Anthurium flower at home: care, photo of plant species

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Anthurium is a spectacular representative of tropical flora. The exotic plant came to Europe in the 19th century. Due to the size of some species (the leaves of wild anthuriums can reach a meter), it was difficult to keep such specimens in ordinary homes. Photos of anthurium flowers at home (as well as caring for them) are very different from those that grow in the hot tropics of South America or the Caribbean.

Anthurium wild

Anthurium indoors

Only a century later, breeding samples of indoor plants appeared. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was very popular to decorate bridal bouquets with anthuriums, as it was believed that they preserved the family union for many years.

Wedding photo of the early 20th century

Today, anthurium is one of the most popular indoor plants. Flower growers love it very much for its unpretentiousness and rich colors of buds. True, it’s difficult to call them buds, because the flowers themselves are more like leaves - they are just as dense and veiny. There are varieties of completely green plants.

Anthurium Jaguar-green

However, in general, the dense buds still gain color and amaze the imagination with bright and rich shades.

Anthurium green-pink

Anthurium variegated

  • Anthurium - brief botanical information. Homeland of the plant
  • The main types of anthurium - name from Scherzer's photo
  • Andre
  • Baker's Anthurium
  • Anthurium Hooker
  • Anthurium crystal
  • Anthurium white “Women’s happiness”
  • Anthurium "Pink Flamingo"
  • Purple anthurium
  • Anthurium "Black Prince"
  • Anthurium blue
  • Yellow anthurium "Princess Alexia"
  • Anthurium: care and cultivation at home
  • The soil
  • Fertilizers for anthuriums
  • Caring for anthurium in winter at home
  • Lighting and temperature
  • Humidity and watering rules
  • Anthurium propagation at home
      Dividing a large bush in plants older than 3 years
  • Rooting side shoots
  • Growing from a root
  • Using the cutting method - step-by-step instructions with photos
  • Seminal
  • Possible difficulties
      Root rotting
  • Leaf diseases and pests
  • Folk signs and beliefs associated with anthurium
  • Anthurium in floristry
  • Photo gallery of a flowering plant
  • Conclusion
  • Anthurium - brief botanical information. Homeland of the plant

    The flower belongs to the araceae family and has more than 900 varieties, half of which are artificially bred. In nature, it can be found in the forests of South and Central America and the Caribbean islands.

    Interestingly, anthurium is grown for decorative purposes not only for its flowers. Many florists use plant species that perfectly replace vines and even vines in home flower beds.

    In one of the Tokyo shopping centers, such a living wall was grown from anthuriums and vines of tropical plants. The cafe even hired a special caretaker for the flowers. The required level of humidity and temperature is maintained here, and visitors are prohibited from smoking tobacco. However, for the sake of a spectacular selfie, tourists are ready to make such sacrifices.

    Vertical wall of climbing anthurium species

    Anthurium is a Greek name . It appeared very simply. Externally, the inflorescence of the plant resembles an ear. By adding two words: anthos - flower and oura - tail, we got the name beloved by flower growers.

    Large anthurium inflorescence

    Despite its tropical origin, the flower is non-aggressive, as it might seem at first glance. Even if it uses a “neighbor” to grow upward, the root system is designed in such a way that it can receive nutrients and moisture from the air. Therefore, when transplanting a plant into the ground, it is very important not to damage the root “respiratory” system.

    Anthurium aerial root system

    The only thing that lovers of indoor plants should be wary of is sap from the stems; it is better to trim and replant anthurium while wearing gloves. Broken leaves release a special toxic liquid that contains calcium oscalate. The substance may cause irritation to mucous membranes and skin. It is not recommended to have the plant at home if you have small children or animals. On the other hand, the flower perfectly absorbs poisonous xylene and totulene from the air, which in some cases outweighs the possible harm. As a last resort, the plant can be removed higher or hung in a pot.


    For abundant flowering, regular replanting of the plant is required. Young flowers are replanted annually in the spring, and adults - once every 2 years. The container is taken shallow. When transplanting, fresh substrate is added. You can use soil for aroids or orchids. A drainage pad is laid out at the bottom. When transplanted, the children are seated.

    Main types of anthurium - name with photo

    If the total number of anthurium species is more than 900, then only 50 of them are found on store shelves or window sills. The rest are grown for greenhouses or decorating gazebos. However, even with its small beautiful part, anthurium can outshine a rose or even an orchid in a bouquet.

    Bouquet of anthuriums

    This flower in the foreground is a representative of the most popular type of flowering anthurium - Scherzers.


    One of the most unpretentious red anthurium flowers is Scherzer. Caring for this plant at home is easy. Compact, not picky, the cob retains its strength for a long time. The leaves are dark green and have a peculiar shine. The peculiarity of the bud is that the inflorescence has a curved shape.

    Scherzer: buds Scherzer: flower


    Perennial, a larger species, can grow up to one meter at home. The birthplace of this flower is the tropics of Ecuador and Colombia. Flowers can be very diverse: from purple to orange, with and without specks.


    Anthurium Andre

    Andre pink speckled

    A perennial, larger species, caring for Andre's anthurium at home is complicated by the fact that sometimes the plant can grow up to one meter. The birthplace of this flower is the tropics of Ecuador and Colombia. Flowers can be very diverse: from purple to orange, with and without specks.

    Baker's Anthurium

    A specific plant with a bright scarlet inflorescence. Looks especially impressive in the tropics of Guatemala. It is unpretentious in home care, however, it has few decorative advantages. The leaves are modest and thin. After the inflorescence, bright red berries appear.

    In the tropics

    Room option

    Anthurium Hooker

    You rarely see an exotic plant from the Antilles in the perimeter of ordinary apartments. However, a guest from the tropics is considered one of the most unpretentious anthuriums. It perfectly tolerates dry air, moisturizes and cleanses it thanks to its massive greenery.

    Anthurium Hecker in the greenhouse

    Anthurium Hooker: peduncle

    Anthurium in the wild

    A massive plant can grow into a huge bush in a couple of years. Whether it is worth growing it at home is a controversial question. The plant is most suitable for greenhouses.

    Anthurium crystal

    But this epipit is worth considering for a home flower garden. If only because the leaves of crystal anthurium will decorate any apartment, and it will cope with the task of air filtration no worse than other representatives of this type of plant.

    Anthurium in the wild Anthurium leaves close-up Anthurium crystal in a pot with a flower

    Decorative variety - small in size. Leaves are no longer than 20 centimeters. The lines are drawn clearly. The inflorescences have an interesting aroma.

    Anthurium white “Women’s happiness”

    The name combines several plant varieties, similar primarily in color: Acropolis, Champion, Marasol. Plants differ in the shape of the buds and the shade of the inflorescences.

    “Women’s Happiness” – group of plants “Women’s Happiness” – Champion subspecies

    Anthurium white

    “Women’s Happiness” is a perennial species, the first flowers appear after six months of the plant’s “life.” There are many beliefs associated with the flower, the main one of which is that the flower should be given to those who cannot get married or do not have a betrothed. It cannot be given away as a gift; if the flower does not take root, it means that the lady is destined to remain lonely. Believe it or not, the flower is truly beautiful and delicate. Tips for a florist: how to care for the “Women’s Happiness” flower or spathiphyllum. In a special publication on our portal, we will tell you in detail about this unusual flower, what types it comes in, what myths and superstitions it has acquired, how to properly grow, propagate, feed and prune.

    Anthurium "Pink Flamingo"

    One of the most delicate and beautiful perennial varieties of anthurium. There are many variations here - the color can either shimmer from green to pink or be monochromatic.

    Anthurium pink

    Anthurium bicolor “Pink flamingo” in a pot

    It is quite demanding in care, but rest assured that it will repay your efforts with abundant flowering and an unusual shade of pink tones. This flower is a great gift for those who adore everything cute. The flower is actually surprisingly bright and a little doll-like. From a distance it seems that the plant is made of dense plastic, its color is so even and rich, and the leaves are dense and glossy.

    Purple anthurium

    Another representative of anthurium of unusual color.
    In Russia it is sometimes called tulip, for its unusual rich color and similar buds. The flower is quite compact and interesting. The flowering period lasts about three months. Purple anthurium

    Purple anthurium in a pot.

    Anthurium "Black Prince"

    The flower is a chameleon. Before the start of intense growth, the color of the entire flower is green. As the “mass” increases and closer to the flowering period, the bract begins to darken. Looks very impressive against the background of a light inflorescence.

    Anthurium black in the tropics

    “Black Prince” - indoor version

    However, not all flower growers “accepted” this plant. Its color is too unusual. Such a plant is unlikely to be used as a gift, except for a mother-in-law’s birthday or as an attribute of a Gothic photo shoot.

    Anthurium blue

    Anthurium in blue color is the merit of breeders. The flower is produced using special coloring agents. Otherwise, the flower is not much different from its fellows. The ultramarine range is perfect for a men's bouquet.

    Ultramarine anthurium

    Anthurium blue

    Anthurium blue

    Yellow anthurium "Princess Alexia"

    One of three varieties of milky yellow flower. Along with “Picasso Yellow” and “Vanilla”, which have the same color, it is considered a classic in home interior design.

    Anthurium "Princess Alexia"

    Anthurium "Yellow Picasso"

    Anthurium "Vanilla"

    The plant blooms very well. Bush planting will provide even and pleasant lemon thickets. The varieties we talked about are successfully grown at home. However, for a good result, the right conditions for the growth and development of the plant are very important.

    Where to buy Men's happiness

    The original sample can be purchased at the nearest flower shop, but prices there are steep. Inexpensive indoor plants are offered by nurseries that specialize in growing varieties. In the online store of the manufacturing company, you can select the desired variety, see what the bush looks like, what color the cob and “sail” are. The characteristics always include parameters such as growth, length and width of leaves, length of the cob, and shape of the bract. The frequency of flowering is indicated, as well as what atmosphere should be created for the comfortable development of “flamingos”.

    From which manufacturer is it better to purchase a product and which seller should you contact - in the list compiled according to the editors of Yanashl:

    • Russian vegetable garden.

    The company has been operating since 1991. I started out selling gladioli bulbs. It is considered one of the leaders in Russia in the production and sale of seeds. At the scientific base in Shchelkovo, plants are grown for breeding studies and the cultivation of hybrids and varieties for sale.

    • Rene van Schie Plants.

    Dutch family company. The nursery has existed since 1920. First experience - growing French geranium. Today potted anthurium is the main product.

    • Houwenplant.

    Dutch company. Known since 1974. He has been growing anthuriums since 2008. The company is one of the main market leaders in the sale of this crop.

    • Flamingo-Plant VOF.

    Another Dutch company engaged in breeding and selling potted anthuriums. Known since 2013.

    • 7 colors.

    Russian distributor. The company specializes in the delivery of flowers and plants from the USA, Europe, Colombia, Japan and other countries.

    • World of plants.

    Family business opened in 2004. Has direct supplies from England, France, Germany, and Russian nurseries.

    Having decided on the manufacturer and seller, you can place an order on the website on the Internet.

    Anthurium: care and cultivation at home

    To understand what conditions are suitable for a flower, you need to remember where it comes from. Caring for anthurium at home requires maximum effort from the owner of the flower. Watering, constant moisture, strict temperature conditions are all necessary conditions for the success of the enterprise. It is not always possible to recreate the tropics in an apartment, however, providing the necessary humidity and caring for the plant is quite possible.

    Blooming anthuriums

    What you should pay attention to immediately after you receive a plant is the soil. Usually the soil used is universal, which is not suitable for the flower. The first thing to do is to replant it in its “native soil”. First of all, it is moist, slightly loose soil; it should contain peat, chopped pine or coniferous bark, charcoal, foam chips or sand. The ratio of peat, ground bark and sand is as follows: 2:2:1.

    Like any plant, anthuriums must be replanted with soil in a “clump”, not forgetting about drainage. The root system of these plants is superficial, so drainage should occupy about a quarter of the pot. This is especially important for young plants that may not survive excess moisture; remember that holes must be made in the pots.


    Anthurium - care at home.
    Perennial flowers are traditionally replanted in the spring. If the plant is not young and is not gaining much growth, then this can be done once every two years, each time leaving a little more space for the root system. There is no need to replant the flower for growth. In any case, the root system will occupy the entire space within a year, no matter how large the pot is. And next time the “container” may be disproportionately larger than the plant.

    For stability, it is better to “tie” a newly transplanted flower to a stick; it has not yet “grown” its roots to the new soil. After transplanting, the flower needs to be watered abundantly and the air around it moistened.

    Anthuriums after transplantation

    To ensure the required temperature, anthuriums are usually grown not in clay and ceramic, but in plastic pots, since they are “warmer”.


    Before planting, any soil must be disinfected!

    The easiest option is to bake it in the oven. To do this, sift the soil, spray it with a little water, and place it on a sheet.

    Soil disinfection in the oven

    The main danger is overheating; in this case, the soil, along with potential pests, will lose all useful substances. The optimal heating temperature is 70−90 degrees, the procedure time is half an hour. It is better to do this the day before transplanting, then the soil will have time to restore its balance. The next stage is soil preparation.

    The soil

    Universal primer will not work. The closest soil composition is for orchids or violets. The soil for these plants has the required acidity (Ph - from 4.5 to 6.5). In this case, the plant requires more frequent feeding, or you can add a little disinfected garden soil to the finished mixture. It is extremely difficult to find ready-made soil for these plants. Therefore, many gardeners do it themselves.

    Soil and necessary materials for planting

    Usually the following ratio is taken: turf-humus-vermiculite (1:3:1). Peat chips, pieces of pine bark and sphagnum moss are added to the mixture. Such a substance has the necessary porosity, but at the same time moderately retains moisture.

    If some element for creating soil is not at hand, you can always find substitutes.

    What do you needWhat to replace
    Perlite, vermiculite.Coarse sand.
    Fertile turf.Soil for azaleas.
    Sphagnum.Swamp moss or coconut fiber.
    Birch charcoal.Regular pumice or chalk.

    Fertilizers for anthuriums

    The plant tolerates wet fertilizing well. During the period of active flowering - from mid-April to early October - it is enough to fertilize it no more than once every three weeks. Both special ready-made fertilizers and universal ones are suitable. Moreover, it is better to alternate organic and mineral “feedings”.

    Fertilizers for feeding

    Caring for anthurium in winter at home

    Interestingly, in winter the plant “sleeps” and no special procedures are needed. Watering is also reduced, however, if the daylight hours are close to 12 hours, the plant may not go into winter mode. Usually during this period the flowering of the plant does not stop, then it is necessary to maintain vitamin supplements during the winter months. The main thing is not to overdo it; if there is too much fertilizer, the plant may die due to burns to the roots.

    Lighting and temperature

    How to care for anthurium at home? First of all, provide the best conditions for lighting and moisture. Direct sunlight is contraindicated for anthuriums. The flower feels good in a bright room on the east or west side, with diffused light. Then its leaves acquire a beautiful glossy hue.

    Anthurium foliage

    Anthurium does not like drafts, however, it does not tolerate stale air, and it is also necessary to avoid temperature fluctuations. For a grower this can be a problem. In summer it is necessary not to “jump out” beyond 25–27 degrees, and in winter - 18. Therefore, leaving it on a cool windowsill in winter is risky.

    You cannot place a flower close to the glass! In summer it can get burned, and in winter it can die from freezing. Hypothermia can lead to rot and parasites on the flower.

    Plants in a pot

    If the coolness in the fall helps the flower to “sleep,” then in the spring it is better to move it to a warm place for buds to appear. To ensure a smooth awakening of the flower, by March it is necessary to increase the temperature to a comfortable 25 degrees.

    Humidity and watering rules

    Anthurium is an indoor flower. How to care for it?

    The plant should be watered only when the mineral layer of perlite or vermiculite is completely dry.

    Over-wetting the soil is dangerous! It can lead to the development of late blight or root rotting.

    Moisture that accumulates in the pan (this is especially true during hibernation periods) must be removed immediately. In winter, the volume of watering is reduced by twenty percent. Inflorescences do not like excess moisture.

    Watering anthurium

    On hot summer days, on the contrary, the frequency of watering must be increased. In addition, the leaves of the plant need to be wiped, as we remember, the plant takes moisture well from the surrounding space.

    Anthurium does not tolerate hard water. To soften it slightly, you can drop a little citric acid into the liquid.

    To maintain the required level of humidity, the plant is sprayed 2 times during hot periods, and once a day in winter. Or they place the plant on a tray with wet gravel or sand.

    Watering rules

    To moisten the soil, watering is necessary at regular intervals of 3-4 days. Warm water is preferred. Winter watering can be reduced to once every 7 days. The flower is demanding on proper watering - you should not overdry the soil, but you should not create stagnation of moisture.

    After watering, you need to wait and remove excess water. Do not use lime-type water or low temperature water.

    Anthurium propagation at home

    Anthurium easily tolerates the process of propagation both by cuttings and separation of the rhizome.

    Releasing the rhizome from the pot

    Let's consider the main methods of vegetative propagation.

    Dividing a large bush in plants older than 3 years

    It is used to “rejuvenate” old flowers whose root system has formed and strengthened. Compared to a human, it is similar to a blood transfusion. Vigor and strength appear.

    Anthurium growing rapidly

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. Half an hour before the procedure, water the plant.
    2. Remove from pot.
    3. Free the roots from the old soil by lightly shaking the rhizome.
    4. Unravel the root ball.
    5. If by chance a root breaks, generously lubricate the “fracture” site with crushed chalk or activated carbon.
    6. Root systems should be separated according to the principle of having a “growing point”, at least two leaves and “sucking” roots.
    7. Remove rotted, dried parts of the rhizome by treating the cut areas as mentioned above.
    8. Place each part of the plant on a cloth to dry for about an hour. This is necessary in order to get rid of excess moisture.

    Drying the roots.
    When planting plants in new pots, it is important to cover the roots, otherwise they will rot when watered. Planted plants can be fed with biostimulants: Kornevin, Epin or regular succinic acid.

    Rooting side shoots

    Traditional method of plant propagation. The shoots are separated with a sharp scalpel.

    Places for cutting shoots

    They are transplanted into prepared soil. It is important to pre-moisten the soil. Cover the containers with oilcloth, pressing it with an elastic band. Open the “greenhouse” daily for 10-15 minutes, while simultaneously feeding with biostimulants.


    For the development of the root system, a constant temperature of at least 28 degrees and a humidity of at least 85% are required!

    It is better to leave greenhouses warm, but not in the sun. The plant will take root in about a month, and then, if successful, new leaves will appear.

    Growing from a root

    This method is rarely used, since the process is labor-intensive and time-consuming. The rhizome is separated from the stem and germinated in sand covered with vermiculite. It takes about one and a half to two months before the first leaves appear.

    Anthurium sprout

    After another month, such a shoot is transplanted into a larger pot.

    Using the cutting method - step-by-step instructions with photos

    What is a stalk? This is a leaf cut immediately with a piece of stem. This is what it looks like after the rhizome has sprouted.

    Anthurium cuttings

    The length of the stem of the shoot must be at least 12 cm, and it must have at least two leaves. The healthiest leaves are selected for the procedure. We leave the cut cutting to germinate in water; a few days will be enough for it to take root. You can use liquid fertilizer such as “Kornevina”.

    How to plant correctly?


    Pour drainage into the pot; it should fill one quarter of the entire volume of the pot.
    We move the prepared and enriched soil to the side, making room for the root system. If the plant has not had time to produce sucking roots, we cut them off to stimulate development. Trimmed roots absorb moisture better.
    We straighten the roots straight down so that the roots do not grow to the surface and rot.

    Sprinkle with earth.

    We water generously so that the soil fills all the voids and settles.
    The main thing is not to damage the flowering bud, sprinkle it with earth.

    If you want a bushier plant, the sprouts can be planted two or three in one pot, but this must be done after at least a month, when the root system has strengthened.


    This method has not found wide use among flower growers. The technology is the most common. In order to grow anthurium from seeds at home, you need to soak the seeds in water, cover them with cotton wool, and pack them in a bag. After two weeks, the young shoots are transplanted into the ground with the rhizome down.

    Young Anthurium Anthurium from seed

    This procedure is very labor-intensive, and the plant does not always sprout when needed. It is not a fact that such reproduction will retain the properties of the “parent”, because selection characteristics are not fully transmitted through seeds.


    For purchased seeds, the “germination period” is six months, no more. You cannot buy seeds collected earlier than this date. Flowering of such an “artificial” plant may not occur for 3 years.

    Diseases, problems, pests and treatment

    Anthurium can be classified as a plant with strong immunity. Therefore, he gets sick very rarely.

    However, the possibility of fungal diseases exists. Home gardeners may encounter root and stem rot, powdery mildew, septoria, anthracnose, late blight and leaf spot. Fungicides in the form of ready-made sprays are suitable for treating fungi. And to avoid such diseases, do not neglect the rules of watering.

    Bacterial infections are fatal to plants. This disease may be the result of damage to parts of the plant. Therefore, at the slightest scratches or cuts, the “wounded” areas should be immediately treated with activated carbon.

    Among insects, Anthurium is susceptible to attack by thrips, aphids, scale insects, nematodes and scale insects. But the plant can be easily rid of parasites by treating with insecticides.

    Problems in the form of sunburn, drying out, withering are associated with ignoring the rules of care. The plant will quickly come to its senses if you create the right conditions for it and follow the recommendations.

    Possible difficulties

    Most often, diseases and deterioration in the appearance of the plant are associated with improper care of the flower: waterlogging or drying out. Sometimes low acidity of the soil can provoke diseases.

    Root rotting

    This is usually caused by overwatering the plant or freezing. Anthurium diseases and their treatment (photo below) are associated with the condition of the root system.

    Root rotting
    Diseases of anthurium flower.
    How to care for it if the roots have rotted? It is necessary to free the rhizome from the affected roots. Using a clean tool, cut off the areas where healthy shoots remain. Dip the roots in biostimulants (we talked about them earlier) and plant them in a new pot. Cut the leaves to half to reduce stress on the roots. Put on a plastic bag. Be sure to use different soil and dishes! Putrefactive fungi are very “sticky” and can re-enter a healthy plant.

    There is no need to water the plant! Humidify only through the tray. The roots themselves will take as much moisture as necessary.

    Leaf diseases and pests

    They can also develop due to improper care, however, sometimes the leaves are affected by pests. How to treat leaf diseases in anthuriums? Photos and descriptions will help determine the cause.

    Anthurium infestation with aphids The plant suffers from lack of moisture

    If the leaves of the plant:

    1. They turn yellow and curl. The reason is lack of moisture. The leaf needs to be trimmed and the plant cared for.
    2. Covered with black spots . The flower is frozen. He was kept at temperatures below plus 15 degrees.
    3. Dry around the edges . Anthracnose is possible. A fungal disease that can only be controlled with a fungicide.
    4. They stick - a scale insect has attacked . A soap solution will help.
    5. Wrinkled, holey and turning yellow . Aphids have attacked. An infusion of tobacco may help. It must be applied to the leaves of the plant.
    6. The tips turn black - excess calcium salts.

    Any plant can be saved. It is important to take action as quickly as possible. In some cases, the period of illness may have an effect. In winter, the plant is reluctant to regenerate. The chances of defeating the disease in the spring are much greater.

    What to look for when choosing a houseplant

    Unscrupulous flower growers often use dye to make the leaves and “sail” acquire an incredible shade. To understand whether a plant is real or fake, you need to pay attention to the leaves. If the leaf blades have bluish veins, a dye was used, and they are trying to pass off the fake as an original, expensive hybrid.

    What nuances also require attention:

    • Healthy looking plant. You need to inspect the stem and leaves from the underside. If there are suspicious spots - dark, gray - it is better to refuse the purchase.
    • The proportionality of the bush is a sign of a properly developing healthy plant.
    • If the bush is sold in protective packaging, you need to look inside and check for rot. But this is possible if the purchase is not in an online store.
    • The bush needs to be replanted. You cannot leave it in the small container in which it was sold. Leaving it in a cramped pot will doom the green beauty to illness.

    The pot should have a drainage system so that moisture does not stagnate and should be moderately wide. Before transplanting, you can wrap the roots with sphagnum. For soil you should use humus, peat, sand, and fibrous soil. A ready-made substrate, which can be purchased at a gardening store, is also suitable.

    Folk signs and beliefs associated with anthurium

    Anthurium. What does this flower mean? The flower is literally shrouded in mystical beliefs. In the tropics, where it originated, it was customary to give it to newlyweds as a wedding gift. It was believed that it harmonizes the situation in the house, pacifies conflicts, and increases well-being.

    Unusual properties of anthurium

    It is equally useful for both men and women. It is no coincidence that it is called either “Male Flower” or “Women’s Happiness”. Moreover, neither the age nor the color of the plant play a special role.

    Anthurium tricolor

    The plant helps a man gain self-confidence; the flower, like a magnifying glass, allows him to see the best sides of both partners, stimulating a trusting relationship. It’s called Anthurium – “Men’s Happiness”. By the appearance of the plant, you can determine how beneficial the environment in the house is. The flower helps overcome stress and cope with nervous tension.

    Anthurium in the greenhouse

    A flowering plant is the best indicator of a happy and healthy relationship. This flower is one of the few that is customary to give to men. A large number of magicians use the plant as a kind of financial magnet. The color of the plant does not matter; the better it blooms, the more stable the financial situation in the family.

    Blue anthurium

    Popular colors

    Most often, domestic gardeners grow anthurium in the following colors:

    • red;
    • white;
    • pink;
    • yellow.

    There are other colors, for example, variegated or two-tone; however, they are less common.


    The red spathe picturesquely sets off the dark green leaves; the bract is usually also red, but a little lighter or darker. The most popular red varieties are Cavalli, Majestic, Sierra Magic.


    If the spathe is white, the bract is usually red, beige or pinkish. These varieties usually bloom for a long time. The most popular types are Utah, Adios, Amalia Elegance. White stands out effectively against the background of dark foliage.


    Usually pink varieties are short growing. The most common varieties are Jolie, Lady Love and Pink Champion. Most pink varieties are hybrids and have been recently developed. They are unpretentious in content.


    Shades of yellow vary, ranging from pale lemon to canary. The list of the most popular varieties includes Picasso and Princess Alexia. Most yellow varieties are tall, up to 70 cm in height.


    The most popular varieties are Baby Orange, Madural Orange and Rainbow. Orange varieties are very popular due to their contrast with dark green foliage. Usually the flowers appear at the same time as the berries.


    Purple anthurium most often comes in the following varieties: Cavalli Purple, Utah and Fiorino. All these are artificially bred varieties that have good immunity. The blanket changes color from light pink to dark purple.


    The list of the most popular varieties includes Green King, Midori and Baby Green. These are medium-sized varieties, 40–45 cm high. The bract is usually also green or brown.


    Blue and blue varieties of anthurium have not yet been developed. Blue shades are produced artificially by dyeing white flowers. However, breeders are working to produce flowers with a blue trail.

    Anthurium in floristry

    The flower is rightfully considered one of the most universal in floristry. This is perhaps the only plant that can be given to representatives of both sexes. Men's bouquets look respectable, on the one hand, but are not inferior in grace and beauty to orchids, on the other. Often eclipsing its tropical relative.

    Men's bouquet in green tones

    Bridal bouquet

    A strict decorative bouquet for the living room

    Anthurium in a glass cup

    Festive bouquet Strict office bouquet

    Soil requirements

    To plant a plant, a special mixture is required, including humus, unsifted leaf soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:0.5. Broken brick is added to the soil; it is also advisable to add cones, moss, and charcoal.

    The use of coarse components in a volume of up to 15% of the total soil increases the movement of moisture and air in the substrate. Slightly acidic soil with a pH value of 5.5-6.5 is considered preferable.

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    Photo gallery of a flowering plant

    You can admire the flower endlessly – it doesn’t matter whether it’s indoor or tropical.

    Anthurium red

    Classics in a vase

    Anthurium in a bouquet

    Anthurium in the botanical garden

    Anthurium Alexia

    Anthurium pink

    Anthurium bicolor

    Anthurium spotted Anthurium black “Male happiness” Flower close-up

    Anthurium rainbow

    “Women’s happiness” Anthurium instead of a head decoration

    Anthurium tricolor


    Anthurium is a perennial evergreen herbaceous plant that forms a low stem . The leaf petioles are long and thin.

    The leaves are dark green, glossy, heart-shaped, with deep leaf veins diverging from the base. In some varieties of anthurium, the leaf veins are highlighted in a lighter shade. The edges of the leaf plates are solid.

    During the flowering period, plants form low thin peduncles , on top of which there are inflorescences - cobs with small yellow, orange or greenish flowers.

    The main decoration of plants during the flowering period are the spathes surrounding the inflorescences. In different varieties, the bedspreads can be colored red, pink, purple, greenish or white.

    Height of indoor anthurium . Up to 50 cm ; more compact forms of house plants have modest sizes and reach 30 cm; anthuriums develop slowly. Tall stems may need to be trimmed.

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