Why do spathiphyllum flowers or leaves turn black and how to help the plant?

Why is this happening?

Whatever one may say, most ailments are associated with errors in care, which lead to such disastrous consequences. Most often, black flowers signal problems with the root system .

Excess moisture

The moisture-loving plant should be watered regularly. The flower really prefers moist soil, but not stagnant water.

But it is important to know that abundant watering lasts in the summer, and moderate watering in the winter.

Here you need to remember about changes in fluid volumes when the seasons change. When the roots are constantly in a wet substrate, a process of rotting occurs. The disease is expressed by darkening of most of the leaf, a black rim along the edge of the inflorescence. Also, excess liquid can form if there is no drainage in the flower pot, which leads to stagnation of liquid.

Fungal diseases

Fungal diseases are considered another cause of flower damage, primarily affecting the roots of the plant. Fungal infections develop especially well . The external picture of the lesions is black with characteristic signs of fungal intercourse. The affected part of the flower is wet and loose. Spots and inclusions of brown color may appear. Fungal infections are also dangerous because they spread quickly and affect nearby indoor plants.


Spathiphyllum is a heat-loving flower, and in drafts and a sudden drop in temperature, the foliage bends down lifelessly and the inflorescences darken. For example, this can happen when transporting indoor exotics from a store during the cold season. Or when frosty air enters the room and directly affects “women’s happiness.”

If the hypothermia is not significant, then the flower regains its elasticity, but the black, dry tips remain. is quite dangerous if a flower is exposed to hypothermia when it is wet . The consequences of such a phenomenon can be disastrous.

Low air humidity

High humidity is quite important for this plant. Gas exchange occurs through large leaves, a significant amount of moisture evaporates, which must accordingly be compensated by watering or a humid microclimate. But in apartment conditions, it is quite difficult to create optimal humidity parameters, especially in winter. Dry air causes many illnesses to develop. A symptom of low humidity: the leaf itself is green, only the tips of the leaves and the edges of the cover are black.

Illiterate use of mineral fertilizers

Often, a lack or excess of nutritional components leads to blackening of the edges of the inflorescence. From time to time, the soil in which the plant grows should be updated. After all, the soil is depleted, and the plant reacts sharply to the lack of micronutrients. It is recommended to feed indoor exotics all year round .

To restore the natural balance, it is necessary to fertilize the plant with a complex of minerals, thereby protecting the flower from starvation.

However, incorrect dosage of fertilizers or illiterate use of them can cause black inflorescences. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions on the packaging of the drug and do not increase the specified amount of minerals.

Causes of blackening of flowers

Spathiphyllum flowers are very attractive, and abundant flowering makes this indoor plant very decorative. Spathiphyllum has a very high level of sensitivity to waterlogging of the soil, and if this happens, the cores turn black and the flowers darken.

Insufficient soil moisture when growing “female happiness” (as spathiphyllum is often called) is also very difficult for the plant to tolerate and negatively affects the appearance of the flowers. The plant needs almost constant and regular spraying of the leaves, but moisture should not be allowed to get inside the flowers themselves.

Consequences for “female happiness”

The blackness of the snow-white flowers certainly spoils the aesthetic appearance of the plant. Of course, this upsets the owner of the spathiphyllum, but this is only a symptom of poor health. If on a recently healthy plant there are noticeable dark spots on the cover, inclusions, black tips or roots, this is a signal to action.

It is important to determine the cause. If improper care is to blame, then the situation can be corrected , you just need to put the conditions of detention in order. It’s worse when the exotic rots, resulting in an infectious disease. In this case, you need to catch yourself in time and take emergency rescue measures, otherwise the spathiphyllum will die. It is possible that in the later stages the entire flower will turn black, then all actions taken are in vain.

Spathiphyllum and its varieties

Why do orchid leaves lose turgor and wrinkle?
how to restore a healthy appearance to a plant? This flower is considered an evergreen and belongs to the Araceae family. There are almost 45 species of spathiphyllum

. Some species can grow small, while others reach large sizes. Those species that most often grow at home grow to a maximum height of 40 cm.

The flower has a medium-sized stem on which there are smooth, round, bright green leaves. The plant's flowers appear as white and cream-colored spadixes surrounded by a white or greenish petal. This single petal on a thin stem looks very delicate. Its appearance is very feminine, which is why it received the name spathiphyllum, which translated from Greek means “bedspread” and “leaf”. If you look closely at the inflorescence, it really resembles an elegant white blanket.

Several types are considered the most popular for growing at home

  • charming;
  • profusely flowering;
  • spoon-shaped;
  • cannofolia.

The flower is easy to care for and blooms only twice a year. This usually happens in spring and autumn. In order for it to develop well, it must be placed in a small pot. It needs to be replanted when the roots in the old container become crowded.

What to do if parts of the plant darken?

When black color appears on various parts of an indoor flower, inexperienced gardeners wonder how to help it. To begin with, it would be a good idea to exclude all possible causes and eliminate unfavorable factors, and then normalize the consequences.

If a leaf is affected

This phenomenon often occurs due to an incorrectly selected irrigation regime, in particular waterlogging. Then you definitely need a transplant, and as quickly as possible.

  1. Remove the spathiphyllum from the flower container.

  2. Carefully inspect and feel the root system.
  3. Cut off black, rotten roots with a previously prepared and disinfected tool.
  4. In the same way, eliminate blackened leaves from female happiness.
  5. Disinfect sections with ground cinnamon or crushed activated carbon.
  6. Treat the plant with a weakly concentrated solution of fungicide for preventive purposes.
  7. Replant the flower in new soil, which contains a small amount of peat, is light, loose and rich in nutrients. A drainage layer is required.
  8. Change the pot.
  9. After transplanting, do not water immediately.
  10. During the first 2-3 weeks of watering, add a few drops of Kornevin to the water to stimulate the appearance of new roots.
  11. In the future, normalize the irrigation system.

More details on the blackening of spathiphyllum leaves can be found here.

Tips only

There are many reasons for the darkening of the edges of an indoor flower. The most common among them is humidity. To get rid of this disease you should:

  1. normalize the temperature and humidity conditions in the room;
  2. use a humidifier regularly;
  3. spray the leaves daily with a spray bottle;
  4. if possible, place a flowerpot near the aquarium;
  5. place a tray next to the flower with wet expanded clay or sand;
  6. Remove the flower from a cold windowsill in winter.

Extended to flowers

If the leaves begin to turn black, brown spots of various shapes appear on them, possible causes: fungal diseases, in particular black rot. This disease affects all organs of the plant. Together with the foliage, the center of the inflorescences and the edges turn black. In this case, you should act immediately.

  1. Transfer the infected spathiphyllum to a separate room.
  2. Remove the plant from the pot and analyze the root system.
  3. Using a sharp knife, cut off all areas damaged by rot down to living tissue. Remove diseased flower stalks completely.
  4. Disinfect the sections with an antiseptic.
  5. Treat the plant with a 0.2% solution of Fundazol or Topsin.
  6. Be sure to change the soil. Choose a substrate intended for Aroids.
  7. In the future, normalize the irrigation system and indoor microclimate.
  8. After 2 weeks, re-treat the flower with a fungicide.
  9. Move the indoor plant to a place with diffused light, minimizing watering during the adaptation period.

How to care for spathiphyllum so that the leaves do not turn yellow or dry out

Subsequent care for the flower must be competent, and therefore it is worth familiarizing yourself with a number of requirements that spathiphyllum makes. It is recommended to apply the correct fertilizing on time. Their number must be increased at the time of bud formation. For these purposes, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, mineral and boron, are used.

Important! Nitrogen should be reduced to a minimum, since it is needed for the formation of green mass at the beginning of the growing season. The main problem for beginning gardeners with caring for spathiphyllum is the frequency of watering. To make it easier to check the humidity level, it is recommended to plant the flower in a transparent pot

You can also place beacons in the ground that change their color depending on the humidity level

To make it easier to check the humidity level, it is recommended to plant the flower in a transparent pot. You can also place beacons in the ground that change their color depending on the humidity level

The main problem for beginning gardeners with caring for spathiphyllum is the frequency of watering. To make it easier to check the humidity level, it is recommended to plant the flower in a transparent pot. You can also place beacons in the ground that change their color depending on the level of humidity.

Soil Moisture Meter

The substrate should not dry out and turn into a swamp. During the growing season, the flower should be watered abundantly, but when it is dormant, watering should be reduced. There should be high air humidity in the room; to maintain the turgor of the leaves, it is worth spraying them with a spray bottle.

It is necessary to place a flower pot with a flower in a place with comfortable conditions. Spathiphyllum is a light-loving plant, but sunlight should be diffused. In the spring-summer period, the air temperature should be above 20 °C, and in the autumn-winter period it should drop to 16 °C.

It is quite common that the tips of the leaves of the spathiphyllum flower dry out. It is necessary to detect the cause of this phenomenon in time in order to begin proper treatment and save it from death. Subsequently, it is recommended to review the rules of care so that a similar problem does not arise again.


Despite the apparent difficulties, caring for spathiphyllum is not difficult . Main:

  1. Maintain a warm, comfortable temperature in the room.

  2. Provide increased air humidity in any convenient way.
  3. Once a week, subject to water procedures, wash the foliage with soapy water, and a warm shower would also be appropriate.
  4. If a white coating appears on the surface of the soil in a pot, it is worth removing it. Thus, soil salinization is avoided.
  5. Monitor the condition of the soil, replant the plant at least once every 2-3 years to prevent depletion and compaction of the soil.
  6. Use distilled soft water for watering and sprinkling.
  7. Avoid excess water when watering.
  8. After 15 minutes after moistening, drain the water from the pan.

So, now you have information for a complete recovery, further care, and preventive measures for your favorite spathiphyllum. Don’t neglect the advice, and the beautiful exotic will delight you with long-lasting flowering and excellent appearance for many years.

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How to distinguish from pests?

No less often, “women’s happiness” is attacked by pests. If very small yellow specks appear on the leaves, which then lose color and begin to dry, then we are not talking about diseases, but about spider mites. The insects themselves live on the lower surface of the leaves, appearing from too high a temperature in the room. Yellow dots are a signal that it is time to treat the spathiphyllum with soap solution or mineral oil.

The impact of aphids results in drying out and curling of the leaves, since this pest feeds on the sap of the plant. It also lives on the lower surface of this part. You can fight aphids again with soap treatments or by spraying nicotine sulfate dissolved in a liter of water

It is important to remember that when treating with soap, the soil must be protected with polyethylene to prevent impact on the root system

Dark spots that appear not only on the leaves, but also on the stem, are most likely a consequence of a scale insect attack. You can cope with this pest using a mixture of tobacco and soap diluted in water. If the pests have already reached a visible plant, then they will first have to be mechanically removed from the leaves using a soaked cotton wool.

The easiest way to remove mealyworms is to remove them yourself using a rag soaked in alcohol.

The leaves turn black

The primary reason why spathiphyllum leaves turn black is excess moisture. Including spraying the flower with water too often

Again, it is worth paying attention to normalizing the watering and moistening regime of the flower

In addition, a common reason why the tips of spathiphyllum leaves turn black is a disease of the root system. An improperly designed drainage system in the container where the flower grows can lead to stagnation of moisture in the root system of the plant. The roots begin to rot. Rotten microbes move through the root system to the leaves and infect them. In this case, the blackened flower must be removed from the flowerpots, damaged roots removed, treated with a special composition that stimulates the growth of a new root system, and transplanted into another substrate.

Sometimes spathiphyllum leaves turn black due to an imbalance in the plant’s nutrition. From a lack of, for example, nitrogen in the soil, the “female happiness” plant can wither and turn black

It is worth paying attention to complex fertilizers for the flower during the period of its active growth.

The leaves of spathiphyllum also turn black from excess feeding. It is undesirable to introduce strong fertilizers into the soil of the plant unless absolutely necessary.

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