Fragrant flowers for the garden - how to choose plants with a strong scent

As a rule, flowers are planted on the site so that they please the gardener's eye with an attractive appearance. But a fragrant summer garden is a real joy for any florist, summer resident and gardener. There are certain flowers with a bright and rich scent that can delight the gardener not only with their appearance, but also with a pleasant fragrant aroma. The selection will tell you about flowers that are fragrant during the day or at night. Thanks to planting such crops, you can enjoy a fragrant garden in the morning, afternoon, evening and night!

Advice! It is recommended to grow fragrant flowers near areas where you spend a lot of time while relaxing, for example, near a house, gazebo, summer kitchen, summer shower, along garden paths, next to a hammock.

Night violet

Two-horned matthiola
Night violet or two-horned matthiola is an outwardly inconspicuous flower that gardeners may not like at first. But its strength is not in its beauty, but in the incredible sweet smell that spreads around the garden in the evening. The incredible scent of night violet lasts until the morning. This flower, which smells pleasantly of honey, will delight the eye throughout the summer. This unpretentious plant is not even afraid of the first frost.

It is recommended to sow two-horned matthiola directly into the soil in the spring. Night violet feels great in sunny areas, but can also develop well in shaded areas.


Photo from the archive of Natalia Tkachenko

Iris is also characterized not only by a varied palette of colors, but also by many bright aromas - vanilla, honey, caramel, chocolate, with tart citrus notes.

The smell of each iris is unique and is most pronounced in the first days after the bud opens.

In order for irises to delight you with their flowering and aroma, plant them in sunny places.

  • Bearded and beardless irises: names of species with descriptions and photos

    Do you want to plant irises of different colors, but don’t know which ones are best? We have collected all types in our material, from dwarf to the tallest.

Gray-haired matthiola

Gray Levkoy or Gray Mattiola
These fragrant flowers for the flowerbed are also called gray Levkoy. The plant has a pleasant aroma of honey, as well as double flowers that bloom in the shape of a hat. The height of the crop is up to 80 cm, there are also dwarf varieties - their height is no more than 20 cm. The flowers can be either regular or double. Flowering lasts for a month. The plant is planted only through seedlings, this allows you to get beautiful seedlings and flowers.

↑ Lily

These luxurious flowers, depending on the class, have either an incredibly strong fragrance or are completely odorless. Oriental or oriental lilies are endowed with the strongest, thick, sweet and spicy aroma.

The specific fragrance of lilies is not to everyone’s taste, and is often perceived as intrusive. Long-flowered lilies are also characterized by a pronounced aroma that can be felt tens of meters away. Orleans (tubular) lilies smell a little weaker than long-flowered and oriental lilies, but have different notes of fragrance.

Fragrant tobacco

Fragrant tobacco
Another fragrant flower for the garden is fragrant tobacco. They look great both in flower beds and in pots. These fragrant flowers for the balcony are annuals, distinguished by long stems, white buds, and bloom in the evening. There are also many compact varieties, the petals of which are painted in raspberry, red, pink, lemon-yellowish shades. But the most pronounced smell is only in flowers with white buds.

Tobacco is grown using seedlings, which guarantees early flowering of the crop. Flowers are afraid of frost, so it is better to leave planting tobacco until real warmth arrives. The culture prefers areas with a lot of sunlight. Sometimes the plant is saved until the next season; for this, it is dug up and planted in pots, placing it in the basement. When spring comes, the dug-out crop returns to its original place.


Mirabilis forms large, well-leafed tall bushes up to 60 centimeters high, which branch well without additional pinching. Mirabilis develops so quickly that in mid-summer it looks more like a shrub than an annual flower.

Mirabilis. © cellcode

By its nature, it is truly a perennial plant with a woody stem, but due to low winter hardiness in the middle zone, it is grown exclusively as an annual crop.

In mid-summer, the bushes are abundantly covered with funnel-shaped flowers from 2.5 to 5 centimeters in diameter. Most often, Mirabilis has crimson petals, but varieties of a wide variety of colors can be found on sale. At the same time, two- and three-color combinations are especially appreciated, when the petals are covered with strokes of bright color (for example, Mirabalis “Marble”).

The aroma of mirabilis is characterized as sweet and delicate, reminiscent of orange and vanilla. Bright flowers bloom in the evening at 9-10 o'clock, while each individual flower blooms only one night, after which it fades. In cloudy weather, the flowers remain open and fragrant all day. Flowering continues until frost.

By the end of summer, mirabilis forms root tubers, which can be stored in the winter in the basement (in peat or dry sand) at a temperature of 3-7 degrees, like dahlia tubers. Sometimes among the planting material of various perennials you can find Mirabilis rhizomes of the most interesting colors on sale.

Features of growing mirabilis

Thanks to the high rate of development, mirabilis, sown in a flower garden in mid-May, will bloom in mid-summer. And for earlier flowering, it can be sown indoors in April.

Large Mirabilis seeds have a very hard shell, so to speed up germination it is recommended to scarify them. For example, rub the seeds on sandpaper or treat the hard peel with a nail file, then soak in a growth and germination stimulator (for example, Epin). Otherwise, the process of germination may take almost a month.

In the garden, the sunniest places are chosen for mirabilis; this plant is very light-loving and drought-resistant.

In the garden, the sunniest places are chosen for mirabilis. © kannada.readoo

Mirabilis in garden design

The bushy, stately mirabilis has a very beautiful structure and its presence will not spoil any flower arrangement, despite the flowers being closed during the day. It can be planted either solo in a small group or in the company of any other tall annual or perennial plants. The main thing is that its neighbors do not become delicate, low-growing flowers, which the mirabilis will suppress.

Since the bushes of this flower resemble a small shrub, mirabilis will fit perfectly into a tree and shrub composition.

Sweet pea

Sweet Peas
You can get wonderful evening garden scents by planting sweet peas. More than 100 varieties of this crop are known, there are varieties with large and small flowers, they are distinguished by different shades of petals. The bright smell is most characteristic of early varieties.

This type of vine is perfectly fixed to various supports and pergolas, so it is actively used for vertical gardening. Low-growing representatives look great in hanging baskets or containers. Sweet peas do not like transplanting, so it is recommended to plant them immediately in warm soil.

Garden plants with wonderful aroma

Although many plants emit a strong and enchanting scent when they bloom, only a very few species act as natural perfumes that can be perceived from a distance. It is worth paying attention to this property, because in a fragrant garden . It has long been known that the smell of flowers affects well-being and health.

A garden in which the amazing aromas of flowers and greenery mix together is a dream that can easily be realized. There is a certain group of plants that emit an intense aroma that captivates not only insects, but also people. It is worth using this and choosing fragrant plants, especially since such species are at the same time extremely attractive and easy to place in gardens of various types. The smell of flowers can also have a beneficial effect on health - it has an anti-stress effect and improves mood.

Fragrant plants - where to plant?

Obviously, it should be understood that not every plant emits such a strong odor to please the sense of smell while walking around a large area of ​​the garden. Therefore, fragrant plants should be planted in certain places:

  • near the house on the windows (then the aroma can be felt even while in the house);
  • near benches and other architectural elements such as terraces or gazebos;
  • on the balcony;
  • in places where there is already an unpleasant odor, for example, near a composter;
  • trees and shrubs can be used as barriers from busy roads. In addition to the pleasant smell, the below-mentioned species can additionally form a dense wall, limiting pollution and noise to some extent.


Another fragrant flower is mignonette. The most famous varieties are “Victoria”, “Mashet”, “Ruby”, “Goliath”. Color: red-green, yellowish, dark brown, light green. Mignonette is planted in late April or early May. How mignonette sprouts depends on soil moisture and weather conditions. The first shoots are observed after 1-2 weeks. The culture prefers free space, so it must be thinned out. To grow plants, choose areas that receive good sunlight.

↑ Lavender

Lavender smells not only of its inflorescences, but also of its leaves. The lavender aroma is associated with the presence in the aboveground part of the plant of a large amount of essential oils, which are rich in phytoncides that have a specific aroma.

Narrow-leaved lavender winters well in mid-latitudes without additional shelter. And that’s why she is a frequent guest at dachas and garden plots.

Phytoncides are initially produced by the plant to repel harmful insects. But people have learned to benefit from these substances. That's why they use fragrant flowers for their own purposes.

In the southern regions, lavender is grown on a large scale, as there is a demand for raw materials in the perfume and cosmetics industry.

The scent of lavender lifts your mood, copes with mental fears, fights insomnia, and relieves headaches. In addition to aromatherapy, lavender also has practical uses: its smell repels moths and mosquitoes, and lavender solution is used to disinfect rooms.

It has long been believed that lavender does not winter in mid-latitudes. But that's not true. Broadleaf lavender is a very heat-loving plant and is grown only as an annual crop. Another species, narrow-leaved lavender, tolerates winters very well without additional covering.

Today, a hybrid of two types of lavender under the name lavandin is cultivated in gardens as an ornamental plant. This hybrid plant is more resistant to diseases and pests, has sufficient winter hardiness and tolerates frost well in our climate.


Iberis has a modest appearance, but has an incredible aroma. The flowering of the plant lasts for a month. The most famous variety is bitter iberis, which has white inflorescences. The umbrella type of plant is also popular; it has lilac-pink flowers. This variety is also actively used for growing on loggias and balconies.

Fragrant perennials for the garden: bookmarking our collection of scents 2

Often, when we see a beautiful flower, we instinctively lean towards it to enjoy its fragrance. Fragrant flowering plants are divided into two large groups: day flowers, most often pollinated by bees, and night flowers, which are pollinated by moths. Both groups of flowers are important for the landscape designer and florist. In this article we will review the most fragrant perennial flowers, which delight with their aroma, mainly during daylight hours.

The smell of inflorescences is of a chemical nature; the aroma appears due to the fact that essential oils are present in the petals of the flower, which are felt at some distance during evaporation.
Each flower has its own unique aroma, because it is formed by a unique combination of different chemical elements. Nature originally endowed plants with scent to attract pollinating insects, which have an incredibly sensitive sense of smell. But we also got it: we enjoy the stunning and unique fragrance of flowers.

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