowering plants whose flowers are delicate and do not last long. But - blooming flowers can only be handled without damaging the earthen clod. And it’s better to place the flower in a bright place.

10. How to water anthurium?


Does the substrate dry out between waterings? Is there drainage? Anthurium does not need excess moisture at all. This plant is close to epiphytes (and many species are epiphytes) - it needs loose soil, water- and air-permeable, and good drainage. You can’t overdry it, and you can’t overfill it either. Water - not so much once a week, but according to the condition of the soil. And spray.

11. How deep can and should the roots be when replanting?


Throughout its life, the plant requires regular replanting. Your actions must be careful and careful not to injure the delicate roots of the anthurium.

When to replant anthurium

First of all, replant the anthurium immediately after purchase, since store-bought substrate may contain excessive amounts of minerals and carcinogens.

Subsequent transplants will be required as the root system grows. For young plants, the frequency of transplants is 1 time per year. It is advisable to replant flowers that have reached four years of age at least once every 3 years.

Also, replanting or replacing the soil will be required if the anthurium gets sick.

Choosing a pot

Choose a pot depending on the base of the transplant. For example:

  • if the root system has occupied the entire substrate, choose a container 2–3 cm larger than the previous one;
  • if new shoots are needed, choose a wider vessel;
  • for abundant flowering when replanting, take a form that is larger in size than the old one by a maximum of 2 cm;
  • For planting young shoots, use small 200 ml cups.

There must be holes at the bottom of the pot for drainage.

Before use, be sure to disinfect the container with soapy water or pour boiling water over it.

Land for replanting

For replanting, use a soil type suitable for anthurium. You can buy a ready-made mixture or prepare the substrate yourself.

Anthurium transplant after purchase

Perform the procedure approximately 4–5 days after purchase. This time will be enough to acclimatize the plant.

Action plan:

  • Water the soil thoroughly.
  • If the pot is plastic, knead it a little so that the substrate moves away from the walls.
  • Carefully remove the root ball from the container.
  • If possible, remove any old soil from the root hairs.
  • Carefully inspect the roots for damage and rotting.
  • Fill the new form with a drainage layer, such as expanded clay.
  • Fill the drainage with new soil.
  • Place the plant in the pot and cover it with soil, leaving 2-3 cm to the edge of the container.
  • Lightly compact the substrate.

When replanting to replace soil, the roots are completely cleared of soil. To make the soil move away from the hairs more easily, briefly soak the root ball in water.

Is it possible to replant a flowering plant?

Despite the fact that most plants do not survive transplantation during flowering, anthurium survives the procedure quite well. During replanting, pay utmost attention to both the integrity of the root hairs and the flowers.

Transplanting a diseased anthurium

If the leaves of the anthurium turn yellow, become deformed or wither, then the functioning of the root system has been disrupted. To revive the plant, you will have to replant the flower and replace the soil.

The procedure is no different from a regular transplant. However, during the procedure, pay special attention to clearing the rhizome from soil and processing the hairs. Carefully examine the roots and remove diseased and rotten parts. Treat the remaining hairs with Actellik. Also separate yellow and wilted leaves from the bush.

What to do after transplant

To ensure that anthurium takes root in a new substrate, follow the following recommendations:

  • in the first 15–20 days, water less often than usual so that the roots do not rot from excess moisture;
  • during the same period, do not add any fertilizers to the soil;
  • provide the plant with optimal temperature conditions ranging from 20 to 22 degrees;
  • do not place the flower in places exposed to direct sunlight;
  • Spray the surface of the sheets with settled water daily.

If the plant is large, strengthen the stems by tying them to a support.

The leaves of the anthurium became light, but were like glossy green. I don’t know why?

Try removing the plant from the ground and inspect the roots. Cut off the dark ones, leave only healthy, light ones. Make a bath for the lower part of the plant from pink potassium permanganate. Let it dry out a little and plant in fresh soil. If there was root rot, the old soil should be thrown away and the pot should be boiled. Place the plant in diffused light. Anthurium, although considered quite shade-tolerant, feels and blooms much better if it gets a little sun, but not very intense. It is better for him to winter in a southern sunny window, and spend spring and summer in a less hot, eastern one. It should be noted that this luxurious flower is quite demanding to care for. When growing it at home, it is important to recreate the usual tropical conditions. In indoor culture, Scherzer's anthurium is very popular. Blooms from early spring to late autumn. Throughout the year, it is necessary to water the plant frequently but moderately, avoiding waterlogging and stagnation of water in the pot. Anthurium itself is very heat-loving; the optimal temperature for rapid growth is 22 degrees (not lower than 18 degrees). If it is impossible to find a warm place to place the flower, you must definitely reduce watering. The water should be soft, settled, warm, and even better - boiled. In addition, the plant needs to be sprayed frequently, regardless of the time of year. The flower does not like drafts. You can feed with any mineral and organic fertilizers, at least once every two weeks. Young plants are transplanted every year in spring into pots with drainage. It should be small so that not the root system grows, but all the energy goes into flowering. The anthurium must be replanted lower than it was previously, and the roots that appear on the surface must be covered with moss, which must be constantly moist so that the plant does not dry out. The best soil for anthuriums is a mixture of deciduous soil, pieces of bog moss and light turf. The soil must be airy and loose so that air can flow to the root system. Some gardeners add crushed charcoal, sphagnum and pine bark. PS MY ANTHURIUM:

burned out in the sun

Do you often feed the plant? Once every 2 weeks he likes mineral fertilizer. The healthy state of the plant is the gloss of the leaves.

There is not enough mineral fertilizer, the soil most likely has become barren

or the flower is sick

Either he was sunburned or he was being eaten by a spider mite. Take a good look at the plant.

Lack of minerals or not nutritious soil for it

Buy an Emerald, water it, it will help

Caring for blooming anthurium

Blooming anthurium comes to us from the store, often as a gift. So that it does not die and pleases the donor and owner, you need to change the pot and soil. Indoor flowers are sold in soil that has no nutritional value. This is just a damp substrate in which the plant will not survive for long. You need to replant after about two weeks, without waiting for the end of flowering.

What should the pot be like for the anthurium to continue to bloom?

It is recommended to choose a plastic pot and not too deep. Clay allows moisture and air to pass through the pores, it is blown, and in winter the roots in such a container can freeze on the window. You cannot take a pot much larger than the one in which the anthurium grows. If you insert an old pot into a new one, there should be 1–2 cm between the walls, but no more. Having received space and nutrition, the flower will literally go to the root and will not bloom until it becomes cramped again.

Along with the pot, you can also buy a flowerpot. The pot is placed in a flowerpot, and the gaps between their walls are filled with moss, which must be constantly kept moist. Anthurium loves moist air, especially in winter, during the heating period.

Soil for flowering anthurium

The main condition for soil is looseness. If it is not followed, the plant will stop blooming and may get sick.

Under natural conditions, anthurium grows on leaf litter with the remains of rotten wood, so it won’t really like it in ordinary soil.

The store does not sell ready-made soil specifically for anthurium; it is suitable for azaleas, violets, orchids or for flowering indoor plants with an acidity pH of 5.5–6.5. Coarse fractions (at least 10%) must be added to the purchased soil: sphagnum, bark, small pine cones, charcoal. You can make up the soil mixture yourself: mix 2 parts humus, 1 part sand, 1 part peat, dry semi-ripe leaves, charcoal in pieces of different sizes and bark. The prepared soil must be sterilized (calcined in the oven).

How to help the atrium regain its health

The flowering time of anthurium is long. Each of the beautiful “flamingos” holds a flower for about one and a half months. Instead of one that fades, a new flower appears, and so on for a long time with a period of dormancy in winter. Therefore, the early cessation of flowering is already a signal of trouble.

If the flower stands in the same place, is not blown by a sudden draft, the temperature and humidity are maintained, and the flower has shrunk, we look for the reasons why the anthurium does not bloom:

  • soil depletion;
  • lack or excess of fertilizers;
  • insects or diseases have appeared.

The first thing to do is to check for the presence of aphids, thrips, scale insects and springtails in the ground. It is not always possible to notice hiding insects, so the plant needs a shower, but at the same time the flowers and the clod of earth should not get wet. Before taking it for water treatments, the flower must be treated leaf by leaf with a 0.3% solution of karbofos or actellik and left for a day. The ground should be covered during processing. After two treatments at intervals of a week, visible improvements in the condition of the plant should occur.

The second step, when the anthurium dries, is to check the root system. If there are brown or rotten roots, they need to be removed. At the same time, check the washed plant for a condition indicating septoria or anthracosis. But at the same time it is better to plant the plant in fresh soil. Perhaps the old substrate has become compacted and the roots are not getting enough air. Or perhaps the plant does not have enough nutrition and the anthurium flowers dry out. After all, it receives more dissolved salts due to the work of the roots.

When composing a new soil for a stubborn plant, it is necessary to take into account its preferences and you should definitely add crushed conifer bark, vermiculite, charcoal and coconut fiber to a regular, light, airy substrate. If the plant is being rehabilitated, then it is better to prepare the soil based on the soil for aroids, but add the listed ingredients. Peat is only needed for riding peat. The acidity of the earth greatly affects the nutritional properties. Over the centuries, nature has selected an environment in which “tropical” soil was most beneficial for anthurium, and we are achieving this.

Good drainage, a tray to create a moist shell around the plant and warm soil, perhaps with little heating - anthurium will restore flowering time and beauty.

Both overwatering and drying out of the earth clod are detrimental to the flower. Therefore, watering is moderate, only when the top layer of soil dries out. And additional moisture is created by daily wiping and spraying the leaves with a fine spray. You need to create a fog cloud several times a day in summer, and in winter, depending on the temperature, you can spray it rarely.

The flower loves warmth, but not heat. It does well in diffused light, but not in direct sunlight. The plant does not like it, even when even a fresh warm breeze blows on it. In addition, he is a homebody, and if he changes his place of residence, the stubborn man may get sick. The first signal is the beginning of the leaves drying. They are an indicator of well-being.

So if the roots of a plant are frozen, the result will be a brown leaf released, and soon the rest will darken. Yellow anthurium flowers will signal a lack of heat. Watering with hard, unsettled water will lead to the appearance of brown spots on the leaves and their gradual drying. In areas with hard drinking water problems, flower growers advise collecting snow water. There is no certainty that the snow can be clean in an industrial area. The advice to water with boiled water, adding a grain of succinic acid or a drop of lemon juice once a month, is worth taking into account. The earth acidifies a little, and hardness salts turn into scale. Succinic acid stimulates biological processes. When transplanting anthurium, it is better to use plastic dishes, since the roots penetrate into the pores of the ceramic and stop working there. Therefore, it is better if the dishes have a smooth interior.

In conclusion, it must be said that there are no special conditions to prevent the leaves from drying out on your pet, and the flowering time of anthurium is long. You just need to follow the plant’s agricultural practices, and it will delight you with its beauty and lush flowering.

Flowering problems

“Male happiness” is a capricious flower. Even if flower stalks and buds appear on it, they may never open. Let's look at the main reasons for poor quality flowering.

Flowers are drying

If the flowers bloomed more than a month ago, then their drying is a biological process. New buds will be released to replace those that have bloomed, but if it is the young, and sometimes even unopened, buds that dry out, this indicates improper care.

Drying of flowers in the bud phase indicates too dry air

Drying of flowers and buds is primarily caused by insufficient humidity around the plant and lack of nutrition. If the anthurium’s soil dries out completely between waterings, and the room is very dry and hot, then it experiences stress, there is not enough moisture for the growing flowers, and they dry out. Subsequently, drying of the leaves and even death of the plant is possible.

Quite often, the flowers of anthuriums that stand on a south-facing, hot window dry out, even in a warm wind, and even more so in a draft.

When moving a flower from place to place, the flowers or leaves may also dry out.

How to propagate anthurium correctly

The main methods of propagation are dividing the bush, cuttings and separating shoots. Let's consider each of them in order.

Dividing the bush

When replanting, you need to choose the moment when the bush has grown so much that it becomes possible to divide it.

Then, carefully, using your hands or a sharp knife, separate part of the rhizome, sprinkle the sections with crushed coal, and the resulting young plant is planted separately.

For some time you need to place it in a home greenhouse or wrap it with damp sphagnum moss.

Cuttings using apical cuttings

A more effective method that allows you to get several copies at once, almost painlessly for the mother bush.

They act this way:

  1. Separate the leaf with a piece of stem so that there is a bud on the cutting.
  2. The cut is dried in air, it can be treated with a root formation stimulator, for example, heteroauxin;
  3. Dip the cutting into clean, soft water or moist, light soil.
  4. Place the planted cuttings in a home greenhouse or cover them with glass jars for 2–3 weeks until roots appear.
  5. Rooted cuttings are planted in small flowerpots.

Separation of shoots

Lateral shoots appear regularly in an adult plant, provided proper care and sufficient moisture are provided.

To propagate anthurium in this way, you need:

  1. At the time of transplantation, carefully separate the roots of the shoot from a lump of earth with a small section of the rhizome of the mother plant, and treat the sections with crushed coal.
  2. Inspect the roots of the offspring, remove damaged or weak ones.
  3. If the shoot has more than three leaves, leave the three best ones and remove the rest without damaging the growth buds.
  4. Plant the plant in a light substrate and place it in conditions of high humidity.

Important! It is necessary to regularly wash and disinfect flowerpots and trays. For disinfection purposes, a strong solution of potassium permanganate is quite suitable.


Anthuriums are propagated by dividing the bush and by cuttings:

  • Since the first method is quite traumatic for the root system of the plant, it is used with caution. After the procedure, it is imperative to create favorable conditions for the flower to reduce the adaptation period, such as installing a greenhouse dome or frequent spraying with warm water.
  • When cuttings, anthurium takes root in a short time, since the rudiments of aerial roots are already present on the stem.
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